2013/0072(COD) Air passenger rights

Progress: Awaiting Council's 1st reading position

Lead TRAN ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo (icon: PPE PPE) UJHELYI István (icon: S&D S&D), OETJEN Jan-Christoph (icon: Renew Renew), DEPARNAY-GRUNENBERG Anna (icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE), ZĪLE Roberts (icon: ECR ECR), HAIDER Roman (icon: ID ID)
Former Responsible Committee TRAN BACH Georges (icon: PPE PPE)
Former Committee Opinion ENVI
Former Committee Opinion IMCO MAYER Hans-Peter (icon: PPE PPE) Dennis de JONG (icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL), Robert ROCHEFORT (icon: ALDE ALDE), Matteo SALVINI (icon: ENF ENF), Kerstin WESTPHAL (icon: S&D S&D)
Former Committee Opinion JURI
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
TFEU 100-p2


   EP - Committee decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations announced in plenary (Rule 72)
   EP - Committee decision to open interinstitutional negotiations after 1st reading in Parliament
   CSL - Debate in Council

The Council took note of progress achieved regarding a proposed update of the EU rules on air passenger rights on the basis of a progress report prepared by the Presidency.

Solid progress has been made on the dossier since the policy debate held by the Council in October 2013. In particular, i) provisions giving rise to the application of air passenger rights in other transport modes have been deleted; ii) those on tarmac delay have been fine-tuned; iii) the monetary limit on accommodation in the event of major travel disruption has been deleted; and iv) the rules on informing passengers of their rights have been considerably improved.

Rules allowing airlines to claim exemptions from the requirement to pay compensation : delegations generally agree that technical defects should not be used by airlines as a pretext for refusing to pay compensation. Efforts have therefore been made to define under what conditions airlines may invoke technical defects to seek exemption from paying compensation.

Complaints and dispute resolution : a compromise has been reached on a simple procedure for passengers to submit complaints to airlines and, subsequently, to out-of-court dispute resolution bodies.

The major outstanding questions include the following:

- thresholds for compensation : the modified distance bands and temporal thresholds proposed by the Presidency giving rise to compensation in cases of cancellation and delay - the proposed 5-9-12 time thresholds- do not meet the satisfaction of a number of delegations which have diverging positions on this key issue.

- compensation for missed connecting flights : the Presidency compromise provides a partial exemption to airlines from paying compensation, if the connecting time was relatively short (90 minutes in the current text), and the passenger who purchased the connecting ticket was aware that a short delay of the feeder flight could result in missing the connection. If, however, the originally planned transfer time was more than 90 minutes, the passenger shall receive compensation if his connecting flight is missed due to a delay of the feeder flight. This compromise proposal cannot be accepted by a number of delegations that propose the deletion of compensation for connecting flights, and consider that such amounts should be paid on the basis of each individual leg of the flight, and the corresponding delay suffered.

- extraordinary circumstances : discussions should continue on the status of any list – that is, exhaustive or non-exhaustive, binding or non-binding - establishing exemptions from the obligation of compensation payment.

- hand baggage : the only major outstanding issue relates to cabin baggage. It still needs to be decided whether clear provisions are needed on the so-called 'one bag rule', including purchases made at the airport which would enable all passengers at Union airports to take items on board under the same conditions, or whether this should be regarded as part of the air carrier's commercial freedom.

   CSL - Council Meeting
   EC - Commission response to text adopted in plenary
   EP - Results of vote in Parliament
   EP - Debate in Parliament
   EP - Decision by Parliament, 1st reading

The European Parliament adopted by 580 votes to 41, with 48 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.

Parliament position adopted at first reading following the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission proposal as follows:

Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.

Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.

Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.

With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the resolution proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:

EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between 2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.

A new Article stipulated that the air carrier may reach a voluntary agreement with the passenger that replaces the compensation with other, non-monetary, benefits of at least equivalent value (for example: air travel vouchers without expiration date to the value of 100% of the entitlement to compensation), provided that this agreement is confirmed by a document signed by the passenger which unambiguously informs the passenger of his rights to compensation under this Regulation.

Rights with regard to connecting flights : the amended text stated passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight. Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.

Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.

An airline may not refuse boarding to a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility on the grounds that he/she is unaccompanied and may not insist on another person systematically accompanying him/her.

Information on passenger rights : the resolution called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.

In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.

Luggage : passengers would have to be informed early in the booking process about baggage allowances. A new Article has been included stipulating that passengers should be permitted to carry on board into the cabin, free of charge, essential personal items or belongings such as coats and handbags, including at least one standardised bag of airport shopping, in addition to the prescribed maximum cabin baggage allowance.

Contingency plans : the amended text stated that to ensure that passengers are not stranded when an air carrier goes bankrupt , Parliament inserted requirements for carriers to have in place appropriate guarantee mechanisms , such as guarantee funds, or to take out insurance policies. The contingency plan shall be set up by the airport management body in cooperation with the airport users, in particular the air carriers, the suppliers of ground handling services, the air navigation service providers, the airport retail outlets, and special assistance providers for disabled passengers or passengers with reduced mobility, and with the participation of the relevant national, regional or local authorities and organisations when appropriate.

Complaints procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints.

Air carriers which fail to reply to a complaint within 2 months would be deemed to have accepted the passenger’s claims. Those citing “extraordinary circumstances” in which they need not pay compensation would have to give the passenger a full written explanation. The draft rules include an exhaustive list of such circumstances, which include bird strikes, political unrest and unforeseen labour disputes.

However, in long-lasting extraordinary circumstances, air carriers’ liability to pay for passenger accommodation would be limited to 5 nights. If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger. If the operating air carrier chooses to apply this limitation, it shall nevertheless provide the passengers with information about available accommodation after the five nights, in addition to the continued obligations for information.

Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.

   EP - Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
   EP - Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
   EP - Vote in committee, 1st reading
   CSL - Debate in Council
   CSL - Council Meeting
   EP - Committee opinion
   CSL - Debate in Council

The Council held a policy debate on a proposed update of the EU rules on air passenger rights.

Clarifying grey areas in existing legislation : Ministers generally agreed about the need to clarify the current rules. Several ministers underlined that the most important goal for passengers is to get to their destination and receive proper care and attention.

Most of them stressed the importance of striking the right balance between the rights of passengers and the need to avoid disproportionate costs for air carriers, thus preserving the competitiveness of EU airlines.

Addressing the disproportionate costs that some obligations may impose on air carriers in the event of delayed or cancelled flights : most ministers expressed their opposition to linking the amount of compensation to the ticket price in the event of a delay, mentioning reasons such as (i) the volatility of ticket prices, (ii) the difficulty of determining the price of tickets which are part of a package and (ii) the principle of non-discrimination. A number of ministers considered instead that the basis for compensation should be the harm caused to the passenger and that compensation should not be an end in itself.

Several ministers were of the view that if the air carrier operating the first part of a combination flight is delayed, it should be the one to pay compensation .

Ministers also cautioned against rules that would encourage companies to limit their offer of combination flights or even to cancel flights.

According to some ministers the provisions as proposed by the Commission still need further clarification. Ministers' contributions will guide further examination of the proposal in the Council preparatory bodies.

   CSL - Council Meeting
   EP - Amendments tabled in committee
   EP - Amendments tabled in committee
   CZ_SENATE - Contribution
   EP - Committee draft report
   ESC - Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report
   DE_BUNDESRAT - Contribution
   RO_CHAMBER - Contribution
   CSL - Debate in Council
   CSL - Council Meeting
   EP - MAYER Hans-Peter (PPE) appointed as rapporteur in IMCO
   PT_PARLIAMENT - Contribution
   ES_PARLIAMENT - Contribution
   EP - Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading
   EP - ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo (PPE) appointed as rapporteur in TRAN
   EP - BACH Georges (PPE) appointed as rapporteur in TRAN
   EC - Document attached to the procedure
   EC - Document attached to the procedure
   EC - Legislative proposal published

PURPOSE: to modify the current legal framework in order to ensure a more effective application of the rights of airline passengers in the Union.

PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (amendment of Regulation (EC) N° 261/2004 and Regulation (EC) N° 2027/97).

ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.

BACKGROUND: Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights, and Council Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air have significantly contributed to protecting the rights of air passengers when their travel plans are disrupted by denied boarding, long delays, cancellations or mishandled baggage.

A number of shortcomings revealed during the implementation of the rights under the Regulations have, however, prevented their full potential in terms of passenger protection from being realised. In order to ensure a more effective, efficient and consistent application of air passenger rights across the Union, a series of adjustments to the current legal framework is required. This was underlined in the Commission’s 2010 EU Citizenship Report on dismantling obstacles to EU citizens' rights , which announced measures to ensure a set of common rights, notably for air passengers, and the adequate enforcement of these rights.

In its resolution of 29 March 2012 , the European Parliament considered that proper application of the existing rules by Member States and air carriers, enforcement of sufficient means of redress and providing passengers with accurate information concerning their rights should be the cornerstones of regaining passengers’ trust.

IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission evaluated four options:

Option 1 : focus on economic incentives (moderate change of enforcement);

Option 2 : balance stronger enforcement policy with economic incentives:

· Variant 2a : increasing the time threshold after which the passenger has a right to compensation in case of delays from the current three hours to at least five;

· Variant 2b : extending the scope of "extraordinary circumstances" to include most technical defaults;

Option 3 : focus on stronger enforcement and clarify passenger rights;

Option 4 : centralised enforcement.

The impact assessment concludes that option 2 is preferable to the others, as it would most effectively and efficiently enhance passengers' rights while taking into account the financial impact on the air transport sector. Variant 2a is slightly preferred to 2b.

LEGAL BASIS: Article 100 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

CONTENT: the proposal aims to promote the interest of air passengers by ensuring that air carriers comply with a high level of air passenger protection during travel disruptions, while taking into account the financial implications for the air transport sector and ensuring that air carriers operate under harmonised conditions in a liberalised market.

In concrete terms, the proposal:

· clarifies the definition of "extraordinary circumstances in line with the European Court's decision in the case C-549/07 (Wallentin-Herman) i.e. circumstances which, by their nature or origin, are not inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of the air carrier concerned and are beyond its actual control;

· increases the time threshold after which the right to compensation arises from three to five hours for all journeys within the EU . For journeys to/from third countries, the threshold will be dependent upon the distance of the journey: (i) 5 hours for outside-EU journeys of 3500 km or less; (ii) 9 hours for outside–EU journeys between 3500 and 6000 km, and (iii) 12 hours for outside-EU journeys of 6000 km and more;

· stipulates that if the air carrier cannot reroute the passenger on its own services within 12 hours, it must consider other carriers or other transport modes, subject to seat availability;

· introduces a single time threshold for care of 2 hours for flights of all distances;

· confirms that passengers that miss a flight connection because their previous flight was delayed have a right to care and, under certain circumstances, a right to compensation. However, such right would only apply where the connecting flights are part of a single contract of carriage;

· confirms that passengers of flights rescheduled with a notice of period of less than two weeks in advance of the originally scheduled time have similar rights to delayed passengers;

· clearly sets out the rights of passengers when their aircraft is delayed on the tarmac, in particular a right to disembark after five hours ;

· provides that passengers should have a right to information about the flight disruption as soon as the information is available;

· clarifies the role of the National Enforcement Bodies (NEBs), and extends their role to the monitoring of compliance with the baggage provisions of Regulation (EC) No 2027/97, and also enhances the exchange of information and the coordination between the NEBs, and between the NEBs and the Commission;

· requires air carriers to inform passengers, at the time of reservation, about their claim and complaint handling procedures, and provide electronic means to submit complaints. Airlines will be required to respond to passengers within two months.

Lastly, the proposal ensures better enforcement of passenger rights with regard to mishandled baggage : (i) passengers with reduced mobility should have the same right to free movement, and non-discrimination as other citizens; (ii) increased liability of air carriers with regard to mobility equipment up to the actual value of the equipment; (iii) enhanced transparency with regard to baggage allowances ; (iv) measures with regard to musical instruments; (v) require air carriers to issue a claim form at the airport where passengers can complain about delayed, damaged or lost baggage

BUDGETARY IMPLICATIONS: the proposal has no implications for the EU budget.

DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.




A7-0020/2014 - Georges Bach - Am 171 #

2014/02/05 Outcome: -: 389, +: 227, 0: 45
icon: S&D S&D

Finland S&D


Lithuania S&D

Against (1)


Cyprus S&D

Abstain (1)


Slovenia S&D

For (1)


Estonia S&D

For (1)


Ireland S&D


Luxembourg S&D

For (1)


Netherlands S&D


Sweden S&D

For (1)

icon: ECR ECR

Denmark ECR

For (1)


Lithuania ECR


Belgium ECR

For (1)


Hungary ECR

For (1)


Latvia ECR

For (1)


Netherlands ECR

For (1)


Italy ECR

Abstain (1)

icon: EFD EFD

Finland EFD

For (1)


Denmark EFD


Lithuania EFD

For (1)


Slovakia EFD

For (1)


Greece EFD


Belgium EFD

For (1)


Netherlands EFD

For (1)


Bulgaria EFD

For (1)


France EFD

Against (1)

icon: NI NI

Ireland NI

Abstain (1)


Belgium NI

For (1)


Hungary NI


Netherlands NI


Bulgaria NI


Italy NI

For (1)

Against (1)


Romania NI


Spain NI

Against (1)


France NI


United Kingdom GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Czechia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Denmark GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Cyprus GUE/NGL


Latvia GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Netherlands GUE/NGL



Against (1)


Finland ALDE

For (1)


Denmark ALDE


Lithuania ALDE

Against (1)


Greece ALDE

Against (1)


Ireland ALDE

For (1)


Austria ALDE

Against (1)


Luxembourg ALDE

Against (1)


Latvia ALDE

Against (1)


Sweden ALDE

For (1)


Spain ALDE

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

United Kingdom Verts/ALE


Finland Verts/ALE

Against (2)


Denmark Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Greece Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Estonia Verts/ALE

Abstain (1)


Belgium Verts/ALE

Abstain (1)


Austria Verts/ALE


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Latvia Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Netherlands Verts/ALE


Sweden Verts/ALE

For (1)


Portugal Verts/ALE

Against (1)

icon: PPE PPE

Czechia PPE


Malta PPE

Against (1)


Finland PPE

For (1)


Denmark PPE

Against (1)


Lithuania PPE


Estonia PPE

Against (1)


Belgium PPE

For (1)


Luxembourg PPE


A7-0020/2014 - Georges Bach - Am 172=Am 173 #

2014/02/05 Outcome: -: 337, +: 288, 0: 39
icon: S&D S&D

Netherlands S&D


Lithuania S&D

Against (1)


Estonia S&D

For (1)


Finland S&D


Ireland S&D


Slovenia S&D

For (1)


Luxembourg S&D

For (1)


Sweden S&D

For (1)


Cyprus S&D

Abstain (1)


Hungary S&D

Against (1)


Lithuania ALDE


Ireland ALDE

Against (1)


Slovenia ALDE

For (1)


Luxembourg ALDE

For (1)


Austria ALDE


Latvia ALDE

For (1)


Greece ALDE


Spain ALDE

icon: ECR ECR

Belgium ECR

For (1)


Denmark ECR

For (1)


Netherlands ECR

For (1)


Lithuania ECR


Latvia ECR

For (1)


Italy ECR


Hungary ECR

For (1)

icon: EFD EFD

Belgium EFD

For (1)


Bulgaria EFD

For (1)


Denmark EFD


Netherlands EFD

For (1)


Lithuania EFD


Finland EFD

For (1)


Slovakia EFD

For (1)


Greece EFD


France EFD

Against (1)

icon: NI NI

Belgium NI

For (1)


Bulgaria NI


Netherlands NI


Romania NI


Ireland NI

Abstain (1)


Italy NI

For (1)

Against (1)


Hungary NI


France NI


Spain NI

Against (1)


United Kingdom GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Denmark GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Netherlands GUE/NGL


Latvia GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Cyprus GUE/NGL



Against (1)

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

United Kingdom Verts/ALE


Belgium Verts/ALE

Abstain (1)


Denmark Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Netherlands Verts/ALE


Estonia Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Finland Verts/ALE

Against (2)


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Sweden Verts/ALE

For (1)


Austria Verts/ALE


Latvia Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Greece Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Portugal Verts/ALE

Against (1)

icon: PPE PPE

Czechia PPE


Belgium PPE

For (1)


Denmark PPE

Against (1)


Lithuania PPE


Estonia PPE

Against (1)


Malta PPE

Against (1)


Slovenia PPE


Luxembourg PPE


Cyprus PPE

Against (1)


A7-0020/2014 - Georges Bach - Résolution législative #

2014/02/05 Outcome: +: 580, 0: 48, -: 41
icon: PPE PPE

Czechia PPE


Denmark PPE

For (1)


Luxembourg PPE


Estonia PPE

For (1)


Slovenia PPE


Cyprus PPE


Malta PPE

For (1)

icon: S&D S&D

Netherlands S&D


Ireland S&D


Finland S&D


Luxembourg S&D

For (1)


Estonia S&D

For (1)


Slovenia S&D

For (1)


Cyprus S&D


Spain ALDE


Austria ALDE


Greece ALDE


Latvia ALDE

For (1)


Lithuania ALDE


Luxembourg ALDE

For (1)


Slovenia ALDE

For (1)

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

Netherlands Verts/ALE


Portugal Verts/ALE

For (1)


Austria Verts/ALE


Greece Verts/ALE


Denmark Verts/ALE

For (1)


Finland Verts/ALE


Latvia Verts/ALE


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

For (1)


Estonia Verts/ALE

For (1)


United Kingdom Verts/ALE



For (1)


Netherlands GUE/NGL


Greece GUE/NGL


Denmark GUE/NGL

For (1)


Latvia GUE/NGL

For (1)


United Kingdom GUE/NGL

icon: EFD EFD

France EFD


Belgium EFD

For (1)


Netherlands EFD

For (1)


Bulgaria EFD

For (1)


Greece EFD


Denmark EFD


Finland EFD

For (1)


Slovakia EFD

For (1)


Lithuania EFD

icon: NI NI

France NI


Italy NI


Romania NI


Spain NI


Belgium NI

For (1)


Netherlands NI


Bulgaria NI


Hungary NI


Ireland NI

For (1)

icon: ECR ECR

Italy ECR


Belgium ECR

Abstain (1)


Netherlands ECR

For (1)


Hungary ECR

Against (1)


Denmark ECR

For (1)


Latvia ECR

For (1)


Lithuania ECR

Abstain (1)

635 2013/0072(COD)
2013/10/08 IMCO 145 amendments...
source: PE-521.501
2013/10/09 TRAN 490 amendments...
source: PE-519.451


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Rules of Procedure EP 165
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
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  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
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  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
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  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
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  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
KONEČNÁ Kateřina
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
KONEČNÁ Kateřina
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
KONEČNÁ Kateřina
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
KONEČNÁ Kateřina
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
KONEČNÁ Kateřina
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
KONEČNÁ Kateřina
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
Legislative proposal
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Joint Declaration 2023-24
Legislative proposal
Legislative proposal
Legislative proposal
Legislative proposal
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
Legislative proposal published
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0020/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0020/2014
Legislative proposal
url: title: A7-0020/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: A7-0020/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.
  • The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:
  • Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.
  • Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.
  • Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.
  • With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:
  • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.
  • In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.
  • Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.
  • Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.
  • Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.
  • Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.
  • Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).
  • Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).
  • Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.
  • Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.
  • In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.
  • The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved
  • Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.
  • Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.
  • Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.
  • Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
Legislative proposal published
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0020/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0020/2014
links/National parliaments/url
procedure/Legislative priorities/0
Joint Declaration 2022
Legislative proposal
url: title: A7-0020/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
url: title: COM(2013)0130
Legislative proposal published
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0020/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0020/2014
Legislative proposal
Legislative proposal published
  • url: title: Debate in Parliament
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
Vote in committee, 1st reading
Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0020/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: A7-0020/2014
  • url: title: Debate in Parliament
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading
url: title: T7-0092/2014
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: T7-0092/2014
Air transport: enforcement of passenger rights; air carrier liability limits
Air passenger rights
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: BACH Georges date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: BACH Georges date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Former Committee Opinion
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
name: MAYER Hans-Peter date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Former Committee Opinion
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
name: MAYER Hans-Peter date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: BACH Georges date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: BACH Georges date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Former Committee Opinion
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
name: MAYER Hans-Peter date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Former Committee Opinion
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
name: MAYER Hans-Peter date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
procedure/Legislative priorities
  • title: Joint Declaration 2021 url:
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
procedure/Modified legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Awaiting Council 1st reading position / budgetary conciliation convocation
Awaiting Council's 1st reading position
Identity and Democracy
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Committee decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations announced in plenary (Rule 72)
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
KONEČNÁ Kateřina
European United Left - Nordic Green Left
Committee decision to open interinstitutional negotiations after 1st reading in Parliament
  • name: BACH Georges date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
  • name: MAYER Hans-Peter date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA Pablo date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
name: ZĪLE Roberts group: European Conservatives and Reformists abbr: ECR
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja group: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe abbr: ALDE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja group: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe abbr: ALDE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: BACH Georges date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Committee Opinion
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Opinion
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Committee Opinion
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
name: MAYER Hans-Peter date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Committee Opinion
Former Committee Opinion
Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
Former Committee Opinion
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
Committee Opinion
Former Committee Opinion
procedure/Modified legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 150
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: BACH Georges date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: BACH Georges group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Committee Opinion
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
name: MAYER Hans-Peter date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Committee Opinion
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
name: MAYER Hans-Peter group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
  • date: 2013-03-13T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0130 type: Legislative proposal published celexid: CELEX:52013PC0130:EN body: EC commission: DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim type: Legislative proposal published
  • date: 2013-04-16T00:00:00 body: EP type: Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading committees: body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Environment, Public Health and Food Safety committee: ENVI body: EP responsible: False committee: IMCO date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 committee_full: Internal Market and Consumer Protection rapporteur: group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Legal Affairs committee: JURI body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: BACH Georges
  • body: CSL meeting_id: 3243 docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=06/06/2013 type: Debate in Council title: 3243 council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy date: 2013-06-06T00:00:00 type: Council Meeting
  • body: CSL meeting_id: 3261 docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=10/10/2013 type: Debate in Council title: 3261 council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy date: 2013-10-10T00:00:00 type: Council Meeting
  • body: CSL meeting_id: 3278 docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=05/12/2013 type: Debate in Council title: 3278 council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy date: 2013-12-05T00:00:00 type: Council Meeting
  • date: 2013-12-17T00:00:00 body: EP type: Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading committees: body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Environment, Public Health and Food Safety committee: ENVI body: EP responsible: False committee: IMCO date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 committee_full: Internal Market and Consumer Protection rapporteur: group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Legal Affairs committee: JURI body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: BACH Georges
  • body: EP docs: url: type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading title: A7-0020/2014 type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading committees: body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Environment, Public Health and Food Safety committee: ENVI body: EP responsible: False committee: IMCO date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 committee_full: Internal Market and Consumer Protection rapporteur: group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Legal Affairs committee: JURI body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: BACH Georges date: 2014-01-22T00:00:00
  • date: 2014-02-05T00:00:00 docs: url: type: Results of vote in Parliament title: Results of vote in Parliament url: type: Debate in Parliament title: Debate in Parliament url: type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading title: T7-0092/2014 body: EP type: Results of vote in Parliament
  • body: CSL meeting_id: 3318 docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=05/06/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3318 council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy date: 2014-06-05T00:00:00 type: Council Meeting
  • body: EC dg: Mobility and Transport commissioner: KALLAS Siim
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: BACH Georges group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Committee Opinion
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter
Committee Opinion
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
name: MAYER Hans-Peter group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Legal Affairs
Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
Transport and Tourism
group: PPE name: BACH Georges
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy meeting_id: 3318 url:*&MEET_DATE=05/06/2014 date: 2014-06-05T00:00:00
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy meeting_id: 3278 url:*&MEET_DATE=05/12/2013 date: 2013-12-05T00:00:00
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy meeting_id: 3261 url:*&MEET_DATE=10/10/2013 date: 2013-10-10T00:00:00
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy meeting_id: 3243 url:*&MEET_DATE=06/06/2013 date: 2013-06-06T00:00:00
  • date: 2013-03-13T00:00:00 docs: url: title: EUR-Lex title: SWD(2013)0062 type: Document attached to the procedure body: EC
  • date: 2013-03-13T00:00:00 docs: url: title: EUR-Lex title: SWD(2013)0063 type: Document attached to the procedure body: EC
  • date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 docs: url: title: CES2576/2013 type: Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report body: ESC
  • date: 2013-09-06T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE510.868 type: Committee draft report body: EP
  • date: 2013-10-08T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE519.451 type: Amendments tabled in committee body: EP
  • date: 2013-10-08T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE521.519 type: Amendments tabled in committee body: EP
  • date: 2013-11-08T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE516.966 committee: IMCO type: Committee opinion body: EP
  • date: 2014-05-20T00:00:00 docs: url: /oeil/ title: SP(2014)446 type: Commission response to text adopted in plenary
  • date: 2013-09-17T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0130 type: Contribution body: CZ_SENATE
  • date: 2013-07-08T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0130 type: Contribution body: DE_BUNDESRAT
  • date: 2013-04-17T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0130 type: Contribution body: ES_PARLIAMENT
  • date: 2013-05-15T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0130 type: Contribution body: PT_PARLIAMENT
  • date: 2013-06-17T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0130 type: Contribution body: RO_CHAMBER
  • date: 2013-03-13T00:00:00 type: Legislative proposal published body: EC docs: url: title: COM(2013)0130 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2013&nu_doc=130 title: EUR-Lex summary: PURPOSE: to modify the current legal framework in order to ensure a more effective application of the rights of airline passengers in the Union. PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (amendment of Regulation (EC) N° 261/2004 and Regulation (EC) N° 2027/97). ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council. BACKGROUND: Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights, and Council Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air have significantly contributed to protecting the rights of air passengers when their travel plans are disrupted by denied boarding, long delays, cancellations or mishandled baggage. A number of shortcomings revealed during the implementation of the rights under the Regulations have, however, prevented their full potential in terms of passenger protection from being realised. In order to ensure a more effective, efficient and consistent application of air passenger rights across the Union, a series of adjustments to the current legal framework is required. This was underlined in the Commission’s 2010 EU Citizenship Report on dismantling obstacles to EU citizens' rights , which announced measures to ensure a set of common rights, notably for air passengers, and the adequate enforcement of these rights. In its resolution of 29 March 2012 , the European Parliament considered that proper application of the existing rules by Member States and air carriers, enforcement of sufficient means of redress and providing passengers with accurate information concerning their rights should be the cornerstones of regaining passengers’ trust. IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission evaluated four options: Option 1 : focus on economic incentives (moderate change of enforcement); Option 2 : balance stronger enforcement policy with economic incentives: · Variant 2a : increasing the time threshold after which the passenger has a right to compensation in case of delays from the current three hours to at least five; · Variant 2b : extending the scope of "extraordinary circumstances" to include most technical defaults; Option 3 : focus on stronger enforcement and clarify passenger rights; Option 4 : centralised enforcement. The impact assessment concludes that option 2 is preferable to the others, as it would most effectively and efficiently enhance passengers' rights while taking into account the financial impact on the air transport sector. Variant 2a is slightly preferred to 2b. LEGAL BASIS: Article 100 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). CONTENT: the proposal aims to promote the interest of air passengers by ensuring that air carriers comply with a high level of air passenger protection during travel disruptions, while taking into account the financial implications for the air transport sector and ensuring that air carriers operate under harmonised conditions in a liberalised market. In concrete terms, the proposal: · clarifies the definition of "extraordinary circumstances in line with the European Court's decision in the case C-549/07 (Wallentin-Herman) i.e. circumstances which, by their nature or origin, are not inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of the air carrier concerned and are beyond its actual control; · increases the time threshold after which the right to compensation arises from three to five hours for all journeys within the EU . For journeys to/from third countries, the threshold will be dependent upon the distance of the journey: (i) 5 hours for outside-EU journeys of 3500 km or less; (ii) 9 hours for outside–EU journeys between 3500 and 6000 km, and (iii) 12 hours for outside-EU journeys of 6000 km and more; · stipulates that if the air carrier cannot reroute the passenger on its own services within 12 hours, it must consider other carriers or other transport modes, subject to seat availability; · introduces a single time threshold for care of 2 hours for flights of all distances; · confirms that passengers that miss a flight connection because their previous flight was delayed have a right to care and, under certain circumstances, a right to compensation. However, such right would only apply where the connecting flights are part of a single contract of carriage; · confirms that passengers of flights rescheduled with a notice of period of less than two weeks in advance of the originally scheduled time have similar rights to delayed passengers; · clearly sets out the rights of passengers when their aircraft is delayed on the tarmac, in particular a right to disembark after five hours ; · provides that passengers should have a right to information about the flight disruption as soon as the information is available; · clarifies the role of the National Enforcement Bodies (NEBs), and extends their role to the monitoring of compliance with the baggage provisions of Regulation (EC) No 2027/97, and also enhances the exchange of information and the coordination between the NEBs, and between the NEBs and the Commission; · requires air carriers to inform passengers, at the time of reservation, about their claim and complaint handling procedures, and provide electronic means to submit complaints. Airlines will be required to respond to passengers within two months. Lastly, the proposal ensures better enforcement of passenger rights with regard to mishandled baggage : (i) passengers with reduced mobility should have the same right to free movement, and non-discrimination as other citizens; (ii) increased liability of air carriers with regard to mobility equipment up to the actual value of the equipment; (iii) enhanced transparency with regard to baggage allowances ; (iv) measures with regard to musical instruments; (v) require air carriers to issue a claim form at the airport where passengers can complain about delayed, damaged or lost baggage BUDGETARY IMPLICATIONS: the proposal has no implications for the EU budget. DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • date: 2013-04-16T00:00:00 type: Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading body: EP
  • date: 2013-06-06T00:00:00 type: Debate in Council body: CSL docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=06/06/2013 title: 3243
  • date: 2013-10-10T00:00:00 type: Debate in Council body: CSL docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=10/10/2013 title: 3261 summary: The Council held a policy debate on a proposed update of the EU rules on air passenger rights. Clarifying grey areas in existing legislation : Ministers generally agreed about the need to clarify the current rules. Several ministers underlined that the most important goal for passengers is to get to their destination and receive proper care and attention. Most of them stressed the importance of striking the right balance between the rights of passengers and the need to avoid disproportionate costs for air carriers, thus preserving the competitiveness of EU airlines. Addressing the disproportionate costs that some obligations may impose on air carriers in the event of delayed or cancelled flights : most ministers expressed their opposition to linking the amount of compensation to the ticket price in the event of a delay, mentioning reasons such as (i) the volatility of ticket prices, (ii) the difficulty of determining the price of tickets which are part of a package and (ii) the principle of non-discrimination. A number of ministers considered instead that the basis for compensation should be the harm caused to the passenger and that compensation should not be an end in itself. Several ministers were of the view that if the air carrier operating the first part of a combination flight is delayed, it should be the one to pay compensation . Ministers also cautioned against rules that would encourage companies to limit their offer of combination flights or even to cancel flights. According to some ministers the provisions as proposed by the Commission still need further clarification. Ministers' contributions will guide further examination of the proposal in the Council preparatory bodies.
  • date: 2013-12-05T00:00:00 type: Debate in Council body: CSL docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=05/12/2013 title: 3278
  • date: 2013-12-17T00:00:00 type: Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading body: EP
  • date: 2014-01-22T00:00:00 type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading body: EP docs: url: title: A7-0020/2014 summary: The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air. The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows: Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit. Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours. Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting. With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts: EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more. In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time. Rights with regard to connecting flights : a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight. Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively. Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket. Contingency plans : if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments. Extraordinary circumstances : in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list). Right to accommodation : if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights . If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission). Spelling mistakes : where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law. Information on passenger rights : the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card. In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights. The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved Price transparency : Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees. Insolvency : the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation. Complaint procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution. Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • date: 2014-02-05T00:00:00 type: Results of vote in Parliament body: EP docs: url: title: Results of vote in Parliament
  • date: 2014-02-05T00:00:00 type: Debate in Parliament body: EP docs: url: title: Debate in Parliament
  • date: 2014-02-05T00:00:00 type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading body: EP docs: url: title: T7-0092/2014 summary: The European Parliament adopted by 580 votes to 41, with 48 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air. Parliament position adopted at first reading following the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission proposal as follows: Right to reimbursement or re-routing : where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit. Right to compensation in case of long delays : the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours. Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting. With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the resolution proposed to streamline the compensation amounts: EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less; EUR 400 for all journeys between 2 500 km and 6 000 km; EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more. A new Article stipulated that the air carrier may reach a voluntary agreement with the passenger that replaces the compensation with other, non-monetary, benefits of at least equivalent value (for example: air travel vouchers without expiration date to the value of 100% of the entitlement to compensation), provided that this agreement is confirmed by a document signed by the passenger which unambiguously informs the passenger of his rights to compensation under this Regulation. Rights with regard to connecting flights : the amended text stated passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight. Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively. Denied boarding : the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket. An airline may not refuse boarding to a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility on the grounds that he/she is unaccompanied and may not insist on another person systematically accompanying him/her. Information on passenger rights : the resolution called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card. In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter , which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights. Luggage : passengers would have to be informed early in the booking process about baggage allowances. A new Article has been included stipulating that passengers should be permitted to carry on board into the cabin, free of charge, essential personal items or belongings such as coats and handbags, including at least one standardised bag of airport shopping, in addition to the prescribed maximum cabin baggage allowance. Contingency plans : the amended text stated that to ensure that passengers are not stranded when an air carrier goes bankrupt , Parliament inserted requirements for carriers to have in place appropriate guarantee mechanisms , such as guarantee funds, or to take out insurance policies. The contingency plan shall be set up by the airport management body in cooperation with the airport users, in particular the air carriers, the suppliers of ground handling services, the air navigation service providers, the airport retail outlets, and special assistance providers for disabled passengers or passengers with reduced mobility, and with the participation of the relevant national, regional or local authorities and organisations when appropriate. Complaints procedure : the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. Air carriers which fail to reply to a complaint within 2 months would be deemed to have accepted the passenger’s claims. Those citing “extraordinary circumstances” in which they need not pay compensation would have to give the passenger a full written explanation. The draft rules include an exhaustive list of such circumstances, which include bird strikes, political unrest and unforeseen labour disputes. However, in long-lasting extraordinary circumstances, air carriers’ liability to pay for passenger accommodation would be limited to 5 nights. If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger. If the operating air carrier chooses to apply this limitation, it shall nevertheless provide the passengers with information about available accommodation after the five nights, in addition to the continued obligations for information. Lost and damaged or delayed baggage : for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.
  • date: 2014-06-05T00:00:00 type: Debate in Council body: CSL docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=05/06/2014 title: 3318 summary: The Council took note of progress achieved regarding a proposed update of the EU rules on air passenger rights on the basis of a progress report prepared by the Presidency. Solid progress has been made on the dossier since the policy debate held by the Council in October 2013. In particular, i) provisions giving rise to the application of air passenger rights in other transport modes have been deleted; ii) those on tarmac delay have been fine-tuned; iii) the monetary limit on accommodation in the event of major travel disruption has been deleted; and iv) the rules on informing passengers of their rights have been considerably improved. Rules allowing airlines to claim exemptions from the requirement to pay compensation : delegations generally agree that technical defects should not be used by airlines as a pretext for refusing to pay compensation. Efforts have therefore been made to define under what conditions airlines may invoke technical defects to seek exemption from paying compensation. Complaints and dispute resolution : a compromise has been reached on a simple procedure for passengers to submit complaints to airlines and, subsequently, to out-of-court dispute resolution bodies. The major outstanding questions include the following: - thresholds for compensation : the modified distance bands and temporal thresholds proposed by the Presidency giving rise to compensation in cases of cancellation and delay - the proposed 5-9-12 time thresholds- do not meet the satisfaction of a number of delegations which have diverging positions on this key issue. - compensation for missed connecting flights : the Presidency compromise provides a partial exemption to airlines from paying compensation, if the connecting time was relatively short (90 minutes in the current text), and the passenger who purchased the connecting ticket was aware that a short delay of the feeder flight could result in missing the connection. If, however, the originally planned transfer time was more than 90 minutes, the passenger shall receive compensation if his connecting flight is missed due to a delay of the feeder flight. This compromise proposal cannot be accepted by a number of delegations that propose the deletion of compensation for connecting flights, and consider that such amounts should be paid on the basis of each individual leg of the flight, and the corresponding delay suffered. - extraordinary circumstances : discussions should continue on the status of any list – that is, exhaustive or non-exhaustive, binding or non-binding - establishing exemptions from the obligation of compensation payment. - hand baggage : the only major outstanding issue relates to cabin baggage. It still needs to be decided whether clear provisions are needed on the so-called 'one bag rule', including purchases made at the airport which would enable all passengers at Union airports to take items on board under the same conditions, or whether this should be regarded as part of the air carrier's commercial freedom.
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: Former Council configuration
  • body: EC dg: url: title: Mobility and Transport commissioner: KALLAS Siim
  • name: European Economic and Social Committee
  • name: European Committee of the Regions
procedure/Mandatory consultation of other institutions
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
  • TRAN/7/12209
  • Regulation
  • Amending Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 1995/0359(SYN) Amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 2001/0305(COD)
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
  • 2.80 Cooperation between administrations
  • 3.20.01 Air transport and air freight
  • 4.60.06 Consumers' economic and legal interests
Cooperation between administrations
Air transport and air freight
Consumers' economic and legal interests
  • Amending Regulation (EC) No 2027/97
  • Amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004
procedure/Modified legal basis
Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 150
Rules of Procedure EP 150
procedure/Mandatory consultation of other institutions
Economic and Social Committee Committee of the Regions
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
links/European Commission/title
  • DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
  • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Environment, Public Health and Food Safety committee: ENVI
  • body: EP responsible: False committee: IMCO date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 committee_full: Internal Market and Consumer Protection rapporteur: group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Legal Affairs committee: JURI
  • body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: BACH Georges
  • url: celexid: CELEX:52013PC0130:EN type: Legislative proposal published title: COM(2013)0130
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
Legislative proposal published
  • DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
  • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Environment, Public Health and Food Safety committee: ENVI
  • body: EP responsible: False committee: IMCO date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 committee_full: Internal Market and Consumer Protection rapporteur: group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Legal Affairs committee: JURI
  • body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: BACH Georges
  • url: title: COM(2013)0130 type: Legislative proposal published celexid: CELEX:52013PC0130:EN
Legislative proposal published
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
  • The Council took note of progress achieved regarding a proposed update of the EU rules on air passenger rights on the basis of a progress report prepared by the Presidency.

    Solid progress has been made on the dossier since the policy debate held by the Council in October 2013. In particular, i) provisions giving rise to the application of air passenger rights in other transport modes have been deleted; ii) those on tarmac delay have been fine-tuned; iii) the monetary limit on accommodation in the event of major travel disruption has been deleted; and iv) the rules on informing passengers of their rights have been considerably improved.

    Rules allowing airlines to claim exemptions from the requirement to pay compensation: delegations generally agree that technical defects should not be used by airlines as a pretext for refusing to pay compensation. Efforts have therefore been made to define under what conditions airlines may invoke technical defects to seek exemption from paying compensation.

    Complaints and dispute resolution: a compromise has been reached on a simple procedure for passengers to submit complaints to airlines and, subsequently, to out-of-court dispute resolution bodies.

    The major outstanding questions include the following:

    - thresholds for compensation: the modified distance bands and temporal thresholds proposed by the Presidency giving rise to compensation in cases of cancellation and delay - the proposed 5-9-12 time thresholds- do not meet the satisfaction of a number of delegations which have diverging positions on this key issue.

    - compensation for missed connecting flights: the Presidency compromise provides a partial exemption to airlines from paying compensation, if the connecting time was relatively short (90 minutes in the current text), and the passenger who purchased the connecting ticket was aware that a short delay of the feeder flight could result in missing the connection. If, however, the originally planned transfer time was more than 90 minutes, the passenger shall receive compensation if his connecting flight is missed due to a delay of the feeder flight. This compromise proposal cannot be accepted by a number of delegations that propose the deletion of compensation for connecting flights, and consider that such amounts should be paid on the basis of each individual leg of the flight, and the corresponding delay suffered.

    - extraordinary circumstances: discussions should continue on the status of any list – that is, exhaustive or non-exhaustive, binding or non-binding - establishing exemptions from the obligation of compensation payment.

    - hand baggage: the only major outstanding issue relates to cabin baggage. It still needs to be decided whether clear provisions are needed on the so-called 'one bag rule', including purchases made at the airport which would enable all passengers at Union airports to take items on board under the same conditions, or whether this should be regarded as part of the air carrier's commercial freedom.

  • group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • group: PPE name: BACH Georges
  • group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette
  • group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja
  • group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith
  • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
  • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
  • group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • group: PPE name: BACH Georges
  • group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette
  • group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja
  • group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith
  • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
  • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
  • group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • group: PPE name: BACH Georges
  • group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette
  • group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja
  • group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith
  • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
  • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
  • group: PPE name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • group: PPE name: BACH Georges
  • group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette
  • group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja
  • group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith
  • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
  • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
  • group: EPP name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • group: EPP name: BACH Georges
  • group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette
  • group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja
  • group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith
  • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
  • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
  • group: EPP name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • group: EPP name: BACH Georges
  • group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette
  • group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja
  • group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith
  • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
  • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
  • group: EPP name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • group: EPP name: BACH Georges
  • group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette
  • group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja
  • group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith
  • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
  • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
url:*&MEET_DATE=05/06/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3318
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
Council Meeting
  • group: EPP name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • group: EPP name: BACH Georges
  • group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette
  • group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja
  • group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith
  • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
  • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
procedure/Modified legal basis
Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 150
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=06/06/2013 type: Debate in Council title: 3243
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=10/10/2013 type: Debate in Council title: 3261
  • The Council held a policy debate on a proposed update of the EU rules on air passenger rights.

    Clarifying grey areas in existing legislation: Ministers generally agreed about the need to clarify the current rules. Several ministers underlined that the most important goal for passengers is to get to their destination and receive proper care and attention.

    Most of them stressed the importance of striking the right balance between the rights of passengers and the need to avoid disproportionate costs for air carriers, thus preserving the competitiveness of EU airlines.

    Addressing the disproportionate costs that some obligations may impose on air carriers in the event of delayed or cancelled flights: most ministers expressed their opposition to linking the amount of compensation to the ticket price in the event of a delay, mentioning reasons such as (i) the volatility of ticket prices, (ii) the difficulty of determining the price of tickets which are part of a package and (ii) the principle of non-discrimination. A number of ministers considered instead that the basis for compensation should be the harm caused to the passenger and that compensation should not be an end in itself.

    Several ministers were of the view that if the air carrier operating the first part of a combination flight is delayed, it should be the one to pay compensation.

    Ministers also cautioned against rules that would encourage companies to limit their offer of combination flights or even to cancel flights.

    According to some ministers the provisions as proposed by the Commission still need further clarification. Ministers' contributions will guide further examination of the proposal in the Council preparatory bodies.

  • url:*&MEET_DATE=05/12/2013 type: Debate in Council title: 3278
  • url: type: Debate in Council title: 3243
  • url: type: Debate in Council title: 3261
  • The Council held a policy debate on a proposed update of the EU rules on air passenger rights.

    Clarifying grey areas in existing legislation: Ministers generally agreed about the need to clarify the current rules. Several ministers underlined that the most important goal for passengers is to get to their destination and receive proper care and attention.

    Most of them stressed the importance of striking the right balance between the rights of passengers and the need to avoid disproportionate costs for air carriers, thus preserving the competitiveness of EU airlines.

    Addressing the disproportionate costs that some obligations may impose on air carriers in the event of delayed or cancelled flights: most ministers expressed their opposition to linking the amount of compensation to the ticket price in the event of a delay, mentioning reasons such as (i) the volatility of ticket prices, (ii) the difficulty of determining the price of tickets which are part of a package and (ii) the principle of non-discrimination. A number of ministers considered instead that the basis for compensation should be the harm caused to the passenger and that compensation should not be an end in itself.

    Several ministers were of the view that if the air carrier operating the first part of a combination flight is delayed, it should be the one to pay compensation.

    Ministers also cautioned against rules that would encourage companies to limit their offer of combination flights or even to cancel flights.

    According to some ministers the provisions as proposed by the Commission still need further clarification. Ministers' contributions will guide further examination of the proposal in the Council preparatory bodies.

  • url: type: Debate in Council title: 3278
Results of vote in Parliament
Results of vote in Parliament
Debate in Parliament
Results of vote in Parliament
  • The European Parliament adopted by 580 votes to 41, with 48 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.

    Parliament position adopted at first reading following the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission proposal as follows:

    Right to reimbursement or re-routing: where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.

    Right to compensation in case of long delays: the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.

    Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.

    With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the resolution proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:

    • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less;
    • EUR 400 for all journeys  between 2 500 km and 6 000 km;
    • EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.

    A new Article stipulated that the air carrier may reach a voluntary agreement with the passenger that replaces the compensation with other, non-monetary, benefits of at least equivalent value (for example: air travel vouchers without expiration date to the value of 100% of the entitlement to compensation), provided that this agreement is confirmed by a document signed by the passenger which unambiguously informs the passenger of his rights to compensation under this Regulation.

    Rights with regard to connecting flights: the amended text stated passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight. Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.

    Denied boarding: the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.

    An airline may not refuse boarding to a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility on the grounds that he/she is unaccompanied and may not insist on another person systematically accompanying him/her.

    Information on passenger rights: the resolution called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.

    In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter, which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.

    Luggage: passengers would have to be informed early in the booking process about baggage allowances. A new Article has been included stipulating that passengers should be permitted to carry on board into the cabin, free of charge, essential personal items or belongings such as coats and handbags, including at least one standardised bag of airport shopping, in addition to the prescribed maximum cabin baggage allowance.

    Contingency plans: the amended text stated that to ensure that passengers are not stranded when an air carrier goes bankrupt, Parliament inserted requirements for carriers to have in place appropriate guarantee mechanisms, such as guarantee funds, or to take out insurance policies. The contingency plan shall be set up by the airport management body in cooperation with the airport users, in particular the air carriers, the suppliers of ground handling services, the air navigation service providers, the airport retail outlets, and special assistance providers for disabled passengers or passengers with reduced mobility, and with the participation of the relevant national, regional or local authorities and organisations when appropriate.

    Complaints procedure: the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints.

    Air carriers which fail to reply to a complaint within 2 months would be deemed to have accepted the passenger’s claims. Those citing “extraordinary circumstances” in which they need not pay compensation would have to give the passenger a full written explanation. The draft rules include an exhaustive list of such circumstances, which include bird strikes, political unrest and unforeseen labour disputes.

    However, in long-lasting extraordinary circumstances, air carriers’ liability to pay for passenger accommodation would be limited to 5 nights. If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger. If the operating air carrier chooses to apply this limitation, it shall nevertheless provide the passengers with information about available accommodation after the five nights, in addition to the continued obligations for information.

    Lost and damaged or delayed baggage: for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.

Debate in Parliament
Debate in Parliament
procedure/Modified legal basis
Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 138
  • type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading title: T7-0092/2014
Debate in plenary scheduled
Debate in Parliament
Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage
Awaiting Council 1st reading position / budgetary conciliation convocation
  • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Georges BACH (EPP, LU) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air.

    The committee recommended that Parliament’s position adopted in first reading, following the ordinary legislative procedure, should amend the Commission proposal as follows:

    Right to reimbursement or re-routing: where passengers choose the re-routing option, they shall, subject to availability and provided that comparable alternatives exist, have the right to re-routing, at the earliest opportunity, via another air carrier or another mode of transport where the operating air carrier cannot transport the passenger on its own services and in time to arrive at the final destination within eight hours of the scheduled arrival time. The air carrier shall inform the passenger, within 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time, whether it will transport the passenger on its own services within the time limit.

    Right to compensation in case of long delays: the amended text seeks to grants passengers, in case of long delays, i.e. of more than three hours, the same rights as passengers whose flights are cancelled. The trigger point of five hours is therefore replaced by one of three hours.

    Where the revised schedule involves too long a delay, passengers shall be offered the possibility to ask for reimbursement or rerouting. In addition, passengers should be offered the possibility to organise rerouting for themselves and claim reimbursement of the associated costs if the operating air carrier fails to offer the choice of rerouting.

    With the aim to facilitate further the application of the current system and to create greater clarity for passengers and airlines, the report proposed to streamline the compensation amounts:

    • EUR 300 for all journeys of 2 500 kilometres or less;
    • EUR 400 for all journeys  between2 500 km and 6 000 km;
    • EUR 600 for all journeys of 6 000 km or more.

    In determining the distance, the basis shall be the last destination at which the denial of boarding or cancellation will delay the passenger's arrival after the scheduled time.

    Rights with regard to connecting flights: a new Article has been introduced by the Commission under which passengers concerned should be offered assistance, care and rerouting by the preceding air carrier responsible for the delay at the transfer point which leads to passengers missing their connecting flight.

    Passengers who miss a connecting flight should also be able to claim compensation on a similar basis to those whose flights are delayed or cancelled. Members considered that in light of the large number of carriers operating regional flights of shorter distances within the EU, the financial burden should be reduced for those carriers. With this in mind, they added a minimum threshold of 90 minutes of delay to the preceding flight at the transfer point, which shall entitle the passenger to compensation provided that the delay at the final destination of the journey is more than three or five hours respectively.

    Denied boarding: the current definition of ‘denied boarding’ should be modified in order to include cases where a passenger misses a flight because the departure time has been brought forward. In order to improve levels of protection, it should not be possible for passengers to be denied boarding on a section of the journey of a two-way (return) ticket on the grounds that they have not travelled on every leg of the journey covered by the ticket.

    Contingency plans: if an air carrier suddenly ceases operation, such plans are of particular necessity in order to help stranded passengers. The report considered that the threshold of three million passengers per year for airports is too high and should be lowered to 1.5 million. The involvement of national, regional and local authorities in the development of such contingency plans is deemed to be important. The need for coordinated action by all parties concerned, more detailed indication of what contingency plans should include as regards information and assistance to passengers, and a particular obligation for air carriers to put in place procedures in case of flight disruptions are highlighted by relevant amendments.

    Extraordinary circumstances: in order to increase legal certainty for passengers and air carriers, the concept of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ should be clarified. Members have made substantial amendments to the non-exhaustive list of these circumstances annexed to the Commission’s proposal (the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to add to this list).

    Right to accommodation: if the operating air carrier can prove that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule is caused by extraordinary circumstances and that the cancellation, delay or change of schedule could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken correctly, it may limit the total duration of accommodation to a maximum of five nights. If the passenger decides to arrange his own accommodation, it may further limit the cost of accommodation to EUR 125 per night, per passenger (compared to EUR 100 as proposed by the Commission).

    Spelling mistakes: where the passenger, or an intermediary acting on behalf of the passenger, reports spelling mistakes in the name of one or several passengers included in the same contract of carriage that may lead to a denial of boarding, the air carrier shall correct those mistakes at least once up until 48 hours before departure without any additional charge to the passenger or the intermediary, except where it is prevented from doing so by national or international law.

    Information on passenger rights: the report called for the presence of a local point of contact representing the air carrier at the airport, with the ability to take immediate action on behalf of the carrier in case of necessity. The operating air carrier shall provide the passengers with clearly legible and transparent information about passenger rights and contacts for help and assistance on electronic tickets and electronic and printed versions of a boarding card.

    In the event of denied boarding, flight cancellation, delay or change of schedule of at least two hours, the operating air carrier shall as soon as possible fully inform the passenger affected and provide him with a written notice or a notice in electronic form setting out the rules for compensation and assistance, and shall inform him of possible alternative transport modes. The air carrier shall have documents available at the check-in counter and the boarding gate containing the European Air Passengers Charter, which its staff shall give to air passengers on request. The European Commission shall update such documents Charter every time there is a substantial change to air passengers' rights.

    The provision of information to passengers about their rights and possibilities for complaints and claims needs to be improved

    Price transparency: Members proposed adding to the Commission’s definition a number of basic services which should always be included in the ticket price, such as the issue of a boarding card, minimum luggage allowances and payment-related costs such as credit card fees.

    Insolvency: the financial protection of passengers in the event of airline failure is a key component of an effective passenger rights regime. In order to strengthen air passengers’ protection in the event of cancellations of flights due to the insolvency of an air carrier or the suspension of an air carrier’s operations due to the revocation of its operating licence, air carriers should be obliged to provide sufficient evidence of security for the reimbursement of passengers or their repatriation.

    Complaint procedure: the amended text introduced several amendments on claims and complaint procedures, in order to align the text with the new Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which obliges Member States to create national bodies to deal with out-of-court resolution. These will be the future handling bodies of passenger complaints. The refusal of airlines to participate in ADR systems and procedures constitutes a particular problem, and the regulation should therefore provide for the obligation of airlines to adhere to an ADR system. The complaint procedure with the air carrier does not prejudice the passenger’s right of access to the judicial system and to out-of-court resolution.

    Lost and damaged or delayed baggage: for practical reasons a special baggage claim service should be available at all airports, in order to speed up and facilitate the procedure. A standardised EU-wide claim form should be made available alongside the revised regulation.

  • url: type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading title: A7-0020/2014
Legislative proposal
DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
  • DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
  • PURPOSE: to modify the current legal framework in order to ensure a more effective application of the rights of airline passengers in the Union.

    PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (amendment of Regulation (EC) N° 261/2004 and Regulation (EC) N° 2027/97).

    ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.

    BACKGROUND: Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights, and Council Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air have significantly contributed to protecting the rights of air passengers when their travel plans are disrupted by denied boarding, long delays, cancellations or mishandled baggage.

    A number of shortcomings revealed during the implementation of the rights under the Regulations have, however, prevented their full potential in terms of passenger protection from being realised. In order to ensure a more effective, efficient and consistent application of air passenger rights across the Union, a series of adjustments to the current legal framework is required. This was underlined in the Commission’s 2010 EU Citizenship Report on dismantling obstacles to EU citizens' rights, which announced measures to ensure a set of common rights, notably for air passengers, and the adequate enforcement of these rights.

    In its resolution of 29 March 2012, the European Parliament considered that proper application of the existing rules by Member States and air carriers, enforcement of sufficient means of redress and providing passengers with accurate information concerning their rights should be the cornerstones of regaining passengers’ trust.

    IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission evaluated four options:

    Option 1: focus on economic incentives (moderate change of enforcement);

    Option 2: balance stronger enforcement policy with economic incentives:

    ·        Variant 2a: increasing the time threshold after which the passenger has a right to compensation in case of delays from the current three hours to at least five;

    ·        Variant 2b: extending the scope of "extraordinary circumstances" to include most technical defaults;

    Option 3: focus on stronger enforcement and clarify passenger rights; 

    Option 4: centralised enforcement.

    The impact assessment concludes that option 2 is preferable to the others, as it would most effectively and efficiently enhance passengers' rights while taking into account the financial impact on the air transport sector. Variant 2a is slightly preferred to 2b.

    LEGAL BASIS: Article 100 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

    CONTENT: the proposal aims to promote the interest of air passengers by ensuring that air carriers comply with a high level of air passenger protection during travel disruptions, while taking into account the financial implications for the air transport sector and ensuring that air carriers operate under harmonised conditions in a liberalised market.

    In concrete terms, the proposal:

    ·        clarifies the definition of "extraordinary circumstances in line with the European Court's decision in the case C-549/07 (Wallentin-Herman) i.e. circumstances which, by their nature or origin, are not inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of the air carrier concerned and are beyond its actual control;

    ·        increases the time threshold after which the right to compensation arises from three to five hours for all journeys within the EU. For journeys to/from third countries, the threshold will be dependent upon the distance of the journey: (i) 5 hours for outside-EU journeys of 3500 km or less; (ii) 9 hours for outside–EU journeys between 3500 and 6000 km, and (iii) 12 hours for outside-EU journeys of 6000 km and more;

    ·        stipulates that if the air carrier cannot reroute the passenger on its own services within 12 hours, it must consider other carriers or other transport modes, subject to seat availability;

    ·        introduces a single time threshold for care of 2 hours for flights of all distances;

    ·        confirms that passengers that miss a flight connection because their previous flight was delayed have a right to care and, under certain circumstances, a right to compensation. However, such right would only apply where the connecting flights are part of a single contract of carriage;

    ·        confirms that passengers of flights rescheduled with a notice of period of less than two weeks in advance of the originally scheduled time have similar rights to delayed passengers;

    ·        clearly sets out the rights of passengers when their aircraft is delayed on the tarmac, in particular a right to disembark after five hours;

    ·        provides that passengers should have a right to information about the flight disruption as soon as the information is available;

    ·        clarifies the role of the National Enforcement Bodies (NEBs), and extends their role to the monitoring of compliance with the baggage provisions of Regulation (EC) No 2027/97, and also enhances the exchange of information and the coordination between the NEBs, and between the NEBs and the Commission;

    ·        requires air carriers to inform passengers, at the time of reservation, about their claim and complaint handling procedures, and provide electronic means to submit complaints. Airlines will be required to respond to passengers within two months.

    Lastly, the proposal ensures better enforcement of passenger rights with regard to mishandled baggage: (i) passengers with reduced mobility should have the same right to free movement, and non-discrimination as other citizens; (ii) increased liability of air carriers with regard to mobility equipment up to the actual value of the equipment; (iii) enhanced  transparency with regard to baggage allowances; (iv) measures with regard to musical instruments; (v) require air carriers to issue a claim form at the airport where passengers can complain about delayed, damaged or lost baggage

    BUDGETARY IMPLICATIONS: the proposal has no implications for the EU budget.

    DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

Committee draft report
Legislative proposal published
Committee draft report
Legislative proposal published
url: title: CES2576/2013 type: Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report celexid: CELEX:52013AE2576:EN
Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report
Amendments tabled in committee
Indicative plenary sitting date, 1st reading/single reading
Debate in plenary scheduled
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
Awaiting committee decision
Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage
  • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Environment, Public Health and Food Safety committee: ENVI
  • body: EP responsible: False committee: IMCO date: 2013-05-29T00:00:00 committee_full: Internal Market and Consumer Protection rapporteur: group: EPP name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Legal Affairs committee: JURI
  • body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja group: Verts/ALE name: TAYLOR Keith group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-03-28T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: EPP name: BACH Georges
Vote scheduled in committee, 1st reading/single reading
Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading
procedure/Modified legal basis
Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 138
  • url: type: Debate in Council title: 3278
Council Meeting
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
  • The Council held a policy debate on a proposed update of the EU rules on air passenger rights.

    Clarifying grey areas in existing legislation: Ministers generally agreed about the need to clarify the current rules. Several ministers underlined that the most important goal for passengers is to get to their destination and receive proper care and attention.

    Most of them stressed the importance of striking the right balance between the rights of passengers and the need to avoid disproportionate costs for air carriers, thus preserving the competitiveness of EU airlines.

    Addressing the disproportionate costs that some obligations may impose on air carriers in the event of delayed or cancelled flights: most ministers expressed their opposition to linking the amount of compensation to the ticket price in the event of a delay, mentioning reasons such as (i) the volatility of ticket prices, (ii) the difficulty of determining the price of tickets which are part of a package and (ii) the principle of non-discrimination. A number of ministers considered instead that the basis for compensation should be the harm caused to the passenger and that compensation should not be an end in itself.

    Several ministers were of the view that if the air carrier operating the first part of a combination flight is delayed, it should be the one to pay compensation.

    Ministers also cautioned against rules that would encourage companies to limit their offer of combination flights or even to cancel flights.

    According to some ministers the provisions as proposed by the Commission still need further clarification. Ministers' contributions will guide further examination of the proposal in the Council preparatory bodies.

Amendments tabled in committee
url: type: Debate in Council title: 3261
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
Council Meeting
Council Meeting
Former Council configuration
type: Amendments tabled in committee title: PE521.519
Amendments tabled in committee
type: Committee draft report title: PE510.868
Committee draft report
url: type: Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report title: CES2576/2013
Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report
  • url: type: Debate in Council title: 3243
  • url: type: Debate in Council title: 3243
Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage
Awaiting committee decision
  • url: type: Debate in Council title: 3243
Council Meeting
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
  • group: EPP name: MAYER Hans-Peter
  • group: EPP name: MAYER Hans-Peter
Indicative plenary sitting date, 1st reading/single reading
  • PURPOSE: to modify the current legal framework in order to ensure a more effective application of the rights of airline passengers in the Union.

    PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (amendment of Regulation (EC) N° 261/2004 and Regulation (EC) N° 2027/97).

    ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.

    BACKGROUND: Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights, and Council Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in respect of the carriage of passengers and their baggage by air have significantly contributed to protecting the rights of air passengers when their travel plans are disrupted by denied boarding, long delays, cancellations or mishandled baggage.

    A number of shortcomings revealed during the implementation of the rights under the Regulations have, however, prevented their full potential in terms of passenger protection from being realised. In order to ensure a more effective, efficient and consistent application of air passenger rights across the Union, a series of adjustments to the current legal framework is required. This was underlined in the Commission’s 2010 EU Citizenship Report on dismantling obstacles to EU citizens' rights, which announced measures to ensure a set of common rights, notably for air passengers, and the adequate enforcement of these rights.

    In its resolution of 29 March 2012, the European Parliament considered that proper application of the existing rules by Member States and air carriers, enforcement of sufficient means of redress and providing passengers with accurate information concerning their rights should be the cornerstones of regaining passengers’ trust.

    IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission evaluated four options:

    Option 1: focus on economic incentives (moderate change of enforcement);

    Option 2: balance stronger enforcement policy with economic incentives:

    ·        Variant 2a: increasing the time threshold after which the passenger has a right to compensation in case of delays from the current three hours to at least five;

    ·        Variant 2b: extending the scope of "extraordinary circumstances" to include most technical defaults;

    Option 3: focus on stronger enforcement and clarify passenger rights; 

    Option 4: centralised enforcement.

    The impact assessment concludes that option 2 is preferable to the others, as it would most effectively and efficiently enhance passengers' rights while taking into account the financial impact on the air transport sector. Variant 2a is slightly preferred to 2b.

    LEGAL BASIS: Article 100 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

    CONTENT: the proposal aims to promote the interest of air passengers by ensuring that air carriers comply with a high level of air passenger protection during travel disruptions, while taking into account the financial implications for the air transport sector and ensuring that air carriers operate under harmonised conditions in a liberalised market.

    In concrete terms, the proposal:

    ·        clarifies the definition of "extraordinary circumstances in line with the European Court's decision in the case C-549/07 (Wallentin-Herman) i.e. circumstances which, by their nature or origin, are not inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of the air carrier concerned and are beyond its actual control;

    ·        increases the time threshold after which the right to compensation arises from three to five hours for all journeys within the EU. For journeys to/from third countries, the threshold will be dependent upon the distance of the journey: (i) 5 hours for outside-EU journeys of 3500 km or less; (ii) 9 hours for outside–EU journeys between 3500 and 6000 km, and (iii) 12 hours for outside-EU journeys of 6000 km and more;

    ·        stipulates that if the air carrier cannot reroute the passenger on its own services within 12 hours, it must consider other carriers or other transport modes, subject to seat availability;

    ·        introduces a single time threshold for care of 2 hours for flights of all distances;

    ·        confirms that passengers that miss a flight connection because their previous flight was delayed have a right to care and, under certain circumstances, a right to compensation. However, such right would only apply where the connecting flights are part of a single contract of carriage;

    ·        confirms that passengers of flights rescheduled with a notice of period of less than two weeks in advance of the originally scheduled time have similar rights to delayed passengers;

    ·        clearly sets out the rights of passengers when their aircraft is delayed on the tarmac, in particular a right to disembark after five hours;

    ·        provides that passengers should have a right to information about the flight disruption as soon as the information is available;

    ·        clarifies the role of the National Enforcement Bodies (NEBs), and extends their role to the monitoring of compliance with the baggage provisions of Regulation (EC) No 2027/97, and also enhances the exchange of information and the coordination between the NEBs, and between the NEBs and the Commission;

    ·        requires air carriers to inform passengers, at the time of reservation, about their claim and complaint handling procedures, and provide electronic means to submit complaints. Airlines will be required to respond to passengers within two months.

    Lastly, the proposal ensures better enforcement of passenger rights with regard to mishandled baggage: (i) passengers with reduced mobility should have the same right to free movement, and non-discrimination as other citizens; (ii) increased liability of air carriers with regard to mobility equipment up to the actual value of the equipment; (iii) enhanced  transparency with regard to baggage allowances; (iv) measures with regard to musical instruments; (v) require air carriers to issue a claim form at the airport where passengers can complain about delayed, damaged or lost baggage

    BUDGETARY IMPLICATIONS: the proposal has no implications for the EU budget.

    DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

FOSTER Jacqueline
FOSTER Jacqueline
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
Preparatory phase in Parliament
Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage
Vote scheduled in committee, 1st reading/single reading
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
  • group: S&D name: VERGNAUD Bernadette
  • group: ALDE name: SAVISAAR-TOOMAST Vilja
  • group: EPP name: BACH Georges
  • date: 2013-03-13T00:00:00 docs: url: celexid: CELEX:52013PC0130:EN type: Legislative proposal published title: COM(2013)0130 url: type: Document attached to the procedure title: SWD(2013)0062 url: type: Document attached to the procedure title: SWD(2013)0063 type: Legislative proposal body: EC commission: DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
  • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Environment, Public Health and Food Safety committee: ENVI
  • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Legal Affairs committee: JURI
  • body: EP responsible: True committee_full: Transport and Tourism committee: TRAN
National parliaments
European Commission
  • body: EC dg: url: title: Mobility and Transport commissioner: KALLAS Siim
Mandatory consultation of other institutions
Economic and Social Committee Committee of the Regions
Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 100-p2
Preparatory phase in Parliament
Air transport: enforcement of passenger rights; air carrier liability limits
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)