2005/0037B(COD) General programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice": specific programme "Drugs prevention and information", 2007-2013

Progress: Procedure completed

Former Responsible Committee LIBE SEGELSTRÖM Inger (icon: PSE PSE)
Former Committee Opinion ENVI
Former Committee Opinion FEMM
Former Committee Opinion BUDG GILL Neena (icon: PSE PSE)
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 152


   EC - Follow-up document

The Commission presents an ex post evaluation report on the drug prevention and information (DPIP) programme (2007-2013).

The main aspects evaluated are:

· relevance;

· coherence and compatibility;

· effectiveness;

· sustainability and transferability;

· efficiency;

· the scope for simplification and EU added value.

An independent external evaluator assisted by the Commission’s staff carried out the evaluation.

To recall, the programme had the following general objectives:

· to prevent and reduce drug use, dependence and drug-related harm;

· to contribute to the improvement of information on drug use;

· to support the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy.

The total budget earmarked for the programme from January 2007 to December 2013 was EUR 22.332 million .

Main conclusions:

1) Relevance of the programme: overall, the priorities of the calls for proposals and the selected initiatives were relevant to the objectives of the programme as defined in the legal base. The annual priorities set by the Commission were not only clearly defined, but were also realistic and attainable and addressed the key policy developments in the policy area. Overall, the programme was relevant to the needs of grant beneficiaries. The programme is unique in this area and filled a funding gap at national level . Moreover, the conceptual framework of the programme and its priorities matched the needs of actors working in the area of drug prevention.

2) Coherence and complementarity: complementarity of the DPIP with other EU programmes and interventions was almost fully achieved. Complementarity was reached through mechanisms that the Commission put in place at programme design stage and at the stage of designing calls for proposals.

3) Effectiveness: overall, the DPIP was effective in achieving its general programme objectives, although the impact was somewhat limited by the relatively low budget and number of projects funded. The DPIP contributed to fostering intra-European awareness raising and information on drugs and associated harm, in particular among young people and drug users. At project level, most initiatives achieved their own objectives, in particular thanks to good working relationships with partners and to a clear intervention logic with regard to the target group, objectives, method and activities to implement.

4) Sustainability and dissemination: overall, the dissemination of DPIP results helped increase the impact of the projects on the ground, in particular as a result of the dissemination methods put in place, which helped to reach a wide range of stakeholders (EU and national policy-makers, nongovernmental organisations/civil society organisations, social workers, young people and drug experts). Most initiatives developed a sustainability and/or dissemination plan. However, the extent to which project beneficiaries were effective in securing the sustainability and transferability of project outputs and activities varied substantially .

5) Efficiency: the funding made available for implementing the DPIP may not have been entirely sufficient considering the level of ambition of some of the objectives, the high demand for funding, the high absorption rates of grants and the high numbers of outputs and results achieved. Nevertheless, the funding made available under the DPIP was sufficient for beneficiaries to achieve their own objectives

As regards scope of simplification , the level of detail required in the application form has increased from the 2010 call onwards and included the introduction of work streams.

This has benefited both the Commission and the applicants.

6) EU added value: the EU added value of the programme lay in the fact that the DPIP enabled organisations based in various Member States to make a difference in the area of drug demand reduction. The partnerships formed within the projects helped promote transnational learning and improve the visibility of the initiatives carried out, as well as helped to identify information in the area of the prevention and fight against drugs. However, the extent of the improvement and contribution, i.e. the EU added value in terms of impacts could not yet be measured.

Key recommendations: amongst the main recommendations made by the Commission following the evaluation of the programme are the following:

· better define the priorities , in order to ensure that the priorities can be adequately achieved within an earmarked budget;

· make realistic assessments of project risks and better risk mitigation strategies, by asking for brief progress reports that identify any potential risks as they arise during the implementation of the project;

· increase focus on assessment of impacts at all levels and not merely on outputs, as regards monitoring and evaluation; .

· explore ways of enhancing the uptake of project outputs, results and best practices by other organisations, including in other Member States, including more resources for dissemination ;

· sharpen the programme's intervention logic .

   EC - Follow-up document

In accordance with Decision No 1150/2007/EC, the Commission presents interim evaluation of the specific Programme "Drug prevention and information" (DPIP) 2007-2013. Based on the findings of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the DPIP's implementation, on its main achievements while taking into account the main challenges, the report provides recommendations concerning the remaining period of implementation.

At this stage of the evaluation only very few activities have been completed. Consequently only limited conclusions can be drawn on the effectiveness of the DPI Programme. However, DPIP funded projects have already implemented a variety of activities and produced concrete outputs. The findings of the evaluation indicate that the projects funded are likely to contribute significantly to the objectives of the DPIP, and that both the general and the specific objectives are pertinent to the needs and problems of the target groups.

However, the report stresses that the DPIP is not meeting funding needs. The overall financial envelope is EUR 21.350.000 for the implementation of the DPI Programme for the period of 2007 to 2013, provided in yearly equal instalments of EUR 3.050.000 per year. This yearly budget includes appropriations to cover the administrative costs of the programme management amounting to EUR 50.000 per year. In addition to the funding made available in the budget of the EU, the EFTA/EEA states also contribute to the DPIP based on a memorandum of understanding. However, although the maximum project duration was decreased from 3 years to 2 years, the financial envelope for the DPIP does not allow the financing of more than 10 projects a year. The size of the projects in terms of the number of participating organisations is also limited by the available funding. In order to reinforce the programme, so that it can achieve long-lasting results at EU level, there is a need to strengthen its financial resources, with a view to a possible future comprehensive financial instrument in the field of drugs.

The findings of the evaluation confirmed that there are no major difficulties hindering the successful implementation of the programme. However, in order to maximise the potential of the DPIP within its existing framework, to strengthen its impact and to optimize the implementation there is a need for certain adjustments. The Commission proposes the following measures to address these:

Increased EU dimension and EU added value and impact: in order to gain visibility for the programmes and to ensure that the projects achieve an impact not limited to local or regional level, broader and better elaborated projects with a higher EU added value and sustainability should be favoured. To deliver activities with a broad European dimension, coverage and sustainability, the financing possibilities within the

DPIP should be streamlined and the limited available funding should be concentrated on multiannual actions implemented by several partners. To this end the Commission will assess the added value of the operating grants provided for organisations only for one budgetary year which have had limited impact so far.

The Commission should further strengthen the synergies between the financial instruments supporting the objectives of the EU Drugs Strategy. The cooperation and communication between programmes should be enhanced (in particular between the Prevention of and Fight Against Crime programme 2007-2013 (ISEC) and the Public Health Programme ) at the level of programming during the formulation of the annual work programmes in order to avoid duplications and to allow potential beneficiaries to target their applications more efficiently.

Increased efficiency of management of DPIP: t he lengthy and administratively demanding procedures have been identified as major obstacle to success. It was confirmed that abolishing of the paper-based application process had a positive impact on management, and was perceived positively by the target audience of the DPIP. The new PRIAMOS system has proven its usefulness and showed good potential to become an integrated interface of communication with applicants and beneficiaries. The Commission will take further steps to improve its functionalities and speed in order to facilitate the gradual transfer of the entire grant management process to it. However, although the introduction of the electronic grants management system somewhat simplified the procedure, and freed some resources of the Commission, significant acceleration of the procedure has not been achieved. Elements of the procedure imposed by the Decision (consultation of the Member States and the right of scrutiny of the European Parliament) and the administrative requirements for processing a high number of supporting documents remain a considerable obstacle.

The Commission will take measures to reduce the time spent between the publication of the calls for proposals and the actual conclusion of the grant agreement to accelerate the provision of funding. Further consideration should be given to addressing the procedural obligations described above which should also be viewed in the context of the future financial perspectives.

Improved dissemination and better use of results: t he evaluation identified certain deficits in relation to the exploitation of the result of the projects financed under the DPIP. It was indicated that making the results centrally available for the public would not only directly contribute to one of the specific objectives of the DPIP but also would allow the generation of better projects. This would help the current and future beneficiaries as well as the Commission to avoid duplications and build on already existing achievements.

   Final act published in Official Journal

PURPOSE: to establish for the period 2007-2013 the Specific Programme " Drug prevention and information " as part of the General Programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice".

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision No 1150/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing for the period 2007-2013 the Specific Programme "Drug prevention and information" as part of the General Programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice".

BACKGROUND: the framework programmes in the area of Justice, Freedom and Security, under the new Financial Perspectives 2007-2013 have been established to provide coherent support to an area of freedom, security and justice under the financial perspectives 2007 - 2013. The three key objectives of freedom, security and justice are to be developed in parallel and to the same degree of intensity, thus allowing for a balanced approach, based on the principles of democracy, respect for fundamental rights and freedoms and the rule of law. Each of the three key objectives is supported by a Framework programme underpinning and linking each policy area. This structure represents a major simplification and rationalisation of existing financial support.

The three framework programmes are:

1) “Fundamental rights and Justice” which includes 5 specific measures: i) “ Fundamental rights and citizenship ”; ii) “ Civil justice ”. Iii) “ Criminal justice ”; iv) “ Daphne III ”; v) “ Drugs prevention and information ” which is the subject of the present proposal;

2) “Security and safeguarding Liberties” comprising of 2 specific programmes : i) the programme on prevention of terrorism ; ii) the specific programme on the “ Prevention and the fight against crime ”;

3) “Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows” includes 4 specific funds: i) the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals ; ii) External Borders Fund ; iii) Refugee Fund ; iv) Return Fund .

Each of these framework programmes have been given an overall financial envelope covering the 2007-2013 period which will be broken between each specific programme, except for the Funds which have individual budgets.

The ‘Fundamental Rights and Justice’ Framework Programme has several specific objectives. They are:

to promote the development of a European society based on the European Union citizenship and respectful of the fundamental rights provided for in the Charter of Fundamental Rights; to fight anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia and to strengthen civil society in the field of fundamental rights; to combat all forms of public or private violence against children, young people and women; to contribute to the setting-up of an area of freedom, security and justice by providing information on and preventing the use of drugs; to promote judicial cooperation with the aim of contributing to the creation of a genuine European area of justice in civil and commercial matters; to promote judicial cooperation with the aim of contributing to the creation of a genuine European area of justice in criminal matters.

It should be noted that initially the Commission had presented the "Daphne" and "Drugs prevention and information" together. However, at the request of the European Parliament, the two programmes were split so as to clarify the objectives and the implementing measures.

CONTENT: this Decision establishes the Specific Programme "Drug prevention and information" in order to contribute to ensuring a high level of human health protection and to reducing drug-related health damage.

The Programme shall have the following general objectives : a) to prevent and reduce drug use, dependence and drug-related harm; b) to contribute to the improvement of information on drug use; and c) to support the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy.

The Programme shall have the following specific objectives :

a) to promote transnational actions to: i) set up multidisciplinary networks; ii) ensure the expansion of the knowledge base, the exchange of information and the identification and dissemination of good practices, including through training, study visits and staff exchange; iii) raise awareness of the health and social problems caused by drug use and to encourage an open dialogue with a view to promoting a better understanding of the phenomenon of drugs; and iv) support measures aimed at preventing drug use, including by addressing reduction of drug-related harm and treatment methods taking into account the latest state of scientific knowledge;

b) to involve civil society in the implementation and development of the EU Drugs Strategy and EU Action plans; and

c) to monitor, implement and evaluate the implementation of specific actions under the Drugs Action Plans 2005 to 2008 and 2009 to 2012. The European Parliament is involved in the evaluation process through its participation in the Commission’s evaluation steering group.

Eligible actions : with a view to pursuing the general and specific objectives, the Programme shall support the following types of action under the conditions set out in the annual work programme:

· specific actions taken by the Commission , such as studies and research, opinion polls and surveys, formulation of indicators and common methodologies, collection, development and dissemination of data and statistics, seminars, conferences and experts' meetings, organisation of public campaigns and events, development and maintenance of websites, preparation and dissemination of information materials, support to and animation of networks of national experts, analytical, monitoring and evaluation activities;

· specific transnational projects of Community interest presented by at least two Member States, or at least one Member State and one other state which may either be an acceding or a candidate country under the conditions set out in the annual work programme; or

· the activities of non-governmental organisations or other entities pursuing an aim of general European interest regarding the general objectives of the Programme under the conditions set out in the annual work programme.

Target groups : the Programme is targeted at all groups that directly or indirectly deal with the phenomenon of drugs. With regard to drugs, youth, women, vulnerable groups and people living in socially disadvantaged areas are groups at risk and shall be identified as target groups. Other target groups include teachers and educational staff, parents, social workers, local and national authorities, medical and paramedical staff, judicial staff, law enforcement and penitentiary authorities, non-governmental organisations, trade unions and religious communities.

Access to the Programme : this shall be open to public or private organisations and institutions (local authorities at the relevant level, university departments and research centres) working in the area of information on and prevention of drug use including the reduction and treatment of drug-related harm. The following countries may participate in the actions of the Programme: (a) the EFTA States which are party to the EEA Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of that Agreement; and (b) the candidate countries and the western Balkan countries included in the stabilisation and association process in accordance with the conditions laid down in the association agreements or their additional protocols relating to participation in Community programmes concluded or to be concluded with those countries. Candidate countries not participating in the Programme may be associated with projects where this would contribute to their preparation for accession, as may other third countries or international organisations not participating in the Programme where this serves the aim of the projects.

Implementing measures : the Commission shall implement the Community financial support in accordance with the Financial Regulation. To implement the Programme, the Commission shall, within the limits of the general objectives, adopt an annual work programme taking into account the technical expertise of the Centre. The Programme shall set out the specific objectives, thematic priorities, a description of accompanying measures and, if necessary, a list of other actions.

Complementarity with other instruments : synergies and complementarity shall be sought with other Community instruments, in particular with the General Programme ‘Security and Safeguarding Liberties’, the 7 th Research and Development Framework Programme and the Community Programme on Public Health. Complementarity with the methodology and best practices developed by the Centre shall be assured, in particular with regard to the statistical element of information on drugs. Operations financed under this Decision shall not receive financial support for the same purpose from other Community financial instruments. The Commission shall require that the beneficiaries of the Programme provide the Commission with information about financing received from the general budget of the European Union and from other sources, as well as information about ongoing applications for financing.

Budgetary resources : the financial envelope for the implementation of this Decision from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013 shall be EUR 21 350 000 .

Evaluation : the Commission shall provide the European Parliament and the Council with: an annual presentation on the implementation of the Programme; an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of the Programme not later than 31 March 2011; a Communication on the continuation of the Programme not later than 30 August 2012; and an ex-post evaluation report not later than 31 December 2014.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 23 October 2007. The Programme applies from 1 January 2007.

   CSL - Draft final act
   CSL - Final act signed
   EP - End of procedure in Parliament
   EP - Decision by Parliament, 2nd reading

The European Parliament adopted the resolution drafted by Inger SEGELSTRÖM (PES, SE) and approved the Council’s common position.

In the legislative resolution approving the common position, Parliament drew attention to the statement made by the Commission at the plenary sitting of 6 September 2007, according to which the Commission committed itself, exceptionally, to transmit as swiftly as possible to the Chair of the competent parliamentary committee the draft annual work programmes relating to the specific programme, in addition to sending them via the comitology register. The Commission also made a commitment to inform the European Parliament as soon as possible about any changes made to them following committee meetings of that committee.

   EP - Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading
   EP - Committee referral announced in Parliament, 2nd reading
   EP - Vote in committee, 2nd reading

The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs unanimously adopted, at second reading, the report by Inger SEGELSTRÖM (PES, SE) approving the Council common position for adopting a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing for the period 2007-2013 the specific programme "Drug prevention and information" as part of the General programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice".

The main point of controversy following first reading had been the Council's reluctance to accept Parliament's amendments on committee procedure (comitology), in particular with regard to deciding on annual priorities.

However, the Council decided to apply the agreement reached between the Parliament, the Council and the Commission on comitology in the case of the specific programme "Civil Justice" (see COD/2005/0040 ) to the specific programme "Drugs prevention and information", and amended its draft common position accordingly. As the common position therefore now incorporated an amendment comparable to the one adopted by Parliament on 11 July 2007 with regard to the "Civil Justice" specific programme, the committee proposed to approve the Council common position as soon as possible in order to ensure the timely launch of the specific programme "Drugs prevention and information".

In the legislative resolution approving the common position, the committee called for the Commission to confirm its commitment to "transmit directly to the Chair of the competent parliamentary committee (LIBE) the draft annual programme and to inform the European Parliament without delay about any modification being made to it".

   EP - Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading
   EC - Commission communication on Council's position

The Commission is of the opinion that the Council common position preserves the essence of the original Commission proposal and takes the European Parliament’s main amendments at first reading into account.

The differences of substance between the common position and the original Commission proposal are as follows:

Article 3(a): addition of a specific objective that broadens the scope of the programme by providing that it can support measures intended to prevent drug consumption, in particular by reducing drug-related harm and making use of methods of treatment based on latest scientific knowledge; Article 3(c): the involvement of the European Parliament in the process of evaluating the Drugs Action Plans is emphasised; Article 4(b): a proposal for a specific project will be eligible for financing if it involves at least two Member States or one Member State and one acceding or applicant state (instead of three Member States, as originally proposed by the Commission); Article 6: women and parents are listed among the target groups of the programme; Article 9: when the annual work programme is adopted, the expert technical opinion of EMCDDA will be taken into account; Article 10: comitology: the double committee principle is introduced (management committee for the adoption of the annual work programme and advisory committee for other questions, whereas the original Commission proposal provided only for an advisory committee).

The Council common position is based on a compromise between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. The compromise concerns the text as a whole, including the question of comitology. The Council common position takes over the solution negotiated by the three institutions in connection with the "Civil Justice" programme ( COD/2005/0040 ), namely the inclusion of a recital concerning notification of the implementing measures to the European Parliament and a Commission declaration on the matter. As a consequence, the Commission accepts the common position.

   EP - Committee draft report
   CSL - Council position published

The Council reached a political agreement on the text of the draft Decision establishing for the period 2007-2013 the Specific Programme "Drug prevention and information" as part of the General Programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice" at its meeting on 19 and 20 April 2007. Following the political agreement and the subsequent agreement reached by the three institutions as regards the outstanding issue of the committee procedure, the Council adopted, by unanimity, its common position on 23 July 2007.

Most of the amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 14 December 2006 have been incorporated in the common position which therefore meets the wishes of the European Parliament as expressed by the Parliament and accepted by the Council during the informal contacts leading up to the adoption of the European Parliament's position at first reading.

The last outstanding amendment which was not acceptable to the Council concerned the committee procedure . On this issue, it was finally decided to adopt the same approach as the one taken following the European Parliament’s 2nd reading of the specific programme "Civil Justice", in the framework of the General Programme "Fundamental rights and justice" (see summary dated 11 July 2007 of the procedure reference COD/2005/0040 .

The agreement reached with respect to the Specific Programme "Civil Justice" has been applied to the "Drug prevention and information" programme. A new recital was therefore inserted in the text of the common position.

In addition to that, the Commission will make a declaration in which it undertakes to transmit the necessary information relating to the draft annual work programmes to the European Parliament.

   CSL - Council Meeting
   CSL - Council Meeting
   EC - Commission response to text adopted in plenary
   EP - Results of vote in Parliament
   EP - Decision by Parliament, 1st reading

The European Parliament adopted the resolution drafted by Inger SEGELSTRÖM (PES, SE), with 528 votes for, 16 against and 8 abstentions, and approved the Commission’s proposal on the drugs prevention and intervention programme in first reading, whilst bearing in mind the Council’s views. Parliament approved a series of amendments in plenary session, which sought to clarify the Commission’s proposal. In the consolidated version of the minutes of the session, the following amendments were integrated with the proposal:

- the programme must contribute to ensuring a high level of human health protection and to reducing drug-related health damage;

- the general objectives of the programme are re-defined: to prevent and reduce drug use, dependence and drug related harms; to contribute to the improvement of information on drug use; to support the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy;

- the specific objectives now include supporting measures aimed at preventing drug use, including by addressing reduction of drug related harm and treatment methods considering the latest state of scientific knowledge. The programme will also evaluate the implementation of specific actions under the Drugs Action Plans 2005–2008 and 2009–2012. The European Parliament should be involved in the evaluation process through its participation in the Commission's evaluation steering group;

- specific transnational projects of Community interest may now be presented by at least two Member States (and not three, as the Commission had suggested), or at least one Member State and one other state which may either be an acceding or a candidate country under the conditions set out in the annual work programme;

- participating countries include the western Balkan countries included in the stabilisation and association process in accordance with the conditions laid down in the association agreements. Projects may associate candidate countries not participating in the programme where this would contribute to their preparation for accession, or other third countries or international organisations not participating in this programme where this serves the aim of the projects;

-Parliament specified that with regard to drugs, youth, women, vulnerable groups and problematic neighbourhoods are groups at risk and should be identified as target groups . Other target groups are, inter alia, teachers and educational staff, parents, social workers, local and national authorities, medical and paramedical staff, judicial staff, law enforcement and penitentiary authorities, NGOs, trade unions and religious communities;

- access to the programme will be open to public or private organisations and institutions working in the area of information on and prevention of drugs use. Organisations which are profit oriented will have access to grants under the programme only in conjunction with non profit oriented or state organisations;

- types of intervention are defined as grants and public procurement contracts. The maximum rate of co-financing will be specified in the annual work programmes;

- Parliament clarified implementing procedures, and the distinction between decisions to be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny and decisions to be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure;

- complementarity with the methodology and best practices developed by European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction will be assured, in particular with regard to the statistical element of information on drugs;

- Parliament insisted on better surveillance by the Commission on all levels of monitoring and on the annual evaluation;

- the Commission will lay down guidelines to ensure the visibility of the funding granted under the Decision.

It should be noted that the financial envelope for the implementation of the instrument from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013 is EUR 21.35 million.

Parliament emphasised in the recitals that: the programme aims at the implementation of targets identified by the EU Drugs Strategy 2005-2012 and EU Drugs Action Plan 2005-2008 and 2009-2012 by supporting projects aiming at prevention of drug use, including by addressing reduction of drug related harm and treatment methods considering the latest scientific knowledge; special attention should be paid to the prevention of drug use among young people and the main challenge in prevention is to encourage young people to adopt healthy lifestyles; complementarity with the technical expertise of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction should be assured by making use of methodology and best practices developed by the Centre and by Centre's involvement in the preparation of the annual work programme.

   EP - Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
   EP - Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
   EP - Vote in committee, 1st reading
   EP - Committee draft report
   EC - Document attached to the procedure

Package of legislative proposals following the Interinstitutional Agreement on

budgetary discipline and sound financial management

The conclusion on 17 May 2006 by the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament of the agreement on the 2007-2013 financial framework (Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and sound financial management – please refer to procedure ACI/2004/2099 ) marks a real success for Europe, providing a stable financial framework for the political priorities of the enlarged Union for the next seven years. It is now up to the institutions and Member States to ensure that the financial resources available are used and implemented as well as possible. Action at European level must contribute true added value to that taken at national, regional or local level and must have an optimum impact on each European player. The Commission is ready to play a full role in all these areas.

The agreement marks a decisive step forward towards the ultimate objective of providing the Union with operational programmes by the beginning of 2007. Work must now be continued on each legislative act. To this end, the Commission intends to continue to provide momentum and act as a facilitator, as it has been doing since the start of the negotiations.

As part of the negotiations on the 2007-2013 financial framework, in October 2005 the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission adopted a joint declaration in which they undertook to continue work on the legislative proposals currently being discussed and then, once the interinstitutional agreement had been adopted and on the basis of amended proposals by the Commission, to reach agreement on each of these proposals. Thus, in accordance with Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty and in order to facilitate this phase for each legislative act, the Commission has adopted a total of 30 proposals, 26 of which are amended and 4 new.

The proposals amended as a result of the IIA are as follows:

Programmes concerning the external policy of the Union and development cooperation:

Ø COD/2004/0219 ( European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument )

Ø COD/2004/0220 ( development co-operation and economic co-operation instrument )

Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows Programme (JHA):

Ø COD/2005/0046 (European Refugee Fund)

Ø COD/2005/0047 ( External borders fund, 2007-2013 )

Ø COD/2005/0049 ( European Return Fund )

Fundamental Rights and Justice Programme (JHA):

Ø COD/2005/0037/A (DAPHNE )

Ø COD/2005/0037/B ( drugs prevention and information )

RDT Framework Programme and specific programmes :

Ø COD/2005/0043 ( RDT Framework Programme )

Ø CNS/2005/0044 (Nuclear Research Programme )

Ø CNS/2005/0184 ( Joint Research Centre - JRC )

Ø CNS/2005/0185 ( Transnational cooperation specific programme )

Ø CNS/2005/0186 ( Specific programme Ideas, frontier research )

Ø CNS/2005/0187 (S pecific programme supporting researchers )

Ø CNS/2005/0188 (RDT Capacities specific programme )

Ø CNS/2005/0189 ( specific programme direct actions by the Joint Research Centre JRC )

Ø CNS/2005/0190 ( fusion energy, nuclear fission and radiation protection specific programme)

Employment and social cohesion Programme: COD/2004/0158

Programmes in the fields of youth and education:

Ø COD/2004/0152 ( Youth )

Ø COD/2004/0153 ( Education – lifelong learning )

Consumer Protection and Public Health Framework programme:

Ø COD/2005/0042/A ( Public health )

Ø COD/2005/0042/B ( Consumers )

Programme in the fields of energy, environment and transport :

Ø COD/2004/0218 ( LIFE+)

Ø COD/2004/0154 ( TransEuropean networks in the areas of energy and transport )

Ø CNS/2004/0221 ( Decommissioning of the Bohunice nuclear plant )

GALILEO ( radio-navigation by satellite ): COD/2004/0156

In terms of new proposals , the Commission has already submitted three in the area of agriculture and rural development policy and fisheries and aquaculture policy:

Ø CNS/2006/0081 ( fisheries and aquaculture )

Ø CNS/2006/0082 ( rural development )

Ø CNS/2006/0083 ( common agricultural policy ).

Certain legislative acts do not form part of this package of measures, in particular those on which political agreement has been reached since 17 May. For these measures, the Commission has played a full part in helping to bring about agreement between the arms of the legislative authority. The same applies to the acts for which conclusion of the interinstitutional agreement does not modify the Commission’s original proposal. For all the others, which are included in the package presented, the changes proposed by the Commission take account of the content of the interinstitutional agreement adopted, either in a simplified form, where the financial resources allocated to each programme must be adapted, or in a more detailed form where the structure or even the content of the act must be revised. It should also be noted that four of the amended proposals contain amendments already voted on by the European Parliament at first reading and that one proposal has been divided into two amended proposals in response to a request by the Council and the European Parliament, although Parliament has not yet proceeded to a first reading of this proposal.

Based on these amended proposals, the Commission calls on the European Parliament and the Council to continue their discussions of these proposals and conclude them as soon as possible in order to ensure that all the legal instruments are available in time for the effective launch of the programmes in January 2007.

   EC - Legislative proposal published

On 6 April 2005, the Commission published a draft European Parliament and Council decision establishes for the period 2007-2013 the specific programme: "Fight against violence (Daphne), and drugs prevention and information". This specific programme is part of the framework programme "Fundamental rights and justice".

The planned allocation for the whole period is EUR 138.2 million (EUR 134.4 million for operational expenditure and EUR 2.8 million for administrative expenditure).

Following the inter-institutional agreement on the financial framework 2007-2013, signed on the 17 May 2006, the Commission plans to adopt, on the 24 May, modified proposals regarding the new financial instruments in the field of justice, security and freedom. The amended legislative acts proposed by the Commission are consistent with the annual expenditure ceilings agreed in the new financial framework ( please refer to the financial statement for details of the new expenditure ceilings ).

The European Parliament, in particular, and also the European Economic and Social Committee requested the splitting of the two actions. This is a position which appears to be shared by the Council.

The Commission previously presented the "Daphne" and "Drugs prevention and information" under a common programme for the following reasons:

§ the need to rationalise and simplify the financial instruments in the field of justice, freedom and security by reducing their number and increasing their efficiency;

§ acts of violence and drug addiction have strong links to public health in all Member States;

§ there is a common legal basis (Article 152 of the TEC concerning EUR health policy).

The presentation of the actions concerning "Daphne" and "Drugs prevention and information" together under one single programme has been criticized out of the concern that the Daphne programme, whose importance in fighting violence against women and children should be stressed, might lose visibility, if combined with measures related to drug addiction, under a single instrument. Additionally, splitting the two actions will facilitate a quick decision making process.

This change is taking place with no modifications to content, whether the legal basis, explanatory memorandum, recitals, or the articles of the proposals for decision.

This split ensures that the two programmes, as well as other financial instruments, are complementary.

Concerning the financial resources, the division of the two programmes implies the following breakdown for the period 2007-2013 ( please refer to the financial statement ):

Daphne : EUR 114.4 million (operational expenditure); EUR 2.45 million (administrative expenditure); Drugs prevention and Information : EUR 21 million (operational expenditure); EUR 350.000 (administrative expenditure).

   EP - Amendments tabled in committee
   EP - Committee draft report
   ESC - Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report
   EP - Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading
   EP - GILL Neena (PSE) appointed as rapporteur in BUDG
   EP - SEGELSTRÖM Inger (PSE) appointed as rapporteur in LIBE
   EP - SEGELSTRÖM Inger (PSE) appointed as rapporteur in LIBE
   EC - Document attached to the procedure
   EC - Initial legislative proposal published

PURPOSE: to present a specific programme ‘Drugs prevention and information’ for the period 2007-2013.

PROPOSED ACT: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council.

CONTEXT: The Communication establishing a ‘Fundamental Rights and Justice’ Framework Programme forms part of a coherent set of legislative proposals. The purpose of these proposals is to offer support to the development of an area of freedom, security, and justice within the context of the upcoming financial perspective, 2007-2013. For that reason, the European Council in November 2004 adopted what is known as the Hague Programme. Building upon the results of the 1999 Tampere programme, the programme adopted in The Hague presents a new agenda to enable the Union to build upon past achievements as well as being well placed to meet new challenges. It also emphasizes that the creation of a Europe for citizens requires not only the full respect of Fundamental Rights, but, in addition, the active promotion of those rights. The ‘Fundamental Rights and Justice’ Framework Programme has several specific objectives. They are:

- To promote the development of a European society based on the European Union citizenship and respectful of the fundamental rights provided for in the Charter of Fundamental Rights; to fight anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia and to strengthen civil society in the field of fundamental rights.

- To combat all forms of public or private violence against children, young people and women.

- To contribute to the setting-up of an area of freedom, security and justice by providing information on and preventing the use of drugs.

- To promote judicial cooperation with the aim of contributing to the creation of a genuine European area of justice in civil and commercial matters.

- To promote judicial cooperation with the aim of contributing to the creation of a genuine European area of justice in criminal matters.

As these objectives have different legal bases in the Treaties, the programme is composed of several separate legislative instruments. Political coherence will be ensured, as each specific programme reflects the objectives of a policy which, in association with the three others, will allow for the development of European citizenship and a genuine area of Justice. Furthermore, the grouping together of these complementary policy areas under the same Framework programme will not only enhance their overall coherence but will also ensure a better response to citizens’ needs. It will enable new, unexpected problems to be tackled with increased flexibility.

A key objective of the ‘Fundamental Rights and Justice’ Framework programme is to simplify and rationalise instruments both in legal and management terms, to streamline the budget structure, to increase coherence and consistency between programmes and to avoid duplication of instruments. It will be managed directly by the Commission. The cost of the Framework Programme for the period 2007-2013 is EUR 543 million.

CONTENT: A series of actions are envisaged to be taken under the specific programme "Drugs prevention and information". These include:

Specific actions taken by the Commission, such as, studies and research, opinion polls and surveys, formulation of indicators and common methodologies, collection, development and dissemination of data and statistics, seminars, conferences and expert meetings, organisation of public campaigns and events, development and maintenance of websites, preparation and dissemination of information material, support for and management of networks of national experts, analytical, monitoring and evaluation activities;

Actions providing financial support for specific projects of Community interest under the conditions set out in the annual work programmes; Actions providing financial support for the activities of non-governmental organisations or other entities under the conditions set our in the annual work programmes; An operating grant to the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children which pursues an aim of general European interest in the field of children’s rights and protection.

With respect to the fight against the use of drugs, the main challenges will be the dissemination of information as well as further research resulting into education, prevention and harm-reduction programmes. Not only the reduction of drug demand, but also the reduction of drug supply will be important issues. This is an area in which measures need to be taken in order to stop drug-trafficking and drug-related criminality, in particular when new synthetic drugs or their chemical precursors are involved and to fight money-laundering.

Community funding may take the following legal forms: grants and public procurement contracts. Access to this programme shall be open to public or private organisations and institutions such as local authorities, university departments and research centres, working to inform and prevent drugs use. It will also be open to participants from various third countries such as candidate countries, Western Balkans, EFTA countries).

The Commission will ensure that, when actions financed under the present Decision are implemented, the financial interests of the Community are protected by the application of preventative measures against fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities, by effective checks and by the recovery of the amounts unduly paid and, if irregularities are detected, by effective, proportional and dissuasive penalties. It will ensure regular, external and independent evaluation of the programme. It will submit to the other institutions an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of the programme not later than 31/03/2011; a Communication on the continuation of the programme not later than 30/08/2012 and an ex-post evaluation report not later than 31/12/2014. It is intended that the programme’s activities cover the period 1 January 2007 – 31 December 2013.

This specific programme is complemented by the other specific programmes under the general programme “Fundamental Rights and Justice” in particular the specific programme “Fundamental Rights and Citizenship” that seeks to promote the European Union fundamental rights and values while preserving and respecting the diversity of the culture and traditions of the peoples of Europe. Complementarity will also be sought with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction that has as its main mission to collect and disseminate objective, reliable and comparable information on the phenomenon of drugs and drug addiction in Europe. In order to do so, the Centre works in partnership with non-EU countries as well as with international organisations concerned with this issue. The general programmes “Security and Safeguarding Liberties” and “Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows” will be given special attention as they complement the present programme and synergy with the two will certainly be achieved in particular in the area of fighting against crime be it violence, such as racially-motivated violence and violence related to gender or sexual preference or drugs related crimes. Other programmes may also complement the present programme such “Safer Internet Plus”, “Health programme”, “Injury Protection Programme” the 7th RTD Framework Programme and the “Youth” programme.

The specific programme "Drugs prevention and information” falls within the general programme “Fundamental Rights and Justice” and is based on Art. 152 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. Art. 152, which relates to public health, clearly states that the definition and implementation of all Community policies and activities shall ensure a high level of protection of human health.

This specific programme will be allocated a budget of EUR 138.2 million for the period 2007-2013.

For further information concerning the financial implications of this measure, please refer to the financial statement.




Rapport Segelström A6-0454/2006 - résolution #

2006/12/14 Outcome: +: 528, -: 16, 0: 8

Ireland PPE-DE


Denmark PPE-DE

For (1)


Luxembourg PPE-DE


Latvia PPE-DE


Slovenia PPE-DE


Estonia PPE-DE

For (1)


Lithuania PPE-DE


Malta PPE-DE


Cyprus PPE-DE

icon: PSE PSE

Czechia PSE

For (1)


Finland PSE


Ireland PSE


Slovakia PSE


Luxembourg PSE

For (1)


Slovenia PSE

For (1)


Estonia PSE


Lithuania PSE

For (1)


Malta PSE


Spain ALDE


Austria ALDE


Ireland ALDE

For (1)


Sweden ALDE


Denmark ALDE


Luxembourg ALDE

For (1)


Latvia ALDE


Slovenia ALDE


Estonia ALDE


Lithuania ALDE


Cyprus ALDE

For (1)

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

Italy Verts/ALE


United Kingdom Verts/ALE


Spain Verts/ALE


Belgium Verts/ALE

For (1)


Austria Verts/ALE


Finland Verts/ALE

For (1)


Sweden Verts/ALE

For (1)


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

For (1)


Latvia Verts/ALE

icon: UEN UEN

Denmark UEN

For (1)


Latvia UEN


France GUE/NGL


United Kingdom GUE/NGL



For (1)


Portugal GUE/NGL


Netherlands GUE/NGL


Greece GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Finland GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Ireland GUE/NGL


Sweden GUE/NGL


Cyprus GUE/NGL

icon: NI NI

Italy NI


United Kingdom NI

For (1)

Against (1)


Czechia NI


Austria NI


Slovakia NI

icon: ITS ITS

Italy ITS


United Kingdom ITS

Against (1)


Poland IND/DEM


United Kingdom IND/DEM


Netherlands IND/DEM


Czechia IND/DEM


Ireland IND/DEM

For (1)


Sweden IND/DEM


Denmark IND/DEM

Against (1)



(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

Initial legislative proposal
Document attached to the procedure
Legislative proposal
Document attached to the procedure
title: SP(2007)0303
Commission response to text adopted in plenary
title: SP(2007)0303
Commission response to text adopted in plenary
Commission communication on Council's position
url: title: 08698/4/2007
Council position
Commission communication on Council's position
Follow-up document
Follow-up document
Initial legislative proposal published
Initial legislative proposal published
links/National parliaments/url
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading
Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading
Vote in committee, 1st reading
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A6-0454/2006
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: A6-0454/2006
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading
url: title: T6-0579/2006
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: T6-0579/2006
Responsible Committee
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
name: SEGELSTRÖM Inger date: 2005-06-06T00:00:00 group: Socialist Group in the European Parliament abbr: PSE
Responsible Committee
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
name: SEGELSTRÖM Inger group: Socialist Group in the European Parliament abbr: PSE
Former Responsible Committee
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
name: SEGELSTRÖM Inger date: 2005-06-06T00:00:00 group: Socialist Group in the European Parliament abbr: PSE
Former Responsible Committee
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
name: SEGELSTRÖM Inger group: Socialist Group in the European Parliament abbr: PSE
Former Committee Opinion
name: GILL Neena date: 2005-06-09T00:00:00 group: Socialist Group in the European Parliament abbr: PSE
Former Committee Opinion
name: GILL Neena group: Socialist Group in the European Parliament abbr: PSE
url: /oeil/ title: SP(2007)0303
Commission response to text adopted in plenary
Commission communication on Council's position
Commission communication on Council's position
url: title: A6-0308/2007
Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading
url: title: A6-0308/2007
Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading
Follow-up document
Follow-up document
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: T6-0579/2006
Results of vote in Parliament
url: title: Results of vote in Parliament
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: T6-0579/2006
Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading
url: title: A6-0308/2007
Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading
url: title: A6-0308/2007
Results of vote in Parliament
url: title: Results of vote in Parliament
  • body: EC dg: Justice and Consumers commissioner: FRATTINI Franco
  • type: Responsible Committee body: EP associated: False committee_full: Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs committee: LIBE date: 2005-06-06T00:00:00 rapporteur: name: SEGELSTRÖM Inger group: Socialist Group in the European Parliament abbr: PSE
  • type: Former Responsible Committee body: EP associated: False committee_full: Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs committee: LIBE date: 2005-06-06T00:00:00 rapporteur: name: SEGELSTRÖM Inger group: Socialist Group in the European Parliament abbr: PSE
  • type: Former Committee Opinion body: EP associated: False committee_full: Budgets committee: BUDG date: 2005-06-09T00:00:00 rapporteur: name: GILL Neena group: Socialist Group in the European Parliament abbr: PSE
  • type: Former Committee Opinion body: EP associated: False committee_full: Environment, Public Health and Food Safety committee: ENVI opinion: False
  • type: Former Committee Opinion body: EP associated: False committee_full: Women's Rights and Gender Equality committee: FEMM opinion: False
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: General Affairs meeting_id: 2816 url:*&MEET_DATE=23/07/2007 date: 2007-07-23T00:00:00
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) meeting_id: 2794 url:*&MEET_DATE=19/04/2007 date: 2007-04-19T00:00:00
  • date: 2005-04-06T00:00:00 docs: url: title: SEC(2005)0434 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=SECfinal&an_doc=2005&nu_doc=434 title: EUR-Lex type: Document attached to the procedure body: EC
  • date: 2006-01-19T00:00:00 docs: url: title: CES0032/2006 url: title: OJ C 069 21.03.2006, p. 0001-0005 type: Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report body: ESC
  • date: 2006-02-14T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE364.792 type: Committee draft report body: EP
  • date: 2006-03-15T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE370.307 type: Amendments tabled in committee body: EP
  • date: 2006-05-24T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2006)0239 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2006&nu_doc=239 title: EUR-Lex summary: Package of legislative proposals following the Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and sound financial management The conclusion on 17 May 2006 by the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament of the agreement on the 2007-2013 financial framework (Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and sound financial management – please refer to procedure ACI/2004/2099 ) marks a real success for Europe, providing a stable financial framework for the political priorities of the enlarged Union for the next seven years. It is now up to the institutions and Member States to ensure that the financial resources available are used and implemented as well as possible. Action at European level must contribute true added value to that taken at national, regional or local level and must have an optimum impact on each European player. The Commission is ready to play a full role in all these areas. The agreement marks a decisive step forward towards the ultimate objective of providing the Union with operational programmes by the beginning of 2007. Work must now be continued on each legislative act. To this end, the Commission intends to continue to provide momentum and act as a facilitator, as it has been doing since the start of the negotiations. As part of the negotiations on the 2007-2013 financial framework, in October 2005 the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission adopted a joint declaration in which they undertook to continue work on the legislative proposals currently being discussed and then, once the interinstitutional agreement had been adopted and on the basis of amended proposals by the Commission, to reach agreement on each of these proposals. Thus, in accordance with Article 250(2) of the EC Treaty and in order to facilitate this phase for each legislative act, the Commission has adopted a total of 30 proposals, 26 of which are amended and 4 new. The proposals amended as a result of the IIA are as follows: Programmes concerning the external policy of the Union and development cooperation: Ø COD/2004/0219 ( European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument ) Ø COD/2004/0220 ( development co-operation and economic co-operation instrument ) Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows Programme (JHA): Ø COD/2005/0046 (European Refugee Fund) Ø COD/2005/0047 ( External borders fund, 2007-2013 ) Ø COD/2005/0049 ( European Return Fund ) Fundamental Rights and Justice Programme (JHA): Ø COD/2005/0037/A (DAPHNE ) Ø COD/2005/0037/B ( drugs prevention and information ) RDT Framework Programme and specific programmes : Ø COD/2005/0043 ( RDT Framework Programme ) Ø CNS/2005/0044 (Nuclear Research Programme ) Ø CNS/2005/0184 ( Joint Research Centre - JRC ) Ø CNS/2005/0185 ( Transnational cooperation specific programme ) Ø CNS/2005/0186 ( Specific programme Ideas, frontier research ) Ø CNS/2005/0187 (S pecific programme supporting researchers ) Ø CNS/2005/0188 (RDT Capacities specific programme ) Ø CNS/2005/0189 ( specific programme direct actions by the Joint Research Centre JRC ) Ø CNS/2005/0190 ( fusion energy, nuclear fission and radiation protection specific programme) Employment and social cohesion Programme: COD/2004/0158 Programmes in the fields of youth and education: Ø COD/2004/0152 ( Youth ) Ø COD/2004/0153 ( Education – lifelong learning ) Consumer Protection and Public Health Framework programme: Ø COD/2005/0042/A ( Public health ) Ø COD/2005/0042/B ( Consumers ) Programme in the fields of energy, environment and transport : Ø COD/2004/0218 ( LIFE+) Ø COD/2004/0154 ( TransEuropean networks in the areas of energy and transport ) Ø CNS/2004/0221 ( Decommissioning of the Bohunice nuclear plant ) GALILEO ( radio-navigation by satellite ): COD/2004/0156 In terms of new proposals , the Commission has already submitted three in the area of agriculture and rural development policy and fisheries and aquaculture policy: Ø CNS/2006/0081 ( fisheries and aquaculture ) Ø CNS/2006/0082 ( rural development ) Ø CNS/2006/0083 ( common agricultural policy ). Certain legislative acts do not form part of this package of measures, in particular those on which political agreement has been reached since 17 May. For these measures, the Commission has played a full part in helping to bring about agreement between the arms of the legislative authority. The same applies to the acts for which conclusion of the interinstitutional agreement does not modify the Commission’s original proposal. For all the others, which are included in the package presented, the changes proposed by the Commission take account of the content of the interinstitutional agreement adopted, either in a simplified form, where the financial resources allocated to each programme must be adapted, or in a more detailed form where the structure or even the content of the act must be revised. It should also be noted that four of the amended proposals contain amendments already voted on by the European Parliament at first reading and that one proposal has been divided into two amended proposals in response to a request by the Council and the European Parliament, although Parliament has not yet proceeded to a first reading of this proposal. Based on these amended proposals, the Commission calls on the European Parliament and the Council to continue their discussions of these proposals and conclude them as soon as possible in order to ensure that all the legal instruments are available in time for the effective launch of the programmes in January 2007. type: Document attached to the procedure body: EC
  • date: 2006-10-09T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE376.744 type: Committee draft report body: EP
  • date: 2006-12-08T00:00:00 docs: url: title: A6-0454/2006 type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading body: EP
  • date: 2007-08-29T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE393.866 type: Committee draft report body: EP
  • date: 2007-08-31T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2007)0503 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2007&nu_doc=503 title: EUR-Lex summary: The Commission is of the opinion that the Council common position preserves the essence of the original Commission proposal and takes the European Parliament’s main amendments at first reading into account. The differences of substance between the common position and the original Commission proposal are as follows: Article 3(a): addition of a specific objective that broadens the scope of the programme by providing that it can support measures intended to prevent drug consumption, in particular by reducing drug-related harm and making use of methods of treatment based on latest scientific knowledge; Article 3(c): the involvement of the European Parliament in the process of evaluating the Drugs Action Plans is emphasised; Article 4(b): a proposal for a specific project will be eligible for financing if it involves at least two Member States or one Member State and one acceding or applicant state (instead of three Member States, as originally proposed by the Commission); Article 6: women and parents are listed among the target groups of the programme; Article 9: when the annual work programme is adopted, the expert technical opinion of EMCDDA will be taken into account; Article 10: comitology: the double committee principle is introduced (management committee for the adoption of the annual work programme and advisory committee for other questions, whereas the original Commission proposal provided only for an advisory committee). The Council common position is based on a compromise between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. The compromise concerns the text as a whole, including the question of comitology. The Council common position takes over the solution negotiated by the three institutions in connection with the "Civil Justice" programme ( COD/2005/0040 ), namely the inclusion of a recital concerning notification of the implementing measures to the European Parliament and a Commission declaration on the matter. As a consequence, the Commission accepts the common position. type: Commission communication on Council's position body: EC
  • date: 2007-09-03T00:00:00 docs: url: title: A6-0308/2007 type: Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading body: EP
  • date: 2007-09-25T00:00:00 docs: url:[%n4]%2F07&DOC_LANCD=EN&ROWSPP=25&NRROWS=500&ORDERBY=DOC_DATE+DESC title: 03656/2007/LEX type: Draft final act body: CSL
  • date: 2011-05-05T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2011)0246 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2011&nu_doc=246 title: EUR-Lex summary: In accordance with Decision No 1150/2007/EC, the Commission presents interim evaluation of the specific Programme "Drug prevention and information" (DPIP) 2007-2013. Based on the findings of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the DPIP's implementation, on its main achievements while taking into account the main challenges, the report provides recommendations concerning the remaining period of implementation. At this stage of the evaluation only very few activities have been completed. Consequently only limited conclusions can be drawn on the effectiveness of the DPI Programme. However, DPIP funded projects have already implemented a variety of activities and produced concrete outputs. The findings of the evaluation indicate that the projects funded are likely to contribute significantly to the objectives of the DPIP, and that both the general and the specific objectives are pertinent to the needs and problems of the target groups. However, the report stresses that the DPIP is not meeting funding needs. The overall financial envelope is EUR 21.350.000 for the implementation of the DPI Programme for the period of 2007 to 2013, provided in yearly equal instalments of EUR 3.050.000 per year. This yearly budget includes appropriations to cover the administrative costs of the programme management amounting to EUR 50.000 per year. In addition to the funding made available in the budget of the EU, the EFTA/EEA states also contribute to the DPIP based on a memorandum of understanding. However, although the maximum project duration was decreased from 3 years to 2 years, the financial envelope for the DPIP does not allow the financing of more than 10 projects a year. The size of the projects in terms of the number of participating organisations is also limited by the available funding. In order to reinforce the programme, so that it can achieve long-lasting results at EU level, there is a need to strengthen its financial resources, with a view to a possible future comprehensive financial instrument in the field of drugs. The findings of the evaluation confirmed that there are no major difficulties hindering the successful implementation of the programme. However, in order to maximise the potential of the DPIP within its existing framework, to strengthen its impact and to optimize the implementation there is a need for certain adjustments. The Commission proposes the following measures to address these: Increased EU dimension and EU added value and impact: in order to gain visibility for the programmes and to ensure that the projects achieve an impact not limited to local or regional level, broader and better elaborated projects with a higher EU added value and sustainability should be favoured. To deliver activities with a broad European dimension, coverage and sustainability, the financing possibilities within the DPIP should be streamlined and the limited available funding should be concentrated on multiannual actions implemented by several partners. To this end the Commission will assess the added value of the operating grants provided for organisations only for one budgetary year which have had limited impact so far. The Commission should further strengthen the synergies between the financial instruments supporting the objectives of the EU Drugs Strategy. The cooperation and communication between programmes should be enhanced (in particular between the Prevention of and Fight Against Crime programme 2007-2013 (ISEC) and the Public Health Programme ) at the level of programming during the formulation of the annual work programmes in order to avoid duplications and to allow potential beneficiaries to target their applications more efficiently. Increased efficiency of management of DPIP: t he lengthy and administratively demanding procedures have been identified as major obstacle to success. It was confirmed that abolishing of the paper-based application process had a positive impact on management, and was perceived positively by the target audience of the DPIP. The new PRIAMOS system has proven its usefulness and showed good potential to become an integrated interface of communication with applicants and beneficiaries. The Commission will take further steps to improve its functionalities and speed in order to facilitate the gradual transfer of the entire grant management process to it. However, although the introduction of the electronic grants management system somewhat simplified the procedure, and freed some resources of the Commission, significant acceleration of the procedure has not been achieved. Elements of the procedure imposed by the Decision (consultation of the Member States and the right of scrutiny of the European Parliament) and the administrative requirements for processing a high number of supporting documents remain a considerable obstacle. The Commission will take measures to reduce the time spent between the publication of the calls for proposals and the actual conclusion of the grant agreement to accelerate the provision of funding. Further consideration should be given to addressing the procedural obligations described above which should also be viewed in the context of the future financial perspectives. Improved dissemination and better use of results: t he evaluation identified certain deficits in relation to the exploitation of the result of the projects financed under the DPIP. It was indicated that making the results centrally available for the public would not only directly contribute to one of the specific objectives of the DPIP but also would allow the generation of better projects. This would help the current and future beneficiaries as well as the Commission to avoid duplications and build on already existing achievements. type: Follow-up document body: EC
  • date: 2017-03-06T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2017)0113 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2017&nu_doc=0113 title: EUR-Lex summary: The Commission presents an ex post evaluation report on the drug prevention and information (DPIP) programme (2007-2013). The main aspects evaluated are: · relevance; · coherence and compatibility; · effectiveness; · sustainability and transferability; · efficiency; · the scope for simplification and EU added value. An independent external evaluator assisted by the Commission’s staff carried out the evaluation. To recall, the programme had the following general objectives: · to prevent and reduce drug use, dependence and drug-related harm; · to contribute to the improvement of information on drug use; · to support the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy. The total budget earmarked for the programme from January 2007 to December 2013 was EUR 22.332 million . Main conclusions: 1) Relevance of the programme: overall, the priorities of the calls for proposals and the selected initiatives were relevant to the objectives of the programme as defined in the legal base. The annual priorities set by the Commission were not only clearly defined, but were also realistic and attainable and addressed the key policy developments in the policy area. Overall, the programme was relevant to the needs of grant beneficiaries. The programme is unique in this area and filled a funding gap at national level . Moreover, the conceptual framework of the programme and its priorities matched the needs of actors working in the area of drug prevention. 2) Coherence and complementarity: complementarity of the DPIP with other EU programmes and interventions was almost fully achieved. Complementarity was reached through mechanisms that the Commission put in place at programme design stage and at the stage of designing calls for proposals. 3) Effectiveness: overall, the DPIP was effective in achieving its general programme objectives, although the impact was somewhat limited by the relatively low budget and number of projects funded. The DPIP contributed to fostering intra-European awareness raising and information on drugs and associated harm, in particular among young people and drug users. At project level, most initiatives achieved their own objectives, in particular thanks to good working relationships with partners and to a clear intervention logic with regard to the target group, objectives, method and activities to implement. 4) Sustainability and dissemination: overall, the dissemination of DPIP results helped increase the impact of the projects on the ground, in particular as a result of the dissemination methods put in place, which helped to reach a wide range of stakeholders (EU and national policy-makers, nongovernmental organisations/civil society organisations, social workers, young people and drug experts). Most initiatives developed a sustainability and/or dissemination plan. However, the extent to which project beneficiaries were effective in securing the sustainability and transferability of project outputs and activities varied substantially . 5) Efficiency: the funding made available for implementing the DPIP may not have been entirely sufficient considering the level of ambition of some of the objectives, the high demand for funding, the high absorption rates of grants and the high numbers of outputs and results achieved. Nevertheless, the funding made available under the DPIP was sufficient for beneficiaries to achieve their own objectives As regards scope of simplification , the level of detail required in the application form has increased from the 2010 call onwards and included the introduction of work streams. This has benefited both the Commission and the applicants. 6) EU added value: the EU added value of the programme lay in the fact that the DPIP enabled organisations based in various Member States to make a difference in the area of drug demand reduction. The partnerships formed within the projects helped promote transnational learning and improve the visibility of the initiatives carried out, as well as helped to identify information in the area of the prevention and fight against drugs. However, the extent of the improvement and contribution, i.e. the EU added value in terms of impacts could not yet be measured. Key recommendations: amongst the main recommendations made by the Commission following the evaluation of the programme are the following: · better define the priorities , in order to ensure that the priorities can be adequately achieved within an earmarked budget; · make realistic assessments of project risks and better risk mitigation strategies, by asking for brief progress reports that identify any potential risks as they arise during the implementation of the project; · increase focus on assessment of impacts at all levels and not merely on outputs, as regards monitoring and evaluation; . · explore ways of enhancing the uptake of project outputs, results and best practices by other organisations, including in other Member States, including more resources for dissemination ; · sharpen the programme's intervention logic . type: Follow-up document body: EC
  • date: 2005-04-06T00:00:00 type: Initial legislative proposal published body: EC docs: url: title: COM(2005)0122 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2005&nu_doc=122 title: EUR-Lex summary: PURPOSE: to present a specific programme ‘Drugs prevention and information’ for the period 2007-2013. PROPOSED ACT: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council. CONTEXT: The Communication establishing a ‘Fundamental Rights and Justice’ Framework Programme forms part of a coherent set of legislative proposals. The purpose of these proposals is to offer support to the development of an area of freedom, security, and justice within the context of the upcoming financial perspective, 2007-2013. For that reason, the European Council in November 2004 adopted what is known as the Hague Programme. Building upon the results of the 1999 Tampere programme, the programme adopted in The Hague presents a new agenda to enable the Union to build upon past achievements as well as being well placed to meet new challenges. It also emphasizes that the creation of a Europe for citizens requires not only the full respect of Fundamental Rights, but, in addition, the active promotion of those rights. The ‘Fundamental Rights and Justice’ Framework Programme has several specific objectives. They are: - To promote the development of a European society based on the European Union citizenship and respectful of the fundamental rights provided for in the Charter of Fundamental Rights; to fight anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia and to strengthen civil society in the field of fundamental rights. - To combat all forms of public or private violence against children, young people and women. - To contribute to the setting-up of an area of freedom, security and justice by providing information on and preventing the use of drugs. - To promote judicial cooperation with the aim of contributing to the creation of a genuine European area of justice in civil and commercial matters. - To promote judicial cooperation with the aim of contributing to the creation of a genuine European area of justice in criminal matters. As these objectives have different legal bases in the Treaties, the programme is composed of several separate legislative instruments. Political coherence will be ensured, as each specific programme reflects the objectives of a policy which, in association with the three others, will allow for the development of European citizenship and a genuine area of Justice. Furthermore, the grouping together of these complementary policy areas under the same Framework programme will not only enhance their overall coherence but will also ensure a better response to citizens’ needs. It will enable new, unexpected problems to be tackled with increased flexibility. A key objective of the ‘Fundamental Rights and Justice’ Framework programme is to simplify and rationalise instruments both in legal and management terms, to streamline the budget structure, to increase coherence and consistency between programmes and to avoid duplication of instruments. It will be managed directly by the Commission. The cost of the Framework Programme for the period 2007-2013 is EUR 543 million. CONTENT: A series of actions are envisaged to be taken under the specific programme "Drugs prevention and information". These include: Specific actions taken by the Commission, such as, studies and research, opinion polls and surveys, formulation of indicators and common methodologies, collection, development and dissemination of data and statistics, seminars, conferences and expert meetings, organisation of public campaigns and events, development and maintenance of websites, preparation and dissemination of information material, support for and management of networks of national experts, analytical, monitoring and evaluation activities; Actions providing financial support for specific projects of Community interest under the conditions set out in the annual work programmes; Actions providing financial support for the activities of non-governmental organisations or other entities under the conditions set our in the annual work programmes; An operating grant to the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children which pursues an aim of general European interest in the field of children’s rights and protection. With respect to the fight against the use of drugs, the main challenges will be the dissemination of information as well as further research resulting into education, prevention and harm-reduction programmes. Not only the reduction of drug demand, but also the reduction of drug supply will be important issues. This is an area in which measures need to be taken in order to stop drug-trafficking and drug-related criminality, in particular when new synthetic drugs or their chemical precursors are involved and to fight money-laundering. Community funding may take the following legal forms: grants and public procurement contracts. Access to this programme shall be open to public or private organisations and institutions such as local authorities, university departments and research centres, working to inform and prevent drugs use. It will also be open to participants from various third countries such as candidate countries, Western Balkans, EFTA countries). The Commission will ensure that, when actions financed under the present Decision are implemented, the financial interests of the Community are protected by the application of preventative measures against fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities, by effective checks and by the recovery of the amounts unduly paid and, if irregularities are detected, by effective, proportional and dissuasive penalties. It will ensure regular, external and independent evaluation of the programme. It will submit to the other institutions an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of the programme not later than 31/03/2011; a Communication on the continuation of the programme not later than 30/08/2012 and an ex-post evaluation report not later than 31/12/2014. It is intended that the programme’s activities cover the period 1 January 2007 – 31 December 2013. This specific programme is complemented by the other specific programmes under the general programme “Fundamental Rights and Justice” in particular the specific programme “Fundamental Rights and Citizenship” that seeks to promote the European Union fundamental rights and values while preserving and respecting the diversity of the culture and traditions of the peoples of Europe. Complementarity will also be sought with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction that has as its main mission to collect and disseminate objective, reliable and comparable information on the phenomenon of drugs and drug addiction in Europe. In order to do so, the Centre works in partnership with non-EU countries as well as with international organisations concerned with this issue. The general programmes “Security and Safeguarding Liberties” and “Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows” will be given special attention as they complement the present programme and synergy with the two will certainly be achieved in particular in the area of fighting against crime be it violence, such as racially-motivated violence and violence related to gender or sexual preference or drugs related crimes. Other programmes may also complement the present programme such “Safer Internet Plus”, “Health programme”, “Injury Protection Programme” the 7th RTD Framework Programme and the “Youth” programme. The specific programme "Drugs prevention and information” falls within the general programme “Fundamental Rights and Justice” and is based on Art. 152 of the Treaty establishing the European Community. Art. 152, which relates to public health, clearly states that the definition and implementation of all Community policies and activities shall ensure a high level of protection of human health. This specific programme will be allocated a budget of EUR 138.2 million for the period 2007-2013. For further information concerning the financial implications of this measure, please refer to the financial statement.
  • date: 2005-06-22T00:00:00 type: Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading body: EP
  • date: 2006-05-24T00:00:00 type: Legislative proposal published body: EC docs: url: title: COM(2006)0230 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2006&nu_doc=230 title: EUR-Lex summary: On 6 April 2005, the Commission published a draft European Parliament and Council decision establishes for the period 2007-2013 the specific programme: "Fight against violence (Daphne), and drugs prevention and information". This specific programme is part of the framework programme "Fundamental rights and justice". The planned allocation for the whole period is EUR 138.2 million (EUR 134.4 million for operational expenditure and EUR 2.8 million for administrative expenditure). Following the inter-institutional agreement on the financial framework 2007-2013, signed on the 17 May 2006, the Commission plans to adopt, on the 24 May, modified proposals regarding the new financial instruments in the field of justice, security and freedom. The amended legislative acts proposed by the Commission are consistent with the annual expenditure ceilings agreed in the new financial framework ( please refer to the financial statement for details of the new expenditure ceilings ). The European Parliament, in particular, and also the European Economic and Social Committee requested the splitting of the two actions. This is a position which appears to be shared by the Council. The Commission previously presented the "Daphne" and "Drugs prevention and information" under a common programme for the following reasons: § the need to rationalise and simplify the financial instruments in the field of justice, freedom and security by reducing their number and increasing their efficiency; § acts of violence and drug addiction have strong links to public health in all Member States; § there is a common legal basis (Article 152 of the TEC concerning EUR health policy). The presentation of the actions concerning "Daphne" and "Drugs prevention and information" together under one single programme has been criticized out of the concern that the Daphne programme, whose importance in fighting violence against women and children should be stressed, might lose visibility, if combined with measures related to drug addiction, under a single instrument. Additionally, splitting the two actions will facilitate a quick decision making process. This change is taking place with no modifications to content, whether the legal basis, explanatory memorandum, recitals, or the articles of the proposals for decision. This split ensures that the two programmes, as well as other financial instruments, are complementary. Concerning the financial resources, the division of the two programmes implies the following breakdown for the period 2007-2013 ( please refer to the financial statement ): Daphne : EUR 114.4 million (operational expenditure); EUR 2.45 million (administrative expenditure); Drugs prevention and Information : EUR 21 million (operational expenditure); EUR 350.000 (administrative expenditure).
  • date: 2006-11-22T00:00:00 type: Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading body: EP
  • date: 2006-12-08T00:00:00 type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading body: EP docs: url: title: A6-0454/2006
  • date: 2006-12-14T00:00:00 type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading body: EP docs: url: title: T6-0579/2006 summary: The European Parliament adopted the resolution drafted by Inger SEGELSTRÖM (PES, SE), with 528 votes for, 16 against and 8 abstentions, and approved the Commission’s proposal on the drugs prevention and intervention programme in first reading, whilst bearing in mind the Council’s views. Parliament approved a series of amendments in plenary session, which sought to clarify the Commission’s proposal. In the consolidated version of the minutes of the session, the following amendments were integrated with the proposal: - the programme must contribute to ensuring a high level of human health protection and to reducing drug-related health damage; - the general objectives of the programme are re-defined: to prevent and reduce drug use, dependence and drug related harms; to contribute to the improvement of information on drug use; to support the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy; - the specific objectives now include supporting measures aimed at preventing drug use, including by addressing reduction of drug related harm and treatment methods considering the latest state of scientific knowledge. The programme will also evaluate the implementation of specific actions under the Drugs Action Plans 2005–2008 and 2009–2012. The European Parliament should be involved in the evaluation process through its participation in the Commission's evaluation steering group; - specific transnational projects of Community interest may now be presented by at least two Member States (and not three, as the Commission had suggested), or at least one Member State and one other state which may either be an acceding or a candidate country under the conditions set out in the annual work programme; - participating countries include the western Balkan countries included in the stabilisation and association process in accordance with the conditions laid down in the association agreements. Projects may associate candidate countries not participating in the programme where this would contribute to their preparation for accession, or other third countries or international organisations not participating in this programme where this serves the aim of the projects; -Parliament specified that with regard to drugs, youth, women, vulnerable groups and problematic neighbourhoods are groups at risk and should be identified as target groups . Other target groups are, inter alia, teachers and educational staff, parents, social workers, local and national authorities, medical and paramedical staff, judicial staff, law enforcement and penitentiary authorities, NGOs, trade unions and religious communities; - access to the programme will be open to public or private organisations and institutions working in the area of information on and prevention of drugs use. Organisations which are profit oriented will have access to grants under the programme only in conjunction with non profit oriented or state organisations; - types of intervention are defined as grants and public procurement contracts. The maximum rate of co-financing will be specified in the annual work programmes; - Parliament clarified implementing procedures, and the distinction between decisions to be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny and decisions to be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure; - complementarity with the methodology and best practices developed by European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction will be assured, in particular with regard to the statistical element of information on drugs; - Parliament insisted on better surveillance by the Commission on all levels of monitoring and on the annual evaluation; - the Commission will lay down guidelines to ensure the visibility of the funding granted under the Decision. It should be noted that the financial envelope for the implementation of the instrument from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013 is EUR 21.35 million. Parliament emphasised in the recitals that: the programme aims at the implementation of targets identified by the EU Drugs Strategy 2005-2012 and EU Drugs Action Plan 2005-2008 and 2009-2012 by supporting projects aiming at prevention of drug use, including by addressing reduction of drug related harm and treatment methods considering the latest scientific knowledge; special attention should be paid to the prevention of drug use among young people and the main challenge in prevention is to encourage young people to adopt healthy lifestyles; complementarity with the technical expertise of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction should be assured by making use of methodology and best practices developed by the Centre and by Centre's involvement in the preparation of the annual work programme.
  • date: 2007-07-23T00:00:00 type: Council position published body: CSL docs: url: title: 08698/4/2007 summary: The Council reached a political agreement on the text of the draft Decision establishing for the period 2007-2013 the Specific Programme "Drug prevention and information" as part of the General Programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice" at its meeting on 19 and 20 April 2007. Following the political agreement and the subsequent agreement reached by the three institutions as regards the outstanding issue of the committee procedure, the Council adopted, by unanimity, its common position on 23 July 2007. Most of the amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 14 December 2006 have been incorporated in the common position which therefore meets the wishes of the European Parliament as expressed by the Parliament and accepted by the Council during the informal contacts leading up to the adoption of the European Parliament's position at first reading. The last outstanding amendment which was not acceptable to the Council concerned the committee procedure . On this issue, it was finally decided to adopt the same approach as the one taken following the European Parliament’s 2nd reading of the specific programme "Civil Justice", in the framework of the General Programme "Fundamental rights and justice" (see summary dated 11 July 2007 of the procedure reference COD/2005/0040 . The agreement reached with respect to the Specific Programme "Civil Justice" has been applied to the "Drug prevention and information" programme. A new recital was therefore inserted in the text of the common position. In addition to that, the Commission will make a declaration in which it undertakes to transmit the necessary information relating to the draft annual work programmes to the European Parliament.
  • date: 2007-09-03T00:00:00 type: Committee referral announced in Parliament, 2nd reading body: EP
  • date: 2007-09-03T00:00:00 type: Vote in committee, 2nd reading body: EP summary: The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs unanimously adopted, at second reading, the report by Inger SEGELSTRÖM (PES, SE) approving the Council common position for adopting a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing for the period 2007-2013 the specific programme "Drug prevention and information" as part of the General programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice". The main point of controversy following first reading had been the Council's reluctance to accept Parliament's amendments on committee procedure (comitology), in particular with regard to deciding on annual priorities. However, the Council decided to apply the agreement reached between the Parliament, the Council and the Commission on comitology in the case of the specific programme "Civil Justice" (see COD/2005/0040 ) to the specific programme "Drugs prevention and information", and amended its draft common position accordingly. As the common position therefore now incorporated an amendment comparable to the one adopted by Parliament on 11 July 2007 with regard to the "Civil Justice" specific programme, the committee proposed to approve the Council common position as soon as possible in order to ensure the timely launch of the specific programme "Drugs prevention and information". In the legislative resolution approving the common position, the committee called for the Commission to confirm its commitment to "transmit directly to the Chair of the competent parliamentary committee (LIBE) the draft annual programme and to inform the European Parliament without delay about any modification being made to it".
  • date: 2007-09-03T00:00:00 type: Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading body: EP docs: url: title: A6-0308/2007
  • date: 2007-09-06T00:00:00 type: Results of vote in Parliament body: EP docs: url: title: Results of vote in Parliament
  • date: 2007-09-06T00:00:00 type: Decision by Parliament, 2nd reading body: EP docs: url: title: T6-0378/2007 summary: The European Parliament adopted the resolution drafted by Inger SEGELSTRÖM (PES, SE) and approved the Council’s common position. In the legislative resolution approving the common position, Parliament drew attention to the statement made by the Commission at the plenary sitting of 6 September 2007, according to which the Commission committed itself, exceptionally, to transmit as swiftly as possible to the Chair of the competent parliamentary committee the draft annual work programmes relating to the specific programme, in addition to sending them via the comitology register. The Commission also made a commitment to inform the European Parliament as soon as possible about any changes made to them following committee meetings of that committee.
  • date: 2007-09-25T00:00:00 type: Final act signed body: CSL
  • date: 2007-09-25T00:00:00 type: End of procedure in Parliament body: EP
  • date: 2007-10-03T00:00:00 type: Final act published in Official Journal summary: PURPOSE: to establish for the period 2007-2013 the Specific Programme " Drug prevention and information " as part of the General Programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice". LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision No 1150/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing for the period 2007-2013 the Specific Programme "Drug prevention and information" as part of the General Programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice". BACKGROUND: the framework programmes in the area of Justice, Freedom and Security, under the new Financial Perspectives 2007-2013 have been established to provide coherent support to an area of freedom, security and justice under the financial perspectives 2007 - 2013. The three key objectives of freedom, security and justice are to be developed in parallel and to the same degree of intensity, thus allowing for a balanced approach, based on the principles of democracy, respect for fundamental rights and freedoms and the rule of law. Each of the three key objectives is supported by a Framework programme underpinning and linking each policy area. This structure represents a major simplification and rationalisation of existing financial support. The three framework programmes are: 1) “Fundamental rights and Justice” which includes 5 specific measures: i) “ Fundamental rights and citizenship ”; ii) “ Civil justice ”. Iii) “ Criminal justice ”; iv) “ Daphne III ”; v) “ Drugs prevention and information ” which is the subject of the present proposal; 2) “Security and safeguarding Liberties” comprising of 2 specific programmes : i) the programme on prevention of terrorism ; ii) the specific programme on the “ Prevention and the fight against crime ”; 3) “Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows” includes 4 specific funds: i) the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals ; ii) External Borders Fund ; iii) Refugee Fund ; iv) Return Fund . Each of these framework programmes have been given an overall financial envelope covering the 2007-2013 period which will be broken between each specific programme, except for the Funds which have individual budgets. The ‘Fundamental Rights and Justice’ Framework Programme has several specific objectives. They are: to promote the development of a European society based on the European Union citizenship and respectful of the fundamental rights provided for in the Charter of Fundamental Rights; to fight anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia and to strengthen civil society in the field of fundamental rights; to combat all forms of public or private violence against children, young people and women; to contribute to the setting-up of an area of freedom, security and justice by providing information on and preventing the use of drugs; to promote judicial cooperation with the aim of contributing to the creation of a genuine European area of justice in civil and commercial matters; to promote judicial cooperation with the aim of contributing to the creation of a genuine European area of justice in criminal matters. It should be noted that initially the Commission had presented the "Daphne" and "Drugs prevention and information" together. However, at the request of the European Parliament, the two programmes were split so as to clarify the objectives and the implementing measures. CONTENT: this Decision establishes the Specific Programme "Drug prevention and information" in order to contribute to ensuring a high level of human health protection and to reducing drug-related health damage. The Programme shall have the following general objectives : a) to prevent and reduce drug use, dependence and drug-related harm; b) to contribute to the improvement of information on drug use; and c) to support the implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy. The Programme shall have the following specific objectives : a) to promote transnational actions to: i) set up multidisciplinary networks; ii) ensure the expansion of the knowledge base, the exchange of information and the identification and dissemination of good practices, including through training, study visits and staff exchange; iii) raise awareness of the health and social problems caused by drug use and to encourage an open dialogue with a view to promoting a better understanding of the phenomenon of drugs; and iv) support measures aimed at preventing drug use, including by addressing reduction of drug-related harm and treatment methods taking into account the latest state of scientific knowledge; b) to involve civil society in the implementation and development of the EU Drugs Strategy and EU Action plans; and c) to monitor, implement and evaluate the implementation of specific actions under the Drugs Action Plans 2005 to 2008 and 2009 to 2012. The European Parliament is involved in the evaluation process through its participation in the Commission’s evaluation steering group. Eligible actions : with a view to pursuing the general and specific objectives, the Programme shall support the following types of action under the conditions set out in the annual work programme: · specific actions taken by the Commission , such as studies and research, opinion polls and surveys, formulation of indicators and common methodologies, collection, development and dissemination of data and statistics, seminars, conferences and experts' meetings, organisation of public campaigns and events, development and maintenance of websites, preparation and dissemination of information materials, support to and animation of networks of national experts, analytical, monitoring and evaluation activities; · specific transnational projects of Community interest presented by at least two Member States, or at least one Member State and one other state which may either be an acceding or a candidate country under the conditions set out in the annual work programme; or · the activities of non-governmental organisations or other entities pursuing an aim of general European interest regarding the general objectives of the Programme under the conditions set out in the annual work programme. Target groups : the Programme is targeted at all groups that directly or indirectly deal with the phenomenon of drugs. With regard to drugs, youth, women, vulnerable groups and people living in socially disadvantaged areas are groups at risk and shall be identified as target groups. Other target groups include teachers and educational staff, parents, social workers, local and national authorities, medical and paramedical staff, judicial staff, law enforcement and penitentiary authorities, non-governmental organisations, trade unions and religious communities. Access to the Programme : this shall be open to public or private organisations and institutions (local authorities at the relevant level, university departments and research centres) working in the area of information on and prevention of drug use including the reduction and treatment of drug-related harm. The following countries may participate in the actions of the Programme: (a) the EFTA States which are party to the EEA Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of that Agreement; and (b) the candidate countries and the western Balkan countries included in the stabilisation and association process in accordance with the conditions laid down in the association agreements or their additional protocols relating to participation in Community programmes concluded or to be concluded with those countries. Candidate countries not participating in the Programme may be associated with projects where this would contribute to their preparation for accession, as may other third countries or international organisations not participating in the Programme where this serves the aim of the projects. Implementing measures : the Commission shall implement the Community financial support in accordance with the Financial Regulation. To implement the Programme, the Commission shall, within the limits of the general objectives, adopt an annual work programme taking into account the technical expertise of the Centre. The Programme shall set out the specific objectives, thematic priorities, a description of accompanying measures and, if necessary, a list of other actions. Complementarity with other instruments : synergies and complementarity shall be sought with other Community instruments, in particular with the General Programme ‘Security and Safeguarding Liberties’, the 7 th Research and Development Framework Programme and the Community Programme on Public Health. Complementarity with the methodology and best practices developed by the Centre shall be assured, in particular with regard to the statistical element of information on drugs. Operations financed under this Decision shall not receive financial support for the same purpose from other Community financial instruments. The Commission shall require that the beneficiaries of the Programme provide the Commission with information about financing received from the general budget of the European Union and from other sources, as well as information about ongoing applications for financing. Budgetary resources : the financial envelope for the implementation of this Decision from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2013 shall be EUR 21 350 000 . Evaluation : the Commission shall provide the European Parliament and the Council with: an annual presentation on the implementation of the Programme; an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of the Programme not later than 31 March 2011; a Communication on the continuation of the Programme not later than 30 August 2012; and an ex-post evaluation report not later than 31 December 2014. ENTRY INTO FORCE: 23 October 2007. The Programme applies from 1 January 2007. docs: title: Decision 2007/1150 url:!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&lg=EN&numdoc=32007D1150 title: OJ L 257 03.10.2007, p. 0023 url:
National parliaments
European Commission
General programme "Fundamental Rights and Justice": specific programme "Drugs prevention and information", 2007-2013
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 152
Procedure completed