6 Amendments of Ana MIRANDA PAZ related to 2018/0332(COD)

Amendment 3 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 3
(3) The Commission has examined available evidence, which points to the importance of having harmonised Union rules in this area to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market and avoid, inter alia, disruptions to the scheduling of transport operations and the functioning of information and communication systems, higher costs to cross-border trade, or lower productivity for goods and services. Evidence is no, and the impact conclusive as to whether the benefits of summer-time arrangements outweigh the inconveniences linked to a biannual ch the labour market, public health, agriculture and the maritime sector, with consequences on work-life balangce of timein particular.
Committee: PETI
Amendment 7 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 4
(4) A lively public debate is taking place on summer-time arrangements and some Member States have already expressed their preference to discontinue the application of such arrangements. Others, however, have not had this debate. In the light of these developments, it is necessary to continue safeguarding the proper functioning of the internal market and to avoid any significant disruptions thereto caused by divergences between Member States in this area. Therefore, it is appropriate to put an end in a coordinated way to summer-time arrangements.
Committee: PETI
Amendment 10 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 4 a (new)
(4a) Member States that approved the introduction of seasonal time when under dictatorship should alter their legislation.
Committee: PETI
Amendment 12 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 5
(5) This Directive should not prejudice the right of each Member State to decide on the standard time or times for the territories under its jurisdiction and falling under the territorial scope of the Treaties, and on further changes thereto. However, in order to ensure that the application of summer-time arrangements by some Member States only does not disrupt the functioning of the internal market, Member States should refrain from changing the standard time in any given territory under their jurisdiction for reasons related to seasonal changes, be such change presented as a change of time zone. Moreover, in order to minimise disruptions, inter alia, to transport, communications, the labour market, health and other concerned sectors, they should conduct consultations on changing standard time in the whole of their national territory and notify the Commission in due time of their intention to change their standard time and subsequently apply the notified changes. The Commission should, on the basis of that notification, inform all other Member States so that they can take all necessary measures. It should also inform the general public and stakeholders by publishing this information.
Committee: PETI
Amendment 14 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 5 a (new)
(5a) Member States should adjust timetables in each territory to the natural time for their geographical location, to establish a use of time that fits each territory geographically and prevent the time differences that exist in some areas of Europe.
Committee: PETI
Amendment 18 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 7
(7) This Directive should apply from 1 April 2019, so that the last summer-time period subject to the rules of Directive 2000/84/EC should start, in every Member State, at 1.00 a.m., Coordinated Universal Time, on 31 March 2019. Member States that, after that summer-time period, intend to adopt a standard time corresponding to the time applied during the winter season in accordance with Directive 2000/84/EC should change their standard time at 1.00 a.m., Coordinated Universal Time, on 27 October 2019, so that similar and lasting changes occurring in different Member States take place simultaneously. It is desirable that Member States take the decisions on the standard time that each of them will apply as from 2019 in a concerted manner, based on their geographical location and with a view to minimising the difference between solar time and standard time.
Committee: PETI