3 Amendments of Ryszard CZARNECKI related to 2018/2175(DEC)

Amendment 3 #
Proposal for a decision 1
Paragraph 1
1. Grants the European Data Protection Supervisor discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2017; / Postpones its decision on granting the European Data Protection Supervisor discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2017;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Notes that in 2017, the Supervisor had a total allocated budget of EUR 11 324 735, which represented aStresses the need to reduce the budget for the financial year 2018, given the 21,93 % increase compared to the 2016 budget, and that the budget implementation in terms of commitment appropriations for 2017 amounted to EUR 10 075 534in the budget for the financial year 2017 compared to 2016; notes with concern that the implementation rate continued decreasing from 94,66 % in 2015 and 91,93 % in 2016 to 89 % of the available appropriations in 2017; notes that the budget implementation in terms of payment appropriations amounted to EUR 9 368 686,15, corresponding to 77 % of the available appropriations; calls on the Supervisor to define the budget estimates prudently;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6 a. Notes with concern the sharp increase in the number of missions by members and staff of the Supervisor from 2014 to 2017, stressing that, in times of crisis and budget cuts in general, this expenditure should be reduced and that such days should be organised, as far as possible, in the institutions' own premises, since the added value that this entails does not justify such high costs;
Committee: CONT