Progress: Procedure completed
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 59-p4, TFEU 016-p2, TFEU 019-p2, TFEU 021-p2, TFEU 024-p1, TFEU 167-p5, TFEU 168-p5
Legal Basis:
RoP 59-p4, TFEU 016-p2, TFEU 019-p2, TFEU 021-p2, TFEU 024-p1, TFEU 167-p5, TFEU 168-p5Subjects
- 1.10 Fundamental rights in the EU, Charter
- 1.20 Citizen's rights
- 1.20.09 Protection of privacy and data protection
- 4.10.03 Child protection, children's rights
- Programmes and actions for gender equality
- 4.10.06 People with disabilities
- 4.10.08 Equal treatment of persons, non-discrimination
- 4.10.09 Women condition and rights
- 4.45 Common cultural area, cultural diversity
- Action to combat violence, trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling
The European Parliament adopted a legislative resolution approving the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1381/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EU) No 390/2014.
Programme objectives
The Programme seeks to protect and promote rights and values as enshrined in the Treaties, the Charter and the applicable international human rights conventions, in particular by supporting civil society organisations and other stakeholders active at local, regional, national and transnational level, and by encouraging civic and democratic participation, in order to sustain and further develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies which are based on the rule of law.
Within the general objective, the Programme has the following specific objectives, which correspond to strands:
(1) to protect and promote Union values (Union values strand);
(2) to promote rights, non-discrimination and equality, including gender equality, and to advance gender mainstreaming and the mainstreaming of non-discrimination (equality, rights and gender equality strand);
(3) to promote citizens' engagement and participation in the democratic life of the Union and exchanges between citizens of different Member States, and to raise awareness of their common European history (citizens' engagement and participation strand);
(4) to fight violence, including gender-based violence (Daphne strand).
The financial envelope for the implementation of the programme for the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2027 is set at EUR 641 705 000 in current prices, with the following breakdown:
- EUR 297 366 097 (46.34%) for the new Union values strand;
- EUR 169 410 120 (26.4%) for the Equality, Rights and Gender Equality and Daphne strand;
- 174 928 783 (i.e. 27.26%) for the Citizens’ engagement strand.
Following the programme-specific adjustment foreseen by Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093 laying down the MFF 2021-2027, the total amount is increased by an additional allocation of EUR 800 000 000 (in 2018 prices), of which 43 % (up to EUR 344 000 000) for the Union values strand.
In a joint declaration, the European Parliament and the Council agree that the Union values strand of the programme should be substantially funded from 1 January 2021.
The Commission is invited to take appropriate measures to achieve this objective, and in particular to assess the use made of the flexibility instruments within the legal framework of the annual EU budget for 2021, in accordance with the activation criteria set out in the MFF regulation.
The regulation also sets out the forms of Union funding, the rules for granting such funding, and the system of governance of the programme.
The European Parliament adopted by 472 votes to 129, with 41 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council etablishing the Rights and Values programme.
The European Parliament’s position adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission proposal as follows:
The proposed Regulation shall establish a programme called "Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values" for the period 2021-2027, with the following general objectives:
Union values strand
The Programme shall focus on protecting, promoting and raising awareness on rights by providing financial support to civil society organisations active at local, regional and transnational level in promoting and cultivating these rights, thereby also strengthening the protection and promotion of Union values and the respect for the rule of law and contributing to the construction of a more democratic Union, democratic dialogue, transparency and good governance.
Equality, Rights and Gender Equality strand
The Programme shall focus on promoting equality and preventing and combating inequalities and discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin.
It shall also focus on: (i) promoting women’s full enjoyment of rights, gender equality, including work-life balance, women’s empowerment and gender mainstreaming; (ii) combating racism, xenophobia and all forms of intolerance including homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and interphobia and intolerance on the basis of gender identity, both online and offline; (iii) protecting and promoting the rights of the child and persons with disabilities; (iv) protecting and promoting Union citizenship rights and the right to the protection of personal data.
Citizens engagement and participation strand
The Programme shall focus on:
- supporting projects aimed at commemorating defining events in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, and at raising awareness among European citizens, of their common history, culture, cultural heritage and values, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Union, its origins, purpose, diversity and achievements and of the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance;
- promoting citizens and representative associations’ participation in and contribution to the democratic and civic life of the Union by making known and publicly exchanging their views in all areas on Union action;
- promoting exchanges between citizens of different countries, in particular through town-twinning and networks of towns, so as to afford them practical experience of the wealth and diversity of the common heritage of the Union and to make them aware that these constitute the foundation for a common future.
Daphne strand
The Programme shall focus on preventing and combating at all levels all forms of gender-based violence against women and girls and domestic violence, also by promoting the standards laid down in the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention). It shall support and protect all direct and indirect victims of such violence, such as domestic violence exerted within the family or violence in intimate relationships.
Parliament proposed the financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021-2027 to be EUR 1 627 000 000 in 2018 prices [EUR 1 834 000 000 in current prices]. It shall be divided as follows:
- EUR 754 062 000 for the new Union values strand;
- EUR 429 372 000 (i.e. 26.39% of the total financial envelope) for the Equality, rights and gender equality and Daphne strand;
- EUR 443 566 000 (i.e. 27.26% of the total financial envelope) for the Active citizenship strand
Civil Dialogue Group
The Commission shall set up a ‘Civil Dialogue Group’ aimed at ensuring a regular, open and transparent dialogue with the beneficiaries of the Programme and other relevant stakeholders in order to exchange experiences and good practices and to discuss policy developments within the fields and objectives covered by the Programme and related fields.
The European Parliament adopted by 426 votes to 152, with 45 abstentions, amendments to the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Rights and Values programme.
The matter was referred back to the competent committee for interinstitutional negotiations.
The main amendments adopted in plenary concern the following issues:
Parliament proposed that this Regulation shall establish the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme for the period 2021-2027. The general objectives of the Programme shall be to:
- Union value strand: to protect and promote democracy and the rule of law at local, regional, national and transnational level;
- Equality, Rights and Gender Equality strand: to promote equality, including gender equality, rights, non-discrimination and advance gender mainstreaming;
- Active Citizenship strand: to raise citizens’, in particular young people’s, awareness of the importance of the Union through activities aimed at keeping alive remembrance of the historic events that led to its creation, and to promote democracy, freedom of expression, pluralism, civic engagement as well as meetings of citizens and their active participation in the democratic life of the Union, the programme should support intercultural and interreligious dialogue as a factor for social peace in Europe;
- Daphne strand: to fight violence, including gender based violence for example, by supporting civil society organisations that facilitate access to justice and victim support services.
Union values strand
Members proposed introducing this new strand with the aim of:
- protecting and promoting democracy and the rule of law in particular by supporting civil society activities that promote the independence of the judiciary;
- providing support for independent human rights defenders and civil society organisations undertaking monitoring compliance with the rule of law, for whistleblower defence and for initiatives that promote the shared culture of transparency, good governance and fight against corruption;
- promoting the construction of a more democratic Union as well as protecting and raising awareness of the rights and values enshrined in the Treaties.
The financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 1 627 000 000 in 2018 prices . It shall be divided as follows:
- EUR 754 062 000 for the new Union values strand;
- EUR 429 372 000 (i.e. 26.39% of the total financial envelope) for the Equality, rights and gender equality and Daphne strand;
- EUR 443 566 000 (i.e. 27.26% of the total financial envelope) for the Active citizenship strand.
Implementation and forms of EU funding
The Programme may provide funding in any of the forms laid down in the Financial Regulation, primarily through action grants as well as annual and multiannual operating grants. That funding shall be implemented in such a way as to ensure sound financial management, prudent use of public funds, lower levels of administrative burden for the Programme operator and for beneficiaries, as well as accessibility of the Programme funds to potential beneficiaries. Lump sums, unit costs, flat rates and cascading grants (financial support to third parties) may be used. Co-funding shall be accepted in kind and may be waived in cases of limited complementary funding.
Values Support Mechanism
In exceptional cases, where there is a serious and rapid deterioration in a Member State as regards compliance with Union values enshrined in Article 2 TEU, and those values are at risk of not being sufficiently protected and promoted, the Commission may open a call for proposals in the form of a fast-track procedure for grant applications for civil society organisations, with a view to facilitate, support and enhance the democratic dialogue in the Member State in question and to address the problem of insufficient compliance with the values enshrined in Article 2 TEU.
Programme Contact Points
Members proposed that in each Member State there shall be an independent programme contact point with qualified staff tasked, in particular, with providing the stakeholders and beneficiaries of the Programme with impartial guidance, practical information and assistance regarding all aspects of the Programme, including in relation to the application procedure.
The Commission should maintain a regular, open and transparent dialogue with the beneficiaries of the programme as well as with other relevant stakeholders by setting up a civil dialogue group. This group should contribute to the exchange of experiences and best practices.
The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs adopted the report by Bodil VALERO (Greens/EFA, SE) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Rights and Values programme.
The Committee on Culture and Education and the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, exercising their prerogatives as associated committees in accordance with Rule 54 of the Rules of Procedure, also gave their opinions on the report.
The committee recommended that the European Parliament's position adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure should amend the Commission's proposal as follows.
Subject matter
Members proposed that this Regulation shall establish the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme.
The general objectives of the Programme shall be to:
- Union value strand : to protect and promote democracy and the rule of law at local, regional, national and transnational level;
- Equality, Rights and Gender Equality strand : to promote equality, including gender equality, rights, non-discrimination and advance gender mainstreaming;
- Active Citizenship strand : to raise citizens’, in particular young people’s, awareness of the importance of the Union through activities aimed at keeping alive remembrance of the historic events that led to its creation, and to promote democracy, freedom of expression, pluralism, civic engagement as well as meetings of citizens and their active participation in the democratic life of the Union;
- Daphne strand : to fight violence, including gender based violence.
Union values strand
Members proposed introducing this new strand with the aim of:
- protecting and promoting democracy and the rule of law;
- providing support for independent human rights defenders and civil society organisations undertaking monitoring compliance with the rule of law, for whistleblower defence and for initiatives that promote the shared culture of transparency, good governance and fight against corruption;
- promoting the construction of a more democratic Union as well as protecting and raising awareness of the rights and values enshrined in the Treaties.
The financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 1 627 000 000 in 2018 prices. It shall be divided as follows:
- EUR 754 062 000 for the new Union values strand;
- EUR 429 372 000 (i.e. 26.39% of the total financial envelope) for the Equality, rights and gender equality and Daphne strand;
- EUR 443 566 000 (i.e. 27.26% of the total financial envelope) for the Active citizenship strand.
Implementation and forms of EU funding
The Programme may provide funding in any of the forms laid down in the Financial Regulation, primarily through action grants as well as annual and multiannual operating grants. That funding shall be implemented in such a way as to ensure sound financial management, prudent use of public funds, lower levels of administrative burden for the Programme operator and for beneficiaries, as well as accessibility of the Programme funds to potential beneficiaries. Lump sums, unit costs, flat rates and cascading grants (financial support to third parties) may be used. Co-funding shall be accepted in kind and may be waived in cases of limited complementary funding.
Values Support Mechanism
In exceptional cases, where there is a serious and rapid deterioration in a Member State as regards compliance with Union values enshrined in Article 2 TEU, and those values are at risk of not being sufficiently protected and promoted, the Commission may open a call for proposals in the form of a fast-track procedure for grant applications for civil society organisations, with a view to facilitate, support and enhance the democratic dialogue in the Member State in question and to address the problem of insufficient compliance with the values enshrined in Article 2 TEU.
Programme Contact Points
In each Member State there shall be an independent programme contact point with qualified staff tasked, in particular, with providing the stakeholders and beneficiaries of the Programme with impartial guidance, practical information and assistance regarding all aspects of the Programme, including in relation to the application procedure.
PURPOSE: to establish the rights and values programme for the period 2021-2027.
PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
BACKGROUND: the Union is a community of law , and its values constitute the very basis of its existence. These values are enshrined in the EU Treaties, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
To promote common European values and rights, the EU has combined several instruments in a policy mix of legislation, policies and funding. In particular, the following funding programmes have showed a strong societal focus and are clearly related to European values: the rights, equality and citizenship programme, the Europe for citizens programme , and the justice programme .
However, the fragmented nature and limited resources of current EU funding programmes limits the EU’s capacity to respond to existing and new challenges.
At a time where European societies are confronted with extremism, radicalism and divisions, it is more important than ever to promote, strengthen and defend justice, rights and EU values which are human rights, respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law.
That is why the Commission proposes to create a new justice, rights and values fund , including the rights and values and justice programmes within the EU budget.
CONTENT: the proposed Regulation - presented for a Union of 27 Member States – seeks to establish the rights and values programme . It lays down the objectives of the programme, the budget for the period 2021- 2027, the forms of Union funding and the rules for providing such funding.
This new programme, together with the justice programme, will be part of a new justice, rights and values fund of the EU budget that will help to sustain open, democratic, pluralist and inclusive societies.
The general objective of the proposed rights and values programme is to protect and promote rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights , including by supporting civil society organisations, in order to sustain open, democratic and inclusive societies.
The programme has three specific objectives:
(1) Promotion of equality and rights (equality and rights strand) :
preventing and combating inequalities and discrimination on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, and supporting comprehensive policies to promote gender equality and anti-discrimination and their mainstreaming as well policies to combat racism and all forms of intolerance; protecting and promoting the rights of the child, the rights of people with disabilities, Union citizenship rights and the right to the protection of personal data.
(2) Promoting citizens' engagement and participation in the democratic life of the Union (citizens’s engagement and participation strand) :
increasing citizens’ understanding of the Union, its history, cultural heritage and diversity; promoting exchange and cooperation between citizens of different countries and citizens’ civic and democratic participation.
(3) Combating violence (Daphne strand) : preventing and combating all forms of violence against children, young people and women and violence against other groups at risk; and supporting and protecting the victims of such violence.
The programme shall provide for and accelerate the synergies between its different specific objectives in order to increase their potential to reach citizens. To be effective, the programme shall take into account the specific nature of the different policies, their different target groups and their particular needs through tailor-made approaches.
Proposed budget : the programme’s overall budget is set at EUR 641.7 million for the period 2021-2027 . This amount shall be allocated as follows:
EUR 408.7 million for the ‘equality and rights’ and ‘fight against violence’ strands; EUR 233 million for the citizen engagement and participation strand.
- Final act published in Official Journal: Regulation 2021/692
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 156 05.05.2021, p. 0001
- Draft final act: 00023/2021/LEX
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament, 2nd reading: T9-0137/2021
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A9-0144/2021
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A9-0144/2021
- Commission communication on Council's position: COM(2021)0216
- Commission communication on Council's position: EUR-Lex
- Council position: 06833/1/2020
- Council position published: 06833/1/2020
- Committee draft report: PE691.326
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2019)440
- Decision by Parliament, 1st reading: T8-0407/2019
- Committee of the Regions: opinion: CDR3890/2018
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament, 1st reading: T8-0040/2019
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A8-0468/2018
- Committee opinion: PE627.931
- Committee opinion: PE627.907
- Committee opinion: PE625.488
- Committee opinion: PE627.900
- Committee opinion: PE628.563
- Committee opinion: PE627.615
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE629.631
- Contribution: COM(2018)0383
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES2950/2018
- Committee of the Regions: opinion: CDR3994/2018
- Committee draft report: PE628.434
- Contribution: COM(2018)0383
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SWD(2018)0290
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SWD(2018)0291
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2018)0383
- Legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex SWD(2018)0290
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex SWD(2018)0291
- Committee draft report: PE628.434
- Committee of the Regions: opinion: CDR3994/2018
- Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report: CES2950/2018
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE629.631
- Committee opinion: PE627.615
- Committee opinion: PE627.900
- Committee opinion: PE628.563
- Committee opinion: PE625.488
- Committee opinion: PE627.907
- Committee opinion: PE627.931
- Committee of the Regions: opinion: CDR3890/2018
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2019)440
- Committee draft report: PE691.326
- Council position: 06833/1/2020
- Commission communication on Council's position: COM(2021)0216 EUR-Lex
- Committee recommendation tabled for plenary, 2nd reading: A9-0144/2021
- Draft final act: 00023/2021/LEX
- Contribution: COM(2018)0383
- Contribution: COM(2018)0383
- Bodil VALERO
Plenary Speeches (3)
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Dobromir SOŚNIERZ
Plenary Speeches (2)
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Michał BONI
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Silvia COSTA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Marek JUREK
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Barbara KUDRYCKA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Cécile Kashetu KYENGE
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Notis MARIAS
Plenary Speeches (1)
A8-0468/2018 - Bodil Valero - Am 113=114= #
A8-0468/2018 - Bodil Valero - Am 21 #
A8-0468/2018 - Bodil Valero - Am 73/1 #
A8-0468/2018 - Bodil Valero - Am 73/2 #
A8-0468/2018 - Bodil Valero - Proposition de la Commission #
A8-0468/2018 - Bodil Valero - Am 116 17/04/2019 13:09:38.000 #
HU | CY | EL | SK | IE | DK | EE | LV | LT | SI | LU | MT | BG | FI | HR | AT | PL | CZ | GB | PT | SE | BE | NL | RO | FR | IT | ES | DE | ||
Total |
Poland ECRFor (16)Against (1) |
United Kingdom ECR |
Germany ECR |
Italy ENF |
United Kingdom EFDDFor (8)Against (1) |
France EFDDFor (6) |
Italy EFDDFor (3)Against (7)Abstain (2) |
NI |
Greece NIFor (5) |
Greece GUE/NGLAgainst (5) |