Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | ITRE | KAPPEL Barbara ( NA) | BONI Michał ( PPE), SORU Renato ( S&D), TOŠENOVSKÝ Evžen ( ECR), KALLAS Kaja ( ALDE), REIMON Michel ( Verts/ALE), BORRELLI David ( EFDD) |
Committee Opinion | IMCO | TARABELLA Marc ( S&D) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 136-p5
Legal Basis:
RoP 136-p5Subjects
The European Parliament adopted a resolution on ‘Towards a thriving data-driven economy’, tabled by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy.
The growth rate in the Big Data market until 2017 will be six times faster than in the overall ICT market and will reach an overall total of EUR 50 billion , according to the International Data Corporation’s Worldwide Big Data Technology and Services Forecast for 2013-2017, which may result in 3.75 million new jobs by 2017 . The volume of data is growing at an unprecedented pace, so that there will be 16 trillion gigabytes of data by 2020, which corresponds to an annual growth rate of 236% in data generation.
To meet this challenge, Parliament made the following recommendations:
The role of the data-driven economy within the Digital Union strategy : Members considered that the creation of a data-driven economy as being at the core of the Digital Single Market strategy , and appreciated its potential to help Europe regain competitiveness in advanced sectors, only if there is the right business environment and the means to activate the digital transformation put in place and that these technologies comply with the EU legal framework on data protection.
Parliament considered it essential to develop a regulatory framework to tackle the economic, technological, social and cultural challenges of a data-driven economy, such as access to, and control and ownership of, data, in particular public data. It stressed that finding a synergy between Big Data, data protection, data security and open data is the basis for a new digital start in Europe. It urged, in this connection, the swift adoption of the data protection package.
Investing in infrastructure and R&D : Parliament pointed out that a data-driven economy requires enormous investments in cloud development, super-computing and high-speed broadband , which are also prerequisites for a successful digital economy. It called for a better regulatory framework and environment that target both the private and public sectors.
The Commission and the Member Stated are encouraged to stimulate investments in network infrastructure through a positive regulatory framework and to continue to support broadband infrastructure through existing programmes such as the Connecting Europe Facility , the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and the Cohesion Fund , but only in areas with identified market failures.
The resolution recognised the Commission’s initiatives to create public-private partnerships (PPPs) are crucial for identifying barriers to the development of the necessary technologies. It called for closer partnerships to be established between businesses and universities and research centres in order to foster Big Data innovation.
Members also called on the Commission to adopt policies that remove excessive barriers in innovative sectors , to incentivise investments in research and development and European standardisation and to address the current problem of infringements of standard-essential patents.
Creating a data-driven economy for the EU market : Parliament stressed that the fragmented single market is undermining the development of a data-driven economy, Big Data, cloud computing, the IoT and other data-driven technologies. The resolution stressed that the major technological impediments to the development of a data-driven economy include the lack of interoperability and of a common interface framework to facilitate sensor and machine data communication and communication between the virtual and physical world, the insufficient availability of open data and the lack of market conditions enabling entrepreneurs to innovate and grow. The Commission is asked to spur shared research to address these issues.
Members called for a future-proof regulatory environment that adapts to the changing nature of the sector, is technology-neutral, encourages the creation of start-ups and the entry into the market of new operators, creates a level playing field and fair competition while avoiding excessive regulatory burden, and ensures full compliance with data protection and privacy standards .
Parliament stated that more effort is needed with regard to the anonymisation and pseudonymisation of data as a precondition for creative data innovation.
Fostering start-ups and SMEs : recalling that only 1.7% of companies make full use of advanced digital technologies, Parliament called on the Commission and the Member States to:
launch a digital entrepreneurship strategy ; create European digital economy hubs that include the use of Big Data and other data technologies by entrepreneurs, SMEs and innovative companies: promote the establishment of innovation spaces and clusters in order to help develop skills; improve their coordinated efforts within schools and educational facilities to make ICT an attractive vocational field, in particular for women and girls.
Members asked that initiatives be launched, and funding models recommended, which foster lifelong learning and tailored measures for all, including elderly people, and which facilitate access to education to enable professionals to widen their ICT and data processing skills.
Involving society : Parliament called for the stimulation of initiatives to increase awareness of, and encourage public debate in Member States and at European and international level on, the benefits and value of digital technologies, particularly in relation to those groups that do not yet have access to digital technologies or are not very familiar with them. It recognises, in particular, the value of the Internet of Things (IoT), and called on the Commission and the Member States to speed up actions to develop e-governance.
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T8-0089/2016
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Motion for a resolution: B8-0308/2016
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B8-0116/2016
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE567.762
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE557.190
- For information: EUR-Lex
- For information: COM(2014)0442
- For information: EUR-Lex COM(2014)0442
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE557.190
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE567.762
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B8-0116/2016
- Motion for a resolution: B8-0308/2016
- Ioan Mircea PAŞCU
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Tim AKER
Plenary Speeches (1)
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- Marie-Christine ARNAUTU
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Jonathan ARNOTT
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- Zigmantas BALČYTIS
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- Hugues BAYET
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- Gianluca BUONANNO
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- Nicola CAPUTO
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- Edward CZESAK
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- Michel DANTIN
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- Edouard FERRAND
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- Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ
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- Antanas GUOGA
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- Marian HARKIN
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Hans-Olaf HENKEL
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- Diane JAMES
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Krišjānis KARIŅŠ
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Barbara KAPPEL
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Afzal KHAN
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Giovanni LA VIA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Marine LE PEN
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Andrejs MAMIKINS
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Dominique MARTIN
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Notis MARIAS
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Barbara MATERA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- David MARTIN
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Valentinas MAZURONIS
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Miroslav MIKOLÁŠIK
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Louis MICHEL
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Marlene MIZZI
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Sophie MONTEL
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Liadh NÍ RIADA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Rolandas PAKSAS
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Margot PARKER
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Marijana PETIR
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Pavel POC
Plenary Speeches (1)
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- Salvatore Domenico POGLIESE
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- Franck PROUST
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- Julia REID
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- Claude ROLIN
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Plenary Speeches (1)
- Siôn SIMON
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Branislav ŠKRIPEK
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Renato SORU
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Catherine STIHLER
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Beatrix von STORCH
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Patricija ŠULIN
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Plenary Speeches (1)
- Tibor SZANYI
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Claudia ȚAPARDEL
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Plenary Speeches (1)
- Miguel VIEGAS
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Plenary Speeches (1)
Amendments | Dossier |
42 |
42 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft motion for a resolution Recital 1 (new) - whereas the Big Data market growth rate until 2017 will be six times faster than the overall ICT market and will reach an overall total of €50 billion according to the IDC's Worldwide Big Data Technology and Services 2013-2017 forecast, which may result in 3,75 million new jobs by 2017 according to the Big Data Value Partnership;
Amendment 10 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) Amendment 11 #
Draft motion for a resolution Subheading 2 Investing in
Amendment 12 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 13 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6 a. Expresses concerns that the digital divide, insufficient investments as well as the lack of technical standardisation and future-proof data protection legislation, could cause Europe to trail behind technologically and economically in the development of a data-driven economy.
Amendment 14 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Acknowledges the importance of interoperability and standards to boost competitiveness in the ICT sector and of a proactive role of the European Commission in mandating standardising bodies; asks the Commission to develop a Big Data Standard Strategy for identifying standard gaps of the European Big Data industry, including SMEs and important European sectors. Supports the development of market- driven, voluntary
Amendment 15 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8.
Amendment 16 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Believes that the EU must
Amendment 17 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11.
Amendment 18 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Welcomes the creation of Innovation Spaces
Amendment 19 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Encourages the Commission and Member States to
Amendment 2 #
Draft motion for a resolution Recital 2 (new) - whereas the volume of data is growing at an unprecedented pace so that there will be 16 trillion gigabyte of data by 2020, corresponding to an annual growth rate of 236% in data-generation;
Amendment 20 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new) 13a. Asks the Commission to adopt policies that remove excessive barriers in innovative sectors and to incentivize investments in R&D and European standardisation and address the current problem of infringements of standard- essential patents Considers it necessary to strike an appropriate balance between those investing in research and innovation to develop such essential patents and those who benefit from their existence; stresses that standard-essential patents are an important element of standardisation and, for a significant number of European ICT undertakings, a component of their business model; Asks for measures to preserve a high quality standardisation system that can attract the best technology contributions, deliver interoperable and innovative digital services and applications and enable patent licensing agreements on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms.
Amendment 21 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Believes that in order to reap most benefits of innovation in the field of Big Data Horizon 2020's principle of "responsible innovation" should guide identifying opportunities, especially for SMEs, to accelerate
Amendment 22 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Asks the Commission to ensure investment in infrastructure and a future- proof development of cloud services in Europe
Amendment 23 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16.
Amendment 24 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Believes that amongst the ma
Amendment 25 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 19 19.
Amendment 26 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Asks for a future-proof regulatory environment that
Amendment 27 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 a (new) 20a. Notes the importance of open data as high-quality raw material for the development of value-added information services and products; stresses that the data generated by public institutions and public-funded European research programmes using public funds such as Copernicus and Galileo should become available for the European citizens under an open access model and accessible by public administrations and private businesses to improve the quality of their services while respecting intellectual property rights in force.
Amendment 28 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 b (new) 20b. Notes that in order to allow a fair competition in the data driven economy, more data should be available, therefore internet platforms with a relevant market position according to the European Commission competition standards should release their user generated datasets as open data in an anonymised and aggregated form.
Amendment 28A #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 b (new) 20b. Notes that in order to have more competitive and innovative data driven economy, more data should be available, therefore internet platforms should be encouraged to release their datasets as open data in an anonymised and aggregated form, in compliance with data protection rules.
Amendment 29 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 c (new) 20 c. Believes that more effort is needed with regard to anonymization and pseudonymization of data as a precondition for creative data innovation and a major step in lowering market entry barriers for start-ups and SMEs; believes that uptaking technologies, including Text and Data Mining will be an important factor in deriving added value from open datasets. Points out, however, that a clear distinction must be made between the processing of personal data and other kind of data and devise technological solutions that are privacy enhancing by design.
Amendment 3 #
Draft motion for a resolution Recital 3 (new) - whereas decisions based on knowledge generated by Big Data may bring a sizeable increase in productivity and competitiveness and that the benefits from a data-driven economy bring 1.9% additional GDP growth by 2020;
Amendment 30 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 d (new) 20d. Stresses that all the principles laid down in EU data protection law, such as fairness and lawfulness, purpose limitation, legal basis for the processing, consent, proportion, accuracy and limited data retention periods must be respected by Big Data providers when processing personal data; recalls in this context the opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor on privacy, competitiveness in the age of Big Data;
Amendment 31 #
Draft motion for a resolution Subheading 4 Fostering start-ups
Amendment 32 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 21. Recogni
Amendment 33 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 22.
Amendment 34 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 a (new) 22a. Recalls that only 1.7% of companies make full use of advanced digital technologies despite the benefits digital tools can bring across all economic sector; urges therefore the Commission and the Member States to launch a digital entrepreneurship strategy;
Amendment 35 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23.
Amendment 36 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 25.
Amendment 37 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 26. Asks for initiatives to be launched, funding models to be recommended that foster lifelong learning and tailored measures for everybody, including elderly people, and facilitate the access to education for professionals to widen their skills in
Amendment 38 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 27 27. Supports initiatives to include coding
Amendment 39 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 29 29. Asks
Amendment 4 #
Draft motion for a resolution Recital 4 (new) - whereas the development of big data is an integral part of a new digital market and should ensure the development of innovative and competitive business models while conforming with the EU framework on data protection as it can entail significant risks and challenges, particularly for fundamental rights (including privacy and data protection) as well as having the potential for unfair discrimination stemming from biased conclusions based on correlations versus causation;
Amendment 40 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 30 30. Points out that Big Data analytics has the potential to significantly accelerate the development of innovative public services based on the use of open government data and the reuse of public sector information; Welcomes therefore the opportunities brought about by
Amendment 41 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 31 31.
Amendment 5 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1.
Amendment 6 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Stresses that
Amendment 7 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Recogni
Amendment 8 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Believes that
Amendment 9 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Points out that data protection and
source: 567.762
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Resolution on "Towards a thriving data-driven economy’' |
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Resolution on "Towards a thriving data-driven economy’' |
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2016-03-10T00:00:00 |
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