Progress: Procedure completed
Lead committee dossier:
The European Parliament adopted by 550 votes to 77, with 62 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the joint text of the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2022, approved by the Conciliation Committee under the budgetary procedure.
(A) 2022 Budget
Parliament approved the joint text , the main elements of which are as follows
- the overall amount of commitment appropriations for the 2022 budget is set at EUR 169 515.8 million . Overall, this leaves a margin below the MFF ceilings for 2022 of EUR 1 167.8 million in commitment appropriations;
- the overall amount of payment appropriations is set at EUR 170 603.3 million . Overall, this leaves a margin below the 2022 MFF ceilings of EUR 1 695.8 million in payment appropriations;
- the Flexibility Instrument for 2022 is mobilised, in commitment appropriations, for an amount of EUR 368.4 million for heading 6 of the multiannual financial framework ‘Neighbourhood and the World’.
The Commission estimates payment appropriations for 2022 for the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 at EUR 467.2 million.
(B) Cross-cutting issues
The EU contribution (in commitment and payment appropriations) and the number of posts for all decentralised agencies are fixed at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget for 2022 as amended by Amending Letter No 1/2022, with the exception of the following agencies: (i) Eurojust (+EUR 380 000); (ii) European Public Prosecutor's Office (+EUR 3 750 000); (iii) European Asylum Support Office (+EUR 380 000); (iv) Frontex (-EUR 65 000 000).
(C) Expenditure headings of the multiannual financial framework (MFF) 2021-2027 - commitment appropriations
The commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget as amended by Amending Letter No 1/2022, but with the adjustments agreed by the Conciliation Committee.
- Heading 1 - Single market, innovation and digital
The agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 21 775.1 million , leaving a margin of EUR 102.9 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 1.
From the increase of EUR 30 million in commitment appropriations for the Single Market Programme, EUR 10 million is to be dedicated to providing various forms of support to the tourism sector .
The Conciliation Committee agrees to make commitment appropriations available again on the research budget lines for a total of EUR 117.3 million in commitment appropriations, i.e. an increase of EUR 40 million as compared to the level proposed by the Commission in the Draft Budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2022.
- Sub-heading 2a - Economic, social and territorial cohesion
The agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 49 708.8 million , leaving a margin of EUR 30.2 million under the expenditure ceiling of Sub-heading 2a.
- Sub-heading 2b - Resilience and values
The agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 6 330.2 million , leaving a margin of EUR 130.8 million under the expenditure ceiling of Sub-heading 2b.
The appropriations on the budget line for the European Union Instrument for Recovery can be reduced by EUR 244.7 million while fully preserving the capacity to finance the grant component of NextGenerationEU in 2022. A further EUR 20 million will be backloaded to 2027, to offset a corresponding frontloading for EU4Health.
The increase of EUR 3 million in commitment appropriations for the European Solidarity Corps and EUR 5 million from the increase of EUR 35 million in commitment appropriations for Erasmus+ are to be dedicated to preparing and carrying out activities in line with the European Year of Youth 2022.
- Heading 3 - Natural Resources and environment
The agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 56 235.4 million , leaving a margin of EUR 283.6 million under the expenditure ceiling of the heading, of which EUR 270.1 million is the sub-margin for ‘Market related expenditure and direct payments’.
- Heading 4 - Migration and border management
The agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 3 091.2 million , leaving a margin of EUR 99.8 million under the expenditure ceiling of the heading.
An increase of EUR 20 million is to be dedicated to the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for the financing of the resettlement of Afghan refugees and an increase of EUR 25 million is to be dedicated to the Integrated Border Management Fund for the management of the migrant crisis at the border of Belarus.
- Heading 5 - Security and defence
The level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 1 785.3 million , leaving a margin of EUR 82.7 million under the expenditure ceiling of the heading.
- Heading 6 - Neighbourhood and the World
The agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 17 170.4 million , with no margin left under the expenditure ceiling of heading 6 and the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument for an amount of EUR 368.4 million. For the Neighbourhood, Development Cooperation and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe, the increases in commitment appropriations of EUR 75 million (Emerging challenges and priorities cushion) and EUR 50 million (People - Global Challenges) are to be dedicated to the measures to fight the pandemic , including vaccines.
- Heading 7 - European public administration
The agreed level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 10 620.1 million , leaving a margin of EUR 437.9 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 7, of which EUR 240.1 million under the sub-margin for ‘Administrative expenditure of the institutions’.
The number of posts in the establishment plans of the institutions and the appropriations proposed by the Commission in the draft budget as amended by Amending Letter No 1/2022 are approved by the Conciliation Committee, with the exception of the sections relating to the European Parliament which the reading is approved, the Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and the European External Action Service (EEAS).
(D) Statements by the institutions
Parliament also confirmed the statements of Parliament, the Council and the Commission annexed to the resolution, which concern in particular:
- payment appropriations : the Commission is invited to present, in a timely manner, updated figures concerning the state of affairs and estimates regarding 2022 payment appropriations and to present an appropriate solution if the appropriations entered in the 2022 budget are insufficient to cover the needs;
- the cost of financing the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI) in 2022 : since no repayments of the principal will be possible in 2022, an amount of EUR 90 million, of which EUR 70 million is already included in the draft budget, will be backloaded to 2027: it can then be used either for interest payments or for early repayments. This backloading is off-set by a corresponding front-loading of funds for the EU Health Programme;
- combating child poverty under the European Social Fund Plus : this is of even greater importance, particularly in the context of the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, and should be sufficiently resourced;
- the provision of maximum resources for natural disasters under the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) part of the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve in 2022;
- the commitment of the three institutions to review the evolution of the pandemic response by the end of June 2022 , notably with regard to international vaccinations and will on this basis consider any necessary action as proposed by the Commission;
- the Commission's commitment to ensure that the average annual funding for migration for the Southern Neighbourhood from the Global Europe envelope and, if necessary, from other instruments, remains at least at the level envisaged for 2022.
The European Parliament adopted by 521 votes to 88, with 84 abstentions, a resolution on the Council's position on the Council position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2022.
Parliament considered that the Council's position on the draft budget, which has reduced commitment appropriations under the headings of the multiannual financial framework (MFF) by EUR 1.43 billion compared to the Commission's proposal, falls far short of Parliament's expectations for a recovery budget. It therefore decided to restore the level of appropriations in the draft budget for all lines where appropriations were cut by the Council , both for operational and administrative expenditure, and to use the draft budget as a starting point for its position.
Parliament therefore:
- set the overall level of appropriations in the budget for 2022 (all sections) at EUR 171 802 114 290 in commitment appropriations , i.e. an increase of EUR 4 008 766 380 compared to the draft budget;
- decided to make available an amount of EUR 486 000 000 in commitment appropriations following decommitments under Article 15(3) of the Financial Regulation;
- set the overall level of budget appropriations for 2022 (all sections) at EUR 172 467 593 189 in payment appropriations .
Parliament wants to support the recovery process from the pandemic, boost investment, tackle unemployment and lay the foundations for a more resilient and sustainable Union.
Heading 1 - Single Market, Innovation and Digital
Parliament increased the commitment appropriations of the heading by EUR 668 593 067 compared to the draft budget, financed by the available margin and the use of special instruments. In particular, Parliament:
- increased the appropriations for the research and innovation programme ‘ Horizon Europe ’ by EUR 305 million in commitment appropriations compared to the amount entered in the draft budget;
- increased funding for the three strands of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) by a total of EUR 207.3 million in commitment appropriations;
- increased by just over EUR 71 million the amount allocated to the Digital Europe programme , which is a key tool for increasing the EU rates of digitalisation;
- supported the increases in the various strands of the Single Market cluster by a total amount of just over EUR 37 million in commitment appropriations above the level of the draft budget.
Members are convinced that an EU programme in the field of tourism would effectively support the revival of this sector and put it on the road to a sustainable future. They also believe that InvestEU is a cornerstone of the recovery strategy and stressed the need to provide sufficient funding in the 2022 budget.
Sub-heading 2a - Economic, social and territorial cohesion
Parliament decided to create a separate budget line under the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), to provide a special additional allocation to foster the implementation of the European Child Guarantee in order to contribute to eradicate child poverty and to meet targets of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action plan, while mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic on children.
Members reinforced, for this purpose, Sub-heading 2a by EUR 700 000 000 above the draft budget.
Sub-Heading 2b - Resilience and values
Parliament reinforced the sub-heading by EUR 296 065 210 in commitment appropriations compared to the draft budget. In particular, it decided:
- to increase resources of the EU4Health Programme by EUR 80 million in the context of the COVID-19 crisis;
- to increase funding to meet the growing demand for the Erasmus+ programme by a total amount of just over EUR 137 million, as a 5% increase represents 40 000 additional mobility exchanges;
- increase by EUR 10 million the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (RescEU) in order to improve the protection of EU citizens and to strengthen preparedness for future disasters due to climate change;
- increase by EUR 10 million the Culture strand of the Creative Europe Programme to support the recovery of Europe's cultural and creative sectors and industries, particularly affected by the COVID crisis;
- to strengthen the ESF+ strand on employment and social innovation with a focus on promoting the participation of women in the labour market;
- to increase funding for the European Public Prosecutor's Office and increase its staffing levels to enable it to carry out its tasks.
Heading 3 - Natural resources and environment
Parliament requested an increase of EUR 212 750 473 in commitment appropriations under this heading compared to the draft budget.
Underlining the urgent need for action on climate change, Parliament decided (i) to increase budgetary support for the LIFE programme by EUR 171 million (i.e. by 25% compared to the draft budget) for the different strands of the programme and (ii) to significantly increase the budget of the European Environment Agency.
Heading 4 - Migration and border management
Parliament reinforced the heading by EUR 106 231 750 in commitment appropriations above the draft budget.
Members stressed the importance of (i) increasing the appropriations for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund , particularly in view of recent developments in Afghanistan; (ii) increasing the funding and staffing of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and (iii) increasing the staffing of the eu-LISA agency by helping it to implement a number of critical EU projects in the field of internal security and border management in 2022.
Parliament reversed the Council's cuts to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency ( Frontex ) as this agency needs to be given the necessary means. It decided to place EUR 90 million in the reserve for the recruitment of 20 fundamental rights monitors.
Heading 5 - Security and defence
Parliament increased the overall heading by EUR 82 621 461 above the draft budget, to be financed by using part of the available margin.
Members suggested increasing funding for the European Defence Fund and for military mobility , to support the implementation of an innovative and competitive defence industrial base that will help ensure the much-needed strategic autonomy of the Union. Targeted increases are also needed for the European Union Law Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL), the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol).
Heading 6 - Neighbourhood and the World
Parliament increased the level of commitment appropriations for Heading by EUR 563 429 451 above the draft budget.
Members proposed to increase funding for the Western Balkan countries and the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood countries and to significantly increase the humanitarian aid budget for Afghanistan. They called on Member States to commit an additional EUR 2 billion, either to COVAX or in vaccine doses, in the first half of 2022. They called for any successor to the EU Refugee Facility in Turkey to be financed by fresh appropriations and additional contributions from Member States and to be accompanied by the corresponding revision of the MFF Regulation.
Heading 7 - European public administration
Members considered that the Council’s cuts are unjustified and would not allow the Commission to fulfil its tasks. They therefore restored the draft budget for the Commission's administrative expenditure, including for its offices.
Parliament stressed the need to provide for a sufficient level of payment appropriations in the 2022 budget and therefore decided to reverse Council’s cuts and reinforce payment appropriations on those lines which are amended in commitment appropriations.
European Parliament
Parliament decided to maintain the overall level of its budget for 2022 at EUR 2 112 904 198 , in line with the estimates of revenue and expenditure adopted in plenary on 29 April 2021. It made budget-neutral technical adjustments to take account of updated information that was not yet available at the beginning of the year.
The European Commission presents to the European Parliament and to the Council Amending Letter No 1 to the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2022.
Overall, the net impact of AL 1/2022 on expenditure in the DB 2022 is an increase of EUR 1 243.3 million in commitment appropriations and an increase of EUR 1 231.7 million in payment appropriations .
The main adjustments and updates covered by this AL concern, inter alia , the following:
Pre-financing of the Brexit Adjustment Reserve
The AL introduces the 2022 appropriations of around EUR 1.3 billion for the pre-financing of the Brexit Adjustment Reserve.
Humanitarian support to refugees and reinforced pre-accession assistance instrument
In Draft Amending Budget (DAB) 5/2021 , the Commission proposed to provide continued support to the most vulnerable of the around 3.7 million refugees from the Syria conflict and beyond in Turkey. Concretely, a total amount of EUR 325 million in commitment appropriations is necessary to ensure the continuation of humanitarian support to refugees in Turkey by extending the coverage of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) support.
Based on a detailed assessment of payment needs in 2022, the Commission estimates that an amount of EUR 265 million in payment appropriations is necessary in 2022 to cover the additional humanitarian aid actions proposed in 2021, namely the extension of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme.
Moreover, through this amending letter, the Commission proposes to make partial use of the remaining unallocated margin in heading 6, for an amount of EUR 71 million in commitment appropriations, leaving EUR 33 million in commitment appropriations available for unforeseen needs in 2022. These EUR 71 million will complement the EUR 120 million to be committed from the programmed amounts under Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) in 2022, notably for migration management and border protection, and other socio-economic actions.
European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)
The estimated needs, assigned revenue and appropriations for agricultural expenditure have been updated and are now estimated at EUR 40 919.9 million , which is an increase by EUR 70 million compared to the DB 2022. The Commission proposes to increase the expenditure estimates for agriculture by EUR 70 million compared to the DB 2022. Commitment appropriations of EUR 40 368.9 million, which include EUR 497.3 million for the Reserve for crises in the agricultural sector, are required to cover EAGF needs for 2022.
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements
The Commission proposes an additional amount of EUR 10.9 million in commitment appropriations to fulfil contractual obligations following agreements signed with Cook Islands, Mauritania and Gabon. As for payment appropriations, the available credits amount to EUR 139.3 million. Considering the payment needs of EUR 160.7 million to cover existing protocols and also taking into account the agreements signed with Cook Islands, Mauritania and Gabon, the overall payment needs exceed the available budget by EUR 21.4 million.
Digital Europe Programme
Due to delays in the adoption of the work programmes implementing the Digital Europe Programme, several calls for proposals have been postponed to late 2022. Consequently, the level of payment appropriations included in the DB 2022 can be decreased by EUR 216 million.
IPA III contribution to Erasmus+
An IPA III contribution to Erasmus+ of EUR 3.7 million was originally allocated for support to Bologna activities to be programmed through the IPA Committee comitology, of which EUR 2.2 million in 2022 and EUR 1.5 million in 2025. However, because of the delay in the adoption of the IPA III basis act and the state of play on the negotiations of the international dimension of the Erasmus+ programme, it will not be possible to use the amount of EUR 2.2 million in 2022 as planned. This amount will be reprogrammed for other activities under IPA. These changes affect the DB 2022 as well as the financial programming for the amount planned in 2025.
Transfer of net assets of the European Coal and Steel Community
According to Withdrawal Agreement, the Union is liable to the United Kingdom for its share in the net assets of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in liquidation on 31 December 2020, amounting to EUR 183 282 282. The related reimbursements are made in five equal annual instalments of EUR 36 656 456 from 2021 to 2025.
The Council adopted its position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the year 2022 (DB 2022). The 2022 budget will be complemented by Next Generation EU funds designed to help boost Europe's economic recovery.
The Council's position on the DB 2022 amounts to:
- EUR 167 662 million in commitment appropriations (EUR 167 793.3 million in the Commission's DB 2022);
- EUR 169 966 million in payment appropriations (EUR 169 391.9 million in the Commission's 2022 DB).
The total amount of payment appropriations foreseen in the Council's position corresponds to 1.14% of the EU's Gross National Income (GNI) (based on the May 2021 GNI forecast).
The Council's position is based on the following approach:
- guiding principles of prudent and realistic budgeting , with adequate resources to support clearly defined priorities and to allow sufficient margins under the ceilings to deal with unforeseen circumstances;
- back-loading part of the financing of some budget lines to the second part of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 period, in order to ensure: (i) a realistic absorption capacity; (ii) an appropriate acceleration of the implementation of programmes by avoiding excessive increases compared to 2021;
- adjustments of payment appropriations mainly due to the proposed correction of repayment costs of the funds borrowed in the capitals market in the framework of the European Union Recovery Instrument, to take into account lower interest rates;
- the need for EU bodies and agencies to respect and implement all elements of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 when establishing and implementing the 2022 budget, in particular as regards the level of staff resources . The additional needs should primarily be covered by reprioritising expenditure.
Furthermore, the Council expressed reservations regarding the European Parliament's expenditure statement and establishment plan for 2022 and recalls its intention to examine these elements further in the context of the negotiations on the establishment of the Union's annual budget for 2022.
The Council has changed the commitment appropriations (c/a) and updated the payment appropriations (p/a) as follows in relation to the DB 2022:
(1) Single Market, Innovation and Digital (heading 1 of the MFF): EUR 21 219 091 840in c/a and EUR 21 588 101 276 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by an adjustment of commitment appropriations of EUR -425.05 million (of which EUR -316 million for Horizon Europe), and of EUR -141.20 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under heading 1 would be EUR 658.91 million.
(2) Cohesion and Values (heading 2 of the MFF): EUR 56 072 406 716 in c/a and EUR 56 499 743 963 in p/a
Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion (sub-heading 2a of the MFF)
- the Council accepted the level of both commitment and payment appropriations as it stands (EUR 49 706 million and EUR 56 349 million, respectively) in the DB 2022, as proposed by the European Commission;
- the margin available under sub-heading 2a would be EUR 32.87 million, as proposed by the European Commission.
Resilience and Values (sub-heading 2b of the MFF)
- the sub-heading is characterised by a total reduction in commitment appropriations of EUR -391.44 million (EUR -373.00 million for Recovery and Resilience and EUR -18.44 million for Investing in People, Social Cohesion and Values), and of EUR -336.77 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under sub-heading 2b would amount to EUR 459.98 million.
(3) Natural resources and environment (heading 3 of the MFF): EUR 56 072 406 716 in c/a and EUR 56 499 743 963 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by a reduction in commitment appropriations of EUR -25 million for the Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) and EUR -8.33 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under heading 3 would amount to EUR 446.59 million.
(4) Migration and border management (heading 4 of the MFF): EUR 3 078 967 387 in c/a and EUR 3 075 985 566 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by a reduction in commitment appropriations of EUR -45 million for the decentralised bodies, namely the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) and EUR -45 million for payment appropriations. The amount of EUR 45 million allocated to Frontex would be carried over to the years 2023-2027;
- the margin available under heading 4 would amount to EUR 112.03 million.
(5) Security and defence (heading 5 of the MFF): EUR 1 765 291 945 in c/a and EUR 1 231 194 518 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by a reduction in commitment appropriations of - EUR 20 million for the Internal Security Fund (ISF) and - EUR 6.67 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under heading 5 would amount to EUR 102.71 million.
(6) Neighbourhood and the World (heading 6 MFF): EUR 16 197 442 918 in c/a and EUR 12 243 385 271 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by a reduction in commitment appropriations of EUR -501 million, of which EUR -500.00 million for the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), and of EUR -163.67 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under heading 6 would amount to EUR 604.56 million.
(7) European public administration (heading 7 of the MFF): EUR 10 822 495 097 in c/a and EUR 10 822 595 097 in p/a
In line with the relevant European Council conclusions, the Council has decided to stabilise the staffing levels of all institutions, with the exception of the European Parliament, at those of 2021, thus refusing any additional posts requested by the institutions. If needs increase, they should be covered by redeployments within the institution concerned. Therefore, the following adjustments have been made to the establishment plans in the DB 2022.
For the European Parliament, it is suggested not to modify the Commission proposal at this stage and to provisionally foresee EUR 2 112.9 million, which represents an increase of + 2.4 % compared to the 2021 budget.
The margin available under heading 7 would amount to EUR 235.50 million.
Special instruments: EUR 2 799 169 974 in c/a and EUR 2 622 837 592 in p/a
It is suggested to maintain the appropriations entered in the DB 2022 for the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve, the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund and the Flexibility Instrument. It is proposed to introduce the amount of EUR 1 298 918 592 for both commitment and payment appropriations to take account of the political agreement on the Brexit adjustment reserve regulation.
In line with the Council's position on the DB 2022, the total budgetary revenue of the Union amounts to EUR 169 966 422 608, which corresponds to 1.14 % of the EU's gross national income (GNI).
The Council adopted its position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the year 2022 (DB 2022). The 2022 budget will be complemented by Next Generation EU funds designed to help boost Europe's economic recovery.
The Council's position on the DB 2022 amounts to:
- EUR 167 662 million in commitment appropriations (EUR 167 793.3 million in the Commission's DB 2022);
- EUR 169 966 million in payment appropriations (EUR 169 391.9 million in the Commission's 2022 DB).
The total amount of payment appropriations foreseen in the Council's position corresponds to 1.14% of the EU's Gross National Income (GNI) (based on the May 2021 GNI forecast).
The Council's position is based on the following approach:
- guiding principles of prudent and realistic budgeting , with adequate resources to support clearly defined priorities and to allow sufficient margins under the ceilings to deal with unforeseen circumstances;
- back-loading part of the financing of some budget lines to the second part of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 period, in order to ensure: (i) a realistic absorption capacity; (ii) an appropriate acceleration of the implementation of programmes by avoiding excessive increases compared to 2021;
- adjustments of payment appropriations mainly due to the proposed correction of repayment costs of the funds borrowed in the capitals market in the framework of the European Union Recovery Instrument, to take into account lower interest rates;
- the need for EU bodies and agencies to respect and implement all elements of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 when establishing and implementing the 2022 budget, in particular as regards the level of staff resources . The additional needs should primarily be covered by reprioritising expenditure.
Furthermore, the Council expressed reservations regarding the European Parliament's expenditure statement and establishment plan for 2022 and recalls its intention to examine these elements further in the context of the negotiations on the establishment of the Union's annual budget for 2022.
The Council has changed the commitment appropriations (c/a) and updated the payment appropriations (p/a) as follows in relation to the DB 2022:
(1) Single Market, Innovation and Digital (heading 1 of the MFF): EUR 21 219 091 840in c/a and EUR 21 588 101 276 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by an adjustment of commitment appropriations of EUR -425.05 million (of which EUR -316 million for Horizon Europe), and of EUR -141.20 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under heading 1 would be EUR 658.91 million.
(2) Cohesion and Values (heading 2 of the MFF): EUR 56 072 406 716 in c/a and EUR 56 499 743 963 in p/a
Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion (sub-heading 2a of the MFF)
- the Council accepted the level of both commitment and payment appropriations as it stands (EUR 49 706 million and EUR 56 349 million, respectively) in the DB 2022, as proposed by the European Commission;
- the margin available under sub-heading 2a would be EUR 32.87 million, as proposed by the European Commission.
Resilience and Values (sub-heading 2b of the MFF)
- the sub-heading is characterised by a total reduction in commitment appropriations of EUR -391.44 million (EUR -373.00 million for Recovery and Resilience and EUR -18.44 million for Investing in People, Social Cohesion and Values), and of EUR -336.77 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under sub-heading 2b would amount to EUR 459.98 million.
(3) Natural resources and environment (heading 3 of the MFF): EUR 56 072 406 716 in c/a and EUR 56 499 743 963 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by a reduction in commitment appropriations of EUR -25 million for the Environment and Climate Action Programme (LIFE) and EUR -8.33 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under heading 3 would amount to EUR 446.59 million.
(4) Migration and border management (heading 4 of the MFF): EUR 3 078 967 387 in c/a and EUR 3 075 985 566 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by a reduction in commitment appropriations of EUR -45 million for the decentralised bodies, namely the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) and EUR -45 million for payment appropriations. The amount of EUR 45 million allocated to Frontex would be carried over to the years 2023-2027;
- the margin available under heading 4 would amount to EUR 112.03 million.
(5) Security and defence (heading 5 of the MFF): EUR 1 765 291 945 in c/a and EUR 1 231 194 518 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by a reduction in commitment appropriations of - EUR 20 million for the Internal Security Fund (ISF) and - EUR 6.67 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under heading 5 would amount to EUR 102.71 million.
(6) Neighbourhood and the World (heading 6 MFF): EUR 16 197 442 918 in c/a and EUR 12 243 385 271 in p/a
- the heading is characterised by a reduction in commitment appropriations of EUR -501 million, of which EUR -500.00 million for the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), and of EUR -163.67 million for payment appropriations;
- the margin available under heading 6 would amount to EUR 604.56 million.
(7) European public administration (heading 7 of the MFF): EUR 10 822 495 097 in c/a and EUR 10 822 595 097 in p/a
In line with the relevant European Council conclusions, the Council has decided to stabilise the staffing levels of all institutions, with the exception of the European Parliament, at those of 2021, thus refusing any additional posts requested by the institutions. If needs increase, they should be covered by redeployments within the institution concerned. Therefore, the following adjustments have been made to the establishment plans in the DB 2022.
For the European Parliament, it is suggested not to modify the Commission proposal at this stage and to provisionally foresee EUR 2 112.9 million, which represents an increase of + 2.4 % compared to the 2021 budget.
The margin available under heading 7 would amount to EUR 235.50 million.
Special instruments: EUR 2 799 169 974 in c/a and EUR 2 622 837 592 in p/a
It is suggested to maintain the appropriations entered in the DB 2022 for the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve, the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund and the Flexibility Instrument. It is proposed to introduce the amount of EUR 1 298 918 592 for both commitment and payment appropriations to take account of the political agreement on the Brexit adjustment reserve regulation.
In line with the Council's position on the DB 2022, the total budgetary revenue of the Union amounts to EUR 169 966 422 608, which corresponds to 1.14 % of the EU's gross national income (GNI).
PURPOSE: presentation of the draft EU budget for 2022 by the European Commission.
CONTENT: the draft budget 2022 reflects the Union's priorities under the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the period 2021-2027. It is reinforced by additional funding from NextGenerationEU (NGEU), an exceptional instrument set up on a temporary basis to provide the EU budget with the additional firepower to launch essential response measures to the COVID-19 crisis.
The draft budget for 2022, reinforced by NGEU, will mobilise investments to stimulate economic recovery, preserve sustainability and create jobs. Priority will be given to green and digital spending to make Europe more resilient and better prepared for the future. A significant part of the funds will therefore be dedicated to combatting climate change, in line with the target to spend 30% of the long-term budget and the NextGenerationEU recovery instrument on this policy priority.
The draft budget 2022 sets appropriations of EUR 167.8 billion in commitments , and EUR 169.4 billion in payments , including special instruments. NextGenerationEU, which will provide an additional EUR 807 billion in current prices over the period 2021-2023, will reinforce the key programmes by an additional EUR 143.5 billion in commitment appropriations as assigned revenue to the 2022 budget.
Overall, in 2022, EUR 311.3 billion will be available in commitment appropriations, complemented by up to EUR 194.8 billion in loans to Member States.
The Commission proposes to allocate the following amounts (in commitment appropriations):
Heading 1 - Single market, innovation and digital: EUR 21.6 billion
- EUR 13.1 billion for research and innovation, including EUR 12.2 billion for Horizon Europe, the EU's flagship research programme. This could benefit from an additional EUR 1.8 billion from the NGEU;
- EUR 5.5 billion for European strategic investments, including EUR 1.2 billion for the InvestEU programme, EUR 2.8 billion for the European Interconnection Facility and EUR 1.2 billion for the Digital Europe programme. The InvestEU programme could benefit from an additional EUR 1.8 billion from the NGEU;
- EUR 905 million to ensure the functioning of the single market, including EUR 584 million for the single market programme and almost EUR 200 million for work on anti-fraud, taxation and customs;
- EUR 2.1 billion for spending dedicated to space.
Heading 2 - Cohesion, resilience and values: EUR 56.1 billion
- EUR 118.4 billion in NGEU grants under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the centrepiece of the EU's recovery instrument, to mitigate the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and to prepare EU economies and societies for the challenges posed by the green and digital transitions;
- EUR 36.5 billion for regional development and cohesion. 10.8 billion from NGEU to support crisis response and post-crisis damage repair;
- EUR 17.9 billion for investment in human capital, social cohesion and values, including EUR 13.3 billion for the European Social Fund Plus, EUR 3.4 billion for Erasmus+, EUR 401 million to support creators across Europe and EUR 253 million to promote justice, rights and values;
- EUR 789 million for the EU Health Programme to provide a comprehensive health response to citizens' needs, and RescEU could benefit from an additional EUR 680 million from the NGEU.
Heading 3 - Natural resources and environment: EUR 56.1 billion
- EUR 53.0 billion for the Common Agricultural Policy and EUR 972 million for the European Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) could benefit from an additional EUR 5.7 billion from the NGEU;
- EUR 1.9 billion for environment and climate action, including EUR 708 million for the LIFE programme to support climate change mitigation and adaptation, and EUR 1.2 billion for the Just Transition Fund (JTF). The latter could benefit from an additional EUR 4.3 billion from the NGEU.
Heading 4 - Migration and border management: EUR 3.1 billion
- EUR 1.3 billion for migration-related expenditure, including EUR 1.1 billion for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) which will contribute to the effective management of migration flows and the development of the common asylum and migration policy;
- EUR 1.9 billion for the protection of external borders and the harmonised implementation of the common visa policy, including EUR 780 million for the Integrated Border Management Fund (IBMF) and EUR 758 million for the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex).
Heading 5 - Security and defence: EUR 1.8 billion
- EUR 600 million for security, including EUR 227 million for the Internal Security Fund (ISF) to fight terrorism, radicalisation, organised crime and cybercrime;
- EUR 1.2 billion to address defence and common security challenges, including EUR 950 million to support capacity building and research under the European Defence Fund (EDF), and EUR 232 million for military mobility.
Heading 6 - Neighbourhood and the World: EUR 16.7 billion
- EUR 12.5 billion for the Neighbourhood, Development Cooperation and International Cooperation Instrument - Europe in the World (NDICI), whose priorities for 2022 include responding to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, including support for vaccination efforts and for economic recovery and stability in partner countries.
- EUR 1.9 billion to assist candidate and potential candidate countries in meeting the requirements of the EU accession process, mainly through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA III).
Heading 7 - European public administration: EUR 10.9 billion
The European public administration has demonstrated its remarkable capacity to adapt to the constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure quality and continuity in the face of unprecedented challenges.
The draft budget proposal for 2022 puts the focus on investments in information technology and transitioning into more collaborative working spaces, made possible by reducing the costs related to missions. The transition to more flexible working arrangements should be accompanied by a rationalisation of the building stock, which will be implemented over the coming years.
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 045 24.02.2022, p. 0001
- Final act published in Official Journal: Corrigendum to final act 32022B0182R(01)
- Final act published in Official Journal: OJ L 119 21.04.2022, p. 0110
- Decision by Parliament: T9-0465/2021
- Budgetary joint text: 13911/2021
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Budgetary joint text published: 13911/2021
- Budgetary conciliation report tabled for plenary: A9-0326/2021
- Budgetary conciliation report tabled for plenary: A9-0326/2021
- Decision by Parliament: T9-0432/2021
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2021)0642
- Document attached to the procedure: EUR-Lex
- Budgetary report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A9-0281/2021
- Budgetary report tabled for plenary: A9-0281/2021
- Committee opinion: PE693.759
- Committee opinion: PE695.060
- Committee opinion: PE696.282
- Committee opinion: PE695.203
- Specific opinion: PE697.655
- Committee opinion: PE693.844
- Committee opinion: PE695.140
- Committee opinion: PE695.195
- Committee opinion: PE695.251
- Committee draft report: PE696.541
- Committee opinion: PE693.876
- Committee opinion: PE693.910
- Committee opinion: PE696.302
- Committee opinion: PE693.812
- Committee opinion: PE695.063
- Council position on draft budget: 11352/2021
- Council position on draft budget published: 11352/2021
- Committee opinion: PE692.880
- Commission draft budget published: COM(2021)0300
- Commission draft budget published: EUR-Lex
- Committee opinion: PE692.880
- Council position on draft budget: 11352/2021
- Committee opinion: PE695.063
- Committee opinion: PE693.812
- Committee opinion: PE696.302
- Committee opinion: PE693.876
- Committee opinion: PE693.910
- Committee opinion: PE693.844
- Committee opinion: PE695.140
- Committee opinion: PE695.195
- Committee opinion: PE695.251
- Committee draft report: PE696.541
- Committee opinion: PE695.203
- Specific opinion: PE697.655
- Committee opinion: PE693.759
- Committee opinion: PE695.060
- Committee opinion: PE696.282
- Document attached to the procedure: COM(2021)0642 EUR-Lex
- Budgetary report tabled for plenary, 1st reading: A9-0281/2021
- Budgetary conciliation report tabled for plenary: A9-0326/2021
- Budgetary joint text: 13911/2021
- Andor DELI
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- José Manuel FERNANDES
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- Othmar KARAS
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- 2021/10/20 Announcement of voting results
- 2021/10/20 Announcement of voting results
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- Henrike HAHN
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- Marcel KOLAJA
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- Andrus ANSIP
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- Romeo FRANZ
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- Hélène LAPORTE
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