8 Amendments of Barbara MATERA related to 2013/2147(INI)

Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Recital A
A. whereas women in Saudi Arabia continue to face manyvarious forms of discrimination and segregation in private and public life and must obtain permission from a male guardian for some of their most basic life decisions;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Recital A a (new)
Aa. whereas the Saudi Government has recently made efforts to promote and defend the rights of women, particularly in education, decision-making and employment issues;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Encourages the commitments made by Saudi Arabia in favour of women (the right to vote and stand as candidates in the municipal elections of 2015; nomination of 30 women to the Shura Council – 20% of the total number of members of this Council; the introduction of a law to protect women, children and domestic workers from abuse; the granting of licenses allowing women to practice law); asks the EU to pursue a dialogue with Saudi Arabia in support of further reforms for better gender equality and welfare for women;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. CallsRecognises the efforts made by the Saudi authorities in drawing up legislation in favour of women and encouraging the debates which have recently been opened on such matters; calls, however, on the Saudi Government to abolish the restrictions on the free movement of women, notably the ban on driving, and on their employment opportunities, legal personality and representation in judicial processes;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Welcomes the decisions of the Ministry of Labour, in collaboration with the Human Development Fund, to expedite and promote the recruitment of women in various private sectors, and calls on the ministry to take action to ensure that the measures in question are effectively implemented and followed up;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Calls on the Saudi authorities to fight against the tradition of forced and early marriages, which constitute a violation of human rights and a barrier to development;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Highlights and welcomes the training programme established with the National Organisation for Joint Training, aimed at preparing girls to enter the labour market, and underlines the efforts of the Saudi authorities in improving the status of girls in relation to training and expanding their opportunities in new, usually male, sectors;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Urges the Saudi authorities to tackle the issue ofensure that the legal measures recently adopted with regard to the protection of domestic workers are fully and effectively implemented and to pay special attention to female migrant domestic workers suffering abuse and living in conditions amounting to forced labour or slavery;
Committee: FEMM