Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | CONT | JÁVOR Benedek ( Verts/ALE) | MARINESCU Marian-Jean ( PPE), IVAN Cătălin Sorin ( S&D), MACOVEI Monica ( ECR), THEURER Michael ( ALDE), VALLI Marco ( EFDD), KAPPEL Barbara ( ENF) |
Committee Opinion | LIBE | ||
Committee Opinion | INTA | ||
Committee Opinion | IMCO | ||
Committee Opinion | TRAN | ||
Committee Opinion | FEMM | ||
Committee Opinion | PETI | ||
Committee Opinion | REGI | ||
Committee Opinion | AFCO | ||
Committee Opinion | DEVE | ||
Committee Opinion | CULT | ||
Committee Opinion | AFET | ||
Committee Opinion | PECH | ||
Committee Opinion | AGRI | ||
Committee Opinion | ENVI | ||
Committee Opinion | EMPL | ||
Committee Opinion | BUDG | ||
Committee Opinion | ITRE | ||
Committee Opinion | JURI | LEBRETON Gilles ( ENF) | António MARINHO E PINTO ( ALDE), Tadeusz ZWIEFKA ( PPE) |
Committee Opinion | ECON |
Lead committee dossier:
PURPOSE: to grant discharge to the Court of Justice for the financial year 2015.
NON-LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision (EU) 2017/1616 of the European Parliament on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2015, Section IV — Court of Justice.
CONTENT: with the present decision, the European Parliament grants the Registrar of the Court of Justice discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Court of Justice for the financial year 2015.
This decision is in line with the European Parliament's resolution adopted on 27 April 2017 and comprises a series of observations that form an integral part of the discharge decision (please refer to the summary of the opinion of 27 April 2017).
Amongst Parliament’s main observations in the resolution accompanying the discharge decision, it regretted that the Court of Justice's internal whistleblowing rules were adopted only in the beginning of 2016. It recommended that the Court of Justice disseminate those rules among its staff so that all employees are aware of them.
Parliament asked the Court of Justice to provide, by June 2017, details of the whistleblower cases in 2015, if any, and of how they were handled and finalised.
Moreover, stressing that transparency is a key element to the public trust, Parliament called on the Court of Justice to establish clear rules regarding ‘ revolving doors ’ and to put in place measures and dissuasive penalties, such as the reduction of pensions or the prohibition to work at least three years in similar bodies, to prevent ‘revolving doors’.
The European Parliament decided to grant discharge to the Registrar of the Court of Justice in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Court of Justice for the financial year 2015.
In its resolution accompanying the decision on discharge, adopted by 515 votes to 110 with 9 abstentions, Parliament noted with satisfaction the fact that the Court of Auditors in its 2015 annual report indicated no significant weaknesses in respect of the audited topics relating to human resources and procurement for the Court.
Furthermore, the payments as a whole for the year ended on 31 December 2015 for administrative were free from material error .
Budgetary and financial management : in 2015, the Court of Justice had appropriations amounting to EUR 357 062 000 (EUR 355 367 500 in 2014) and that the implementation rate was 99 %, a very high utilisation rate.
Parliament noted that the estimated revenue of the Court of Justice for the financial year 2015 was EUR 44 856 000. It asked the Court of Justice to explain why the established entitlements in the financial year 2015 are EUR 49 510 442, which is 10.4 % higher than estimated.
Court’s actions : Members welcomed the productivity of the judicial activity of the Court of Justice in 2015 with 1 711 cases brought before the three courts and 1 755 cases completed. The 2015 statistics for the three courts confirmed the trend seen in recent years as regards the average duration of proceedings, which remains satisfactory (Court of Justice: 15.3 months requests for a preliminary ruling; for the General Court and Civil Service Tribunal, respectively 20.6 months and 12.1 months for all types of case).
2015 was the year of adoption of the judicial architectural reform of the Court of Justice , which was accompanied by the development of new rules of procedure for the General Court. Members stated that the reform will enable the Court of Justice to continue to deal with the increase in the number of cases. They look forward to analysing the achievements of that reform in the Court of Justice's capacity to deal with cases within a reasonable period and in compliance with the requirements of a fair hearing.
The Court of Justice complies with the interinstitutional agreement to reduce staff by 5 % over a period of five years.
Parliament made a series of recommendations to the Court:
implementing the concept of performance-based budgeting (PBB) and good governance of human resources: this concept should also include the setting of specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based (SMART) targets to individual departments, units and the annual plans of members of staff; provide information regarding other posts and paid external activities of the judges on its website and its annual activity reports; improve its budgeting and accountability in regard to the mission budget ; provide the discharge authority with a list of meetings with lobbyists, professional associations and civil society by June 2017; develop an internal control/remedy mechanism in order to provide in such cases a certain level of control by the Court of Auditors when the secrecy of deliberations as principle ab ovo prevents any external control; improve gender balance in management posts and the fact that the gender balance in middle and senior management posts; give greater importance to geographical balance in the area of resources management, particularly with respect to the Member States that have acceded the Union in 2004 or thereafter; set up rules on revolving doors; provide, by June 2017, details of the whistleblower cases in 2015, if any, and of how they were handled and finalised; envisage the submission of declarations of interests, instead of declarations of the absence of conflicts of interests, as self-evaluation of conflicts of interests is, in itself, a conflict of interests; the evaluation must be done by an independent party; provide Parliament with the costs of translation; study the possibility of reducing the number of official cars at the disposal of its members and staff ; improve its information policy to the EU citizens.
Parliament welcomed the commitment of the Court of Justice to high environment targets. It also took note of the detailed information on the Court of Justice’s buildings policy.
The Committee on Budgetary Control adopted the report by Benedek JÁVOR (Greens/EFA, HU) recommending the European Parliament to give discharge to the Registrar of the Court of Justice in respect of the implementation of the Court’s budget for the financial year 2015.
Members noted with satisfaction that the Court of Auditors observed that no significant weaknesses in respect of the audited topics relating to human resources and procurement for the Court of Justice of the European Union.
The payments as a whole for the year ended on 31 December 2015 for administrative and other expenditure of the Court of Justice were free from material error.
Budgetary and financial management : Members noted that in 2015, the Court of Justice had appropriations amounting to EUR 357 062 000 (EUR 355 367 500 in 2014) and that the implementation rate was 99 %, a very high utilisation rate.
They noted that the estimated revenue of the Court of Justice for the financial year 2015 was EUR 44 856 000. They asked the Court of Justice to explain why the established entitlements in the financial year 2015 are EUR 49 510 442, which is 10.4 % higher than estimated.
Court’s actions : Members welcomed the productivity of the judicial activity of the Court of Justice in 2015. They noted that the 2015 statistics for the three courts confirm the trend seen in recent years as regards the average duration of proceedings, which remains satisfactory.
2015 was the year of adoption of the judicial architectural reform of the Court of Justice , which was accompanied by the development of new rules of procedure for the General Court. Members stated that the reform will enable the Court of Justice to continue to deal with the increase in the number of cases. They look forward to analysing the achievements of that reform in the Court of Justice's capacity to deal with cases within a reasonable period and in compliance with the requirements of a fair hearing.
The report noted that the Court of Justice complies with the interinstitutional agreement to reduce staff by 5 % over a period of five years.
Members made a series of recommendations to the Court:
implementing the concept of performance-based budgeting (PBB) and good governance of human resources: this concept should also include the setting of specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based (SMART) targets to individual departments, units and the annual plans of members of staff; provide information regarding other posts and paid external activities of the judges on its website and its annual activity reports; improve its budgeting and accountability in regard to the mission budget ; provide the discharge authority with a list of meetings with lobbyists, professional associations and civil society by June 2017; develop an internal control/remedy mechanism in order to provide in such cases a certain level of control by the Court of Auditors when the secrecy of deliberations as principle ab ovo prevents any external control; improve gender balance in management posts and the fact that the gender balance in middle and senior management posts; give greater importance to geographical balance in the area of resources management, particularly with respect to the Member States that have acceded the Union in 2004 or thereafter; set up rules on revolving doors; provide, by June 2017, details of the whistleblower cases in 2015, if any, and of how they were handled and finalised; envisage the submission of declarations of interests, instead of declarations of the absence of conflicts of interests, as self-evaluation of conflicts of interests is, in itself, a conflict of interests; the evaluation must be done by an independent party; provide Parliament with the costs of translation; study the possibility of reducing the number of official cars at the disposal of its members and staff ; improve its information policy to the EU citizens.
Members welcomed the commitment of the Court of Justice to high environment targets. They also took note of the detailed information on the Court of Justice’s buildings policy.
Based on the observations contained in the report by the Court of Auditors, the Council called on the European Parliament to grant discharge to all of the EU institutions in respect of the implementation of their respective budgets for the financial year 2015 .
The Council welcomed that the administrative and related expenditure of the EU institutions remained free from material error with an estimated level of error of 0.6 %, which is well below the materiality threshold. It noted with satisfaction that no serious weaknesses were identified by the Court in the supervisory and control systems and in the examined annual activity reports.
The Council took note of a limited number of errors detected by the Court, notably in the recruitment and procurement procedures and in the management of staff allowances .
PURPOSE: presentation by the Commission of the consolidated annual accounts of the European Union for the financial year 2015, as part of the 2015 discharge procedure.
Analysis of the accounts of the EU Institutions: EU Court of Justice .
Legal reminder : the consolidated annual accounts of the European Union for the year 2015 have been prepared on the basis of the information presented by the institutions and bodies under Article 148(2) of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Union.
(1) Governance and budgetary principles : the organisational governance of the EU consists of institutions, agencies and other EU bodies. The main institutions in the sense of being responsible for drafting policies and taking decisions are the EP, the European Council, the Council and the Commission.
The EU Budget finances a wide range of policies and programmes throughout the EU. In accordance with the priorities set by the European Parliament and the Council in the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the Commission carries out specific programmes, activities and projects in the field.
The budget is prepared by the Commission and usually agreed in mid-December by the Parliament and the Council, based on the procedure of Art. 314 TFEU.
According to the principle of budget equilibrium, the total revenue must equal total expenditure (payment appropriations) for a given financial year.
EU revenues : the EU has two main categories of funding: own resources revenues and sundry revenues. Own resources can be divided into traditional own resources (such as custom levies), the own resource based on value added tax (VAT) and the resource based on gross national income (GNI). Sundry revenues arising from the activities of the EU (e.g. competition fines) normally represent less than 10 % of total revenue. Own resources revenue make up the vast majority of EU funding.
Expenditure of the EU institutions : the EU's operational expenditure of these institutions takes different forms, depending on how the money is paid out and managed.
From 2014 onwards, the Commission classifies its expenditure as follows:
Direct management : the budget is implemented directly by the Commission services. Indirect management : the Commission confers tasks of implementation of the budget to bodies of EU law or national law, such as the EU agencies. Shared management : under this method of budget implementation tasks are delegated to Member States. About 80 % of the expenditure falls under this management mode covering such areas as agricultural spending and structural actions.
Consolidated annual accounts of the EU : this Commission document concerns the EU's consolidated accounts for the year 2015 and details how spending by the EU institutions and bodies was carried out. The consolidated annual accounts of the EU provide financial information on the activities of the institutions, agencies and other bodies of the EU from an accrual accounting and budgetary perspective.
It also presents the accounting principles applicable to the European budget (in particular, consolidation).
The document also presents the different financial actors involved in the budget process (accounting officers, internal officers and authorising officers) and recalls their respective roles in the context of the tasks of sound financial management.
Audit and discharge : the EU’s annual accounts and resource management are audited by the European Court of Auditors, its external auditor, which as part of its activities draws up for the European Parliament and the Council:
an annual report on the activities financed from the general budget, detailing its observations on the annual accounts and underlying transactions; an opinion, based on its audits and given in the annual report in the form of a statement of assurance, on (i) the reliability of the accounts and (ii) the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions involving both revenue collected from taxable persons and payments to final beneficiaries.
The discharge represents the political aspect of the external control of budget implementation and is the decision by which the European Parliament, acting on a Council recommendation, "releases" the Commission (and other EU bodies) from its responsibility for management of a given budget by marking the end of that budget's existence. This discharge procedure may produce three outcomes: (i) the granting; (ii) postponement; (iii) or the refusal of the discharge.
The document also presents a series of tables and detailed technical indicators on (i) the balance sheet; (ii) the economic outturn account; (iii) cashflow tables; (iv) technical annexes concerning the financial statements.
(2) Implementation of the Court of Justice’s appropriations for the financial year 2015 : the document comprises a series of detailed annexes, the most important concerning the implementation of the budget. The document noted that in 2015 the Court’s budget was EUR 376 million, with an implementation rate of payments of 93.1%.
As regards the Court of Justice’s expenditure , the information is drawn from the 2015 Annual Report – a year in review. The main conclusions were:
increasing the pace of judicial activity : in 2015, 1 711 cases were brought before the courts and 1 755 cases were closed; the Court’s administrative powers : the exceptional pace of the Court’s judicial activity in 2015 was also reflected in a marked increase in the productivity of the departments. Against the twofold background of an increase in the judicial activity and the obligation for each European institution to reduce its workforce by 5% over the period 2013-17, as required by the budgetary authorities of the European Union, the Court chose to preserve its core ‘business’ by strengthening the courts. The institution’s departments fully participate in the modernisation of working methods, in particular to the advantage of the parties, who benefit from the opportunities offered by the new methods of electronic transmission of procedural documents (e-Curia). Lastly, the rational management of multilingualism means that the Court is able to deal with a case irrespective of the official language of the European Union in which it has been brought, and then to ensure that its case-law is disseminated in all the official languages; buildings policy : the project to construct the fifth extension of the Palais (third tower) of the Court made good progress in 2015. The fitting-out work in the premises intended to receive the new judges of the General Court, following the adoption of a legislative proposal to that effect, made good progress due in particular to the launch of a series of calls for tenders in 2015.
PURPOSE: presentation by the Commission of the consolidated annual accounts of the European Union for the financial year 2015, as part of the 2015 discharge procedure.
Analysis of the accounts of the EU Institutions: EU Court of Justice .
Legal reminder : the consolidated annual accounts of the European Union for the year 2015 have been prepared on the basis of the information presented by the institutions and bodies under Article 148(2) of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Union.
(1) Governance and budgetary principles : the organisational governance of the EU consists of institutions, agencies and other EU bodies. The main institutions in the sense of being responsible for drafting policies and taking decisions are the EP, the European Council, the Council and the Commission.
The EU Budget finances a wide range of policies and programmes throughout the EU. In accordance with the priorities set by the European Parliament and the Council in the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the Commission carries out specific programmes, activities and projects in the field.
The budget is prepared by the Commission and usually agreed in mid-December by the Parliament and the Council, based on the procedure of Art. 314 TFEU.
According to the principle of budget equilibrium, the total revenue must equal total expenditure (payment appropriations) for a given financial year.
EU revenues : the EU has two main categories of funding: own resources revenues and sundry revenues. Own resources can be divided into traditional own resources (such as custom levies), the own resource based on value added tax (VAT) and the resource based on gross national income (GNI). Sundry revenues arising from the activities of the EU (e.g. competition fines) normally represent less than 10 % of total revenue. Own resources revenue make up the vast majority of EU funding.
Expenditure of the EU institutions : the EU's operational expenditure of these institutions takes different forms, depending on how the money is paid out and managed.
From 2014 onwards, the Commission classifies its expenditure as follows:
Direct management : the budget is implemented directly by the Commission services. Indirect management : the Commission confers tasks of implementation of the budget to bodies of EU law or national law, such as the EU agencies. Shared management : under this method of budget implementation tasks are delegated to Member States. About 80 % of the expenditure falls under this management mode covering such areas as agricultural spending and structural actions.
Consolidated annual accounts of the EU : this Commission document concerns the EU's consolidated accounts for the year 2015 and details how spending by the EU institutions and bodies was carried out. The consolidated annual accounts of the EU provide financial information on the activities of the institutions, agencies and other bodies of the EU from an accrual accounting and budgetary perspective.
It also presents the accounting principles applicable to the European budget (in particular, consolidation).
The document also presents the different financial actors involved in the budget process (accounting officers, internal officers and authorising officers) and recalls their respective roles in the context of the tasks of sound financial management.
Audit and discharge : the EU’s annual accounts and resource management are audited by the European Court of Auditors, its external auditor, which as part of its activities draws up for the European Parliament and the Council:
an annual report on the activities financed from the general budget, detailing its observations on the annual accounts and underlying transactions; an opinion, based on its audits and given in the annual report in the form of a statement of assurance, on (i) the reliability of the accounts and (ii) the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions involving both revenue collected from taxable persons and payments to final beneficiaries.
The discharge represents the political aspect of the external control of budget implementation and is the decision by which the European Parliament, acting on a Council recommendation, "releases" the Commission (and other EU bodies) from its responsibility for management of a given budget by marking the end of that budget's existence. This discharge procedure may produce three outcomes: (i) the granting; (ii) postponement; (iii) or the refusal of the discharge.
The document also presents a series of tables and detailed technical indicators on (i) the balance sheet; (ii) the economic outturn account; (iii) cashflow tables; (iv) technical annexes concerning the financial statements.
(2) Implementation of the Court of Justice’s appropriations for the financial year 2015 : the document comprises a series of detailed annexes, the most important concerning the implementation of the budget. The document noted that in 2015 the Court’s budget was EUR 376 million, with an implementation rate of payments of 93.1%.
As regards the Court of Justice’s expenditure , the information is drawn from the 2015 Annual Report – a year in review. The main conclusions were:
increasing the pace of judicial activity : in 2015, 1 711 cases were brought before the courts and 1 755 cases were closed; the Court’s administrative powers : the exceptional pace of the Court’s judicial activity in 2015 was also reflected in a marked increase in the productivity of the departments. Against the twofold background of an increase in the judicial activity and the obligation for each European institution to reduce its workforce by 5% over the period 2013-17, as required by the budgetary authorities of the European Union, the Court chose to preserve its core ‘business’ by strengthening the courts. The institution’s departments fully participate in the modernisation of working methods, in particular to the advantage of the parties, who benefit from the opportunities offered by the new methods of electronic transmission of procedural documents (e-Curia). Lastly, the rational management of multilingualism means that the Court is able to deal with a case irrespective of the official language of the European Union in which it has been brought, and then to ensure that its case-law is disseminated in all the official languages; buildings policy : the project to construct the fifth extension of the Palais (third tower) of the Court made good progress in 2015. The fitting-out work in the premises intended to receive the new judges of the General Court, following the adoption of a legislative proposal to that effect, made good progress due in particular to the launch of a series of calls for tenders in 2015.
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T8-0148/2017
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary: A8-0136/2017
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE600.912
- Supplementary non-legislative basic document: 05876/2017
- Committee draft report: PE593.842
- Committee opinion: PE594.028
- Non-legislative basic document: EUR-Lex
- Non-legislative basic document: COM(2016)0475
- Non-legislative basic document published: EUR-Lex
- Non-legislative basic document published: COM(2016)0475
- Non-legislative basic document: EUR-Lex COM(2016)0475
- Committee opinion: PE594.028
- Committee draft report: PE593.842
- Supplementary non-legislative basic document: 05876/2017
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE600.912
A8-0136/2017 - Benedek Jávor - Résolution #
Amendments | Dossier |
39 |
13 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Notes that the 2015 statistics for the three courts which make up the Court of Justice confirm the trend seen in recent years as regards the average duration of proceedings, which remains very satisfactory [Court of Justice: 15.3 months for requests for a preliminary ruling (15 months in 2014), 1.9 months for urgent requests for a preliminary ruling (2.2 months in 2014), 17.6 months for direct actions (20 months in 2014) and 14 months for appeals (14.5 months in 2014); General Court and Civil Service Tribunal: respectively 20.6 months (23.4 months in 2014) and 12.1 months (12.7 months in 2014) for all types of case]
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Welcomes the success of the ‘e- Curia’ application for the electronic lodging and service of court documents, as demonstrated by the growing numbers of access accounts for the application (2914 in 2015, as against 2230 in 2014) and Member States using it (26 in 2015, as against 25 in 2014), enabling lawyers and agents in EU Member States to benefit from the electronic exchange of procedural documents with Registries of the Court of Justice and the General Court;
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Welcomes the success of the ‘e- Curia’ application for the electronic and free-of-charge lodging and service of court documents, as demonstrated by the growing numbers of access accounts for the application (2914 in 2015, as against 2230 in 2014) and Member States using it (26 in 2015, as against 25 in 2014); highlights the need to raise the public's awareness of the existence and the advantages of this application;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Notes with satisfaction that the Court is working to maintain a balance between men and women in posts with high levels of responsibility (in 2015, 53% of administrators’ posts and 35% of management posts were occupied by women) and that a special working party has been set up to consider obstacles to progress in this area and ways of doing away with them
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 7 7. Notes with satisfaction that the Court is working to maintain a balance between men and women in posts with high levels of responsibility (in 2015, 53% of administrators’ posts and 35% of management posts were occupied by women and women made up around 60% of the total staff of the Court of Justice) and that a special working party has been set up to consider obstacles to progress in this area and ways of doing away with them.
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Notes that the 2015 statistics for the three courts, which make up the Court of Justice confirm the trend seen in recent years as regards the average duration of proceedings, which remains
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Notes that the 2015 statistics for the three courts which make up the Court of Justice confirm the trend seen in recent years as regards the average duration of proceedings, which remains very satisfactory [Court of Justice: 15.3 months for requests for a preliminary ruling (15 months in 2014), 1.9 months for urgent requests for a preliminary ruling (2.2 months in 2014), 17.6 months for direct actions (20 months in 2014) and 14 months for appeals (14.5 months in 2014); General Court and Civil Service Tribunal: respectively 20.6 months (23.4 months in 2014) and 12.1 months (12.7 months in 2014) for all types of case]
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 4. Notes that the 2015 statistics for the three courts, which make up the Court of Justice confirm the trend seen in recent years as regards the average duration of proceedings, which remains
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 4 a (new) 4 a. Stresses that a management approach, through, among other things, the creation of productivity incentives for judges, personnel and parties, would allow the Court of Justice to deal even better with the present backlog while minimizing the costs;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 5. Notes that overall the three courts making up the Court of Justice closed 1775 cases in 2015, as against 1685 in 2014, an increase of 4.2%
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Welcomes the fact that the number of cases solved increased by 57% during the period 2007-2015, largely owing to the coordinated efforts of the courts and auxiliary staff, despite the extremely limited increase in auxiliary staff capacity over that period;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 5 b (new) 5b. Believes that judicial reform will allow the Court of Justice as an institution to deal with its increasing caseload more quickly and efficiently and serve the interests of those seeking justice, respecting their right to due process within a reasonable time, in line with the objectives of a high-quality and functional service;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion Paragraph 6 6. Welcomes the success of the ‘e- Curia’ application for the electronic lodging and service of court documents, as demonstrated by the growing numbers of access accounts for the application (2914 in 2015, as against 2230 in 2014) and Member States using it (26 in 2015, as against 25 in 2014); encourages Member States to take measures along these lines to promote the use of this application and calls on the Commission to to propose suitable ways of achieving this, for example: public information campaigns in the Member States and the dissemination of documentation through the Member State courts;
source: 595.652
26 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Proposal for a decision 1 Citation 8 a (new) - having regard the ECA special Report No 15/2012 "Management of conflict of interest in selected EU Agencies";
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new) 11 a. Asks the Court to provide the discharge authority with a list of meetings with lobbyist, professional associations and civil society by June 2017; asks the Court to present the minutes of these meetings by June 2017;
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Notes that, according to its annual management report for 2015, the Court of Justice works closely with the Court of Auditors
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Welcomes the initiative of the Court of Justice to improve the representation of women in management posts and the fact that the proportion of women in middle and senior management posts reached 35 % in 2015;
Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 20 20. Welcomes the initiative of the Court of Justice to improve
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 21.
Amendment 16 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 21.
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 a (new) 21 a. Emphasises that geographical balance, namely the relationship between staff nationality and the size of Member States, should still remain an important element of resources management particularly with respect to the Member States that have acceded to the Union since 2004, welcomes the fact that the European Court of Justice has reached a more balanced composition of officials from the Member States which joined the European Union before and since 2004; but points out that these Member States are still underrepresented at the higher level of administration and in managerial posts for which progress is still awaited;
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 21 a (new) 21 a. Calls on the Court to endeavour to correct this situation and to report to Parliament on the improvements achieved in that regard;
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 22. Supports the review of expenditure and of the conditions for use of official cars jointly conducted by the internal audit services of the Court of Justice and of the Court of Auditors; calls on the Court of Justice to consider, within the frame of that review, the possibility of reducing the number of official cars at the disposal of its members and staff; calls, moreover, on the Court to improve its checks against the use of official cars for private purposes;
Amendment 2 #
Proposal for a decision 1 Paragraph 1 1. Grants the Registrar of the Court of Justice discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Court of Justice for the financial year 2015;
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 a (new) 22 a. Notes that on the commitments of Missions of 295.500,- euro only 41.209,- euro has been used; points out that this under-investment could be avoided; requests the Court to improve its budgeting and accountability in regard to the mission budget and emphasizes the principle of missions to be cost-effective;
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23 23. Welcomes the commitment of the Court of Justice with high environment targets;
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 25. Regrets the fact that the institution’s internal whistleblowing rules were adopted only in the beginning of 2016; recommends to the Court to disseminate these rules among its staff so that all employees to be aware of them; asks the Court to provide by June 2017 details on the whistle-blower cases in 2015 (if any) and how they were handled and finalized;
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 25.
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 25 a (new) 25 a. Urges however the Court to enact the submission of declaration of interest and instead of declaration of the absence of conflict of interests as self evaluation of conflicts of interest is a conflict of interest in itself, living the evaluation of these statements to a third independent party; evaluation of a situation of conflict of interest must be done by a third party; asks the Court to report by June 2017 these changes and to indicate who is checking the situations of conflicts of interest; reiterates that transparency is key to the public trust; calls upon the Court to establish clear rules regarding the "revolving doors"; urges the Court to put in place measures to prevent "revolving doors" establishing dissuasive sanctions such us the reduction of pensions or prohibition to work at least 3 years in similar bodies;
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 a (new) 26 a. Welcomes the initiative of the Court to publish its Annual Report in a new format, and calls upon the Court to also publish the ECA report;
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 26 a (new) 26 a. Calls the Court of Justice to improve its communication policy towards the EU citizens;
Amendment 3 #
Proposal for a decision 1 Paragraph 1 1.
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 3 a (new) - having regard the ECA special Report No 15/2012 "Management of conflict of interest in selected EU Agencies";
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 a (new) 3 a. Notes that the estimated revenue of the Court for the financial year 2015 was EUR 44 856 000; calls upon the Court to explain why the established entitlements in the financial year 2015 are 10,4% higher than estimated ( EUR 49 510 442).
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 b (new) 3 b. Notes that revenue from entitlemets carried over from 2014 to 2015 amounts EUR 84 620 37 and that 84,28% represents revenue from persons working with the institutions and other Community bodies;
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Welcomes the productivity of the judicial activity of the Court of Justice in 2015, with 1711 cases brought before the three courts and 1755 cases completed; notes that this is the highest annual number of the cases in the institution's history;
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Takes note that 2015 was the year of adoption of the judicial architectural reform of the Court of Justice, which was accompanied by the development of new rules of procedure for the General Court; looks forward to analy
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Takes note of the upcoming recast of the Code of Conduct for Members where the conditions for carrying out external activities and the publication of their financial interests will be clarified;
source: 600.912
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docs/3/docs/0/url |
Old |
events/1/type |
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single readingNew
Committee referral announced in Parliament |
events/2/type |
Vote in committee, 1st reading/single readingNew
Vote in committee |
events/3 |
events/3 |
events/4/docs |
events/6 |
events/6 |
committees/0 |
committees/0 |
committees/15 |
committees/15 |
events/3/docs/0/url |
Old |
events/6/docs/0/url |
Old |
committees/0 |
committees/0 |
activities |
commission |
committees/0 |
committees/0 |
committees/1 |
committees/1 |
committees/2 |
committees/2 |
committees/3 |
committees/3 |
committees/4 |
committees/4 |
committees/5 |
committees/5 |
committees/6 |
committees/6 |
committees/7 |
committees/7 |
committees/8 |
committees/8 |
committees/9 |
committees/9 |
committees/10 |
committees/10 |
committees/11 |
committees/11 |
committees/12 |
committees/12 |
committees/13 |
committees/13 |
committees/14 |
committees/14 |
committees/15 |
committees/15 |
committees/16 |
committees/16 |
committees/17 |
committees/17 |
committees/18 |
committees/18 |
committees/19 |
committees/19 |
docs |
events |
links |
other |
procedure/dossier_of_the_committee |
procedure/final/title |
OJ L 252 29.09.2017, p. 0115New
OJ L 252 29.09.2017, p. 0115 |
procedure/final/url |
Old |
procedure/subject |
procedure/title |
2015 discharge: EU general budget, Court of JusticeNew
2015 discharge: EU general budget, Court of Justice |
activities/6 |
procedure/final |
procedure/stage_reached |
Procedure completed, awaiting publication in Official JournalNew
Procedure completed |
activities/5/docs/0 |
activities/5/type |
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single readingNew
Results of vote in Parliament |
activities/0/docs/0/celexid |
CELEX:52016DC0475:EN |
activities/0/docs/0/celexid |
CELEX:52016PC0475(01):EN |
activities/5/docs/0/text |
activities/5 |
procedure/stage_reached |
Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stageNew
Procedure completed, awaiting publication in Official Journal |
activities/0 |
activities/0/body |
EC |
activities/0/commission |
activities/0/date |
2016-07-11T00:00:00 |
activities/0/docs |
activities/0/type |
Vote in plenary scheduledNew
Non-legislative basic document published |
activities/4/docs |
activities/4/type |
Debate in plenary scheduledNew
Debate in Parliament |
activities/3/docs/0/text |
activities/3/docs |
activities/3 |
activities/4/type |
Indicative plenary sitting date, 1st reading/single readingNew
Debate in plenary scheduled |
activities/5 |
procedure/stage_reached |
Awaiting committee decisionNew
Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage |
activities/2/committees |
activities/2/date |
2017-03-22T00:00:00 |
activities/2/type |
Vote scheduled in committee, 1st reading/single readingNew
Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading |
activities/3 |
activities/0/docs/0/celexid |
activities/0/docs/0/celexid |
activities/0/commission/0/DG/url |
Old |
activities/1/committees/4/shadows/6/mepref |
53b2dbc9b819f205b0000096 |
activities/1/committees/4/shadows/6/name |
ALIOT LouisNew
KAPPEL Barbara |
committees/4/shadows/6/mepref |
53b2dbc9b819f205b0000096 |
committees/4/shadows/6/name |
ALIOT LouisNew
KAPPEL Barbara |
other/0/dg/url |
Old |
activities/1/committees/4/shadows/2 |
committees/4/shadows/2 |
activities/1/committees/4/shadows/2 |
committees/4/shadows/2 |
activities/0/docs/0/text |
activities/1 |
activities/2/committees |
activities/2/date |
2017-03-23T00:00:00 |
activities/2/type |
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single readingNew
Vote scheduled in committee, 1st reading/single reading |
committees/4/rapporteur/0/mepref |
53b2db7cb819f205b000008d |
committees/4/rapporteur/0/name |
JÁVOR Benedek |
committees/4/shadows/0 |
committees/4/shadows/2 |
committees/4/shadows/3 |
committees/4/shadows/5 |
committees/4/shadows/6 |
committees/14/date |
committees/14/rapporteur |
activities/1 |
procedure/dossier_of_the_committee |
procedure/stage_reached |
Preparatory phase in ParliamentNew
Awaiting committee decision |
activities |
committees |
links |
other |
procedure |