5 Amendments of Andrea LOSCO related to 2007/0267(CNS)

Amendment 22 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act
Article 1 – point 2
Directive 2006/112/EC
Article 135a – point 2
(2) 'granting of credit' means the lending of money, or the promise to lend, money or other fungible goods;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 24 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act
Article 1 – point 2
Directive 2006/112/EC
Article 135a – point 8 – introductory part
(8) 'supply of securities' means the supply ofecurities transactions' means transactions in tradable instruments other than an instrument establishing title to goods or to the rights referred to in Article 15(2), representing financial value and reflecting any one or more of the following:
Committee: ECON
Amendment 25 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act
Article 1 – point 2
Directive 2006/112/EC
Article 135a – point 8 – point c
(c) unit ownership in undertakings for collective investment in the securities referred to in points (a) or (b), in other exempted financial instruments referred to in poinvestment funds, as referred to in point 10 below, or in undertakintgs (a) to (d) of Article 135(1) or in other undertakingor other agencies for collective investment;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 26 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act
Article 1 – point 2
Directive 2006/112/EC
Article 135a – point 8 – point c a (new)
(ca) title to cash-settled financial, credit, and commodity derivatives and the related options;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a directive – amending act
Article 1 – point 2
Directive 2006/112/EC
Article 135a – point 9
(9) 'intermediation in insurance and financial transactions' means the supply of services rendered to, and remunerated by, a contractual party as a distinct act of mediation in relation to the insurance or financial transactions referred to in points (a) to (e) of Article 135(1), by a third party intermediaryperformed by an intermediary other than the parties linked by contract for the purposes of the financial or insurance services proper;
Committee: ECON