Activities of Christofer FJELLNER related to 2017/0355(COD)

Plenary speeches (1)

Transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union (debate) SV
Dossiers: 2017/0355(COD)

Amendments (12)

Amendment 273 #
Proposal for a directive
Recital 27 a (new)
(27a) In Member States where there is a high level of organisation, both among employees and employers, and where the social partners in their capacity as representatives for workers and employers have the primary responsibility to regulate working conditions on the labour market, the social partners should have full authority regarding the possibility to conclude collective agreements. Such concluded collective agreements that regulate working conditions and give workers an overall protection can deviate from the minimum rights provided by this directive as long as the purpose of the directive is respected.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 323 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 2
2. This Directive lays down minimum rights that apply to every worker in the Union, who have an employment contract or employment relationship as defined by the law, collective agreements or practice in force in each Member State.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 377 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point a
(a) ‘worker’ means a natural person who for a certain period of time performs services for and under the direction of another person in return for remuneration;deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 389 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point b
(b) ‘employer’ means one or more natural or legal person(s) who is or are directly or indirectly party to an employment relationship with a worker;deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 399 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point c
(c) ‘employment relationship’ means the work relationship between workers and employers as defined above;deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 518 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 4 – paragraph 1
1. The information referred to in Article 3(2 a, b, c, d, e, f, j, k and l) shall be provided individually to the worker in the form of aone or more documents at the latest on the first day of the employment relationship. That document maywithin one calendar week from the first working day. The other information referred to in Article 3(2) shall be provided aind transmitted electronically as long as it is easily accessible byividually to the worker in the wforker and can be stored and printedm of a document within one month from the first working day.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 549 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 4 – paragraph 3
3. Member States shall ensure that the information on the laws, regulations and administrative or statutory provisions or collective agreements which have been declared universally applicable governing the legal framework applicable which are to be communicated by employers is made generally available free of charge in a clear, transparent, comprehensive and easily accessible way at a distance and by electronic means, including through existing online portals for Union citizens and businesses.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 565 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 5 – paragraph 1 a (new)
The written document referred to in paragraph 1 shall not apply to changes that merely reflect a change in the laws, regulations and administrative or statutory provisions or collective agreements cited in the documents referred to in Article 4(1), and, where relevant, in Article 6.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 616 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 7 – paragraph 2
2. Member States may provide for longer probationary periods in cases where this is justified by the nature of the employment or is in the interest of the worker. In cases where the worker has been absent from work during the probationary period, Member States may provide that the probationary period can be extended correspondingly, in relation to the duration of the absence.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 693 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 9 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Member States may lay down modalities for the application of this Article, in accordance with national law, collective agreements and/or practice.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 709 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 10 – paragraph 1
1. Member States shall ensure that a workers who has completed his or her probationary period, if any, with at least six months' seniorityrvice with the same employer may request a form of employment with more predictable and secure working conditions where available. Member States may limit the frequency of such requests.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 762 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 12 – paragraph 1
Member States may allow social partners to conclude collective agreements, in conformity with the national law or practice, which, while respecting the overall protection of workers, establish arrangements concerning the working conditions of workers which differ from those referred to in Articles 7 to 11. Member states with a high level of organisation and coverage for the collective agreements, and where the social partners have the primary responsibility to regulate working conditions, may determine that collective agreements concluded at the appropriate level by recognised social partners in accordance with national law, balancing the interests of workers and employers, shall be considered as respecting the overall protection of workers, as long as the purpose of this directive and European Union law is respected.
Committee: EMPL