2 Amendments of Flaviu Călin RUS related to 2008/2206(INI)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Welcomes the structured dialogue established with the Commission on the implementation of the Instrument for Pre- Accession (IPA) and recalls its position in this respect, notably the need to grant all beneficiary countries equal access to the full range of policy tools available under the instrument, to give adequate priority to the fight against corruption and organised crime and to pay increased attention to parliamentaryinstitutional capacity-building, particularly at parliamentary level, development of civil society organisations, measures to promote the principle of tolerance and non-discrimination, human development and regional cooperation in key policy areas;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Is pleased by the high implementation rate of IPA commitments in 2007; regrets, however, that the first IPA programmes were only adopted at the end of 2007 and the actual implementation started only in 2008, due in part to the late adoption of the new instrument and in part to delays on the part of beneficiary countries in setting up the required structures and management systems; hopurges that the Commission willto push ahead with the implementation of projects in order to ensure that the money allocated producesand monitor the allocation of funds and the results obtained so as to ensure that the IPA has a visible resultsimpact in the countries concerned;
Committee: AFET