17 Amendments of Gisela KALLENBACH related to 2009/0010(COD)

Amendment 1 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 4
(4) An important part of the Recovery Plan was the proposal to increase Community spending in defined strategic sectors, addressing lack of confidence among investors and helping develop the path to a stronger economy for the future. The European Council asked the Commission to present a list of concrete projects, taking into account an adequate geographical balance, to reinforce investments for the development of, in particular, infrastructure projects, including renewable energy and investments in the field of energy efficiency, in particular in cities and buildings.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 2 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 6 – subparagraph 2
The sectors of gas and electricity interconnections; offshore wind, notably EU super grid, renewable energy; and carbon capture and storageenergy efficiency and eco-industries fulfil these criteria.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 3 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 9 a (new)
(9a) In the field of energy efficiency, there is a huge potential, will and capacity among cities to deliver sustainable development that will lead to both short- term stimulation and longer-term restructuring of the EU’s economy, as demonstrated by the success of the Covenant of Mayors initiative. Cities are able to call on existing close cross- sectoral partnerships, expertise in ‘on the ground’ project management and responsibility as planning authorities, and their roles as large-scale employers and infrastructure managers. Innovative and sustainable projects at city level should take advantage of local capacity to train workers, adapt infrastructure and support businesses. Cities should be further supported in order to achieve and exceed EU energy and climate targets. The EERP should therefore place cities, and especially energy efficiency and renewable energy of buildings at its centre, through the reallocation of funding to‘smart projects’ which are coordinated and widely implemented at the city level.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 4 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 9 b (new)
(9b) 40% of the energy consumed in the EU is in the building sector. The necessary means for renovating and constructing buildings in the most energy- efficient way while using all the renewable energy sources available on site are of key importance for reducing climate change impacts, increase energy security of supply, as well as immediately boosting employment in the EU. The recovery plan should provide assistance for upfront investment in energy-smart buildings.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 5 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 2
It establishes sub-programmes to advance those objectives in the fields of: (a) gas and electricity interconnections; (b) offshore wind, notably EU supergrid; (b) offshore wind and other renewable sources of energy; and (c) carbon capture and storageenergy efficiency, notably through "smart cities" projects; (d) eco-industries, notably higher resource productivity.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 6 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – point g a (new)
(ga) "smart cities" shall mean cities which commit themselves to energy efficiency and renewable energy in the building and housing sectors and to climate-friendly public transport projects, and which coordinate at EU level, notably through networks like the Covenant of Majors, URBACT, ICLEI, Eurocities;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 7 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 1
1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the EEPR for 2009 and 2010 shall be EUR 3,7500 million, allocated as follows:.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 8 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. An amount equal to 50% of the total financial envelope referred to in paragraph 1 shall be awarded to projects falling within the scope of paragraph 1c in the form of direct grants, that is EUR 1,875 million, while the remaining 50% of the total financial envelope shall be awarded in the form of innovative finance instruments. Funds not spend on grants in 2009 and 2010 shall be used to help strengthen the innovative financing instruments.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 9 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 1 b (new)
1b. The contribution from the budget of the European Union to the EIB, EIF and other public banks towards the innovative finance instruments referred in paragraph 1a shall be equal to EUR 1,875 million. The relevant financial institutions shall contribute an equal amount, that is an additional EUR 1,875 million, raising the innovative finance instruments to a total of EUR 3,750 million, with a further significant leverage effect on public and private investments of between 5 and 15 depending on the nature of the innovative financing instrument.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 10 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 1 c (new)
(a) gas and electricity1c. The total sum of direct grants and innovative finance instruments of EUR 5,625 million referred to paragraphs 1a and 1b shall be allocated equally and in a flexible way on the basis of the own merit principle between: (a) gas pipelines and electricity, notably EU Supergrid, interconnection projects: EUR 1,750 million; (b) offshore wind energy projects: EUR 500 million; (c) projects for carbon capture and storage: EUR 1,250 millionand other renewable energy projects; (c) energy efficiency, notably the "smart cities" programme; (d) eco-industries.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 11 #
Proposal for a regulation
Chapter II – Title and articles 4 to 22
Chapter II - title and Articles 4 to 22 are deleted
Committee: REGI
Amendment 12 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 a (new)
Article 22a Eligibility 1. Proposals shall be eligible for EEPR assistance only if they implement projects in the fields covered by Article 1. 2. Depending on the project, proposals may be submitted: (a) by one or several Member States or EU cities acting jointly; (b) with the agreement of the Member State(s) directly and/or competent authorities (cities, provinces or regions) concerned by the project in question, by one or several public or private undertakings or bodies acting jointly; or (c) with the agreement of all Member States and/or competent authorities (cities, provinces or regions) directly concerned by the project in question, by one or several international organisations acting jointly; or (d) with the agreement of all Member States and/or competent authorities (cities, provinces or regions) directly concerned by the project in question, by a joint undertaking; or (e) by one or several undertakings, acting jointly. 3. Proposals submitted by natural persons shall not be eligible.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 13 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 b (new)
Article 22b Selection and award criteria 1. In assessing the proposals received under the call for proposals, the Commission shall apply the own merit principle, which shall be based on the following criteria: - maturity, notably by reference to the ability to start work early and the commitment to carrying out a significant proportion of the associated spending by the end of 2010, as well as demonstrable ability to carry out feasibility assessments, preparatory and technical studies and obtain licences and authorisations by June 2010; - the potential for long-term social returns with respect to energy security and climate change objectives, notably by promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency; - the application of an integrated approach and the extent to which public and private partners are involved in all phases of project preparation, implementation and assessment; - the soundness and technical adequacy of the approach and the soundness of the financial package for the full investment phase of the project, in particular by reference to the likely extent of job creation and size of the domestic fiscal multiplier and the use of under-utilised human and natural resources.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 14 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 c (new)
Article 22c Funding conditions 1. EEPR assistance shall contribute to the costs associated with the technical assistance and construction of projects, taking account of possible operating benefits, where appropriate. 2. In the case of projects included in the indicative list of projects set out in the Annex, EEPR assistance, calculated as the sum of direct grants and innovative finance instruments awarded for each project, shall not exceed the maximum amounts of EEPR assistance laid down there. 3. EEPR direct grant assistance shall not exceed 50% of the eligible investment costs per project.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 15 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 d (new)
Article 22d Instruments 1. Following the call for proposals the Commission, as applicable, shall select the proposals, taking the indicative list in the Annex as a basis, to receive EEPR assistance after assessing the compliance of those proposals with the eligibility criteria laid down in Article 22a and the selection and award criteria down in Article 22b and determine the amount of EEPR funding to be granted. The conditions and methods for their implementation shall be specified in a co- operation agreement between the Commission and the beneficiaries. The Commission shall inform the beneficiaries of any EEPR funding to be granted. 2. EEPR assistance shall be granted on the basis of direct grant agreements or innovative finance instruments as prescribed in Article 23.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 16 #
Proposal for a regulation
Chapter III – Title
Committee: REGI
Amendment 17 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 28 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new)
(ca) for energy efficiency projects, the committee established by Article 16 of Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and by Article 14 of the Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Committee: REGI