5 Reports of Maria MARTENS

Report on the communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the programme of Action for the mainstreaming of gender equality in Community Development Co-operation (Hughes Procedure) - Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities PDF (150 KB) DOC (88 KB)
Committee: FEMM
Dossiers: 2001/2193(COS)
Documents: PDF(150 KB) DOC(88 KB)
Report on the Commission communication on the draft detailed work progamme for the follow-up of the report on the concrete objectives of education and training systems - Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport DOC (68 KB)
Committee: CULT
Dossiers: 2001/2251(COS)
Documents: DOC(68 KB)
REPORT Report on One year after Lisbon: The Africa-EU partnership at work PDF (184 KB) DOC (104 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2008/2318(INI)
Documents: PDF(184 KB) DOC(104 KB)
REPORT Report on the state of play of EU-Africa relations PDF (277 KB) DOC (192 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2007/2002(INI)
Documents: PDF(277 KB) DOC(192 KB)
REPORT draft report on a development strategy for Africa (motion for a european parliament resolution) PDF (241 KB) DOC (193 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2005/2142(INI)
Documents: PDF(241 KB) DOC(193 KB)