3 Amendments of Jeanine HENNIS-PLASSCHAERT related to 2007/0099(COD)

Amendment 19 #

Article 8 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1
Once the goods carried in the course of an incoming international carriage have been delivered,The hauliers referred to in paragraph 1 shall be permitted to carry out, with the same vehicle, or, in the case of a coupled combination, the motor vehicle of that same vehicle, up to three cabotage operations following the international carriage from another Member State or from a third country to the host Member State. The last unloading in the course of a cabotage operation before leaving the host Member State shall take place within seven days from the last unloading in the host Member State in the course of the incoming international carriage.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 22 #

Article 8 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2
Within the time limit referred to in the first subparagraph, hauliers may carry out some or all of the cabotage operations permitted under that subparagraph in any Member State under the condition that they are limited to one cabotage operation perin any Member State through which they pass after unloading goods in the host Member State within three days of the unladee context of an eintry into the territory of that Member State.ernational delivery.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 25 #

Article 8 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. The restrictions on the number and duration of cabotage operations shall gradually be lifted. Two years after this Regulation enters into force, the number of cabotage operations referred to in paragraph 2 shall be increased to seven. On 1 January 2014, all restrictions on the number and duration of cabotage operations shall be lifted.
Committee: TRAN