Progress: Awaiting final decision
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | ITRE |
HARMS Rebecca (![]() |
LANGEN Werner (![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Committee Opinion | BUDG |
Lead committee dossier:
The European Parliament adopted by 569 votes to 17, with 32 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation establishing the nuclear decommissioning assistance programme of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania (Ignalina programme) and repealing Council Regulation (EU) No 1369/2013.
Parliament approved the Commission proposal subject to the following amendments:
Members clarified the programme’s general objective as being to adequately assist Lithuania in safely implementing Ignalina nuclear power plant decommissioning. This would include the safety of the interim spent fuel storage.
It assigns as the programme’s complementary objective to ensure broad dissemination in all Member States of the generated knowledge on nuclear decommissioning. This complementary objective shall be funded by the financial assistance programme for decommissioning of nuclear facilities and management of radioactive waste.
Although the Commission proposed to set the financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme over the period 2021-2027 at EUR 552 million expressed in current prices, Parliament proposed to increase the financial envelope to EUR 780 million expressed in current prices for the implementation of the main objective of the Programme (decommissioning activities).
Taking into account the findings of the Commission's 2018 report on the evaluation and implementation of EU nuclear decommissioning assistance programmes in Bulgaria, Slovakia and Lithuania, as well as Lithuania's political commitment to contribute 14% of the total cost of decommissioning, the EU co-financing rate, Members proposed that the overall EU co-financing rate applicable under the programme be 86% (compared to 80% proposed by the Commission).
Parliament proposed for the safe handling and storage of spent nuclear fuel to be upgraded to the category of a critical nuclear safety issue (in contrast to the category of “lesser challenges” in the Commission’s proposal).
Members proposed that while the disposal of spent fuel and radioactive waste in a deep geological repository is excluded from the scope of the programme over the 2021-2027 period, Lithuania and the EU should begin, in due time, consultations regarding the potential inclusion of those activities in the scope of the programme under the subsequent Multiannual Financial Framework.
Lastly, Parliament recalled that it should be an ethical obligation for each Member State to avoid any undue burden on future generations in respect of spent fuel and radioactive waste, including any radioactive waste expected from decommissioning of existing nuclear installations. National policies have to be based on the ‘polluter pays’ principle.
Text adopted by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy adopted the report by Rebecca HARMS (Greens/EFA, DE) on the proposal for a Council regulation establishing the nuclear decommissioning assistance programme of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania (Ignalina programme) and repealing Council Regulation (EU) No 1369/2013.
The Committee’s main amendments are as follows:
It clarified the programme’s general objective as being to adequately assist Lithuania in safely implementing Ignalina nuclear power plant decommissioning. This would include the safety of the interim spent fuel storage .
It assigns as the programme’s complementary objective to ensure broad dissemination in all Member States of the generated knowledge on nuclear decommissioning . This complementary objective shall be funded by the financial assistance programme for decommissioning of nuclear facilities and management of radioactive waste because dissemination is not mentioned in the Protocol No 4 of Lithuania’s EU accession treaty which created the Ignalina programme.
The Committee increased the financial allocation for the implementation of the programme over the 2021-2027 period to EUR 780 000 000 in current prices for the implementation of the main objective of the programme (decommissioning activities). It considered that the amount proposed by the Commission fails to take into account that the process of dismantling the Unit 2 will start in 2026 and last beyond 2027, whereas sufficient funding for this task must be accumulated before the start of the works. Otherwise, the national regulator will not be in a position to authorise the commencement of the dismantling of the Unit 2 reactor.
Members proposed that the overall EU co-financing rate applicable under the Programme should be 86% ( in contrast to the 80% proposed by the Commission). Since the inception of the programme, Lithuania has contributed about 14% to direct decommissioning activities. However, given that certain related activities (such as physical and fire safety of the plant) are not covered by the Ignalina programme, the actual contribution by Lithuania is higher. The proposal to increase Lithuania’s share to 20% would present a significant financial burden for Lithuania.
The Committee also upgraded the safe handling and storage of spent nuclear fuel to the category of a critical nuclear safety issue (in contrast to the category of “lesser challenges” in the Commission’s proposal).
The Committee proposes that while the disposal of spent fuel and radioactive waste in a deep geological repository isexcluded from the scope of the programme over the 2021-2027 period, Lithuania and the EU should begin, in due time, consultations regarding the potential inclusion of those activities in the scope of the programme under the subsequent Multiannual Financial Framework . It considers that the EU, in solidarity with Lithuania, should include the disposal of spent fuel and radioactive waste within the scope of the Ignalina programmes in the future Multiannual Financial Frameworks to at least co-finance the beginning of these extremely expensive works, such as the search for the suitable site, research and excavation.
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
PURPOSE: to establish the nuclear decommissioning assistance programme of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania (Ignalina programme).
PROPOSED ACT: Council Regulation.
ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the Council adopts the act after consulting the European Parliament but without being obliged to follow the opinion of the latter.
BACKGROUND: in the context of its accession to the European Union, Lithuania made a commitment to close and subsequently decommission two nuclear reactors of the same type as in Chernobyl in the Ignalina nuclear power plant. As an act of solidarity with Lithuania, the European Union committed itself, through Lithuania's Accession Treaty, to providing adequate financial assistance for the decommissioning of Ignalina nuclear power plant.
The Ignalina programme has the general objective of assisting Lithuania in managing the radiological safety challenges of the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant.
The programme's mid-term evaluation concluded that the current programme is coherent with EU policies aiming at ensuring the highest level of nuclear safety. Lithuania has progressed effectively and efficiently in the decommissioning of its reactors in line with the baseline agreed in 2014 (i.e. decommissioning plan). The analysis also demonstrated that substantially improved levels of safety are going to be achieved at the site as a result of the Union funding in this multiannual financial framework.
The programme has been conducted through several financial periods and will be finalised by 2038. The Commission considers that the programme is expected to meet important milestones with the funding provided in this multiannual financial framework (2014-2020). However, substantial amounts are still required in order to address the remaining key radiological safety issues related to its decommissioning. Beyond 2020, the raising of additional funds needed until 2038 for the decommissioning of Ignalina nuclear power plant calls for a careful follow-up as the financing gap is sizable (EUR 1331 million).
CONTENT: the draft regulation - presented for a Union of 27 Member States - establishes the nuclear decommissioning assistance programme of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania. It lays down the objectives of the Programme, the budget for the period 2021 – 2027, the forms of Union funding and the rules for providing such funding.
The programme will focus in the next multiannual financial framework on radiological safety challenges of the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant where the greatest EU added value can be achieved (i.e. progressive decrease of the level of radiological hazard for the workers, the public and the environment in Lithuania but also in the EU as a whole).
The Programme has the specific objective of carrying out the dismantling and decontamination of the Ignalina equipment and reactor shafts in accordance with the decommissioning plan and disseminating the generated knowledge among EU stakeholders.
The proposal:
sets out the level of shared effort between the EU and Lithuania in decommissioning the Ignalina nuclear power plant; sets a yearly ceiling for EU payment maximum Union co-financing rate at 80%; introduces a major simplification with respect to the current programme, i.e. the use of a multiannual work programme, which reflects the nature of decommissioning programmes; defines the process for the multiannual work programme revision over a period which is commensurate to the programme nature and provides the Commission with adequate tools to introduce corrective measures if necessary.
Budget : the financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021 - 2027 shall be EUR 552 million in current prices.
Legislative proposal
PURPOSE: to establish the nuclear decommissioning assistance programme of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania (Ignalina programme).
PROPOSED ACT: Council Regulation.
ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the Council adopts the act after consulting the European Parliament but without being obliged to follow the opinion of the latter.
BACKGROUND: in the context of its accession to the European Union, Lithuania made a commitment to close and subsequently decommission two nuclear reactors of the same type as in Chernobyl in the Ignalina nuclear power plant. As an act of solidarity with Lithuania, the European Union committed itself, through Lithuania's Accession Treaty, to providing adequate financial assistance for the decommissioning of Ignalina nuclear power plant.
The Ignalina programme has the general objective of assisting Lithuania in managing the radiological safety challenges of the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant.
The programme's mid-term evaluation concluded that the current programme is coherent with EU policies aiming at ensuring the highest level of nuclear safety. Lithuania has progressed effectively and efficiently in the decommissioning of its reactors in line with the baseline agreed in 2014 (i.e. decommissioning plan). The analysis also demonstrated that substantially improved levels of safety are going to be achieved at the site as a result of the Union funding in this multiannual financial framework.
The programme has been conducted through several financial periods and will be finalised by 2038. The Commission considers that the programme is expected to meet important milestones with the funding provided in this multiannual financial framework (2014-2020). However, substantial amounts are still required in order to address the remaining key radiological safety issues related to its decommissioning. Beyond 2020, the raising of additional funds needed until 2038 for the decommissioning of Ignalina nuclear power plant calls for a careful follow-up as the financing gap is sizable (EUR 1331 million).
CONTENT: the draft regulation - presented for a Union of 27 Member States - establishes the nuclear decommissioning assistance programme of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania. It lays down the objectives of the Programme, the budget for the period 2021 – 2027, the forms of Union funding and the rules for providing such funding.
The programme will focus in the next multiannual financial framework on radiological safety challenges of the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant where the greatest EU added value can be achieved (i.e. progressive decrease of the level of radiological hazard for the workers, the public and the environment in Lithuania but also in the EU as a whole).
The Programme has the specific objective of carrying out the dismantling and decontamination of the Ignalina equipment and reactor shafts in accordance with the decommissioning plan and disseminating the generated knowledge among EU stakeholders.
The proposal:
sets out the level of shared effort between the EU and Lithuania in decommissioning the Ignalina nuclear power plant; sets a yearly ceiling for EU payment maximum Union co-financing rate at 80%; introduces a major simplification with respect to the current programme, i.e. the use of a multiannual work programme, which reflects the nature of decommissioning programmes; defines the process for the multiannual work programme revision over a period which is commensurate to the programme nature and provides the Commission with adequate tools to introduce corrective measures if necessary.
Budget : the financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021 - 2027 shall be EUR 552 million in current prices.
Legislative proposal
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2019)150
- Decision by Parliament: T8-0035/2019
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Debate in Parliament: Go to the page
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A8-0413/2018
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE628.644
- Committee draft report: PE627.763
- Legislative proposal: COM(2018)0466
- Legislative proposal: Go to the pageEur-Lex
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2018)0466
- Legislative proposal published: Go to the page Eur-Lex
- Committee draft report: PE627.763
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE628.644
- Legislative proposal: COM(2018)0466 Go to the pageEur-Lex
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2019)150
- Rebecca HARMS
- Zigmantas BALČYTIS
Plenary Speeches (1)
- José Inácio FARIA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Ingeborg GRÄSSLE
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Antanas GUOGA
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Werner LANGEN
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Notis MARIAS
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Carolina PUNSET
Plenary Speeches (1)
A8-0413/2018 - Rebecca Harms - Vote unique #
Amendments | Dossier |
35 |
35 amendments...
Amendment 19 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 1 (1) In accordance with Protocol No 4 of the 2003 Act of Accession on the Ignalina nuclear power plant (13 ) Lithuania committed itself to the premature closure of Unit 1 and Unit 2 of the Ignalina nuclear power plant by 31 December 2004 and 31 December 2009 respectively, and to the subsequent decommissioning of those units. _________________ 13 OJ L 236, 23.9.2003, p. 944.
Amendment 20 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 2 (2) In line with its obligations under the Act of Accession and with Union assistance, Lithuania shut down the two units within the respective deadlines and made significant progress towards their decommissioning. Further work is necessary in order to continue the decrease of the level of radiological hazard. Based on the available estimates and the foreseen final closure date in 2038 , additional financial resources are required for this purpose post 2020 and beyond .
Amendment 21 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 4 (4) Recognising that the premature shutdown and consequent decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant with two 1 500 MW RBMK type (graphite moderated, channel-type) reactor units inherited from the Soviet Union was of an unprecedented nature, given that there have been no cases in practice anywhere in the world of a reactor of a similar design being dismantled, and represented for Lithuania an exceptional financial burden not commensurate with the size and economic strength of the country, Protocol No 4 stated that the Union assistance under the Ignalina programme is to be seamlessly continued and extended beyond 2006, for the period of the next Financial Perspectives.
Amendment 22 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 4 (4) Recognising that the premature shutdown and consequent decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant with two 1 500 MW RBMK type reactor units inherited from the Soviet Union was of an unprecedented nature and represented for Lithuania an exceptional financial burden not commensurate with the size and economic strength of the country, Protocol No 4 stated that the Union assistance under the Ignalina programme is to be seamlessly continued and extended beyond 2006, for the period of the next Financial Perspectives until the final closure date which is currently foreseen in 2038 .
Amendment 23 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 4 a (new) (4a) The storage of spent fuel at the Ignalina interim waste store might give rise to security-related questions.
Amendment 24 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 10 (10) The Programme should also ensure dissemination of knowledge gained from the Programme to all Member States, in coordination and synergy with the other relevant Union programme for decommissioning activities in Bulgaria, Slovakia and the Commission's Joint Research Centre
Amendment 25 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 11 (11) The decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant should be carried out with recourse to the best available technical expertise, and with due regard to the nature and technological specifications of the installations to be decommissioned, in order to ensure safety and the highest possible efficiency, thus taking into account international best practices and specialists.
Amendment 26 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 12 (12) An effective monitoring and control of the evolution of the decommissioning process should be ensured by the Commission and Lithuania in order to assure the highest Union added value of the funding allocated under this Regulation
Amendment 27 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 12 (12) An effective monitoring and control of the evolution of the decommissioning process should be ensured by the Commission and Lithuania in order to assure the highest Union added value of the funding allocated under this Regulation, although the ultimate responsibility for the decommissioning rests with Lithuania. This includes effective m
Amendment 28 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 16 (16) The programme should be conducted with a joint financial effort of the Union and Lithuania
Amendment 29 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 16 (16) The programme should be conducted with a joint financial effort of the Union and Lithuania.
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 16 (16) The programme should be conducted with a joint financial effort of the Union and Lithuania.
Amendment 31 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 16 (16) The programme should be conducted with a joint financial effort of the Union and Lithuania. A maximum Union co-financing threshold should be established in line with the co-financing practice established under the predecessor programmes. Taking into account the practice of comparable Union programmes and the strengthened Lithuanian economy, from the inception of the Ignalina decommissioning programme until the end of the implementation of the activities financed under this Regulation, the Union co-financing rate should be
Amendment 32 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 19 (19) The Programme falls within the scope of the Lithuanian National Programme under the Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom and may contribute to its implementation without prejudice to this Directive.
Amendment 33 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 23 a (new) (23 a) Due to historical reasons, Union financial support in decommissioning the Ignalina nuclear reactor is fully justified, but the program should not set a precedent for the use of Union funds in the decommissioning of other nuclear reactors. It should be an ethical obligation for each Member State to avoid any undue burden on future generations in respect of spent fuel and radioactive waste, including any radioactive waste expected from decommissioning of existing nuclear installations. National policies have to be based on the "polluter pays principle".
Amendment 34 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 23 b (new) (23 b) Commission Recommendation 2006/851/Euratom indicates that in accordance with the "polluter pays principle", nuclear operators should set aside adequate financial resources during the productive life of the installations for the future decommissioning costs.
Amendment 35 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 1 1. The general objective of the Programme is to assist Lithuania in implementing Ignalina nuclear power plant decommissioning, with specific emphasis on managing the radiological safety challenges of the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant
Amendment 36 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 1 1. The general objective of the Programme is to assist Lithuania in implementing Ignalina nuclear power plant decommissioning, with specific emphasis on managing the radiological safety challenges of the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant, whilst ensuring broad dissemination to all EU Member States of knowledge thereby generated on
Amendment 37 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 1 1. The general objective of the Programme is to fully assist Lithuania in safely implementing Ignalina nuclear power plant decommissioning, with specific emphasis on managing the radiological safety challenges of the decommissioning of the Ignalina nuclear power plant
Amendment 38 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 2. The Programme has the main specific objective to carry out the dismantling and decontamination of the Ignalina equipment and reactor shafts in accordance with the decommissioning plan, continue with the safe management of the decommissioning and legacy waste
Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 2. The Programme has the
Amendment 40 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1 (new) The main specific objective shall be complemented by the aim to disseminate the knowledge gained form the Programme among Union stakeholders.
Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. The Programme also has the complementary objective to ensure broad dissemination of the knowledge generated on decommissioning nuclear facilities with the same type of reactor in other Member States.
Amendment 42 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 3 3.
Amendment 43 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021 - 2027 shall be EUR
Amendment 44 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021 - 2027 shall be EUR
Amendment 45 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021 - 2027 shall be EUR
Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021 - 2027 shall be EUR
Amendment 47 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021
Amendment 48 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 1 Amendment 49 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 1 The overall maximum Union co-financing rate applicable under the Programme shall be no
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 1 The overall maximum Union co-financing rate applicable under the Programme shall be no
Amendment 51 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 1 The overall maximum Union co-financing rate applicable under the Programme shall
Amendment 52 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 1 The overall maximum Union co-financing rate applicable under the Programme shall be no higher than 80%.
Amendment 53 #
Proposal for a regulation Annex I – point 7 7. The final disposal of spent fuel and radioactive waste in a deep geological repository
source: 628.644
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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