Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | ENVI | POLČÁK Stanislav ( EPP), SPUREK Sylwia ( S&D), HOJSÍK Martin ( Renew), METZ Tilly ( Verts/ALE), WIŚNIEWSKA Jadwiga ( ECR), HAZEKAMP Anja ( GUE/NGL), EVI Eleonora ( NA) | BRUNA Annika ( ID) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 136-p5
Legal Basis:
RoP 136-p5Events
The European Parliament adopted by 607 votes to 3 with 19 abstentions a resolution tabled by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety on protecting the EU’s internal market and consumer rights against the negative implications of the illegal trade in companion animals.
Members recalled that NGOs, law enforcement services, competent authorities and veterinarians have produced evidence of the growing number of companion animals that are illegally traded across Member States, often by organised crime networks, through evasion of controls, document falsification and widespread misuse of Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 , which is intended for the non-commercial movement of pet animals.
Parliament stressed that illegal trafficking in dogs and cats not only has disastrous repercussions for animal welfare, but also poses risks to public health and consumer protection.
Members called for the following measures:
Identification and registration of cats and dogs
Parliament insisted that a harmonised, EU-wide system of mandatory identification and registration of cats and dogs is a necessary first step in the fight against illegal trade in companion animals, and that these were two essential conditions for control, enforcement and traceability.
The Commission is urged to make full use of its delegated powers under the Animal Health Law and to come forward with a proposal for detailed, EU-wide, compatible systems for the means and methods of identification and registration of cats and dogs, setting a minimum threshold for the information required for individual animal identification and establishing rules for the exchange of electronic data between databases in the Member States.
Members called for a clear link between the EU pet passport and pet microchip registration to ensure that the origin of the companion animal remains clear even if the pet passport is replaced. They called on Member States to introduce policies to mark and register all cats and dogs by default as part of the fight against animal abuse.
EU action plan to address the illegal trade in companion animals
Members called on the Commission to draw up a cross-sectoral EU action plan to address the illegal trade in companion animals in the EU, taking on board the views of the European Parliament, the Member States and the relevant stakeholders. They considered:
- that a uniform EU definition of large-scale commercial breeding facilities, known as puppy mills, is necessary to tackle the illegal trade in companion animals;
- it necessary to take measures to prohibit breeding and marketing practices that are detrimental to the health, welfare and behavioural development of pets;
- it necessary for citizens to be better informed about the trade in companion animals and the possible risks of purchasing animals online or without regard for legal procedures.
Controls and better enforcement of EU legislation
Parliament called on the Member States to improve law enforcement and to apply tougher sanctions – which should be effective, proportionate and dissuasive – against economic operators, veterinarians and national competent authorities in source, transit and destination countries who supply counterfeit pet passports, in order to curb the illegal trafficking of companion animals efficiently.
The Commission is called on to propose common standards for the breeding and marketing of cats and dogs to be put in place across the EU with the aim of preventing unfair commercial practices.
Member States should:
- ensure that detailed rules are in place for the monitoring of companion animal breeders and appropriate oversight by veterinarians;
- be encouraged to set up a compulsory register of authorised companion animal breeders and sellers that can be accessed by those responsible in other Member States;
- introduce in-country compliance monitoring with regular checks on traders and permit holders.
Cooperation, communication and training
Parliament invited the Commission and Member States to build on and disseminate the output of the Voluntary Initiative Subgroup on Health and Welfare of Pets in Trade within the framework of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare and to adopt measures to address the illegal trade in companion animals in forthcoming legislative and non-legislative work by 2024. In this context, there is an urgent need for active cooperation and the exchange of best practices between all Member States.
The Commission is called on to put forward measures, including the use of technologies and tailor-made training, to better equip customs and veterinary authorities to detect the smuggling of companion animals.
Lastly, Member States are invited to carry out more information and awareness-raising campaigns to encourage the adoption from trustworthy animal rescue centres, rather than the purchase, of companion animals and to inform citizens about the negative effects of the illegal trade in companion animals.
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2020)136
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T9-0035/2020
- Motion for a resolution: B9-0088/2020
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B9-0003/2020
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B9-0004/2020
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE643.211
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE642.917
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE642.917
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE643.211
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B9-0003/2020
- Oral question/interpellation by Parliament: B9-0004/2020
- Motion for a resolution: B9-0088/2020
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2020)136
- Stanislav POLČÁK
Plenary Speeches (2)Institutional Motions (1)
- Eleonora EVI
Plenary Speeches (1)Institutional Motions (1)
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Sylwia SPUREK
Plenary Speeches (1)Institutional Motions (1)
- Nicola BEER
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Isabella ADINOLFI
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Miriam DALLI
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Lívia JÁRÓKA
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Mairead McGUINNESS
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Clare DALY
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Peter POLLÁK
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Manuel BOMPARD
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Francisco GUERREIRO
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Edina TÓTH
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Vlad-Marius BOTOŞ
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
B9-0088/2020 - Am 7 #
B9-0088/2020 - Résolution #
Amendments | Dossier |
107 |
107 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Citation 1 a (new) – having regard to Article 13 TFEU, which stipulates that, in formulating and implementing Union policies, the Union and the Member States shall, since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to their welfare requirements,
Amendment 10 #
Citation 5 a (new) Amendment 100 #
Paragraph 21 a (new) 21a. Calls on the Commission and Member States to build on the recommendations of the EU Coordinated Control Plan on online sales of dogs and cats through the development of partnerships between authorities, databases, websites and animal welfare organisations to come up with a precise measures against the misleading advertising and illegal online trade of dogs and cats;
Amendment 101 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 22 22. Recognises the important role played by animal protection associations and NGOs in the fight against the illegal trafficking of companion animals; calls furthermore, on Member States to provide animal rescue centres and animal protection associations/NGOs with adequate financial and other material and non-material support;
Amendment 102 #
Paragraph 22 22. Recognises the
Amendment 103 #
Paragraph 22 a (new) Amendment 104 #
Paragraph 23 a (new) 23a. Highlights the fact that there are already existing national and in some cases regional databases containing identification information on companion animals; considers that these should be used as compatible and interoperable systems interconnected between each other to allow traceability across the EU;
Amendment 105 #
Paragraph 23 b (new) 23b. Highlights that Member States should ensure staff at the borders are adequately trained in the procedures and rules that apply for the importation of companion animals from listed and unlisted third countries and are enforcing these rules;
Amendment 106 #
Paragraph 24 24. Calls on the Member States to carry out more awareness-raising campaigns to
Amendment 107 #
Paragraph 24 24. Calls on the Member States to carry out more information and awareness- raising campaigns to encourage buyers to adopt rather than purchase companion animals;
Amendment 11 #
Citation 8 a (new) – having regard to the study on the welfare of dogs and cats involved in commercial practices financed by the European Commission (SANCO 2013/12364),
Amendment 12 #
Citation 8 b (new) – having regard to the outcomes of the EU Coordinated Control Plan on online sales of dogs and cats3a, _________________ 3aEuropean Commission (2019). The EU coordinated control plan for the official controls on online sales of dogs and cats: Analysis of the results: other_aspects/online_dog-cat_en
Amendment 13 #
Citation 8 c (new) – having regard to the EU Coordinated Control Plan on online sales of dogs and cats,
Amendment 14 #
Recital A A. whereas
Amendment 15 #
Recital A A. whereas a significant number of companion animals are illegally traded across Member States through the deliberate misuse of Regulation (EU) No 576/2013, which is intended for the non- commercial movements of pet animals, when they should be transported under Council Directive 92/65/EEC; whereas this trafficking is facilitated by the disappearance of national borders;
Amendment 16 #
Recital B B. whereas it is estimated that the illegal trade in companion animals within the EU can generate very high profits for the actors involved, including illegal breeders, thus impacting unfavourably the profitability of the legal breeding sector;
Amendment 17 #
Recital B B. whereas it is estimated that the illegal trade in companion animals within
Amendment 18 #
Recital B a (new) Ba. whereas many adverts offering animals for sale online come from illegal sources;
Amendment 19 #
Recital C C. whereas no common rules exist at the EU level concerning the breeding of companion animals and differences between Member States in breeders’ standards of animal welfare have led to big differences in prices of companion animals on the internal market, which is exploited by illegal traders;
Amendment 2 #
Citation 1 b (new) – having regard to Article 13 TFEU on animal sentience and on paying full regard to animal welfare requirements when formulating and implementing the Union’s policies,
Amendment 20 #
Recital C C. whereas legislative differences between Member States in breeders’ standards of animal welfare have led to big differences in prices of companion animals that may be sold on the internal market
Amendment 21 #
Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas illegal traffickers and sellers most often act with complete impunity as they know very well that the majority of consumers who have purchased a companion animal in a poor state of health will not take legal action;
Amendment 22 #
Recital D D. whereas the illegal breeding of cats and dogs often happens in terrible conditions; whereas
Amendment 23 #
Recital D D. whereas the illegal breeding of cats and dogs is often kept as cost-efficient as possible and happens in terrible conditions; whereas puppies are often separated from their mothers much too early, are poorly socialised, prone to disease and subjected to long journeys across the EU in cramped and filthy conditions with no food, water, or air-conditioning, and no breaks;
Amendment 24 #
Recital D D. whereas the illegal breeding of cats and dogs often happens in terrible conditions; whereas puppies are often separated from their mothers much too early and subjected to long journeys across
Amendment 25 #
Recital D a (new) Da. whereas it is highly traumatic for young companion animals, especially puppies, to be separated from their mothers too early; whereas such trauma leads to the animals having behavioural disorders, to the detriment of the consumer, and whereas these disorders are an aggravating factor in the risk of abandonment;
Amendment 26 #
Recital E E. whereas
Amendment 27 #
Recital E E. whereas pet passports are often counterfeited with veterinarians involved in this illegal practice; whereas in some Member States the authorities are turning a blind eye to this;
Amendment 28 #
Recital E E. whereas pet passports are too easy to forge and are therefore often counterfeited, with veterinarians involved in this illegal practice;
Amendment 29 #
Recital E E. whereas a large number of counterfeit pet passports are
Amendment 3 #
Citation 1 c (new) Amendment 30 #
Recital E E. whereas pet passports are often counterfeited with veterinarians, working in collusion with traffickers, involved in this illegal practice;
Amendment 31 #
Recital E E. whereas pet passports are often counterfeited, with veterinarians and national public services involved in this illegal practice;
Amendment 32 #
Recital E E. whereas pet passports are often counterfeited with veterinarians possibly also involved in this illegal practice;
Amendment 33 #
Recital F F. whereas illegally bred companion animals are very often not vaccinated; whereas there are various zoonotic risks associated with the illegal trafficking of companion animals, including the introduction of rabies from endemic parts of Europe into countries that are rabies- free, as well as the spreading of parasites such as Echinococcus multilocularis and others4, and diseases such as ringworm, mange and Leishmaniasis; _________________ 4 European Commission (2015). Study on the welfare of dogs and cats involved in commercial practices. Specific Contract SANCO 2013/12364, Final Report: imals/docs/aw_eu-strategy_study_dogs- cats-commercial-practices_en.pdf , p. 65; also EU Dog & Cat Alliance (2016): Briefing on the review of pet movement legislation under the “Animal Health Law.” https://s3-eu-west- .eu/live/media/publicationtemp/EU_Dog_C
Amendment 34 #
Recital F F. whereas illegally bred
Amendment 35 #
Recital F F. whereas illegally bred companion animals are
Amendment 36 #
Recital F a (new) Fa. whereas the Animal Health Law (Regulation (EU) 2016/429), which will apply from 21 April 2021, will facilitate greater transparency of the online trade in cats and dogs, and improve animal health and welfare; whereas Regulation (EU) 2016/429 strictly obliges all sellers, breeders, transporters and assembly centres of dogs and cats to register their establishments with the relevant national competent authority;
Amendment 37 #
Recital H H. whereas a very common method used to purchase companion animals in the EU is now through online classified adverts, followed closely by social media5; whereas consumers who purchase companion animals via online advertisements have little protection of their rights, whether at national or EU level; whereas the great majority of these consumers are acting in good faith but are poorly informed; whereas unaccounted numbers of illegally bred companion animals are sold on markets in Member States or directly out of cars along the internal borders of the EU; _________________ 5 EU Dog & Cat Alliance + Blue Cross (2017). Online Pet Sales in the EU: What’s the cost? https://s3-eu-west- .eu/live/media/publicationtemp/12195_- _EU_Pet_sales_report_spreads.pdf
Amendment 38 #
Recital H H. whereas a very common method used to purchase companion animals in the EU is now through online classified adverts, followed closely by social media;5 whereas consumers who purchase companion animals via online advertisements have little protection of their rights, whether at national or EU level; whereas
Amendment 39 #
Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas 65% of the respondents do not think the Internet is safe for its users and 90% agree that online hosting services should immediately remove content flagged as illegal by public or law enforcement authorities; whereas six in ten Internet users use an online social network at least once a week and most Internet users also use online market places at least occasionally, with 30% using them at least once a week; whereas 69% of internet users in the EU buys online with numbers increasing on an annual basis also when it comes to animals1a; _________________ 1a Flash Eurobarometer 464/2018 Report Illegal content online: copinion/index.cfm/ResultDoc/download/ DocumentKy/83669
Amendment 4 #
Citation 1 d (new) – having regard to Article 169 TFEU on consumer protection measures,
Amendment 40 #
Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas mistreatment of companion animals, including animals bred, kept and sold for the purpose of becoming pets in households, companion animals used for entertainment, sport and work like greyhounds and galgos, and stray animals remains a huge concern for many citizens; whereas (better) identification and registration of pets can be a useful tool in the battle against animal abuse;
Amendment 41 #
Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas in the destination countries, individuals specialise in the purchase of young animals, especially puppies, reared at low cost abroad, with the sole aim of reselling them for a profit; whereas such practices are harmful to professionals in the sector, to animals and to consumers;
Amendment 42 #
Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas more than 70% of the new diseases that have emerged in humans over recent decades are of animal origin, and animals commonly kept as pets are carrier hosts of 41 zoonoses, including rabies5a; _________________ 5aMichael J. Day et al (2012). Surveillance of Zoonotic Infectious Disease Transmitted by Small Companion Animals: -0664_article
Amendment 43 #
Recital H b (new) Hb. whereas pet animals of the species listed in Part A of Annex I of Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 may not be moved from one Member State to another Member State, unless they are marked by implantation of a transponder; whereas there is no requirement for harmonised mandatory identification of cats and dogs that stay within national borders and are not being moved to other Member States; whereas there are cats and dogs in Member States that remain unidentified and unregistered;
Amendment 44 #
Recital H b (new) Hb. whereas some individuals in the EU derive their main source of income from activities relating to the breeding and sale of young animals, especially puppies; whereas the majority of them seek to reduce the their ‘production’ costs through illegal or illegitimate practices; whereas such practices are harmful to professionals in the sector, to animals and to consumers;
Amendment 45 #
Recital H b (new) Hb. whereas the EU Coordinated Control Plan (CCP) on online sales of dogs and cats indicated inconsistency between activities and trader's status for 42% of controlled advertisements1b; _________________ 1bEU Coordinated Control Plan on online sales of dogs and cats: nimals/docs/reg- com_ahw_20190612_asf_aw-control- coord-plan-sale-dog-cats_eur.pdf
Amendment 46 #
Recital H b (new) Hb. whereas some classified ads websites are starting to adopt, on a voluntary basis, stricter rules to verify the identity of online sellers and improve the welfare of the animals;
Amendment 47 #
Recital H c (new) Hc. whereas the majority of Member States already have a certain level of requirements for the identification and registration of cats and dogs; whereas identification requirements for cats, dogs and ferrets are not harmonised resulting in misuse of country codes, duplicate and incorrect codes among others6a;whereas most registration databases are not interconnected and therefore limit traceability in the EU; _________________ 6aSee FOUR PAWS Report of 2016 “Identification, vaccination and movement of dogs and cats in the EU: How to improve the Pet Passport and TRACES systems?”http://www.lawyersforanimalpro content/uploads/2016/07/INSIDE-1.pdf
Amendment 48 #
Recital H c (new) Hc. whereas the number of thefts of companion animals, especially those with a high market value, is continuing to rise, and whereas this is fuelling the trafficking of companion animals to be re-sold or used for breeding purposes;
Amendment 49 #
Recital H d (new) Hd. having regard to the urgency and severity of the situation of animals affected by these forms of trafficking;
Amendment 5 #
Citation 1 e (new) – having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases (Animal Health Law) and the delegated and implementing powers conferred on the Commission,
Amendment 50 #
Paragraph -1 (new) -1. Stresses that the illegal trade in dogs and cats not only has catastrophic repercussions in terms of animal welfare but also poses risks in terms of public health and consumer protection;
Amendment 51 #
Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises that the identification and registration of cats and dogs is a crucial and necessary first step in the fight against illegal trade, and that registration and identification are key conditions for control, enforcement, and traceability
Amendment 52 #
Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises that the identification and registration of companion animals, especially cats and dogs, is a crucial and necessary first step in the fight against illegal trade, and that registration and identification are key conditions for control, enforcement, and traceability;
Amendment 53 #
Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises that the EU-wide harmonised system of mandatory identification and registration of cats and dogs is a crucial and necessary first step in the fight against illegal trade, and that registration and identification are key conditions for control, enforcement, and traceability;
Amendment 54 #
Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises that
Amendment 55 #
Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Considers it essential for ensuring the effective traceability of companion animals that they are microchipped by a veterinarian and recorded in a national animal identification and registration file; considers it vitally important for identification and registration files to contain the registration numbers of everyone who played a part in the life of the animal, including breeders and sellers as well as veterinarians, transporters and the owner;
Amendment 56 #
Paragraph 2 2. Urges the European Commission to
Amendment 57 #
Paragraph 2 2. Urges the European Commission to
Amendment 58 #
Paragraph 2 2. Urges the European Commission to come forward, via a delegated act under the Animal Health Law’s Articles 109 and 118, with a proposal for detailed, EU-wide compatible systems for the means and methods of identification and registration of cats and dogs in databases in the Member States, which should be interconnected;
Amendment 59 #
Paragraph 3 3. Calls for a clear linkage between the EU Pet Passport and Pet Microchip Registration to ensure that the origin of the companion animal remains clear even if the Pet Passport is replaced, through the systematic entry in passports of specific bar codes that can be easily read by those responsible;
Amendment 6 #
Citation 1 f (new) – having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 (‘Animal Health Law’) and to the powers granted to adopt delegated and implementing acts,
Amendment 60 #
Paragraph 3 3. Calls for a clear linkage between the EU Pet Passport and Pet Microchip Registration to ensure that the origin of the companion animal remains clear
Amendment 61 #
Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Calls on the Member States to introduce policies with the aim of marking and registering all cats and dogs by default in the battle against animal abuse;
Amendment 62 #
Paragraph 3 b (new) Amendment 63 #
Paragraph 4 4. Calls on the European Commission to draw up a cross-sectorial EU Action Plan to address the illegal trade in companion animals in the EU; considers that the Action Plan should take on board the views of the European Parliament, Member States and the relevant stakeholders and should clearly define the responsibilities of all stakeholders and decision-makers, including the Member States, the European Commission, border, customs and veterinary authorities, veterinarians and civil society organisations;
Amendment 64 #
Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Calls on the Commission and Member States to build on the results of the EU Coordinated Control Plan on online sales of dogs and cats and define precise measures to address the illegal online pet trade.
Amendment 65 #
Paragraph 5 5. Recommends that the European Commission involve in the Action Plan its different Directorate-Generals working on animal welfare, public health, consumer protection, internal market, and trafficking issues, as well as the breeders’ associations;
Amendment 66 #
Paragraph 6 6. Considers that a uniform EU definition of large-scale commercial breeding facilities, known as puppy mills, is necessary in order to tackle illegal trade, to guarantee the rule of law, and to preserve the rights of the legal breeding sector;
Amendment 67 #
Paragraph 6 6. Considers that a uniform EU definition of large-scale commercial breeding facilities, known as puppy mills, is necessary in order to
Amendment 68 #
Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Considers it necessary for citizens to be better informed about the trade in companion animals and the possible risks of purchasing animals online or without regard for legal procedures;
Amendment 69 #
Paragraph 7 7. Calls on the European Commission to improve the
Amendment 7 #
Citation 2 – having regard to Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 June 2013 on the non-commercial movement of pet animals and repealing Regulation (EC) No 998/20032 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 577/2013, _________________ 2 OJ L 178, 28.6.2013, p. 1.
Amendment 70 #
Paragraph 8 8. Supports the exclusion from the scope of the Directive on Contracts for the online and other distance sales of goods (2015/0288(COD)) of the sales of liv
Amendment 71 #
Paragraph 9 9. Is of the opinion that the illegal trafficking of companion animals could be curbed by improving law enforcement and
Amendment 72 #
Paragraph 9 9.
Amendment 73 #
Paragraph 9 9. Is of the opinion that the illegal trafficking of companion animals could be curbed by improving law enforcement and toughening sanctions against economic operators, veterinarians and national public services -
Amendment 74 #
Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Calls on the Member States to apply financial penalties according to Regulation (EC) 882/2004 that outweigh the benefit sought by economic operators including breeders and sellers advertising animals online in return for economic gain and in violation of EU and national legislation;
Amendment 75 #
Paragraph 9 a (new) 9a. Calls on the Member States to require their national veterinary bodies or organisations to impose sanctions on practitioners who forge pet passports by providing for the right to practise as a veterinarian to be suspended or removed;
Amendment 76 #
Paragraph 10 10. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to develop strategies for regulation or self-regulation of online companion animal adverts in order to stop misleading advertising and to better control the online sale of cats and dogs;
Amendment 77 #
Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Calls on the Commission to introduce mandatory requirements for online platforms to conduct minimum validation checks of the identity of the users advertising pets for sale online; underlines that any potential revisions within the respective legislative framework must lead to the better protection of consumers and animals;
Amendment 78 #
Paragraph 10 a (new) 10a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to ban the online sale of young animals by individuals and businesses that did not rear them;
Amendment 79 #
Paragraph 10 b (new) Amendment 8 #
Citation 3 Amendment 80 #
Paragraph 10 c (new) 10c. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary measures to strengthen sanctions against those responsible for the theft of companion animals;
Amendment 81 #
Paragraph 10 d (new) 10d. Calls on the Member States to introduce checks on the actual age of imported puppies and to take legal action against those who trade in animals whose passports have been forged;
Amendment 82 #
Paragraph 10 e (new) 10e. Calls on the Commission to make it compulsory for individuals and professionals to hold a European passport for all dogs, cats and ferrets born in the EU before any resale, even resale within the Member State in which the animal was born;
Amendment 83 #
Paragraph 10 f (new) 10f. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to introduce dissuasive sanctions for any cross border transactions of companion animals carried out without a passport;
Amendment 84 #
Paragraph 10 g (new) 10g. Calls on the Member States to introduce a permit for the keeping of companion animals, as some Member States and regions within Member States have already done;
Amendment 85 #
Paragraph 12 Amendment 86 #
Paragraph 13 13. Calls on the Commission to propose co
Amendment 87 #
Paragraph 13 13. Calls on the Commission to rapidly propose consistent and enforceable breeding rules for companion animals to be put in place across the EU;
Amendment 88 #
Paragraph 15 15. Considers that Member States should be encouraged to set up a compulsory register of authorised companion animal breeders and sellers that can be accessed by those responsible in other Member States;
Amendment 89 #
Paragraph 15 15. Considers that Member States should
Amendment 9 #
Citation 5 Amendment 90 #
Paragraph 17 17. Believes that the frequency of inspections should also be harmonised across the EU and carried out in cooperation with the customs, police and veterinary services of the Member States; believes that at least two unannounced inspections per year should be carried out at each breeding facility;
Amendment 91 #
Paragraph 18 18. Calls on the competent authorities of the Member States, in case of non- compliance with Regulation (EU) no 576/2013, to adhere strictly to the procedures laid down therein and to ensure the rehoming of any seized companion animals; calls, furthermore, on the Member States to adequately support and control animal rescue centres;
Amendment 92 #
Paragraph 18 18. Calls on the competent authorities of the Member States, in case of non- compliance with Regulation (EU) No 576/2013, to adhere strictly to the procedures laid down therein and to ensure the rehoming of any seized companion animals; calls, furthermore, on the Member States to provide adequate
Amendment 93 #
Paragraph 18 a (new) 18a. Welcomes the results delivered within the EU Platform on Animal Welfare and the Voluntary Initiative Subgroup on Health and Welfare of Pets in Trade; calls for the inclusion of the European Parliament and for balanced representation of civil society, competent authorities, businesses and scientists in the future work on animal welfare at the EU level, as well as for sufficient level of resources in order to ensure optimal progress;
Amendment 94 #
Paragraph 19 19. C
Amendment 95 #
Paragraph 19 19. Considers that there is an urgent need for
Amendment 96 #
Paragraph 19 a (new) Amendment 97 #
Paragraph 20 20. Advocates collaborative cross- agency working in Member States to tackle the illegal trade in companion animals, including developing an intelligence system to record and share data in respect of illegally traded commercial animal consignments and a warning system to flag up any anomalies detected;
Amendment 98 #
Paragraph 20 20. Advocates collaborative cross- agency working in Member States to tackle the illegal trade in companion animals, and to mitigate the associated zoonotic risk, including developing an intelligence system to record and share data in respect of illegally traded commercial animal consignments;
Amendment 99 #
Paragraph 21 21. C
source: 643.211
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