Procedure completed

2014/2216(INI) Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2013 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
Lead AFET PANZERI Pier Antonio (S&D) PREDA Cristian Dan (EPP), HENKEL Hans-Olaf (ECR), AUŠTREVIČIUS Petras (ALDE), VERGIAT Marie-Christine (GUE/NGL), LOCHBIHLER Barbara (Verts/ALE)
Opinion DEVE HAUTALA Heidi (Verts/ALE)
Lead committee dossier: AFET/8/01945
Legal Basis RoP 052


  • 2015/03/12 Results of vote in Parliament
    • Results of vote in Parliament
    • T8-0076/2015 summary
  • 2015/03/11 Debate in Parliament
  • 2015/02/20 Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading
    • A8-0023/2015 summary
  • 2015/02/09 Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading
  • 2014/12/17 Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading


598 2014/2216(INI)
2014/12/15 AFET 561 amendments...
source: 544.314
2014/12/16 DEVE 37 amendments...
source: 544.394


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

  • date: 2014-12-17T00:00:00 body: EP type: Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading committees: body: EP shadows: group: EPP name: PREDA Cristian Dan group: ECR name: HENKEL Hans-Olaf group: ALDE name: AUŠTREVIČIUS Petras group: GUE/NGL name: VERGIAT Marie-Christine group: Verts/ALE name: LOCHBIHLER Barbara responsible: True committee: AFET date: 2014-09-24T00:00:00 committee_full: Foreign Affairs rapporteur: group: S&D name: PANZERI Pier Antonio body: EP responsible: False committee: DEVE date: 2014-11-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Development rapporteur: group: Verts/ALE name: HAUTALA Heidi body: EP responsible: False committee: FEMM date: 2014-11-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Women’s Rights and Gender Equality rapporteur: group: ECR name: ŽITŇANSKÁ Jana
  • date: 2015-02-09T00:00:00 body: EP type: Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading committees: body: EP shadows: group: EPP name: PREDA Cristian Dan group: ECR name: HENKEL Hans-Olaf group: ALDE name: AUŠTREVIČIUS Petras group: GUE/NGL name: VERGIAT Marie-Christine group: Verts/ALE name: LOCHBIHLER Barbara responsible: True committee: AFET date: 2014-09-24T00:00:00 committee_full: Foreign Affairs rapporteur: group: S&D name: PANZERI Pier Antonio body: EP responsible: False committee: DEVE date: 2014-11-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Development rapporteur: group: Verts/ALE name: HAUTALA Heidi body: EP responsible: False committee: FEMM date: 2014-11-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Women’s Rights and Gender Equality rapporteur: group: ECR name: ŽITŇANSKÁ Jana
  • date: 2015-02-20T00:00:00 docs: url: type: Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading title: A8-0023/2015 body: EP type: Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading
  • date: 2015-03-11T00:00:00 docs: url: type: Debate in Parliament title: Debate in Parliament body: EP type: Debate in Parliament
  • date: 2015-03-12T00:00:00 docs: url: type: Results of vote in Parliament title: Results of vote in Parliament url: type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading title: T8-0076/2015 body: EP type: Results of vote in Parliament
Responsible Committee
Foreign Affairs
name: PANZERI Pier Antonio group: Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats abbr: S&D
Foreign Affairs
group: S&D name: PANZERI Pier Antonio
Committee Opinion
name: HAUTALA Heidi group: Greens/European Free Alliance abbr: Verts/ALE
group: Verts/ALE name: HAUTALA Heidi
Committee Opinion
Womens Rights and Gender Equality
name: ŽITŇANSKÁ Jana group: European Conservatives and Reformists abbr: ECR
Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
group: ECR name: ŽITŇANSKÁ Jana
  • date: 2014-11-28T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE541.530 type: Committee draft report body: EP
  • date: 2014-12-15T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE544.314 type: Amendments tabled in committee body: EP
  • date: 2015-01-22T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE541.683 committee: DEVE type: Committee opinion body: EP
  • date: 2015-02-04T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE541.617 committee: FEMM type: Committee opinion body: EP
  • date: 2015-07-20T00:00:00 docs: url: /oeil/ title: SP(2015)344 type: Commission response to text adopted in plenary
  • date: 2014-12-17T00:00:00 type: Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading body: EP
  • date: 2015-02-09T00:00:00 type: Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading body: EP
  • date: 2015-02-20T00:00:00 type: Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading body: EP docs: url: title: A8-0023/2015 summary: The Committee on Foreign Affairs adopted the own-initiative report by Pier Antonio PANZERI (S&D, IT) on the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2013 and the European Union’s policy on the matter. Centrality of human rights in EU external policies : the report called on all the EU institutions and the Member States to place human rights at the centre of the EU’s relations with all third countries , including its strategic partners and in all high-level statements and meetings. It reiterated its call for the systematic inclusion of binding, enforceable and non-negotiable human rights clauses in the EU's international agreements , including trade and investment agreements concluded or to be concluded with third countries. In addition to human suffering, the EU should also take into account all the consequences of the non-observance of human rights where failure to respect human rights and lack of legitimate democratic participation lead to instability, corruption, failed states, humanitarian crises or armed conflicts. As regards the implementation of the EU Strategic Framework and Action Plan , Members called on the VP/HR, in coordination with all the other Commissioners, to draft a programme that mainstreams human rights in various EU activities, particularly in the areas of development, migration, the environment, employment, internet data protection, trade, investment, technology and businesses. The need to ensure coherence between internal and external policies and avoiding double standards has been stressed. Moreover, recognising the importance of the mandate given to the first ever EU Special Representative (EUSR) for Human Rights , the report called on the Council to adopt as a general principle the practice of including cooperation with the EUSR for Human Rights systematically in the mandate of future geographical EUSRs. EU human rights policy tools : the report made the following recommendations: · the public disclosure of the key priorities of each country strategy , and for Parliament to have access to the strategies, in an appropriate setting, so as to allow a proper degree of scrutiny; the need for the EU Delegations to draft an annual report on their activities in the field of human rights; · the EEAS should develop a comprehensive review mechanism to help evaluate the dialogues in the light of their failure to achieve significant and tangible results; · the Commission should complete the guidelines , which ought to set out objectives, criteria, means, timetables and indicators and include a regular review; · the Commission and the EEAS should support ongoing democratic processes in third countries; emphasises, in this connection, the importance of following up on the reports and recommendations of election observation missions by using them as part of the EU's engagement in support of democracy with the country concerned; · the EU should place a particular focus on the issue of jailed human rights defenders around the world and the need for the EU to collectively step up its action to secure the release of these individuals by, among other strategies, establishing a European Parliament internal working group that keeps itself up to date, through close collaboration with civil society, on cases of jailed activists worldwide. International criminal justice : Members reiterated their full support for the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in its role of ending the impunity of perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community and of providing justice for the victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. They called on the EU Member States, as States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC, to provide it with the resources it needs to exercise its mandate fairly and effectively. In addition, they reiterated their call for the creation of an EU Special Representative on International Justice and International Humanitarian Law . Moreover, Members stressed the following points: · to continue to use cooperation and diplomacy in all possible forums worldwide with a view to the abolition of the death penalty ; · to step up the EU’s efforts in the fight against torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment; · to adopt legally binding rules on corporate social responsibility (CSR); · to ensure freedom of expression rights online and offline and to limit the impact of surveillance technologies on human rights; · to ensure EU support for civil society and for freedom of assembly and association and to make it a key priority in the future EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy, and to lay out specific actions in that area, as freedom of assembly and association are vital elements for democracy and an open society; · to condemn all violence and discrimination on the basis of ideology, religion or belief , which encompasses the right to believe or not to believe, the right to manifest or not to manifest any religion or belief, and the right to adopt, change and abandon or return to a belief of one's choice, as enshrined in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; · to combat violence against women and girls , notably sexual violence against women and girls as a tactic of war and domestic violence; · to develop innovative financial mechanisms for implementing fiscal reforms and strengthening the fight against corruption , illicit financial flows and tax evasion; · to prioritise the fight against trafficking in human beings in both its internal and external policies; · to support the efforts of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights to combat these discriminatory laws against LGBTI people (78 countries still criminalise homosexuality, including 7 which provide for the death penalty; · to propose an ambitious and comprehensive Child Rights Strategy and Action Plan for the next five years, as requested in its resolution of 27 November 2014 on the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. EU action on migration and refugees : denouncing the dramatic number of deaths at sea in the Mediterranean, estimated at 3 000 in 2013, the report stressed the urgent need to develop stronger, more integrated policies that are more closely rooted in the principle of solidarity at Union level, so as to address the pressing issues relating to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in a manner consistent with international human rights law and fundamental human dignity. It called for the EU to introduce a common European asylum system and to guarantee effective common standards for reception procedures throughout the Union in order to protect unaccompanied minors and the most vulnerable. Lastly, the report emphasised the need for continued reflection regarding the most appropriate ways to maximise the credibility, visibility and effectiveness of Parliament’s resolutions on breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
  • date: 2015-03-11T00:00:00 type: Debate in Parliament body: EP docs: url: title: Debate in Parliament
  • date: 2015-03-12T00:00:00 type: Results of vote in Parliament body: EP docs: url: title: Results of vote in Parliament
  • date: 2015-03-12T00:00:00 type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading body: EP docs: url: title: T8-0076/2015 summary: The European Parliament adopted by 390 votes to 151, with 97 abstentions, a resolution concerning the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2013 and the European Union’s policy on the matter. Centrality of human rights in EU external policies : Parliament called on all the EU institutions and the Member States to place human rights at the centre of the EU’s relations with all third countries , including its strategic partners and in all high-level statements and meetings. It reiterated its call for the systematic inclusion of binding, enforceable and non-negotiable human rights clauses in the EU's international agreements , including trade and investment agreements concluded by the Union whilst ensuring that trade agreements signed with third countries facilitate their economic and social development and ensure that their natural resources – including land and water – are well managed. The Commission and the Member States are called upon to develop a human-rights-based crisis prevention element which should be added to the EU’s comprehensive approach to external conflict and crises and should be included in the forthcoming revised European Security Strategy. Implementation of the EU Strategic Framework and Action Plan adopted in 2012 : reconfirming the EU’s commitment to the Treaty obligation to mainstream human rights in all EU external policies ‘without exception’, Parliament called on the VP/HR, in coordination with all the other Commissioners, to draft a programme that mainstreams human rights in various EU activities, particularly in the areas of development, migration, the environment, employment, internet data protection, trade, investment, technology and businesses. The need to ensure coherence between internal and external policies and avoiding double standards has been stressed. Moreover, recognising the importance of the mandate given to the first ever EU Special Representative (EUSR) for Human Rights , the report called on the Council to adopt as a general principle the practice of including cooperation with the EUSR for Human Rights systematically in the mandate of future geographical EUSRs. EU human rights policy tools : the resolution made the following recommendations: · the public disclosure of the key priorities of each country strategy , and for Parliament to have access to the strategies, in an appropriate setting, so as to allow a proper degree of scrutiny; the need for the EU Delegations to draft an annual report on their activities in the field of human rights; · the EEAS should develop a comprehensive review mechanism to help evaluate the dialogues in the light of their failure to achieve significant and tangible results; · the Commission should clarify the selection process covered by the guidelines in conjunction with Parliament and civil society representatives and complete the guidelines , which ought to set out objectives, criteria, means, timetables and indicators and include a regular review; · support should be given to the ongoing democratic processes in third countries through the following up on the reports and recommendations of election observation missions by using them as part of the EU's engagement in support of democracy with the country concerned; · the EU should place a particular focus on the issue of jailed human rights defenders around the world and the need for the EU to collectively step up its action to secure the release of these individuals by, among other strategies, establishing a European Parliament internal working group that keeps itself up to date, through close collaboration with civil society, on cases of jailed activists worldwide. International criminal justice : Members reiterated their full support for the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in its role of ending the impunity of perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. They called for the EU, its Member States and EU Special Representatives actively to promote the ICC, the enforcement of its decisions, and the fight against impunity for crimes under the Rome Statute. In addition, they reiterated their call for the creation of an EU Special Representative on International Justice and International Humanitarian Law . Moreover, Parliament stressed the following points: · to maintain a high-profile policy aimed at global abolition of the death penalty ; · to step up the EU’s efforts in the fight against torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment; · to adopt legally binding rules on corporate social responsibility (CSR), including in business operations outside the EU, and ensuring that they are respected throughout the supply chain in particular with regard to the illegal timber trade, wildlife trafficking and trading of minerals from conflict zones; · to ensure freedom of expression rights online and offline and to limit the impact of surveillance technologies on human rights; · to ensure EU support for civil society and for freedom of assembly and association and to make it a key priority in the future EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy, and to lay out specific actions in that area, as freedom of assembly and association are vital elements for democracy and an open society; · to condemn all violence and discrimination on the basis of ideology, religion or belief , which encompasses the right to believe or not to believe, the right to manifest or not to manifest any religion or belief, and the right to adopt, change and abandon or return to a belief of one's choice; · to combat violence against women and girls , notably sexual violence against women and girls as a tactic of war and domestic violence; · to develop innovative financial mechanisms for implementing fiscal reforms and strengthening the fight against corruption , illicit financial flows and tax evasion; · to prioritise the fight against trafficking in human beings in both its internal and external policies; · to support the efforts of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights to combat these discriminatory laws against LGBTI people (78 countries still criminalise homosexuality, including 10 which provide for the death penalty; · to propose an ambitious and comprehensive Child Rights Strategy and Action Plan for the next five years, as requested in its resolution of 27 November 2014 on the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. EU action on migration and refugees : denouncing the dramatic number of deaths at sea in the Mediterranean, estimated at 3 000 in 2013, Parliament stressed the urgent need to develop stronger, more integrated policies that are more closely rooted in the principle of solidarity at Union level, so as to address the pressing issues relating to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in a manner consistent with international human rights law. It called for the EU to introduce a common European asylum system and to guarantee effective common standards for reception procedures throughout the Union. To this end, it called for the implementation of the crisis mechanism provided for the Dublin Regulation, which would include a clearly defined minimum contingent per Member State , in order to rapidly achieve a functioning crisis mechanism. Russia and China : highlighting the considerable challenges posed by Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the continuing military involvement in eastern Ukraine, Parliament stressed that this policy of aggression is a continuation of Russia’s slide towards authoritarian rule, with a worsening human rights situation inside the country; stresses that Russia is now a ‘strategic challenge’ for the EU, and no longer complies with strategic partnership criteria . Moreover, Parliament urged the EU, in the light, for example, of the failure of the EU-China human rights dialogue to achieve significant and tangible results, and of the recent developments in Hong Kong, to rethink its human rights strategy and to adopt a more coherent, unified and strategic approach. Lastly, the resolution emphasised the need for continued reflection regarding the most appropriate ways to maximise the credibility, visibility and effectiveness of Parliament’s resolutions on breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
  • date: 2015-03-12T00:00:00 type: End of procedure in Parliament body: EP
    • AFET/8/01945
    Rules of Procedure EP 54
    Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 052
    • 6.10.08 Fundamental freedoms, human rights, democracy in general
    • 6.10.09 Human rights situation in the world
    Fundamental freedoms, human rights, democracy in general
    Human rights situation in the world
    • url: type: Debate in Parliament title: Debate in Parliament
    Results of vote in Parliament
    Results of vote in Parliament
    • The European Parliament adopted by 390 votes to 151, with 97 abstentions, a resolution concerning the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2013 and the European Union’s policy on the matter.

      Centrality of human rights in EU external policies: Parliament called on all the EU institutions and the Member States to place human rights at the centre of the EU’s relations with all third countries, including its strategic partners and in all high-level statements and meetings. It reiterated its call for the systematic inclusion of binding, enforceable and non-negotiable human rights clauses in the EU's international agreements, including trade and investment agreements concluded by the Union whilst ensuring that trade agreements signed with third countries facilitate their economic and social development and ensure that their natural resources – including land and water – are well managed.

      The Commission and the Member States are called upon to develop a human-rights-based crisis prevention element which should be added to the EU’s comprehensive approach to external conflict and crises and should be included in the forthcoming revised European Security Strategy.

      Implementation of the EU Strategic Framework and Action Plan adopted in 2012: reconfirming the EU’s commitment to the Treaty obligation to mainstream human rights in all EU external policies ‘without exception’, Parliament called on the VP/HR, in coordination with all the other Commissioners, to draft a programme that mainstreams human rights in various EU activities, particularly in the areas of development, migration, the environment, employment, internet data protection, trade, investment, technology and businesses. The need to ensure coherence between internal and external policies and avoiding double standards has been stressed.

      Moreover, recognising the importance of the mandate given to the first ever EU Special Representative (EUSR) for Human Rights, the report called on the Council to adopt as a general principle the practice of including cooperation with the EUSR for Human Rights systematically in the mandate of future geographical EUSRs.

      EU human rights policy tools: the resolution made the following recommendations:

      ·         the public disclosure of the key priorities of each country strategy, and for Parliament to have access to the strategies, in an appropriate setting, so as to allow a proper degree of scrutiny; the need for the EU Delegations to draft an annual report on their activities in the field of human rights;

      ·         the EEAS should develop a comprehensive review mechanism to help evaluate the dialogues in the light of their failure to achieve significant and tangible results;

      ·         the Commission should clarify the selection process covered by the guidelines in conjunction with Parliament and civil society representatives and complete the guidelines, which ought to set out objectives, criteria, means, timetables and indicators and include a regular review;

      ·         support should be given to the ongoing democratic processes in third countries through the following up on the reports and recommendations of election observation missions by using them as part of the EU's engagement in support of democracy with the country concerned;

      ·         the EU should place a particular focus on the issue of jailed human rights defenders around the world and the need for the EU to collectively step up its action to secure the release of these individuals by, among other strategies, establishing a European Parliament internal working group that keeps itself up to date, through close collaboration with civil society, on cases of jailed activists worldwide.

      International criminal justice: Members reiterated their full support for the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in its role of ending the impunity of perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. They called for the EU, its Member States and EU Special Representatives actively to promote the ICC, the enforcement of its decisions, and the fight against impunity for crimes under the Rome Statute.

      In addition, they reiterated their call for the creation of an EU Special Representative on International Justice and International Humanitarian Law.

      Moreover, Parliament stressed the following points:

      ·         to maintain a high-profile policy aimed at global abolition of the death penalty;

      ·         to step up the EU’s efforts in the fight against torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment;

      ·         to adopt legally binding rules on corporate social responsibility (CSR), including in business operations outside the EU, and ensuring that they are respected throughout the supply chain in particular with regard to the illegal timber trade, wildlife trafficking and trading of minerals from conflict zones;

      ·         to ensure freedom of expression rights online and offline and to limit the impact of surveillance technologies on human rights;

      ·         to ensure EU support for civil society and for freedom of assembly and association and to make it a key priority in the future EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy, and to lay out specific actions in that area, as freedom of assembly and association are vital elements for democracy and an open society;

      ·         to condemn all violence and discrimination on the basis of ideology, religion or belief, which encompasses the right to believe or not to believe, the right to manifest or not to manifest any religion or belief, and the right to adopt, change and abandon or return to a belief of one's choice; 

      ·         to combat violence against women and girls, notably sexual violence against women and girls as a tactic of war and domestic violence;

      ·         to develop innovative financial mechanisms for implementing fiscal reforms and strengthening the fight against corruption, illicit financial flows and tax evasion;

      ·         to prioritise the fight against trafficking in human beings in both its internal and external policies;

      ·         to support the efforts of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights to combat these discriminatory laws against LGBTI people (78 countries still criminalise homosexuality, including 10 which provide for the death penalty;

      ·         to propose an ambitious and comprehensive Child Rights Strategy and Action Plan for the next five years, as requested in its resolution of 27 November 2014 on the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

      EU action on migration and refugees: denouncing the dramatic number of deaths at sea in the Mediterranean, estimated at 3 000 in 2013, Parliament stressed the urgent need to develop stronger, more integrated policies that are more closely rooted in the principle of solidarity at Union level, so as to address the pressing issues relating to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in a manner consistent with international human rights law.

      It called for the EU to introduce a common European asylum system and to guarantee effective common standards for reception procedures throughout the Union. To this end, it called for the implementation of the crisis mechanism provided for the Dublin Regulation, which would include a clearlydefined minimum contingent per Member State, in order to rapidly achieve a functioning crisis mechanism.

      Russia and China: highlighting the considerable challenges posed by Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the continuing military involvement in eastern Ukraine, Parliament stressed that this policy of aggression is a continuation of Russia’s slide towards authoritarian rule, with a worsening human rights situation inside the country; stresses that Russia is now a ‘strategic challenge’ for the EU, and no longer complies with strategic partnership criteria.

      Moreover, Parliament urged the EU, in the light, for example, of the failure of the EU-China human rights dialogue to achieve significant and tangible results, and of the recent developments in Hong Kong, to rethink its human rights strategy and to adopt a more coherent, unified and strategic approach.

      Lastly, the resolution emphasised the need for continued reflection regarding the most appropriate ways to maximise the credibility, visibility and effectiveness of Parliament’s resolutions on breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

    Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
    Results of vote in Parliament
    • type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading title: T8-0076/2015
    Vote in plenary scheduled
    Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
    Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage
    Procedure completed
    Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading
    url: type: Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading title: A8-0023/2015
    Committee report tabled for plenary, single reading
    Debate in Parliament
    Indicative plenary sitting date, 1st reading/single reading
    Vote in plenary scheduled
    Awaiting committee decision
    Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage
    Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
    Preparatory phase in Parliament
    Awaiting committee decision
    • date: 2015-03-09T00:00:00 body: EP type: Indicative plenary sitting date, 1st reading/single reading
    • body: EP shadows: group: EPP name: PREDA Cristian Dan group: ECR name: HENKEL Hans-Olaf group: ALDE name: AUŠTREVIČIUS Petras group: GUE/NGL name: VERGIAT Marie-Christine group: Verts/ALE name: LOCHBIHLER Barbara responsible: True committee: AFET date: 2014-09-24T00:00:00 committee_full: Foreign Affairs rapporteur: group: S&D name: PANZERI Pier Antonio
    • body: EP responsible: False committee: DEVE date: 2014-11-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Development rapporteur: group: Verts/ALE name: HAUTALA Heidi
    • body: EP responsible: False committee: FEMM date: 2014-11-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Women’s Rights and Gender Equality rapporteur: group: ECR name: ŽITŇANSKÁ Jana
      Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2013 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
      Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 052
      Preparatory phase in Parliament
      Annual report
      INI - Own-initiative procedure