Activities of Michalis HADJIPANTELA related to 2024/0275(COD)
Shadow opinions (1)
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council RESTORE – Regional Emergency Support to Reconstruction amending Regulation (EU) 2021/1058 and Regulation (EU) 2021/1057
Amendments (2)
Amendment 6 #
Paragraph 4
4. ECalls on the Commission to assist Member States in the reprogramming of the available resources under the ERDF and ESF+, to explore options of simplified administrative procedures, and to quickly assess modified programmes in order to inject liquidity to cover the most pressing needs in affected Member States, alleviating the burden on local, regional and national budgets; moreover, expects the Commission to take into account in its draft budget for 2026 the updated payment needs for ERDF and ESF+ following the actual re-programming by Member States and to keep the European Parliament informed in a timely manner about the evolution of RESTORE uptake in the Member States;
Amendment 9 #
Paragraph 7
7. Notes that payments to 2021-2027 cohesion policy programmes were on a very low level in the first years of implementation leading to an increase of payment needs towards the later years; recalls that this actual payment cycle does not co-incide with the more linear payment profile set out in the MFF Regulation and that this situation results in a risk of exceeding payment ceilings in the later years; considers that the frontloading of payments towards 2025 and 2026 could alleviate the pressure on payments; calls on the Commission to closely monitor the payments evolution and, provide timely information to the European Parliament in this regard and to propose any necessary remedial action to the budgetary authority in due time if the risk of a backlog of payments materialises;