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2019/0076(NLE) EU/Gambia Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and Implementation Protocol

Progress: Preparatory phase in Parliament

Former Responsible Committee PECH
Committee Opinion DEVE
Committee Opinion BUDG
Former Committee Opinion BUDG José Manuel FERNANDES (icon: PPE PPE), Eider GARDIAZABAL RUBIAL (icon: S&D S&D), Francisco GUERREIRO (icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE), Hélène LAPORTE (icon: ID ID)
Former Committee Opinion DEVE
Legal Basis:
TFEU 043-p2, TFEU 218-p6a, TFEU 218-p7


   EC - Document attached to the procedure

PURPOSE: signature, on behalf of the European Union, and provisional application of a Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia and its Implementation Protocol.

PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision.

BACKGROUND: the Commission negotiated on behalf of the European Union a new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia as well as a new Implementation Protocol to the Partnership Agreement. The Partnership Agreement and the Protocol were initialled at the end of those negotiations on 19 October 2018.

The Partnership Agreement repeals the previous Agreement that was concluded between the Government of the Republic of The Gambia and the European Economic Community on fishing off the coast of The Gambia and that entered into force on 2 June 1987.

The objective of the Protocol is to enable the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia to work more closely together to promote a sustainable fisheries policy and a responsible exploitation of fisheries resources in Gambian waters.

In order to ensure an expeditious start of fishing activities by Union vessels, the Partnership Agreement and the Implementation Protocol should be applied provisionally upon their signature.

CONTENT: the Commission proposes that the Council decide to approve, on behalf of the European Union, the signing of the Partnership Agreement on Sustainable Fisheries between the European Union and the Republic of Gambia and its Protocol of Implementation, subject to the conclusion of these two acts.

The main aim of the new Agreement is to provide an updated framework taking into account the priorities of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy and its external dimension, with a view to establishing a strategic partnership between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia in the field of fisheries.

The aim of the Protocol is to grant fishing opportunities to European Union vessels in Gambian waters taking into account available scientific assessments.

The Protocol provides for fishing opportunities in the following categories:

- 28 tuna seiners;

- 10 pole-and-line vessels;

- 3 trawlers (targeting black hake, a deep-sea demersal species).

The annual financial contribution is EUR 550 000, based on:

- an annual amount for access to the fisheries resources in the Gambian fishing zone of EUR 275 000 equivalent to a reference tonnage, for highly migratory species, of 3 300 tonnes per year;

- support for development of the sectoral fisheries policy of The Gambia, amounting to EUR 275 000 a year. This support meets the objectives of The Gambia’s national policy on the sustainable management of continental and maritime fishery resources.

The negotiation of a new Fisheries Partnership Agreement with The Gambia forms part of the Union’s external action in relation to ACP countries and takes into account, in particular, Union objectives on respecting democratic principles and human rights.

The new Agreement and the new Protocol covers a period of six years from the date of provisional application.

   EC - Legislative proposal published

PURPOSE: to approve the conclusion of a sustainable fisheries partnership agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia and of the implementation protocol thereto.

PROPOSED ACT: Council decision.

ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Council may adopt the act only if Parliament has given its consent to the act.

BACKGROUND: the Commission negotiated a new agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia on sustainable fisheries and a protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and the corresponding financial contribution. At the end of the negotiations, the partnership agreement and the protocol were initialled on 19 October 2018.

The partnership agreement and the protocol have been provisionally applied from the date of their signature. They should now be approved on behalf of the European Union.

CONTENT: the Commission proposes that the Council decide to approve, on behalf of the Union, the sustainable fisheries partnership agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia and its implementation protocol.


The new agreement repeals and replaces the existing agreement, which entered into force on 2 June 1987. Its objective is to provide an updated framework, taking into account the priorities of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy and its external dimension, with a view to establishing a strategic partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Gambia in the fisheries sector.

The aim of the Protocol is to grant fishing opportunities to European Union vessels in Gambian waters taking into account available scientific assessments, in particular those of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), and in accordance with the best available scientific advice and the recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), within the limits of the available surplus.

Fishing opportunities

The Protocol provides for fishing opportunities in the following categories:

- 28 tuna seiners;

- 10 pole-and-line vessels;

- 3 trawlers (targeting black hake, a deep-sea demersal species).

Financial consideration

The annual financial contribution amounts to EUR 550 000, based on

- an annual amount of EUR 275 000 for access to the fisheries resources in the Gambian fishing zone, equivalent to a reference tonnage, for highly migratory species, of 3 300 tonnes per year;

- support for the development of Gambia's sectoral fisheries policy amounting to EUR 275 000 per year. This support is in line with the objectives of Gambia's national policy for the sustainable management of continental and marine fisheries resources.

The new agreement covers a period of 6 years from the date of its provisional application, that being the date on which it is signed by the parties and is renewable by tacit agreement.



(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

Responsible Committee
name: AVRAM Carmen group: Group of Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats abbr: S&D
Responsible Committee
  • body: EC dg: Maritime Affairs and Fisheries commissioner: VELLA Karmenu
  • type: Responsible Committee body: EP committee_full: Fisheries committee: PECH associated: False date:
  • type: Former Responsible Committee body: EP committee_full: Fisheries committee: PECH associated: False date:
  • type: Committee Opinion body: EP committee_full: Development committee: DEVE associated: False date:
  • type: Committee Opinion body: EP committee_full: Budgets committee: BUDG associated: False date:
  • type: Former Committee Opinion body: EP committee_full: Development committee: DEVE associated: False date:
  • type: Former Committee Opinion body: EP committee_full: Budgets committee: BUDG associated: False date:
  • date: 2019-03-12T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2019)0134 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2019&nu_doc=0134 title: EUR-Lex summary: PURPOSE: signature, on behalf of the European Union, and provisional application of a Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia and its Implementation Protocol. PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision. BACKGROUND: the Commission negotiated on behalf of the European Union a new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia as well as a new Implementation Protocol to the Partnership Agreement. The Partnership Agreement and the Protocol were initialled at the end of those negotiations on 19 October 2018. The Partnership Agreement repeals the previous Agreement that was concluded between the Government of the Republic of The Gambia and the European Economic Community on fishing off the coast of The Gambia and that entered into force on 2 June 1987. The objective of the Protocol is to enable the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia to work more closely together to promote a sustainable fisheries policy and a responsible exploitation of fisheries resources in Gambian waters. In order to ensure an expeditious start of fishing activities by Union vessels, the Partnership Agreement and the Implementation Protocol should be applied provisionally upon their signature. CONTENT: the Commission proposes that the Council decide to approve, on behalf of the European Union, the signing of the Partnership Agreement on Sustainable Fisheries between the European Union and the Republic of Gambia and its Protocol of Implementation, subject to the conclusion of these two acts. The main aim of the new Agreement is to provide an updated framework taking into account the priorities of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy and its external dimension, with a view to establishing a strategic partnership between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia in the field of fisheries. The aim of the Protocol is to grant fishing opportunities to European Union vessels in Gambian waters taking into account available scientific assessments. The Protocol provides for fishing opportunities in the following categories: - 28 tuna seiners; - 10 pole-and-line vessels; - 3 trawlers (targeting black hake, a deep-sea demersal species). The annual financial contribution is EUR 550 000, based on: - an annual amount for access to the fisheries resources in the Gambian fishing zone of EUR 275 000 equivalent to a reference tonnage, for highly migratory species, of 3 300 tonnes per year; - support for development of the sectoral fisheries policy of The Gambia, amounting to EUR 275 000 a year. This support meets the objectives of The Gambia’s national policy on the sustainable management of continental and maritime fishery resources. The negotiation of a new Fisheries Partnership Agreement with The Gambia forms part of the Union’s external action in relation to ACP countries and takes into account, in particular, Union objectives on respecting democratic principles and human rights. The new Agreement and the new Protocol covers a period of six years from the date of provisional application. type: Document attached to the procedure body: EC
  • date: 2019-03-12T00:00:00 type: Legislative proposal published body: EC docs: url: title: COM(2019)0135 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2019&nu_doc=0135 title: EUR-Lex summary: PURPOSE: to approve the conclusion of a sustainable fisheries partnership agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia and of the implementation protocol thereto. PROPOSED ACT: Council decision. ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Council may adopt the act only if Parliament has given its consent to the act. BACKGROUND: the Commission negotiated a new agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia on sustainable fisheries and a protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and the corresponding financial contribution. At the end of the negotiations, the partnership agreement and the protocol were initialled on 19 October 2018. The partnership agreement and the protocol have been provisionally applied from the date of their signature. They should now be approved on behalf of the European Union. CONTENT: the Commission proposes that the Council decide to approve, on behalf of the Union, the sustainable fisheries partnership agreement between the European Union and the Republic of The Gambia and its implementation protocol. Objectives The new agreement repeals and replaces the existing agreement, which entered into force on 2 June 1987. Its objective is to provide an updated framework, taking into account the priorities of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy and its external dimension, with a view to establishing a strategic partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Gambia in the fisheries sector. The aim of the Protocol is to grant fishing opportunities to European Union vessels in Gambian waters taking into account available scientific assessments, in particular those of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), and in accordance with the best available scientific advice and the recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), within the limits of the available surplus. Fishing opportunities The Protocol provides for fishing opportunities in the following categories: - 28 tuna seiners; - 10 pole-and-line vessels; - 3 trawlers (targeting black hake, a deep-sea demersal species). Financial consideration The annual financial contribution amounts to EUR 550 000, based on - an annual amount of EUR 275 000 for access to the fisheries resources in the Gambian fishing zone, equivalent to a reference tonnage, for highly migratory species, of 3 300 tonnes per year; - support for the development of Gambia's sectoral fisheries policy amounting to EUR 275 000 per year. This support is in line with the objectives of Gambia's national policy for the sustainable management of continental and marine fisheries resources. The new agreement covers a period of 6 years from the date of its provisional application, that being the date on which it is signed by the parties and is renewable by tacit agreement.
EU/Gambia Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and Implementation Protocol
Gambia, The
NLE - Non-legislative enactments
Consent by Parliament
Preparatory phase in Parliament