Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | ENVI | HERRANZ GARCÍA Esther ( PPE), ESTRELA Edite ( S&D), UGGIAS Giommaria ( ALDE), VAN DALEN Peter ( ECR) | |
Committee Opinion | AGRI | PATRÃO NEVES Maria do Céu ( PPE) | |
Committee Opinion | REGI | USPASKICH Viktor ( ALDE) | Verónica LOPE FONTAGNÉ ( PPE) |
Committee Opinion | LIBE | PAPADOPOULOU Antigoni ( S&D) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 54
Legal Basis:
RoP 54Subjects
The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the Commission communication: A Community approach on the prevention of natural and man made disasters.
The resolution welcomes the commitment made by the Commission to ensuring that disaster-prevention-related issues are taken into account more coherently in EU policies and programmes, and stresses the need for a holistic approach to disaster prevention .
Given the scale and/or the cross-border nature that disasters may assume, Members consider it necessary to enhance cooperation, both at regional and EU level , based on complementarity of action, dissemination of best practices and the principle of solidarity between Member States. They take the view that coordinated actions and strategies between Member States, the different sectors and the different actors involved in the disaster management cycle can lead to real advances in the field of disaster prevention.
The Parliament supports the proposal to set up a network made up of representatives of the various competent national services of all the Member States. It emphasises the role of this network in exchanging experience and prevention measures and in establishing a common methodology and minimum requirements for hazard and risk mapping at EU level.
Revision of the Solidarity Fund Regulation : the resolution points out the importance of reducing inequalities between regions and Member States in terms of their capacity to protect their populations , and their property, including the cultural heritage, by supporting their efforts to improve prevention, particularly in the regions and Member States that are highly vulnerable to the risk of disasters. It urges that particular attention be paid to the most isolated, most sparsely populated, mountainous and border regions of Europe, and the most economically disadvantaged European regions. In this regard, Members highlight the need for the S olidarity Fund Regulation to be revised by adapting the eligibility criteria to the characteristics of each region and each disaster, including slowly evolving disasters such as drought, paying particular attention to production sectors, the most vulnerable areas and the populations affected, and enabling mobilisation to be more flexible and timely.
Members point out that cohesion policy is an essential tool in natural disaster risk prevention. They consider that it must be possible for the various funds and instruments to operate flexibly and in a coordinated manner in order to improve the functioning and effectiveness of that policy.
Financial Framework : the resolution stresses the need to create a suitable financial framework for disaster prevention , with adequate financial resources for preventing and combating disasters, that will strengthen and link existing instruments. It asks that, in this context, prevention should be taken into account in the 2014-2020 Financial Perspective. Members call on the European Commission to assess the possibility of proposing a more systematic pooling of available resources in order to strengthen the effectiveness of prevention mechanisms across the EU.
Emphasising that responsibility for disaster prevention lies primarily with the Member States and that the principle of subsidiarity in this area should continue to be considered, the report calls on the Member States who are responsible for land management to introduce criteria and legislation in order to prevent catastrophes in areas at risk of flood and landslides and other geological risks, taking into account the problems created by indiscriminate deforestation, and furthermore to prevent construction in these areas.
The resolution highlights the importance of viewing prevention from a cross-cutting perspective , incorporating it in the relevant sectoral policies to promote balanced land occupation and cohesive economic and social development that is in tune with nature. It recognises that some sectoral policies have led to certain regions being more exposed to risk by encouraging abandonment of the countryside and excessive concentration of the population in urban areas. It considers that agricultural and forestry production are vulnerable to climatic phenomena and calls on the Commission and the Member States to encourage the implementation of good agricultural practices.
The Parliament advocates, as an essential element in the effective prevention of natural disasters, an environmentally and socially balanced agricultural policy that takes into account the need to support and stimulate sustainable agricultural production and rural development in the various countries and regions. The Commission is urged to come forward with a proposal for a European public insurance system to better address the risk and income instability of farmers related to natural and man-made disasters.
Members emphasise the importance of public research and development (R&D) in preventing and managing disasters and call for increased coordination and cooperation between the R&D institutions of Member States, especially those facing similar risks. They call for enhanced early warning systems in Member States and the creation and strengthening of links between the various early warning systems.
Given that the starting of fires and the increase in their frequency are by nature environmental offences, Parliament calls on the Commission to study and propose to the Council and the European Parliament ways of implementing coercive measures which will discourage negligence and deliberate action in the starting of fires.
The Commission is also invited to:
present a proposal for a directive, similar to the directive on floods, to promote the adoption of an EU policy on water scarcity, drought and adaptation to climate change; promote the entry into operation of the European Drought and Desertification Observatory which would be responsible for studying, mitigating and monitoring the effects of droughts and desertification aiming to enhance sound, strategic decision-making and better coordination between Member States; present and to carry out, together with the Member States, legislative proposals and initiatives in the area of forest protection and fire prevention .
Lastly, the resolution calls on the Commission to support Member States in promoting awareness-raising campaigns for prevention and in adopting best practices, providing relevant updated information and training to the general public through channels that are easily accessible to all citizens on identified risks and procedures to be adopted when faced with natural or man-made disaster situations.
The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety adopted the own-initiative report drawn up by João FERREIRA (GUE/NGL, PT) on the Commission communication: A Community approach on the prevention of natural and man made disasters.
The report welcomes the commitment made by the Commission to ensuring that disaster-prevention-related issues are taken into account more coherently in EU policies and programmes, and stresses the need for a holistic approach to disaster prevention.
Given the scale and/or the cross-border nature that disasters may assume, Members consider it necessary to enhance cooperation, both at regional and EU level , based on complementarity of action, dissemination of best practices and the principle of solidarity between Member States. They take the view that coordinated actions and strategies between Member States, the different sectors and the different actors involved in the disaster management cycle can lead to real advances in the field of disaster prevention.
The committee supports the proposal to set up a network made up of representatives of the various competent national services of all the Member States. It emphasises the role of this network in exchanging experience and prevention measures and in establishing a common methodology and minimum requirements for hazard and risk mapping at EU level.
The report points out the importance of reducing inequalities between regions and Member States in terms of their capacity to protect their populations , and their property, including the cultural heritage, by supporting their efforts to improve prevention, particularly in the regions and Member States that are highly vulnerable to the risk of disasters. It urges that particular attention be paid to the most isolated, most sparsely populated, mountainous and border regions of Europe, and the most economically disadvantaged European regions. In this regard, Members highlight the need for the Solidarity Fund Regulation to be revised by adapting the eligibility criteria to the characteristics of each region and each disaster, including slowly evolving disasters such as drought, paying particular attention to production sectors, the most vulnerable areas and the populations affected, and enabling mobilisation to be more flexible and timely;
Members point out that cohesion policy is an essential tool in natural disaster risk prevention. They consider that it must be possible for the various funds and instruments to operate flexibly and in a coordinated manner in order to improve the functioning and effectiveness of that policy.
The report stresses the need to create a suitable financial framework for disaster prevention , with adequate financial resources for preventing and combating disasters, that will strengthen and link existing instruments. It asks that, in this context, prevention should be taken into account in the 2014-2020 Financial Perspective. Members call on the European Commission to assess the possibility of proposing a more systematic pooling of available resources in order to strengthen the effectiveness of prevention mechanisms across the EU.
Emphasising that responsibility for disaster prevention lies primarily with the Member States and that the principle of subsidiarity in this area should continue to be considered, the report calls on the Member States who are responsible for land management to introduce criteria and legislation in order to prevent catastrophes in areas at risk of flood and landslides and other geological risks, taking into account the problems created by indiscriminate deforestation, and furthermore to prevent construction in these areas.
The report highlights the importance of viewing prevention from a cross-cutting perspective , incorporating it in the relevant sectoral policies to promote balanced land occupation and cohesive economic and social development that is in tune with nature. It recognises that some sectoral policies have led to certain regions being more exposed to risk by encouraging abandonment of the countryside and excessive concentration of the population in urban areas. It considers that agricultural and forestry production are vulnerable to climatic phenomena and calls on the Commission and the Member States to encourage the implementation of good agricultural practices.
The committee advocates, as an essential element in the effective prevention of natural disasters, an environmentally and socially balanced agricultural policy that takes into account the need to support and stimulate sustainable agricultural production and rural development in the various countries and regions. The Commission is urged to come forward with a proposal for an European public insurance system to better address the risk and income instability of farmers related to natural and man-made disasters.
Members emphasise the importance of public research and development (R&D) in preventing and managing disasters and call for increased coordination and cooperation between the R&D institutions of Member States, especially those facing similar risks. They call for enhanced early warning systems in Member States and the creation and strengthening of links between the various early warning systems.
The Commission is also invited to:
present a proposal for a directive, similar to the directive on floods, to promote the adoption of an EU policy on water scarcity, drought and adaptation to climate change; promote the entry into operation of the European Drought and Desertification Observatory which would be responsible for studying, mitigating and monitoring the effects of droughts and desertification aiming to enhance sound, strategic decision-making and better coordination between Member States; present and to carry out, together with the Member States, legislative proposals and initiatives in the area of forest protection and fire prevention; study and propose to the Council and the European Parliament ways of implementing coercive measures which will discourage negligence and deliberate action in the starting of fires.
Lastly, the report calls on the Commission to support Member States in promoting awareness-raising campaigns for prevention and in adopting best practices, providing relevant updated information and training to the general public through channels that are easily accessible to all citizens on identified risks and procedures to be adopted when faced with natural or man-made disaster situations.
PURPOSE: to present a Community approach on the prevention of natural and man-made disasters.
BACKGROUND: between 1990 and 2007 the European Union witnessed a marked increase in the number and severity of both natural and man-made disasters, with a particularly significant increase in the former. Analyses carried out by the UN and other international organisations have highlighted a growing vulnerability to disasters, partly as a consequence of increasingly intensive land use, industrial development, urban expansion and infrastructure construction.
The Community has already developed a set of instruments to address various aspects of disaster preparedness, response and recovery. There is, however, no strategic approach, at the Community level, for disaster prevention.
For this reason, the Commission presents this Communication which aims to identify measures which could be included in a Community strategy for the prevention of natural and man-made disasters, building upon and linking existing measures.
CONTENT: the prevention strategy proposed by the Commission is aimed to: (i) prevent disasters from happening, where possible and, (ii) where they are unavoidable, take steps to minimise their impacts.
Community prevention approach : the Community approach to disaster prevention should explicitly seek to build on measures that have already been taken at European level – either sector legislation or the possibility of using Community funds for preventions activities. Several proposals are envisaged:
1) Improve the understanding of disaster prevention policies at all levels of government : the Commission proposes the following:
creating an inventory of information on disasters : t he Commission will develop a comprehensive inventory of existing sources of information related to disasters. Information on the economic impacts of disasters is particularly important since it can allow policy makers to properly assess the costs and benefits of different disaster prevention measures; spreading best practices : the Commission will launch an inventory of best practices and facilitate the exchange of information between stakeholders; developing guidelines on hazard/risk mapping : hazard mapping aims to identify the areas prone to particular risks. It provides essential information to the public and is an important tool for planning authorities. Member States are in the process of developing a number of initiatives relating to hazard and risk mapping. The diversity of methodological approaches has reduced comparability of information and makes it difficult for information to be consolidated at the European level. The Commission will carry out a study on current practices of hazard and risk mapping in Member States. On this basis, Community guidelines for hazard and risk mapping will be developed, building upon existing Community initiatives. These should focus on disasters with potential cross-border impacts (e.g. floods or accidental release of chemicals and radio-nuclear agents), exceptional events (major storms), large-scale disasters (earthquakes), and disasters for which the cost of recovery measures appears to be disproportionate when compared to that of preventive measures. The possibility of developing a specific initiative on forest fires will also be explored; encouraging research activities: several themes under the 7 th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (2007-2013) address natural and man made hazards. Through the implementation of this Programme the Commission will improve coordination of Community-financed research in this area, and make sure that research results are easily and systematically available to actors in the field of prevention and develop a database for experts with specialist knowledge.
2) Disaster management cycle : the Commission considers that a range of Community and national policies can be managed in a way that supports the disaster management cycle — prevention, preparedness, response, recovery. This requires linking the actors involved in developing and implementing measures that can have significant impacts on disaster prevention. The Commission will work to foster best practice across the EU. In this regard, the Commission proposes:
to extend the lessons learnt exercises to disaster prevention; to establish training and awareness-raising programmes in the area of disaster prevention; to improve the linking between actors: the Commission intends to set-up coordinated mechanisms for crisis management, involving different public and private stakeholders. A European network composed of representatives of the various national departments concerned of all the Member States could provide a useful forum for elaborating recommendations on best practices; to reinforce early warning tools: t he Commission will reinforce the link between early warning systems by: (i) strengthening cooperation with the network of European meteorological services to integrate short-term flood alerts (including coastal floods) in the early warning systems; (ii) reducing alert times of existing early warning systems; (iii) linking existing alert systems for forest fires (EFFIS) and floods (EFAS) in the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System ( GDACS).
3) Making existing instruments perform better for disaster prevention : several Community financial and legislative instruments support Member States action in the field of prevention. The Commission will ensure that prevention concerns are taken into account in a more consistent and efficient way across policies and programmes (such as common agricultural or rural development policies). A more efficient targeting of Community funding should be sought .
4) Reinforce international cooperation in the field of prevention : the Commission will emphasise disaster prevention in upcoming cooperation initiatives with third countries, in particular with candidate countries and potential candidate countries within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and through the programme for prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters (PPRD) in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
5) Next steps : the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions are invited to provide the Commission with further input with a view to consolidating a Community strategy for the prevention of natural and man-made disasters. The Commission will carry out further consultations and liaise with stakeholders from the public and private sector to promote this approach and if appropriate will propose to develop it further.
PURPOSE: to present a Community approach on the prevention of natural and man-made disasters.
BACKGROUND: between 1990 and 2007 the European Union witnessed a marked increase in the number and severity of both natural and man-made disasters, with a particularly significant increase in the former. Analyses carried out by the UN and other international organisations have highlighted a growing vulnerability to disasters, partly as a consequence of increasingly intensive land use, industrial development, urban expansion and infrastructure construction.
The Community has already developed a set of instruments to address various aspects of disaster preparedness, response and recovery. There is, however, no strategic approach, at the Community level, for disaster prevention.
For this reason, the Commission presents this Communication which aims to identify measures which could be included in a Community strategy for the prevention of natural and man-made disasters, building upon and linking existing measures.
CONTENT: the prevention strategy proposed by the Commission is aimed to: (i) prevent disasters from happening, where possible and, (ii) where they are unavoidable, take steps to minimise their impacts.
Community prevention approach : the Community approach to disaster prevention should explicitly seek to build on measures that have already been taken at European level – either sector legislation or the possibility of using Community funds for preventions activities. Several proposals are envisaged:
1) Improve the understanding of disaster prevention policies at all levels of government : the Commission proposes the following:
creating an inventory of information on disasters : t he Commission will develop a comprehensive inventory of existing sources of information related to disasters. Information on the economic impacts of disasters is particularly important since it can allow policy makers to properly assess the costs and benefits of different disaster prevention measures; spreading best practices : the Commission will launch an inventory of best practices and facilitate the exchange of information between stakeholders; developing guidelines on hazard/risk mapping : hazard mapping aims to identify the areas prone to particular risks. It provides essential information to the public and is an important tool for planning authorities. Member States are in the process of developing a number of initiatives relating to hazard and risk mapping. The diversity of methodological approaches has reduced comparability of information and makes it difficult for information to be consolidated at the European level. The Commission will carry out a study on current practices of hazard and risk mapping in Member States. On this basis, Community guidelines for hazard and risk mapping will be developed, building upon existing Community initiatives. These should focus on disasters with potential cross-border impacts (e.g. floods or accidental release of chemicals and radio-nuclear agents), exceptional events (major storms), large-scale disasters (earthquakes), and disasters for which the cost of recovery measures appears to be disproportionate when compared to that of preventive measures. The possibility of developing a specific initiative on forest fires will also be explored; encouraging research activities: several themes under the 7 th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (2007-2013) address natural and man made hazards. Through the implementation of this Programme the Commission will improve coordination of Community-financed research in this area, and make sure that research results are easily and systematically available to actors in the field of prevention and develop a database for experts with specialist knowledge.
2) Disaster management cycle : the Commission considers that a range of Community and national policies can be managed in a way that supports the disaster management cycle — prevention, preparedness, response, recovery. This requires linking the actors involved in developing and implementing measures that can have significant impacts on disaster prevention. The Commission will work to foster best practice across the EU. In this regard, the Commission proposes:
to extend the lessons learnt exercises to disaster prevention; to establish training and awareness-raising programmes in the area of disaster prevention; to improve the linking between actors: the Commission intends to set-up coordinated mechanisms for crisis management, involving different public and private stakeholders. A European network composed of representatives of the various national departments concerned of all the Member States could provide a useful forum for elaborating recommendations on best practices; to reinforce early warning tools: t he Commission will reinforce the link between early warning systems by: (i) strengthening cooperation with the network of European meteorological services to integrate short-term flood alerts (including coastal floods) in the early warning systems; (ii) reducing alert times of existing early warning systems; (iii) linking existing alert systems for forest fires (EFFIS) and floods (EFAS) in the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System ( GDACS).
3) Making existing instruments perform better for disaster prevention : several Community financial and legislative instruments support Member States action in the field of prevention. The Commission will ensure that prevention concerns are taken into account in a more consistent and efficient way across policies and programmes (such as common agricultural or rural development policies). A more efficient targeting of Community funding should be sought .
4) Reinforce international cooperation in the field of prevention : the Commission will emphasise disaster prevention in upcoming cooperation initiatives with third countries, in particular with candidate countries and potential candidate countries within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and through the programme for prevention, preparedness and response to natural and man-made disasters (PPRD) in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
5) Next steps : the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions are invited to provide the Commission with further input with a view to consolidating a Community strategy for the prevention of natural and man-made disasters. The Commission will carry out further consultations and liaise with stakeholders from the public and private sector to promote this approach and if appropriate will propose to develop it further.
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2010)8656/2
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T7-0326/2010
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading: A7-0227/2010
- Committee report tabled for plenary: A7-0227/2010
- Committee opinion: PE431.009
- Committee opinion: PE439.890
- Committee opinion: PE438.486
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE439.951
- Committee draft report: PE439.259
- Non-legislative basic document: COM(2009)0082
- Non-legislative basic document: EUR-Lex
- Non-legislative basic document published: COM(2009)0082
- Non-legislative basic document published: EUR-Lex
- Non-legislative basic document: COM(2009)0082 EUR-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE439.259
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE439.951
- Committee opinion: PE438.486
- Committee opinion: PE431.009
- Committee opinion: PE439.890
- Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading: A7-0227/2010
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2010)8656/2
Plenary Speeches (4)
- 2016/11/22 Prevention of natural and man-made disasters (short presentation)
- 2016/11/22 Prevention of natural and man-made disasters (short presentation)
- 2016/11/22 Prevention of natural and man-made disasters (short presentation)
- 2016/11/22 Prevention of natural and man-made disasters (short presentation)
- Luís Paulo ALVES
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Petru Constantin LUHAN
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Miroslav MIKOLÁŠIK
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Maria do Céu PATRÃO NEVES
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Dominique VLASTO
Plenary Speeches (1)
Amendments | Dossier |
182 |
98 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Stresses the crucial role played by regional and local authorities in the disaster management cycle; strongly believes that active involvement of those authorities in the design and implementation of disaster prevention strategies is the best way to ensure that the most effective and functional solutions are devised; stresses also the importance of consulting and involving public and private stakeholders, including voluntary organizations, in this process;
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Welcomes the Commission Communication on the prevention of natural and man-made disasters; supports the view that disaster prevention is inseparable from intervention; reaffirms Parliament's previous work on this subject and regrets that the Commission has not yet put forward legislative proposals in line with Parliament’s proposals; stresses the need to establish comprehensive legislation and guidelines with minimum standards, reflecting a holistic approach, towards a more effective EU policy on disaster management; recalls that in the absence of this, the Treaty of Lisbon permits the use of enhanced cooperation between Member States, and that this subject may therefore also be addressed within that framework;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Takes the view that only a common strategy and coordinated actions between the different sectors and the different actors involved in the disaster management cycle can lead to real advances in the field of disaster
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Emphasises that the effects of natural disasters spill over the legal and administrative borders of regions and Member States, which means that risk mapping needs to be accompanied by wide-ranging territorial cooperation mechanisms that operate independently of said borders at the macro-region level, due to the efficacy the latter enables in fighting natural or man-made disasters in terms of both prevention and intervention.
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2a (new) 2a. Advocates a global strategy for the whole EU under which a protocol for uniform action is introduced for each type of disaster, including forest fire; considers that this strategy must ensure total solidarity between countries and award special attention to the European regions which are most isolated, most scarcely populated, are mountain or border areas or island or outermost areas, or are the most economically disadvantaged.
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3 a. Recalls that investments in sustainable ecosystem management or sound environmental management can offer cost-effective solutions to reducing community vulnerability to disasters; healthy ecosystems act as natural buffers to hazard events, are often less expensive to install or maintain, and are often more effective than physical engineering structures; according to the World Bank (2004), investments in preventive measures, including in maintaining healthy ecosystems, are seven times cheaper than the costs incurred by disasters;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2a (new) 2a. Calls on the Commission further to develop the evaluation of the Civil Protection Mechanism and training within the framework of the Civil Protection Programme; believes that links between detection and early warning systems should be reinforced;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Stresses the need for the presence of representatives of the agricultural sector within the disaster management mechanism with a view to evaluation and remedial action in line with the reality within this sector for more efficient coordination of existing resources, leading to the consolidation of EU policy on immediate response capacity.
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses that the effects of disasters are not confined within the formal and administrative boundaries of regions and Member States; believes, therefore, that the identification of particularly risk-prone areas, such as the isolated and extremely remote regions and certain other regions or islands in the European Union which have special characteristics and specific needs linked to their geography, their topography and the economic and social conditions under which their inhabitants live, should go hand in hand with establishing priority objectives and cooperation mechanisms in such areas; calls on regions to build on already existing territorial cooperation networks in order to develop cooperation focusing more specifically on disaster prevention; believes that the macro-regions, with their functionally-oriented cooperation independent of administrative boundaries, can become effective platforms for cooperation in the field of disaster prevention;
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 b (new) 3b. Urges cooperation between Member States, countries neighbouring the EU and also developing countries in cross- border projects sharing best practice and disseminating practical knowledge through the EU’s neighbourhood policy programmes and development programmes.
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses that the effects of disasters are not confined within the formal and administrative boundaries of regions and Member States; believes, therefore, that the identification of particularly risk-prone areas should go hand in hand with establishing priority objectives and cooperation mechanisms in such areas; calls on regions to build on already existing territorial cooperation networks in order to develop cooperation focusing more specifically on disaster prevention; believes that transfrontier cooperation structures, such as the macro-regions, with their functionally-oriented cooperation independent of administrative boundaries, can become effective platforms for cooperation in the field of disaster prevention;
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Considers that agricultural and forestry production are vulnerable to climatic
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses that the effects of disasters are not confined within the formal and administrative boundaries of regions and Member States; believes, therefore, that the identification of particularly risk-prone areas, specifying the type of risk concerned, should go hand in hand with establishing priority objectives and cooperation mechanisms in such areas; calls on regions to build on already existing
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Considers that agricultural and forestry production are vulnerable to climatic phenomena such as drought, storms, frost, hail, forest fires and floods, to health risks such as
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses that the effects of disasters are not confined within the formal and administrative boundaries of regions and Member States; believes, therefore, that the identification of particularly risk-prone areas should go hand in hand with establishing priority objectives and cooperation mechanisms in such areas; calls on regions to build on already existing territorial
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Considers that agricultural and forestry production are vulnerable to climatic phenomena such as drought,
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3a (new) 3a. Advocates making use of the valuable experience acquired in this field through projects implemented in the past under the Community's INTERREG Initiative and considers that further exploitation of the opportunities offered in the context of the European Territorial Objective is of crucial importance; believes in this connection that the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) can constitute an important instrument for further strengthening intergovernmental, cross-border and interregional cooperation, even with countries which are not EU Member States, and a stable framework for the exchange and transfer of technological know-how and best practices in the field of disaster prevention and for setting up joint databases and early warning systems among its members;
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Considers that agricultural and forestry production are vulnerable to climatic phenomena such as drought, storms, frost, hail, forest fires and floods, to health risks such as plagues and epidemics, and to human activities like pollution, acid rain and unintentional genetic contamination, to landslides because of problems related to urban planning, and to the desertification of mountain areas, to forest fires due to absence of forest maintenance and criminal behaviour, and to contamination of rivers due to chemical discharges from factories;
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3a (new) Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Considers that agricultural and forestry production are vulnerable to climatic phenomena such as drought, storms, frost, hail, forest fires and floods, to health risks such as plagues and epidemics, and to human activities like pollution, acid rain and unintentional genetic contamination, to landslides because of problems related to urban planning, to forest fires due to absence of forest maintenance and criminal behaviour, and to contamination of
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3a (new) 3a. Is of the opinion that adequate education and training of the population in the kind of behaviour to adopt in the event of disasters are essential for life- saving purposes; attaches, therefore, great importance to the creation and implementation of Community guidelines for the various possible calamities; considers a thorough awareness on the part of EU citizens of the European Emergency Number 112 to be extremely relevant;
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Considers that agricultural and forestry production are vulnerable to climatic phenomena such as drought, storms, frost, hail, forest fires and floods, to health risks such as plagues and epidemics, and to human activities like pollution, acid rain and unintentional and deliberate genetic contamination, to landslides because of problems related to urban planning, to forest fires due to absence of forest maintenance and criminal behaviour, and to contamination of rivers
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Stresses the crucial role played by regional and local authorities in the disaster management cycle; strongly believes that active involvement of those authorities in the design and implementation of risk reduction and disaster prevention strategies is the best way to ensure that the most effective and functional solutions are devised; stresses also the importance of consulting and involving public and private stakeholders
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Welcomes the Commission proposal to extend the lessons learnt exercises to disaster prevention; calls for particular attention to be paid to the lessons learnt in parts of Europe, such as the extremely remote regions, which face a combination of risks (flooding, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes);
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5.
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3a (new) 3a. Calls on the Commission to carry out an inventory of information sources and dissemination of best practices in risk management procedures and supports the coordination of research activities on disaster risks;
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Recalls that natural and
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Supports the Commission’s initiative aimed at assessing the possibility of improving the integration of disaster
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Recalls that natural and man-made disasters endanger the economic viability of farms, threaten food security and lead to rural depopulation, intensify erosion and desertification, damage ecosystems, endanger biodiversity and seriously affect the quality of life of the remaining rural population
Amendment 23 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Supports the Commission’s initiative aimed at assessing the possibility of improving the integration of disaster prevention in the Operational Programmes set up for the period 2007-2013, and calls on the Member States to make use of the structural funds directly allocated to risk prevention so that actions in this field are taken without delay during the current programming period; recalls, however, the need for coordinated action in this respect; suggests that in the strategy for the next programming period the Commission take into account the need to introduce Community financing measures for disaster prevention that cover all areas of action;
Amendment 23 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. economies and curbs migration to urban areas, providing good environmental conditions for the land, reducing carbon emissions and contributing to their sequestration
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4a (new) 4a. Notes that climate change is progressively worsening natural calamities, including floods and hydrology-related disasters, for which adequate and well-coordinated prevention is essential; calls for research in these fields and the exchange of experiences between all the local, regional, and national actors involved in the disaster management cycle, so that the best possible prevention measures are adopted;
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Recalls that agriculture is crucial in this context, as it ensures the existence of rural economies and curbs migration to urban areas, providing good environmental conditions for the land, reducing carbon emissions and contributing to their sequestration, improving soil maintenance, returning river and coastal water systems to their natural state and promoting the recovery of natural spaces;
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4a (new) 4a. Urges the Commission to ensure that the current budgetary pressures arising from the crisis do not lead to a reduction in the resources allocated to existing disaster prevention policies and, as part of the current budget review, to carefully assess any gaps in the field of prevention and whether each type of disaster is covered by the instruments available.
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Recalls that plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and produce biomass that can be converted into biogas, biofuels and industrial goods; that the increase in the use of agricultural products in the production of industrial products such as polymers, lubricants, surface agents, solvents and fibres, can also help reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources.
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4b (new) 4b. Considers that, as part of the current budget review, the Commission should explore every possibility as regards instruments to improve the existing disaster prevention systems, including the possibility of using the early warning and satellite observation resources currently available to assess the risks of drought and desertification arising from climate change.
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Highlights the role played by farmers as custodians of the countryside in the European Union; therefore considers it necessary to promote the maintenance of agricultural activities in a viable manner in order to curb the abandonment of production and the depopulation of rural areas, a phenomenon which further increases the risk of forest fires.
Amendment 27 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4c (new) 4c. Urges the Commission not to forget that better management and conservation of woodlands is key among its priorities in the area of combating climate change; considers that the provision of a genuine forestry policy would make a major contribution not just to combating climate change, but also to preventing natural disasters.
Amendment 27 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 b (new) 6b. Considers that there is an entire group of agricultural energy crops that, together with wind power and solar energy, can significantly contribute to the EU’s energy security;
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Takes the view that the funding of infrastructure under the structural funds in the next programming periods must be
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 c (new) 6c. Considers that the foreseeable negative effects of climate change on agricultural production will put additional pressure on maintaining food security as a matter of necessity, which will also be worsened by a demographic increase to 9 billion people by 2050, requiring a corresponding increase of some 70% in production capacity; all of these aspects show how food security, climate change mitigation, natural disasters and poverty reduction are inextricably linked;
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5a (new) 5a. Emphasises the importance of public awareness-raising and information measures both in terms of disaster prevention and the public's response during and after the crisis, and stresses the need for further information relating to the European single emergency telephone line '112';
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 d (new) 6d. Warns of the need for the future common agricultural policy to have the financial means to continue to ensure the supply of food to Europeans and to respond to other challenges they may face, in the context of adapting to climate change and reducing its negative effects, in particular through preventing the impact of natural disasters;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Stresses the crucial role played by regional and local authorities in the disaster management cycle; strongly believes that active involvement of those authorities in the design and implementation of disaster prevention strategies is the best way to ensure that the most effective and functional solutions are devised; stresses also the importance of consulting and involving public and private stakeholders in this process; regards it as particularly important, in the context of disaster management, to encourage volunteering and to involve volunteers at all levels;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Advocates a single EU-wide strategy through the introduction of a uniform action plan for each type of disaster, ensuring complete solidarity between countries in tackling disasters; urges that particular attention be paid within the strategy to the most isolated, most sparsely populated, mountainous and border regions of Europe, and the most economically disadvantaged European regions.
Amendment 30 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5b (new) Amendment 30 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Recalls that forests are important for the production of wood, but also for maintaining biodiversity, the prevention of fires, floods, avalanches and erosion, management of groundwater resources, and landscape management; there is a pressing need for a stringent EU forestry policy, that takes due account of the diversity of European forests and is based on scientific knowledge in order to maintain, protect and adapt forests in the fight against the risks they face;
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Recalls that forests are important primarily for the production of wood
Amendment 32 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Recalls that forests are important for the
Amendment 33 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Highlights the fact that persistent droughts have in recent years encouraged the proliferation of forest fires in Europe, at the same time worsening the desertification of a large number of regions.
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 8. Considers that forest fires are a serious problem in many parts of Europe and that measures should be taken there to avoid dense afforestation and alter the composition of the forest; believes preference should be given to native species and mixed forests in the interest of higher resistance to fires, storms and insect damage, observing the different natural conditions in Nordic Boreal forests as compared with the forests in the south of Europe; calls on the Commission to urge Member States to include legal provisions on civil and criminal liability for arsonists,
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 8. Considers that forest fires are a serious problem and that measures should be taken to avoid excessively dense afforestation and alter the composition of the forest; believes preference should be given to native species and mixed forests in the interest of higher resistance to fires, storms and insect damage; calls on the Commission to urge Member States to include legal provisions on civil and criminal liability for arsonists, and to coordinate assessment teams to be consulted on the recovery of the affected area, in order to avoid speculative activity;
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 8. Considers that forest fires are a serious
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Advocates the creation of a genuine forest policy designed to improve the management and conservation of forests, taking into account the fundamental role that they play in combating climate change, which is having an increasing impact in natural disasters.
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 9. Calls on the Commission and Member States to include in the calculation of agri- environmental
Amendment 39 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 9. Calls on Member States to include in agri-environmental measures (such as Regulation (EC) No 1
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Stresses that a proactive approach is more effective and less costly than one based simply on reacting to disasters; takes the view that knowledge of the local geographic, economic and social context is fundamental to the prevention of natural and man-made disasters;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 b (new) 1b. Draws attention to the added difficulties faced by the outermost regions of the European Union in tackling disasters; asks for special attention to be paid to those regions through the various financial instruments available and, specifically, calls for the conditions for mobilising the Solidarity Fund for those areas to be made more flexible.
Amendment 40 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 9. Calls on Member States to include in agri-environmental measures (such as Regulation (EC) No 1257/99) the preservation of firebreaks, pruning of dead branches, removal of dead plants, and organized feed stocks where climate conditions require these preventive activities;
Amendment 41 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Draws attention to the importance of agricultural practices and the choice of periods during which fertilisers are used, to avoid the transportation into lakes or rivers, by water from precipitation, of nitrogen-based fertilisers; calls on the Commission and the Member States to encourage the implementation of good agricultural practices, which in some Member States has made it possible to halve infiltration of nitrogen-based fertilisers without reducing crop yields;
Amendment 42 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 10. Recalls that water is often involved in natural disasters, not only
Amendment 43 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Draws attention to the risk of landslides from overgrazing and agricultural practices such as perpendicular ploughing along contour lines.
Amendment 44 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11 11. Invites the Commission to report on the implementation in the Member States of Articles 70 and 71 of the Health Check provisions on risk insurance and mutual fund schemes;
Amendment 45 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11 11. Invites the Commission to report on the implementation in the Member States of Articles 70 and 71 of the Health Check provisions on risk insurance and mutual fund schemes; urges the Commission to co
Amendment 46 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11 11. Invites the Commission to report on the implementation in the Member States of Articles 70 and 71 of the Health Check provisions on risk insurance and mutual fund schemes; urges the Commission to come forward with a proposal for a European mandatory joint system involving private initiatives and also supported by public funds to better address the risk and income instability of farmers related to natural and man-made disasters; stresses that it must be more ambitious than the present voluntary model in order to avoid a multiplicity of different
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11 11. Invites the Commission to report on the implementation in the Member States of Articles 70 and 71 of the Health Check provisions on risk insurance and mutual fund schemes; urges the Commission to come forward with a proposal for a European
Amendment 48 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11 a (new) 11a. Considers it urgent for a minimum compensation scheme for natural or man- made disasters to also be accessible to all European farmers, denouncing the unworkable nature of Article 11(8) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006, given the different insurance schemes available in the various Member States, recommending in addition that the component on promoting prevention measures be given preference when calculating agricultural insurance premiums;
Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11 a (new) 11 a. Considers that Article 11(8) of Regulation No 1857/2006 on State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products should be set aside until adequate insurance products are available to farmers in Member States to cover their crops against adverse climatic events;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1a (new) 1a. Highlights the EU’s increasing vulnerability to disasters and considers that this must be addressed by adopting an integrated risk management approach covering all the various phases of the disaster management cycle – prevention and early warning, preparedness, response, recovery and rehabilitation – in the form of an EU directive also addressing drought prevention and management, similar to one already existing for floods.
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 c (new) 1c. Calls on the European Commission to present, along the lines of the existing directive on floods, a proposal for a directive for combating drought, with the aim of achieving better coordination between the policies of the Member States on this issue and optimising the Community instruments available.
Amendment 50 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 12 12. Recalls that insurance schemes are accepted under the WTO amber box, and that our trading partners, such as the USA (Counter-Cyclical Programme and Disaster Assistance Programmes), systematically
Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 12 12. Recalls that insurance schemes are
Amendment 52 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 12 a (new) 12 a. Invites the Commission to encourage the exchange of good practices between Member States in preventing man-made disasters, and calls on the Member States to ensure that regional authorities undergo disaster management training;
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 13 13. Considers that an adequate financial framework on response to disasters should be provided and would be better articulated via the Solidarity Fund, the Rural Development Policy, the Regional Policy, the Seventh Framework Programme, State aids, the Forest Focus programme and the Life+ programmes; calls for special funds, outside the CAP, to be partially used for private prevention measures, such as measures for the adaptation of forests to climate change and corresponding research activities, reforestation, protection of wetlands and associated ecosystems, monitoring erosion and sedimentation in water courses, alternative uses for recovering high risk land; further calls for prevention and intervention to be appropriately included in the next financial perspectives;
Amendment 54 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 13 13. Considers that an adequate financial framework on response to disasters should be provided and would be better articulated via the Solidarity Fund, the Rural
Amendment 55 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 13 a (new) 13a. Calls on the Commission to establish an advance payment system based on initial estimates of direct damage to a disaster-stricken country, upon request by the latter under the EU Solidarity Fund, and considers that such assistance would offer maximum efficiency;
Amendment 56 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 13 a (new) 13 a. Asks the Member States and local authorities to facilitate awareness raising with regard to prevention of disasters, particularly in schools and rural communities;
Amendment 57 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 13 a (new) 13a. Urges the Commission to mobilise the current EU Solidarity Fund in the most flexible manner possible and without delay in order to assist the victims of natural disasters and calls for the adoption of more transparent criteria and the removal of limitations on mobilising the EU Solidarity Fund in the event of natural and man-made disasters
Amendment 58 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Recommends an expansion of the scope of the EU Solidarity Fund to cover damage to agriculture and forests;
Amendment 59 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Considers that the eligible operations listed in Article 4 of the EUSF (European Union Solidarity Fund) are too restrictive and do not allow for other situations of the same nature, such as droughts. In this context, and regardless of the fact that it is not practicable for the main victims (private individuals and businesses) to receive direct aid, a new, more flexible clause should be introduced in the EUSF which would enable indirect support to be granted;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1b (new) 1b. Stresses that it is the regions and local communities that bear the brunt of natural disasters and that, generally speaking, neither their material and human resources or their know-how or financial resources are sufficient to cope with these disasters under a purely national and/or regional approach, and that these disasters call for an effective European-level solidarity-based response.
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Supports the key elements of the Community approach, but considers them insufficient for the agricultural sector; is of the opinion that knowledge-based disaster prevention is essential;
Amendment 60 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 14 b (new) 14b. Calls for the introduction of a new category in the EUSF (European Union Solidarity Fund) relating to 'other operations of public interest aimed at restoring the social and economic life of affected populations and/or areas', so as to include events with consequences for private assets which, being of unquestionable importance for the overall wellbeing, operate as if they were public assets;
Amendment 61 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Refers to the existing risk-reduction strategies of businesses, such as their internal or market-focused strategies; reaffirms that such strategies for diversification, production adjustment, changes to crop rotation, cultivation methods designed to protect the soil and conserve water, futures markets, insurance policies and contracts are paramount and should be supplemented by monitoring instruments;
Amendment 62 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Considers that, in setting the thresholds referred to in paragraph 15, all rural areas with specific natural disadvantages and abandoned areas should also be taken into consideration, so as to incentivise non-abandonment of those areas.
Amendment 63 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 16 a (new) 16a. Calls on the European Commission to examine the viability of creating a climate change adaptation fund in the context of the next financial perspective, in order to help finance preventive measures relating to natural disasters in specific economic sectors.
Amendment 64 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 16 a (new) 16a. Urges the Commission to support the rebuilding of agricultural regions that have sustained significant damage, to relaunch efforts to create jobs and to take adequate measures to offset the social costs inherent in the loss of jobs and other sources of income from agriculture
Amendment 65 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 17 a (new) 17a. Considers that recent experience and that of past years emphasises the need further to reinforce the Community's civil protection, prevention preparedness and response capability in relation to natural and anthropogenic disasters, and strongly urges the Commission to take action to this end in order to provide visible expression of European solidarity with countries affected by major emergencies; supports activities aimed at enhancing Member States' civil protection preparedness, notably through the exchange of experts and best practice, exercises and preparedness projects;
Amendment 66 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 18 a (new) 18a. Deeply regrets the fact that so many and such heavy losses have occurred during recent natural disasters in certain Member States and considers it necessary, in consequence, to examine immediately the adequacy of prevention and preparedness measures in order to ensure that the necessary lessons are drawn with a view to preventing and limiting the devastating effects of similar disasters in Member States in the future; in this regard, urges the Commission to ask Member States to supply details of their operational programmes in place for dealing with natural disasters, with a view to exchanging experience and drawing conclusions on immediate measures, coordination of administrative and operational bodies, and availability of the necessary human and material resources;
Amendment 67 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 19 a (new) 19a. Stresses the need to enhance prevention measures designed to tackle all types of natural disaster by establishing joint strategic guidelines to ensure better coordination among the Member States, as well as greater operability and coordination among the various Community instruments (Structural Funds, Solidarity Fund, and the rapid response mechanism and preparedness instrument for major emergencies);
Amendment 68 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 20 a (new) 20a. Considers that food security policies should be reinforced in order to take full advantage of the preventive measures included in current legislation and ensure a coordinated EU approach to disaster prevention and mitigation;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Supports the key elements of the Community approach, but considers them insufficient for the agricultural sector; is of the opinion that knowledge-based disaster prevention is essential; highlights the need to draw up maps of areas at risk, create a database of economic and social disaster records, in the interest of efficient monitoring, including the mapping of areas at increased risk, as well as to formulate measures appropriate to the specific nature of the major risks in each region;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Takes the view that only a common strategy and coordinated actions between the different sectors and the different actors involved in the disaster management cycle can lead to real advances in the field of disaster prevention;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Is in favour of linking the actors and policies throughout the disaster management cycle, recognising the benefits of a quick reaction force that would enhance coordination and solidarity among Member States, since no country has the resources required to deal with major natural disasters on their own; supports the initiative to launch a stakeholder group and
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Takes the view that only a common strategy and coordinated actions between the different sectors and the different actors involved in the disaster management cycle can lead to real advances in the field of disaster prevention; calls on the Member States to foster cooperation to this end at national, regional and local level; with a view to learning from the experience gained, a single European database should be established, early-warning systems shoud be improved and targeted support should be given to research in this area;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3.
source: PE-439.323
72 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 2 -having regard to its resolutions of 16 September 2009 on forest fires in the summer of 2009, 4 September 2007 on natural disasters, 7 September 2006 on forest fires and floods, 5 September 2002 on floods in Europe, 14 April 2005 on the drought in Portugal, 12 May 2005 on the drought in Spain , 8 September 2005 on natural disasters (fires and floods) in Europe, its resolutions of 18 May 2006 on natural disasters (forest fires, droughts and floods) – agricultural aspects, regional development aspects and environmental aspects, its resolution of 8 March 2010 on the major natural disaster in the autonomous region of Madeira and the effects of the storm "Xynthia" in Europe and its legislative resolution of 18 May 2006 on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Union Solidarity Fund;
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas the balanced occupation of land,
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas the balanced
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new) Ea. whereas forests play a crucial role in preserving the environment through the balances created in both the carbon cycle and the water cycle;
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Points out that the main objective of disaster prevention is to safeguard human life, the safety and physical integrity of individuals, the fundamental human rights, the environment, economic and social infrastructures, including housing, and the cultural heritage;
Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Welcomes the commitment made by the Commission to ensuring that disaster- prevention-related issues are taken into account more coherently in EU policies and programmes;
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Considers that, given the scale and/or the cross-border nature that disasters may assume, it is appropriate and necessary to enhance cooperation, both at regional and EU level, based on complementarity of action , dissemination of best practices and the principle of solidarity between Member States;
Amendment 16 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Emphasises that the principle of non- discrimination must be included in aid provision; urges the Commission to adopt gender-sensitive strategies for responding to human security needs and environmental and humanitarian crises caused by natural and man-made disasters; highlights that an effective civil protection operation relies on specific key modes like prevention, active participation, involvement of all, preparedness, response and recovery/reconstruction;
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Considers that a common methodology and minimum requirements for hazard and risk mapping need to be established at EU level;
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Advocates a single EU-wide strategy through the introduction of a uniform action plan for each type of disaster, ensuring complete solidarity between countries in tackling disasters; urges that particular attention be paid within the strategy to the most isolated, most sparsely populated, mountainous and border regions of Europe, and the most economically disadvantaged European regions.
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Points out the importance of reducing inequalities between regions and Member States in terms of their capacity to protect their populations and their property, including the cultural heritage, environment and economy, in particular helping to improve prevention in the regions and Member States that are highly vulnerable to the risk of disasters and that have fewer economic resources;
Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new) Aa. whereas natural disasters compromise ecosystems and biodiversity, affect sustainable development and jeopardise social cohesion;
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Points out the importance of reducing inequalities between regions and Member States in terms of their capacity to protect their populations, environment and economy,
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Takes note of the proposal to set up a network made up of representatives of the various competent national services of all the Member States; stresses that this network should operate within the scope of the cooperation between national, regional and local authorities with responsibilities in disaster management, spatial planning and risk mapping and management; emphasises the role of this network in exchanging experience and prevention measures thus making it possible for Member States to pool information on national civil capabilities and medical resources; calls for consideration also to be given to hearing
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Takes note of the proposal to set up a network made up of representatives of the various competent national services of all the Member States; stresses that this network should operate within the scope of the cooperation between national, regional and local authorities with responsibilities in disaster management, spatial planning and risk mapping and management; emphasises
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Highlights the need to hold awareness-raising campaigns for prevention and to adopt best practices, disseminating the procedures to be adopted when faced with disaster situations, such as fires and floods; urges that in training schemes for populations, particular attention be paid to young people from school age on;
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Stresses the need to create a suitable financial instrument for disaster prevention that will strengthen and link instruments such as cohesion policy, rural development policy, regional policy, the Solidarity Fund and the Seventh Framework Programme; requests that means of financing be established in order to support disaster prevention and risk assessment and reduction actions, also taking account of microfinance and microinsurance for low-income population categories; asks that in this context, prevention should
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Stresses the need to create a suitable financial instrument for disaster prevention
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Stresses the need to create a suitable financial instrument
Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Stresses the need to create a suitable
Amendment 28 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Therefore calls on the European Commission to examine the feasibility of creating a climate change adaptation fund in the context of the next financial perspective, in order to help finance preventive measures relating to natural disasters in specific economic sectors.
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Calls on the European Commission to propose a more systematic pooling of existing national resources through the creation of a European civil protection force, in order to strengthen the effectiveness of EU prevention mechanisms.
Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Ba. whereas climate change is causing ever more frequent natural disasters (floods, extreme droughts and fires), resulting in loss of human life and serious environmental, economic and social damage;
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 - introduction paragraph 6. Considers that the Member States should introduce measures to prioritise prevention as opposed to repairing damage and at the same time that, inter alia, the following prevention measures should be the subject of priority support from the EU to the Member States, and also that the latter should make better use of the existing possibilities offered by the Structural Funds:
Amendment 32 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 - point d d) maintaining and inspecting the safety of existing major infrastructures, with
Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 - point d a (new) d a) including and carrying out fire and flood prevention measures within the framework of their rural development plans, with special support for measures to encourage forest profitability, for example;
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 - point d a (new) (d a) sustaining the agricultural activity in areas affected by depopulation and subject to the risk of natural disasters and contributing to the reintegration of human activity by creating infra- structures to enable those who live in such areas to remain on the territory.
Amendment 35 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Reaffirms the need for controlling EU funds have been used in an adequate manner, and for any misused funds to be repaid;
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Emphasises the importance of public research and development (R&D) in preventing and managing disasters and calls for increased coordination and cooperation between the R&D institutions of Member States, especially those facing similar risks; calls for enhanced early warning systems
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Emphasises the importance of public research and development (R&D) in preventing and managing disasters and calls for increased coordination and cooperation between the R&D institutions of Member States, especially those facing similar risks; calls for enhanced early warning systems in Member States and the creation and strengthening of links between the various early warning systems; recommends to the Commission that it should take due note of these needs
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Regards as essential cooperation on the dissemination of information and experience, technical and scientific applications and also the coordination of strategies for the development of intervention capacities.
Amendment 39 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 b (new) 7b. Stresses the need to prepare the healthcare systems of the Member States from the point of view of human resource structure, good practice and risk awareness so that they are able to cope with disaster situations.
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas disasters generally have many causes, they are not always solely attributable to extreme natural phenomena, but are frequently made more likely by mankind’s flawed relationship with the surrounding physical environment and due to technological and industrial accidents which can entail the release of dangerous Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear (CBRN) agents with major effects on health, crops, infrastructure, or livestock ;
Amendment 40 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Points out the importance of studying rural and urban adaptation measures, given the increased frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events in various geographical areas ;
Amendment 41 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Highlights the role played by farmers as custodians of the countryside in the European Union; therefore considers it necessary to promote the maintenance of agricultural activities in an economically and environmentally viable manner, with the aim of curbing the abandonment of production and the depopulation of rural areas, a phenomenon which further increases the risk of forest fires and desertification.
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Calls on the Commission to support Member States in providing relevant updated information and training to the general public through channels that are easily accessible to all citizens on identified risks and preventive measures, including a manual on what to do in each specific disaster situation;
Amendment 43 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Reiterates the importance of setting up a European D
Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Reiterates
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9.
Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Reiterates the importance of setting up a European Drought and Desertification Observatory, which would be responsible for the study and the mitigation and monitoring of the effects of drought and desertification;
Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a 9a. Invites the Commission to set serious, solidarity-based objectives within the joint legislative framework on tackling and preventing natural disasters, and particularly the adoption of a European drought risk prevention and management policy;
Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Advocates a single EU-wide strategy through the introduction of a uniform action plan for each type of disaster, ensuring complete solidarity between countries in tackling disasters; urges that particular attention be paid within the strategy to the most isolated, most sparsely populated, mountainous and border regions of Europe, and the most economically disadvantaged European regions.
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 b (new) 9b. Highlights the fact that persistent droughts have in recent years encouraged the proliferation of forest fires in Europe, at the same time worsening the desertification of a large number of regions.
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas often to a large extent damage caused by the natural and man- made disasters could have been prevented; whereas also EU policies must ensure consistent incentives for the national, regional and local authorities to develop, fund and implement more efficient prevention and conservation policies;
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 c (new) 9c. Advocates the creation of a genuine forest policy designed to improve the management and conservation of forests, taking into account the fundamental role that they play in combating climate change, which is having an increasing impact in natural disasters; such a policy should be directed both towards forest protection and the sustainable use of timber resources.
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Calls on the Commission to carry out, together with the Member States, a specific initiative in the area of forest protection and fire prevention, which primarily includes sustained collection and use of residual forest biomass, a ban on changing the use of burnt land and tougher penalties for criminal acts against the environment, especially those that cause forest fires; considers that forestation and reforestation projects should be supported, with preference given to native species and mixed forests, to encourage biodiversity and greater resistance to fire, storms and disease;
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10.
Amendment 53 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Calls on the Commission to carry out, together with the Member States, within the context of a genuine European forest policy, a specific initiative in the area of forest protection and fire prevention; considers that forestation and reforestation projects should be supported, with preference given to native species and mixed forests, to encourage biodiversity and greater resistance to fire, storms and disease;
Amendment 54 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Reiterates the call made to the Commission to put forward a directive on preventing and managing fires to include: the regular collection of data, preparation of risk maps, preparation of fire risk management plans, identification of the resources needed and those available in the 27 Member States and coordination at different levels;
Amendment 55 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Given that the starting of fires and the increase in their frequency are by nature environmental offences, calls on the Commission to study and propose to the Council and the European Parliament ways of implementing coercive measures which will discourage negligence and deliberate action in the starting of fires;
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Supports the continuation of the pilot project for combating forest fires in anticipation of the creation of a permanent European Civil Protection Force; urges the Commission to follow up the Barnier- report with concrete proposals for a more rapid European cooperation capacity to natural disasters;
Amendment 57 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Invites the Member States to
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11.
Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Invites the Member States to assess the possibility of improving the inclusion of disaster prevention in national operational programming of EU funding; urges the Council and the Commission to support the need to reformulate the operational programmes identified by Member States in this area;
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas a holistic and effective approach to disaster prevention should incorporate various levels of cooperation between local, regional and national authorities and should also involve other actors with links to and, therefore, a knowledge of the land;
Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new) 11a. Recognises that some sectoral policies have led to certain regions being more exposed to risk by encouraging abandonment of the countryside and excessive concentration of the population in urban areas;
Amendment 61 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 b (new) 11b. Highlights the importance of viewing prevention from a cross-cutting perspective, incorporating it in the relevant sectoral policies to promote balanced land occupation and cohesive economic and social development that is in tune with nature;
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 c (new) Amendment 63 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Highlights the need for the Solidarity Fund Regulation to be revised, by adapting the eligibility criteria to the characteristics of each region and each disaster, paying particular attention to production sectors, the most vulnerable areas and the populations affected, and enabling mobilisation to be more flexible and timely, paying due respect to the new challenges associated with climate change;
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that the natural characteristics
Amendment 65 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that the natural characteristics and constraints of
Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that the natural characteristics and constraints of sparsely populated regions, naturally disadvantaged regions and outermost regions need to be acknowledged and taken into due account;
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Stresses that the natural characteristics and constraints of sparsely populated regions
Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Regrets the fact that the Commission has still not carried out a study on hazard and risk mapping practices in the Member States, as provided for in its Communication of 23 February 2009 on ‘A Community approach on the prevention of natural and man-made disasters’ (COM(2009)0082); urges the Commission to make good on this commitment in an effective way during the first half of 2010
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas a holistic, proactive, intelligence-led and effective approach to disaster prevention should incorporate various levels of cooperation between local, regional and national authorities;
Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Underlines the importance of drawing up standards to analyse and express the socio-economic impact of disasters on communities.
Amendment 71 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) Amendment 72 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 b (new) 14b. Recommends the development of public information and education programmes of an institutional nature with regard to disasters and their effects, risk management practices and prevention activities so as to raise awareness of the risks and the means of intervention in natural, technological and environmental disaster situations.
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new) Da. whereas disaster prevention measures in force in the European Union have been shown to be lacking, there being no strategic approach at EU level;
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new) Da. whereas persistent drought and fires are also speeding up the process of desertification, especially in southern Europe, above all affecting Mediterranean forest areas and extensive woodlands comprising a single, non- native species which is highly vulnerable to fire, threatening the lives of citizens and the quality of life of the populations affected;
source: PE-439.951
12 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Welcomes the Commission Communication on the prevention of natural and man-made disasters; recalls that natural and man-made disasters affect all Member States and candidate countries and include, among other hazards1, floods, storms, droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes 2, forest fires, extreme temperature events, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, landslides, technological and industrial accidents, soil erosion, landslides, contamination of the subsoil and groundwater and pollution of the seas, lakes and rivers; __________ 1 This is a non-exhaustive list of natural and man-made disasters; therefore other types of natural and man-made disaster which are not set out in this opinion may be included in the list. 2 European Parliament resolution of 14 November 2007 on the regional impact of earthquakes;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 19 19.
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 20 20. Takes the view that there is clear added value in working together where natural and man-made disasters occur; calls, therefore, on Member States and EU Institutions to develop reinforced co- operation in the field of disaster prevention and a holistic approach towards a more effective EU policy on disaster management; welcomes therefore the steps that have already been taken by the Council regarding the development of a Community framework on disaster prevention and prevention of forest fires;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 22 22. Draws attention to the prevention and anticipation of natural and man-made disasters and on the mitigation of their potential impact in order to adopt a strategy based on a proactive and intelligence-led approach; to this end, it is essential to ensure that Member States' national legislation complies with the basic safety rules to be observed, for example, in the field of construction; stresses the importance of providing information to the public, at both national and European levels, and improving disaster response training with a view to raising public awareness, particularly from an early age, and encouraging voluntary assistance by all.
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Emphasises that while enforcing the community approach, it is important to keep in mind that different types of disasters strikes in different Member States and that therefore different measures are required;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5.
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11 a (new) 11α. Notes that vulnerable population groups, such as children, the elderly and people with special needs, require special treatment and protection in the event of prevention and recovery measures related to natural and man-made disasters;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 15 15.
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 15 15. Supports the creation of a "Disaster Observatory" within the European Union; underlines that it is important to have a comprehensive collection of data and information on the risks and costs of disasters and to share them at EU level, with a view to carrying out comparative studies and determining the likely cross- border impact of the disasters, thus making it possible for Member States to pool information on national civil capabilities and medical resources;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Points out that environmental problems, caused and exacerbated by climate change, are currently responsible for a growth of forced migration and therefore wants to highlight the increasing link between asylum seekers and areas of environmental decline; calls for a better protection and resettlement of "climate refugees";
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 16 16. Considers that there should be a strong cross-cutting coordination mechanism in order to ensure dissemination of best practices that can improve the cooperation regarding preparedness, response and recovery;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 18 18.
source: PE-440.178
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