Progress: Procedure completed
Lead committee dossier:
PURPOSE: Corrigendum to the definitive adoption of the European Union’s general budget for the financial year 2012 ( published in the Official Journal of the European Union L 56 of 29 February 2012 ).
CONTENT: the corrigendum concerns certain technical aspects in the tables regarding the staff of certain institutions or agencies of the European Union.
Other amendments are made to pages II/1136 to II/1139, Title 40 on ‘Reserves’.
The European Parliament adopted by 453 votes to 124, with 26 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the joint text approved on 18 November 2011 by the Conciliation Committee in the framework of 2012 budgetary procedure.
The resolution recalls the main points of the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee which may be summarised as follows:
list of budget lines not modified, compared to the draft budget or the Council's position; summary figures by financial framework headings; line by line figures on all budget items; consolidated document showing the figures and final text of all lines modified during the conciliation.
With this resolution, Parliament indicates that the overall budget for 2012 will amount to EUR 129.1 billion (+1.86%) for payment appropriations and EUR 147.2 billion (+3.8%) for commitment appropriations.
The European Parliament instructs its President to declare that the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2012 has been definitively adopted .
European Parliament priorities : in its proposals, the European Parliament emphasised the importance of growth, innovation, employment, border controls, migration management and support for democratic development in the Arab world . All of these priorities were taken into account by the Council in its final agreement.
From a technical point of view, the main joint conclusions from the budgetary negotiations may be summarised as follows:
Horizontal issues :
- decentralised agencies : the total EU contribution in 2012 for decentralised agencies is reduced by 1%, as compared to the Draft Budget (DB) as amended by Amending Letter 3/2012. However, the total EU contribution (in commitment appropriations and in payment appropriations) is set at the level of the DB for FRONTEX, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO), the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). As compared to the Commission's Draft Budget, this leads to an overall reduction in the EU contribution to the decentralised agencies of EUR 6.1 million;
- pilot projects/preparatory actions : a comprehensive package of 70 pilot projects/preparatory actions (PP/PA), including two projects/actions in section X (EEAS) of the budget, for an amount of EUR 105.4 million in commitment appropriations is agreed, including all PP/PA proposed by the Parliament, the Commission and the European External Action Service. The changes to the budget remarks for the pilot project ‘ European Institute of Peace’ in section X (EEAS) are agreed.
Expenditure headings of the financial framework - commitment appropriations : the Conciliation Committee has agreed on the following:
- Heading 1a: Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, with amendments to the programmes and actions foreseen in the resolution. The Flexibility Instrument will be mobilised for an amount of EUR 50.0 million for the ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ . The commitment appropriations put in the reserve for ‘ITER’ (budget article 08 20 02) are set at EUR 417.9 million.
- Heading 1b: commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed in the Draft Budget, with the exception of the budget line 13 03 31 ‘Technical assistance and dissemination of information on the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and an improved knowledge of macro-regions strategy’, for which an amount of EUR 2.5 million in commitments is agreed. As a consequence, the margin under the expenditure ceiling of heading 1b amounts to EUR 8.4 million.
- Heading 2: commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 3/2012, with amendments set out in the table contained in the resolution. Reflecting the political agreement reached on the ‘ Programmes for deprived persons ’ (budget item 05 02 04 01), the appropriations currently in reserve for this purpose are put on the line concerned.
- Headings 3a and 3b : commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, with amendments set out in the resolution.
- Heading 4: commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, including Amending Letter 1/2012, with amendments decided in Conciliation and set out in the resolution. The Flexibility Instrument will be mobilised for an amount of EUR 150.0 million for the European Neighbourhood Policy . Furthermore, the frontloading of 2011 commitment appropriations for Palestine is agreed.
- Heading 5 : as far as the appropriations and establishment plan posts of all Institutions are concerned, the position of the European Parliament is approved. Furthermore, the reinforcements proposed in Amending Letter 2/2012 are approved. Finally, an amount of EUR 10.4 million is added for pensions . As a consequence, the margin under the expenditure ceiling of heading 5 amounts to EUR 474.4 million.
Payment appropriations : the overall level of payment appropriations in the 2012 budget is set at EUR 129 088,043,000. The increase in payment appropriations is limited (12.86%) in accordance with the wishes of the Member States. The Commission, Council and Parliament agreed to review the situation in the course of next year with a view to examining whether the budget is realistic or whether changes are necessary. The Member States signed declaration in this regard. In the context of the overall compromise, the Conciliation Committee on the joint statement on payments. A specific calculation methodology is applied to set the overall level of payments for 2012 resulting in the following innovations:
- Heading 1a : the level of payment appropriations for the ‘European Globalisation Adjustment Fund’ is set at EUR 50 million; the level of payment appropriations for the ‘European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations’ is set at the level agreed between Council and Parliament;
- Heading 2: the level of payment appropriations for ‘International Fisheries Agreements’ is set at the level proposed in Amending Letter 3/2012;
- Heading 3b : the level of payment appropriations for the ‘Special Annual Events’ is set at the level proposed in the Parliament position;
- Heading 4 : the level of payment appropriations for the ‘Emergency Aid Reserve’ is set at EUR 90 million; the level of payment appropriations for ‘Palestine’ is set at the level proposed in the Draft Budget; the level of payment appropriations for ‘Macro Financial Assistance’ is set at the level agreed between Council and Parliament; the level of payment appropriations for ‘Sugar Protocol Countries’ is set at the level agreed between Council and Parliament
The overall reduction in the level of payments is distributed across budget lines for differentiated expenditure under the expenditure headings, according to the following distribution key:
- Heading 1a : 31.0 %;
- Heading 1b: 38.45 %;
- Heading 2 : 21.25 %;
- Heading 3a : 1.0 %;
- Heading 3b : zero %;
- Heading 4 : 8.3 %.
As an exception to this rule, however, it is proposed to distribute the overall cut for heading 1b proportionally to the Council position, i.e. preserving the Draft Budget for the Convergence objective.
Reserves : all reserves voted by the European Parliament are maintained. The amount of the reserve on line 26 01 20 (EPSO) is decreased by 50%.
Joint statement on payment appropriations: taking into account the ongoing fiscal consolidation efforts in Member States, the Council and the European Parliament agree on a reduction of the level of payment appropriations for 2012 as compared to the Commission's Draft Budget. They ask the Commission to request additional payment appropriations in an amending budget if the appropriations entered in the 2012 budget are insufficient to cover expenditure under:
- sub-heading 1a (Competitiveness for growth and employment),
- sub-heading 1b (Cohesion for growth and employment),
- heading 2 (Preservation and management of natural resources),
- heading 3 (Citizenship, freedom, security and justice) and heading 4 (EU as a global player).
In particular, the Council and the European Parliament urge the Commission to present by the end of September 2012 at the latest updated figures concerning the state of play and estimates regarding payment appropriations under sub-heading 1b (Cohesion for growth and employment) and rural development under heading 2 Preservation and Management of Natural Resources, and, if necessary, to present a draft amending budget.
The Council and the European Parliament will take position on any draft amending budget as quickly as possible in order to avoid any shortfall in payment appropriations. In addition, the Council and the European Parliament undertake to process swiftly any possible transfer of payment appropriations, including across financial framework headings, in order to make the best possible use of payment appropriations entered in the budget and align them to actual execution and needs.
Parliament and Council, furthermore, agreed the following joint statements:
- joint statement on preventing measures for future crisis in the fruit and vegetable sector : the possibility of the adoption by the Commission of an amending budget in the event of an exceptional market crisis in the fruit and vegetable sector requiring the definition of specific emergency measures such as the e-coli crisis;
- joint statement on the financing of the ITER project: the European Parliament and the Council invite the Commission to facilitate reaching an agreement on the additional financing needs of the ITER project, taking into account the concerns of both arms of the budgetary authority.
The European Parliament delegation to the Budgetary Conciliation Committee adopted the report by Francesca BALZANI (S&D, IT) and José-Manuel FERNANDES (EPP, PT) on the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee in the framework of the 2012 budgetary procedure.
The delegation recalls the main points of the joint text agreed by the Conciliation Committee. These are summarised as follows:
list of budget lines not modified, compared to the draft budget or the Council's position; summary figures by financial framework headings; line by line figures on all budget items; consolidated document showing the figures and final text of all lines modified during the conciliation .
The delegation confirms the joint statements by the Parliament, the Council and the Commission included in the joint conclusions agreed by the Conciliation Committee including:
1. Budget 2012;
2. Budget 2011 – Amending Budget 6/2011;
3. Joint statements of the institutions on the budget.
Horizontal issues :
decentralised agencies: the total EU contribution in 2012 for decentralised agencies is reduced by 1%, as compared to the Draft Budget (DB) as amended by Amending Letter 3/2012. However, the total EU contribution (in commitment appropriations and in payment appropriations) is set at the level of the DB for FRONTEX, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO), the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). As compared to the Commission's Draft Budget, this leads to an overall reduction in the EU contribution to the decentralised agencies of EUR 6.1 million; Pilot Projects/Preparatory Actions : a comprehensive package of 70 pilot projects/preparatory actions (PP/PA), including two projects/actions in section X (EEAS) of the budget, for an amount of EUR 105.4 million in commitment appropriations is agreed, including all PP/PA proposed by the Parliament, the Commission and the European External Action Service. The changes to the budget remarks for the pilot project ' European Institute of Peace ' in section X (EEAS) are agreed. This package fully respects the ceilings for pilot projects and preparatory actions provided in the IIA.
Expenditure headings of the financial framework - commitment appropriations: the delegation noted the following:
Heading 1a : commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, with amendments to the programmes and actions as set out in the table that accompanies the draft resolution. The Flexibility Instrument will be mobilised for an amount of EUR 50.0 million for the 'Europe 2020 Strategy' . The commitment appropriations put in the reserve for 'ITER' (budget article 08 20 02) are set at EUR 417.9 million. Heading 1b : commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed in the Draft Budget, with the exception of the budget line 13 03 31 'Technical assistance and dissemination of information on the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and an improved knowledge of macro-regions strategy', for which an amount of EUR 2.5 million in commitments is agreed. As a consequence, the margin under the expenditure ceiling of heading 1b amounts to EUR 8.4 million. Heading 2 : commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 3/2012, with amendments to programmes and actions as set out in the table that accompanies the draft resolution. Reflecting the political agreement reached on the ' Programmes for deprived persons ' (budget item 05 02 04 01), the appropriations currently in reserve for this purpose are put on the line concerned. Headings 3a and 3b: commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, with amendments to the programmes and actions as set out in the table that accompanies the draft resolution. Heading 4 : commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, including Amending Letter 1/2012, with amendments agreed to programmes and actions as set out in the draft resolution. The Flexibility Instrument will be mobilised for an amount of EUR 150.0 million for the European Neighbourhood Policy . Furthermore, the frontloading of 2011 commitment appropriations for Palestine is agreed. Heading 5 : as far as the appropriations and establishment plan posts of all Institutions are concerned, the position of the European Parliament is approved. Furthermore, the reinforcements proposed in Amending Letter 2/2012 are approved. Lastly, an amount of EUR 10.4 million is added for pensions . As a consequence, the margin under the expenditure ceiling of heading 5 amounts to EUR 474.4 million.
Payment appropriations : the overall level of payment appropriations in the 2012 budget is set at EUR 129 088,043 million. As part of the overall compromise, the Conciliation Committee supports the reduction in payment appropriations based on the application of a specific calculation methodology to reduce payments.
In addition to the overall reduction in payments by this calculation method, specific amounts in payment appropriations are agreed for:
Heading 1a : the level of payment appropriations for the 'European Globalisation Adjustment Fund' is set at EUR 50 million; the level of payment appropriations for the 'European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations' is set at the level agreed between Council and Parliament ('closed' line); Heading 2 : the level of payment appropriations for 'International Fisheries Agreements' is set at the level proposed in Amending Letter 3/2012; Heading 3b : the level of payment appropriations for the 'Special Annual Events' is set at the level proposed in the Parliament position; Heading 4 : the level of payment appropriations for the 'Emergency Aid Reserve' is set at EUR 90 million; the level of payment appropriations for 'Palestine' is set at the level proposed in the Draft Budget; the level of payment appropriations for 'Macro Financial Assistance' is set at the level agreed between Council and Parliament ('closed' line); the level of payment appropriations for 'Sugar Protocol Countries' is set at the level agreed between Council and Parliament ('closed' line, in payment appropriations).
The overall reduction in the level of payments (5a - 5b) is then distributed across budget lines for differentiated expenditure under the expenditure headings, according to the following distribution key:
Heading 1a: 31.00 %; Heading 1b: 38.45 %; Heading 2: 21.25 %; Heading 3a: 1.00 %; Heading 3b: zero %; Heading 4: 8.30 %.
Reserves : all reserves voted by the European Parliament are maintained. The amount of the reserve on line 26 01 20 (EPSO) is decreased by 50%.
Joint statement on payment appropriations : taking into account the ongoing fiscal consolidation efforts in Member States, the delegation stresses that the Council and the European Parliament agree on a reduction of the level of payment appropriations for 2012 as compared to the Commission's Draft Budget . Additional payment appropriations will be requested in an amending budget if the appropriations entered in the 2012 budget are insufficient to cover expenditure under:
sub-heading 1a (Competitiveness for growth and employment), sub-heading 1b (Cohesion for growth and employment), heading 2 (Preservation and management of natural resources), heading 3 (Citizenship, freedom, security and justice) and heading 4 (EU as a global player).
In particular, the Commission is urged to present by the end of September 2012 at the latest updated figures concerning the state of play and estimates regarding payment appropriations under sub-heading 1b (Cohesion for growth and employment) and rural development under heading 2 Preservation and Management of Natural Resources, and, if necessary, to present a draft amending budget. The Council and the European Parliament will take position on any draft amending budget as quickly as possible in order to avoid any shortfall in payment appropriations. In addition, the Council and the European Parliament undertake to process swiftly any possible transfer of payment appropriations, including across financial framework headings, in order to make the best possible use of payment appropriations entered in the budget and align them to actual execution and needs.
The delegation, furthermore, calls on the Parliament and Council to make the following statements:
joint statement on preventing measures for future crisis in the fruit and vegetable sector : the possibility of the adoption of an amending budget by the Commission in case of an exceptional market crisis in the fruit and vegetable sector requiring the definition of specific emergency measures, such as in the case of the e-coli crisis; joint statement on the financing of the ITER project : the delegation calls on the Parliament and the Council to invite the Commission to facilitate reaching an agreement on the additional financing needs of the ITER project, taking into account the concerns of both arms of the budgetary authority.
The delegation also calls on Parliament to approve the draft amending budget 6/2011, taking into account certain technical amendments. The same applies for the amending budget 7/2011 (mobilisation of the Solidarity Fund for Italy and Spain) which is accepted as it stands.
The other aspects in the draft resolution concerning amendments made to remarks concerning the budget of the EEAS and the budget line of the Commission for cross-border journalism.
The European Parliament adopted by 431 votes to 120 with 124 abstentions a resolution on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2012 as modified by the Council - all sections and Letters of amendment Nos 1/2012 and 2/2012.
Generally speaking, Parliament has aimed to retain the draft budget as proposed by the Commission, after the cuts made by Council in July. Parliament’s position involves an increase in payments of 5.2% compared to the 2011 budget.
The overall level of appropriations is set at EUR 133 143 18 million in payment appropriations and EUR 147.763.82 million in commitment appropriations.
With regard to Section III of the budget, Parliament sets out the main factors and budget priorities as follows :
A budget for the Europe 2020 strategy and investment : Parliament recalls that the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy will require a huge amount of future-oriented investment up to 2020, estimated at no less than EUR 1 800 billion by the Commission in its communication of 19 October 2010 entitled ‘The EU Budget Review’( COM(2010)0700 ). The necessary investments must be made now and delayed no longer.
In order to help Europe recover from the crisis and come out stronger, the Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth must be at the centre of the 2012 EU budgetary strategy for 2012. However, the crisis has resulted in a drop in public investment because of the adjustments that Member States have made to their national budgets. Parliament calls for this trend to be reversed and firmly believes that investments need to be guaranteed both at EU and national level if the Union .
Stating that that the EU budget has a significant role to play as a leverage tool for Member States' recovery policies by triggering and supporting national investment to reinforce growth and employment , Parliament emphasises that this is fully in line with the dynamics of the European Semester, which aims at increasing consistency, synergies and complementarities between the EU and the national budgets. Parliament recalls, once more, that the EU budget should in no way be perceived and evaluated simply as a financial item added as a burden to national budgets but, on the contrary, is to be understood as an opportunity to gear up those initiatives and investments that are of interest and of added value to the Union as a whole. Given its very nature and limited size it should not be checked and curbed by arbitrary reductions. On the contrary targeted areas need to be reinforced. Parliament recognises, however, that there is an acute shortage of funds in the EU, both at Member State and Union levels, and stresses that all programmes and expenditure should be carefully analysed for viability, efficiency and effectiveness.
Parliament also points out that the margins stemming from the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) do not allow real room for manoeuvre, especially in subheading 1a and heading 4, and reduce the capacity of the EU to react to policy changes and unforeseen needs while maintaining its priorities. However, the scope of the challenges the EU faces, would require means well beyond the current ceilings of the MFF. Members recall, in that respect, that the mobilisation of the ad hoc instruments has been rendered unavoidable by the various challenges and new priorities that have arisen, such as the Arab Spring this year and the need to give a strong impetus to the implementation of the EU 2020 strategy.
Council’s position : Members regret Council cuts to Commission's Draft Budget (DB) by EUR 1.59 billion in commitments (-1.08%) and by EUR 3.65 billion in payments (-2.75%). The Council proposed cuts for several hundreds of budget lines, while proposing no single reinforcement. The resolution points out at the inconsistencies of some of these cuts compared with the positions taken recently by the Council, such as the cuts it has made in the draft budget 2012 on the budgetary lines of the newly created agencies for financial supervision. Parliament acknowledges the Council's concern about economic and budgetary constraints at national level, stating that the Union should show budgetary responsibility, but recalling that under Treaty provisions the EU budget cannot run a public deficit; and that the EU budget represents 2 % of total public spending in the Union.
The Council also made horizontal cuts in the budget, deciding on the overall level of appropriations a priori, without taking into account an accurate assessment of the actual needs for the achievement of the Union's agreed objectives, or the Parliament’s priorities, as presented in its resolution of 23 June 2011 on the mandate for the trilogue.
Parliament deplores the low level of payments proposed by Council which would lead to a bigger discrepancy between PA and CA, mechanically resulting in an increase of RALs at year end, particularly in subheadings 1a and 1b.
Parliament's budget proposal : in this context, Parliament’s position on the 2012 budget may be summarised as follows:
the overall level of appropriations is set at EUR 147 766.52 and 133 143.18 million in respectively commitment and payment appropriations; the proposed increase in appropriations for a selected number of budget items serves both short- and long-term strategies for the future of the EU and the Europe 2020 strategy; restoration of most payment appropriations to DB levels, all the more so because Council cuts in payments also affect areas and budget lines falling under EU 2020 objectives, particularly in Headings 1a and 1b.
As regards each of the budget headings, Members state the following:
On Heading 1a : Members regret that the Commission and the Council do not generally propose to boost the support for investments urgently needed to implement the seven flagship initiatives of Europe 2020 , which are postponed in terms of common financial effort to the post-2013 MFF. Members propose some targeted increases over the draft Budget of the Commission in some key areas, namely competitiveness and entrepreneurship, research and innovation, education and life long learning.
On the issues under this heading, Parliament states the following:
strong opposition to any form of redeployment from FP7 like proposed by the Commission as part of the ITER financing package and therefore restores FP7 to financial programming figures by adding the EUR 100 million to the budget lines cut by the Commission; restores the bulk of payments cuts brought on FP7 lines by the Council (EUR 492 million), as a matter of avoiding any risk of non implementation of existing legal obligations, which could lead to additional costs due to late interests to pay, and increase the level of commitment appropriations for selective lines of the FP 7 (Capacities - Research for the benefit of SMEs, Cooperation - Energy, Ideas, People, Research related to energy); further increase the overall level of commitment appropriations for the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework programme (CIP - Intelligent energy and CIP - Entrepreneurship and Innovation) compared to what was initially foreseen, as a matter of delivering on the flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy (this increase will contribute to improving the access of SMEs to this programme and to developing specific programmes and innovative financial mechanisms); an important increase of commitment appropriations for the Lifelong Learning programme, given its high European added value and also because of its strong contribution to the flagship initiatives ‘Youth on the Move’ and ‘Innovation Union’; further increase in commitment appropriations for the Erasmus Mundus programme; restore DB payments for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) line and reiterates its call for further improvements in the procedure of mobilising the EGF, in order to accelerate assistance on the ground; mobilisation of the Flexibility instrument for an amount of EUR 30.75 million under subheading 1a.
On Heading 1b : Members deplore Council's restrictive approach on payments, which were cut by some EUR 1 300 million as compared to Commission's forecasts of payment needs for 2012. They note that only the convergence objective and the technical assistance lines remained untouched by the cuts of Council. These cuts apply to budget allocations that were already far below Member States' own estimates (EUR 61 billion for 2012 or some 50% above DB) and widely considered as being the bare minimum for honouring upcoming payment claims and be consistent with the speeding up of implementation at the end of the programming period. Members are convinced that this attitude of the Council is all the more unacceptable since the European Commission has recently made some concrete proposals to boost payments of structural and cohesion funds in those countries most affected by the current financial and economic crisis. They restore Council's cuts in payment appropriations to the level of DB and request an assessment of the implementation of regional and cohesion policy, with concrete proposals on how to reduce RALs.
On Heading 2 : Parliament generally restores Council's cuts under this Heading to a level EUR 60 457.76 million, which is 3.07% above 2011 Budget. This approach is more realistic than the Council’s proposals, in particular against the current background of great economic uncertainty and of instability in the markets. It calls on the Commission to increase its efforts to define clear priorities under this Heading in favour of sustainable farming systems, which preserve biodiversity, protect water resources and soil fertility, respect animal welfare and employment.
Rejecting the increase of the so called negative expenditure line (clearance of accounts) which appears as an artificial reduction of the overall level of heading 2 appropriations, Parliament emphasises that the prevention and response mechanisms with relation to crises in the fruit and vegetable sector are clearly insufficient and therefore an immediate solution needs to be found until the new CAP is in place. It urges the Commission to present a concrete proposal to Parliament and the Council to ensure a sufficient increase of the Union's contribution to the crisis fund within the operational funds for producer organisations. Members call for this increase to serve for specific measures for the producers affected by the E. coli crisis and to prevent future crises.
Parliament also provides for an increased support for the school milk programme and the continued support for programme concerning school fruit. At the same time it maintains the budget allocation dedicated to the Food Distribution Programme for the Most Deprived Persons in the Union that supports 18 million people with problems of malnutrition within the Union. It welcomes the recent effort of the Commission to find a political and legal solution to avoid any drastic cuts in the implementation of the programme in 2012 and 2013 and strongly calls on the Council to endorse without any delay this proposal, especially in view of the difficult social situation in many Member States.
Parliament continues to support on a commensurate level for the LIFE+ programme, and also stresses that the Common Fisheries Policy remains an important political priority and maintains its financing at the proposed DB levels.
On Heading 3a : Members call for an appropriate and balanced answer to the current challenges in the area of migration and solidarity. They call for a balanced increase of budget appropriations over the Draft Budget for, on one hand, both Frontex and the European Asylum office, in view of their increasing tasks and, on the other hand, the European Refugee Fund. They restore moreover to DB level commitment appropriations for both the European Return Fund and the External Borders Fund. They intend, by restoring the Draft budget appropriations for the prevention of crime and the prevention of terrorism in line with financial programming, to further advance increasingly needed cooperation in areas such as a European cyber-security strategy, or confiscation of assets of criminal organisations. Noting also that the Daphne programme has been underfunded so far, Parliament indicates that it will ensure appropriate funding to tackle recognised needs in the fight against violence towards women.
On Heading 3b : Parliament intends to further increase funding for the "Youth in action" programme, and it rejects any further cut on the Civil Protection Financial Instrument's funding since the draft budget is already below Financial programming and restores the draft budget amounts. It decides to hold in reserve part of Communication appropriations until Commission demonstrates its willingness to improve interinstitutional collaboration in this respect. It sets a number of reserves to receive specific assessment reports and a formal commitment for enhanced inter-institutional cooperation. Parliament also supports the Commission's efforts to continue the HELP campaign for a life without tobacco under the Public Health programme.
On Heading 4 : Members recall that this year even more than in the past, Heading 4 of the EU Budget 2012 is underfinanced and the margin available under the same heading is too low to cope with the increased political challenges in our neighbourhood and worldwide. They welcome the reinforcement of appropriations for the Neighbourhood Instrument, as proposed in Amending Letter n°1/2012, as in line with its support to a clear and consistent EU response to recent political and social developments in Southern Mediterranean. They reiterate nevertheless very clearly that such a financial assistance can in no way be detrimental to existing priorities.
Parliament also accepts decreases in commitment appropriations can be agreed upon on several budget areas , and especially on Common Foreign and Security Policy. It believes that the increased funding for Palestine and UNRWA it proposes is crucial for better ensuring the safety and livelihood of refugees and current efforts to ensure a viable Palestinian state, and calls again for a clear strategy for Palestine , linking the Union's financial assistance to an increased political role for the Union in the peace process in relation to both parties in the conflict.
Members regret that all needs and limited priorities carefully identified by its specialised committees could not have been financed within the ceiling of the MFF for the heading 4, and consider its reading as the minimum required for a credible stance of the EU as a global player. They propose in that regard to the other branch of the budgetary authority the mobilisation of the Flexibility instrument for an amount of EUR 208.67 million under heading 4.
On Heading 5 : Members reject Council's general position on heading 5 expenditure which consists in an overall reduction of some EUR 74 million, including EUR 33 million for the Commission, resulting from across the board cuts in each institution's budget. Such a restrictive approach, while resulting in short-term savings for the EU budget and the Member States, endangers the implementation of EU policies and programmes . The other institutions should be provided with adequate resources to carry out their tasks . Parliament acknowledges the great efforts made by the Commission to freeze its administrative expenditure in nominal terms in its DB proposal, and decides to restore all heading 5 expenditure within Section III to that level.
Other sections
Parliament recalls its position calling on every institution to make all possible efforts towards limiting expenditure increase below 1% compared to 2011. Recognising the efforts that were made by all institutions, Members note that the administrative and operating expenditure budget from all institutions represents 5.59% of the global EU budget, of which heading 5 has a margin of EUR 497.9 million. They reaffirm that savings measures cannot jeopardise payment of salaries and pensions, maintenance of buildings and security as institutions must have the minimum and the necessary to operate.
Section I — European Parliament : Parliament points out that the current voted actualisation of the 2012 budget is 1.44% compared to 2011 (without the amending letter on Croatia) as the amending letter on Croatia will be dealt with in the conciliation committee with the Council. It expects that the necessary expenses for Croatia will be added, and expects the final actualisation of the budget 2012 to be therefore 1.9% (including Croatia) after conciliation committee, which is the lowest actualisation for 12 years and without the expenses for Croatia accession and the 18 new MEPs following the Lisbon Treaty it is only 0.8%. Parliament points out that the overall level of its 2012 budget is EUR 1 710.1 million (including the 18 MEPs following the Lisbon Treaty), which represents a net reduction of EUR 14,5 million compared to the Estimates and EUR 74.085 million to the initial budget proposals before conciliation with the Bureau.
Parliament points out that the budget for 2012 is a budget of consolidation, in which the Parliament did a maximum effort to do savings without putting in danger the quality of work and the legislative excellence. This 2012 budget and the following 2013 budget are the reference for the next Multiannual Financial Framework.
Members reiterate that the savings expected from the budget lines for translation and interpretation can not harm the principle of multilingualism in the European Parliament. However, they ask the Bureau to create conditions for making savings of 5% in all kind of travel expenditure including delegations of committees and interparliamentary delegations in full respect of the Statute for Members. Parliament requests that 15% of the travel appropriations be placed in reserve pending a report by the Secretary General of Parliament to be delivered to the Bureau and the Committee on Budgets by 31 March 2012 (such a report should examine the feasibility of measures to ensure the utmost efficiency of Members' travel with a view to making recommendations for potential budgetary savings). Parliament expects that the appropriations for the travels are reduced in 2012 and in the following years till the end of the legislature.
Members maintain their position that, in any event, a policy of identifying savings wherever possible and the continued pursuit of reorganisation and redeployment of existing resources are crucial elements of its budgetary policy, especially in this time of economic crisis. The cuts which the Parliament has accepted will force structural changes, which will not endanger the legislative excellence of the Parliament.
Members note that the general expenditure allowance is frozen at 2011 level and that a number of reserves have been proposed. The plenary considers also that, in view of making long-term savings making the organisation more modern and efficient, the budget of Parliament should be subject to a comparative study with the budgets of a representative sample of Member States and with the budget of the United States Congress.
Parliament again points out that 2012 budget includes expenditure resulting from additional 18 Members following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty (EUR 10.6 million).
As regards buildings policy , Parliament's states that its building policy requires careful analysis and requests therefore to be kept informed on a regular basis on new developments with significant financial implications for the budget, such as e.g. the KAD building; the House of European History and building/acquisition projects at the Parliament's places of work. It believes that the project of the House of European History requires an active cooperation and financial contribution of other institutions. It asks the administration to establish a service agreement for cost sharing with the Commission of the running costs and any other institution that may wish to use the facilities of the House of European History, and calls upon the EU institutions to better coordinate their visitors' programs with a view to exploiting synergies. Generally, it welcomes the commitment of the Commission to contribute substantially to the project and ensure support to the functioning of the House of European History.
As regards the other institutions (Court of Justice, Court of Auditors, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, European Ombudsman, European Data Protection Supervisor, European External Action Service): Members recover part of the amounts specified in the budget proposals to enable the institutions to function efficiently.
Members make the following recommendations as regards the following institutions:
EDPS : Parliament accepted the creation of two additional permanent posts in the EDPS' establishment plan because of that institution's new task, and also accepted in order to comply with legal obligations the upgrading of its director from AD 14 to AD 15, although the total staff of the EDPS is 43 posts. EEAS : Members note that the EEAS as a new organisation which represents a major European ambition needs to be endowed with sufficient means . However, they call on the EEAS to exert restraint when it comes to the future creation of high-ranking posts. Parliament accepts the requested amendments to the EEAS establishment plan, notably with a view to reinforcing delegations. It will however continue exercising vigilance as regards the composition of the EEAS staff and compliance with the statutory obligation that EU officials represent at least 60% of the EEAS AD staff.
PURPOSE: presentation of the Amending Letter No 3 (AL 3) to the Draft Budget for 2012 – Section III – Commission.
CONTENT: the Amending Letter No 3 (AL 3) to the Draft Budget for 2012 (DB 2012) covers the following:
the line by line updating of the estimated needs for agricultural expenditure. In addition to changing market factors, the AL also incorporates the impact of legislative decisions adopted in the agricultural sector since the DB 2012 was drawn up, revised estimates of needs for some direct payments, as well as any proposals, which are expected to have a significant effect during the coming budget year; an update of the situation for International Fisheries Agreements; reinforcement of the EU contribution to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) under Heading 2.
The budgetary impact of these adjustments is a reduction in commitment appropriations of EUR 85.7 million and in payments appropriations of EUR 83.4 million compared to the Draft Budget 2012.
(1) Updating the estimated needs for agricultural expenditure : the AL 3 is based on the needs of the EU as a whole. According to the present AL 3, overall appropriations requested for heading 2 in 2012 are estimated at EUR 60 073 million, leaving a margin of EUR 737 million in commitment appropriations below the corresponding ceiling of the multiannual financial framework.
The commitment appropriations for agricultural expenditure (including veterinary and fisheries expenditure financed under the EAGF) amount to EUR 44 092 million, a decrease of EUR 88 million compared with the DB 2012, mostly explained by higher than expected assigned revenue to be carried over from 2011. EAGF payment appropriations are decreased by the same amount to a total of EUR 44 015 million.
( 2) International Fisheries Agreements : the AL 3 proposes to decrease commitment appropriations and payment appropriations for budget article 11 03 01 International Fisheries Agreements by EUR 3.5 million and EUR 2.8 million, respectively, as well as to increase on the reserve line commitment appropriations by EUR 4.2 million and payment appropriations by EUR 5.8 million.
(3) ECHA : on 12 June 2009, the Commission presented a proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing on the market and use of biocidal products. This proposal includes new tasks for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), part of which is financed under Heading 2 of the multi-annual financial framework. The Council adopted its position at first reading on 21 June 2011, and introduced changes which give rise to the additional workload and associated resource needs for the Agency.
On 11 August 2011, the Commission adopted a Communication on the Council's position, including a revised version of the financial statement taking into account the changes introduced by Council annexed to the Commission communication. As 2012 will be a year of preparation and applications for product authorisations and substances approval will only be submitted from 2013 onwards, ECHA's work on biocides will depend entirely on the EU subvention in 2012. In order for ECHA to be ready in time to implement the additional tasks assigned to it by the co-legislators, the Commission proposes that the subvention is increased by EUR 1.7 million, both in commitment appropriations and payment appropriations. These amounts are entered in the reserve, pending the adoption of the legal base.
The Committee on Budgets adopted the joint report drafted by Francesca BALZANI (S&D, IR) (section III – Commission) and José Manuel FERNANDES (EPP, PT) (other sections) on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2012 as modified by the Council – all sections and Letters of amendment Nos 1/2012 and 2/2012.
As regards Section III of the budget , the key elements and the budget priorities for 2012 may be summarised as follows:
Europe 2020 Strategy and investments : Members recall that the implementation of this strategy will require a huge amount of future-oriented investment up to 2020, estimated at no less than EUR 1 800 billion by the Commission in its communication entitled ‘ The EU Budget Review ’. Necessary investments - at both EU and Member State level - must be made now and delayed no longer. Members recall that, in order to help Europe recover from the crisis and come out stronger, the Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth must be at the centre of the 2012 EU budgetary strategy for 2012. They are however deeply concerned that the current crisis has resulted in a drop in public investment in some of these areas because of the adjustments that Member States have made to their national budgets. Members call for this trend to be reversed and firmly believe that investments need to be guaranteed both at EU and national level.
Members are of the opinion that the EU budget has a significant role to play as a leverage tool for Member States' recovery policies by triggering and supporting national investment to reinforce growth and employment and should be used as such. They emphasise that this is fully in line with the dynamics of the European Semester, which, as a new mechanism for enhanced European economic governance, aims at increasing consistency, synergies and complementarities between the EU and the national budgets in delivering on the jointly agreed Europe 2020 goals. They reiterate that the EU budget should in no way be perceived and evaluated as a simple financial item added as a burden to national budgets but, on the contrary, is to be understood as an opportunity to gear up those initiatives and investments that are of interest and of added value to the EU as a whole. Members also reiterate the complementary nature of the EU budget to national budgets and the impetus it creates to promote growth and jobs and underline that given its very nature and limited size it should not be checked and curbed by arbitrary reductions but on the contrary targeted areas need to be reinforced.
The report points out that the margins stemming from the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) do not allow real room for manoeuvre, especially in subheading 1a and heading 4, and reduce the capacity of the EU to react to policy changes and unforeseen needs while maintaining its priorities. However, the scope of the challenges the EU faces, would require means well beyond the current ceilings of the MFF. Members recall, in that respect, that the mobilisation of the instruments foreseen in the Interinstitutional Agreement (IIA) of 17 May 2006 has been rendered unavoidable by the various challenges and new priorities that have arisen, such as the Arab Spring this year and the need to give a strong impetus to the implementation of the EU 2020 strategy.
Council's position : Members r egret Council cuts to Commission's Draft Budget (DB) by EUR 1.59 billion in commitments (-1.08%) and by EUR 3.65 billion in payments (-2.75%), which lead to overall amounts of:
· EUR 146.25 billion in commitments (or +2.91% as compared to 2011 Budget) and
· EUR 129.09 billion in payments (+2.02%) - to be compared to respectively +4.03 and +4.91% as per Commission's DB (including Amending Letter No 1/2012).
The Council proposed cuts for several hundreds of budget lines, while proposing no single reinforcement. The report points out at the inconsistencies of some of these cuts compared with the positions taken recently by the Council, such as the cuts it has made in the draft budget 2012 on the budgetary lines of the newly created agencies for financial supervision the creation of which it has pushed for but for which it does not seem willing to provide the necessary financial means to operate satisfactorily. Members deplore that Council made horizontal cuts in the budget, deciding on the overall level of appropriations a priori, without duly taking into account an accurate assessment of the actual needs for the achievement of the Union's agreed objectives and political commitments, nor the priorities by the Parliament, as presented in its abovementioned resolution of 23 June 2011 on the mandate for the trilogue.
They note that the low level of payments proposed by Council would lead to a bigger discrepancy between PA and CA, mechanically resulting in an increase of RALs at year end, particularly in subheadings 1a and 1b.
Parliament's budget proposal : Parliament sets the overall level of appropriations to EUR 147 766.52 and 133 143.18 million in respectively commitment and payment appropriations. It also emphasises that the proposed increase in appropriations for a selected number of budget items serves both short- and long-term strategies for the future of the EU. It decides to restore most payment appropriations to DB levels, all the more so because Council cuts in payments also affect areas and budget lines falling under EU 2020 objectives, particularly in Headings 1a and 1b.
As regards each of the budget headings, Members state the following:
On Heading 1a : Members regret that the Commission and the Council do not generally propose to boost – beyond what was originally planned – the support for investments urgently needed to implement the seven flagship initiatives , and note that they are regrettably inclined to postpone the necessary big leap in terms of common financial effort to the post-2013 MFF. Members propose some targeted increases over the draft Budget of the Commission in some key areas, namely competitiveness and entrepreneurship, research and innovation, education and life long learning.
On the issues under this heading, Members state the following:
strong opposition to any form of redeployment from FP7 like proposed by the Commission as part of the ITER financing package and therefore restores FP7 to financial programming figures by adding the EUR 100 million to the budget lines cut by the Commission; restores the bulk of payments cuts brought on FP7 lines by the Council (EUR 492 million), as a matter of avoiding any risk of non implementation of existing legal obligations, which could lead to additional costs due to late interests to pay; increase the level of commitment appropriations for selective lines of the FP 7 (Capacities - Research for the benefit of SMEs, Cooperation - Energy, Ideas, People, Research related to energy); further increase the overall level of commitment appropriations for the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework programme (CIP - Intelligent energy and CIP - Entrepreneurship and Innovation) compared to what was initially foreseen, as a matter of delivering on the flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy (this increase will contribute to improving the access of SMEs to this programme and to developing specific programmes and innovative financial mechanisms); an important increase of commitment appropriations for the Lifelong Learning programme, given its high European added value and also because of its strong contribution to the flagship initiatives ‘Youth on the Move’ and ‘Innovation Union’; further increase in commitment appropriations for the Erasmus Mundus programme; restore DB payments for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) line and reiterates its call for further improvements in the procedure of mobilising the EGF, in order to accelerate assistance on the ground; mobilisation of the Flexibility instrument for an amount of EUR 30.75 million under subheading 1a.
On Heading 1b : Members deplore Council's restrictive approach on payments, which were cut by some EUR 1 300 million as compared to Commission's forecasts of payment needs for 2012. They note that only the convergence objective and the technical assistance lines remained untouched by the cuts of Council. These cuts apply to budget allocations that were already far below Member States' own estimates (EUR 61 billion for 2012 or some 50% above DB) and widely considered as being the bare minimum for honouring upcoming payment claims and be consistent with the speeding up of implementation at the end of the programming period. Members are convinced that this attitude of the Council is all the more unacceptable since the European Commission has recently made some concrete proposals to boost payments of structural and cohesion funds in those countries most affected by the current financial and economic crisis. They restore Council's cuts in payment appropriations to the level of DB.
On Heading 2 : Members generally restore Council's cuts under this Heading to a level EUR 60 457.76 million, which is 3.07% above 2011 Budget. This approach is more realistic than the Council’s proposals, in particular against the current background of great economic uncertainty and of instability in the markets. They underline that the prevention and response mechanisms with relation to crises in the fruit and vegetable sector are clearly insufficient and therefore an immediate solution needs to be found until the new CAP is in place. They urge the Commission to present a concrete proposal to the European Parliament and the Council to ensure a sufficient increase of the Union's contribution to the crisis fund within the operational funds for producer organisations and call for this increase to serve for specific measures for the producers affected by the E. coli crisis and to prevent future crises.
Members maintain the budget allocation dedicated to the Food Distribution Programme for the Most Deprived Persons in the EU that supports 18 million people with problems of malnutrition within the Union. They call on the Council to endorse without any delay this proposal. They also provides for a continued support on a commensurate level for the LIFE+ programme.
On Heading 3a : Members call for an appropriate and balanced answer to the current challenges in the area of migration and solidarity. They call for a balanced increase of budget appropriations over the Draft Budget for, on one hand, both Frontex and the European Asylum office, in view of their increasing tasks and, on the other hand, the European Refugee Fund. They restore moreover to DB level commitment appropriations for both the European Return Fund and the External Borders Fund. They intend, by restoring the Draft budget appropriations for the prevention of crime and the prevention of terrorism in line with financial programming, to further advance the increasingly needed cooperation in areas such as a European cyber-security strategy, or confiscation of assets of criminal organisations.
On Heading 3b : Members intend to further increase funding for the "Youth in action" programme. They reject any further cut on the Civil Protection Financial Instrument's funding since the draft budget is already below Financial programming and civil protection is a new competence of the EU and consequently restore the draft budget amounts. They decide to hold in reserve part of Communication appropriations until Commission demonstrates its willingness to improve interinstitutional collaboration in this respect. They set a number of reserves to receive specific assessment reports and a formal commitment for enhanced inter-institutional cooperation.
On Heading 4 : Members recall that this year even more than in the past, Heading 4 of the EU Budget 2012 is underfinanced and the margin available under the same heading is too low to cope with the increased political challenges in our neighbourhood and worldwide. They welcome the reinforcement of appropriations for the Neighbourhood Instrument, as proposed in Amending Letter n°1/2012, as in line with its support to a clear and consistent EU response to recent political and social developments in Southern Mediterranean and the added value to the external dimension of the EU's home affairs policies and macro-regional strategies. They reiterate nevertheless very clearly that such a financial assistance can in no way be detrimental to existing priorities.
They consider that, in order to facilitate an agreement in conciliation with the other branch of the budgetary authority, decreases in commitment appropriations can be agreed upon on several budget areas , and especially on Common Foreign and Security Policy. Moreover, they believe that the increased funding for Palestine and UNRWA it proposes is crucial for better ensuring the safety and livelihood of refugees and current efforts to ensure a viable Palestinian state. They call again for a clear strategy for Palestine, linking the European Union’s financial assistance to an increased political role for the EU in the peace process in relation to both parties in the conflict.
Members regret that all needs and limited priorities carefully identified by its specialised committees could not have been financed within the ceiling of the MFF for the heading 4, and consider its reading as the minimum required for a credible stance of the EU as a global player. They propose in that regard to the other branch of the budgetary authority the mobilisation of the Flexibility instrument for an amount of EUR 208.67 million under heading 4.
On Heading 5 : Members reject Council's general position on heading 5 expenditure, which consists in an overall reduction of some EUR 74 million, among which EUR 33 million for the Commission, resulting from across the board cuts in each institution's budget. Such a restrictive approach, while resulting in short-term savings for the EU budget and the Member States, endangers the implementation of EU policies and programmes, ultimately to the detriment of citizens and with a deferred negative effect on national budgets. The other institutions should be provided with adequate resources to carry out their tasks, especially after the entry into force of the TFEU.
They decide to restore all Heading 5 expenditure given the efforts made by this institution to freeze its needs in nominal terms.
Other sections
The report recalls its position calling on every institution to make all possible efforts towards limiting expenditure increase below 1 % compared to 2011. Recognising the efforts that were made by all institutions, Members note that the administrative and operating expenditure budget from all institutions represents 5.59% of the global EU budget, of which heading V having a margin of EUR 497.9 million. They reaffirm that savings measures cannot jeopardize payment of salaries and pensions, maintenance of buildings and security as institutions must have the minimum and the necessary to operate.
Section I - European Parliament : Members point out that the current voted actualisation of the budget 2012 is 1.44% compared to 2011. They expect that the final actualisation of the budget 2012 is therefore 1.9% (including Croatia) after conciliation committee. This is the lowest actualisation since 12 years because without the expenses for Croatia accession and the 18 new MEPs following the Treaty of Lisbon, this figure would only be 0.8%. Due to the current inflation rate, there is a real decrease of the budget 2012. They point out that the overall level of its 2012 Budget is EUR 1 710.1 million (including 18 MEPs Lisbon Treaty).
The report reiterates that the savings expected from the budget lines for translation and interpretation can not harm the principle of multilingualism in the European Parliament and during the dialogues between other institutions. It asks the Bureau to create conditions for making savings of 5% in all kind of travel expenditure including delegations of committees and interparliamentary delegations in full respect of the Statute for Members and its implementing measures.
Members maintain their position that, in any event, a policy of identifying savings wherever possible and the continued pursuit of reorganisation and redeployment of existing resources are crucial elements of its budgetary policy, especially in this time of economic crisis. The cuts which the Parliament has accepted will force to do structural changes, which will not endanger the legislative excellence of the Parliament.
The report notes that the general expenditure allowance is frozen at 2011 level and that a number of reserves have been proposed during the Parliament's budgetary negotiations.
As regards buildings and communication and information policy , the report believes that the Parliament's building policy requires careful analysis and that the administration should continue to develop buildings policy in cooperation with the committee on Budgets. It requests therefore to be kept informed on a regular basis on new developments for building projects with a significant financial implications for the budget, such as e.g. the KAD building; the House of European History and building/acquisition projects at the Parliament's places of work. It believes that the project of the House of European History requires an active cooperation and financial contribution of other institutions and welcomes the Commission’s commitment to contribute substantially to the project. Members request to be informed as soon as possible on the building project.
As regards the other institutions (Court of Justice, Court of Auditors, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, European Ombudsman, European Data Protection Supervisor, European External Action Service): Members recover part of the amounts specified in the budget proposals to enable the institutions to function efficiently.
Members make the following recommendations as regards the following institutions:
EDPS : Members have taken a different view of the Council and accepted the creation of two additional permanent posts in the EDPS' establishment plan because of the new tasks for this institution conferred to it. They accept in order to comply with legal obligations the upgrading of its director, although the total staff of the EDPS is 43 posts; EEAS : Members note that the EEAS as a new organisation which represents a major European ambition needs to be endowed with sufficient means . They call on the EEAS to exert restraint when it comes to the future creation of high-ranking posts. They believe that one way of achieving this could be to replace progressively Seconded National experts posts by permanent posts for Member States' civil servants. They stress that the operational requirements for establishing the EEAS with its own information technology systems in a new building need to be funded. Lastly, Members are concerned by the Council’s position to cut the EEAS’ draft budget for 2012 to +2.25% and have taken a prudent approach on increases in view of the overall financial context and accepts only partly the EEAS’ requests. They, on the other hand, accept the requested amendments to the EEAS establishment plan, notably with a view to reinforcing delegations.
PURPOSE: to present amending letter No 2 to the draft general budget 2012 as regards the establishment plans of the European Parliament, the European Council and Council, the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman.
BACKGROUND: on 30th June 2011 the negotiations with Croatia were closed. Signature of the Accession treaty and Croatian referendum are both expected to take place in the second half of 2011 or first half of 2012. The ratification process by the Parliaments of all 27 EU Member States is expected to be concluded by the end of June 2013 allowing for an entry into force and accession of Croatia to the European Union to take place on 1 July 2013 as proposed by the Commission.
The Commission provided the two arms of the budgetary authority with a Communication on the financial package for the accession negotiations with Croatia 5 including indicative estimates of additional administration costs for all Institutions up to 2013. The European Parliament and the Council are the only Institutions which already requested and obtained additional posts and/or appropriations linked to this enlargement in the budget 2011.
When presenting its draft budget for the financial year 2012, the Commission announced that, since the date of future accessions remained unknown, its statement of estimates for 2012 did not include any request for additional resources linked to enlargement. For the sake of consistency, it also invited other Institutions not to include the additional resources required for the Croatian accession in their statement of estimates, announcing that this issue would be better dealt with in an amending letter once a decision on the accession date was taken.
Accordingly, based on the revised statement of estimates received from the Institutions, the Commission presents this amending letter No 2 to the Draft Budget 2012 (AL 2/2012) to integrate the budgetary implications of Croatia's accession in their respective administrative expenditure .
CONTENT: this amending letter addresses the most urgent needs before accession; remaining needs will be covered as from the draft budget 2013.
The total appropriations requested by the European Parliament, the European Council and Council, the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman in this amending letter No 2 to the Draft Budget 2012 amount to EUR 13.1 million .
The requested credits are necessary to cover expenditure for additional human resources that will carry out preparatory work in the linguistic and legal field relating to the enlargement to Croatia.
Appropriations shall also:
cover mission expenditure for Croatian observers in the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions; finance communication activities as well as additional equipment and operating expenditure linked to the recruitment of supplementary staff.
In total, 78 new establishment plan posts are requested by the European Parliament, the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman.
However, corresponding appropriations are only requested for 14 posts , since neither the Parliament (62 new posts) nor the European Ombudsman (2 posts) do request any appropriations for their respective new posts.
Moreover, appropriations for 117 other agents (contract agents and seconded national experts) are requested until full membership of Croatia as of 1 July 2013.
The Council adopted its position on the draft budget of the European Union for 2012.
The main features of the position are as follows:
EUR 146 245.34 in commitment appropriations ; EUR 129 088.04 in payment appropriations .
Under the Council's position on the draft budget for 2012 adopted by the Council, commitment appropriations increase by 2.92% compared to the 2011 budget and payment appropriations increase by 2.02%.
The total amount of payment appropriations provided for in the Council's position on the draft budget for 2012 corresponds to 0.98% of EU GNI.
A. Generally : the Council's position on the draft budget for 2012:
shows due regard to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary discipline and sound financial management; is within the framework of the budget guidelines established for the 2012 budget in the Council conclusions adopted in February 2011; follows an approach leading to a budget that is realistic and comprehensively balanced , complying with budgetary discipline and sound financial management. While recognising the efforts already made by the Commission in its draft budget, the need of additional efforts was underlined; provides adequate funding for the European Union's various priorities, determining appropriations on the basis of the budget implementation rate in 2010, budget forecast alerts in 2011 and realistic absorption capacities. This approach was also followed with regard to allocations for administrative expenditure arising from operational programmes and the expenditure of the executive agencies responsible for their management; ensures a limited and controlled growth of payment appropriations in comparison with 2011 under all headings and sub-headings of the multiannual financial framework, adjusting the amounts on the basis of an analysis of the 2010 budget implementation and the 2011 budget forecast alert. This approach should be seen in the context of the budgetary constraints applied in all Member States ; leaves adequate margins under the ceilings of the headings and sub-headings of the multiannual financial framework, with the exception of sub-heading 1b, in order to be able to cope with unforeseen situations, while respecting as far as possible the amounts in commitment appropriations proposed by the Commission regarding co-decided programmes.
Statement on payment appropriations : as well as the abovementioned principles, the Council approved a statement on payment appropriations stating that if the payment appropriations entered in the 2012 budget are insufficient to cover expenditure under sub-heading 1a (Competitiveness for growth and employment), sub-heading 1b (Cohesion for growth and employment), heading 2 (Preservation and management of natural resources) and heading 4 (EU as a global player), the Commission should present by the end of September 2012 at the latest updated figures concerning the state of affairs and estimates regarding payment appropriations under sub-heading 1b and, if necessary, to present a draft amending budget for this sole purpose. The Council will take position on the draft amending budget as quickly as possible in order to avoid any shortfall in payment appropriations.
B. Expenditure by heading of the financial framework : as to expenditure under the different headings of the financial framework the Council's position leads to:
Heading 1: Sustainable growth (EUR 67.267 billion in commitments) :
Heading 1a: as regards competitiveness for growth and employment expenditure : the amount of this sub-heading totals EUR 14.028 billion in commitment appropriations, targeting a total reduction of EUR 695.90 million in the appropriations requested in the DB in respect of a number of specific budget lines under this heading, of which EUR 45.90 million resulting from the approach followed for administrative expenditure and decentralised agencies. The remaining reduction of EUR 650 million is linked to the possible revision of the multiannual financial framework for ITER . The Council has not included in its position on the draft budget for 2012 the proposed additional financing for the ITER project based on a possible revision of the multiannual financial framework 2007-2013 (MFF), pending the end of the agricultural year for 2011 and new information on implementation rates. It will re-examine the situation after the end of the agricultural year for 2011, in view of deciding on the sources and scale of additional financing. The Council invites the Commission, in cooperation with F4E, to present by 15 October 2011 reports on the progress achieved in implementing the cost containment and savings plan and on the performance and management of the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy and the ITER project, and on the fulfilment of the scheduled activities within the annual budget.
This sub-heading is also characterised by the following:
the creation of budget line 04 03 15 (European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between generations 2012), its financing coming from budget line 04 03 07 (Analysis, studies and awareness raising on the social situation, demographics and the family); fixing the level of the appropriations for subsidies for decentralised agencies, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 15.52 million in commitments and EUR 17.84 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies. A total of 63 temporary posts was accepted; setting the level of payment appropriations, targeting a total reduction of EUR 1 132.00 million in the appropriations requested in the DB of which EUR 99.46 million in the field of competitiveness, EUR 101.99 million in the field of transports, EUR 563.22 million in the field of research, EUR 86 million in the field of education and training, EUR 147 million on budget lines related to the European economic recovery plan, EUR 50 million on the budget line for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund and EUR 84.33 million on various other budget lines, on the basis of an analysis of past and current budget implementation and realistic absorption capacities.
The margin available under sub-heading 1a would be EUR 175.30 million.
Heading 1b: concerning cohesion for growth and employment expenditure : the Council has provided an amount of EUR 52.739 billion in commitments as in the Commission draft budget.
Other main characteristics of this sub-heading are as follows:
set the level of payment appropriations, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 1 299.28 million while resulting in an increase of 5.2 % in comparison with 2011; a reduction in payment appropriations concentrated in the field of the European Regional Development Fund (EUR 706 million), the European Social Fund (EUR 394 million) and the Cohesion Fund (EUR 199 million), representing an adjustment on the basis of the available information.
The margin available under sub-heading 1b would be EUR 22.12 million.
Heading 2: Preservation and management of natural : the amount of this heading is set at EUR 59.613 billion in commitments. The Council foresees a total reduction of EUR 545.60 million in commitment appropriations requested in the DB, of which EUR 197.94 million in the field of agriculture, EUR 337.60 million on the budget line for clearance of accounts and EUR 10.06 million on various other budget lines, on the basis of past and current budget implementation.
The Council also aims to:
fix the level of the appropriations for subsidies for decentralised agencies, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 1.46 million in commitments and EUR 2.67 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies. As regards staff requests, 4 temporary posts were accepted; set the level of payment appropriations, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 786.51 million, of which EUR 229.93 million in the field of agriculture, EUR 337.60 million on the budget line for clearance of accounts, EUR 140 million in the field of Rural development, EUR 46.50 million in the field of European Fisheries Fund and EUR 32.48 million on various other budget lines, on the basis of past and current budget implementation. These amounts estimated on the basis of past budget implementation and available information may be reviewed in the light of the Autumn letter of amendment.
The margin available under heading 2 would be EUR 1 197.16 million.
Heading 3: citizenship, freedom, security and justice : the amount of this heading is set at EUR 1.953 billion in commitments, divided between 2 sub-headings:
Heading 3a: for freedom, security and justice expenditure (EUR 1.285 billion in commitments): for this heading, the Council aims to:
set the level of commitment appropriations, reducing by a total of EUR 55.65 million commitment appropriations requested in the DB in respect of a number of specific budget lines under this heading, on the basis of past and current budget implementation and of realistic absorption capacities; fix the level of the appropriations for subsidies for decentralised agencies, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 11.55 million in commitments and EUR 12.73 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies. A total of 12 temporary posts was accepted; set the level of payment appropriations, targeting a total reduction of EUR 44.26 million in the appropriations requested in the DB on a number of budget lines on the basis of past and current budget implementation.
The margin available under sub-heading 3a would be EUR 121.27 million.
Heading 3b: citizenship expenditure (EUR 668 million in commitments), the Council aims to:
set the level of commitment appropriations, reducing by a total of EUR 15.55 million the commitment appropriations requested in the DB in respect of a number of specific budget lines under this heading on the basis of past and current budget implementation and of realistic absorption capacities; fix the level of the appropriations for subsidies for decentralised agencies, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 9.48 million in commitments and EUR 6.46 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies; set the level of payment appropriations, reducing by a total amount of EUR 14.53 million the appropriations requested in the DB in a targeted manner over a series of budget lines, on the basis of past and current budget implementation.
The available margin under sub-heading 3b would be EUR 31.08 million.
Heading 4: The EU as a global player : the Council envisages an overall amount of EUR 9.206 billion in commitments. It decided to:
accept letter of amendment No 1/2012. This letter is fully financed under the current ceiling of heading 4 by additional redeployments; set the level of commitment appropriations, reducing by a total amount of EUR 203.57 million the commitment appropriations requested in the DB on a number of specific budget lines under this heading, on the basis of past and current budget implementation and of realistic absorption capacities; fix the level of the appropriations for subsidies for the decentralised agency, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 0.28 million in commitments and EUR 0.40 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies; set the level of payment appropriations, reducing by a total of EUR 300.37 million the appropriations requested in the DB, of which on the one hand EUR 190.37 million in a targeted manner over a series of budget lines, on the basis of past and current budget implementation and of realistic absorption capacities, and on the other hand by not retaining the amount of EUR 110 million proposed in the DB for the Emergency Aid Reserve.
The margin available under heading 4 would be EUR 50.23 million to cover additional needs at a later stage.
Heading 5: Administrative expenditure : administrative expenditure is set at EUR 8.207 billion in commitments. The Council decided to:
keep under strict control the volume of the administrative expenditure of the EU institutions, in line with the approach followed by the Member States for their national civil service; set the administrative budget of each institution at the appropriate level, taking into account their specificities and real and justified needs; carry out targeted reductions for all the institutions, taking into account past and current budget implementation and real needs; increase the standard flat rate abatement on salaries for most of the institutions, taking into account their current vacancy rate; not accept any new post requested by the institutions with the exception of part of the posts requested by the European External Action Service which is a new institution; accept the requested conversions, transformations, upgradings and transfers of posts.
This approach has resulted in an appropriate level of administrative expenditure ensuring a proper functioning of the institutions. A margin of EUR 546.44 million remained available under the ceiling of heading 5 of the multiannual financial framework. When examining the administrative budgets, the Council also focused on administrative expenditure linked to operational programmes and on administrative expenditure of the executive agencies. In this respect, it was decided to carry out targeted reductions on the basis of a similar approach as the one followed for the institutions.
Agencies : as regards decentralised agencies, the Council also applied a similar approach as for the institutions. Therefore, no increase in appropriations compared to 2011 and no new posts were accepted for the agencies at "cruising speed". Regarding agencies in charge of new tasks, an increase limited to 1.5 % compared to 2011 and one third of the new posts requested were accepted. In addition, the creation of new auto-financed posts was registered. For agencies in the "start-up" phase, new posts and increases in the corresponding contribution to Titles 1 and 2 were limited to 3/4 of the requests.
The Council adopted its position on the draft budget of the European Union for 2012.
The main features of the position are as follows:
EUR 146 245.34 in commitment appropriations ; EUR 129 088.04 in payment appropriations .
Under the Council's position on the draft budget for 2012 adopted by the Council, commitment appropriations increase by 2.92% compared to the 2011 budget and payment appropriations increase by 2.02%.
The total amount of payment appropriations provided for in the Council's position on the draft budget for 2012 corresponds to 0.98% of EU GNI.
A. Generally : the Council's position on the draft budget for 2012:
shows due regard to the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary discipline and sound financial management; is within the framework of the budget guidelines established for the 2012 budget in the Council conclusions adopted in February 2011; follows an approach leading to a budget that is realistic and comprehensively balanced , complying with budgetary discipline and sound financial management. While recognising the efforts already made by the Commission in its draft budget, the need of additional efforts was underlined; provides adequate funding for the European Union's various priorities, determining appropriations on the basis of the budget implementation rate in 2010, budget forecast alerts in 2011 and realistic absorption capacities. This approach was also followed with regard to allocations for administrative expenditure arising from operational programmes and the expenditure of the executive agencies responsible for their management; ensures a limited and controlled growth of payment appropriations in comparison with 2011 under all headings and sub-headings of the multiannual financial framework, adjusting the amounts on the basis of an analysis of the 2010 budget implementation and the 2011 budget forecast alert. This approach should be seen in the context of the budgetary constraints applied in all Member States ; leaves adequate margins under the ceilings of the headings and sub-headings of the multiannual financial framework, with the exception of sub-heading 1b, in order to be able to cope with unforeseen situations, while respecting as far as possible the amounts in commitment appropriations proposed by the Commission regarding co-decided programmes.
Statement on payment appropriations : as well as the abovementioned principles, the Council approved a statement on payment appropriations stating that if the payment appropriations entered in the 2012 budget are insufficient to cover expenditure under sub-heading 1a (Competitiveness for growth and employment), sub-heading 1b (Cohesion for growth and employment), heading 2 (Preservation and management of natural resources) and heading 4 (EU as a global player), the Commission should present by the end of September 2012 at the latest updated figures concerning the state of affairs and estimates regarding payment appropriations under sub-heading 1b and, if necessary, to present a draft amending budget for this sole purpose. The Council will take position on the draft amending budget as quickly as possible in order to avoid any shortfall in payment appropriations.
B. Expenditure by heading of the financial framework : as to expenditure under the different headings of the financial framework the Council's position leads to:
Heading 1: Sustainable growth (EUR 67.267 billion in commitments) :
Heading 1a: as regards competitiveness for growth and employment expenditure : the amount of this sub-heading totals EUR 14.028 billion in commitment appropriations, targeting a total reduction of EUR 695.90 million in the appropriations requested in the DB in respect of a number of specific budget lines under this heading, of which EUR 45.90 million resulting from the approach followed for administrative expenditure and decentralised agencies. The remaining reduction of EUR 650 million is linked to the possible revision of the multiannual financial framework for ITER . The Council has not included in its position on the draft budget for 2012 the proposed additional financing for the ITER project based on a possible revision of the multiannual financial framework 2007-2013 (MFF), pending the end of the agricultural year for 2011 and new information on implementation rates. It will re-examine the situation after the end of the agricultural year for 2011, in view of deciding on the sources and scale of additional financing. The Council invites the Commission, in cooperation with F4E, to present by 15 October 2011 reports on the progress achieved in implementing the cost containment and savings plan and on the performance and management of the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy and the ITER project, and on the fulfilment of the scheduled activities within the annual budget.
This sub-heading is also characterised by the following:
the creation of budget line 04 03 15 (European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between generations 2012), its financing coming from budget line 04 03 07 (Analysis, studies and awareness raising on the social situation, demographics and the family); fixing the level of the appropriations for subsidies for decentralised agencies, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 15.52 million in commitments and EUR 17.84 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies. A total of 63 temporary posts was accepted; setting the level of payment appropriations, targeting a total reduction of EUR 1 132.00 million in the appropriations requested in the DB of which EUR 99.46 million in the field of competitiveness, EUR 101.99 million in the field of transports, EUR 563.22 million in the field of research, EUR 86 million in the field of education and training, EUR 147 million on budget lines related to the European economic recovery plan, EUR 50 million on the budget line for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund and EUR 84.33 million on various other budget lines, on the basis of an analysis of past and current budget implementation and realistic absorption capacities.
The margin available under sub-heading 1a would be EUR 175.30 million.
Heading 1b: concerning cohesion for growth and employment expenditure : the Council has provided an amount of EUR 52.739 billion in commitments as in the Commission draft budget.
Other main characteristics of this sub-heading are as follows:
set the level of payment appropriations, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 1 299.28 million while resulting in an increase of 5.2 % in comparison with 2011; a reduction in payment appropriations concentrated in the field of the European Regional Development Fund (EUR 706 million), the European Social Fund (EUR 394 million) and the Cohesion Fund (EUR 199 million), representing an adjustment on the basis of the available information.
The margin available under sub-heading 1b would be EUR 22.12 million.
Heading 2: Preservation and management of natural : the amount of this heading is set at EUR 59.613 billion in commitments. The Council foresees a total reduction of EUR 545.60 million in commitment appropriations requested in the DB, of which EUR 197.94 million in the field of agriculture, EUR 337.60 million on the budget line for clearance of accounts and EUR 10.06 million on various other budget lines, on the basis of past and current budget implementation.
The Council also aims to:
fix the level of the appropriations for subsidies for decentralised agencies, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 1.46 million in commitments and EUR 2.67 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies. As regards staff requests, 4 temporary posts were accepted; set the level of payment appropriations, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 786.51 million, of which EUR 229.93 million in the field of agriculture, EUR 337.60 million on the budget line for clearance of accounts, EUR 140 million in the field of Rural development, EUR 46.50 million in the field of European Fisheries Fund and EUR 32.48 million on various other budget lines, on the basis of past and current budget implementation. These amounts estimated on the basis of past budget implementation and available information may be reviewed in the light of the Autumn letter of amendment.
The margin available under heading 2 would be EUR 1 197.16 million.
Heading 3: citizenship, freedom, security and justice : the amount of this heading is set at EUR 1.953 billion in commitments, divided between 2 sub-headings:
Heading 3a: for freedom, security and justice expenditure (EUR 1.285 billion in commitments): for this heading, the Council aims to:
set the level of commitment appropriations, reducing by a total of EUR 55.65 million commitment appropriations requested in the DB in respect of a number of specific budget lines under this heading, on the basis of past and current budget implementation and of realistic absorption capacities; fix the level of the appropriations for subsidies for decentralised agencies, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 11.55 million in commitments and EUR 12.73 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies. A total of 12 temporary posts was accepted; set the level of payment appropriations, targeting a total reduction of EUR 44.26 million in the appropriations requested in the DB on a number of budget lines on the basis of past and current budget implementation.
The margin available under sub-heading 3a would be EUR 121.27 million.
Heading 3b: citizenship expenditure (EUR 668 million in commitments), the Council aims to:
set the level of commitment appropriations, reducing by a total of EUR 15.55 million the commitment appropriations requested in the DB in respect of a number of specific budget lines under this heading on the basis of past and current budget implementation and of realistic absorption capacities; fix the level of the appropriations for subsidies for decentralised agencies, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 9.48 million in commitments and EUR 6.46 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies; set the level of payment appropriations, reducing by a total amount of EUR 14.53 million the appropriations requested in the DB in a targeted manner over a series of budget lines, on the basis of past and current budget implementation.
The available margin under sub-heading 3b would be EUR 31.08 million.
Heading 4: The EU as a global player : the Council envisages an overall amount of EUR 9.206 billion in commitments. It decided to:
accept letter of amendment No 1/2012. This letter is fully financed under the current ceiling of heading 4 by additional redeployments; set the level of commitment appropriations, reducing by a total amount of EUR 203.57 million the commitment appropriations requested in the DB on a number of specific budget lines under this heading, on the basis of past and current budget implementation and of realistic absorption capacities; fix the level of the appropriations for subsidies for the decentralised agency, reducing the appropriations requested in the DB by a total of EUR 0.28 million in commitments and EUR 0.40 million in payments as a result of the approach followed for these agencies; set the level of payment appropriations, reducing by a total of EUR 300.37 million the appropriations requested in the DB, of which on the one hand EUR 190.37 million in a targeted manner over a series of budget lines, on the basis of past and current budget implementation and of realistic absorption capacities, and on the other hand by not retaining the amount of EUR 110 million proposed in the DB for the Emergency Aid Reserve.
The margin available under heading 4 would be EUR 50.23 million to cover additional needs at a later stage.
Heading 5: Administrative expenditure : administrative expenditure is set at EUR 8.207 billion in commitments. The Council decided to:
keep under strict control the volume of the administrative expenditure of the EU institutions, in line with the approach followed by the Member States for their national civil service; set the administrative budget of each institution at the appropriate level, taking into account their specificities and real and justified needs; carry out targeted reductions for all the institutions, taking into account past and current budget implementation and real needs; increase the standard flat rate abatement on salaries for most of the institutions, taking into account their current vacancy rate; not accept any new post requested by the institutions with the exception of part of the posts requested by the European External Action Service which is a new institution; accept the requested conversions, transformations, upgradings and transfers of posts.
This approach has resulted in an appropriate level of administrative expenditure ensuring a proper functioning of the institutions. A margin of EUR 546.44 million remained available under the ceiling of heading 5 of the multiannual financial framework. When examining the administrative budgets, the Council also focused on administrative expenditure linked to operational programmes and on administrative expenditure of the executive agencies. In this respect, it was decided to carry out targeted reductions on the basis of a similar approach as the one followed for the institutions.
Agencies : as regards decentralised agencies, the Council also applied a similar approach as for the institutions. Therefore, no increase in appropriations compared to 2011 and no new posts were accepted for the agencies at "cruising speed". Regarding agencies in charge of new tasks, an increase limited to 1.5 % compared to 2011 and one third of the new posts requested were accepted. In addition, the creation of new auto-financed posts was registered. For agencies in the "start-up" phase, new posts and increases in the corresponding contribution to Titles 1 and 2 were limited to 3/4 of the requests.
PURPOSE: presentation of an Amending Letter No 1 to the draft general budget 2012 (Section III- Commission).
CONTENT: this Amending Letter No 1 (AL 1) to the Draft General Budget for 2012 (DB 2012) covers the following:
the increase of EUR 400 million in commitment appropriations to support additional measures in the EU Neighbourhood region as a follow-up of the recently adopted Joint Communication “ A new response to a changing Neighbourhood ”: EUR 395.5 million for the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) and EUR 4.5 million for the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR); the related redeployment of EUR 104.1 million in payment appropriations from other programs within Heading 4 : EUR 102.8 million to the ENPI and EUR 1.3 million to the EIDHR. There is no impact on the overall level of payment appropriations.
The reinforcement of EUR 400 million in commitment appropriations will be covered by the margin of Heading 4 (EUR 246.7 million), and by the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument (EUR 153.3 million).
Reinforcing the European Neighbourhood and partnership instrument : the strategic review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) that was initiated last year identified areas where the policy can be considerably strengthened. The revolutions and upheavals in the Southern Mediterranean and the strong aspirations that the people of these countries have expressed for political and economic change make the EU’s support even more crucial than in the past, and point to areas where EU and partner countries can and should do better. Equally, the EU remains committed to durably supporting the democratisation and reform processes in the entire neighbourhood, south and east.
The abovementioned Communication sets out the proposals emerging from the ENP strategic review and, in that context gives substance to the approaches towards Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus through the continued implementation of the Eastern Partnership and towards the Southern Mediterranean, in the context of the new “Partnership for Democracy and shared Prosperity”. With the offer of a “ Partnership for Democracy and shared Prosperity ”, in particular, the EU seeks to support the democratic transformation initiated in Egypt and Tunisia, and that may extend to other countries of the southern Mediterranean.
The Communication proposes the implementation of the new approach of the neighbourhood policy and identifies needs for additional resources for the region of up to EUR 1 242 million until 2013 stemming from various sources.
It is proposed to reinforce with EUR 751 million the financial envelope of the ENPI over the period 2011 to 2013 and with EUR 4.5 million in 2012 the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights ( EIDHR ). Some EUR 355.5 million are to be redeployed from other instruments, including the corresponding administrative support expenditure.
The present Amending Letter relates to the 2012 tranche of the reinforcement implementing the new approach for the ENP and amends the relevant budget lines in Draft Budget 2012 accordingly, by adding EUR 400 million in commitment appropriations to ENPI and EIDHR. Given the timelines and uncertainties related to the conditions for implementation, the Commission proposes to reallocate EUR 120.1 million from payment appropriations already included in the 2012 Draft Budget. In case of need, and depending on the absorption capacity in the region, the Commission may request additional payment appropriations in the course of the year through transfers and/or an amending budget.
Sources of additional funding : the additional EUR 400 million will be covered by:
the unallocated margin under the expenditure ceiling of Heading 4 (EUR 246.7 million). Part of the current margin in the Draft Budget 2012 was created by scaling down amounts originally programmed for 2012 for the Development Cooperation Instrument (EUR 89 million), the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (EUR 60 million) and the Instrument for Stability (EUR 60 million). The necessary payment appropriations will also be re-allocated from these programs; the Flexibility Instrument for an amount of EUR 153.3 million.
PURPOSE: to present the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2012.
CONTENT: the Commission adopted the draft general budget 2012, the second of the "Lisbon era." It is also the fifth and penultimate budget under the Financial Framework. Sustaining investments and economic growth will remain at the heart of EU activity in 2012 , building on a more positive economic outlook. The EU, while pursuing its support to investment and to actions in favour of growth and employment in 2012, will act in a new frame established for economic recovery and economic governance ( Europe 2020 and the European semester ).
This will be done while major challenges remain to be solved for both the Union and the Member States. In the context of the recovery gaining ground, the EU budget will have an important role to play as a leverage tool to Member States’ recovery policies, which will impact on final beneficiaries.
General budget details : the Draft Budget for 2012 is therefore proposed at the level of EUR 147 435.6 million in commitment appropriations , corresponding to 1.12% of GNI, that is EUR 5 324.3 million more than in 2011 (+ 3.7%). This leaves a combined total margin of EUR 1 603.3 million under the various ceilings of the MAFF.
For payment appropriations , the total amounts to EUR 132 738.6 million, corresponding to 1.01% of GNI. This is an increase of EUR 6 191.9 million compared to payment appropriations in the 2011 budget (+ 4.9%), and leaves a margin of EUR 8 815.4 million under the ceiling of the MAFF.
Priorities for the 2012 draft budget : the key objective should again be to fully support the European economy and EU citizens by exploring the leverage effect of the EU budget to reinforce growth and employment opportunities, while sustaining the actions implemented within Member States’ budgets.
The 2012 Draft Budget will also address the objective of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, as identified by the Europe 2020 strategy.
The following priorities have been established for the 2012 Draft Budget:
investing for growth within fiscal consolidation : the EU Budget is also a tool to finance investments, particularly needed during a period of fiscal consolidation in the Member states. Within an overall level of commitments set at EUR 147.4 billion, 46.1% is dedicated to sustainable growth . The Commission is fully aware of the ongoing fiscal consolidation efforts in Member States and the related difficulties. The proposed increase in the overall level of payment appropriations (+ 4.9%) represents a valuable contribution to European economic recovery and growth, and is a necessary consequence of the Union’s contractual obligation to honour the growing level of outstanding commitments of current and previous years, now that all major programmes are running at cruising speed. reinforcing the budgetary strand of the Europe 2020 strategy : expenditure related to competitiveness for growth and employment, with EUR 15.2 billion in commitment appropriations, and Cohesion for growth and employment, with EUR 52.7 billion in commitment appropriations, will support the EU economy and contribute to shaping the conditions for sustainable growth, both in the short and longer term. A knowledge and innovation based economy clearly benefits from investing in research and development, innovation, infrastructure and human capital, with particular attention to our younger generations, in line with the priority areas identified by the Europe 2020 strategy. Overall, the proposed commitment appropriations directly linked to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy in 2012 increase by 5.1% to EUR 62.6 billion. Accordingly, the 2012 Draft Budget foresees significant increases in payment appropriations for expenditure at the core of the Europe 2020 strategy, delivering real implementation on the ground. In particular, increased payment levels for the Research Framework Programmes (+ 13.3% to EUR 7.6 billion) and for the structural and cohesion funds (+ 8.4% to EUR 45.1 billion) aim at maximising the EU budget contribution to economic growth, and to support economic, social and territorial cohesion in a Union of 27 Member States with significant disparities in levels of development and standards of living. Reinforced payment levels for research and cohesion are combined in the 2012 Draft Budget with lower increases for market related expenditure and direct aids under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). strengthening Lisbon Treaty priority areas : when preparing the 2012 Draft Budget, the Commission has thoroughly assessed the needs for priority areas stemming from the Union’s new competences under the Lisbon Treaty, such as competitiveness and innovation (+ 7.5% in commitment appropriations), space (+ 13.2%), climate actions (+ 6.1%) and the Common Foreign and Security Policy ( CFSP , + 11.0%). The substantial increase in appropriations foreseen for the area of Freedom, Security and Justice (heading 3a, + 17.7% in commitment appropriations and + 6.8% in payment appropriations), and in particular for Solidarity and management of migration flows, reflects the importance attached to the implementation of the ‘Stockholm programme’ in a secure Union. The Union’s ambitions in its external actions are translated in the Draft Budget into a growing level of commitment appropriations for the EU as a global player (+ 2.9 %).
MAIN BUDGETARY CHARACTERISTICS HEADING BY HEADING : the presentation is structured according to the budget headings of the 2007-2013 Financial Framework:
Heading 1: Sustainable growth and employment : this heading covers expenses related to competitiveness and employment as well as cohesion:
For Competitiveness for Growth and Employment (heading 1a) : this heading includes many of the flagship initiatives set out in the Europe 2020 strategy including ‘innovation Union’, ‘youth on the move’, ‘resource efficiency Europe’, ‘new skills and jobs’ and ‘industrial policy for the globalisation era’. The main programmes under this heading are the 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7), the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), the Trans-European Networks (TENs), GALILEO/EGNOS, GMES, Marco Polo II, and the PROGRESS Programme. Commitment appropriations are set at EUR 15 223.6 million, which is an increase of 12.6% compared to the 2011 budget. This leaves a margin of EUR 129.4 million. Payment appropriations increase by 8.1% to EUR 12 566.1 million. This increase is in part due to additional payment needs to cover pre-financing payments for the growing level of commitment appropriations for research, and in part to cover intermediate and final payments on outstanding commitments. For Cohesion for Growth and Employment (heading 1b) : this heading covers the Structural Funds, i.e. the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF), as well as the Cohesion Fund (CF). Commitment appropriations increase by 3.4% to EUR 52 738.9 million, leaving a margin of EUR 22.1 million. Payment appropriations increase by 8.4 %, to EUR 45 134.8 million. The substantial increase in the level of payments shows the momentum of the 2007-2013 Cohesion policy on the ground, thus contributing to investments, economic recovery and job creation in the EU. With the programmes up and running, further significant increases are expected in the payment needs for 2013.
Heading 2: Preservation and management of natural resources : commitment appropriations amount to EUR 60 158.4 million. This level of funding represents an increase of 2.6% compared to 2011 and leaves a margin of EUR 651.6 million under the ceiling. Payment appropriations amount to EUR 57 948.4 million, which is an increase of 2.8% compared to 2011. Within this heading the amount foreseen for market related expenditure and direct aids reaches EUR 44 179.7 million in commitment appropriations, and EUR 44 102.8 million in payment appropriations.
Heading 3: Citizenship, freedom, security, justice : this heading is split into two sub-headings:
For Freedom, Security and Justice (heading 3a) : this sees an important increase in commitment appropriations of 17.7%, rising to EUR 1 340.4 million, and leaving a margin of EUR 65.6 million. Payment appropriations also increase substantially, by 6.8% to EUR 868.3 million. For Citizenship (heading 3b) : commitment appropriations decrease by 0.1% to EUR 683.5 million, leaving a margin of EUR 15.5 million. Payment appropriations for this heading decrease by 0.3% to EUR 645.7 million. If the EU Solidarity Fund (EUR 196.9 million and EUR 18.4 million for commitment and payment appropriations respectively in 2011) is included in this comparison, commitment and payment appropriations decrease by 22.4 % and 3.0% respectively. The annual ceiling for this heading, which supports various actions close to European citizens, remains broadly stable in the current financial framework.
Heading 4, the EU as a Global Player : this heading sees an increase in commitment appropriations of 2.9 % to EUR 9 009.3 million, with an increased margin of EUR 246.7 million available under the ceiling. After the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy foreseen for May 2011, the Commission will present an Amending Letter in order to reflect the necessary budgetary adjustments for 2012. Payment appropriations on the other hand slightly increase by 0.8% to EUR 7 293.7 million.
Heading 5: Administration : commitment and payment appropriations for Administrative expenditure (heading 5) for all Institutions combined increase by 1.3 %, with commitments set at EUR 8 281.5 million and payments at EUR 8 281.6 million. This leaves a margin of EUR 472.5 million. The Commission has made particular efforts to freeze its own administrative expenditure by reducing the types of expenditure that are under direct control of the Commission, such as expenditure linked to buildings, IT, meetings, studies, etc. This has led to a ‘nominal freeze’ in the Commission’s administrative budget, when excluding pensions and European schools, i.e. a reduction by 1.8 % in real terms according to the latest inflation forecast (November 2010) of 1.8 % in 2012. This stabilisation of administrative expenditure in nominal terms also results from the fact that the Commission does not request any additional posts, for the third year in a row. The Commission plans to continue to meet its priorities, including those resulting from the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, by an important redeployment effort. The Commission’s strict approach to administration is to a large degree followed by most of the
other Institutions, leading to an overall increase of administrative appropriations for the other Institutions of 1.3%
By way of conclusion , the Commission notes that the proposed Draft Budget represents a responsible and coherent budgetary proposal which takes into account the requirements expressed by both arms of the Budgetary Authority and pays due attention to the current circumstances. It provides both the opportunity for sustaining growth and jobs and utilises, based on thorough and deep assessment of performance, the opportunity for the EU to target the actions that should bring the most benefits to its citizens and those in need in our neighbourhood. It provides a credible proposal for the discussions and cooperation throughout the budget procedure for a smooth and timely adoption of the 2012 budget.
PURPOSE: to present the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2012.
CONTENT: the Commission adopted the draft general budget 2012, the second of the "Lisbon era." It is also the fifth and penultimate budget under the Financial Framework. Sustaining investments and economic growth will remain at the heart of EU activity in 2012 , building on a more positive economic outlook. The EU, while pursuing its support to investment and to actions in favour of growth and employment in 2012, will act in a new frame established for economic recovery and economic governance ( Europe 2020 and the European semester ).
This will be done while major challenges remain to be solved for both the Union and the Member States. In the context of the recovery gaining ground, the EU budget will have an important role to play as a leverage tool to Member States’ recovery policies, which will impact on final beneficiaries.
General budget details : the Draft Budget for 2012 is therefore proposed at the level of EUR 147 435.6 million in commitment appropriations , corresponding to 1.12% of GNI, that is EUR 5 324.3 million more than in 2011 (+ 3.7%). This leaves a combined total margin of EUR 1 603.3 million under the various ceilings of the MAFF.
For payment appropriations , the total amounts to EUR 132 738.6 million, corresponding to 1.01% of GNI. This is an increase of EUR 6 191.9 million compared to payment appropriations in the 2011 budget (+ 4.9%), and leaves a margin of EUR 8 815.4 million under the ceiling of the MAFF.
Priorities for the 2012 draft budget : the key objective should again be to fully support the European economy and EU citizens by exploring the leverage effect of the EU budget to reinforce growth and employment opportunities, while sustaining the actions implemented within Member States’ budgets.
The 2012 Draft Budget will also address the objective of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, as identified by the Europe 2020 strategy.
The following priorities have been established for the 2012 Draft Budget:
investing for growth within fiscal consolidation : the EU Budget is also a tool to finance investments, particularly needed during a period of fiscal consolidation in the Member states. Within an overall level of commitments set at EUR 147.4 billion, 46.1% is dedicated to sustainable growth . The Commission is fully aware of the ongoing fiscal consolidation efforts in Member States and the related difficulties. The proposed increase in the overall level of payment appropriations (+ 4.9%) represents a valuable contribution to European economic recovery and growth, and is a necessary consequence of the Union’s contractual obligation to honour the growing level of outstanding commitments of current and previous years, now that all major programmes are running at cruising speed. reinforcing the budgetary strand of the Europe 2020 strategy : expenditure related to competitiveness for growth and employment, with EUR 15.2 billion in commitment appropriations, and Cohesion for growth and employment, with EUR 52.7 billion in commitment appropriations, will support the EU economy and contribute to shaping the conditions for sustainable growth, both in the short and longer term. A knowledge and innovation based economy clearly benefits from investing in research and development, innovation, infrastructure and human capital, with particular attention to our younger generations, in line with the priority areas identified by the Europe 2020 strategy. Overall, the proposed commitment appropriations directly linked to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy in 2012 increase by 5.1% to EUR 62.6 billion. Accordingly, the 2012 Draft Budget foresees significant increases in payment appropriations for expenditure at the core of the Europe 2020 strategy, delivering real implementation on the ground. In particular, increased payment levels for the Research Framework Programmes (+ 13.3% to EUR 7.6 billion) and for the structural and cohesion funds (+ 8.4% to EUR 45.1 billion) aim at maximising the EU budget contribution to economic growth, and to support economic, social and territorial cohesion in a Union of 27 Member States with significant disparities in levels of development and standards of living. Reinforced payment levels for research and cohesion are combined in the 2012 Draft Budget with lower increases for market related expenditure and direct aids under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). strengthening Lisbon Treaty priority areas : when preparing the 2012 Draft Budget, the Commission has thoroughly assessed the needs for priority areas stemming from the Union’s new competences under the Lisbon Treaty, such as competitiveness and innovation (+ 7.5% in commitment appropriations), space (+ 13.2%), climate actions (+ 6.1%) and the Common Foreign and Security Policy ( CFSP , + 11.0%). The substantial increase in appropriations foreseen for the area of Freedom, Security and Justice (heading 3a, + 17.7% in commitment appropriations and + 6.8% in payment appropriations), and in particular for Solidarity and management of migration flows, reflects the importance attached to the implementation of the ‘Stockholm programme’ in a secure Union. The Union’s ambitions in its external actions are translated in the Draft Budget into a growing level of commitment appropriations for the EU as a global player (+ 2.9 %).
MAIN BUDGETARY CHARACTERISTICS HEADING BY HEADING : the presentation is structured according to the budget headings of the 2007-2013 Financial Framework:
Heading 1: Sustainable growth and employment : this heading covers expenses related to competitiveness and employment as well as cohesion:
For Competitiveness for Growth and Employment (heading 1a) : this heading includes many of the flagship initiatives set out in the Europe 2020 strategy including ‘innovation Union’, ‘youth on the move’, ‘resource efficiency Europe’, ‘new skills and jobs’ and ‘industrial policy for the globalisation era’. The main programmes under this heading are the 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7), the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), the Trans-European Networks (TENs), GALILEO/EGNOS, GMES, Marco Polo II, and the PROGRESS Programme. Commitment appropriations are set at EUR 15 223.6 million, which is an increase of 12.6% compared to the 2011 budget. This leaves a margin of EUR 129.4 million. Payment appropriations increase by 8.1% to EUR 12 566.1 million. This increase is in part due to additional payment needs to cover pre-financing payments for the growing level of commitment appropriations for research, and in part to cover intermediate and final payments on outstanding commitments. For Cohesion for Growth and Employment (heading 1b) : this heading covers the Structural Funds, i.e. the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF), as well as the Cohesion Fund (CF). Commitment appropriations increase by 3.4% to EUR 52 738.9 million, leaving a margin of EUR 22.1 million. Payment appropriations increase by 8.4 %, to EUR 45 134.8 million. The substantial increase in the level of payments shows the momentum of the 2007-2013 Cohesion policy on the ground, thus contributing to investments, economic recovery and job creation in the EU. With the programmes up and running, further significant increases are expected in the payment needs for 2013.
Heading 2: Preservation and management of natural resources : commitment appropriations amount to EUR 60 158.4 million. This level of funding represents an increase of 2.6% compared to 2011 and leaves a margin of EUR 651.6 million under the ceiling. Payment appropriations amount to EUR 57 948.4 million, which is an increase of 2.8% compared to 2011. Within this heading the amount foreseen for market related expenditure and direct aids reaches EUR 44 179.7 million in commitment appropriations, and EUR 44 102.8 million in payment appropriations.
Heading 3: Citizenship, freedom, security, justice : this heading is split into two sub-headings:
For Freedom, Security and Justice (heading 3a) : this sees an important increase in commitment appropriations of 17.7%, rising to EUR 1 340.4 million, and leaving a margin of EUR 65.6 million. Payment appropriations also increase substantially, by 6.8% to EUR 868.3 million. For Citizenship (heading 3b) : commitment appropriations decrease by 0.1% to EUR 683.5 million, leaving a margin of EUR 15.5 million. Payment appropriations for this heading decrease by 0.3% to EUR 645.7 million. If the EU Solidarity Fund (EUR 196.9 million and EUR 18.4 million for commitment and payment appropriations respectively in 2011) is included in this comparison, commitment and payment appropriations decrease by 22.4 % and 3.0% respectively. The annual ceiling for this heading, which supports various actions close to European citizens, remains broadly stable in the current financial framework.
Heading 4, the EU as a Global Player : this heading sees an increase in commitment appropriations of 2.9 % to EUR 9 009.3 million, with an increased margin of EUR 246.7 million available under the ceiling. After the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy foreseen for May 2011, the Commission will present an Amending Letter in order to reflect the necessary budgetary adjustments for 2012. Payment appropriations on the other hand slightly increase by 0.8% to EUR 7 293.7 million.
Heading 5: Administration : commitment and payment appropriations for Administrative expenditure (heading 5) for all Institutions combined increase by 1.3 %, with commitments set at EUR 8 281.5 million and payments at EUR 8 281.6 million. This leaves a margin of EUR 472.5 million. The Commission has made particular efforts to freeze its own administrative expenditure by reducing the types of expenditure that are under direct control of the Commission, such as expenditure linked to buildings, IT, meetings, studies, etc. This has led to a ‘nominal freeze’ in the Commission’s administrative budget, when excluding pensions and European schools, i.e. a reduction by 1.8 % in real terms according to the latest inflation forecast (November 2010) of 1.8 % in 2012. This stabilisation of administrative expenditure in nominal terms also results from the fact that the Commission does not request any additional posts, for the third year in a row. The Commission plans to continue to meet its priorities, including those resulting from the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, by an important redeployment effort. The Commission’s strict approach to administration is to a large degree followed by most of the
other Institutions, leading to an overall increase of administrative appropriations for the other Institutions of 1.3%
By way of conclusion , the Commission notes that the proposed Draft Budget represents a responsible and coherent budgetary proposal which takes into account the requirements expressed by both arms of the Budgetary Authority and pays due attention to the current circumstances. It provides both the opportunity for sustaining growth and jobs and utilises, based on thorough and deep assessment of performance, the opportunity for the EU to target the actions that should bring the most benefits to its citizens and those in need in our neighbourhood. It provides a credible proposal for the discussions and cooperation throughout the budget procedure for a smooth and timely adoption of the 2012 budget.
- Final act published in Official Journal: Budget 2012/2020
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 056 29.02.2012, p. 0001
- Final act published in Official Journal: Corrigendum to final act 32012B0070R(01)
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 079 19.03.2012, p. 0001
- Final act published in Official Journal: Corrigendum to final act 32012B0070R(02)
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 184 13.07.2012, p. 0019
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T7-0521/2011
- Budgetary conciliation report tabled for plenary: A7-0414/2011
- Budgetary joint text: 17470/2011
- Budgetary joint text published: 17470/2011
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T7-0461/2011
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2011)0698
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Budgetary report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A7-0354/2011
- Budgetary report tabled for plenary: A7-0354/2011
- Committee opinion: PE467.319
- Committee opinion: PE469.959
- Committee opinion: PE472.169
- Committee opinion: PE467.204
- Committee draft report: PE472.287
- Committee opinion: PE472.016
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2011)0576
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Committee opinion: PE470.034
- Committee opinion: PE466.967
- Committee opinion: PE467.265
- Committee opinion: PE467.318
- Committee opinion: PE462.610
- Committee opinion: PE467.325
- Committee opinion: PE467.239
- Committee opinion: PE466.965
- Committee opinion: PE467.189
- Committee opinion: PE467.202
- Council position on draft budget: 13110/2011
- Council position on draft budget published: 13110/2011
- Committee opinion: PE466.960
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2011)0372
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Commission draft budget: COM(2011)0300
- Commission draft budget: EUR-Lex
- Commission draft budget published: COM(2011)0300
- Commission draft budget published: EUR-Lex
- Commission draft budget: COM(2011)0300 EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2011)0372 EUR-Lex
- Committee opinion: PE466.960
- Council position on draft budget: 13110/2011
- Committee opinion: PE467.202
- Committee opinion: PE466.965
- Committee opinion: PE467.189
- Committee opinion: PE467.239
- Committee opinion: PE462.610
- Committee opinion: PE467.325
- Committee opinion: PE467.265
- Committee opinion: PE467.318
- Committee opinion: PE466.967
- Committee opinion: PE470.034
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2011)0576 EUR-Lex
- Committee opinion: PE472.016
- Committee draft report: PE472.287
- Committee opinion: PE467.204
- Committee opinion: PE472.169
- Committee opinion: PE467.319
- Committee opinion: PE469.959
- Budgetary report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A7-0354/2011
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2011)0698 EUR-Lex
- Budgetary joint text: 17470/2011
- Miguel PORTAS
- Paul RÜBIG
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Damien ABAD
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Alexander Nuno PICKART ALVARO
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Francesca BALZANI
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Göran FÄRM
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Kinga GÖNCZ
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Estelle GRELIER
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Sidonia MAZUR
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Anne E. JENSEN
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Giovanni LA VIA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Barbara MATERA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Claudio MORGANTI
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Alfreds RUBIKS
Plenary Speeches (1)
- László SURJÁN
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Helga TRÜPEL
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Oldřich VLASÁK
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Angelika WERTHMANN
Plenary Speeches (1)
A7-0354/2011 - Francesca Balzani et José Manuel Fernandes - Am 5 #
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A7-0354/2011 - Francesca Balzani et José Manuel Fernandes - Résolution #
Amendments | Dossier |
312 |
7 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Considers that the budgetary resources requested by the European Ombudsman will enable him to meet the obligations under his Statute, the implementing provisions and the co-operation agreements and will allow him to perform his tasks effectively; notes that very positive results have been recorded in recent years, with inquiries having been closed in shorter deadlines without affecting quality; points out that these results have been achieved through an increase in human resources and the use of new methods of inquiry; encourages the Ombudsman to continue his efforts in order to keep up these excellent results;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes with satisfaction that the increase in the Ombudsman’s budget estimates for 2012 is limited to 0.47% (+ EUR 44,605) and that the Ombudsman does not request any new posts;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Commends the Ombudsman for exercising restraint in his budget estimates and showing solidarity with his partners in the Member States; takes note of the Ombudsman’s intention to exercise the maximum possible level of restraint in future budgets; welcomes the restraint exercised by the Ombudsman and the solidarity he has shown with his national and regional counterparts who, as a result of the current financial and economic crisis, are facing budgetary difficulties;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Notes with satisfaction that the Ombudsman continues his policy of multiannual planning, systematically scrutinising budget lines and redeploying means with a view to generating savings; notes that the implementation of the budget line review strategy has made it possible to reduce the number of lines from 23 to 16; urges the other EU institutions to follow the Ombudsman’s best practice by applying this method;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Notes with satisfaction that the Ombudsman continues his policy of multiannual planning, systematically scrutinising budget lines and redeploying means with a view to generating savings; is aware that, in view of the new responsibilities given to the Ombudsman under the Lisbon Treaty, there is a risk that the limited growth in the institution's budget as currently planned will not be sustainable; encourages the Ombudsman to continue to present a realistic budget estimate based on costs, taking full account of the need to manage limited resources optimally;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Endorses the Ombudsman’s training policy including the intention to enter the Interinstitutional Framework Contract, which allows access to a large number of
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Encourages the Ombudsman to continue the good cooperation with the Committee on Petitions as well as with SOLVIT and the national ombudsmen with a view to sending complaints that do not fall within his remit rapidly and efficiently to the appropriate authority so as to best defend the rights of European citizens;
source: PE-467.288
59 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Supports the sharp increase in payments and commitments proposed by the Commission for the CIP-
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Points out that, over the years, the Member States have faced a significant shortage of financial resources for the management of areas included in the Natura 2000 network (which in some cases represent a significant proportion of national territory), and this has compromised the instrument's effectiveness and overall coherence;
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Supports the view that especially in times of austerity the
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Commends the Commission on its efforts to maintain overall payment appropriations for fisheries at the same level as in the previous financial year; points out, however, that the 2007-2013 multiannual financial framework does not take adequate account of the political importance of the common fisheries policy (CFP), in particular as regards the political expectations from greater EU involvement in fisheries control, in fisheries research and in cushioning the social effects of what is a necessary reduction in capacity in some areas;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Underlines that Eurostat
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 10. Notes the key messages of the recent evaluation of the European Consumer Cent
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5.
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Stresses the importance for the stability of the European economy of making certain that the economic governance reforms are implemented in an effective way; welcomes the reinforcement of DG ECFIN
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 8.
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 10. Notes the key messages of the recent evaluation of the European Consumer Centers (ECC) Network's functioning, especially with regard to the limited resources available so far and performance- based incentives proposed for the future; maintains its support for the Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) Network
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Notes that the volume of appropriations for policies relating to the conservation, management and exploitation of living aquatic resources (line 1107) remains largely unchanged, but, in view of the 2010 outturn, calls on the
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Supports the proposal for a new pilot project to facilitate non-industry
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Calls for 5% of the funds contributing to Title 3 to be placed in the reserve; takes the view that the credibility of EFSA's expertise has been seriously damaged since 2010 by recurring cases of conflicts of interest within EFSA in several areas (such as GMOs and sweeteners), omissions in declarations of interests and infringements of Article 16 of the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities; considers that placing funds in the reserve would aim to ensure that EFSA takes specific measures without delay and sets a precise timetable for resolving these problems;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7.
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Supports the proposal for a new pilot project to facilitate non-industry stakeholder involvement in EU policy- making in the area of financial services; underlines that if the project turns out to be successful, the expert centre to be set up should be made permanent; stresses that additional resources should be allocated to the ‘Knowledge Partnerships’ pilot project in order to f
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11 11. Recognizes the necessity to commence the
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Notes the creation of a budget line for the IMP
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 11a (new) 11a. Calls on the ECHA to increase compliance checks on registration dossiers from the minimum of 5% to 10% in the light of the very high rate of deficient dossiers amongst those checked so far, since the high failure rate, if continued, would seriously undermine REACH as a whole; considers that this can be done without any additional funds by redeploying existing staff accordingly, all the more so since ECHA received far fewer testing proposals than previously estimated;
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 8. Firmly rejects the severe cuts in the fisheries policy area that are provided for in the Council's position on the 2012 budget; deplores the Council’s willingness to make drastic cuts to EU support for this sector, which, considering its importance
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 12 12. Stresses further
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Expresses its concern at the low implementation rate for the EFF; notes that the third annual report on implementation of the EFF considered that 'national austerity measures constrained national co-financing' and 'private beneficiaries (...) were most affected by the credit crunch', which hampered the full utilisation of this instrument at a time when it was most needed; bearing in mind these constraints, believes that national co- financing in the case of productive investment projects should be temporarily abolished or substantially reduced, particularly for those countries that are currently facing the greatest difficulties;
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 12 12. Stresses further, that any revision of the financial statements of the Biocides legislation and export and import of dangerous chemicals must be based upon the final legislative agreement and if necessary ad
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 b (new) 8b. Recalls that, in the third annual report on implementation of the EFF, the Commission undertook to 'assist Member States in fostering programme implementation by a better design of measures' and mentioned the possibility of using facilitating instruments with a view to improving the utilisation of the EFF; underlines the urgent need for the Commission to apply these instruments;
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 10. Calls on the Council to reconsider its position on the volume of commitments and payments against the lines in Title 11, in particular those relating to the EFF; highlights the EFF's importance in terms of adapting fishing communities to new industrial developments, their transition to more environmentally friendly production methods and their sustainable economic diversification.
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 10. Calls on the Council to reconsider its position on the volume of commitments and payments against the lines in Title 11, in particular those relating to the EFF; highlights the EFF's importance in terms of adapting fishing communities to new industrial developments, their transition to more environmentally friendly production methods and their sustainable economic diversification.
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 10. Calls on the Council to reconsider its position on the volume of commitments and payments against the lines in Title 11
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Supports the sharp increase in payments proposed by the Commission for the CIP- EIP programme as a crucial reaction to the positive trend of SMEs recovering from the crisis and to the priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 b (new) 3b. Notes that the Commission estimates the annual cost of managing the Natura 2000 network at EUR 5.8 billion and believes, in this context, that the Community should take greater responsibility for its funding;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Supports the view that in times of austerity the
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Commends the Commission on its efforts to maintain overall payment appropriations for fisheries at the same level as in the previous financial year; takes the view that, even in a difficult economic context, efforts towards the sustainable development of the fisheries sector must be supported and social and economic problems in the sector prevented;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that the crisis has clearly highlighted the importance for the strength of government finances of having effective and fraud-proof tax collection systems; stresses that the fight against tax fraud and evasion must be highly prioritised and that the appropriations for Fiscalis must enable the programme to respond to this ambition within the EU, and internationally through maintaining the budget line on ‘Good Governance in the Area of Tax’ with appropriate funding;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Article 4 a (new) 4a. Notes the lack of an overall prevention strategy in the field of health; taking into consideration (a) the increasingly ageing population and (b) the mounting pressure on public finances and private productivity; the increase of expenses for this ageing population is a structural problem for the Member States; the European Union should adopt in its long- term strategy the policy of firm promotion of the principle of prevention (in terms of medical practices as well as in terms of encouraging healthier lifestyles) and the introduction of services such as E-health; health indicators will contribute to a significant improvement in the economic indicators;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Points out the importance of the continuous budgetary allocation for the operation and development of the internal market, particularly in the fields of notification, certification and sectoral approximation (budget lines 02 01 04 0
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Commends the Commission on its efforts to maintain overall payment appropriations for fisheries at the same level as in the previous financial year; takes the view that, even in a context of economic difficulties, efforts towards the sustainable development of the fisheries sector must be supported and social and economic problems in the sector prevented;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Notes that the crisis has clearly highlighted the importance for the strength of government finances of having effective and fraud-proof tax collection systems; stresses that the fight against tax fraud and evasion must be highly prioritised and that the appropriations for Fiscalis must enable the programme to respond to this ambition; deplores, therefore, the slight reduction in the payment appropriations for this instrument;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 b (new) 4b. Recommends studying and implementing pilot projects aimed at the restoration and rehabilitation of areas of forest affected by fires, invasive exotic species or diseases such as pine nematode;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Asks for the continuous financing of the Pilot Project ‘Single Market Forum’ (SMF; budget line 12 02 03), organised jointly by the Commission and the Council Presidency, and bringing together stakeholders from the EU institutions, Member States, civil society and business organisations to assess progress in relaunching the Single Market, exchange best practices and address the top concerns of European citizens;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Welcomes the general trend of budget increases proposed by the Commission for all three European Supervisory Authorities as logical and crucial steps in their build-up procedures; stresses that new tasks entrusted to these authorities must be swiftly accompanied by additional resources; in this regard, ascertains that the proposed figures do not fully meet the needs for 2012, emphasises, inter alia, that the new responsibilities planned for the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in the areas of short-selling and derivatives must be quickly reflected in the 2012 budget process when the legal bases are in place;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Requests from Member States to further improve their implementation of EU environmental legislation;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Asks for the continuous financing of the Pilot Project 'Single
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Calls on the Commission
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Requests from Member States to
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Welcomes the increase in payment appropriations for fisheries markets (line 11 02) and the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) (line 11 06),
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Calls on the Commission – in order to strengthen the independence
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Requests from Member States to further improve their implementation of EU environmental and public health protection legislations; encourages the Commission to strengthen consequently their infringement procedures either by extra support to the respective units and/or by defining case rates; requests corresponding data bases which should be made publicly available;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 8. Reiterates its calls on the Commission and the Member States to co-fund further joint market surveillance actions; recognises the role of customs in market surveillance and supports the strengthening of the cooperation between customs administrations and market surveillance authorities, promoting the exchange of good practices and technical assistance; calls on the Member States to allocate necessary financial and human resources in order to fulfil their respective obligations for the implementation of Customs 2013 Programme (budget lines 14 01 04 02 and 14 04 02), paying particular attention to protecting external borders and combating trafficking and fraud;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Welcomes the increase in payment appropriations for fisheries markets (line 11 02)
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Underlines th
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Stresses the need to address the social and economic burden of health inequalities between and within Member States through the Public Health programme, prioritising projects aimed at reducing health inequalities, promoting health education and prevention and improving data collection;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 8. Reiterates its calls on the Commission and the Member States to co-fund further joint market surveillance actions; recognises the role of customs in market surveillance and supports the strengthening of the cooperation between customs administrations and market surveillance authorities, promoting the exchange of good practices and technical assistance; calls on the Member States to allocate necessary financial and human resources in order to fulfil their respective obligations for the implementation of Customs 2013 Programme (budget lines 14 01 04 02 and 14 04 02), paying particular attention to protecting external borders and combating trafficking and fraud;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Deplores the overall reduction in commitment and payment appropriations for control and enforcement of the CFP that the Commission is proposing, in particular as regards the financial contribution to the Member States in payment appropriations; considers that the Commission should make greater efforts to facilitate and promote the uptake of appropriations in this area;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Underlines that Eurostat might also need to be reinforced in order to be capable of managing new tasks in the updated economic governance framework; points out that the resources of Eurostat must continuously match the expanding workload and the enhanced quality demands in the key area of economic and financial statistics; is concerned about the reduction proposed by the Commission for the Union Statistical Programme and the
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Supports the implementation of a pilot project to prevent depopulation in rural areas that would tackle this problem by consulting local communities and the various stakeholders and local authorities and designing projects at local and regional level;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 9. Deems it necessary to
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Welcomes, nonetheless, the increase in appropriations for the Community Fisheries Control Agency, whose work needs to be supported and promoted; stresses, however, that this cannot replace the important role played by the Member States in this area, and adequate funding should therefore be available to them;
source: PE-469.969
13 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Underlines that every budget, including the 2012 budget, should contribute to and stimulate the development of
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Calls on the Commission and Member States to endeavour to implement the priority TEN-T projects on schedule; points out that any delay in the implementation of these projects entails higher costs;
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 a (new) Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Regrets that, on the basis of Art. 195 of the Lisbon Treaty, the Commission is not proposing a new legal basis to replace the three preparatory actions in the field of sustainable tourism which cannot be extended in 2012 and asks that appropriate resources be allocated for the tourism sector in 2012 and 2013 as well as in the future multiannual financial framework;
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 8. Takes the view that the EU budget contribution to the transport-related agencies should be commensurate with their additional responsibilities, such as those conferred on the European Maritime
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Underlines that every budget, including the 2012 budget, should contribute to and stimulate the development of a sustainable transport system contributing to the EU efforts to tackling climate change via decarbonisation and should also take account of the EU's social goals;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Underlines that every budget, including the 2012 budget, should contribute to and stimulate the development of a sustainable multimodal transport system contributing to the EU efforts to tackling climate change via decarbonisation;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Considers that the draft budget as proposed by the Commission constitutes the minimum necessary to sustain momentum in the implementation of the European Union policy described in the new White Paper on transport; believes that
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Considers that the draft budget as proposed by the Commission constitutes the minimum necessary to sustain momentum in the implementation of the European Union policy described in the new White Paper on transport; believes that increasing public financing for transport contributes to overcoming the crisis and creating jobs that meet the EU's social standards;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Calls for significantly improved access to finance in innovation and infrastructures, notably for green technologies, the Trans-European Networks (TEN) with focus on existing rail infrastructure, linking operational with infrastructure investments, and other projects with proven European added value financed by Cohesion and Structural Funds;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Calls for significantly improved access to finance in innovation and infrastructures, notably for green technologies, the Trans-European Networks (TEN) and other projects with proven European added value
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Calls for significantly improved access to finance in innovation and infrastructures, notably for green technologies, the Trans-European Networks (TEN), connections linking peripheral areas that are lagging behind and other projects with proven European added value financed by Cohesion and Structural Funds;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Calls for a higher amount to be allocated to the EU’s interregional cooperation programmes (INTERREG IVC) encompassed within its cohesion policy, which play a key role in policy implementation under EU macro-regional strategies and also help Member States to respond effectively to common challenges such as providing better transport links and developing and promoting tourism;
source: PE-469.968
6 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Takes the view that the amounts entered in the Draft Budget (DB) for heading 1b correspond to the needs and objectives for regional policy as set by the Union and therefore requires that budget lines of heading 1b as proposed by the Commission be maintained or, where necessary, restored; in particular, rejects the swingeing cuts which the Council has proposed in the heading 1b payment appropriations;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Stresses that the effective and efficient implementation of regional policy is the key to the achievement of
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Stresses that the effective and efficient implementation of regional policy is key to the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy in the present context of economic adversity and fiscal consolidation, as it contributes not only to the effective reduction of regional disparities, but also to creating the right framework to stable and sustainable economic growth and job creation;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Stresses that the effective and efficient implementation of regional policy is key to the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy in the present context of economic adversity and fiscal consolidation, as it contributes not only to the effective reduction of regional disparities, but also to creating the right framework to stable and sustainable economic growth and job creation;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Considers it particularly important to extend the current ongoing pilot projects and measures related to implementation of the macro-regional strategies, given that if those strategies were implemented more effectively, the potential of the regions could be exploited to greater advantage, the EU Structural Funds could be turned to account in a more purposeful way, and the best possible response could be found to the challenges posed in a given region, for instance in the field of environmental protection;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Considers it particularly important to extend the current ongoing pilot projects and measures related to implementation of the macro-regional strategies, given that if those strategies were implemented more effectively, the potential of the regions could be exploited to greater advantage, the EU Structural Funds could be turned to account in a more purposeful way, and the best possible response could be found to the challenges posed in a given region, for instance in the field of environmental protection;
source: PE-470.007
3 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Considers that there should be no increase in the EU budget – or not, at any rate, beyond what the Commission has proposed – at a time when the Member States have been forced to cut their budgets;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Is aware of the importance of involving citizens in the development of civil society and political life including a European perspective, and considers it unfortunate that expenditure related to citizenship should have been scaled down; believes, therefore, that it is necessary to restore the 2011 commitments appropriations for the budgetary line ‘Europe for citizens’ for a proper implementation of this programme;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Considers it inappropriate to cut spending on digital publications, particularly at a time when the rules governing the Official Journal of the EU are under discussion; given that there is a possibility that the Official Journal will be published in electronic form only, calls on the Council to keep the appropriations at least at the same level as in 2011.
source: PE-470.019
7 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2 a. Asks the Commission not to increase, during the current economic crisis, the level of appropriations earmarked for administrative expenditure in the field of trade policy under budget heading 20 01;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2 a. Asks the Commission not to increase, during the current economic crisis, the level of appropriations earmarked for administrative expenditure in the field of trade policy under budget heading 20 01;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Regrets that there is no agreement between Parliament and Council on the
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3 a. Regrets the decision of the Commission to disregard the wish of the Parliament as expressed in the budget exercise 2011 to promote Fair Trade by extending the budget line under Article 20 02 01 under the sub-heading "Actions aiming to strengthen the capacity of developing countries to participate in the world trading system" and asks for the re- introduction of actions specifically designated to promoting Fair Trade in the Budget 2012, with an appropriate budget allocation;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3 a. Supports financing for programmes for banana-producing countries with strict priority for the poorest LDCs;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Points out that the proper functioning of the external European business centres (Beijing, four locations in India and ASEAN trade Centre in Thailand) must be secured, but asks the Commission to ensure that the activities of these business centres do not duplicate those already being undertaken by trade organisations, private consultancy firms and national embassies; to this end, supports the proposed preparatory action for launching a cost effective coordination platform aiming to help European businesses, SMEs in particular, to expand their capacity for international action and to gain market access in fast growing third countries;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Points out that the proper functioning of the external European business centres (Beijing, four locations in India and ASEAN trade Centre in Thailand) must be secured, but asks the Commission to ensure that the activities of these business centres do not duplicate those already being undertaken by trade organisations, private consultancy firms and national embassies; to this end, supports the proposed preparatory action for launching a cost effective coordination platform aiming to help European businesses, SMEs in particular, to expand their capacity for international action and to gain market access in fast growing third countries;
source: PE-469.865
22 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph -1 (new) -1. Calls for a serious analysis of EU spending on social affairs, to look in detail at areas where spending is effective and ineffective so that the budget could be reprioritised and possible savings could be made;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Points to the need for budget appropriations for social action to be increased across the board; considers that the European Social Fund in particular needs to double in volume in order to cope with the social consequences of the crisis, especially unemployment and poverty;
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Welcomes the strengthening of the capacities of the social partners in the context of the flagship initiative on new skills
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Welcomes the strengthening of the capacities of the social partners in the context of the flagship initiative on new skills and would like the budget to acknowledge their role in industrial policy; stresses that EURES has a key role in advising mobile workers and job-seekers on their rights and that this helps to deliver on a true internal market and underlines the important role of social partners regarding advice for workers in cross-border partnerships; stresses that EURES as a best practice for promoting fair mobility needs to be given the necessary resources in the budget to respond to the challenges of the European labour market and to support the important work of social partners in border regions;
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Maintains that the budget of the Progress programme needs to be increased substantially, given that the crisis is such that greater attention and support have to be focused on the social sectors encompassed within that programme;
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Proposes that financing be provided under the Progress programme for a fourth European forum on social services of general interest;
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 b (new) 4b. Points to the need to continue the studies and actions concerning the living conditions of posted workers, bearing in mind the current upward migration trend;
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 b (new) 4b. Calls for more substantial support to be allocated under Progress to national labour inspectorates to enable them to implement European legislation and combat instances of circumvention and abuse, for example by ‘letter-box’ companies;
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Stresses that the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Stresses that the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund is geared to ensuring workers are qualified and employable; calls for payment appropriations for its budget heading to speed up the relevant procedures and for assessment of the programmes executed so far;
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7.
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1.
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Proposes
Amendment 21 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Proposes an increase in commitment appropriations for the European Training Foundation in order to support partner countries in the Mediterranean region in reforming their labour markets and vocational training systems and promoting social dialogue; calls, however, for more synergies of these activities at EU and national levels;
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Calls for adequate financing for the preparatory action on ‘Your first EURES job’ for 2012 and welcomes and echoes the initiative of the Commission to create a legal base and a separate budget line on this by 2013 as a concrete measure to tackle youth unemployment.
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Welcomes the increase in commitment appropriations for the ‘Youth on the Move’ and ‘European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion’ flagship initiatives; points out that the crisis is
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Calls for an increase in the payment appropriations for the European Social Fund
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Calls for
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Calls for
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Calls for an increase in the payment appropriations for the European Social Fund and the creation of a new category of intermediate regions; calls also for a strengthening of the technical assistance under the ESF in order to allow partners to be involved in the planning of the next funding period, in accordance with Article 5 of the ESF Regulation;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Calls for an increase in the payment appropriations for the European Social Fund
source: PE-470.046
14 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Considers, however, that priority should be given to areas in which the European Union has a clear need for action as well as an added value and stresses that new measures and programmes need a clear justification;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4 a. Considers that a significant share of the available funds in the appropriate budget lines should be allocated to answer the EU's growing cybersecurity needs, making full use of possible synergies of existing programmes;
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4 a. Considers it important to maintain at least the budget of last year for the External Border Fund, as it is a tool that ensures the efficient organisation of control covering both checks and surveillance tasks relating to external borders, and contributes to safeguarding fundamental rights and deterring irregular migration, trafficking in human beings, organized crime and labour exploitation;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 b (new) 4 b. Considers that the Draft Budget for the European Return Fund should be restored, as it ensures the efficient management of migration flows, which will contribute to enhancing voluntary return and reintegration, cooperation with other Member States and third countries in the field of return, in the context of promoting the respect of fundamental rights and consolidating the establishment of an Area of Freedom and Justice;
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 c (new) 4 c. Stresses the need to reinstate the level of appropriations of 2011 for the funding of the "Prevention, preparedness and consequence management of terrorism" programme. Moreover, underlines that guaranteeing citizens’ security and safeguarding liberties should be a high EU priority;
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Insists on the need for the European Parliament to be informed, in a timely and precise manner, on the execution of the budget, namely what the money is spent on.
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Considers, however, that priority should be given to areas in which the European Union has a clear added value and creates conditions to exploit the potential synergies that exist in the areas of law- enforcement cooperation, integrated border management and criminal justice systems; stresses that new measures and programmes need a clear justification;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses that at this time of economic hardship the agencies should have appropriate
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3 a. Deeply regrets that the evaluation of the funds in the area of migration and solidarity was not delivered to Parliament as announced in June 2011, so no conclusions can be drawn from the evaluation and be taken into account for the 2012 budget;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 b (new) 3 b. Calls on the Commission to present all relevant evaluations of existing funds and programmes to Parliament in due time before the discussion on the new Multiannual Financial Framework starts;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 c (new) 3 c. Notes that enough financial resources must be made available for Frontex to perform its tasks under its new mandate and that the Frontex budget should be reviewed in the first part of 2012 when, following the entry into force of the new Regulation, the Agency would be able to establish the resources it needs to start carrying out its new tasks during 2012 and to possibly also set up Frontex Operational Offices;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 d (new) 3 d. Stresses the importance of restoring the Draft Budget for the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders (FRONTEX); reiterates that this appropriation is intended to cover the Agency’s administrative and operational expenditure relating to the work programme, including those stemming from the revision of the Agency’s mandate, notably the establishment of the European Border Guard Teams guards;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 e (new) 3 e. Calls for sufficient resources to be made available to the European Asylum Support Office in order to enable the Agency to continue setting itself up and become fully operational as soon as possible;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Considers it necessary to put into reserve
source: PE-470.028
12 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Calls for the establishment of a specific cooperation instrument for the overseas countries and territories – separate from the European Development Fund – bearing in mind that the aim of their association with the European Union, as provided for by Article 198 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, is not to combat poverty but to promote economic and social development and establish close economic relations between the territories concerned and the Union as a whole;
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Notes that austerity measures are being implemented in many Member States in order to rebalance national budgets and reduce debts;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Supports the creation of a
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Rejects the Council’s amendments to the 2012 Draft Budget; considers that the Commission’s estimates of budgetary needs are more realistic than the Council’s proposals, in particular with regard to clearance of the accounts for previous years; insists, therefore, on reinstating the figures in the 2012 Draft Budget, in particular against the current background of great economic uncertainty and
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Supports the creation of a new budget line to support social and environmental improvement programmes connected with sustainable banana development, open to all stakeholders in all banana exporting countries (i.e. both ACP and third countries).
Amendment 3 #
3a. Emphasises the key importance of the European farm prices and margins observatory as an essential instrument to improve transparency in the food supply chain; its creation remains a priority for Parliament especially in view of the price volatility that has been witnessed in recent years;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 b (new) 3b. Expresses concern about the consequences of the EHEC crisis that put numerous vegetable producers in the EU into an extremely difficult situation whereby from one day to another demand declined dramatically and producers were either not selling their products at all or were selling them at an extremely low price; calls for the establishment of an adequate special fund to cover the real loss of income of vegetable producers caused by the crisis and decent promotion measures to restore consumer confidence and to stimulate the consumption of vegetables in the EU;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Emphasises the importance of adequate financing for specific programmes such as the school fruit and school milk schemes; points out that these specific programmes not only benefit farmers, but also support vulnerable groups in society
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Points out that programmes for deprived persons must be implemented in the light of the proceedings before the General Court, as the Commission rightly points out in its statement of estimates; notes that, in its judgment in Case T-576/08 of 13 April 2011, the General Court stated that funding for th
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Notes the decreased financing for veterinary and phytosanitary measures which the Commission justifies by a generally improved disease situation, in particular the lower needs for the eradication of the bluetongue disease; however urges the Commission to maintain the means for a close monitoring of animal and plant health and ensure a high level of consumer protection;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Calls for the establishment of the pilot projects proposed, in particular the pilot project aimed at
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Calls for the establishment of the pilot projects proposed, in particular the pilot project aimed at developing agricultural programmes and support instruments that reward producers who deliver extra- environmental public goods, and the pilot project to provide information to consumers, in schools, at points of sale and at other contact points, concerning the high quality, food safety, environmental and animal welfare standards that European farmers have to meet; calls for
source: PE-472.063
12 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Insists that sufficient appropriations must be ensured so that the EU can fulfil its role of global player with responsibility for promoting peace and stability, fighting poverty, supporting economic development and for upholding respect for fundamental values and human rights throughout the world, this can only be carried out through a peaceful and civil foreign policy in line with international law, where the European Union acts as a nonviolent mediator which seeks only civil and peaceful solutions to conflicts, a player which pushes poverty eradication through sustainable development, arms- control and disarmament, favouring balanced economic relations, fair trade and fair distribution of the world resources and wealth to ensure stability and prosperity in the EU and the world;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Is concerned that the proposed modification of the EEAS establishment plan might disproportionately inflate the service's management, in particular at AD 13 and AD 14 levels; calls therefore on the High Representative/Vice-President to set forth the EEAS's staffing policy in a transparent manner to the Budgetary Authority; stresses that without such information it is not prepared to approve the modified establishment plan; believes that Member States could contribute to a more balanced staffing structure and lower staff-related expenditure by sending to the EEAS a more balanced set of diplomats, including notably also diplomats at lower grades;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 9 b (new) 9b. Reiterates that, for the sake of budgetary transparency and parliamentary scrutiny, each Common Security and Defence Policy mission should, in the future, be based on an individual budget line;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Insists that sufficient appropriations must be ensured so that the EU can fulfil its role of global player with responsibility for promoting peace and stability, fighting poverty, supporting economic development and for upholding respect for fundamental
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses again, in this context, the need to provide adequate support for the neighbouring South Mediterranean countries, to help the transition to democracy and to build democratic institutions; stresses that this support to the Southern dimension of the ENP should not be at the expense of the Union's commitment to an adequate support to the eastern dimension of the ENP/ENPI;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses again, in this context, the need to provide adequate support for the neighbouring South Mediterranean countries, to help the transition to democracy and to build democratic institutions; underlines that the increased support for the Southern Neighbourhood should be balanced with a similar reinforced engagement with the Eastern neighbours;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses again, in this context, the need to provide adequate support for the neighbouring South Mediterranean countries, to help the transition to democracy and to build democratic institutions; calls on the High Representative/Vice-President to implement the EU Concept on Strengthening EU Mediation and Dialogue Capacities adopted in 2009 without any further delay, to allocate sufficient resources in this respect and to review the concept also in light of recent developments in the Arab world;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Is in favour of maintaining at least the same level of funding as in 2011 for the EIDHR, including the electoral observation missions, as well as for DCI, ICI + and for the IFS;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Strongly rejects the European Commission's plan to transfer, in the context of the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy, EUR 60 million in 2012 and EUR 70 million in 2013 from the crisis response bracket of the Instrument for Stability (IfS) to ENP- related activities; recalls that the IfS crisis response bracket (Article 3) is the Union's only tool to provide funds in situations of crisis or emerging crises, when timely financial help cannot be provided from other EU sources; considers that the proposed reduction of the IfS appropriations for 2012 is disproportionate and inconsistent with the Union's political priorities and ignores the fragile political climate in many regions in our neighbourhood and beyond;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Recalls the need to
source: PE-472.080
14 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses that journalists and the media play a leading role in creating a European public sphere which enables citizens to participate in European integration; expresses concern, therefore, at the fact that the Commission has rejected the European Parliament initiative on Cross- border Investigative Journalism and discarded its own pan-European media networks strategy by closing down its initiative of a pan-European TV network;
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 3. Stresses that journalists and the media play a leading role in creating a European public sphere which enables citizens to participate in European integration;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4.
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Considers, particularly in view of the demographic changes taking place in the Member States and with a view to achieving the ambitious objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy, that investment should be made in the wellbeing, education, labour market integration, entrepreneurship and active citizenship of young people, and stresses therefore the importance of appropriate funding for programmes which encourage mobility and cooperation programmes in the area of youth policy, such as ‘Youth in Action’, ‘Erasmus’ and ‘People;
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Underlines the vital contribution of the MEDIA programme to Europe's audiovisual sector and the economic, cultural, educational and social benefits thereof; calls therefore for increased funding to support this fast-growing sector;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises that the European education programmes bring clear and demonstrated
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises that the European education programmes bring clear and demonstrated European added value and are vital for the Europe 2020 strategy to succeed; regrets that the Commission draft budget does not propose any additional funding for education and training, beyond the financial programming; laments the bias in favour of the natural sciences as opposed to the humanities in the implementation of European education programmes; calls for greater visibility to be afforded to the humanities in the Education programmes to be proposed under the next multiannual financial framework; calls for a significant increase in appropriations for the Lifelong Learning Programme in the 2012 budget and for a doubling of the funds for education in the next MFF;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises that the European education programmes bring clear and demonstrated European added value, enhance mobility and are vital for the Europe 2020 strategy to succeed; regrets that the Commission draft budget does not propose any additional funding for education and training, beyond the financial programming; calls for a significant increase in appropriations for the Lifelong Learning Programme in the 2012 budget and for a doubling of the funds for education in the next MFF;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Points out the importance of cultural policies, especially public policies, for education and training, and for universal access to culture, and considers that such policies should never be sacrificed in the name of budgetary rigour, especially given their relatively minor weight in budgetary terms;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Bemoans the fact that the Council is seeking to reduce the commitment appropriations for 2012 in respect of the Culture programme; considers it imperative that, in these difficult economic times, we do not neglect the role of culture in further enhancing European identity and enriching our societies; accordingly calls for funding and investment in culture to be maintained, if not increased;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Recalls that Article 165 TFEU gives the EU new competences in the area of sport; highlights the value of sport to society, not only in terms of health benefits
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 2 2. Recalls that Article 165 TFEU gives the EU new competences in the area of sport; highlights the value of sport to society, not only in terms of health benefits, competition and social inclusion but also in terms of economic growth and job creation; calls, therefore, for sufficient funding to prepare for and establish an ambitious EU programme on sport;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 3 source: PE-470.047
143 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Recalls that the
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Notes however, that at a time when national budgets are under severe pressure, the European Union budget for the financial year 2012 should be frozen in real terms;
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 65 Amendment 101 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 66 Amendment 102 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 66 66. Maintains its position that, in any event, a policy of identifying savings wherever possible and the continued pursuit of reorganisation and redeployment of existing resources are crucial elements of its budgetary policy, especially in this time of economic crisis; considers therefore that such savings for 2012 Budget should be made in the wider context of structural cha
Amendment 103 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 66 66. Maintains its position that, in any event, a policy of identifying savings wherever possible and the continued pursuit of reorganisation and redeployment of existing resources are crucial elements of its budgetary policy, especially in this time of economic crisis; considers therefore that such savings for 2012 Budget should be made in the wider context of structural cha
Amendment 104 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 66 a (new) 66a. Welcomes the good co-operation of the Committee on Budgets with the Bureau based on mutual confidence; considers that the agreement made in the conciliation on 22th September 2011 and in the context of the estimates (its resolution of 6 April 2011 adopted in plenary by 479 votes in favour) should not be put in question and none of the elements of that agreement should be reopened if no new circumstances have occurred since then;
Amendment 105 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 67 67. Notes that the general expenditure allowances
Amendment 106 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 67 67. Notes that the general expenditure allowance
Amendment 107 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 67 a (new) 67a. Respecting the competences of the Bureau, requests the Bureau not to index Members’ allowances to inflation;
Amendment 108 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 67 a (new) 67a. Urges its Bureau to take the following measures: - to freeze the General Expenditure Allowance of its Members until the 2014 European Parliament elections; - to ensure that full accountability is demanded from Members for their General Expenditures Allowance;
Amendment 109 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 67 a (new) 67a. In accordance with the Parliament's position on the General Expenditure allowance as approved on the 10th May 2011 in the 2009 discharge: European Parliament, calls on the Secretary- General to come forward with proposals to ensure that the use of the general expenditure allowance is transparent in all cases and only used for the purposes intended;
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 110 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 67 b (new) 67b. asks the Bureau to create conditions for making savings of 5% in all kind of travel expenditure including delegations of committees and interparliamentary delegations in full respect of the Statute for Members and its implementing measures; requests that 15% of the travel appropriation be placed in reserve pending a report by the Secretary General of the EP to be delivered to the Bureau and the Committee on Budgets by 31st March; calls forsuch a report to examine the feasibility of measures to ensure the utmost efficiency of Members’ travel with a view to making recommendations for potential budgetary savings by considering all proposals and resolutions which the Parliament has already adopted on this question;
Amendment 111 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 67 b (new) 67b. Considering the current financial, economic and social situation, calls furthermore on the Bureau to freeze all the Members' allowances (including the "daily" allowance) in absolute terms at 2011 level until the end of the seventh legislature;
Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 68 Amendment 113 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 68 Amendment 114 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 68 68. Welcomes the setting up by the administration of a special unit on cost accounting; expects this accounting exercise be ongoing and lead to an annual, thorough and transparent report on all areas in the European Parliament where savings can be identified and subsequently made;
Amendment 115 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 68 a (new) 68a. Believes that in times of increasing financial difficulties for numerous Europeans and ongoing austerity policies, Parliament should give an example of restraint by reducing its number of business flights; calls in this context on the Bureau to examine the effectiveness of travel costs, to present proposals encouraging Members to buy economy / flexi-economy class airfares, to ensure a proper treatment of the Frequent Flyer Points and to revise the rules of the Members' Registry opening hours, in particular on Fridays;
Amendment 116 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 68 a (new) 68a. Reiterates that a number of reserves have been proposed during the Parliament's budgetary negotiations; notwithstanding the conciliation compromise between the Budgets committee and the Bureau, calls for the underlying questions in these reserves regarding the Parliament's budget to be answered and set out transparently by the cost accounting office, providing clear information on translation and interpretation needs, catering, cleaning and maintenance as well as travel services and facilities, other external services and on price structure or any applicable subsidies for these services;
Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 70 70. Decides to approve the internalisation of the security service, as suggested in the Amending Letter, and, in consequences to create 2
Amendment 118 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 71 71. Approves, the following measures contained in the Amending Letter, which have been offset by other savings: - the release of appropriations from the reserve for the new security policy; - offsetting of the carbon emissions generated by administrative activities; -
Amendment 119 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 72 72.
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Points out at the inconsistencies of some of these cuts compared with the positions taken recently by the Council, such as the cuts it has made in the draft budget 2012 on the budgetary lines of the newly created agencies for financial supervision which creation it has pushed for but for which it does not seem willing to provide the necessary financial means for them to operate satisfactorily;
Amendment 120 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 72 72. Requests to be kept informed on a regular basis on new developments for building projects with a significant impact on the budget, such as e.g. the KAD building
Amendment 121 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 72 72. Requests to be kept informed on a regular basis on new developments for building projects with
Amendment 122 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 72 a (new) Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 73 Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 73 Amendment 125 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 73 73. Regrets the delay in the opening of the new visitors centre Parlamentarium and the total costs of setting up the project which are much higher than the initially intended; notes a large increase on this budget line (3243) for 2012; calls for a better planning and asks for a timely consultation of the Committee on Budgets on any further financial implications;
Amendment 126 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 73 a (new) 73a. Believes that, in view of making long-term savings, making the organisation more modern and efficient, the budget of the European Parliament should be subject to a comparative study with the budgets of a representative sample of Member States and with the budget of the United States Congress;
Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 74 74. Welcomes the putting into place of concrete incentives to make more use of less polluting means of transport by introducing the 50 % Jobcard system in Brussels; points out that the reserve on the different lines for
Amendment 128 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 74 a (new) 74a. Calls for further measures to be taken to reduce energy, water and paper consumption in view of making savings in Parliament's budget;
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 75 75. Points out that the cuts made by the Council would place the Court in a position of not being able to p
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Deplores
Amendment 130 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 76 76. Notes that the Court is making significant efforts to redeploy staff from support services to audit activities to meet the increasing demands upon the institution, as well as finding substantial economies in its administrative expenditure; notes that the Council has cut appropriations for salaries on the basis of low implementation in 2010; is expecting the implementation for 2011 to perform better and has therefore decided to partially re-establish the DB;
Amendment 131 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 77 77.
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 80 80. Has taken a different view of the Council and accepted the creation of two additional permanent posts (1 AD 9 and 1 AD 6) in the EDPS' establishment plan because of the new tasks for this
Amendment 133 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 80 80. Has taken a different view of the Council and accepted the creation of two additional permanent posts (1 AD 9 and 1 AD 6) in the EDPS' establishment plan because of the new tasks for this institution conferred to it by Article 16 TFEU as it is the task of the EDPS to monitor and ensure that these rights are respected (all EU institutions and bodies are bound by the fundamental rights to privacy and protection of personal data);
Amendment 134 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 82 82. Notes
Amendment 135 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 82 82. Notes the ongoing difficulties with the EEAS establishment plan
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 82 b (new) 82. Notes th
Amendment 137 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 82 a (new) 82a.Takes into account the clarifications received from the EEAS in the letter sent to the Committee on Budgets chair on 30 September 2011 concerning the share of EU officials in the establishment plan, in line with the committment taken by HR/VP; therefore, decides to restore the EEAS establishment plan as proposed in Commission Draft Budget, and believes that all reserves related to recruitment and the setting up of an EU delegation in the United Arab Emirates should be lifted;
Amendment 138 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 83 83. Notes the Council’s position to reduce the increase in the EEAS’ draft budget for 2012 to +2
Amendment 139 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 83 83.
Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Underlines that the sole consideration of past implementation rates, together with the rates of increase as compared to previous year's budget, as a basis for selecting lines and amounts to be cut is a backward-looking approach which does not
Amendment 140 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 84 84.
Amendment 141 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 84 84. Notes that the EEAS is constantly growing since its creation in 2010;
Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 85 Amendment 143 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 85. Concerning the other lines, decides to increase appropriations
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Notes that the low level of payments proposed by Council would lead to a bigger discrepancy between PA and CA, mechanically resulting in an increase of RALs at year end, particularly in
Amendment 16 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Recalls that EU-2020 policies have been identified by Parliament as one of its most important priorities1 for the 2012 budget
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Keeps on considering that the level of payments proposed by the Commission is a bare minimum for payments, as also mentioned in several statements by President Barroso and Commissioner Lewandowski; is not confident that Draft
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13.
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13.
Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new) Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Recalls that Heading 1a is the key heading of the MFF 2007-2013 in terms of reaching the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Regrets that the Commission and the Council do not generally propose to boost – beyond what was originally planned – the support for investments urgently needed to implement the seven flagship initiatives, and notes that they are regrettably inclined to postpone the necessary big leap in terms of common financial effort to the post- 2013 MFF; is convinced that this attitude will seriously endanger the achievement of the headline goals by 2020; is therefore proposing some targeted increases over the draft Budget of the Commission in some key areas, namely competitiveness and entrepreneurship, research and innovation, education and life long learning;
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Regrets that the Commission and the Council
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Deeply regrets the planned dramatic increase in budgetary appropriations for nuclear research, whereas this energy form is increasingly questioned in Member States; points out that the Commission proposal will result in an even more serious imbalance between spending on nuclear research compared to renewable energy research; is therefore determined to abolish the foreseen increases for ITER;
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Recalls that, in order to finance ITER, it will be necessary for the budget authority to agree on a revision of the MFF 2007- 2013; takes note of Commission's proposal
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Recalls that, in order to finance ITER, it will be necessary for the budget authority to agree on a revision of the MFF 2007- 2013; takes note of Commission's proposal of 20 April 2011 for financing the missing EUR 1 300 million for ITER in 2012 and 2013 but, in line with Council's exclusion of ITER additional funding from its Budget reading, insists that the negotiations on ITER's additional costs are disconnected from 2012 budgetary procedure; it is nevertheless essential that the question of ITER should be resolved by 2011 to ensure that existing EU structures for fusion do not weaken as a result of no decision being taken;
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Reaffirms its strong opposition to any form of redeployment from FP7 like proposed by the Commission as part of the ITER financing package since this would endanger the successful implementation of FP 7 and significantly reduce its contributions to the achievement of the headline
Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Reaffirms its strong opposition to any form of redeployment from FP7 like proposed by the Commission as part of the ITER financing package since this would endanger the successful implementation of FP 7
Amendment 28 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 a (new) 17a. Decides to further increase the level of commitment appropriations for selective lines of the FP 7 (Capacities - Research for the benefit of SMEs, Cooperation - Energy, Ideas, People, Research related to energy); considers that those lines are instrumental in ensuring growth and investments in key areas that are at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy; believes that the current implementation rate of the FP7 will guarantee that these additional amounts can be effectively integrated in the financial programming of those programmes;
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 18. Further increases the overall level of commitment appropriations for the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework programme (CIP - Intelligent energy and CIP - Entrepreneurship and Innovation) compared to what was initially foreseen
Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Is deeply concerned, against this background, that the current crisis has been aggravated by the austerity policies, result
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 18. Further increases the overall level of commitment appropriations for the
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 19.
Amendment 32 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 19.
Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 19. Also increases support for the Lifelong Learning programme, given its high European added value and also because of its strong contribution to the flagship initiatives ‘Youth on the Move’ and ‘Innovation Union’; is convinced that these increases are fully implementable and can provide a useful answer to the increasing calls for participation to the actions encompassed in the life long learning program;
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 19. Also increases support for the Lifelong Learning programme, given its high European added value a
Amendment 35 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Decides to
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Decides to restore DB payments for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) line
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Decides to restore DB payments for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) line; underlines the fact that the insertion of payment appropriations not only
Amendment 39 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 a (new) 20a. Proposes that, within the 2012 budgetary negotiation procedure, any eventual appropriations' decrease, under subheading 1a, should be made on the line for security research; considers that the EU, following the new challenges and modifications in the international context, should assume a new and daring approach to security matters with the aim to concentrate on cooperation for development and on conflict prevention by pacific means;
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Is deeply concerned, against this background, that the current crisis has
Amendment 40 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 b (new) 20b. Also proposes that, within the 2012 budgetary negotiation procedure, any eventual appropriations' decrease, under subheading 1a, should be made on the lines for Innovative medicines Initiative Joint undertaking and on the Risk- Sharing Finance Facility; these lines support mainly large dimension enterprises, which have a better capacity of alternative financing, instead of targeting SMEs, which can promote a higher degree of convergence between the regions on research;
Amendment 41 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Recalls the important role regional and cohesion policies play towards the achievement of the goals of the EU 2020 strategy and economic recovery of European regions; deplores Council's restrictive approach on payments, which were cut by some EUR 1 300 million as compared to Commission's forecasts of payment needs for 2012; notes that only the convergence objective and the technical assistance lines remained untouched by the cuts of Council; reminds that these cuts apply to budget allocations that were already far below Member States' own estimates (EUR 61 billion for 2012 or some 50% above DB) and widely
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Recalls the important role regional and cohesion policies play towards the achievement of the goals of the EU 2020 strategy and economic recovery of European regions; deplores Council's restrictive approach on payments, which were cut by some EUR 1 300 million as compared to Commission's forecasts of payment needs for 2012; notes that only the convergence objective and the technical assistance lines remained untouched by the cuts of Council; reminds that these cuts apply to budget allocations that were already far below Member States' own estimates (EUR 61 billion for 2012 or some 50% above DB) and widely considered as being the bare minimum for honouring upcoming payment claims and be consistent with the speeding up of implementation at the end of the programming period; further believes that the current legislative revision of the Council Regulation No 1083/2006, which introduces new provisions that would allow the Commission to make increased payments to six EU Member States, might also impact on the level of payment appropriations for 2012;
Amendment 43 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Recalls the important role regional and cohesion policies play towards the achievement of the goals of the EU 2020 strategy and economic recovery of European regions; deplores Council's restrictive approach on payments, which were cut by some EUR 1 300 million as compared to Commission's forecasts of payment needs for 2012; notes that only the convergence objective and the technical assistance lines remained untouched by the cuts of Council; reminds that these cuts apply to budget allocations that were already far below Member States' own estimates (EUR 61 billion for 2012 or some 50% above DB) and widely considered as being the bare minimum for honouring upcoming payment claims and be consistent with the speeding up of implementation at the end of the programming period; requests an assessment of the implementation of regional and cohesion policy, with concrete proposals on how to reduce RALs;
Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Recalls the important role regional and cohesion policies play towards the
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 a (new) 23. Calls on the Commission to acknowledge the crucial role the local and regional level plays in combating climate change and to respond to this challenge by revising the list of categories of expenditure (Lisbon earmarking) in Annex IV according to Article 9(3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 laying down general provision on structural funds and by introducing categories targeted to tackle the impacts of climate change in time for being taken into account for the implementation of the 2012 budget;
Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 25. Generally restores Council's cuts under this Headings to a level EUR xxxx million, which is XX% above 2011 Budget; considers that the Commission’s estimates of budgetary needs are more realistic than the Council’s proposals, in particular against the current background of great economic uncertainty and of instability in the markets
Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 a (new) 27a. Calls on the Commission to increase its efforts to define clear priorities under this Heading in favour of sustainable farming systems, which preserve biodiversity, protect water resources and soil fertility, respect animal welfare and employment; believes that such a policy could have as a positive side effect the prevention of crisis like the spreading of EHEC;
Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 a (new) 27a. Underlines that the prevention and response mechanisms with relation to crises in the fruit and vegetable sector are clearly insufficient and therefore an immediate solution needs to be found until the new CAP is in place; urges the Commission to present a concrete proposal to the European Parliament and the Council to ensure a sufficient increase of the Union's contribution to the crisis fund within the operational funds for producer organisations; calls for this increase to serve for specific measures for the producers affected by the E. coli crisis and to prevent future crises;
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 28 a (new) 28a. Underlines that the prevention and response mechanisms with relation to crises in the fruit and vegetable sector are clearly insufficient and therefore an immediate solution needs to be found until the new CAP is in place; urges the Commission to present a concrete proposal to the European Parliament and the Council to ensure a sufficient increase of the Union's contribution to the crisis fund within the operational funds for producer organisations, calls for this increase to serve for specific measures for the producers affected by the E. coli crisis and to prevent future crises;
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Recalls
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. Maintains the budget allocation dedicated to the
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. Maintains the budget allocation dedicated to the EU Food Distribution Programme for the Most Deprived Persons of the Community (MDP); strongly calls for a political and legal solution to be found promptly to avoid any drastic cuts to th
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 30. Provides for a continued support on a commensurate level for the LIFE+ programme, which gives priority solely to environment and climate action projects; reminds again that environmental problems and their solutions do not recognise national borders, thus dealing with it at EU level is self-evident; calls in this respect on the Member States to significantly improve their implementation of EU environmental legislation and requests from the Commission to strengthen their infringement procedures in a consistent way;
Amendment 53 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 32.
Amendment 54 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 32. Recalls its strong call for an appropriate and balanced answer to the current challenges in the area of migration and solidarity, with a view to the management of legal migration and slowing down of illegal migration; acknowledging the obligation of EU Member States to conform to established EU law, emphasises the need for sufficient
Amendment 55 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 32. Recalls its strong call for an appropriate and balanced answer to the current challenges in the area of migration and solidarity, with a view to the management of legal migration and
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 a (new) 32a. Strongly regrets that the Commission is sending a message of rejection towards refugees by increasing substantially the External Border Fund and the European Return Fund, while keeping the European Refugee Fund at the same level than in 2011; believes that the EU should adopt a more welcoming stance towards refugees, especially in light of the Libyan war and the ongoing severe repression against demonstrators in several Arab countries;
Amendment 57 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 a (new) 32a. Deplores the significant cuts presented by the Council in Frontex, External Borders Fund and European Return Fund; strongly believes that in the view of current developments particularly in the Mediterranean region and challenges posed to the security of the EU external borders and management of migration flows reinforcement of those funds is indispensable;
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32 b (new) 32b. Recalls the important role of Frontex Agency; intends to provide sufficient resources for the Agency to fulfil its new tasks including those steaming from the revision of the Agency mandate, as well as secure further financing in case this is needed for Frontex operations in the Mediterranean and on the Greek-Turkish border;
Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 33 Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Recalls, once more, that the EU budget should
Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 33 33. Intends
Amendment 61 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 34 34. Deems the Daphne programme to have been underfunded so far and will ensure its appropriate funding to tackle recognized needs in the fight against violence towards women, including through coercive abortion, female genital mutilation, forced sterilization or any other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment;
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 35 35.
Amendment 63 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 35 35. Reiterates that funding for education- oriented programmes, initiatives and bodies should be increased in view of their contribution to the completion of EU 2020 strategy's flagship initiatives ‘Youth on the Move’ and 'Innovation Union'; intends in particular to further increase funding for the "Youth in action" programme, in order to ensure awareness for necessary increased job mobility;
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 38 38. In relation to European public spaces, considers that an assessment report and work programme
Amendment 65 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 39 a (new) 39a. Welcomes the credits for the Public Health programme which complements and adds value to Member States’ actions in the area of health promotion and prevention of illness; supports the Commission’s efforts to continue the HELP campaign for a life without tobacco under the Public Health programme;
Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 41 41. Welcomes the reinforcement of appropriations for the Neighbourhood Instrument, as proposed in Amending Letter n°1/2012, as in line with its support to a clear and consistent EU response to recent political developments in Southern Mediterranean and added value to the external dimension of the EU's home affairs policies and macro-regional strategies; reiterates nevertheless very clearly that such a financial assistance can in no way be detrimental to existing priorities;
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 41 41.
Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 43 43. Believes that the increased funding for Palestine and UNRWA it proposes is crucial for better ensuring the safety and livelihood of refugees
Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 43 a (new) 43a. Recalls that the cooperation with developing countries in Asia and Latin America is continuously increasing and should therefore be reinforced in 2012 budget;
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Reiterates
Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 47 47. Stresses that such a restrictive approach, while resulting in short-term savings for the EU budget and the Member States, endangers the implementation of EU policies and programmes, ultimately to the detriment of citizens and with a deferred negative effect on national budgets; further stresses that the Commission and other institutions should be provided with adequate resources to carry out their tasks, especially after the entry into force of the TFEU;
Amendment 71 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 52 52. Considers indeed that any cut brought to agencies' budget during the budgetary procedure should be more closely related to the process of agencies' work planning and tasks, unless some precise sources of efficiency gains can be identified;
Amendment 72 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 52 a (new) 52a. Agrees in general that agencies' surpluses should be taken into account when establishing the draft budget and presented in a clear and transparent manner; however, reiterates that surpluses of fee-receiving agencies, should be exempted from this general rule in order to cover for the unreliability of their income;
Amendment 73 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 52 a (new) 52a. Requests the Commission to present a report on the added value and efficiency of all EU agencies, in time to provide input for the discussion on the EU budget of 2013; considers that this report should enable Council and Parliament to decide which agencies can continue to exist and which agencies should be scrapped or merged;
Amendment 74 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 53 53. Further decides to increase the 2012 budget allocation to the three new financial supervision agencies a
Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 54 a (new) 54a. Regrets that newly assigned tasks to agencies can not be accompanied by an adequate level of funding which is still necessary despite all redeployment efforts; requests the Commission to present amending budget requests in due time in order to avoid hampering of the implementation of EU legislation by EU decentralised agencies;
Amendment 76 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 55 55. Recalls
Amendment 77 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 56 Amendment 78 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 56 Amendment 79 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 57 Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Points out that the margins stemming from the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF)
Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 57 57. Welcomes the good co-operation with the Bureau based on mutual
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 58 58. Recognises the efforts
Amendment 82 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 59 59. Notes that the administrative and operating expenditure budget from all institutions represents XX% of the global EU budget, of which heading V having a margin of EUR XXX million;
Amendment 83 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 59 59.
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 60 Amendment 85 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 60 a (new) 60a. Expresses the willingness of the European Parliament to reach an agreement with the Council and the Commission for the freezing of salaries for the highest category of employees of the Union during the years 2012 and 2013; considers that this commitment must be obtained rapidly and should also freeze the salaries of MEPs in the values of 2011;
Amendment 86 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 61 61. Points out that
Amendment 87 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 61 61.
Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 61 a (new) 61a. Points out that the overall level of its 2012 Budget is EUR xxx.xxxx; this represents a net reduction of EUR xxx.xxxx compared to the Estimates and EUR to the initial budget proposals before conciliation with the Bureau;
Amendment 89 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 62 Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Points out that the margins stemming from the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) do not allow real room for manoeuvre, especially in subheading 1a and heading 4, and reduce the capacity of the EU to react to policy changes and unforeseen needs while maintaining its priorities; points out that the scope of the challenges the EU faces, would require
Amendment 90 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 62 Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 62 a (new) 62a. Points out that the budget for 2012 is a budget of consolidation, in which the Parliament did a maximum effort to do savings without putting in danger the quality of work and the legislative excellence; this budget 2012 and the following budget 2013 are the reference for the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework.
Amendment 92 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 62 a (new) 62a. Reiterates that the savings expected from the budget lines for translation and interpretation can not harm the principle of multilingualism in the European Parliament and during the dialogues between other institutions; savings will be implemented without jeopardizing the right of any Member to speak during plenary, committees, coordinators meetings and trilogues in his/her own language; Members should also keep their right to write and read in his/her own language;
Amendment 93 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 62 b (new) 62b. Records the agreement for the reduction of travel costs in 5% and for the placing under reserve of 15% of the foreseen appropriation; invites the Bureau to present proposals until 31st March in a way that reserves should be used; recommends the Bureau to study the possibility of strablishing rules that: a) promote flexible economic flights inside the EU, respecting duly fundamented exceptions; b)prevent the accumulation of time and distance allowances with daily allowances; suggests that these values for these appropriations should be freezed from 2012 until the end of the mandate; d) suggests that savings in the institutional visits have into account the primacy of pluralism over the proportionality when defining the delegations composition;
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 63 63. Points out that
Amendment 95 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 63 63. Points out that
Amendment 96 #
Amendment 97 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 64 Amendment 98 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 64 64. Votes therefore the
Amendment 99 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 65 source: PE-473.841
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