Progress: Procedure completed
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RoP 136_Subjects
The European Parliament adopted a Declaration on diabetes. Diabetes is a serious chronic and progressive condition affecting over 25 million people in the EU, with an expected increase of 16% by 2025. The serious and costly complications of diabetes include cardiovascular disease and stroke, kidney failure, amputations and blindness. It is estimated that there are some 60 000 000 people in Europe at risk of developing pre-diabetes.
Under these circumstances, Parliament felt that an EU diabetes strategy would help contain public health expenditure in EU Member States, bearing in mind that diabetes complications represent 5% to 10% of total healthcare spending.
Parliament welcomed the initiative of the Austrian EU Presidency (2006) on diabetes, which prioritised Type 2 diabetes.
It called on the Commission and Council to:
- prioritise diabetes in the EU’s new health strategy as a major disease representing a significant burden across the EU;
- encourage Member States to establish national diabetes plans;
- develop an EU diabetes strategy and draft a Council Recommendation for Diabetes Prevention, Diagnosis and Control;
- develop a strategy to encourage the consumption and production of healthy food.
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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Rules of Procedure EP 136
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Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 136
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DCE - Written declarationNew
DCE - Written declaration (historic) |
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