Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | TRAN | CLUNE Deirdre ( PPE) | FLECKENSTEIN Knut ( S&D), FOSTER Jacqueline ( ECR), MEISSNER Gesine ( ALDE), DELLI Karima ( Verts/ALE) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
TFEU 100-p2
Legal Basis:
TFEU 100-p2Events
PURPOSE: to reduce administrative formalities for ships by creating a European maritime single window.
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Regulation (EU) 2019/1239 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Maritime Single Window environment and repealing Directive 2010/65/EU.
CONTENT: the Regulation establishes a framework for a technologically neutral and interoperable European Maritime Single Window environment (‘EMSWe’) with harmonised interfaces, in order to facilitate the electronic transmission of information in relation to reporting obligations for ships arriving at, staying in and departing from a Union port.
Both the European Parliament and the Council have frequently called for more interoperability and more comprehensive and user-friendly communication and information flows to improve the functioning of the internal market and to meet the needs of citizens and businesses.
Consolidation of all reporting formalities associated with a port call
The main aim of this Regulation is to lay down harmonised rules for the provision of the information that is required for port calls, in particular by ensuring that the same data sets can be reported to each maritime National Single Window in the same way. This Regulation also aims to facilitate the transmission of information between declarants, relevant authorities and the providers of port services in the port of call, and other Member States.
Modification of the EMSWe data set
The application of this Regulation should not alter the time frames for, or the substance of, reporting obligations, and should not affect the subsequent storage and processing of information at Union level or at national level.
A Member State may only introduce new reporting obligations if the Commission has given its agreement and the corresponding information has been integrated into the EMSWe data set and applied in the harmonised reporting interfaces. Changes to the EMSWe data set may only be introduced once a year, except in duly justified cases.
Maritime National Single Window
The new Regulation maintains the existing maritime National Single Window in each Member State shall be maintained as the basis for a technologically neutral and interoperable European Maritime Single Window environment (‘EMSWe’). The maritime National Single Window shall constitute a comprehensive reporting entry point for maritime transport operators, performing the functionalities of data collection from the declarants and data distribution to all relevant competent authorities and providers of port services.
The Commission shall adopt implementing acts establishing the technical and functional specifications of the harmonised reporting interface module of the national single maritime counters. This shall improve interoperability between the different systems.
Once-only principle
Member States shall ensure that the declarant is requested to provide the information pursuant to this Regulation only once per port call, and that the relevant data elements of the EMSWe data set are made available and reused.
Common services
The Commission shall establish:
- a common access management and user registry system for declarants and data service providers that use the maritime National Single Window, as well as for national authorities that access the maritime National Single Window in cases where authentication is required;
- an additional and optional common addressing service, provided that the harmonised reporting interface module has been fully implemented;
- an EMSWe vessel database containing a list of vessel identification information and characteristics as well as records on ship reporting exemptions;
- a common location database containing a reference list of location codes and port facility codes listed in the IMO database GISIS;
- a common Hazmat database containing a list of dangerous and polluting goods that must be notified;
- a common ship sanitation database that is able to receive and store data on maritime declarations of health. Personal data relating to sick people on board ships shall not be stored on that database.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 14.8.2019.
APPLICATION: from 15.8.2025.
The European Parliament adopted by 508 votes to 24, with 19 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Maritime Single Window environment and repealing Directive 2010/65/EU.
The European Parliament’s position adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission proposal as follows:
Objective of the Regulation
This Regulation establishes a framework for a technologically neutral and interoperable European Maritime Single Window environment (‘EMSWe’) with harmonised interfaces, in order to facilitate the electronic transmission of information in relation to reporting obligations for ships arriving at, staying in and departing from a Union port.
The main aim of this Regulation is to:
- lay down harmonised rules for the provision of the information that is required for port calls, in particular by ensuring that the same data sets can be reported to each maritime National Single Window in the same way;
- facilitate the transmission of information between declarants, relevant authorities and the providers of port services in the port of call, and other Member States.
The Commission may adopt delegated acts to amend the Annex to the Regulation to introduce, delete or adapt references to national legislation or requirements, international or Union legal acts and to establish and amend the EMSWe data set.
Adding new obligations
A Member State may only introduce new reporting obligations if the Commission has given its agreement and the corresponding information has been integrated into the EMSWe data set and applied in the harmonised reporting interfaces. Amendments to the EMSWe data set shall only be introduced once a year, except in duly justified cases.
In exceptional circumstances, a Member State may ask declarants to provide additional data elements without the approval of the Commission during a period of less than three months. The Member State shall notify those data elements to the Commission without delay. The Commission may allow the Member State to continue to request the additional data elements for two further periods of three months if the exceptional circumstances persist.
Maritime National Single Window
Member States may jointly establish a maritime single window with one or more other Member States. Those Member States shall designate that maritime single window as their maritime National Single Window, and shall remain responsible for its operation in accordance with this Regulation.
Member States which do not have maritime ports shall be exempted from the obligation to develop, establish, operate and make available a maritime National Single Window.
The Member States shall ensure:
- the compatibility of the maritime National Single Window with the harmonised reporting interface module and adherence of the graphical user interface of their maritime National Single Window to the common functionalities;
- the timely integration of the harmonised reporting interfaces;
- a connection with the relevant systems of competent authorities, to enable the transfer of data to be reported to those authorities, through the maritime National Single Window;
- the provision of a helpdesk during the first 12 months from the date of application of this Regulation, and an online support website for their maritime National Single Window with clear instructions in the official language(s) of that Member State and, where relevant, in a language that is internationally used;
- the provision of adequate and necessary training for staff who are directly involved in the operation of the maritime National Single Window;
- make available to the public the estimated and actual arrival and departure times of ships in an electronic format harmonised at EU level on the basis of data provided by declarants to the national maritime one-stop shop.
Harmonised Reporting Interfaces
The Commission shall, in close cooperation with the Member States, adopt implementing acts laying down the functional and technical specifications for the harmonised reporting interface module for the maritime National Single Windows.
No later than three years after the entry into force of the Regulation, the Commission should develop and subsequently update the harmonised reporting interface module for the maritime National Single Windows.
The Commission shall also establish:
- a EMSWe ship database containing a list of ship identification information and particulars, as well as records on ship reporting exemptions;
- a common location database that contains a reference list of location codes and port facility codes, as registered in the IMO database GISIS;
- a common Hazmat database containing a list of dangerous and polluting goods that must be notified;
- a common ship sanitation databasethat isable to receive and store data related to the Maritime Declarations of Health under Article 37 of the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR). Personal data relating to ill persons on board ships shall not be stored on that database.
Once-only principle
Member States shall ensure that the declarant is requested to provide the information pursuant to this Regulation only once per port call, and that the relevant data elements of the EMSWe data set are made available and reused.
PURPOSE: to facilitate maritime transport and further reduce the administrative burden on shipping companies.
PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
BACKGROUND: maritime transport operators face a wide range of legal reporting requirements each time a ship arrives in or leaves a port (a port call). Over two million port calls are made annually in the EU. Shipping sector staff currently spend an annual total of about 4.6 million hours on reporting.
The evaluation conducted in 2016-2017 as part of the fitness check on the Maritime Transport Policy found that Directive 2010/65/EU was not sufficiently effective or efficient, although its objectives remained very relevant. The conclusion was that there was considerable scope for further simplification and for reducing the administrative burden on shipping operators.
Three problems were identified:
a lack of harmonisation between the maritime National Single Windows for ship reporting; the current system for coordinating reporting via National Single Windows only brings together some of the legal reporting obligations faced by ships; there is an inefficient data-sharing environment in most Member States and within the EU as a whole.
The Commission therefore proposes to facilitate reporting formalities in the maritime sector . This initiative is part of the Third ‘Europe on the Move’ Package, which delivers on the new industrial policy strategy of September 2017 and is designed to complete the process of enabling Europe to reap the full benefits of the modernisation of mobility.
IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the preferred option (ensuring a harmonised reporting system, while respecting the National Single Windows) is expected to result in a total additional cost of EUR 29.4 million between 2020 and 2030 and a saving of 22-25 million working hours over the same period . This option offers the greatest benefit at an acceptable cost.
CONTENT: the proposal for a Regulation repealing Directive 2010/65/EU establishes a framework for a harmonised and interoperable European Maritime Single Window environment (‘EMSWe’), based on National Single Windows, in order to facilitate electronic transmission of information in relation to reporting obligations for ships arriving and staying in and departing from a Union port.
By developing binding technical interface specifications, adopting common data requirements and processes, and establishing clear rules and rights for submission and sharing of information, a simplified reporting environment will be achieved. The result is that the shipping operators will be able to report the same data set in the same way regardless of where they go, if they choose to use the harmonised reporting entry point.
This proposal will also improve interoperability and interconnection between the relevant systems, thus enabling data to be shared and reused more efficiently, as appropriate and contribute to increased efficiency of digital reporting for maritime operators by facilitating data sharing/reuse for the application of the ‘reporting only once’ principle.
BUDGET IMPLICATIONS: the expected costs of IT services and IT system development are up to EUR 13.5 million over the 11 years from 2020 to 2030. The Commission proposes that its costs be covered by the budget line Support activities to the European transport policy and passenger rights including communication activities (budget reference 06.02.05).
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2019)440
- Final act published in Official Journal: Regulation 2019/1239
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 198 25.07.2019, p. 0064
- Draft final act: 00038/2019/LEX
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament, 1st reading: T8-0434/2019
- Approval in committee of the text agreed at 1st reading interinstitutional negotiations: PE636.153
- Text agreed during interinstitutional negotiations: PE636.153
- Coreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreement: GEDA/A/(2019)001439
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A8-0006/2019
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A8-0006/2019
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE629.524
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES3005/2018
- Committee draft report: PE628.380
- Contribution: COM(2018)0278
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SWD(2018)0181
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SWD(2018)0182
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2018)0278
- Legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex SWD(2018)0181
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex SWD(2018)0182
- Committee draft report: PE628.380
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES3005/2018
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE629.524
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A8-0006/2019
- Coreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreement: GEDA/A/(2019)001439
- Text agreed during interinstitutional negotiations: PE636.153
- Draft final act: 00038/2019/LEX
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2019)440
- Contribution: COM(2018)0278
Plenary Speeches (7)
- 2016/11/22 European Maritime Single Window environment (debate)
- 2016/11/22 European Maritime Single Window environment (debate)
- 2016/11/22 European Maritime Single Window environment (debate)
- 2016/11/22 European Maritime Single Window environment (debate)
- 2016/11/22 European Maritime Single Window environment (debate)
- 2016/11/22 European Maritime Single Window environment (debate)
- 2016/11/22 European Maritime Single Window environment (debate)
- Wim van de CAMP
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Nicola CAPUTO
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Isabella DE MONTE
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- José Inácio FARIA
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
A8-0006/2019 - Deirdre Clune - Am 63 18/04/2019 12:28:09.000 #
DE | FR | ES | IT | PL | GB | RO | BE | PT | NL | AT | SE | BG | CZ | HU | DK | FI | HR | SK | LV | LU | LT | EE | SI | MT | IE | EL | ||
Total |
Germany PPEFor (24)Albert DESS, Andreas SCHWAB, Angelika NIEBLER, Axel VOSS, Daniel CASPARY, David MCALLISTER, Dennis RADTKE, Dieter-Lebrecht KOCH, Elmar BROK, Ingeborg GRÄSSLE, Jens GIESEKE, Joachim ZELLER, Michael GAHLER, Monika HOHLMEIER, Norbert LINS, Peter JAHR, Peter LIESE, Rainer WIELAND, Renate SOMMER, Sabine VERHEYEN, Stefan GEHROLD, Sven SCHULZE, Thomas MANN, Werner KUHN
France PPEFor (18)Alain CADEC, Alain LAMASSOURE, Angélique DELAHAYE, Anne SANDER, Arnaud DANJEAN, Brice HORTEFEUX, Elisabeth MORIN-CHARTIER, Franck PROUST, Françoise GROSSETÊTE, Geoffroy DIDIER, Jérôme LAVRILLEUX, Marc JOULAUD, Michel DANTIN, Michèle ALLIOT-MARIE, Nadine MORANO, Philippe JUVIN, Rachida DATI, Tokia SAÏFI
Poland PPEFor (16)Against (1) |
Romania PPEFor (9) |
Portugal PPEFor (7) |
Netherlands PPEFor (5) |
Bulgaria PPEFor (6) |
Czechia PPE |
S&D |
Germany S&DFor (21)Arndt KOHN, Arne LIETZ, Babette WINTER, Birgit SIPPEL, Dietmar KÖSTER, Evelyne GEBHARDT, Ismail ERTUG, Jens GEIER, Jo LEINEN, Joachim SCHUSTER, Knut FLECKENSTEIN, Martina WERNER, Michael DETJEN, Norbert NEUSER, Peter SIMON, Petra KAMMEREVERT, Susanne MELIOR, Sylvia-Yvonne KAUFMANN, Tiemo WÖLKEN, Udo BULLMANN, Ulrike RODUST
Italy S&DFor (18)Caterina CHINNICI, Cécile Kashetu KYENGE, Damiano ZOFFOLI, Daniele VIOTTI, Elly SCHLEIN, Enrico GASBARRA, Flavio ZANONATO, Isabella DE MONTE, Luigi MORGANO, Mercedes BRESSO, Nicola CAPUTO, Nicola DANTI, Paolo DE CASTRO, Pier Antonio PANZERI, Renata BRIANO, Roberto GUALTIERI, Sergio Gaetano COFFERATI, Silvia COSTA
United Kingdom S&DFor (18) |
Romania S&DFor (10) |
Portugal S&DFor (7) |
Austria S&D |
Germany ECRFor (6) |
Poland ECRFor (16) |
United Kingdom ECRFor (15) |
France ALDEFor (6) |
Belgium ALDEFor (6) |
Netherlands ALDEFor (7) |
Verts/ALE |
Germany Verts/ALEFor (13) |
France Verts/ALEFor (6) |
Spain Verts/ALE |
Germany GUE/NGL |
France GUE/NGLFor (5) |
NI |
Italy ENF |
France EFDDAgainst (2) |
Italy EFDDFor (10)Abstain (1) |
United Kingdom EFDDAgainst (9) |
A8-0006/2019 - Deirdre Clune - Am 63 #
DE | FR | IT | ES | PL | GB | RO | BE | PT | NL | AT | BG | SE | CZ | HU | DK | FI | HR | SK | LV | LU | LT | EE | SI | MT | IE | ?? | EL | ||
Total |
Germany PPEFor (24)Albert DESS, Andreas SCHWAB, Angelika NIEBLER, Axel VOSS, Daniel CASPARY, David MCALLISTER, Dennis RADTKE, Dieter-Lebrecht KOCH, Elmar BROK, Ingeborg GRÄSSLE, Jens GIESEKE, Joachim ZELLER, Michael GAHLER, Monika HOHLMEIER, Norbert LINS, Peter JAHR, Peter LIESE, Rainer WIELAND, Renate SOMMER, Sabine VERHEYEN, Stefan GEHROLD, Sven SCHULZE, Thomas MANN, Werner KUHN
France PPEFor (18)Alain CADEC, Alain LAMASSOURE, Angélique DELAHAYE, Anne SANDER, Arnaud DANJEAN, Brice HORTEFEUX, Elisabeth MORIN-CHARTIER, Franck PROUST, Françoise GROSSETÊTE, Geoffroy DIDIER, Jérôme LAVRILLEUX, Marc JOULAUD, Michel DANTIN, Michèle ALLIOT-MARIE, Nadine MORANO, Philippe JUVIN, Rachida DATI, Tokia SAÏFI
Poland PPEFor (16)Against (1) |
Romania PPEFor (9) |
Portugal PPEFor (7) |
Netherlands PPEFor (5) |
Bulgaria PPEFor (6) |
Czechia PPE |
S&D |
Germany S&DFor (21)Arndt KOHN, Arne LIETZ, Babette WINTER, Birgit SIPPEL, Dietmar KÖSTER, Evelyne GEBHARDT, Ismail ERTUG, Jens GEIER, Jo LEINEN, Joachim SCHUSTER, Knut FLECKENSTEIN, Martina WERNER, Michael DETJEN, Norbert NEUSER, Peter SIMON, Petra KAMMEREVERT, Susanne MELIOR, Sylvia-Yvonne KAUFMANN, Tiemo WÖLKEN, Udo BULLMANN, Ulrike RODUST
Italy S&DFor (18)Caterina CHINNICI, Cécile Kashetu KYENGE, Damiano ZOFFOLI, Daniele VIOTTI, Elly SCHLEIN, Enrico GASBARRA, Flavio ZANONATO, Isabella DE MONTE, Luigi MORGANO, Mercedes BRESSO, Nicola CAPUTO, Nicola DANTI, Paolo DE CASTRO, Pier Antonio PANZERI, Renata BRIANO, Roberto GUALTIERI, Sergio Gaetano COFFERATI, Silvia COSTA
United Kingdom S&DFor (17) |
Romania S&DFor (10) |
Portugal S&DFor (7) |
Austria S&D |
Germany ECRFor (6) |
Poland ECRFor (16) |
United Kingdom ECRFor (15) |
France ALDEFor (6) |
Belgium ALDEFor (6) |
Netherlands ALDEFor (7) |
Verts/ALE |
Germany Verts/ALEFor (13) |
France Verts/ALEFor (6) |
Spain Verts/ALE |
Germany GUE/NGL |
France GUE/NGLFor (5) |
NI |
Italy ENF |
France EFDDAgainst (2) |
Italy EFDDFor (10)Abstain (1) |
United Kingdom EFDDAgainst (9) |
Amendments | Dossier |
127 |
127 amendments...
Amendment 100 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point d (d)
Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point d (d) the provision of a
Amendment 102 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point d a (new) (d a) the provision of a user-friendly graphical user interface for the exchange of data.
Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point d b (new) (d b) in consultation with relevant social partners, the provision of adequate and necessary training for all staff involved in the implementation and operation of the National Single Window.
Amendment 104 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point a (a) the functional and technical specifications, quality control mechanisms and procedures for deploying, maintaining and employing the reporting interface module referred to in paragraph 2, while ensuring that the interface remains technology neutral in order not to impair innovation;
Amendment 105 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point a (a) the functional
Amendment 106 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point a (a) the functional and technical specifications, quality control mechanisms
Amendment 107 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point a (a) the functional and technical specifications, quality control mechanisms
Amendment 108 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point a (a) the functional and technical specifications, quality control mechanisms and procedures for deploying, maintaining and employing the reporting interface
Amendment 109 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point a (a) the functional and technical specifications, quality control mechanisms and procedures for deploying, maintaining and employing the reporting interface
Amendment 110 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point a a (new) (a a) the functional and technical specifications, quality control mechanisms and procedures for deploying, maintaining and employing the harmonised graphical user interface (GUI) referred to in paragraph 3;
Amendment 111 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point a b (new) (a b) the functional and technical specifications, quality control mechanisms and procedures for deploying, maintaining and employing the common access point interface as an added functionality to the harmonised reporting interface modules referred to in paragraph 2;
Amendment 112 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point b Amendment 113 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point b Amendment 114 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point b Amendment 115 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point c (c)
Amendment 116 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point c (c)
Amendment 117 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1 – point c (c)
Amendment 118 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 3 The Commission shall amend, by means of implementing acts, the technical specifications, standards and procedures,
Amendment 119 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 3 The Commission shall amend, by means of implementing acts, the
Amendment 120 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 3 The Commission shall amend, by means of implementing acts, the
Amendment 121 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 3 The Commission shall amend, by means of implementing acts, the
Amendment 122 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 11 a (new) 11 a. National Single Windows shall operate without prejudice to Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 and Decision No 70/2008/EC.
Amendment 123 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – paragraph 1 1. Member States
Amendment 124 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – paragraph 1 1. Member States
Amendment 125 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – paragraph 1 1. Member States
Amendment 126 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – paragraph 1 1. Member States
Amendment 127 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – paragraph 1 1. Member States
Amendment 128 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – paragraph 2 2. Member States shall set up alternative means for the provision of information in the event of a temporary failure of any of the electronic systems referred to in Article 5, and in Articles 9 to 12, and a system for backing-up data.
Amendment 129 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – paragraph 3 a (new) 3 a. This Regulation seeks to harmonise different data elements by ensuring that the same data sets can be reported to each relevant authority in the same way, and thereby to further improve the efficiency of maritime transport, support digitalisation and to facilitate trade.
Amendment 130 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 2 – point c (c) reporting information provided at departure from a port in the Union is not requested again during the voyage or at arrival to the next port in the Union, provided that the ship has not called to a port outside of the Union during the voyage and provided that the data does not change in between port calls and can be re-used as it stands for administrative and operational purposes. This point shall not apply to information received pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 952/2013, unless such possibility is provided for in that Regulation;
Amendment 131 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 2 – point d (d) the relevant information of the Entry Summary Declaration referred to in Article 127 of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 is made available to the National Single Windows for reference and, where appropriate and compatible with Union customs law following clearance by customs authorities, reused for other reporting obligations listed in the Annex.
Amendment 132 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 2 – point d a (new) (da) the procedure for reporting information shall not under any circumstances compromise the reliability and exhaustiveness of the information. The creation of flaws in the system for verifying information is to be avoided at all costs. Information likely to have changed as the ship calls at different European ports is to be systematically requested once again and verified by the competent authorities if necessary.
Amendment 133 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point a (a) development plan for development and updating of the reporting interface
Amendment 134 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point a a (new) (a a) development plan for developing the voluntary common access point interface for the harmonised reporting interface modules foreseen within 5 years after entry into force of this Regulation
Amendment 135 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point a a (new) (a a) consultation periods with all appropriate stakeholders including representatives from trade unions, industry and experts from government.
Amendment 136 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point b (b) indicative deadlines for the Members States for subsequent integration of the reporting interface
Amendment 137 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point b (b)
Amendment 138 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new) (b a) indicative deadlines for the Commission´s development of a common access point interface following the implementation of the harmonised reporting interface modules.
Amendment 139 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point c (c) testing periods for the Member States and for voluntary declarants to test their connection with any new versions of the interface module;
Amendment 140 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point c a (new) (c a) testing periods for the common access point interface as an added functionality of the harmonised reporting interface modules;
Amendment 141 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point d a (new) (d a) alignment with customs systems, taking into consideration developments within Customs Single Window environment.
Amendment 142 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 1 – point b (b) the promotion of the EMSWe at Union level and in relevant international organisations, especially by securing the long-term financing for European Maritime Safety Agency.
Amendment 143 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 1 – point b (b) the promotion of the EMSWe at Union level and in relevant international organisations, involving representatives from government and industry stakeholders in this system.
Amendment 144 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 – paragraph 1 – point b (b)
Amendment 145 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 – paragraph 1 – point b (b)
Amendment 146 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 – paragraph 1 – point b (b)
Amendment 147 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 – paragraph 3 By six years after the entry into force of this Regulation the Commission shall review the application of this Regulation and submit to the European Parliament and the Council an assessment report on the functioning of the EMSWe on the basis of the data and statistics collected.
Amendment 148 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 – paragraph 3 By six years after the entry into force of this Regulation the Commission shall review the application of this Regulation and submit to the European Parliament and the Council an assessment report on the functioning of the EMSWe on the basis of the data and statistics collected.
Amendment 149 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 – paragraph 3 By six years after the entry into force of this Regulation the Commission shall review the application of this Regulation and submit to the European Parliament and the Council an assessment report on the functioning of the EMSWe on the basis of the data and statistics collected. The assessment report shall include, where necessary, an evaluation of emerging technologies, which could lead to changes to or replacement of the reporting interface module with an EU Access Point Interface (EU-API) able to relay data directly to the National Single Windows by the declarants for the fulfilment of reporting obligations.
Amendment 150 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 17 – paragraph 3 By
Amendment 151 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 18 – paragraph 2 2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 3 shall be conferred on the Commission for a period of five years from the entry into force of this Regulation. The Commission shall draw up a report in respect of the delegation of power not later than
Amendment 152 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 18 – paragraph 4 4. Before adopting a delegated act, the Commission shall consult national experts nominated by the Member States in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016 and relevant experts from the industry.
Amendment 153 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 19 – paragraph 1 1. The Commission shall be assisted by the Digital Transport and Trade Facilitation Committee. That Committee shall be a committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/201116
Amendment 154 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 21 – paragraph 2 2. It shall apply from [OP- insert four years after entry into force of this Regulation] or one year after the adoption of all the delegated and implementing acts planned in the Regulation, whichever date is the latest.
Amendment 155 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 21 – paragraph 3 3. The functionalities referred to in point (d) of Article 7(2) and those related to the customs formalities specified in point 7 of Part A of the Annex shall become effective after evaluation and proof of full functionality of EMSWe and implementation and interoperation of all other data elements of EMSWe data set between National Single Windows of participating Member States and when the electronic systems referred to in Article 6(1) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 which are necessary for the application of those formalities are operational, in accordance with the work programme established by the Commission pursuant to Articles 280 and 281 of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.
Amendment 156 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I – part C – paragraph 1 – point 7 a (new) 7 a. Employment
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 1 (1) Directive 2010/65/EU of the European Parliament and the Council9 requires Member States to accept the fulfilment of reporting obligations for ships arriving in and departing from Union ports in electronic format and to ensure their transmission via a single window in order to facilitate and expedite maritime transport. _________________ 9 Directive 2010/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 on reporting formalities for ships arriving in and/or departing from ports of the Member States and repealing Directive 2002/6/EC (OJ L 283, 29.10.2010, p. 1).
Amendment 31 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 2 a (new) (2 a) Whereas both the European Parliament and the Council have frequently called for more interoperability and more comprehensive, user-friendly communication and information flows to help citizens and businesses make full use of the internal market and to strengthen internal market tools to better meet the needs of citizens and businesses when they conduct cross-border activities.
Amendment 32 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 3 (3) 'Th
Amendment 33 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 3 (3) This Regulation is aimed at facilitating the transmission of information. The application of this Regulation should not alter the substance of reporting obligations, and should not affect subsequent storage and processing of information at Union level or at national level; it should also conform with the GDPR.
Amendment 34 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 3 a (new) (3a) The aim of this harmonisation is to defuse situations in which ports in different Member States compete on administration. The race to cut administration costs to the bone leads to competition between ports which is both unfair and dangerous for the workers who are in contact with the goods and the ships (seafarers, dockers etc).
Amendment 35 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 3 a (new) (3 a) This Regulation pursues to harmonize different data elements making sure that the same data sets are reported to each relevant authority in the same format, thereby enhancing the efficiency of maritime transport and facilitating trade.
Amendment 36 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 4 (4) The existing National Single Windows in each Member State should be maintained as the basis for the European Maritime Single Window environment ('EMSWe'). The National Single Windows should constitute a comprehensive reporting entry point for maritime transport operators, performing the functionalities of data collection from the declarants and data distribution to all relevant competent authorities. A governance dimension, with a clear legal basis, should be developed for each National Single Window so that they have the competences and responsibilities to collect, store and distribute the data to the relevant authorities, and so that any relevant information received in accordance with this Regulation is made available to their National Single Windows via the SafeSeaNet system in accordance with Article 22a of the Directive 2002/59/EC;
Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 4 a (new) (4 a) Existing reporting channels and services providers should be maintained in case additional data requests arise in extraordinary circumstances. This flexibility should be allowed not only to Member States, but also to relevant competent authorities, as they are responsible for assessing the risks involved in clearing the ship, its cargo, its passengers and its crew, if any on board.
Amendment 38 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 (5) The front-end interfaces of these National Single Windows, on the side of the declarants, should be harmonised at Union level, in order to facilitate reporting and further reduce administrative burden.
Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 (5) The front-end interfaces of these National Single Windows, on the side of the declarants, should be harmonised at Union level, in order to facilitate reporting and further reduce administrative burden.
Amendment 40 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 (5) The front-end interfaces of these National Single Windows, on the side of the declarants, should be harmonised at Union level, in order to facilitate reporting and further reduce administrative burden.
Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 (5) The front-end interfaces of these National Single Windows, on the side of the declarants, should be harmonised at Union level, in order to facilitate reporting and further reduce administrative burden. This harmonisation should be achieved by the application in every National Single Window of a common interface software for system-to-system exchange of information developed at Union level. The Member States should bear the responsibility for integrating and managing this interface module that should be technology neutral in order not to prevent innovation, and for updating the software regularly and timely when new versions are provided by the Commission. The Commission should develop the module and provide updates when needed.
Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 (5) The front-end interfaces of these National Single Windows, on the side of the declarants, should be harmonised at Union level, in order to facilitate reporting and further reduce administrative burden. This harmonisation should be achieved by the application in every National Single Window of a common interface software for system-to-system exchange of information developed at Union level. The Member States should bear the responsibility for integrating
Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 a (new) (5 a) Existing reporting channels provided by Member States and service providers should be maintained as optional entry points for reporting, taking into account that these systems are functioning well and offer a customised means for maritime operators to fulfil their reporting formalities that might be better suited to some environments, in addition to representing substantial investment by many stakeholders.
Amendment 44 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 a (new) (5a) The Commission shall take all necessary precautions during development of the interface to ensure it is completely compatible with all existing systems. Interoperability of systems is vital to ensuring that no port will see its business suffer as a result of setting up the system.
Amendment 45 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 a (new) (5 a) Existing system-to-system reporting channels and Port Community Systems should be maintained as entry points for reporting, taking into account that these systems are functioning well, in addition to representing substantial investment by many stakeholders.
Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 6 (6) Emerging new digital technologies present ever-growing opportunities to increase the efficiency of the maritime trans
Amendment 47 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 6 (6) Emerging new digital technologies present ever-growing opportunities to increase the efficiency of the maritime trans
Amendment 48 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 6 (6) Emerging new digital technologies present ever-growing opportunities to increase the efficiency of the maritime trans
Amendment 49 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 6 (6) Emerging new digital technologies present ever-growing opportunities to increase the efficiency of the maritime trans
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 8 a (new) (8 a) In order to improve the quality and efficiency of a detailed data set in the information flows, both data elements and definitions need to be aligned. In this respect, the Commission should support the development of an IMO independent data reference model and consider adopting it.
Amendment 51 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 9 (9) In order to enable the functioning of the EMSWe, it is necessary to establish a comprehensive EMSWe data set which should cover all information elements that might be requested by national authorities or port operators for administrative or operational purposes, when a ship makes a port call. Since the scope of reporting obligations varies from one Member State to another, a National Single Window in a given Member State should be designed to accept the EMSWe data set without any modification, and disregard any information not relevant for that Member State. As the aim of this Regulation is the harmonization of data requirements, the Commission should define the data set in details and participate in the IMO independent data reference model.
Amendment 52 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 10 (10) The relevant reporting obligations contained in the Union and international legal acts should be listed in the Annex to this Regulation. These reporting obligations should provide the basis for establishment of the comprehensive EMSWe data set. The Annex should also refer to the relevant categories of reporting obligations at the national level, and the Member States should be able to request the Commission to amend the EMSWe data set on the basis of reporting obligations contained in their national legislation. The Union legal act which amends the EMSWe data set on the basis of a reporting obligation contained in the national legislation should include explicit reference to that national legislation. The comprehensive data set should also include the legislation applicable to seafarers and other staff on board of a vessel calling at a European port, especially as regards working conditions, health and safety at work.
Amendment 53 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 14 (14) In order to improve the efficiency of maritime transport and to limit the duplication of information which must be provided for operational purposes when a ship makes a port call, the information provided by the declarant to a National Single Window
Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 19 (19) The power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union should be delegated to the Commission in order to supplement this Regulation by establishing the EMSWe data set and by determining definitions, categories and data specifications for the data elements. The same power should be delegated to the Commission in order to amend the Annex to incorporate reporting obligations existing at the national level as well to take into account any new reporting obligations adopted in the Union legal acts. The Commission should ensure that the common data requirements, formats and codes established in the Union and international legal acts listed in the Annex are respected. The Commission should also take into account the work realized at IMO level on data in the framework of the Fuel Oil Data Collection System. It is also of particular importance that the Commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work, including at expert level, and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016. In particular, to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts, the European Parliament and the Council receive all documents at the same time as Member States’ experts, and their experts systematically have access to meetings of Commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts.
Amendment 55 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 24 (24) The Commission should carry out an evaluation of this Regulation. Information should be collected in order to inform that evaluation and allow the assessment of the performance of the legislation against the objectives it pursues. The European Commission should also evaluate the opportunity to have a truly centralized and harmonized European reporting system via the set up of a central reporting interface.
Amendment 56 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 2 a (new) (2 a) "The EU Level Access Point Interface (EU-API)" is a voluntary reporting interface for declarants, for routing system-to-system data to National Single Windows. It facilitates, through the EU deployed reporting interface, two-way information exchanges between the data providers and the national level data recipients who access it via their National Single Windows. The Commission and Member States shall be responsible for ensuring the connection between the EU- API and the National Single Windows and re-evaluate the establishment of an EU-API after 6 years in case the adopted Regulation does not include the EU-API.
Amendment 57 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 3 a (new) (3 a) "The Graphical User Interface (GUI)" is a single reporting entry point - developed at EU level - for two-way web based user-to-system data submission to the National Single Windows. It includes harmonized web pages and features that ensure a common navigation flow and data upload experience for users. This ensures a coherent and seamless mechanism for fulfilling reporting obligations within the scope of this regulation irrespective of where the GUI is deployed.
Amendment 58 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 3 a (new) (3 a) "graphical user interface (GUI)" means a web interface for two-way web based user-to-system data submission to a single window. A GUI includes harmonised web pages and features that ensure a common navigation flow and data upload experience for a declarant fulfilling reporting obligations within the scope of this Regulation irrespective of where the GUI is deployed.
Amendment 59 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 3 b (new) (3 b) "common access point interface" means an optional or voluntary filing point for declarants for routing system-to- system data to the harmonised reporting interface modules of the respective single windows. This shall be developed as an added functionality of the harmonised reporting interface modules. It shall facilitate two-way exchanges of information between declarants and the relevant authorities who shall access it via their own single window.
Amendment 60 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 1 1. The Commission shall lay down a complete list of data elements (the ‘EMSWe data set’) on the basis of the reporting obligations set out in the Union and international legal acts listed, and the national legislation referred to, in the Annex, also taking into account the work realized at IMO level in the framework of the Fuel Oil Data Collection System. The Commission shall ensure that the common data requirements, format and codes established in the Union legal acts listed in the Annex are respected.
Amendment 61 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. The Commission shall consider whether to include provisions concerning the reporting of information on fumigation gases used to protect goods transported either in bulk or in containers. This information will enable workers who are in contact with the goods to work safely in the proper conditions.
Amendment 62 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 b (new) 2b. The Commission shall consider whether to include development of 'ship safety data sheets' like those currently being drawn up by the Social Dialogue Committee in the Ports Sector, to give dock workers working on these ships information on their condition and what equipment is needed to work on them in safety.
Amendment 63 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 c (new) 2c. The Commission shall consider whether to include in the information requested, documents relating to the working conditions of persons on board ships (employment contract, type of contract, length, etc.), in order to ensure compliance with said documents.
Amendment 64 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 d (new) 2d. The Commission shall consider whether to include in the information requested, documents relating to dangerous, polluting and toxic substances, in order to reduce all environmental hazards to a minimum and ensure safe working conditions for dock workers.
Amendment 65 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 3 Amendment 66 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 4 a (new) 4 a. When establishing the EMSWe data set, the Commission should take into consideration the development of the IMO independent data reference model.
Amendment 67 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 a (new) Article 3 a The Commission shall include in the data set the legislation applicable to seafarers and other staff on board of a vessel calling at a European port, especially as regards working conditions, health and safety at work.
Amendment 68 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 1. Where a Member State or a relevant authority via that Member State intends to introduce or amend a reporting obligation, under its national legislation, which would involve the provision of information other than that included in the EMSWe data set, that Member State shall immediately notify the Commission. In this notification, the Member State shall precisely identify the information not covered by the EMSWe data set and indicate the intended time period of application of the reporting obligation in question.
Amendment 69 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 a (new) 1 a. A Member State shall not introduce new reporting requirements, except under duly justified and exceptional circumstances, unless this has been approved by the Commission in accordance with Article 3 (2) and the new reporting requirement has been incorporated into the reporting interfaces. The Commission shall provide a decision on the introduction of a new reporting requirement within 60 days following the receipt of the notification by the Member State.
Amendment 70 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 a (new) 1 a. A Member State shall not introduce new reporting requirements, except under duly justified and exceptional circumstances, unless this has been approved by the Commission in accordance with Article 3(2) and the new reporting requirement has been incorporated into the reporting interfaces.
Amendment 71 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 a (new) 1 a. A Member State shall not introduce new reporting requirements, except under justified and exceptional circumstances, unless this has been approved by the Commission in accordance with Article 3(2) and the new reporting requirement has been incorporated into the reporting module.
Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 2 a (new) 2 a. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the introduction of new reporting requirements under exceptional circumstances, as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the Commission is empowered to adopt a delegated act in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18 to define when such circumstances referred to in paragraph 1 shall be considered to be exceptional.
Amendment 73 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 2 a (new) 2 a. The Commission shall be empowered in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18, to elaborate via a delegated act the types of exceptional circumstances referred to in paragraph 1.
Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 2 a (new) 2 a. The Commission shall identify via a delegated act what constitutes the exceptional circumstances referred to in this Article.
Amendment 75 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 Each Member State shall establish a National Single Window where, in accordance with this Regulation and without prejudice to Article 6, all information necessary for the fulfilment of reporting obligations shall be provided once, by means of and in compliance with the EMSWe data set, for the purpose of this information being made available to the relevant authorities of the Member States. Each National Single Window should have a clear governance dimension with a legal base in order to ensure a smooth processing, flow and handling of data between authorities and between Member States.
Amendment 76 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 a (new) The Member States shall ensure that a governance dimension with a clear legal basis is developed to provide each National Single Window with the competences required to efficiently collect store and distribute the data to the relevant authorities and so that any relevant information received in accordance with this Regulation is made available to other National Single Windows via the SafeSeaNet system in accordance with Article 22a of the Directive 2002/59/EC
Amendment 77 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 Member States shall be responsible for the development, availability, maintenance, security and operation of their National Single Windows. They may also jointly develop a shared Single Window with one or more other Member States, in accordance with this Regulation and without prejudice to Article 6, in order to improve interoperability and interconnection between Member States.
Amendment 78 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 Member States shall be responsible for the development, availability, maintenance, security of data storage and data flow, and operation of their National Single Windows.
Amendment 79 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2 Member States shall be responsible for the development, availability, maintenance, security and smooth operation of their National Single Windows.
Amendment 80 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 1 a (new) 1 a. For the use of NSW reporting purposes declarants may provide the necessary data by giving access through harmonized reporting interface module to the interface of their information systems (open interfaces) in a standard, easy to edit and computer-readable format.
Amendment 81 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. The Commission shall develop and update a harmonised
Amendment 82 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. The Commission
Amendment 83 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. The Commission
Amendment 84 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. The Commission
Amendment 85 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. The Commission shall develop and update a harmonised reporting interface module for the National Single Windows. This module shall include the possibility to exchange information between the information system used by the declarant and the National Single Window, and duly take into account how users can design or programme their reporting systems so that they can implement this new system.
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 2 2. The Commission shall develop and update a harmonised reporting interface module for the National Single Windows (within two years after entry into force of this Regulation). This module shall include the possibility to exchange information between the information system used by the declarant and the National Single Window.
Amendment 87 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1 (new) The Member States shall ensure a governance mechanism is developed providing the National Single Window the competencies required to collect, store and distribute the data to the competent authorities.
Amendment 88 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 2 a (new) 2 a. The Commission shall, in close cooperation with the Member States, develop (within five years after entry into force of this Regulation) a voluntary optional common access point interface as an added functionality of the harmonised reporting interface modules, provided that the harmonised reporting interface modules have been implemented fully in accordance with paragraph 11 of this article. The access point interface shall consist of a common user interface jointly managed by the Commission and the participating Member States which shall be integrated with the harmonised reporting interface modules. The access point interface shall provide the possibility to use a single connection for system to system exchange of data between declarants and participating Member States´ reporting interface modules.
Amendment 89 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 Amendment 90 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point a (a) the compatibility of the National Single Window with the reporting interface
Amendment 93 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point a a (new) (a a) Adherence with the functional and technical specifications for the reporting interface module in accordance with paragraph 11 of this article;
Amendment 94 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point b (b) the timely integration of the reporting interface
Amendment 95 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new) (b a) the provision of an easy-to-use harmonised Graphical User Interface (GUI), with a similar look and feel, for the exchange of data between a declarant and a Single Window that allows for two- way communication between the data provider and the relevant authorities. This shall adhere to the functional and technical specifications of the harmonised GUI as developed in accordance with paragraph 11 of this Article;
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new) (b a) the provision of an easy-to-use harmonized Graphical User interface (GUI) based on common technical functional specifications developed at EU level for the exchange of data between the declarants and the National Single Window that allows for two-way communication between the data provider and the relevant authorities;
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new) (b a) the provision of a simple and straightforward graphical user interface (GUI) for the exchange of data between the declarants and the National Single Window that allows for two-way communication between the data provider and the relevant authorities.
Amendment 98 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point d (d) the provision of an online support website in the official languages(s) of that Member State and in English, without prejudice to the principle of multilingualism enshrined in the TFEU.
Amendment 99 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 – point d (d) the provision of a help desk and of an online support website in the official language(s) of that Member State and in English.
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