Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | ITRE | CARVALHO Maria da Graça ( EPP) | HRISTOV Ivo ( S&D), SOLÍS PÉREZ Susana ( Renew), NIINISTÖ Ville ( Verts/ALE), BORCHIA Paolo ( ID), ROOS Robert ( ECR), MATIAS Marisa ( GUE/NGL) |
Committee Opinion | BUDG |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
TFEU 187, TFEU 188 -a1
Legal Basis:
TFEU 187, TFEU 188 -a1Subjects
The European Parliament approved by 643 votes to 9, with 44 abstentions, following the consultation procedure, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a Council regulation on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking.
As a reminder, the proposed new regulation aims to establish the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC), with a budget of EUR 8 billion for the period 2021-2033.
Parliament approved the proposal subject to the following amendments:
Joint Undertaking’s missions
Members considered that the Joint Undertaking should have the following tasks:
- develop, deploy and extend and maintain a federated, secure, hyper-connected, world-class supercomputing and quantum computing ecosystem of services and data infrastructures in the EU, thus contributing to the EU's world-leading position in science, digital and industrial areas;
- support the development and operation, preferably within the EU, of innovative and competitive supercomputing systems based on a supply chain of critical raw materials and components, state-of-the-art technologies and knowledge limiting the risk of disruption, and to develop a wide range of optimised applications for these systems based on the principles of trust, openness, security, interoperability and portability
- extend the use of this supercomputing infrastructure to a large number of public and private users in the EU, with particular attention to SMEs and start-ups, including those in the research and development phase;
- supporting the development of advanced digital skills, competencies and knowledge for European society, science and industry.
The Joint Undertaking should also:
- implement its mission and objectives in a clear, simple and flexible way in order to increase attractiveness towards industry, SMEs and all relevant stakeholders. To ensure access to key decisions, Members recommended the creation of a user forum to advise the steering committee and advisory groups;
- minimise any risk involved in handling, storing and processing of personal data in the supercomputing infrastructures and shall comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and other relevant Union legislation;
- ensure that High Performance Computers are exclusively accessible to entities that comply with the same rules and that its resources are open to scientists from all Participating States;
- contribute to safeguarding the interests of the EU when procuring supercomputers and supporting the development of world-class High Performance Computing technologies, systems and applications;
- support Europe's global leadership in high value-added products and services, to provide essential components, technologies and skills to close the technology gap with third countries;
- enable a co-design approach for the acquisition of world-class supercomputers, while safeguarding the security of the supply chain of procured technologies and systems and ensure the highest standards of cybersecurity applicable to supercomputers.
EU financial contribution
The Joint Undertaking should be organised around seven pillars , of which one is administrative and six are technical.
The infrastructure pillar, part of the federation of supercomputing services pillar and the widening usage and skills pillar should be funded by the Digital Europe Programme. The remaining activities of the federation of supercomputing services pillar, including the interconnection with the Union's common European data spaces and secure cloud infrastructures, should be funded by Connecting Europe Facility.
The technology, the application and the international cooperation pillars should be funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme.
Members proposed that the Union financial contribution should cover up to 50% (compared to 35% proposed by the Commission) of the acquisition costs plus up to 50% of the operating costs of the mid-range supercomputers.
Synergies and complementarities with other EU funds
Financial contributions under programmes co-financed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility, ERDF, the ESF+, the EMFAF and the EAFRD should also be considered as a contribution of the participating State to EuroHPC, provided that the relevant provisions of the Common Provisions Regulation for 2021-2027 and the fund-specific regulations are complied with.
Access time
User allocation of access time to the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be free of charge for private users, including NGOs and individuals, related to research and innovation activities, as well as for private innovation activities carried out by start-ups , based on fair and transparent criteria and procedures. This allocation of access time should be based on open, transparent, periodic and peer-reviewed calls for expressions of interest to ensure a balanced and appropriate allocation of HPC resources.
Environmentally responsible practices
Members insisted that all initiatives and activities should be in line with the European Green Deal. The Joint Undertaking should take into account the energy efficiency principle with a view to improving energy efficiency in the design of new and existing systems and testing new energy efficiency approaches based on renewable energies that improve greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental footprint of supercomputers.
Parliament also suggested the establishment of an energy management plan with a strategy to increase the energy efficiency of facilities and access to renewable energy through renewable energy purchase agreements.
The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy adopted the report by Maria da Graça CARVALHO (EPP, PT) on the proposal for a Council regulation on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking.
As a reminder, the proposed new regulation aims to establish the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), with a budget of EUR 8 billion for the period 2021-2033. This report builds on this proposal and includes a set of amendments aimed at ensuring that this joint undertaking will fulfil its greater goal of serving EU citizens, businesses (including SMEs), research institutions and administrations, while remaining aligned with the EU’s main development and sustainability goals.
Overall objectives
The report develops the overall objectives of the Joint Undertaking to include, inter alia , the following:
- to federate the hyper-connected supercomputing and data infrastructure, through high-quality network infrastructures in all Member States, and interconnect it with the European data spaces , in particular with the European Health Data Space;
- to further develop and support a highly competitive, social, sustainable, energy-efficient and innovative, interconnected, interoperable and secure supercomputing and data ecosystem in Europe contributing to the scientific and technological leadership and the standing strategic autonomy of the Union in the digital transition, while reducing dependence on foreign technology;
- to promote, facilitate and widen the use of supercomputing services in all sectors and to contribute to the development of advanced digital skills, competences and knowledge that European science, society, economy, environment and industry need to achieve autonomy and global leadership, with emphasis on enhancing women and girls participation in STEM through involvement and employment and reducing the gender gap in the digital sector.
The Joint Undertaking should also:
- implement its mission and objectives in a clear, simple and flexible way in order to increase attractiveness towards industry, SMEs and all relevant stakeholders. To ensure access to key decisions, Members recommended the creation of a user forum to advise the steering committee and advisory groups;
- minimise any risk involved in handling, storing and processing of personal data in the supercomputing infrastructures and shall comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and other relevant Union legislation;
- ensure that High Performance Computers are exclusively accessible to entities that comply with the same rules and that its resources are open to scientists from all Participating States;
- contribute to safeguarding the interests of the EU when procuring supercomputers and supporting the development of world-class High Performance Computing technologies, systems and applications;
- enable a co-design approach for the acquisition of world-class supercomputers, while safeguarding the security of the supply chain of procured technologies and systems and ensure the highest standards of cybersecurity applicable to supercomputers.
EU’s financial contribution
The report stated that the EU’s financial contribution should be used for capability building across the whole Union, including the acquisition, upgrades of only supercomputers owned by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and operation of High Performance Computers, quantum computers or quantum simulators, the federation of the High Performance Computing and quantum computing service and data infrastructure and the widening of its use, and the development of advanced skills and training, accessible also to citizens living in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas and taking in due account the need to improve the gender equality.
Synergies and complementarities with other EU funds
Financial contributions under programmes co-financed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility, ERDF, the ESF+, the EMFAF and the EAFRD should also be considered as a contribution of the participating State to EuroHPC, provided that the relevant provisions of the Common Provisions Regulation for 2021-2027 and the fund-specific regulations are complied with.
Environmentally responsible practices
Members insisted that all initiatives and activities should be in line with the European Green Deal . The Joint Undertaking should place particular emphasis on the principle of energy efficiency, stimulate constant technological advancements to improve power-efficiency in both new and existing system designs, and actively research, develop and test novel energy-efficient approaches including in particular fully renewables-based approaches that improve the GHG emission and environmental footprint of supercomputers.
The report also suggested the implementation of an energy management plan with a strategy to increase the energy efficiency of facilities and access to renewable energy through renewable energy purchase agreements.
Awareness raising
To contribute to reducing the skills gap across the EU, the Joint Undertaking should engage in awareness-raising campaigns and promote education and dissemination activities, involving academic, scientific and knowledge networks, social and economic partners, the media, business and SME organisations and other stakeholders, while preventing all kinds of biases, especially gender and racial biases from being introduced in the algorithms, products or conclusions resulting from its work.
PURPOSE: to establish a new European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Regulation.
ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the Council adopts the act after consulting the European Parliament but without being obliged to follow its opinion.
BACKGROUND: the European High Performance Computing (EuroHPC) Joint Undertaking was established in October 2018 as a legal and financial framework, pooling resources from the EU, 32 countries, and two Private Members: the European Technology Platform for HPC (ETP4HPC) and the Big Data Value (BDVA) Associations. So far, the Joint Undertaking has used funds from the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for its strategic investments. After 20 months of operation, it has substantially increased overall investment in HPC at European level and has started to deliver on its mission to restore Europe’s position as a leading HPC power.
By the end of 2020, it will deploy a world-class supercomputing and data infrastructure accessible to public and private users all over Europe. This will increase the EU’s ability to produce innovative HPC technology.
Global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic have also shown the importance of investing in High Performance Computing and health-related modelling platforms and tools, as they are playing a key role in the fight against the pandemic, often in combination with other digital technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence. High Performance Computing modelling platforms and tools are critical tools for the current and future pandemics, and they will play a key role in health and personalised medicine.
The Council Regulation establishing the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking in 2018 set a target of reaching the next supercomputing frontier, exascale performance, i.e. computing systems capable of executing more than one trillion (1018) operations per second, by the years 2022 to 2023. This increase of computing power would also come from the deployment of quantum computers and from moving to post-exascale technologies.
CONTENT: the proposed Regulation is in essence a continuation of the existing initiative established under Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488 , introducing modifications to adapt the Regulation to the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) Programmes, but also to reflect the priorities of the Commission, and to make it possible for the Joint Undertaking to use funding from the new MFF programmes for 2021-2027. These programmes are Horizon Europe , the Digital Europe Programme and the Connecting Europe Facility . This funding is essential for Europe to reach this next supercomputing frontier of exascale computing. It will allow the Union to equip itself with a world-class federated, secure and hyper-connected supercomputing and quantum computing service and data infrastructure, and to develop the necessary technologies, applications and skills for reaching exascale capabilities, which is currently foreseen around 2023-2025 and post-exascale around 2025-2027, while promoting a world-class European HPC and quantum computing innovation ecosystem.
Missions and objectives
The mission of the proposed EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is an evolution of the mission of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking established in October 2018. The long-term objectives in essence are not modified, i.e. the deployment and operation of a world-class High Performance Computing and data infrastructure, and the development and promotion of an excellent European HPC ecosystem. The emphasis is on reaching the exascale era and broadening to new High Performance Computing approaches based on quantum technologies.
The activities of the proposed Joint Undertaking are grouped around five main pillars:
1. Infrastructure : this pillar shall continue focusing on the acquisition of world class supercomputing infrastructure. However, its activities have been expanded to include not only the acquisition, deployment, and operation of a world-class supercomputing infrastructure but also that of a quantum computing infrastructure.
2. Federation of supercomputing services : this is a new pillar. It shall cover activities to provide Union-wide, cloud-based access to federated, secure supercomputing, quantum computing and data resources and services throughout Europe for public and private users. It shall include support for the interconnection of the High Performance Computing, quantum computing and data resources.
3. Technology : this pillar continues to support an ambitious research and innovation agenda for developing a world-class and innovative supercomputing ecosystem. It shall support the technologies and systems required for the interconnection and operation of classical supercomputing systems with other, often complementary computing technologies, in particular neuromorphic or quantum computing.
4. Application : this pillar was part of the technology pillar of the previous EuroHPC Joint Undertaking. However, it is now singled out to recognise its accrued importance, notably the extension to applications of industrial relevance. This pillar shall support activities to achieve excellence and maintain Europe’s present leading position in key computing and data applications and codes for science, industry (including SMEs) and the public sector, including support for Centres of Excellence in HPC applications.
5. Widening usage and skills : this pillar was previously part of the technology pillar of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, mainly addressing the creation and networking of national HPC Competence Centres. However, it is now singled out to recognise its accrued importance, in particular with the participation in the Digital Skills priority of the Digital Europe Programme. Its aim is to foster industrial access and use of supercomputing and data infrastructures for innovation adapted to industrial needs; and, to provide Europe with a knowledgeable leading scientific community and a skilled workforce.
Joint Undertaking’s seat and operation
The Joint Undertaking shall be set up, with its seat located in Luxembourg, and start operating at the latest by early 2021 until 31 December 2033.
Budgetary implications
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking shall draw its funds from the budgets proposed by the Commission for High Performance Computing activities in the Regulations establishing Horizon Europe, Digital Europe and the Connecting Europe Facility.
The amount from these three programmes shall be matched by an at least equal amount from the Participating States, as part of their national and regional High Performance Computing programmes and their structural funds.
The amount from these three programmes shall be complemented by at least an equal amount from the participating States (Member States and other associated countries) and by EUR 1 billion investments (in kind but also in cash) from the private members of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.
The new Joint Undertaking shall have a significantly higher budget than the previous Joint Undertaking until 2033. This amount is expected to be around EUR 8 billion.
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2021)514
- Final act published in Official Journal: Regulation 2021/1173
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 256 19.07.2021, p. 0003
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T9-0310/2021
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading: A9-0177/2021
- Contribution: COM(2020)0569
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE691.126
- Committee draft report: PE689.611
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: SWD(2020)0179
- Legislative proposal published: COM(2020)0569
- Legislative proposal published: EUR-Lex
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex SWD(2020)0179
- Committee draft report: PE689.611
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE691.126
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2021)514
- Contribution: COM(2020)0569
- Andrus ANSIP
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Maria da Graça CARVALHO
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Fabio Massimo CASTALDO
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Marcel KOLAJA
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Plenary Speeches (1)
Entreprise commune européenne pour le calcul à haute performance - Public sector loan facility under the Just Transition Mechanism - Gemeinsames Unternehmen für europäisches Hochleistungsrechnen - A9-0177/2021 - Maria da Graça Carvalho - Vote unique #
Amendments | Dossier |
244 |
244 amendments...
Amendment 100 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 7 (7) The Communication from the Commission of 10 March 2020 entitled ‘A new Industrial Strategy for Europe’ is reflecting an ambitious industrial strategy
Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 9 (9) Europe’s leading role in the data economy, its scientific excellence, and its industrial strength increasingly depend on its ability to develop key High Performance Computing technologies, as well as to provide access to world-class supercomputing and data infrastructures, and to maintain its present leadership in High Performance Computing applications. High Performance Computing
Amendment 102 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 9 (9) Europe’s leading role in the data economy, its scientific excellence, and its industrial strength increasingly depend on its ability to develop key High Performance Computing technologies, as well as to provide access to world-class supercomputing and data infrastructures, and to maintain its present leadership in High Performance Computing applications. High Performance Computing is a mainstream technology for the digital transformation of the European economy, enabling many traditional industrial sectors to innovate with higher value products and services. In combination with other advanced digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, big data and cloud technologies, High Performance Computing is paving the way towards innovative societal and industrial applications in critical areas for Europe such as personalised medicine, weather forecast and climate change, smart and green development and transport, new materials for
Amendment 103 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 10 (10) High Performance Computing is a strategic resource for policy-making, powering applications that provide the means to understand and design efficient solutions to address many complex global challenges and for crisis management. High Performance Computing contributes to key policies such as the European Green Deal with models and tools for transforming the increasing number of complex environmental challenges into opportunities for social innovation and economic growth. An example is the Destination Earth initiative announced in the Communications from the Commission of 11 December 2019 on “The European Green Deal”, and of 19 February 2020 on “A European strategy for data” and on “Shaping Europe's digital future”. High performance computing should also be considered as a strategic asset to safeguard the innovation capacity of the European Union and foster economic growth. The present Joint Undertaking should also contribute to the strategic autonomy of the European Union.
Amendment 104 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 10 (10) High Performance Computing is a strategic resource for policy-making, powering applications that provide the means to understand and design efficient solutions to address many complex global challenges
Amendment 105 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 10 a (new) Amendment 106 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 11 (11) Global events such as the COVID- 19 pandemic have shown the importance of investing in High Performance Computing and health-related modelling platforms and tools, as they are playing a key role in the fight against the pandemic, often in combination with other digital technologies such as big data
Amendment 107 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 11 (11) Global events such as the COVID- 19 pandemic have shown the importance of investing in High Performance Computing and health-related modelling platforms and tools, as they are playing a key role in the fight against the pandemic, often in combination with other digital technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence and computer modelling and simulation. High Performance Computing is being used to accelerate the identification and production of treatments, to predict the virus’ spread, to help plan the distribution of medical supplies and resources, and to simulate post-epidemic exit measures in order to evaluate different scenarios. High Performance Computing modelling platforms and tools are critical tools for the current and future pandemics, and they will play a key role in health and personalised medicine.
Amendment 108 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 11 (11) Global events such as the COVID- 19 pandemic have shown the importance of investing in High Performance Computing and health-related modelling platforms and tools, as they are playing a key role in the fight against the pandemic, often in combination with other digital technologies such as big data
Amendment 109 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 11 (11) Global events such as the COVID- 19 pandemic have shown the importance of investing in High Performance Computing and health-related modelling platforms and tools, as they are playing a key role in the fight against the pandemic, often in combination with other digital technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence. High Performance Computing is being used to accelerate the identification and production of treatments, to predict the virus’ spread, to help plan the distribution of medical supplies and resources, and to simulate post-epidemic exit measures in order to evaluate different scenarios. High Performance Computing modelling
Amendment 110 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 14 (14) In order to equip the Union with the computing performance needed to maintain its research and industrial capacities at a leading edge, the Member States investment in High Performance Computing and quantum computing should be coordinated and the industrial and market take-up of High Performance Computing and quantum computing technologies be reinforced both in the public and private sectors. The Union should increase its effectiveness in turning the technology developments into demand- oriented and application-driven European High Performance Computing and quantum computing systems of the highest quality, establishing an effective link between technology supply, co-design with users, and a joint procurement of world- class systems, and creating a world-class ecosystem in High Performance Computing and quantum computing technologies and applications.
Amendment 111 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 14 (14) In order to equip the Union with the computing performance needed to maintain its research and industrial capacities at a leading edge, the Member States investment in High Performance Computing and quantum computing should be coordinated and the industrial and market take-up of High Performance Computing and quantum computing technologies be reinforced both in the public and private sectors. The Union should increase its effectiveness in turning the technology developments into demand- oriented and application-driven European High Performance Computing and quantum computing systems of the highest quality and easily accessible troughout Europe, establishing an effective link between technology supply, co-design with users, and a joint procurement of world- class systems, and creating a world-class ecosystem in High Performance Computing and quantum computing technologies and applications. At the same time, the Union should provide an opportunity for its supply industry to leverage on such investments, leading to their uptake in large-scale and emerging application fields such as personalised medicine, climate change, connected and
Amendment 112 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 14 (14) In order to equip the Union with the computing performance needed to maintain its research and industrial capacities at a leading edge, the Member States investment in High Performance Computing and quantum computing should be coordinated and the industrial and market take-up of High Performance Computing and quantum computing technologies be reinforced both in the public and private sectors. The Union should increase its effectiveness in turning the technology developments into demand- oriented and application-driven European High Performance Computing and quantum computing systems of the highest quality, establishing an effective link between technology supply, co-design with users, and a joint procurement of secure world-
Amendment 113 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 14 (14) In order to equip the Union with the computing performance needed to maintain its research and industrial capacities at a leading edge, the Member States investment in High Performance Computing and quantum computing should be coordinated and the industrial and market take-up of High Performance Computing and quantum computing technologies be reinforced both in the public and private sectors. The Union should increase its effectiveness in turning the technology developments into demand- oriented and application-driven European High Performance Computing and quantum computing systems of the highest quality, establishing an effective link between technology supply, co-design with users, and a joint procurement of world- class systems, and creating a world-class ecosystem in High Performance Computing and quantum computing technologies and applications. At the same time, the Union should provide an opportunity for its supply industry to leverage on such investments, leading to their uptake in large-scale and emerging application fields such as personalised medicine, climate change, connected and automated driving or other lead markets that are underpinned by artificial
Amendment 114 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 15 (15) In order for the Union and its Member States to reach
Amendment 115 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 15 (15) In order for the Union and its Member States to reach technological autonomy in key digital technologies such as High Performance Computing and quantum computing, they should invest in next generation low-power supercomputing technologies, innovative software and advanced supercomputing systems for exascale and post-exascale computing and quantum computing, and for innovative supercomputing and data applications for medicine, the environment, manufacturing and engineering. HPCand data management must be actively supported in all fields of research,including social sciences and humanities. Investmentsare needed also to related competence development policies. This should allow the European supply industry to thrive in a wide range of key technology and application areas that reach beyond High Performance Computing and quantum computing and, in the long run, feed broader ICT markets with such technologies. It would also support the High Performance Computing and quantum computing science and user industry to undergo a digital transformation and boost its innovation potential.
Amendment 116 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 15 (15) In order for the Union and its Member States to reach technological autonomy in key digital technologies such as High Performance Computing and quantum computing, they should invest in next generation low-power supercomputing technologies, innovative software and advanced supercomputing systems for exascale and post-exascale computing and quantum computing, including technologies for privacy-preserving computation and for innovative supercomputing and data applications for medicine, the environment, manufacturing and engineering. This should allow the European supply industry to thrive in a wide range of key technology and application areas that reach beyond High Performance Computing and quantum computing and, in the long run, feed broader ICT markets with such technologies. It would also support the High Performance Computing and quantum computing science and user industry to undergo a digital transformation and boost its innovation potential.
Amendment 117 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 15 (15) In order for the Union and its Member States to reach technological autonomy in key digital technologies such as High Performance Computing and quantum computing, they should invest in and develop next generation low-power and energy and resource efficient supercomputing technologies, innovative software and
Amendment 118 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 15 (15) In order for the Union and its Member States to reach technological autonomy in key digital technologies such as High Performance Computing and quantum computing, they should invest in next generation
Amendment 119 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 15 a (new) (15 a) In order to establish a robust quantum computing ecosystem within the Union, we need to invest in developing hardware-aware algorithms, standardization for encoding input/output data and facilitate access to and-users enabled by cloud services.
Amendment 120 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 16 (16) Pursuing a common strategic EU vision in High Performance Computing and quantum computing and ensuring the transition from simulation-centric HPC to integrating HPC in a full continuum of IT infrastructure, including other ecosystems such as big data, AI and Internet of Things, is essential for realising the Union’s and its Member
Amendment 121 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 16 (16) Pursuing a common strategic EU vision in High Performance Computing and quantum computing is essential for realising the Union’s and its Member States’ ambition to ensure a leading role and strategic autonomy in the digital economy. The objective would be to establish in Europe a world leading hyper- connected, federated and secure High Performance Computing and quantum computing service and data infrastructure ecosystem, and be in a position to produce innovative and competitive High Performance Computing and quantum computing systems based on a responsible supply chain that will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting the
Amendment 122 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 16 (16) Pursuing a common strategic EU vision in High Performance Computing and quantum computing is essential for realising the Union’s and its Member States’ ambition to ensure a leading role and
Amendment 123 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 17 (17) A Joint Undertaking represents the best instrument capable to implement the strategic EU vision in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, ensuring that the Union enjoys world-class supercomputing, quantum computing and data capabilities according to its economic potential, matching the needs of European users, and with the required
Amendment 124 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 17 (17) A Joint Undertaking represents the best instrument capable to implement the strategic EU vision in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, ensuring that the Union enjoys world-class supercomputing, quantum computing and data capabilities according to its economic potential, matching the needs of European users, and with the required strategic autonomy in critical High Performance Computing and quantum computing technologies. The Joint Undertaking
Amendment 125 #
(17) A Joint Undertaking represents the best available instrument capable to implement the strategic EU vision in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, ensuring that the Union enjoys world-class supercomputing, quantum computing and data capabilities according to its economic potential, matching the needs of European users, and with the required strategic autonomy in critical High Performance Computing and quantum computing technologies. The Joint Undertaking is the best instrument to overcome the present limitations, as described in the Staff Working Document accompanying this Regulation, while offering the highest economic, societal, and environmental impact and best safeguarding the Union’s interests in High Performance Computing and quantum computing. It can pool resources from the Union, the Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Programme or the Connecting Europe Facility and the private sector. It can implement a procurement framework and operate world-class High Performance Computing and quantum computing systems. It can launch research and innovation programmes for developing European technologies and their subsequent integration in world-class supercomputing systems.
Amendment 126 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 18 (18) The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is part of the Institutionalised Partnerships portfolio under Horizon Europe which should strive to strengthen EU scientific capacities to deal with emerging threats and future challenges in a reinforced European Research Area; secure sustainability-driven EU value chains and EU
Amendment 127 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 18 (18) The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is part of the Institutionalised Partnerships portfolio under Horizon Europe which should strive to strengthen EU civilian scientific capacities to deal with emerging threats and future challenges in a reinforced European Research Area; secure environmental targets and sustainability- driven EU value chains and EU strategic autonomy in key technologies and industries; and enhance the uptake of innovative solutions addressing climate, environmental, health and other global societal challenges in line with Union strategic priorities, including to reach climate neutrality in the Union in 2050.
Amendment 128 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 18 (18) The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is part of the Institutionalised Partnerships portfolio under Horizon Europe which should strive to strengthen EU scientific capacities to deal with emerging threats and future challenges in a reinforced European Research Area; secure sustainability-driven EU value chains and EU strategic autonomy in key technologies and industries; and enhance the uptake of innovative solutions addressing climate, environmental, health and other global societal challenges in line with Union strategic priorities, including to reach climate neutrality in the Union in 2050 at the latest.
Amendment 129 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 20 (20) The public-private partnership in the form of the Joint Undertaking should combine the financial and technical means that are essential to master the complexity of the ever escalating pace of innovation in this area, while ensuring that JU's functioning remains simple and flexible. Therefore, the members of the
Amendment 130 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 20 (20) The public-private partnership in the form of the Joint Undertaking should combine the financial and technical means that are essential to master the complexity of the ever escalating pace of innovation in this area. Therefore, the members of the Joint Undertaking should be the Union, Member States and countries associated to
Amendment 131 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 20 (20) The public-private partnership in the form of the Joint Undertaking should combine the financial and technical means that are essential to master the complexity of the ever escalating pace of innovation in this area. Therefore, the members of the Joint Undertaking should be the Union, Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe, the Digital Europe Programme or the Connecting Europe Facility agreeing on a joint European initiative in High Performance Computing and quantum computing; and associations representing their constituent entities and other organisations with an explicit and
Amendment 132 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 25 (25) The Joint Undertaking should address clearly defined topics that would enable academia and European industries at large to design, develop and use the most innovative technologies in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, and to establish an integrated and federated, secure networked infrastructure across the Union with world- class High Performance Computing and quantum computing capability, high-speed connectivity and leading-edge applications and data and software services for its scientists and for other lead users from industry, including SMEs and the public sector. The Joint
Amendment 133 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 25 (25) The Joint Undertaking should address clearly defined topics that would enable academia and European industries at large to design, develop and use the most innovative technologies in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, and to establish an integrated and federated, secure networked infrastructure across the Union with world- class High Performance Computing and quantum computing capability, high-speed connectivity and leading-edge applications and data and software services for its scientists and for other lead users from industry, including SMEs, start-ups and innovative businesses and the public sector. The Joint Undertaking should aim at the development and use of top class technologies and infrastructures, addressing the demanding requirements of European scientific, industrial and public sector users.
Amendment 134 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 25 a (new) (25 a) The Joint Undertaking should like-wise consider start-ups in their R&D phase wherever SMEs are mentioned, as the HPC platforms are currently not inclusive enough. The access barriers - such as the cost of service fees, heavy administration and lack of awareness - should be significantly reduced in order to have a more open-access and distributed service.
Amendment 135 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 26 (26) The Joint Undertaking should contribute to reducing the specific skills gap across the Union by
Amendment 136 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 26 (26) The Joint Undertaking should contribute to reducing the specific skills gap across the Union by attracting and retaining the best talents, with a special focus on addressing the gender gap as women are under-represented at all levels in the digital sector in Europe, ensuring funding for digital upskilling and reskilling and upgrading competences combining software expertise with understanding in industry of frontier research in science and innovation, engaging in awareness raising measures and assisting in the building of new knowledge and human capital.
Amendment 137 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 26 (26)
Amendment 138 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 26 (26) The Joint Undertaking should contribute to reducing the specific skills gap across the Union by engaging in awareness raising measures and assisting in the building of new knowledge and human capital, including by building competences in procurements made in the framework of this Regulation. This should all be part of a coordinated effort on outreach to inform potential users on the possibilities that HPC and quantum computing can offer.
Amendment 139 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 26 (26) The Joint Undertaking should
Amendment 140 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 26 (26) The Joint Undertaking should contribute to reducing the specific skills gap across the Union by engaging in awareness raising measures and assisting in the building of new knowledge and human capital, including competence in procurements made in the framework of this Regulation..
Amendment 141 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 26 (26) The Joint Undertaking should
Amendment 142 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 26 a (new) (26 a) To foster innovation, it is important that fresh ideas of European students become reality. It is therefore well advised to allocate a share of the Unions access time to HPCs to a dedicated board, compiled of students from the participating states. The dedicated board will ensure low-key access for applications to use time on the HPCs. The dedicated board could also showcase its selected projects convincing new students to pursue a beta-orientated career.
Amendment 143 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 26 a (new) (26 a) The Joint Undertaking should encourage the development of specific university titles and educational programmes for quantum computing, given the increasing need for experts that this field is going to have, and in order to avoid creating a 'quantum bottleneck'. In this regard, the Joint Undertaking must pay special attention to gender perspective and adopt measures to promote gender balance in this field.
Amendment 144 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 30 (30) In order to achieve its objectives to design, develop and use the most innovative technologies in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, the Joint Undertaking should provide financial support in particular in the form of grants and procurement following open, fair, transparent and competitive calls for proposals and calls for tenders based on annual work programmes. Such financial support should be targeted in particular at proven market failures that prevent the development of the programme concerned, should not crowd- out private investments and should have an incentive effect in that it changes the behaviour of the recipient.
Amendment 145 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 30 (30) In order to achieve its objectives to design, develop and use the most innovative technologies in High Performance Computing and quantum computing, the Joint Undertaking should provide financial support in particular in the form of grants and procurement following open, transparent and competitive calls for proposals and calls for tenders based on annual work programmes. Such financial support should be targeted in particular at proven market failures that prevent the development of the programme concerned, should not crowd- out private investments and should have an incentive effect in that it changes the behaviour of the recipient.
Amendment 146 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 31 (31) In order to achieve its objectives to increase the innovation potential of industry, and in particular of SMEs, to contribute to reducing the specific skills gap, to support the increase of knowledge and human capital and to upraise High Performance Computing and quantum computing capabilities, the Joint Undertaking should support the creation, and in particular the networking and coordination of national High Performance Computing competence centres across the Union. These competence centres should provide High Performance Computing and quantum computing services to industry, academia and public administrations on their demand and provide a possibility for individuals and non-governmental organisation to use the computing powers for socially and environmentally beneficial goals. They should primarily
Amendment 147 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 31 (31) In order to achieve its objectives to increase the innovation potential of industry, and in particular of SMEs, start- ups and innovative businesses to contribute to reducing the specific skills gap, to support the increase of knowledge
Amendment 148 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 31 (31) In order to achieve its objectives to increase the innovation potential of industry, and in particular of SMEs, to contribute to reducing the specific skills gap, to support the increase of knowledge
Amendment 149 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 32 (32) The Joint Undertaking should provide a demand-oriented and user-driven framework and enable a co-design approach for the acquisition of an integrated, world-class federated, secure and hyper-connected supercomputing and
Amendment 150 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 33 (33) The Joint Undertaking should hyper-connect all the supercomputers and data infrastructures it will own or co-own with state-of-the-art networking technologies, making them widely accessible across the Union, and should interconnect and federate its supercomputing and quantum computing data infrastructure, as well as national, regional and other computing infrastructures with a common platform, while ensuring resources are provided for interactive processing close to HPC systems and associated large-scale data repositories. Interactive computing services are also needed to make collaborative working easier. The Joint Undertaking should also ensure the interconnection of the federated, secure supercomputing, and quantum computing service and data infrastructures with the common European data spaces and federated, secure cloud infrastructures announced in the Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 on ‘A European Strategy for Data’, for seamless service provisioning to a wide range of public and private users across Europe.
Amendment 151 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 33 (33) The Joint Undertaking should hyper-connect all the supercomputers and data infrastructures it will own or co-own with state-of-the-art networking technologies, making them widely accessible across the Union, and should interconnect and federate its supercomputing and quantum computing data infrastructure, as well as national, regional and other computing infrastructures with a common platform. The Joint Undertaking should also ensure the interconnection of the federated, secure supercomputing, and quantum computing service and data infrastructures with the common European data spaces and federated, secure cloud infrastructures announced in the Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 on ‘A European Strategy for Data’, for seamless service provisioning to a wide range of public and private users across Europe. and support the use of open standards, open source software and hardware, open source platforms and, where appropriate, open, well-formed APIs in an effort to achieve interoperability.
Amendment 152 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 33 (33) The Joint Undertaking should hyper-connect all the supercomputers and data infrastructures it will own or co-own with state-of-the-art networking technologies, making them widely accessible across the Union, especially SMEs, start-ups in R&D phase and researchers, and should interconnect and federate its supercomputing and quantum computing data infrastructure, as well as national, regional and other computing infrastructures with a common platform. The Joint Undertaking should also ensure the interconnection of the federated, secure supercomputing, and quantum computing service and data infrastructures with the common European data spaces, European Open Science Cloud, GAIA-X, and federated, secure cloud infrastructures announced in the Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 on ‘A European Strategy for Data’, for seamless service provisioning to a wide range of public and private users across Europe.
Amendment 153 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 33 (33) The Joint Undertaking should hyper-connect all the supercomputers and data infrastructures it will own or co-own with state-of-the-art networking technologies, making them widely accessible across the Union, and should interconnect and federate its supercomputing and quantum computing data infrastructure, as well as national, regional and other computing infrastructures with a common platform. The Joint Undertaking should also ensure the interconnection of the federated, secure supercomputing, and quantum computing service and data infrastructures with the common European data spaces, European Open Science Cloud, GAIA-X and federated, secure cloud infrastructures announced in the Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 on ‘A European Strategy for Data’, for seamless service provisioning to a wide range of public and private users across Europe.
Amendment 154 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 34 (34) Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Programme should respectively contribute to the closing of the research and innovation divide within the Union and to deploying wide-range supercomputing capabilities by promoting synergies with
Amendment 155 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 35 (35) The Joint Undertaking should provide a favourable framework for Participating States that are Member States to use their
Amendment 156 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 37 (37) The Joint Undertaking should be the owner of the high-end supercomputers and quantum computers it has acquired. The operation of each high-end supercomputer or quantum computer should be entrusted to a hosting entity. The hosting entity should be able to represent a single Participating State that is a Member State or a hosting consortium of Participating States. The hosting entity should be in position to provide an accurate estimate and to verify the operating costs of the supercomputer, by ensuring, for example, the functional separation, and to the extent possible, the physical separation of the Joint Undertaking’s high-end supercomputers or quantum computers and any national or regional computing systems it operates. The hosting entity should be selected by the Governing Board of the Joint Undertaking (‘Governing Board’) following a open, fair and transparent call for expression of interest evaluated by independent experts. Once a hosting entity is selected, the Participating State where the hosting entity is established or the hosting Consortium should be able to decide to call for other Participating States to join and contribute to the funding of the high-end supercomputer or quantum computer to be installed in the selected hosting entity. If additional Participating States join the selected hosting Consortium, this should be without prejudice to the Union’s access time to the supercomputers. The contributions of the Participating States in a hosting Consortium to the supercomputer or quantum computer should be translated
Amendment 157 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 39 (39) The Joint Undertaking should jointly with Participating States acquire the mid-range supercomputers. The operation of each mid-range supercomputer should be entrusted to a hosting entity. The hosting entity should be able to represent a single Participating State that is a Member State or a hosting consortium of Participating States. The Joint Undertaking should own the part that corresponds to the Union's share of financial contribution to the acquisition costs from Digital Europe Programme funds. The hosting entity should be selected by the Governing Board following a open, fair and transparent call for expression of interest evaluated by independent experts. The share of the Union's access time to each mid-range supercomputer should be directly proportional to the financial contribution of the Union from Digital Europe Programme funds to the acquisition costs of that mid- range supercomputer. The Joint Undertaking should be able to transfer its ownership to the hosting entity or when it is being wound up. The hosting entity should reimburse the Joint Undertaking the residual value of the supercomputer.
Amendment 158 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 39 a (new) (39 a) To promate an easy acces across the Union of EuroHCO supercomputers, the Joint Undertaking should create a federated infrastructure ecosystem approach with easy access in all participating states.
Amendment 159 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 40 (40) The Joint Undertaking should be able to acquire together with the Private Members or a consortium of private partners industrial-grade supercomputers, that are at least mid-range. The operation of each such supercomputer should be entrusted to an existing hosting entity. The hosting entity should be able to associate itself with the Private Members or the consortium of private partners for the acquisition and operation of such supercomputer. The Joint Undertaking should own the part that corresponds to the Union's share of financial contribution to the acquisition costs from Digital Europe Programme funds. The hosting entity and its associated Private Members or consortium of private partners should be selected by the Governing Board following a call for expression of interest evaluated by independent experts. The share of the
Amendment 160 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 40 (40) The Joint Undertaking should be able to acquire together with the Private Members or a consortium of private partners industrial-grade supercomputers. The operation of each such supercomputer should be entrusted to an existing hosting entity. The hosting entity should be able to associate itself with the Private Members or the consortium of private partners for
Amendment 161 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 42 (42) The current environmental footprint of the ICT sector is estimated to be between 5 to 9% of the world 's total electricity use and more 2% of all emissions, a large part of which is due data centres cloud services and connectivity. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that the design and operation of the supercomputers supported by the Joint Undertaking
Amendment 162 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 42 (42) The design and operation of the supercomputers supported by the Joint Undertaking should take into consideration energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, using for example low- power technology, dynamic power-saving and re-use techniques like advanced cooling and heat recycling. By combining power-efficient servers with sophisticated workload management tools, EuroHPC will improve efficiency both on-premises and in the cloud, reducing cost as well as the data centres' carbon footprint.
Amendment 163 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 42 (42) The design and operation of the supercomputers supported by the Joint Undertaking should
Amendment 164 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 42 (42) The design and operation of the supercomputers supported by the Joint Undertaking should take into consideration energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, aiming at carbon-neutrality, using for example low-
Amendment 165 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 42 a (new) (42 a) The Joint undertaking should address the growing demand for energy caused by the increased use of HPC infrastructure, by streamlining the EuroHPC JU’s objectives with relevant strategies, policy and legislation in the energy sector.
Amendment 166 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 43 (43) The use of the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be
Amendment 167 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 43 (43) The use of the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be
Amendment 168 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 44 (44) User allocation of access time to the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be free of charge for public users. It should also be free of charge for private users for their applications related to research and innovation activities funded by Horizon Europe or the Digital Europe Programme, as well as for private innovation activities of SMEs and start-ups, where appropriate. Such allocation of access time should primarily
Amendment 169 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 44 (44) User allocation of access time to the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be free of charge for public users. It should also be free of charge for private users, including NGOs and individuals, for their applications
Amendment 170 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 44 (44) User allocation of access time to the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be free of charge for public users. It should also be free of charge for private users for their applications related to research and innovation activities
Amendment 171 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 44 (44) User allocation of access time to the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be free of charge for public users. It should also be free of charge for private users for their applications related to research and innovation activities funded by Horizon Europe or the Digital Europe Programme, as well as for private innovation activities of SMEs, where appropriate. Such allocation of access time should primarily be based on open and transparent calls for expression of interest launched by the Joint Undertaking and evaluated by independent experts. With the exception of SME users undertaking private innovation activities, all users benefiting from free-of-charge access time to the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should adopt an open science approach and disseminate knowledge gained through this access, in accordance with the Horizon Europe Regulation. User allocation of access time for economic activities other than private innovation activities of SMEs (which face particular market failures), should be granted on a pay-per-use basis, based on market prices. Allocation of access time for such economic activities should be allowed but limited and the level of the fee to be paid should be established by the Governing Board. The access rights should be allocated in a transparent manner. The Governing Board should define specific rules to grant access time free of charge, where appropriate, and without a call for expression of interest to initiatives that are considered strategic either by the Union or by the Governing Board. Representative examples of strategic initiatives of the Union include: Destination Earth, the Human Brain Project Flagship, the “1+
Amendment 172 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 44 (44) User allocation of access time to the supercomputers of the Joint Undertaking should be free of charge for public users. It should also be free of charge for private users for their applications related to research and innovation activities funded by Horizon
Amendment 173 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 47 a (new) (47 a) Since the supercomputers are demand-oriented and user-driven, the EuroHPC would benifit from a permanent dialogue with users of HPC infrastructures. The continuous involvement of industry, SMEs, and innovative companies and start-ups can have a high added value and multiplier effect. The user-side input should be actively sought through a regular consultation process. For that purpose, a working group (the ‘User Forum’) should be set up by the Governing Board to assist in the identification of the enhanced quality of service, usability, trust, and security requirements of users. The User Forum should should include representatives of industrial and public users.
Amendment 174 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 49 (49) The Union's financial contribution should be managed in accordance with the principle of sound financial management and administrative simplification and with the relevant rules on indirect management set out in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046. Rules applicable for the Joint Undertaking to enter into public procurement procedures should be set in its financial rules.
Amendment 175 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 50 (50) To foster an innovative
Amendment 176 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 53 a (new) (53 a) The Joint Undertaking should allow a differentiation of reimbursements rates as part of making the access more open and prone to diverse participation. SME's, start-ups and non-profit legal entities should benefit from this differentiation and their application should not increase bureaucracy. The reimbursement rates shall be indicated in the work programme.
Amendment 177 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 56 (56) The financial interests of the Union and of the other members of the Joint Undertaking should be protected by proportionate and simple measures throughout the expenditure cycle, including the prevention, detection and investigation of irregularities, the recovery of lost, wrongly paid or incorrectly used funds and, where appropriate, the application of
Amendment 178 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 57 (57) The Joint Undertaking should operate in a
Amendment 179 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 58 (58) For the purpose of simplification, the administrative burden should be reduced for all parties. Double audits and disproportionate amounts of documentation and reporting should be avoided. The Joint Undertaking should provide a favourable framework to support Participating States. In order to maximise the impact of indirect actions, the specificities of the EuroHPC JU, with its tripartite model, should be taken into consideration with regards to the management of financial contributions from Participating States.
Amendment 180 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 58 (58) For the purpose of simplification, the administrative burden should be reduced for all parties in particular for the beneficiaries and the Joint Undertaking. Double audits and disproportionate amounts of documentation and reporting should be avoided.
Amendment 181 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 61 (61) The Commission’s internal auditor should exercise the same powers over the Joint Undertaking as those exercised in respect of the Commission, while avoiding to increase administrative burden over the Joint Undertaking and its beneficiaries.
Amendment 182 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 62 (62) The Commission, the Joint Undertaking, the Court of Auditors and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) should get access to all necessary information and the premises to conduct audits and investigations on the grants, contracts and agreements signed by the Joint Undertaking, while seeking maximum administrative simplification for the beneficiaries and a decrease of their administrative burden.
Amendment 183 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 2 (2) ‘access time’ means the computing time of a supercomputer that is made available through a transparent and open process to a user or a group of users to execute their computer programmes;
Amendment 184 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 5 (5) ‘co-design’ is a collective approach to reduce Europeans’ dependence on foreign technology, particularly in critical infrastructure components and increase European industry’s competitiveness, between technology suppliers and users engaged in a collaborative and iterative design process for developing new technology, application and systems and protecting supply chains in critical areas;
Amendment 185 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 6 (6) ‘Competence Centre’ in High Performance Computing (HPC) means a legal entity established in a Participating State providing users from industry, including SMEs and start-ups, academia, and public administrations with access on demand to the supercomputers and to the latest High Performance Computing technologies, tools, applications and services, and offering expertise, skills, training, networking and outreach;
Amendment 186 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 10 a (new) (10 a) 'EuroHPC Student Governing Board’ means a separate body, allocating 10% of the Unions access time to HPCs, with the aim of providing low-key access to students within the participating states to foster disruptive and innovative ideas and to promote the pursuance of a beta- orientated career.
Amendment 187 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 15 a (new) (15 a) 'indirect actions' means research and innovation activities to which the Union provides financial support and which are undertaken by participants;
Amendment 188 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 16 (16) ‘industrial-grade supercomputer’ means an at least mid-range supercomputer specifically designed with security, confidentiality and data integrity requirements for industrial users that are more demanding than for a scientific usage;
Amendment 189 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 20 (20) ‘national High Performance Computing competence centre’ means a legal entity established in a Participating State that is a Member State, associated with the national supercomputing centre of that Member State, providing users from industry,
Amendment 190 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 20 (20) ‘national High Performance Computing competence centre’ means a legal entity established in a Participating State that is a Member State, associated with the national supercomputing centre of that Member State, providing users from industry, including SMEs and start-ups, academia, and
Amendment 191 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 20 (20) ‘national High Performance Computing competence centre’ means a legal entity established in a Participating
Amendment 192 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 27 a (new) (27 a) 'single grant agreement' means a financial agreement for indirect actions between the Joint Undertaking, combining two or more financing sources, and a participant ;
Amendment 193 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 1 (1) The mission of the Joint Undertaking shall be to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the Union a world leading federated, secure and hyper- connected supercomputing, quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem; support the
Amendment 194 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 1 (1) The mission of the Joint Undertaking shall be to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the Union a world leading federated, secure and hyper- connected supercomputing, quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem; support the production of innovative and competitive supercomputing systems ideally within the European Union, based on a supply chain that will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting the risk of disruptions and the development of a wide range of applications optimised for these systems; and, widen the use of this supercomputing infrastructure to a large number of public and private users, including SMEs and start-ups in R&D phase, and support the development of key skills for European science and industry.
Amendment 195 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 1 (1) The mission of the Joint Undertaking shall be to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the Union a world leading federated, secure and hyper- connected supercomputing, quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem; support the production of innovative and competitive supercomputing systems based on a supply chain that will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting the
Amendment 196 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 1 (1) The mission of the Joint Undertaking shall be to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the Union a world leading federated, secure and hyper- connected supercomputing, quantum computing, service and data infrastructure ecosystem; support the domestic production of innovative and competitive supercomputing systems based on a supply chain that will ensure components, technologies and knowledge limiting the risk of disruptions and the development of a wide range of applications optimised for these systems; and, widen the use of this supercomputing infrastructure to a large number of public and private users, and support the development of key skills for European science and industry.
Amendment 197 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point a (a) to contribute to the implementation of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe and in particular Article 3 thereof, to deliver scientific, economic, environmental, technological and societal impact from the Union's investments in research and innovation, so as to strengthen the scientific and technological bases of the Union
Amendment 198 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point a (a) to contribute to the implementation of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe and in particular Article 3 thereof, to deliver scientific, economic, environmental, technological and societal impact from the Union's investments in research and innovation, so as to strengthen the scientific and technological bases of the Union, deliver on the Union strategic priorities, contribute to the realisation of EU objectives and policies, and contribute to tackling global challenges
Amendment 199 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point a a (new) (a a) to contribute to tackling global challenges, including the Sustainable Development Goals by following the principles of the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement and to accelerate the social, ecological and economic transitions in areas and sectors of strategic importance for Union priorities, in particular to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in accordance with the targets set in line with European Green Deal;
Amendment 200 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point b (b) to develop close cooperation and ensure coordination with other European Partnerships, including through joint calls, as well as seek synergies with relevant activities and programmes at Union, national, and regional level, in particular with those supporting the deployment of innovative solutions and modelling platforms, education and regional development, where relevant;
Amendment 201 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point b (b) to develop close cooperation and ensure coordination with other European Partnerships, including through joint calls, as well as seek synergies with relevant activities and programmes at Union, national,
Amendment 202 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point b (b) to develop close cooperation and ensure coordination with other European Partnerships, including through joint calls, as well as seek synergies with relevant activities and programmes at Union, national, and regional level, in particular with those supporting the deployment of innovative solutions, education and regional development
Amendment 203 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point c (c) to develop, deploy, extend and maintain in the Union an integrated, strategically independent, demand- oriented and user-driven hyper-
Amendment 204 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point d (d) to federate the hyper-connected supercomputing and data infrastructure and interconnect it with the European data spaces and cloud ecosystem for providing computing and data services to a wide range of public and private users in Europe, while ensuring an appropriate high-bandwidth network infrastructure in all European countries;
Amendment 205 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point d (d) to federate the hyper-connected supercomputing and data infrastructure and interconnect it with the European data spaces and cloud ecosystem for providing computing and data services to a wide
Amendment 206 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point d (d) to federate the hyper-connected supercomputing and data infrastructure and interconnect it with the European data spaces and cloud ecosystem for providing computing and data services to a wide and geographically balanced range of public and private users in Europe;
Amendment 207 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point d – point i (new) Amendment 208 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point e (e) to further develop and support a highly competitive
Amendment 209 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point e (e) to further develop and support a highly competitive and innovative supercomputing and data ecosystem in Europe, contributing to the standing and technological autonomy of the Union in the digital economy, maintaining global leadership in HPC applications, capable to autonomously
Amendment 210 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point e (e) to further develop and support a highly competitive and innovative supercomputing and data ecosystem in Europe contributing to the standing and technological autonomy of the Union in the digital economy, capable to autonomously produce globally competitive, world-class forerunning computing technologies and architectures and their integration on leading computing systems, and advanced applications optimised for these systems;
Amendment 211 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point e (e) to further develop and support a highly competitive and innovative interconnected and interoperable supercomputing and data ecosystem in Europe contributing to the standing and technological autonomy of the Union in the digital economy, capable to autonomously
Amendment 212 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point e (e) to further develop and support a highly competitive
Amendment 213 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point e (e) to further develop and support a highly competitive, social and innovative supercomputing and data ecosystem in Europe contributing to the standing and
Amendment 214 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point f (f) to widen the use of supercomputing services and the development of key skills that European science and industry need with emphasis on enhancing women and girls participation in STEM through involvement and employment and reducing the gender gap in the digital sector.
Amendment 215 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point f (f) to promote, facilitate and widen the use of supercomputing services
Amendment 216 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point f (f) to widen the use of supercomputing services and the development of key skills that European science and industry need
Amendment 217 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point f (f) to widen the use of supercomputing services and the development of
Amendment 218 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point f (f) to widen the use of supercomputing services and the development of key skills that European science, society, economy, environment and industry need.
Amendment 219 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 3 (3) The Joint Undertaking shall contribute to safeguarding the interests of the Union when procuring supercomputers and supporting the development of High Performance Computing technologies, systems and applications. It shall enable a co-design approach for the acquisition of world-class supercomputers, while safeguarding the security of the supply chain of procured technologies and systems. It shall contribute to the Union’s technological autonomy by reducing Europeans’ dependence on foreign technology, particularly in critical areas, increasing European industry’s competitiveness, supporting the development of technologies and applications reinforcing the European HPC technology supply chain and promoting their integration in supercomputing systems that address a large number of societal and industrial needs and underpin Europe's global leadership in various industries, especially in high value added and technology-intensive products and services to provide critical components, technology, and skills aiming to close the technological gap with third countries.
Amendment 220 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 3 (3) The Joint Undertaking shall contribute to safeguarding the interests of the Union when procuring supercomputers and supporting the development of High Performance Computing technologies, systems and applications. It shall enable a co-design approach for the acquisition of world-class supercomputers, while safeguarding the security of the supply chain of procured technologies and systems. It shall contribute to the Union’s technological autonomy by supporting the development of technologies and applications reinforcing the European HPC technology supply chain and promoting their integration in supercomputing systems that address a large number of societal and industrial needs. The Joint Undertaking shall guarantee that High Performance Computers in the Union are accessible exclusively to entities which comply with Union law on data protection, privacy and security;
Amendment 221 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 3 (3) The Joint Undertaking shall contribute to safeguarding the interests and digital sovereignty in a self-determined and open manner of the Union when procuring supercomputers and supporting the development of High
Amendment 222 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 3 (3) The Joint Undertaking shall contribute to safeguarding the interests of the Union when procuring supercomputers and supporting the development of High Performance Computing technologies, systems and applications. It shall enable a co-design approach for the acquisition of world-class supercomputers, while safeguarding the security of the supply chain of procured technologies and systems and ensure the highest standards of cybersecurity applicable to supercomputers. It shall contribute to the Union’s technological autonomy by supporting the development of technologies and applications reinforcing the European HPC technology supply chain and promoting their integration in supercomputing systems that address a large number of societal and industrial needs.
Amendment 223 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 3 a (new) (3 a) Special attention should be paid on how to store and process personal data on the computing infrastructure in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and how to best monitor any dual use concerns (e.g., software developed on supercomputers). Strict usage agreements and procedures should be put in place to minimize any risk involved in handling personal data, and a Data Protection Officer (DPO) should be appointed to oversee the compliance with the GDPR. Standardized security, privacy, and operating procedures should be developed especially for cases when receiving data sets are provided by third parties, which may contain sensitive information. The Governing Board in cooperation with the European Commission should develop data processing management systems and collaborative tools, a commonly agreed vocabulary for data obligations, a common interpretation of security standards, standard operating procedures and workflows, a reference architecture and training procedures. Such a data protection framework can be used to protect and log storage, transport and processing of sensitive data, including privacy-protected, proprietary information, and critical infrastructure information. Such a data governance framework requires the embedding of a new trustworthy infrastructure to support both distributed data and metadata/discovery services.
Amendment 224 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 3 – paragraph 3 a (new) (3 a) The Joint Undertaking shall implement its mission and objectives in a clear, simple and flexible way in order to increase attractiveness towards industry, SMEs and all relevant stakeholders.
Amendment 225 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point b (b) Infrastructure pillar, encompassing the activities for the acquisition, deployment, and operation of the secure, hyper-connected world-class supercomputing, quantum computing and data infrastructure, including upgrading of previously acquired infrastructures as well as the promotion of the uptake and systematic use of research and innovation results generated in the Union.
Amendment 226 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point b (b) Infrastructure pillar, encompassing the activities for the acquisition, deployment, and operation of the secure, hyper-connected world-class supercomputing, quantum computing and European data infrastructure, including upgrading the existing infrastructure and the promotion of the uptake and systematic use of research and innovation results generated within the Union.
Amendment 227 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point b (b) Infrastructure pillar, encompassing the activities for the acquisition, upgrades, deployment, and operation of the secure, hyper-connected world-class supercomputing, quantum computing and data infrastructure, including the promotion of the uptake and systematic use of research and innovation results generated in the Union.
Amendment 228 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point b a (new) (b a) The promotion, uptake and use should take place by taking into account a series of factors including how we power these systems in a sustainable, environmentally conscious, and cost- effective way, make them inclusive and beneficial for all regions and citizens, avoid unintended consequences including a new arms race.
Amendment 229 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point c – point ii (ii) support to the interconnection and interoperability of the supercomputing, and quantum computing data infrastructures with the Union's common European data spaces and federated, secure cloud infrastructures while including specific requirements for cybersecurity, open data and data portability and the use of open source software and hardware;
Amendment 230 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point c – point ii (ii) support to the interconnection of the supercomputing, and quantum computing data infrastructures with the Union's common European data spaces and federated, secure cloud infrastructures without jeopardising data protection and privacy;
Amendment 231 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point c – point ii (ii) support to the interconnection of the supercomputing, and quantum computing data infrastructures with the Union's common European data spaces and federated, secure cloud and data infrastructures;
Amendment 232 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point c – point ii a (new) Amendment 233 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point d – introductory part (d) Technology pillar, addressing the activities for supporting an ambitious research and innovation agenda for developing a world-class, competitive trustworthy and innovative supercomputing ecosystem addressing hardware and software technologies, and their integration into computing systems, covering the whole scientific and industrial value chain, for ensuring technological autonomy of the Union and strengthening Union’s research capacities. Focus shall be on energy-efficient High Performance Computing technologies. Activities shall address inter alia: Trustworthy supercomputing should, among others 1) consider how the embedding of bias into the foundational level of high-performance computing could be prevented. 2) consider the need for open source ecosystems, the democratization of this type of computing including the embedding of distributive computing and the creation of mandatory safety, legal, ethical, robust security and interoperability standards.
Amendment 234 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point d – introductory part (d) Technology pillar, addressing the activities for supporting an ambitious research and innovation agenda for developing a world-class, competitive and innovative supercomputing ecosystem addressing hardware and software technologies, and their integration into computing systems, covering the whole scientific and industrial value chain
Amendment 235 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point d – introductory part (d) Technology pillar, addressing the activities for supporting an ambitious research and innovation agenda for developing a world-class, competitive and innovative supercomputing ecosystem addressing hardware and software technologies, and their integration into computing systems, covering the whole
Amendment 236 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point d – point i i) low-power micro-processing components, power-efficient nanoelectronics and related technologies such as novel algorithms, software
Amendment 237 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point d – point i i) low-power micro-processing components as long as they enhance the computing power of a supercomputer, and related technologies such as novel algorithms, software codes, tools, and environments;
Amendment 238 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point d – point iii iii) technologies and systems for the interconnection and operation of classical supercomputing systems with other, often complementary computing technologies, such as neuromorphic or quantum computing and ensure their effective, secure and reliable operation.
Amendment 239 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point d – point iii a (new) iii a) research and innovation activities for the technological development of low- power supercomputing hardware systems and the development of the next generation of chip technology.
Amendment 240 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point d – point iii a (new) iii a) research and development aimed at the constant improvement of the supercomputing hardware system's capacity and reaction speed.
Amendment 241 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point e – introductory part (e) Application pillar, addressing activities for achieving and maintaining European excellence in key computing and data applications and codes for science, industry (including SMEs and start-ups) and the public sector, including;
Amendment 242 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point e – point i i) applications for public and private users that exploit the capabilities of high- end supercomputers and their convergence with advanced digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, high performance data analytics, privacy enhancing applications, cloud technologies, etc. through the co-design, development and optimisation of High Performance Computing-enabled large-scale and emerging lead-market codes and applications, potentially benefiting from open cooperation models like open source;
Amendment 243 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point e – point i i) applications for public and private users that exploit the capabilities of high- end supercomputers and their convergence with advanced digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, computer modelling and simulation, high performance data analytics, cloud technologies, etc. through the co-design, development and optimisation of High Performance Computing-enabled large-scale and emerging lead-market codes and applications;
Amendment 244 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point e – point i i) applications for public and private users that exploit the capabilities of high- end supercomputers and their convergence with advanced digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, computer modelling and simulation, high performance
Amendment 245 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point e – point i i) applications for public and private users that exploit the capabilities of high- end supercomputers and their convergence with advanced digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, high performance data analytics, cloud technologies, disruptive computing etc. through the co- design, development and optimisation of High Performance Computing-enabled large-scale and emerging lead-market codes and applications;
Amendment 246 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point e – point ii ii) support, among others, to Centres of Excellence in High Performance Computing applications and large-scale High Performance Computing-enabled pilot demonstrators and test-beds for big
Amendment 247 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point e – point ii ii) support, among others, to Centres of Excellence in High Performance Computing applications and large-scale High Performance Computing-enabled pilot demonstrators and test-beds for big data applications and services in a wide range of scientific, environmental and industrial sectors.
Amendment 248 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point f (f) Widening usage and skills pillar, aiming at fostering excellence in supercomputing, quantum computing, and data use and skills, including skills for procurements made in the framework of this regulation, taking into account synergies with other programs and
Amendment 249 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point f (f) Widening usage and skills pillar, aiming at fostering excellence in supercomputing, quantum computing, and data use and skills, including the skills of those preparing the procurements made in the framework of this Regulation, taking into account synergies with other programs and instruments, in particular Digital Europe Program, widening the scientific and industrial use of supercomputing resources and data applications and fostering the industrial access and use of supercomputing and data infrastructures for innovation adapted to industrial needs; and providing Europe with a
Amendment 250 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point f (f) Widening usage and skills pillar, aiming at fostering excellence in supercomputing, quantum computing, and data use and skills taking into account synergies with other programs and instruments, in particular Digital Europe Program, widening the scientific and industrial use of supercomputing resources and data applications and fostering the industrial access and use of supercomputing and data infrastructures for innovation adapted to industrial needs; and providing Europe with a knowledgeable leading scientific community and a skilled workforce for scientific leadership and digital transformation of industry, including the support and networking of national High Performance Computing Competence Centres and High Performance Computing Centres of Excellence, while ensuring that application knowledge and expertise has the widest geographical coverage and gender diversity in the Union. Specific actions on the activities above may include:
Amendment 251 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point f (f) Widening usage and skills pillar, aiming at fostering excellence in supercomputing, quantum computing, and data use and skills taking into account synergies with other programs and instruments, in particular Digital Europe Program, widening the scientific and industrial use of supercomputing resources and data applications and fostering the industrial access and use of supercomputing and data infrastructures for innovation adapted to industrial needs; and providing Europe with a knowledgeable leading scientific community and a skilled workforce for scientific leadership and digital transformation of industry, including the support and networking of national High Performance Computing Competence Centres and High Performance Computing Centres of Excellence, while ensuring that application knowledge and expertise has the widest geographical coverage in the Union. Specific actions on the activities above may include:
Amendment 252 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point f – point i (new) i) Defining a set of career paths, job placements involving the use of HPC in real environment, HPC hackathons and skillsets required to leverage EuroHPC to promote sustainable growth in Europe, by providing relevant, mission-driven research and application problems, funding for internships and scholarships, such as Master’s programmes in HPC and computational science and partnerships with industry and academia.
Amendment 253 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point f – point ii (new) ii) Working with academia and business sector leaders to describe and develop curricula that will produce new experts in supercomputing and quantum computing with the necessary skillsets and engineering knowledge.
Amendment 254 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point f – point iii (new) iii) Working with front-runners in the computing and education communities to adapt and test new, more flexible methods of education and workforce development that enable rapid knowledge advancement and in-career transitions to HPC-related positions.
Amendment 255 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point f – point iv (new) iv) Industry-specific training, including hands on training and solving real use cases, and SME-tailored courses and support offerings like staff exchange programmes with research and academia.
Amendment 256 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 1 – introductory part (1) The Union financial contribution to the Joint Undertaking including EFTA appropriations shall be up to EUR [XXXXX], including up to EUR [XXXXX] including up to 4% for administrative costs and technical assitance, distributed as follows:
Amendment 257 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 3 (3) Additional Union funds complementing the contribution referred to in paragraph 1 may be allocated to the Joint Undertaking to support activities for the research and innovation and deployment of innovative solutions within the Union.
Amendment 258 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 6 (6) The Union's financial contribution referred to in point (a) of paragraph 1 shall be used for the Joint Undertaking to provide financial support to indirect actions as defined in Article xxx of the Horizon Europe Regulation, corresponding to the research and innovation agenda and through an open and transparent procedure.
Amendment 259 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 7 (7) The Union's financial contribution referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall be used for capability building across the whole Union, including the acquisition, and operation of High Performance Computers, quantum computers or quantum simulators, the federation of the High Performance Computing and quantum computing service and data infrastructure and the widening of its use, and the development of advanced skills and training accessible also to citizens living in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas.
Amendment 260 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 7 (7) The Union's financial contribution referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall be used for capability building across the whole Union, including the acquisition,
Amendment 261 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 7 (7) The Union's financial contribution referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall be used for capability building across the whole Union, including the acquisition, upgrades and operation of High Performance Computers, quantum computers or quantum simulators, the federation of the High Performance Computing and quantum computing service and data infrastructure and the widening of its use, and the development of advanced skills and training.
Amendment 262 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 5 – paragraph 7 (7) The Union's financial contribution referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall be used for capability building across the whole Union, including the acquisition,
Amendment 263 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 1 (1) The Participating States shall make a total contribution of at least equal to the amount of the Union contribution referred to in Article 5 of this Regulation, including up to
Amendment 264 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – paragraph 1 a (new) (1 a) The Joint Undertaking shall provide a favourable framework to support Participating States. In order to maximise the impact of the indirect actions, the specificities of the EuroHPC JU, with its tripartite model, shall be taken into consideration with regards to the management of financial contributions from Participating States.
Amendment 265 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 8 – paragraph 5 – introductory part (5) Following an open, fair and transparent call for expression of interest, the hosting entity referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article and the corresponding Participating State where the hosting entity is established or the corresponding hosting consortium shall be selected by the Governing Board through a fair and transparent process based, inter alia, on the following criteria:
Amendment 266 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point d (d) quality of the hosting facility's physical and IT infrastructure, its carbon footprint, its security and its connectivity with the rest of the Union;
Amendment 267 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point d (d) quality of the hosting facility's physical and IT infrastructure, its carbon footprint, its security and its connectivity with the rest of the Union;
Amendment 268 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point d (d) quality of the hosting facility's physical, energy and IT infrastructure, its security and its connectivity with the rest of the Union;
Amendment 269 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point d a (new) (d a) Special attention should be paid to the environmental footprint of high- performance computing, that should include an environmental assessment of the involvement of hundreds of machines, storage systems, facilities that house these systems, and production and shipping of the hardware components.
Amendment 270 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point d a (new) (d a) provision of an energy management plan including a strategy to increase energy-efficiency of the installation and access to renewable energy through renewable power purchase agreements;
Amendment 271 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 8 – paragraph 5 – point f – indent 1 (new) - Geographical balance;
Amendment 272 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point d (d) the plans
Amendment 273 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 9 – paragraph 2 – point k (k) the obligation of the hosting entity to submit by 31 January of each year to the Governing Board an audit report and data on the use of access time in the previous financial year; the audit report shall be made publicly available within 3 months of approval of the Governing Board;
Amendment 274 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 3 (3) The selection of the supplier of the high-end supercomputer shall a
Amendment 275 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – paragraph 3 (3) The selection of the supplier of the high-end supercomputer shall ensure excellence in European research and innovation and address the security of the supply chain.
Amendment 276 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 – paragraph 3 (3) The selection of the supplier of the quantum computers and quantum simulators shall a
Amendment 277 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 11 – paragraph 3 (3) The selection of the supplier of the quantum computers and quantum
Amendment 278 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 12 – paragraph 1 (1) The Joint Undertaking shall acquire together with the Private Members, or a consortium of private partners, at least mid-range supercomputers, or partitions of EuroHPC supercomputers, primarily destined for use by industry, and shall own them or co-own them with the Private Members or a consortium of private partners.
Amendment 279 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 12 – paragraph 3 (3) The selection of the supplier of an industrial-grade EuroHPC supercomputer shall a
Amendment 280 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 12 – paragraph 3 (3) The selection of the supplier of an industrial-grade EuroHPC supercomputer shall ensure excellence in European research and innovation and address the security of the supply chain.
Amendment 281 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 13 – paragraph 2 (2) The Union financial contribution referred to in Article 5(1) shall cover up to
Amendment 282 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 13 – paragraph 2 (2) The Union financial contribution referred to in Article 5(1) shall cover up to
Amendment 283 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 13 – paragraph 3 (3) The selection of the supplier of the mid-range supercomputer shall a
Amendment 284 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 13 – paragraph 3 (3) The selection of the supplier of the mid-range supercomputer shall ensure excellence in European research and innovation and address the security of the supply chain.
Amendment 285 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 (1) The use of EuroHPC supercomputers shall be open to users from the public and private sectors and shall
Amendment 286 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 (1) The use of EuroHPC supercomputers shall be open to users from
Amendment 287 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 2 Amendment 288 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 3 (3)
Amendment 289 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 5 (5) The Governing Board shall define and make publicly available the access rights to the Union's share of access time to the EuroHPC supercomputers.
Amendment 290 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 6 (6) Use of the Union's share of access time to the EuroHPC supercomputers shall be transparent and free of charge for the users from the
Amendment 291 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 6 (6) Use of the Union's share of access time to the EuroHPC supercomputers shall be free of charge for the users from the public sector referred to in Article 14(4) of this Regulation. It will also be free of charge for industrial users, NGOs and individuals, for applications
Amendment 292 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 8 (8) The Governing Board shall define specific and transparent rules for access conditions that depart from the guiding principles referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article. These concern the allocation of access time for projects and activities considered as strategic either by the Union or by the Governing Board.
Amendment 293 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 9 (9) Upon request of the Union, the Executive Director shall grant direct access to the EuroHPC supercomputers to initiatives that the Union considers essential for providing environment, health-related or other crucial emergency support services for the public good
Amendment 294 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – paragraph 11 – introductory part (11) The Governing Board shall regularly monitor the Union's and Member States access time granted per Participating State and per user category, including for commercial purposes and report annually on the use of the supercomputers per categories and geographic scope of users. It may decide to:
Amendment 295 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 a (new) Article 15 a Student Governing Board 1. Apart from the Governing Board a separate governing board will be established; every participating state shall have the right to nominate each year one student for the EuroHPC Student Governing Board; Members of the EuroHPC Student Governing Board exercise their duties for a period of maximum two years; 2. The EuroHPC Student Governing Board shall allocate 10% of the Unions access time to the EuroHPC supercomputers; 3. The EuroHPC Student Governing Board allocates access time to the EuroHPC supercomputers at its own discretion; 4. The EuroHPC Student Governing Board shall elect a President and a Vice President among their midst; 5. The President shall chair the EuroHPC Student Governing Board for one year, after that period the President will be succeeded by the Vice President; 6. Every bachelor or master student in a participating state shall have the right to file an application for access time to the EuroHPC supercomputers with the EuroHPC Student Governing Board; 7. The EuroHPC Student Governing Board allocates access time by consensus;
Amendment 296 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 16 – paragraph 2 (2) The fees generated by the commercial use of the Union's access time shall constitute revenue to the Joint
Amendment 297 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 16 – paragraph 3 (3) The access time allocated to commercial services shall in principle not exceed 20% of the Union's total access time of each EuroHPC supercomputer. The Governing Board shall decide on the maximum allocation of the Union's access time for the users of commercial services, taking into account the outcome of the monitoring referred to in Article 15(10).
Amendment 298 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 18 – paragraph 6 (6) The staff resources shall be set out in the staff establishment plan of the Joint Undertaking and shall adequately reflect the numbers and grades needed to ensure the highest standards of recruitments in the field, indicating the number of temporary posts by function group and by grade, as well as by the number of contract staff expressed in full-time equivalents, in accordance with its annual budget.
Amendment 299 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 19 – paragraph 2 (2) The Governing Board shall adopt a decision laying down rules on the secondment of national experts to the Joint Undertaking and on the use of trainees. All seconded national experts will be paid by the Joint Undertaking according to Union regulations and no cost employment is forbidden.
Amendment 300 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 1 (1) The activities of the Joint Undertaking shall be subject to continuous monitoring and periodic reviews in accordance with its financial rules, to ensure the highest impact and excellence, as well as the most efficient use of
Amendment 301 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 3 (3) Evaluations of the Joint Undertakings’ operations shall be carried out in a timely manner and without increasing the administrative burden neither for the Joint Undertakings nor for its beneficiaries, to feed into the overall interim and final evaluations of Horizon Europe and the related decision-
Amendment 302 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 4 (4) The Commission shall carry out an interim evaluation of each Joint Undertaking as part of the Horizon Europe
Amendment 303 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 4 Amendment 304 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 4 (4) The Commission shall carry out an interim evaluation of each Joint Undertaking as part of the Horizon Europe interim evaluation, as specified in Article 47 of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe, and without causing additional administrative burden for the Joint Undertaking. This evaluation shall be performed with the assistance of independent experts on the basis of a transparent process once there is sufficient information available about the implementation of Horizon Europe, but no later than four years after the start of Horizon Europe implementation. The
Amendment 305 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 4 (4) The Commission shall carry out an interim evaluation of each Joint Undertaking as part of the Horizon Europe interim evaluation, as specified in Article 47 of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe. This evaluation shall be performed with the assistance of
Amendment 306 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 4 (4) The Commission shall carry out an interim evaluation of each Joint
Amendment 307 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 6 (6) The Commission may carry out further evaluations of themes or topics of strategic and social relevance, with the assistance of external independent experts selected on the basis of a transparent process, to examine the progress made by the Joint Undertaking towards the objectives set, identify implementation challenges and the factors contributing to the implementation of the activities
Amendment 308 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 6 (6)
Amendment 309 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 22 – paragraph 7 (7) The Joint Undertaking shall perform periodic reviews of its activities with the minimum burden for the beneficiaries to inform the interim and final evaluations of the Joint Undertaking as part of Horizon Europe evaluations referred to in Article 47 of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe.
Amendment 310 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 25 – paragraph 1 (1) Ex-post audits of expenditure on actions funded by the Horizon Europe budget shall be carried out without increasing administrative burden neither for the Joint Undertaking nor for its beneficiaries in accordance with in accordance with Article 48 of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Horizon Europe as part of the Horizon Europe indirect actions, in particular in line with the audit strategy referred to in Article 48(2) of that Regulation.
Amendment 311 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 25 – paragraph 2 (2) Ex-post audits of expenditure on activities funded by the Digital Europe budget shall be carried out by the Joint Undertaking in accordance with Article xxx of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Digital Europe Programme, without increasing administrative burden neither for the Joint Undertaking nor for its beneficiaries.
Amendment 312 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 25 – paragraph 3 (3) Ex-post audits of expenditure on activities funded by the Connecting Europe Facility budget shall be carried out by the Joint Undertaking in accordance with Article xxx of Regulation (EU) No xxx establishing Connecting Europe Facility as part of the Connecting Europe Facility actions, without increasing administrative burden neither for the Joint Undertaking nor for its beneficiaries.
Amendment 313 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 27 – paragraph 1 a (new) The evaluations by independent experts should be based on published selection criteria together with appeal mechanisms and full declarations of any interests, The Governing Board should adopt rules for the prevention, avoidance and management of conflicts of interest in the Joint Undertaking in accordance with the financial rules of the Joint Undertaking and with the Staff Regulations in respect of staff Ethical and organisational values should be established and safeguarded by the Joint Undertaking, and monitored by the Commission.
Amendment 314 #
(1) The Joint Undertaking shall provide the Union institutions and Union bodies, offices or agencies access to all information related to the indirect actions it funds. Such information shall include results of beneficiaries participating in indirect actions of the Joint Undertaking or any other information deemed necessary for developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Union policies or programmes.
Amendment 315 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 35 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 As regards the actions initiated under Articles 10, 11, 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) No 2018/1488, as well as Articles 6 and 7 of the Statutes annexed to that Regulation shall continue to apply until their completion and to the extent necessary. In order to ensure equal treatment of all supercomputers under Regulation (EC) No 2018/1488 and under this new regulation, the Union financial contribution referred to in Article 11(2) of Regulation (EC) No 2018/1488 shall cover up to 50 % of the acquisition costs plus up to 50 % of the operating costs. The rules on allocation of Union's access time referred to in Article 13(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2018/1488 shall be adjusted accordingly.
Amendment 316 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point c (c) initiate and manage the calls for expression of interest for hosting EuroHPC supercomputers and evaluate the offers received, in an open and transparent manner with the support of independent external experts;
Amendment 317 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point h (h) initiate open calls for proposals and award funding in accordance with Regulation (EU) xxx establishing Horizon Europe, and within the limits of available funds, to indirect actions, mainly in the
Amendment 318 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point k (k) ensure the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability of the European High Performance Computing initiative, based on a set of appropriate measures;
Amendment 319 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point k – indent 1 (new) - consider the 'Do No Significant Harm Principle' pursuant to Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 and take into account the provisions of that Regulation to improve access to sustainable finance, where relevant;
Amendment 320 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point n a (new) (n a) ensuring joint activities with other relevant research and innovation initiatives at EU, national and regional level, will be crucial in achieving greater impact, ensuring the uptake of results and securing an optimum level of interconnections.
Amendment 321 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point o – indent 1 (new) - promote the involvement of SME's in their activities and take measures ensuring information to SME's , in line with the objectives of Horizon Europe;
Amendment 322 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – point 2 (2) The Union shall hold 25
Amendment 323 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – point 3 – introductory part (3) For the tasks referred to in Article 7(3) of these Statutes, the remaining 75
Amendment 324 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – point 4 – introductory part (4) For the tasks referred to in Article 7(4) of these Statutes, except points (f), (g) and (h), the remaining 75
Amendment 325 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – point 5 a (new) (5 a) The Commission should monitor the risk of non-compliance through the reporting system that needs to be developed, as well as by following the results of ex post audits on the recipients of EU funds as part of ex post audits covering the whole of the Horizon Europe. There is a need for a stronger commitment from industry, more targeted and ambitious objectives, more clearly defined impact and expected measurable results and closer monitoring and evaluation of the activities that will facilitate the auditability of the procedures.
Amendment 326 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 6 – point 6 – paragraph 1 At the first stage, the remaining 75
Amendment 327 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – point 3 – point i (i) where appropriate, lay down rules on the secondment of national experts, including their remuneration to the Joint Undertaking and on the use of trainees in accordance with Article 19(2) of this Regulation;
Amendment 328 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 7 – point 3 – point j a (new) (j a) These groups should constantly examine new processors, memory hierarchy, and interconnects have to be taken into consideration when designing large-scale high performance systems and redesign algorithms, programming models, data access, analysis, and visualization tools.
Amendment 329 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 8 – point 1 – introductory part (1) The Commission shall propose a list of candidates for Executive Director after consultation of the members other than the Union of the Joint Undertaking. For the purpose of such consultation the members other than the Union of the Joint Undertaking shall appoint by common accord their representatives as well as an observer on behalf of the Governing Board. The list shall ensure equal representation and opportunities for men and women.
Amendment 330 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – point 2 (2) The Research and Innovation Advisory Group shall consist of no more than twelve
Amendment 331 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – point 2 (2) The Research and Innovation Advisory Group shall consist of no more than twelve
Amendment 332 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – point 2 (2) The Research and Innovation Advisory Group
Amendment 333 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – point 3 (3) The Infrastructure Advisory Group shall consist of twelve
Amendment 334 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – point 3 (3)
Amendment 335 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 10 – point 3 (3) The Infrastructure Advisory Group shall consist of twelve
Amendment 336 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 14 – paragraph 1 – point a a (new) (a a) Consider the development of a federation of systems and functions with a consistent communication and management mechanism that will create a “continuum” of computing.
Amendment 337 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 15 – point 2 – paragraph 1 The contribution of each Participating State to the administrative costs of the Joint Undertaking shall be proportional to their Gross Domestic Product. Each year the contributions shall be calculated based on the GDP of the previous calendar year as determined by EUROSTAT. Any contribution by a Participating State to the costs of a procurement project of a Euro HPC supercomputer shall be accepted as a contribution to the administrative costs of the Joint Undertaking.
Amendment 338 #
Proposal for a regulation Article 16 – point 1 (1) Participating States shall
Amendment 95 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 5 (5) The Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 entitled ‘A European Strategy for Data’ outlines Europe’s strategy for policy measures and investments to enable the data economy for the coming five years. It emphasises the creation of European public common data spaces that will
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 6 (6) The Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 entitled ‘Shaping Europe’s digital future’ presents Europe’s digital strategy and focuses on few key objectives to ensure that digital solutions help Europe to pursue its own way towards a digital transformation that works for the benefit of people. Among the key actions it proposes is to invest in building and deploying cutting-edge joint digital capacities, including in supercomputing and quantum technologies, and to expand Europe’s supercomputing capacity to develop innovative solutions
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 6 (6) The Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 entitled
Amendment 98 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 6 (6) The Communication from the Commission of 19 February 2020 entitled ‘Shaping Europe’s digital future’ presents Europe’s digital strategy and focuses on few key objectives to ensure that digital solutions help Europe to pursue its own way towards a digital transformation that works for the benefit of people. Among the key actions it proposes is to invest in building and deploying cutting-edge joint digital capacities, including in supercomputing and quantum technologies, and to expand Europe’s supercomputing capacity to develop innovative solutions
Amendment 99 #
Proposal for a regulation Recital 7 (7) The Communication from the Commission of 10 March 2020 entitled ‘A new Industrial Strategy for Europe’ is reflecting an ambitious industrial strategy for Europe to lead the twin transitions towards climate neutrality and digital leadership. The Communication stresses the support, among others, to the development of key enabling technologies that are strategically important for Europe’s industrial future, including High Performance Computing and quantum technologies. The development of High Performance Computing and the implementation of its infractuctures should be a strategic instrument for the reinforcement of SME's and their resilience, while at the same time combating regional disparities, focusing in quality of jobs and contributing to the fight against the climate changes.
source: 691.126
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
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Procedure completed, awaiting publication in Official JournalNew
Procedure completed |
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Awaiting final decisionNew
Procedure completed, awaiting publication in Official Journal |
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Awaiting Parliament's voteNew
Awaiting final decision |
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Indicative plenary sitting dateNew
Debate in plenary scheduled |
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Awaiting committee decisionNew
Awaiting Parliament's vote |
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procedure/Other legal basis |
Rules of Procedure EP 159
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Old |
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Old |
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commission |
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procedure/dossier_of_the_committee |
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Preparatory phase in ParliamentNew
Awaiting committee decision |
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docs/0 |
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