Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | TRAN | KIRKHOPE Timothy ( PPE-DE) | |
Committee Opinion | LIBE | BRADBOURN Philip ( PPE-DE) | |
Committee Opinion | IMCO | BULFON Wolfgang ( PSE) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 071, EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 080-p2
Legal Basis:
EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 071, EC Treaty (after Amsterdam) EC 080-p2Events
PURPOSE: to modernise and simplify the Code of Conduct for Computerised Reservation Systems (CRS) and to reinforce competition between CRS providers.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Regulation (EC) No 80/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Code of Conduct for computerised reservation systems and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 2299/89.
CONTENT: having reached agreement with the Parliament at first reading, the Council adopted a Regulation introducing a code of conduct for computerised reservation systems.
The code of conduct for computerised reservation systems was established in 1989 (Regulation No 2299/89), at a time when airline ticket reservations were generally made using computerised reservation systems most of which were operated and controlled by air carriers.
The Regulation is intended to simplify the existing code of conduct and strengthen competition between suppliers of computerised reservation systems. It shall apply to: (i) any CRS, in so far as it contains air-transport products, when offered for use or used in the Community; (ii) rail-transport products, which are incorporated alongside air-transport products into the principal display of a CRS when offered for use or used in the Community.
At the same time, basic safeguards against potential competitive abuses should be maintained, to ensure the provision of neutral information to consumers. The Regulation also ensures that rail services which are integrated into an air transport computerised reservation system are given a non-discriminatory treatment in that system.
In terms of displays , the Regulation stipulates that a system vendor shall provide a principal display or displays for each individual transaction through its CRS and shall include therein the data provided by participating carriers in a neutral and comprehensive manner and without discrimination or bias . Criteria to be used for ranking shall not be based on any factor directly or indirectly relating to carrier identity and shall be applied on a non-discriminatory basis to all participating carriers. The principal display(s) shall not mislead the user and shall be easily accessible.
Moreover, flights operated by air carriers subject to an operating ban pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 2111/2005 on the establishment of a Community list of air carriers subject to an operating ban within the Community and on informing air transport passengers of the identity of the operating air carrier must be clearly and specifically identified in the display. To this end, the system vendor shall introduce a specific symbol in the CRS display which shall be identifiable by the users.
Where prices are shown in the principal display, and/or where a ranking based on prices is chosen, prices shall be inclusive of the fares and of all applicable taxes, charges, surcharges and fees to be paid to the air carrier or rail-transport operator, and which are unavoidable and foreseeable at the time when shown on the display. Flights involving stops en route must be clearly identified.
Furthermore, where travel options are ranked, and where train services for the same city-pair are offered on the CRS, at least the best ranked train service or air-rail service shall be featured on the first screen of the principal display.
The Commission may require all system vendors operating in the Community to treat air carriers of that third country in a manner that is equivalent to the treatment of Community air carriers in that third country. The Commission shall monitor the application of the discriminatory or non-equivalent treatment of Community air carriers by system vendors in third countries.
At the request of a Member State or on its own initiative, the Commission shall investigate potential cases of discrimination against Community air carriers in CRSs of third countries. Where such discrimination is found, before taking a decision, the Commission shall inform the Member States and interested parties and seek their comments.
The Commission shall, on a regular basis, monitor the application of this Regulation , if necessary with the assistance of specific audits. It shall, in particular, examine the effectiveness of this Regulation in ensuring non-discrimination and fair competition in the market for CRS services.
The Commission shall, when appropriate, report to the European Parliament and to the Council with regards to equivalent treatment in third countries and shall propose any appropriate measure in order to alleviate discriminatory conditions.
By 29 March 2013, the Commission shall draw up a report on the application of this Regulation which shall assess the need to maintain, amend or repeal this Regulation.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 29/03/2009.
The European Parliament adopted by 496 votes to 103, with 23 abstentions, a legislative resolution amending the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Code of Conduct for computerised reservation systems. The report had been tabled for consideration in plenary by Timothy KIRKHOPE (EPP-ED, UK) on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism.
The main amendments - adopted under the 1st reading of codecision procedure - were the result of a compromise agreement between Parliament and Council:
Definitions of parent carrier, control and participation in the capital : carriers who are the parent of a CRS must provide all the same information to other CRSs as they do to their own CRS. The text adopted by Parliament revises the key definitions of 'parent carrier' and 'control' to limit the influence of airlines over CRSs, but also to make an exception for accidental investments not conferring ownership rights in the CRS. The definition of "parent carrier" is extended to ensure the influence of carriers as a consequence of capital holdings in system vendors is duly taken into account.
Parliament further stated that there must be an exception for accidental investments not conferring 'decisive influence' in the running of the CRS. Accordingly, parent carriers who participate in the capital with rights or representation on the board of directors, supervisory board or any other governing body of a system vendor are carriers with an investment to which are attached rights or representation on the board of directors, supervisory board or any other governing body of a system vendor, and conferring the possibility of exercising, alone or jointly with others, decisive influence on the running of the business of the system vendor.
A system vendor shall publicly disclose, unless this is otherwise made public, the existence and extent of a direct or indirect capital holding of an air carrier or rail-transport operator in a system vendor, or of a system vendor in an air carrier or rail-transport operator.
Displays: flights operated by air carriers subject to an operating ban pursuant to Regulation (EC) No°2111/2005 on the establishment of a Community list of air carriers subject to an operating ban within the Community must be clearly and specifically identified in the display.
Equivalent treatment in third countries: the Commission shall monitor the application of the discriminatory or non-equivalent treatment of Community air carriers by system vendors in third countries. At the request of a Member State or on its own initiative, the Commission shall investigate potential cases of discrimination against Community carriers in CRSs of third countries. The Commission shall, when appropriate, report to the Parliament and to the Council with regards to equivalent treatment in third countries and shall propose any appropriate measure in order to alleviate discriminatory conditions, including the conclusion or modification of bilateral air transport agreements between the Community and third countries.
Data Tapes and Data protection : MEPs say that where a system vendor operates databases in different capacities such as a CRS or as a host for airlines, technical and organisational measures must be taken to prevent the circumvention of data protection rules through the interconnection between the databases, and to ensure that personal data are only accessible for the specific purpose for which they were collected.
Independent report: every system vendor shall, every four years and, in addition, upon request from the Commission, submit an independently audited report detailing the ownership structure and governance model. Costs related to the audited report shall be borne by the system vendor.
Price is inclusive price : where prices are shown in the principal display, and/or where a ranking based on prices is chosen, prices shall be inclusive of the fares and of all applicable taxes, charges, surcharges and fees to be paid to the air carrier or rail-transport operator, and which are unavoidable and foreseeable at the time when shown on the display.
Train options : where travel options are ranked and where train services for the same city-pair are offered on the CRS, at least the best ranked train service or air-rail service shall be featured on the first screen of the principle display.
CO2 emissions : a new recital states that CRS should be encouraged to provide in the future easily understandable information about CO 2 emissions and fuel consumption of the flight. This could be shown via average fuel consumption data per person in litre/100km and average CO 2 emissions per person in g/km, and could be compared with data of the best alternative train/bus connection for journeys of less than five hours.
The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted a report drafted by Timothy KIRKHOPE (EPP-ED, UK) and made several amendments, in the 1st reading of codecision, to the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Code of Conduct for computerised reservation systems.
The main amendments are as follows :
Definitions of parent carrier, control and participation in the capital : carriers who are the parent of a CRS must provide all the same information to other CRSs as they do to their own CRS. The text adopted by the committee revises the key definitions of 'parent carrier' and 'control' to limit the influence of airlines over CRSs, but also to make an exception for accidental investments not conferring ownership rights in the CRS. The definition of "parent carrier" is extended to ensure the influence of carriers as a consequence of capital holdings in system vendors is duly taken into account. The committee considers that it is legitimate to conclude that the benefits airlines expect from owning CRSs have more to do with "competition" gains rather than with costs. The risk of abuse is particularly high when a dominant airline participates in a dominant CRS. It would be hard to indicate a threshold over which the risk of discrimination may be presumed. Parent carriers should not have undue influence on the CRS provider. Therefore stricter rules in regards to parent carriers are required to ensure fairness and transparency.
The committee also specifies that a simple economic investment in a CRS should not define an airline or rail operator as a "parent carrier". Only if such an investment is coupled with the acquisition of ownership rights shall an airline or rail operator be considered a "parent carrier". This means that instances of accidental investment which do not confer the possibility of influence over the running of the system vendor, are taken into account.
Investigation of discriminatory treatment : the Commission shall monitor the application of the discriminatory or non-equivalent treatment of Community air carriers by system vendors in third countries. At the request of a Member State or on its own initiative, the Commission shall investigate potential cases of discrimination against EU carriers in CRSs of third countries. Where such discrimination is found, before taking a decision, the Commission shall inform the Member States and interested parties and seek their comments, including by holding a meeting of relevant experts from the Member States.
Marketing Information Data Tapes and Data protection : MEPs voted to allow airlines to make agreements with travel agents to use the agents' booking and sales data for their core operations such as sales and marketing.
Members added a clause stating that a competing CRS may not refuse to store data concerning timetables, fares and available seats in respect of transport services offered by a carrier associated with other CRSs under the same conditions as those accorded to its other customers and subscribers on any of the markets.
On personal data , the committee stated that personal data collected in the course of the activities of a CRS for the purpose of making reservations or issuing tickets for transport products shall only be processed in a way compatible with these purposes. The CRS shall separate personal data required for PNR or for commercial use as defined in the 'mixed data notion' from any other information about passengers available in the system. Such personal data must not be made available to other entities unless the person or organisation concerned agrees explicitly in written form.
Audit: Members inserted a new clause on audit. Any system vendor in which an air carrier or a rail-transport operator participates in its capital shall, on a three-yearly basis and, in addition, upon request from the Commission, submit an independently audited report detailing its ownership structure and governance model. Costs related to the audited report shall be borne by the system vendor.
A price is an inclusive price : the price shown in the principal display of the CRS should effectively be the price the customer pays. Members state that where prices are shown in the principal display, and/or where a ranking based on prices is chosen, prices shall be inclusive of the fares and of all applicable taxes, charges, surcharges and fees to be paid to the air carrier or rail-transport operator, and which are unavoidable and foreseeable at the time when shown on the display.
Train options for short flights : for air journeys of up to 90 minutes, the committee voted to include a requirement that where travel options are ranked, the best ranked alternative train services, including connecting services, must be featured on the first screen of the principal display. Where travel options serving the same departure and arrival cities are offered with connecting flights or the combination of scheduled air and rail services on the CRS, at least the best ranked option by scheduled air and rail service shall be featured on the first screen of the principle display.
Report : the Commission shall report to the Parliament and to the Council on a biannual basis with a report on the application of Article 8 with regards to equivalent treatment in third countries and shall propose any appropriate measure in order to alleviate discriminatory conditions, including the conclusion or modification of bilateral air transport agreements between the EC and third countries.
CO2 emissions : a new recital states that CRS should in future contain easily understandable information about the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of the flight. This could be shown via average fuel consumption data per person/litre/100km and average CO2 emissions per person/g/km, and could be compared with data of the best alternative train/bus connection for journeys of less then five hours.
OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN DATA PROTECTION SUPERVISOR on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a code of conduct for computerised reservation systems .
The aforementioned was sent by the Commission to the EDPS for consultation and was received on 20 November 2007. The proposal concerns the processing of passenger data by computerised reservation systems (CRSs) and is closely related to other schemes of collection and use of passenger data, within the EU or in relation with third countries. The objective of the proposal is to update the provisions of the code of conduct for CRSs. The code appears to be increasingly ill-adapted to the new market conditions, and would need simplification in order to reinforce competition - while maintaining basic safeguards, and ensuring the provision of neutral information to consumers.
The EDPS welcomes the inclusion in the proposal of data protection principles that specify the provisions of Directive 95/46/EC. These provisions enhance legal certainty, and could usefully be complemented by additional safeguards on three points: (i) ensuring the fully informed consent of data subjects for the processing of sensitive data; (ii) providing for security measures taking into account the different services offered by CRSs; and (iii) the protection of marketing information.
With regard to the scope of application of the proposal, the criteria that make the proposal applicable to CRSs established in third countries raise the question of its practical application, in a coherent way with the application of the lex generalis , i.e. Directive 95/46/EC. To ensure the effective implementation of the proposal, the EDPS considers that there is a need for a clear and comprehensive view on the whole CRSs problematic, taking into account the complexity of the CRS network and the conditions of access by third parties to personal data processed by CRSs.
Even if these issues go beyond the concrete provisions of the proposal, it is nevertheless deemed as essential to put the CRS question in its global context and to be aware of the implications and the challenges of having such a large amount of personal data, some of them sensitive, processed in a global network practically accessible to third State authorities. It is therefore decisive that effective compliance is ensured, not only with regard to competition aspects of the proposal but with regard to data protection principles, by authorities competent for enforcement, i.e. the Commission, as foreseen in the proposal, and Data Protection Authorities.
The Council reached a general approach on a proposal for a regulation on a code of conduct for computerised reservation systems
The text agreed by the Council does not modify the substance of the Commission's proposal. The modifications made by the Council improve and clarify the Commission proposal, particularly as regards provisions on rules applicable to principal displays.
The proposal will replace Regulation No 2299/89 as amended by Regulations No 3089/93 and No 323/99.
The European Parliament is expected to adopt its first-reading opinion in July or September 2008.
PURPOSE: to simplify the Code of Conduct for Computerised Reservation Systems.
PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
BACKGROUND: in 1989 the Community adopted Regulation (EEC) No 2299/89 on the Code of Conduct for Computerised Reservation Systems (CRS) at a time when the vast majority of airline bookings were made through CRS and most of the CRS’s were owned and controlled by airlines. The Code was establishing in order to improve transparency and to prevent discriminatory behaviour both by the system vendors themselves and by airlines – especially parent carriers of CRSs. At the time the Code of Conduct proved successful in preventing abuses of market power. Since 1989, however, significant market developments have taken place including the rise of alternative booking channels. Many airlines have now divested their CRS ownership. Three of the four CRSs no longer have any airline ownership, while three airliners hold minority shareholdings in the fourth one. Further, consumers now have access to a multiplicity of information and booking channels for airport services (internet/call centres). Indeed, around 40% of all airline tickets in the EU are now booked via alternative channels and about 60% via travel agents and CRSs. These developments have rendered the 1989 Code of Conduct increasingly ill-adapted to market conditions. It is hindering competition and contributing to higher than necessary costs.
CONTENT: the purpose of this proposal, therefore, is to significantly simplify the Code of Conduct and to reinforce competition between CRS providers while maintaining basic safeguards against potential competitive abuses – especially in the case of close links between CRSs and airlines and to ensure the provision of neutral information to consumers. Under the terms of the proposal, this new Regulation would repeal and replace Regulation (EEC) 2299/89. The main provisions being proposed, in summary, are as follows:
Partial de-regulation of the CRS market: the Code of Conduct will be amended in order to adapt it to today’s market context and the development of alternative distribution channels in particular. It will also seek to reinforce competition between the CRS providers by giving more flexibility to CRS’s and airlines. This will allow CRSs to compete more effectively with the alternative distribution channels – both in terms of privacy and in terms of services offered. Simplifying the Code will increase the negotiating freedom of market participants. Thus, airlines and CRS system vendors will be free to negotiate over the booking fees charged by the CRS and the fare content delivered by the airlines. Current restriction regarding fare content, access to the distribution facilities and booking fees will be lifted. Some safeguards will still, nevertheless, remain.
Safeguards: these have been designed to protect against possible competitive abuses, especially in the case of the close links between CRSs and transport services providers. The following provisions will be maintained to protect against competitive abuses:
Safeguards that protect the neutral advice of travel agents and that prohibit system vendors to attach exclusivity conditions to their contracts with the travel agents. Further, system vendors will be prohibited from identifying travel agents in the Marketing Information Data Tapes (MIDT). This will ensure that airlines do use the data to pressure travel agents into reducing their bookings on rival airlines. System vendors will be obliged to separate clearly the CRS system from any airline’s internal reservation system to avoid a parent carrier from having privileged access to the CRS system. System vendors will be prohibited from reserving any distribution facility to their parent carriers in order to avoid competitive advantages of partner carriers over the other participating carriers. System vendors will be obliged to provide neutral and non-discriminatory displays in order to ensure neutral information for consumers and in order to avoid any screen bias in favour of specific airlines. System vendors will be obliged to provide Marketing Information Data Tapes (MIDT) on a non-discriminatory basis. Parent carriers will be obliged to provide a CRS, other than its own, with the same information on its transport services or to accept bookings from a CRS other than its own. Parent carriers will be prohibited from linking incentives or disincentives to the use of a specific CRS in order to avoid systematic preference of the “own” CRS. The Commission will be allowed to take measures that guarantee the equal treatment of EU airlines with regard to the CRS system in third countries. Personal data provisions will complement those of Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Rail services:
The Code of Conduct will also apply to rail services that have been integrated into an air transport CRS. It will not, however, apply to “rail only” systems. The Code will ensure that rail services are non-discriminated against in the CRS. By establishing pricing freedom with regard to booking fees, the proposal allows rail companies to negotiate booking fees which are better adapted to the value of third tickets and hence create an incentive for rail companies to offer their services on the CRS systems too. Provisions concerning parent carriers will continue to apply to rail services.
This Commission impact assessment concerns the revision of the Code of Conduct for computerised reservation systems (CRSs).
The report states that Computerised Reservation Systems (CRSs) provide subscribers with instantaneous information about the availability of air transport services and the fares for such services. They permit travel agents, whether brick-and-mortar or on-line, to make immediate confirmed reservations on behalf of the consumer. There are currently four major CRS providers active on the European market: Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo and Worldspan (the two latter are currently merging).
The Code of Conduct for Computerised Reservation Systems was first established in 1989 with the adoption of Regulation 2299/89. At that time, the vast majority of airline bookings were made through CRSs. For air travel, consumers could practically only rely on one single information and distribution channel, the one constituted by CRSs and travel agents. In addition, most CRSs were owned and controlled by airlines. This combination of facts created particular risks of competitive abuse for which general competition rules were not sufficient and for which specific ad hoc rules in the form of a Code of Conduct were necessary. Given the complex and multi-national character of the CRS services and its support for the single aviation market, regulation on EU level has a value-added in this sector.
Changes in CRS technology and economics are gradually eroding the key features of the competitive landscape for which the Code of Conduct was designed. First, many airlines have divested their CRS ownership. Three of the four CRSs (Galileo, Worldspan and Sabre) no longer have any airline ownership, and three airlines only hold a minority share in Amadeus. Second, thanks to the development of alternative distribution channels, such as the airlines' Internet websites or their call centres, consumers have nowadays access to a multiplicity of information and booking channels for air transport services. About 40% of all airline tickets in the EU are booked via alternative channels and about 60% via travel agents and CRSs.
The Code of Conduct is increasingly ill-adapted to the changed market conditions and is creating economic inefficiencies: the Code's provisions increase the cost of CRS services (they represent on average about EUR 10 per return ticket) and restrict the CRSs' flexibility to adapt their services to the specific needs of the airlines and the travel agents. Most importantly, the Code’s non-discrimination requirement for booking fees stifles price competition, and the prohibition for airlines to differentiate content between CRSs significantly restricts their negotiating freedom. The ensuing lack of competition leads to higher CRS booking fees and creates a system of economic rents in favour of CRSs and travel agents, at the expense of airlines and their passengers.
Higher than necessary booking fees incite airlines to distribute an increasing share of their tickets via alternative distribution channels such as their own Internet websites, which are less costly and technically more flexible. Many low-cost airlines do not use the services of the CRSs at all and hence are not offered by many travel agents. Furthermore, as CRS markets in other parts of the world have been deregulated, it is necessary to ensure that airlines and CRS providers from within and outside the EU compete on a level-playing field.
The public consultation has shown that most stakeholders are in favour of revising the Code of Conduct to adapt it to the present day conditions, but to keep key provisions ensuring the provision of neutral information to subscribers and safeguards against potential abuses in the presence of close links between air carriers and CRS providers.
This report, in the form of an impact assessment, highlights two options for revision - partial and full deregulation. The first option – partial deregulation – has been further sub-divided in three sub-options that differ with regard to the safeguard measures in case of close links between airlines and CRSs. All the options aim to increase the scope for competition in the CRS market.
PURPOSE: to simplify the Code of Conduct for Computerised Reservation Systems.
PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
BACKGROUND: in 1989 the Community adopted Regulation (EEC) No 2299/89 on the Code of Conduct for Computerised Reservation Systems (CRS) at a time when the vast majority of airline bookings were made through CRS and most of the CRS’s were owned and controlled by airlines. The Code was establishing in order to improve transparency and to prevent discriminatory behaviour both by the system vendors themselves and by airlines – especially parent carriers of CRSs. At the time the Code of Conduct proved successful in preventing abuses of market power. Since 1989, however, significant market developments have taken place including the rise of alternative booking channels. Many airlines have now divested their CRS ownership. Three of the four CRSs no longer have any airline ownership, while three airliners hold minority shareholdings in the fourth one. Further, consumers now have access to a multiplicity of information and booking channels for airport services (internet/call centres). Indeed, around 40% of all airline tickets in the EU are now booked via alternative channels and about 60% via travel agents and CRSs. These developments have rendered the 1989 Code of Conduct increasingly ill-adapted to market conditions. It is hindering competition and contributing to higher than necessary costs.
CONTENT: the purpose of this proposal, therefore, is to significantly simplify the Code of Conduct and to reinforce competition between CRS providers while maintaining basic safeguards against potential competitive abuses – especially in the case of close links between CRSs and airlines and to ensure the provision of neutral information to consumers. Under the terms of the proposal, this new Regulation would repeal and replace Regulation (EEC) 2299/89. The main provisions being proposed, in summary, are as follows:
Partial de-regulation of the CRS market: the Code of Conduct will be amended in order to adapt it to today’s market context and the development of alternative distribution channels in particular. It will also seek to reinforce competition between the CRS providers by giving more flexibility to CRS’s and airlines. This will allow CRSs to compete more effectively with the alternative distribution channels – both in terms of privacy and in terms of services offered. Simplifying the Code will increase the negotiating freedom of market participants. Thus, airlines and CRS system vendors will be free to negotiate over the booking fees charged by the CRS and the fare content delivered by the airlines. Current restriction regarding fare content, access to the distribution facilities and booking fees will be lifted. Some safeguards will still, nevertheless, remain.
Safeguards: these have been designed to protect against possible competitive abuses, especially in the case of the close links between CRSs and transport services providers. The following provisions will be maintained to protect against competitive abuses:
Safeguards that protect the neutral advice of travel agents and that prohibit system vendors to attach exclusivity conditions to their contracts with the travel agents. Further, system vendors will be prohibited from identifying travel agents in the Marketing Information Data Tapes (MIDT). This will ensure that airlines do use the data to pressure travel agents into reducing their bookings on rival airlines. System vendors will be obliged to separate clearly the CRS system from any airline’s internal reservation system to avoid a parent carrier from having privileged access to the CRS system. System vendors will be prohibited from reserving any distribution facility to their parent carriers in order to avoid competitive advantages of partner carriers over the other participating carriers. System vendors will be obliged to provide neutral and non-discriminatory displays in order to ensure neutral information for consumers and in order to avoid any screen bias in favour of specific airlines. System vendors will be obliged to provide Marketing Information Data Tapes (MIDT) on a non-discriminatory basis. Parent carriers will be obliged to provide a CRS, other than its own, with the same information on its transport services or to accept bookings from a CRS other than its own. Parent carriers will be prohibited from linking incentives or disincentives to the use of a specific CRS in order to avoid systematic preference of the “own” CRS. The Commission will be allowed to take measures that guarantee the equal treatment of EU airlines with regard to the CRS system in third countries. Personal data provisions will complement those of Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Rail services:
The Code of Conduct will also apply to rail services that have been integrated into an air transport CRS. It will not, however, apply to “rail only” systems. The Code will ensure that rail services are non-discriminated against in the CRS. By establishing pricing freedom with regard to booking fees, the proposal allows rail companies to negotiate booking fees which are better adapted to the value of third tickets and hence create an incentive for rail companies to offer their services on the CRS systems too. Provisions concerning parent carriers will continue to apply to rail services.
- Final act published in Official Journal: Regulation 2009/80
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 035 04.02.2009, p. 0047
- Draft final act: 03675/2008/LEX
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2008)6073
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament, 1st reading: T6-0402/2008
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0248/2008
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A6-0248/2008
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES0985/2008
- Committee opinion: PE404.772
- Committee opinion: PE404.571
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE405.739
- Document attached to the procedure: 52008XX0911(01)
- Document attached to the procedure: OJ C 233 11.09.2008, p. 0001
- Debate in Council: 2861
- Committee draft report: PE402.929
- Legislative proposal: COM(2007)0709
- Legislative proposal: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2007)1496
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2007)0709
- Legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2007)1497
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2007)1497 EUR-Lex
- Legislative proposal: COM(2007)0709 EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SEC(2007)1496 EUR-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE402.929
- Document attached to the procedure: 52008XX0911(01) OJ C 233 11.09.2008, p. 0001
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE405.739
- Committee opinion: PE404.571
- Committee opinion: PE404.772
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES0985/2008
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A6-0248/2008
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2008)6073
- Draft final act: 03675/2008/LEX
Plenary Speeches (6)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
- David MARTIN
Plenary Speeches (4)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- Athanasios PAFILIS
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- Silvia-Adriana ȚICĂU
Plenary Speeches (4)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
- Hélène GOUDIN
Plenary Speeches (3)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
Plenary Speeches (3)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- Czesław Adam SIEKIERSKI
Plenary Speeches (3)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
- Andrzej Jan SZEJNA
Plenary Speeches (3)
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
Plenary Speeches (3)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
Plenary Speeches (2)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
Plenary Speeches (2)
- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
Plenary Speeches (2)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- Mechtild ROTHE
Plenary Speeches (2)
- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
Plenary Speeches (2)
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- Slavi BINEV
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- Małgorzata HANDZLIK
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
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- Anne E. JENSEN
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
- Timothy KIRKHOPE
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
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- Miroslav MIKOLÁŠIK
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- Lambert van NISTELROOIJ
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
- Siiri OVIIR
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
- Tokia SAÏFI
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- Toomas SAVI
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- Margaritis SCHINAS
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
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- Marek SIWIEC
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
- Timothy Charles Ayrton TANNOCK
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
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- 2016/11/22 European ports policy (debate)
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- 2016/11/22 Explanations of vote
Rapport Kirkhope A6-0248/2008 - résolution #
Amendments | Dossier |
142 |
5 amendments...
Amendment 5 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 13 a (new) (13a) Where the services are offered on EU territory, Article 11(4) shall apply irrespective of the CRS’s geographical location.
Amendment 6 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 13 b (new) (13b) Personal data shall be processed in the course of the activities of a CRS exclusively for the purpose of making reservations or issuing tickets for transport products. The competent police authorities in Member States or third countries shall not have access to personal data in the CRS.
Amendment 7 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11, paragraph 3 3. Where special categories of data referred to under Article 8 of Directive 95/46/EC are involved, such data shall only be processed where the data subject has given his explicit and informed consent to the processing of those data.
Amendment 8 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11, paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. The transfer of data to third countries shall be allowed only for billing-dispute reasons and only in accordance with Article 25 of Directive 95/46/EC.
Amendment 9 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11, paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. The data-processing security provisions in Directive 95/46/EC shall apply; they may be supplemented in order to lay down specific security provisions for the data processed by the CRS. Appropriate security measures shall accordingly be taken to ensure that the different types of data in the CRS are processed separately, each according to its function.
source: PE-404.767
122 amendments...
Amendment 100 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 2 2. The par
Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 2 2. The parent carrier shall not be obliged to accept any costs in this connection except for reproduction of the data to be provided and for accepted bookings. The booking fee payable to a CRS for an accepted booking made in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article shall not exceed the fee charged by the same CRS
Amendment 102 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 3 3. A par
Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 3 3. A par
Amendment 104 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 3 3. A par
Amendment 105 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 3 3. A parent carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly discriminate in favour of its own CRS by linking the use of any specific CRS by a subscriber with the receipt of any
Amendment 106 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 3 3. A parent carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly
Amendment 107 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 4 4. A parent carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly require use of any specific distribution channel or any specific CRS by a subscriber for sale or issue of tickets for any transport products provided either directly or indirectly by itself.
Amendment 108 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 4 4. A parent carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly discriminate in favour of its own CRS by requir
Amendment 109 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 4 4. A parent carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly require use of
Amendment 110 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. A participating carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly link the use of any distribution channel, including another CRS, with any incentive compared to the use of a CRS, for the sale of its transport products.
Amendment 111 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. A participating carrier shall neither directly nor indirectly link the use of any distribution channel, including another CRS, with any incentive compared to the use of a CRS, for the sale of its transport products.
Amendment 112 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Any discrimination with regard to distribution modes/channels has to be avoided. Carriers and CRSs shall offer the same prices to online-booking on airline websites and travel agencies.
Amendment 113 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 4 Amendment 114 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 4 Amendment 115 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 a (new) Air carriers may not own shares in CRS. Air carriers owning shares at the time of the entry into force of this regulation shall be obliged to dispose of them fully within three years of that date.
Amendment 116 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 - paragraph 1 1. Personal data shall be processed in the course of the activities of a CRS exclusively for the purpose of making reservations or issuing tickets for transport products. With regard to the processing of such data, a CRS shall be considered as a data controller in accordance with Article 2(d) of Directive 95/46/EC. The CRS shall separate personal data required for PNR or for commercial use as defined with the 'mixed data notion' from any other information about passengers available in the system. Such personal data must not be made available to other entities unless the person or organisation concerned agrees on explicitly in written form.
Amendment 117 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 - paragraph 1 1. Personal data shall be processed in the course of the activities of a CRS
Amendment 118 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 - paragraph 1 1. Personal data
Amendment 119 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 - paragraph 3 Amendment 120 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 - paragraph 3 3. Where special categories of data referred to under Article 8 of Directive 95/46/EC are involved, such data shall only be processed where the data subject has given his explicit consent to the processing of
Amendment 121 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 - paragraph 3 3. Where special categories of data referred to under Article 8 of Directive 95/46/EC are involved, such data shall only be processed where the data subject has given his explicit consent to the processing of those data on an informed basis.
Amendment 122 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 - paragraph 8 8. The rights recognized in this article are complementary to and shall exist in addition to the data subject rights laid down by Directive 95/46/EC
Amendment 123 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 - paragraph 9 9. The provisions of this Regulation particularise and complement Directive 95/46/EC for the purposes mentioned in Article 1. Save as otherwise provided the definitions in that Directive shall apply. Where the specific provisions with regard to the processing of personal data in the context of the activities of a CRS laid down in this Article do not apply, this Regulation shall be without prejudice to the provisions of the said Directive
Amendment 124 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 - paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Where a system vendor operates databases in different capacities such as a CRS or a host for airlines, technical and organisational measures must be taken to prevent interconnection between the databases, and to ensure that personal data are only accessible for the specific purpose for which they were collected.
Amendment 125 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 a (new) 11a. Where a system vendor operates databases in different capacities such as a CRS or a host for airlines, technical and organisational measures must be taken to prevent interconnection between the databases, and to ensure that personal data are only accessible for the specific purpose for which they were collected.
Amendment 126 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 a (new) - paragraph 1 (new) 1. Any system vendor in which an air carrier or a rail-transport operator participates in its capital shall, upon request from the Commission, submit an independently audited report detailing its ownership structure and governance model. Costs related to the audited report shall be borne by the system vendor. The Commission shall examine this report with a view to taking any action necessary in accordance with Article 12;
Amendment 127 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 a (new) - paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. The system vendor shall, on request, provide to the Commission an independently audited report regarding the compliance of its CRS with any or all of Articles 4,7,10 and 11. Costs related to the audited report shall be borne by the system vendor. The Commission shall examine those reports with a view to taking any action necessary in accordance with Article 12.
Amendment 128 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 a (new) - paragraph 1 b (new) 1b. Any air carrier or rail-transport operator with a direct ownership stake in a system vendor shall upon request from the Commission submit an independently audited report detailing its involvement with the system vendor and its governance model. Costs related to the audited report shall be borne by the air carrier or rail- transport operator. The Commission shall examine those reports with a view to taking any action necessary in accordance with Article 12.
Amendment 129 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 a (new) - paragraph 1 a (new) Amendment 130 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 a (new) - paragraph 1 b (new) 1b. The auditor shall be granted access at all times to any programmes, procedures, operations and safeguards used on the computers or computer systems through which the system vendor provides its distribution facilities.
Amendment 131 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 a (new) - paragraph 1 c (new) 1c. The Commission shall examine those reports with a view to taking any action necessary in accordance with Article 12.
Amendment 132 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 12 Where the Commission, acting on a complaint or on its own initiative, finds that there is an infringement of this Regulation it may by decision require the undertakings or associations of undertakings concerned to bring such infringement to an end. Investigations of possible infringements shall fully take into account the results of a possible examination under Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty.
Amendment 133 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 12 Where the Commission, acting on a complaint or on its own initiative, finds that there is an infringement of this Regulation it may by decision require the undertakings or associations of undertakings concerned to bring such infringement to an end. Investigations regarding possible infringements of this regulation shall fully take into account the results of any inquiry under Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty.
Amendment 134 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 Within
Amendment 135 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 - paragraph 1 a (new) The Commission shall report to the Parliament and to the Council on a biannual basis with a report on the application of Article 8 with regards to equivalent treatment in third countries and shall propose any appropriate measure in order to alleviate discriminatory conditions, including the conclusion or modification of Bilateral Air Transport Agreements between EC and third countries.
Amendment 136 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I – paragraph 1 1. Where fares are shown in the principal
Amendment 137 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I - paragraph 1 1. Where
Amendment 138 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I - paragraph 1 1. Where fares are shown in the principal display, and/or where a ranking based on fares is chosen, fares shall be inclusive of all costs and charges including applicable and unavoidable taxes, charges and fees
Amendment 139 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I – paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Information concerning fares should be presented in the form of comparative data, so as to enable consumers to make informed decisions.
Amendment 140 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I - paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Information on total distance in km, of the flight journey, its average fuel consumption per person/litre/100km and CO2 emissions per person/g/km and easily understandable comparisons with values of alternative train/bus journeys if their total travel time is less than 5 hours.
Amendment 141 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I - paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Where travel options are ranked in accordance with paragraph 1 (i) and (ii), for all flights of elapsed journey time of up to ninety minutes, all viable alternative train services, including connecting services, must be featured on the principal display
Amendment 142 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex - paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Where travel options serving the same city-pair are offered with connecting flights or the combination of scheduled air and rail service on the CRS, at least the best ranked option by scheduled air and rail service shall be featured on the first screen of the principal display.
Amendment 143 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I - paragraph 6 b (new) 6b. No flight may be featured more than once in any principal display and code- share flights must be clearly defined as such.
Amendment 144 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I - paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Except as provided in paragraph 8, no travel option may be featured more than once in any principal display.
Amendment 145 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I - paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Except where indicated in paragraph 8, no flight shall be featured more than once on a principal display.
Amendment 146 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex - paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Where air carriers operate under code-share arrangements the information indicating the different individual carrier- designator codes shall be clearly included without duplication and the carrier actually operating the flight shall be designated.
Amendment 147 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I - paragraph 6 b (new) 6b. Where air carriers operate under code-share arrangements, each of the air carriers concerned – not more than two – shall be allowed to have a separate display using its individual carrier-designator code. Where more than two air carriers are involved, the designation of the two carriers shall be a matter for the carrier actually operating the flight.
Amendment 148 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I - paragraph 6 b (new) 6b. Where air carriers operate under code-share arrangements, each of the carriers concerned – not more than two – shall be allowed to have a separate display using its individual carrier designator code. Where more than two air carriers are involved, the designation of the two carriers may be a matter for the carrier actually operating the flight.
Amendment 27 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 3 (3) Technological and market developments allow for a substantial simplification of the legislative framework by giving more flexibility to CRS vendors and air carriers to negotiate booking fees
Amendment 28 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 a (new) (5a) EC competition rules shall otherwise act as a safeguard against any abuse of a dominant position;
Amendment 29 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 6 (6) System vendors should clearly separate the CRS systems from any airline's internal or any other kind of reservation system and should refrain from reserving distribution facilities to their parent carriers, in order to avoid that a parent carrier could have a privileged access to the CRS system.
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 7 (7) In order to protect consumers' interests, it is necessary to present an unbiased initial display to users of a CRS and to ensure that information on the comprehensive fare content of all participating carriers is equally accessible in order not to favour one participating carrier over another
Amendment 31 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 7 a (new) (7a) According to Regulation (…) on common rules for the operation of air transport services in the Community, customers should have access to all air fares irrespective of their place of residence within the Community or their nationality and irrespective of the place of establishment of the travel agents within the Community. To avoid restrictive access to fares in channels inaccessible to certain customers, CRSs should have access to all fares.
Amendment 32 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 8 (8) System vendors should ensure that CRS marketing data is available to all participating carriers without discrimination, and transport providers should not be able to use such data in order to unduly influence the choice of the travel agent nor the choice of the consumer.
Amendment 33 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 10 a (new) (10a) Air carriers using CRSs should be encouraged to participate in all existing CRSs, in order to ensure fair access to information and distribution to all consumers.
Amendment 34 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 10 b (new) (10b) As air carriers continue to expand their share of selling tickets through their own Internet websites and therefore diminish their sales through CRSs, the alternative of all European air carriers dropping their ownership interests in CRS should be taken into account.
Amendment 35 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 – paragraph 1 This Regulation shall apply to any computerised reservation system (hereinafter 'CRS'), insofar as it contains air-transport products, when offered for use or used in the
Amendment 36 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 - paragraph 2 This
Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 – paragraph 2 This Regulation shall also apply to rail- transport products, which are incorporated alongside air-transport products into the principal display of a CRS, when offered for use or used in the territory of the Community.
Amendment 38 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 -.paragraph 2 a (new) No air carrier or rail transport operator shall own any shares in any CRS or system vendor undertaking nor have any direct or indirect influence on the operations of a CRS or system vendor undertaking.
Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (c) (c) 'fares' means the
Amendment 40 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – point (c) (c) 'fares' means the prices to be paid by passengers to air carriers, rail-transport operators, their agents or other ticket sellers for the carriage of those passengers on transport services and any conditions under which those prices apply, including remuneration and conditions offered to agency and other auxiliary services; the conditions under which prices apply shall include specific information concerning the possibility of cancellation or modification of the itinerary, date or timetable of the transport services to be purchased and the costs incurred as a result;
Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (g) (g) 'parent carrier' means any air carrier or
Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (g) (g) 'parent carrier' means any
Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (g) (g) 'parent carrier' means any air carrier or rail-transport operator which directly or indirectly, alone or jointly
Amendment 44 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (g) (g) 'parent carrier' means any air carrier or rail-transport operator which directly or indirectly, alone or jointly with others,
Amendment 45 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (g) (g) 'parent carrier' means any air carrier or rail-transport operator which directly or indirectly, alone or jointly with others, including through membership of an airline alliance, owns or effectively controls a system vendor, as well as any air carrier or rail-
Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (g) (g) 'parent carrier' means any air carrier or rail-transport operator which directly or indirectly, alone or jointly with others
Amendment 47 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (g) (g) 'parent carrier' means any air carrier or rail-transport operator which directly or indirectly, alone or jointly with others
Amendment 48 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (g a) (new) (ga) participation in the capital of a system vendor shall mean the combination of the purely economic value of an investment of an airline or rail operator in a system vendor coupled with the value of ownership rights of that airline or rail operator in the system vendor.
Amendment 49 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (h) (h) '
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 — point (i) (i) 'participating carrier' means an air carrier or
Amendment 51 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – point (j) (j) 'subscriber' means a person
Amendment 52 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (l) (l) 'ticket' means a valid document giving
Amendment 53 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 - point (l a) (new) (la) 'airline alliance' means any group of airlines officially cooperating together through code-sharing agreements and other communal arrangements;
Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – point (l a) (new) (la) 'combined products' means transport in pre-established combinations with additional services, other than auxiliary transport services, included in the overall price;
Amendment 55 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – point (l) b (new) (lb) 'booking fees' means the price paid by airlines to system vendors for CRS services.
Amendment 56 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 - paragraph 1 - point (a) (a) attach unreasonable conditions or conditions which are discriminatory compared with those it offers to any parent carriers, to any contract with a participating carrier or require the acceptance of supplementary conditions which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with participation in its CRS;
Amendment 57 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 - paragraph 1 - point (a) (a) attach
Amendment 58 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 - paragraph 1 - point (a) (a) refuse access to a participating carrier nor attach unreasonable conditions to any contract with a participating carrier or require the acceptance of supplementary conditions which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with participation in its CRS;
Amendment 59 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 - paragraph 1 - point (b) (b) make it a condition of participation in its CRS that a participating carrier may not at the same time be a participant in another system or that a participating carrier may not freely use alternative reservation systems such as its own Internet booking system and call centres.
Amendment 60 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 - paragraph 1 - point (b) (b) make it a condition of participation in its CRS that a participating carrier may not at the same time be a participant in another system or may not freely use alternative reservation systems such as its own Internet booking system.
Amendment 61 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 - paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. A participating carrier shall grant access in CRSs to all fares made available to the travelling public without any discrimination compared to fares made available in other distribution channels.
Amendment 62 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 - paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. The existence and extent of a direct or indirect capital holding and the control that such participation confers, on an air carrier, bus- or rail-transport operator in a system vendor, or on a system vendor in an air carrier, bus- or rail-transport operator, shall be publicly disclosed.
Amendment 63 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 - paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. All direct capital holdings of an air carrier or rail transport operator in any CRS or system vendor undertaking shall be publicly disclosed.
Amendment 64 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 - paragraph 1 1. A system vendor shall not reserve any specific loading and/or processing procedure, any other distribution facility, or any
Amendment 65 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 1 1. A system vendor shall provide a principal display or displays for each individual transaction through its CRS and shall include therein the data provided by participating carriers in a neutral and comprehensive manner and without discrimination
Amendment 66 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 - paragraph 1 1. A system vendor shall provide a principal display or displays for each individual transaction through its CRS and shall include therein the data provided by
Amendment 67 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. CRSs shall not be responsible for the use of information which they provide to their subscribers and customers in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 concerning neutrality and partiality.
Amendment 68 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. In the case of information provided
Amendment 69 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 - paragraph 2 2. In the case of information provided
Amendment 70 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 - paragraph 2 2. In the case of information provided by a CRS to the consumer, a subscriber shall use a neutral display in accordance with paragraph 1 unless another display is required to meet a preference indicated by the consumer.
Amendment 71 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 - paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. The principal display shall permit the ranking of travel options based on transport energy efficiency.
Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 - paragraph 2 b (new) 2b. The system vendor shall introduce a specific symbol in the CRS display which shall be identifiable by the users for the information on the identity of the operating air carrier provided for under Article 11 of Regulation 2111/2005.
Amendment 73 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 - paragraph 3 Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 - paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Flights operated by air carriers on the 'black list' (Regulation 2111/2005) must be shown and marked early on in the display.
Amendment 75 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 - paragraph 1 1. A system vendor shall not attach
Amendment 76 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 1. Any marketing, booking and sales data may be made available by system vendors provided that
Amendment 77 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 1. Any marketing, booking and sales data may be made available by system vendors provided that
Amendment 78 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b) Amendment 79 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b) (b)
Amendment 80 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b) (b) when such data result from the use of the distribution facilities of a CRS by a subscriber established in the territory of the European Union,
Amendment 81 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b) (b)
Amendment 82 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b) (b) when such data result from the use of the distribution facilities of a CRS by a subscriber established or operating in the territory of the European Union, it shall include no identification either directly nor indirectly of that subscriber.
Amendment 83 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b) (b) when such data result from the use of the distribution facilities of a CRS by a subscriber established in the
Amendment 84 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b a) (new) (ba) Participating carriers shall not use such data in order to unduly influence the choice of the subscriber.
Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b a) (new) (ba) The prohibition to identify subscribers under (b) applies to any marketing, booking and sales data on the carriage of passengers, offered for use or used in the territory of the Community by any undertaking which is a third party to the carriage, when the data is provided to a carrier that is not involved in the concerned carriage.
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b a) (new) (ba) Such data made available by system vendors shall not include fare-related information;
Amendment 87 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 - point (b a) (new) (ba) Any agreement between subscriber(s) and system vendor(s) on the MIDT shall be publicly disclosed.
Amendment 88 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 8 - paragraph 1 a (new) The Commission shall monitor the application of the discriminatory or non- equivalent treatment of Community air carriers by system vendors in third countries. At the request of a Member State or on its own initiative, the Commission shall investigate potential cases of discrimination against EU carriers in CRSs of third countries. Where such discrimination is found, before taking a decision, the Commission shall inform the Member States and interested parties and seek their comments, including by holding a meeting of relevant experts from the Member States.
Amendment 89 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 9 Participating carriers, and intermediaries handling the data, shall ensure that the data which they submit to a CRS are accurate and that they allow the system vendor to respect the provisions of Annex I. Air transport operators shall set fares without discrimination based on the nationality or place of residence of passengers or the location of the travel agencies within the Community
Amendment 90 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 9 a (new) Article 9a Non-discrimination between distribution channels In order to ensure non-discrimination between different distribution channels, transport service providers shall be obliged to specify the conditions and fares applicable to the purchase of all transport services offered, including specific information regarding the possibility of cancellation or modification of transport services to be purchased and the costs incurred as a result.
Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - title Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 1 1. A par
Amendment 93 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 1 1. A par
Amendment 94 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 1 1. A parent carrier may not discriminate against a
Amendment 95 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 1 1. A parent carrier may not discriminate against a competing CRS by refusing to provide the latter, on request and with equal timeliness, with the same data on schedules, fares and availability relating to its own transport products as that which it provides to its own CRS or to distribute its transport products through another CRS, or by refusing to accept or to confirm with equal timeliness a reservation made through a competing CRS for any of its transport products which are distributed through its own CRS. The par
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 1 1. A parent carrier may not, subject to reciprocity, discriminate against a competing CRS by refusing to provide the latter, on request and with equal timeliness, with the same data on schedules, fares and availability relating to its own transport products as that which it provides to its own CRS or to distribute its transport products through another CRS, or by refusing to accept or to confirm with equal timeliness a reservation made through a competing CRS for any of its transport products which are distributed through its own CRS. The parent carrier shall be obliged to accept and to confirm only those bookings which are in conformity with its fares and conditions.
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. On the other hand, a competing CRS may not refuse to store data concerning timetables, fares and available seats in respect of transport services offered by a carrier associated with other CRSs under the same conditions as those accorded to its other customers and subscribers on any of the markets.
Amendment 98 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 2 2. The par
Amendment 99 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 - paragraph 2 2. The par
source: PE-405.739
15 amendments...
Amendment 10 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 − point g (g) ‘parent carrier’ means any air carrier or rail-transport operator which directly or indirectly, alone or jointly with others,
Amendment 11 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 − paragraph 1 1. A system vendor shall provide a principal display or displays for each individual transaction through its CRS and shall include therein the data provided by participating carriers in a neutral, transparent and comprehensive manner and without discrimination or bias. Criteria to be used for ranking shall not be based on any factor directly or indirectly relating to carrier identity and shall be applied on a non-
Amendment 12 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – point b Amendment 13 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – point b (b) when such data result from the use of the distribution facilities of a CRS by a subscriber established in the territory of the European Union, it shall include no identification either directly nor indirectly of that subscriber, unless there is a specific agreement between the subscriber and the system vendor.
Amendment 14 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 12 Where the Commission, acting on a complaint or on its own initiative, finds that there is an infringement of this Regulation it may by decision require the undertakings or associations of undertakings concerned to bring such infringement to an end. Investigations regarding possible infringements of this Regulation shall fully take into account the results of any inquiry under Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty.
Amendment 15 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 13 In order to carry out the duties assigned to it by this Regulation the Commission may, by simple request or decision, require undertakings or associations of undertakings to provide all necessary information
Amendment 16 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 − paragraph -1 (new) -1. The Commission shall monitor the application of this Regulation on a regular basis, if necessary with the assistance of specific audits as provided for in Article 13. It shall in particular examine the effectiveness of the Regulation in ensuring non- discrimination and fair competition in the market for CRS services.
Amendment 17 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex 1 – paragraph -1 (new) Amendment 18 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I − point 4 4. Flight involving stops en route must be clearly identified, and the length of the stops must be displayed.
Amendment 4 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 9 a (new) (9a) According to Regulation (...) on common rules for the operation of air transport services in the Community, air carriers publish their fares inclusive of all applicable taxes, and charges, surcharges and fees which are unavoidable and foreseeable. CRS displays should provide information on fares inclusive of the same price categories to ensure that travel agents can communicate this information to their clients.
Amendment 5 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 11 a (new) (11a) The Commission should regularly monitor the application of the Regulation and in particular its effectiveness in preventing anti-competitive and discriminatory practices in the market for distribution of travel services via a CRS, notably in the presence of carriers with close links to system vendors.
Amendment 6 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 12 (12) This Regulation is without prejudice to the application of Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty. It is complementary to general competition rules, which continue to apply in full to competitive abuses such as antitrust violations or abuse of a dominant position.
Amendment 7 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – point d (d) ‘computerised reservation system’
Amendment 8 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 − point g (g) ‘parent carrier’ means any air carrier or rail-transport operator which directly or indirectly, alone or jointly with others
Amendment 9 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 − point g (g) ‘parent carrier’ means any air carrier or rail-transport operator which directly or indirectly, alone or jointly with others, owns or effectively controls, and has the legal right to nominate any executive or any member of the board of directors, supervisory board or other governing body of, a system vendor, as well as any air carrier or rail-
source: PE-405.997
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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Air transport services: Code of Conduct for computerised reservation systems (repeal. Regulation (EEC) No 2299/89)New
Air transport services: Code of Conduct for computerised reservation systems |
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