2 Amendments of Béla GLATTFELDER related to 2010/2110(INI)

Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital M a (new)
Ma. whereas the 4th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control will be held in November 2010; whereas a public consultation has been launched on the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive (Directive 2001/37/EC1); whereas several WTO Members have raised the issue of the conformity with the TBT Agreement of the Canadian Bill C-32, which essentially leads to the ban of all traditional blended tobacco products, except the ones using solely Virginia tobacco, the single variety produced in Canada and used in the manufacturing of Canadian tobacco products,
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32 a (new)
32a. Stresses that, while tobacco products must be governed by a strict regulatory framework, the regulation of ingredients in tobacco products at the EU and at the international level must follow a proportionate, risk-based approach on the basis of scientific evidence; warns against any non-science based ban on all ingredients, leading essentially to the ban of European traditional blended tobacco products, which would have severe socioeconomic repercussions for EU tobacco growers (of oriental and burley varieties), without a benefit for public health;
Committee: AGRI