Activities of Josu ORTUONDO LARREA related to 2008/2007(INI)

Reports (1)

REPORT Report on a European ports policy PDF (183 KB) DOC (128 KB)
Committee: TRAN
Dossiers: 2008/2007(INI)
Documents: PDF(183 KB) DOC(128 KB)

Amendments (1)

Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Calls on the Commission to undertake a study of the funds provided by public authorities to European commercial ports so as to identify possible distortions of competition, but considers that aid given to port authorities to develop their port infrastructures, curb congestion and reduce road freight should not be seen as state aidbelieves that possible investments by public authorities to develop ports must not be seen as state aid where they are directly intended for environmental improvements or decongestion and less use of roads for freight transport;
Committee: TRAN