Progress: Procedure completed
Role | Committee | Rapporteur | Shadows |
Lead | LIBE | INCIR Evin ( S&D) | HALICKI Andrzej ( EPP), VAUTMANS Hilde ( Renew), FRANZ Romeo ( Verts/ALE), KANKO Assita ( ECR), BJÖRK Malin ( GUE/NGL) |
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 54
Legal Basis:
RoP 54Subjects
The European Parliament adopted by 442 votes to 114, with 42 abstentions, a resolution on racial justice, non-discrimination and anti-racism in the EU.
The EU anti-racism action plan 2020-2025 is the first EU policy instrument to recognise the structural dimension of racism. The action plan is a first, important step towards tackling racism and racial discrimination in the EU but lacks follow-up mechanisms, ambitious benchmarks and clear targets. A horizontal intersectional approach to EU policies and measures, as outlined in the gender and LGBTQI strategies, is instrumental to addressing racial discrimination. Minority groups including but not limited to Romani people, Muslims, Jewish people, people of African and Asian descent and Sami people are impacted by multiple forms of discrimination.
The resolution emphasised the urgent need for the EU to develop and employ a robust, inclusive, comprehensive and multifaceted approach for effectively combating all forms of racism and discrimination, including structural and institutional racism, on all grounds and in all areas in the EU. It insisted that the EU and its institutions must lead by example in this fight.
In this regard, Parliament recalled its long-standing call for the adoption of the horizontal anti-discrimination directive, which has been blocked in the Council since 2008 and called for its adoption.
Moreover, the Commission is called on to:
- continue assessing the implementation of the current EU legal framework for combating discrimination, racism, xenophobia, hate speech and hate crime, and other types of intolerance, in order to determine how to improve it;
- take concrete steps, including infringement procedures, in case of breaches of EU law by Member States;
- implement a policy of zero tolerance for EU support for projects, inside or outside the EU, that directly or indirectly promote xenophobic or racist views;
- update the proposal for an EU equal treatment directive.
Member States are called on to:
- ensure the full implementation and effective monitoring of the Racial Equality Directive and the Employment Equality Directive;
- fully and correctly transpose the provisions of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia into national law;
- criminalise racist hate crime and hate speech ;
- put in place relevant standards and measures relating to the protection of witnesses and victims of hate crimes.
Complaints and accountability mechanisms
Deeply concerned about cases of police violence against racialised people in several Member States, people should have access to independent and well-functioning police complaints mechanisms capable of launching investigations into cases of police violence, misconduct and abuse and to safeguard rights of people to document these cases. The resolution underlined the need for a monitoring and accountability mechanism to ensure the effective application and enforcement of EU anti-racism and anti-discrimination legislation and policy.
The resolution stressed the role of education, culture and sport in countering racial and ethnic stereotypes and promoting equality and social inclusion. It strongly condemned any racial or ethnic segregation in schools, which is still happening in the EU and which has a disproportionate effect on children from racial and ethnic minority communities.
Gender issues
Specific actions should be taken to fight gender stereotypes and eliminate discrimination and inequalities, as well as to combat gender-based violence against racialised women, including through the adoption of the proposed directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence, by adding gender-based violence to the list of EU crimes and by criminalising forced sterilisation and forced abortion.
Temporary Protection Directive
Parliament welcomed the EU response to the people fleeing Ukraine and the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive. However, it expressed concerned about reports of discriminatory and racist incidents at the borders against people of colour and minorities, such as Romani people, and reminded Member States of each individual’s right to seek asylum and to be treated with respect under international law. Members called on the Commission to mainstream the racial equality dimension throughout the EU’s legal and policy framework on migration.
Representation and participation
Parliament stressed the importance of representation and diversity as a tool for the development of inclusive societies. It recalled that the media have a responsibility to reflect societies in all their diversity and regretted the current lack of diversity at all levels. The resolution condemned the racist rhetoric of certain media outlets that stigmatise racialised communities. The importance of gender-balanced participation as well as participation of racialised people in the media was stressed in order to ensure adequate representation and provide positive role models for children of racialised groups.
National action plans
Member States are urged to adopt national action plans against racism and discrimination by the end of 2022, which take into account the historical roots of racism and create a culture of remembrance, as provided for in the EU anti-racism action plan. There is also the need to continue the EU anti-racism action plan beyond 2025 and developing it towards a fully-fledged EU strategy.
The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs adopted an own-initiative report by Evin INCIR (S&D, SE) on racial justice, non-discrimination and anti-racism in the EU.
The right to equal treatment and non-discrimination is a fundamental right enshrined in the Charter and must be fully respected. The EU law forbids discrimination and harassment on grounds of racial or ethnic origin. The EU anti-racism action plan 2020-2025 is the first EU policy instrument to recognise the structural dimension of racism. The action plan is a first, important step towards tackling racism and racial discrimination in the EU but lacks follow-up mechanisms, ambitious benchmarks and clear targets.
The report emphasised the urgent need for the EU to develop and employ a robust, inclusive, comprehensive and multifaceted approach for effectively combating all forms of racism and discrimination, including structural and institutional racism, on all grounds and in all areas in the EU. It insisted that the EU and its institutions must lead by example in this fight.
The Commission is called on to:
- continue assessing the implementation of the current EU legal framework for combating discrimination, racism, xenophobia, hate speech and hate crime, and other types of intolerance, in order to determine how to improve it;
- take concrete steps, including infringement procedures, in case of breaches of EU law by Member States;
- mainstream equality and racial justice in all their policy work, including by funding projects at Member State, regional and local level;
- implement a policy of zero tolerance for EU support for projects, inside or outside the EU, that directly or indirectly promote xenophobic or racist views;
- update the proposal for an EU equal treatment directive.
Member States are called on to:
- ensure the full implementation and effective monitoring of the Racial Equality Directive and the Employment Equality Directive;
- fully and correctly transpose the provisions of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia into national law;
- criminalise racist hate crime and hate speech and to take the necessary measures to ensure that a racist or xenophobic motive is considered an aggravating circumstance or, alternatively, that the courts may take such a motive into consideration in determining penalties;
- put in place relevant standards and measures relating to the protection of witnesses and victims of hate crimes before, during and after criminal investigations and proceedings, in line with the Victims’ Rights Directive, and exchange best practices on measures that have proven to be effective to encourage reporting, such as hotlines and safe spaces.
Complaints and accountability mechanisms
Deeply concerned about cases of police violence against racialised people in several Member States, people should have access to independent and well-functioning police complaints mechanisms capable of launching investigations into cases of police violence, misconduct and abuse and to safeguard rights of people to document these cases.
The report underlined the need for a monitoring and accountability mechanism to ensure the effective application and enforcement of EU anti-racism and anti-discrimination legislation and policy and recalls the importance of the participation of civil society organisation in this process.
The report stressed the role of education, culture and sport in countering racial and ethnic stereotypes and promoting equality and social inclusion. It strongly condemned any racial or ethnic segregation in schools, which is still happening in the EU and which has a disproportionate effect on children from racial and ethnic minority communities.
Equality data
The report called on the Commission to continue to develop common methodology of equality data with Member States for the purpose of describing and analysing the state of equality and to tackle inequalities holistically. The data must be disaggregated, comparable, accurate and reliable, at the same time as it is based on voluntary participation, self-identification and informed consent, while protecting anonymity and confidentiality and respecting the key principles of the EU data protection legislation and fundamental rights and respecting national legislation. A close cooperation with FRA is essential.
National action plans
Member States are urged to adopt national action plans against racism and discrimination by the end of 2022, which take into account the historical roots of racism and create a culture of remembrance, as provided for in the EU anti-racism action plan. There is also the need to continue the EU anti-racism action plan beyond 2025 and developing it towards a fully-fledged EU strategy.
Institutional action
Deploring the fact that structural racism persists in EU society, Members called on the EU institutions to address it within its structures and address the underrepresentation of racialised groups and other groups subject to discrimination, particularly in decision-making positions, and to urgently adopt a workforce diversity and inclusion strategy. On the other hand, they welcomed the Commission’s appointment of the first anti-racism coordinator in 2021 and the continuous re-appointment since 2015 of the coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2023)29
- Results of vote in Parliament: Results of vote in Parliament
- Debate in Parliament: Debate in Parliament
- Decision by Parliament: T9-0389/2022
- Committee report tabled for plenary: A9-0254/2022
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE732.794
- Committee draft report: PE731.706
- Committee draft report: PE731.706
- Amendments tabled in committee: PE732.794
- Commission response to text adopted in plenary: SP(2023)29
- Othmar KARAS
Plenary Speeches (3)
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Evin INCIR
Plenary Speeches (2)
- Andrus ANSIP
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Malin BJÖRK
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- Romeo FRANZ
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- Stanislav POLČÁK
Plenary Speeches (1)
- Evelyn REGNER
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- Clare DALY
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- Peter POLLÁK
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- Juozas OLEKAS
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- Patryk JAKI
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- Alice KUHNKE
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- Samira RAFAELA
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- Pietro BARTOLO
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Plenary Speeches (1)
Justice raciale, non-discrimination et lutte contre le racisme dans l'UE - Racial justice, non-discrimination and anti-racism in the EU - Rassengerechtigkeit, Diskriminierungsverbot und Vorgehen gegen Rassismus in der EU - A9-0254/2022 - Evin Incir - Proposition de résolution #
Amendments | Dossier |
359 |
359 amendments...
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 5 a (new) — having regard to Regulation (EU) 2021/692 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 April 2021 establishing the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme,
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 8 a (new) — having regard to the Commission communication of 04 march 2021 entitled “European Pillars of social rights Action Plan”
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E d (new) Ed. whereas the way in which people are portrayed in the media, regardless of their racial, religious or ethnic background, can reinforce negative stereotypes with racial connotations;
Amendment 101 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E e (new) Ee. whereas according to EU MIDIS II, 61 % of EU citizens believe that discrimination against the Romani people is widespread in their country; whereas deeply rooted, persistent and structural and often institutional and governmental antigypsyism continues to exist at all levels of European society and manifests itself on a daily basis acknowledged as major barrier in achieving the full potential of Romani people as EU citizens enjoying fully fundamental rights, social inclusion and equality, in all spheres of life, including housing, education, healthcare and employment;
Amendment 102 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E e (new) Ee. whereas social biases and structural inequalities are also often integrated into new technologies, including AI;
Amendment 103 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E f (new) Ef. whereas CSOs plays a critical role in preserving and implementing EU values and fundamental rights, and in the implementation of EU policies and strategies; whereas there is a degradation of civic space throughout the EU and many CSOs struggle to survive and have problems with funding[1];[1]Shrinking space for civil society in Europe, European Parliament resolution of 8 March 2022 on the shrinking space for civil society in Europe (2021/2103(INI)
Amendment 104 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E f (new) Ef. whereas racism against Romani people has led to violence and killing; whereas hate-motivated harassment and hate crimes remain significantly high against Romani people and the majority of hate-motivated incidents are not reported;
Amendment 105 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E g (new) Eg. whereas Roma women and people with disabilities have also faced structural violence and violation of their integrity and bodily autonomy, being victims of forced sterilisation, contraception and abortion which are harmful practices and form of gender based violence rooted in eugenic beliefs;
Amendment 106 #
Motion for a resolution Recital F Amendment 107 #
Motion for a resolution Recital F F. whereas the EU
Amendment 108 #
Motion for a resolution Recital F F. whereas the EU Action Plan
Amendment 109 #
Motion for a resolution Recital F F. whereas the EU Action Plan against racism lacks follow-up mechanisms and
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 8 b (new) — having regard to its resolution of 8 March 2022 on the shrinking space for civil society in Europe (2021/2103(INI))
Amendment 110 #
Motion for a resolution Recital F F. whereas the EU Action Plan lacks follow-up mechanisms and measurable targets for anti-white racism and Christianophobia;
Amendment 111 #
Motion for a resolution Recital G Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution Recital G G. whereas the Racial Equality Directive has been insufficiently implemented by the Member States; whereas the Racial Equality Directive (RED) requires updating to contend with modern developments such as racial bias in Artificial Intelligence and algorithmic decision making that negatively impacts marginalised and racialised peoples; whereas the RED does not cover all forms and grounds of discrimination such as intersectional and structural discrimination and discrimination against third country nationals; whereas the RED does not cover actions by public authorities, including law enforcement;
Amendment 113 #
Motion for a resolution Recital G G. whereas the Racial Equality Directive has been insufficiently implemented by the Member States; whereas the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia has not been fully or correctly transposed by some Member States; whereas the Commission should monitor and ensure that Member States comply with EU anti- discrimination legislation;
Amendment 114 #
Motion for a resolution Recital G G. whereas
Amendment 115 #
Motion for a resolution Recital G G. whereas the Racial Equality Directive
Amendment 116 #
Motion for a resolution Recital G G. whereas the Racial Equality Directive has been insufficiently implemented by
Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new) Ga. whereas a legislative proposal for the Equality, Inclusion, Participation of Romani people and Combating Antigypsyism, is needed and should be developed on the basis of more realistic quantitative and qualitative disaggregated data collected with the support of Romani Civil Society Organisations;
Amendment 118 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas the EU institutions need to take concrete steps to ensure sustainable changes towards a fully inclusive and respectful workplace; whereas discrimination is often multidimensional and only an intersectional approach can pave the way to sustainable changes; whereas individuals from racialized groups and groups in vulnerable situations who are subject to intersectional forms of discrimination are underrepresented indecision-making positions;
Amendment 119 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas the EU institutions need to take
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 12 — having regard to the Commission communication of 3 March 2021 entitled ‘Union of Equality: Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030’ (COM(2021)0101), and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified by the EU and all its Member States,
Amendment 120 #
H. whereas the EU institutions need to take concrete steps to ensure sustainable changes towards a fully inclusive and respectful workplace; whereas discrimination is often multidimensional and only an intersectional approach can pave the way to sustainable changes, stemming from histories, policies and practices of racism deeply embedded in societal structures;
Amendment 121 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas the EU institutions
Amendment 122 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas the EU institutions need to take concrete steps to ensure sustainable
Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas the EU institutions need to take concrete steps to ensure sustainable changes towards a fully inclusive and respectful workplace and to decent and quality jobs; whereas discrimination is often multidimensional and only an intersectional approach can pave the way to sustainable changes;
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas the EU institutions need to take concrete steps to ensure sustainable changes towards a
Amendment 125 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H H. whereas the EU institutions need to
Amendment 126 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas there remains no clear evidence of widespread and normalised racism in the EU; whereas there are many institutions, agencies and organisations, including at government level, that seek to fight racism and discrimination in the EU and within Member States and that seek to ensure that the rights of all people, including minorities, are protected; whereas the EU and Member States have some of the most developed legal and institutional frameworks to fight racism and discrimination;
Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas the numerous alt-right- wing extremists and neo-Nazi groups are supporting the Russian forces during invasion; whereas according to the German Federal Intelligence Service, extremist groups such as the “Russian Imperial League” and “Rusich Group” are involved in fight against Ukraine.
Amendment 128 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas Republicans during the Reconstruction period provided civil rights protection in the South for freedmen, African-Americans who had formerly been slaves; whereas Democrats enacted discriminatory Jim Crow laws to support racial segregation in everyday life;
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas new technologies and the digital transition can bring new challenges to racial equality and non- discrimination as well as become an effective tool in fighting against racism and structural discrimination;
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 12 — having regard to the Commission communication of 3 March 2021 entitled ‘Union of Equality: Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030’ (COM(2021)0101), and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified by the EU and all its Member States;
Amendment 130 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new) Ha. whereas racial discrimination can be an added layer of vulnerability for racialised survivors of gender-based violence, and can hinder their access to the support, resources and healthcare they need.
Amendment 131 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H b (new) Hb. whereas xenophobic and national non-governmental organizations such as “Stowarzyszenie Straż Narodowa”, “Stowarzyszenie Marsz Niepodległości” and “Stowarzyszenie Młodzież Wszechpolska,” were generously donated by Polish authorities; whereas the total amount of transfers from the governmental Patriotic Fund exceeded more than 3 million PLN, and according to information released by the media, the funds were also spent on the sound system allowing the spread anti-European content.
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H b (new) Hb. whereas there has been a steady increase in hate speech and hate crime in Europe; whereas the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the factors contributing to this increase; whereas hate speech can lead to hate crime; whereas according to the FRA up to 9 in 10 hate crimes and hate motivated attacks in the EU are not reported and therefore not sanctioned;
Amendment 133 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H b (new) Amendment 134 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H b (new) Hb. whereas intersectionality is a form of left-wing identity politics and cultural Marxism which determines one's level of oppression by the number of oppressed groups a person falls into, and/or where that group falls on the oppression hierarchy;
Amendment 135 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H c (new) Hc. whereas anti-Ukrainian online hate speech and disinformation produced by Russian supporters are spread in order to create anti-Ukraine tensions in the Members States hosting refugees.
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H c (new) Hc. whereas intersectionality determines one's level of oppression by the number of oppressed groups a person falls into, and/or where that group falls on the oppression hierarchy;
Amendment 137 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H d (new) Hd. whereas one of the most ridiculous examples of intersectionality is "Queers for Palestine";
Amendment 138 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H e (new) He. whereas intersectionality has influenced the U.S. education system to such an extent that race-based disciplinary policy has been introduced in some school districts;
Amendment 139 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H f (new) Hf. whereas anti-racism is a political philosophy derived from Marxism which seeks to address the inherent tension between affirmative action and other forms of discrimination on the one hand and the overall goal of equality of outcome and social justice on the other hand;
Amendment 14 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 15 a (new) — having regard to the Commission communication of 16 April 2019 entitled ‘More efficient decision-making in social policy: Identification of areas for an enhanced move to qualified majority voting’ (COM(2019)186),
Amendment 140 #
Motion for a resolution Recital H g (new) Amendment 141 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the urgent need for the Union to develop a robust and
Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the urgent need for the Union to develop a robust and comprehensive agenda for effectively
Amendment 143 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the urgent need for the Union to develop a robust and comprehensive agenda for effectively combating racism and discrimination on all grounds and
Amendment 144 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the urgent need for the Union to focus on its core objective of facilitating free trade, and recognizes that developing a robust and comprehensive agenda for effectively
Amendment 145 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the urgent need for the Union to develop and employ a robust
Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the
Amendment 147 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the urgent need for the Union to develop a robust and comprehensive agenda for effectively combating racism and discrimination on all grounds and in all areas in the EU; insists that the Union and its institutions must lead by example in the fight against
Amendment 148 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the urgent need for the Union to develop a robust and comprehensive agenda for effectively combating racism and discrimination on all grounds and in all areas in the EU; insists that the Union and its institutions must lead by example in the fight against structural and institutional racism and
Amendment 149 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the urgent need for the Union to develop a robust and comprehensive agenda for effectively combating
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 15 b (new) — having regard to the European Pillar of Social Rights, including the third principle on equal opportunities and the corresponding action plan,
Amendment 150 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 1. Emphasises the urgent need for the Union to develop a robust and comprehensive agenda for effectively combating racism and discrimination on all grounds and in all areas in the EU; insists that the Union and its institutions must lead by example in the fight against
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 a (new) 1a. Stresses that racism and discrimination exist in all areas of our daily life and can take many forms; calls for a zero-tolerance approach to this issue; is concerned that different groups, communities and individuals are subjected to racism, xenophobia and discrimination across the EU;
Amendment 152 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 Amendment 153 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the Commission to continue assessing the implementation of the current EU legal framework for combating discrimination, racism, xenophobia, hate speech and hate crime, and other types of intolerance in order to determine how to improve it where needed, and to take part in a regular dialogue and exchange of best practices with Member States
Amendment 154 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the Commission to assess the implementation of the current EU legal framework for combating discrimination, racism, xenophobia and other types of intolerance in order to ensure its enforcement and to determine how to improve it where needed
Amendment 155 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2.
Amendment 156 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the Commission to
Amendment 157 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the Commission to critically assess the implementation of the current EU legal framework for combating discrimination, racism, xenophobia and other types of intolerance
Amendment 158 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the Commission to assess the implementation of the current EU legal framework for combating discrimination, racism,
Amendment 159 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the Commission to assess the implementation of the current EU legal framework for combating discrimination, racism
Amendment 16 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 15 c (new) Amendment 160 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 2. Calls on the Commission to regularly assess the implementation of the current EU legal framework for combating discrimination, racism, xenophobia and other types of intolerance in order to determine how to improve it where needed, and to take part in a regular dialogue and exchange of best practices with Member States and stakeholders;
Amendment 161 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Calls on the Commission to submit a legislative proposal for the Equality, Inclusion, Participation of Romani people and Combating Antigypsysim, on the basis of a thorough impact assessment and in systemic consultations with Romani people, (pro-) Romani experts and NGOs from national, regional and especially from grassroots level as well as other interested stakeholders such as the Council of Europe and FRA; considers that this proposal could be based on Article 19(2) of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union as appropriate action to combat discrimination based on ethnic origin of Romani people; is of the opinion that the previously used Council recommendation is not a sufficient form of act, as it was not legally binding and has failed to make a significant positive impact on the Romani people; calls on the Commission to take into account the internal heterogeneity of the community in the priority domains of the post 2022 proposal, ensuring that nobody is left behind, and strongly encourages to use the designation ‘ Romani people’ when referring to Romani groups in post 2022 EU policies and discussions; notes that equal participation in all domains of public life, political participation, and the language, arts, culture and history of Romani people should be explicitly mentioned in the post-2022 EU proposal for Romani people, as additional measures to the four main priority areas of education, employment, housing and healthcare;
Amendment 162 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Calls on the EU and Member States to guarantee that all persons are equal before the law and not allow some persons, particularly women, to be discriminated by religious courts operating in the country, such as in cases of family law, including divorce; calls furthermore that certain harmful cultural practises that occur in the Middle East and Africa, such as female genital mutilation, marital captivity and honour killings, that particularly involve women of certain minority groups, are severely punished in the EU and perpetrators are held accountable; calls for increased awareness and advocacy to put an end to such harmful practises in the EU as they form a threat to our legal system and stresses that our national laws must prevail;
Amendment 163 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Regrets that Roma communities remain one of the most discriminated and vulnerable groups in the EU; call on the Member States to implement the recommendation of the Council of the European Union on Roma equality, inclusion and participation adopted on 12 March 202 as well as EU Roma Strategic Framework for equality, inclusion and participation for 2020-2030 and to make full use of the available funding on both the EU and the national levels towards this end; calls on the Commission to intensify the monitoring of Member States’ progress and take further steps accordingly;
Amendment 164 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Regrets that the EU gender equality framework systematically avoids the issue of race; insists that fighting gender stereotypes, eliminating discrimination and the inequalities that particularly affect racialised women and girls, and implementing gender mainstreaming are preconditions to achieve real equality between genders;
Amendment 165 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take action against the alarming increase in antisemitism in the Union; is of the opinion that the will to accommodate other religious minorities in some cases has created an unjustifiable acceptance of antisemitism;
Amendment 166 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 a (new) 2a. Calls on the Commission to mainstream anti-racism and gender equality when drafting legislation, adopting budgets or implementing laws, including founding of projects on a Member State, regional and local level;
Amendment 167 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 b (new) 2b. Highlights that many women of African descent and other racialised women face intergenerational poverty and exclusion and consistently appear among the groups with least access to health services, facing discrimination in obstetric, maternity and child services; stresses that as a system that extracts commercial profit from discrimination of a group, prostitution belongs to the continuum of colonial, racist, sexist, class and legal status exploitation; calls in this sense to recognise prostitution as harmful to women, men and communities as well as incompatible with the human dignity and gender equality enshrined in the universal human rights instruments;
Amendment 168 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 b (new) 2b. Calls on the Commission to implement zero tolerance for EU support for projects that directly or indirectly express antisemitism; emphasizes in this context that it is an important issue of credibility for the EU that the external action of the union in this respect is linked to other EU policies; calls therefore on the Commission to change its policy regarding UNRWA so that there is a clear conditionality in the fight against antisemitism in order to gain access to EU funds;
Amendment 169 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 c (new) 2c. Is concerned about the impact of racism and discrimination on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents of immigrant background, hindering their integration in host societies; insists that these biases have a long-term impact in their adulthood;
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 17 — having regard to Commission’s common guiding principles for national action plans against racism and racial discrimination
Amendment 170 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 Amendment 171 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 Amendment 173 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3.
Amendment 174 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Calls on the Council to set up a Council Gender Equality and Equality group in order to allow high-level
Amendment 175 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Calls on the Council to
Amendment 176 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3.
Amendment 177 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 3. Calls on the Council to
Amendment 178 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Recalls the long-standing call of the Parliament for the adoption of the Horizontal Anti-Discrimination Directive, that has been blocked in Council since 2008 to harmonise the scope and the reach of the anti-discrimination instruments; calls on forthcoming presidencies of the Council to make equal treatment and the fight against discrimination in all its forms a key priority to break the deadlock; calls for ensuring that the EU Equality legislative framework combats intersectional discrimination, including in its structural and institutional forms, to move away from a single-axis individual approach and address systemic discrimination without lowering the standards; calls on the Council to establish a Council configuration on Gender Equality and Equality to properly discuss the abovementioned topics in a permanent forum;
Amendment 179 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 a (new) 3a. Emphasizes that all EU action in the field of employment and social affairs, including actions taken to increase gender equality and measures to strengthen the position of ethnic minorities, must be based on respect for the Union's widely differing labour market models as well as the principle of subsidiarity;
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 20 a (new) — having regard to European Parliament resolution of 17 December 2020 on the need for a dedicated Council configuration on gender equality (2020/2896(RSP));
Amendment 180 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 Amendment 181 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4.
Amendment 182 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Calls on the Member States to ensure the full implementation of the Racial Equality Directive;
Amendment 183 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Calls on the Member States to ensure the full implementation of the Racial Equality Directive; condemns the fact that racial, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities face
Amendment 184 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Calls on the Member States to
Amendment 185 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Calls on the Member States to ensure the full implementation of the Racial Equality Directive;
Amendment 186 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Calls on the Member States to ensure the full implementation of the Racial Equality Directive; condemns the fact that racial, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities face structural racism, discrimination, hate crime and hate speech,
Amendment 187 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 4. Calls on the Member States to ensure the full implementation of the Racial Equality Directive; condemns the fact that racial, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities face structural racism, discrimination, hate crime and hate speech, a lack of access to justice, and sustained socioeconomic inequalities in areas such as but not limited to housing, healthcare, employment and education, which need to be acknowledged as major barriers to full enjoyment of fundamental rights and key barriers to
Amendment 188 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Condemns the fact that racial, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities face structural racism, discrimination, hate crime and hate speech, a lack of access to justice, and sustained socioeconomic inequalities in areas such as housing, healthcare, employment and education, which need to be acknowledged as major barriers to full enjoyment of fundamental rights and key barriers to inclusion and equality;
Amendment 189 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 a (new) 4a. Calls on the Member States to ensure that healthcare services are prepared to address specific health issues that affect in particular people of African, Middle-Eastern, Latin-American and Asian descent through necessary trainings and updating of the medical education curricula accordingly;
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 a (new) — having regard to the European Convention on Human Rights and Protocol No 12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms prohibiting discrimination,
Amendment 190 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 b (new) 4b. Calls on better enforcement of the Employment Equality Directive in all Member States as well as for effective monitoring of the compliance with the directive;
Amendment 191 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 c (new) 4c. Call on the European Commission to monitor the application of the existing EU anti-discrimination legal framework and to take further steps where necessary, including infringement procedures in case of breaches of the EU law;
Amendment 192 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Regrets that 14 years after the adoption of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia, several Member
Amendment 193 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Regrets that 14 years after the adoption of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia, several Member States have not yet fully and correctly transposed its provisions into national law; calls on the Member States to put measures in place t
Amendment 194 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Regrets that 14 years after the adoption of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia, several Member States have not yet fully and correctly transposed its provisions into national law; calls on the Member States to put measures in place that encourage victims and witnesses to come forward and report hate crime,
Amendment 195 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5.
Amendment 196 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5.
Amendment 197 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5. Regrets that 14 years after the adoption of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia, several Member States have not yet fully and correctly transposed its provisions into national law;
Amendment 198 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 5.
Amendment 199 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Is deeply concerned about the cases of police violence against racialized people in several Member States; calls on the Member States to ensure that independent police complaints mechanisms are established to lead investigations into cases of police violence, misconduct and abuse; highlights that these mechanisms should be given with sufficient powers and resources to fulfil their tasks and should be accessible to all complainants, irrespective of their financial means; underlines that law enforcement should be accountable for their actions before the law, the public authorities and the entire public they as supposed to protect; calls on the Member States not to leave cases of police brutality and abuses unpunished; considers necessary to rethink the role of law enforcement in society since it does not operate in a vacuum but is intimately connected to legal tools and justice systems, which may severely impact individuals’ lives;
Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 5 a (new) — having regard to Regulation (EU) 2021/692 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 April 2021 establishing the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme,
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 a (new) — having regard to the Council of Europe’s ECRI opinion on the concept of racialisation adopted in December 2021,
Amendment 200 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Calls on the European Commission and the Member States to adopt specific actions to combat gender- based violence against racialised women, including through the adoption of the proposed Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence, by adding gender-based violence on the list of EU-crimes and by criminalising institutional violence, forced sterilisation and forced abortion and providing remedies, support and reparation to victims;
Amendment 201 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Welcomes the communication of the European Commission of 9 December 2021 on extending the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crimes; calls on the Council to swiftly agree on the adoption of a decision, with the consent of the European Parliament, after which the Commission can propose legislation to criminalise hate speech and hate crime at EU level;
Amendment 202 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Calls on Member States to apply the key guiding principles on encouraging reporting of hate crime developed in March 2021 by Working Group on hate crime recording, data collection and encouraging reporting; encourages exchange of best practices among relevant authorities;
Amendment 203 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 a (new) 5a. Calls on the Member States to put measures in place that encourage victims and witnesses to come forward and report hate crime, and strengthen the ability of national law enforcement systems to correctly identify and record it;
Amendment 204 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 b (new) 5b. underlines that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a potential of helping identify and reduce the impact of human biases and can be used in mapping groups that are discriminated through application of AI software on data sets; recognises however the risks of reinforcing the existing discrimination and stresses therefore the importance of the quality of data used in the development of algorithms, as the standard of AI systems relies on the data used to train them; underscores that AI system that is trained on low quality data, does not meet adequate requirements in terms of its accuracy or robustness, or is not properly designed and tested before put into service, it may single out people in a discriminatory or otherwise incorrect or unjust manner;
Amendment 205 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 b (new) 5b. Underlines that hate speech is included as an example of offensive language prohibited under Rule 10 of the European Parliament Rules of Procedure alongside defamatory language and incitement to discrimination based on any ground referred to in Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights; calls on the President of the European Parliament to ensure that the EP rules of procedure regarding the conduct of members are implemented and that incidents of hate speech by Members of the European Parliament are properly investigated and addressed;
Amendment 206 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 b (new) 5b. Acknowledges that the institutional racism in law enforcement is a matter of concern; considers that there is an urgent need for legislation in the domain of law enforcement and racial discrimination which includes the establishment of meaningful mechanisms to ensure accountability for victims and their families as well as independent oversight; urges, in this regard, the EU institutions and the Member States to put in place concrete measures;
Amendment 207 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 c (new) 5c. Welcomes the agreement on the Digital Services Act, which will ensure that what is illegal offline is also dealt with online and will therefore also contribute in the fight against illegal hate speech on the internet;
Amendment 208 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 c (new) 5c. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to safeguard the rights of people to document police violence and misconduct;
Amendment 209 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 d (new) 5d. Expresses deep concern about the racism and discrimination in criminal justice systems; recalls that at each step of the process there is the potential for biases to taint decisions and outcomes; underlines the worrisome increasing tendency to implement policies that punish and criminalise rather than offer support and services for those in need; stresses that these policies have a disproportionate impact on racialized people;
Amendment 21 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 b (new) Amendment 210 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 d (new) 5d. Calls on the EU Member States to exchange best practices on alternative punishments for hate speech and hate crimes such as community service, compulsory education or victim-offender mediation;
Amendment 211 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Demands that the Member States end racial or ethnic profiling in all forms, particularly when encompassing artificial intelligence (AI) tools and including in criminal law enforcement, counter- terrorism measures and immigration controls, and to officially recognise and combat practices of unlawful discrimination and violence
Amendment 212 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 213 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 214 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 215 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6. Is gravely concerned about the use of intrusive biometric surveillance technologies and long-range acoustic devices at EU external borders; Demands that the Member States end racial or ethnic profiling in all forms, encompassing artificial intelligence (AI) tools and including in criminal law enforcement, counter-terrorism measures
Amendment 216 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 217 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 218 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 219 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 6.
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 b (new) — having regard to the ECRI General Policy recommendations,
Amendment 220 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Deeply regrets that racialised groups are victims of racial profiling and police brutality whether at the borders, as a result of migration policies, or within Member States; calls in this sense on the Commission to engage more decisively with Member States to ensure that the allegations of unlawful behaviour and violence by law enforcement are properly investigated and to monitor the implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive to ensure that victims of police brutality, regardless of their migration status, are protected under the EU mechanism;
Amendment 221 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) Amendment 222 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 a (new) 6a. Acknowledges that racialized groups are disproportionally represented among the lower income strata of the European population and calls on the Commission to address the specific needs of racialized groups in areas such as education, housing, health, employment, policing, social services, the justice system and political participation and representation;
Amendment 223 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 b (new) 6b. Welcomes the EU response to the people fleeing Ukraine and the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) and calls on the Commission to extend it to all people fleeing Ukraine, including third country nationals; condemns however the EU’s exclusionary, anti-migrant policies and discourses towards racialized communities, which reinforce negative stereotypes and feeds discriminatory and racist behaviours towards specific groups; reiterates that migration and border controls cannot be put before the safety, rights and lives of people; calls on the Commission to extend the TPD to other places of conflicts and crisis, such as Afghanistan;
Amendment 224 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 b (new) 6b. Encourages, therefore, Member States to make full use of the child guarantee to also tackle the structural racism against racialised children and work out specific national programmes aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty which overwhelmingly affect racialised children;
Amendment 225 #
6c. Calls on the Commission to mainstream anti-racism in migration policies by integrating the racial equality dimension throughout the legal and policy EU framework on migration;
Amendment 226 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 Amendment 227 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Calls on the Member States to monitor racial bias, including in AI
Amendment 228 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Calls on the
Amendment 229 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Calls on the Member States to monitor racial bias
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 c (new) — having regard to the report from the Council of Europe Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) “COVID-19: an analysis of the anti- discrimination, diversity and inclusion dimensions in Council of Europe member States” 1a _________________ 1a 2530-cdadi-covid-19-web-a5-final-2774- 9087-5906-1/1680a124aa
Amendment 230 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7.
Amendment 231 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Calls on the Member States to monitor racial bias, including in AI datasets, in criminal justice, education systems
Amendment 232 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 7. Calls on the Member States to monitor racial bias, including in AI datasets, in criminal justice, education systems and social services, and to take proactive steps to ensure equal justice in
Amendment 233 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Strongly condemns the practice of racial and ethnic segregation in schools, which is still present in several Member States and have a disproportionate effect on children from racial and ethnic communities; warns that such practices lead to marginalisation, perpetuate structural discrimination and hamper equal access to quality of life; calls on the Commission and the Member States to introduce or strengthen inclusive policies to prevent social exclusion; further calls on the Commission and the Member States to take concrete steps to support children from racial and ethnic minorities and from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds and their families;
Amendment 234 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Calls on the FRA to undertake in- depth research on the fundamental rights implications, especially on the right to non-discrimination, of the collection, analysis and transfer of data between national law enforcement authorities and Europol and analyse, in cooperation with the EDPS, how Europol’s IT systems impact different rights enshrined in the Charter; calls on the FRA to provide an analysis of the situation of enforcement of data protection and anti-discrimination laws in EU police cooperation frameworks; calls on the FRA to increase participation of racialised groups in data collection projects.
Amendment 235 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 a (new) 7a. Emphasises that according to FRA survey (2021) Your Rights Matter: Police Stops, the majority in the EU as a whole thinks that police generally treats people with respect “frequently” or “always”; notes however that there are disparities between Member States; stresses that there is a correlation between trust among citizens and the readiness to report a crime when witnessing it;
Amendment 236 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 b (new) 7b. Calls on CEPOL for more training on how to avoid unlawful profiling in law enforcement context and to assist with understanding and eliminating bias; recalls that the FRA Handbook on Preventing Unlawful Profiling Today And In The Future (2018) provides practical information that can be directly used by national authorities in their own trainings;
Amendment 237 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 Amendment 238 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 Amendment 239 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Urges the EU institutions to address intersectional forms of discrimination in EU anti-discrimination legislation and policies and to promote an EU framework on intersectional discrimination with cross- cutting objectives and measures; calls on the Commission and the Member States to mainstream an intersectionality approach in order to take into account the diversity and heterogeneity of racialized groups and groups in vulnerable situations when designing and implementing policies and measures; further calls on the Commission and the Member States to promote trainings, particularly for practitioners including law enforcement officials and judges, and awareness campaigns on intersectional discrimination;
Amendment 24 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 c (new) — having regard to Resolution 2389 (2021) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on combating Afrophobia, or anti-Black racism, in Europe,
Amendment 240 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Urges the EU institutions to not address intersectional forms of discrimination in
Amendment 241 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Urges the EU institutions to address
Amendment 242 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Urges the EU institutions to address intersectional forms of discrimination in EU anti-discrimination legislation and policies and to promote an EU framework on intersectional discrimination with cross- cutting objectives and measures, including an EU-wide ban for radical hate preachers to enter the common territory;
Amendment 243 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Urges the EU institutions to address intersectional forms of discrimination in EU anti-discrimination legislation and policies and to promote a
Amendment 244 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 8. Urges the EU institutions to address
Amendment 245 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Calls on the Commission to take measures that address the structural and historical harms and drivers of racism, and underlying issues such as poverty and oppression, including those created, enabled and normalised by States; Insists on the importance of acknowledging and teaching the historical roots of racism to foster a better understanding of migration in the present and counter ahistorical and race-blind approaches to migration policies and to encourage processes of recognition, reparation and restitution;
Amendment 246 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 a (new) 8a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to adopt specific actions to combat gender-based violence against racialised women, including through the adoption of the proposed Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence, by adding gender- based violence on the list of EU-crimes and by criminalising forced sterilisation and forced abortion and providing remedies and support to victims;
Amendment 247 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 Amendment 248 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Emphasises the need to ensure meaningful participation of all groups affected by intersectional discrimination in policymaking at EU, national and local levels, especially racialised groups , including Roma, Muslim, Jewish, people of African and Asian descent, sami people and to effectively engage and fund anti- racist civil society and grassroots organisations; insists that anti-racist human rights defenders have to be protected and supported in their work;
Amendment 249 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Emphasises the need to ensure meaningful participation of all groups affected by intersectional discrimination in policymaking at EU, national and local levels, especially racialised groups; calls on the Commission and Member States to amplify the measures against so called 'honour crimes', which restricts the rights and freedom of minorities, in particular women and girls, to fully participate in society;
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 d (new) — having regard to Resolution 2413 (2021) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on discrimination against Roma and Travellers in the field of housing,
Amendment 250 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Emphasises the need to ensure meaningful participation of all groups affected by intersectional discrimination in policymaking at EU, national and local levels, especially racialised groups; underlines furthermore the importance of regular and structured dialogue with civil society organisations working on racial justice and equality on European, national and local levels;
Amendment 251 #
9. Emphasises the need to ensure meaningful participation of all groups affected by intersectional discrimination in policymaking at EU, national and local levels, especially racialised groups; urges the Commission and the Member States to put in place specific measures in this direction;
Amendment 252 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9.
Amendment 253 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Emphasises th
Amendment 254 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Emphasises the need to ensure meaningful participation of all groups affected by intersectional discrimination in policymaking at EU, national and local levels,
Amendment 255 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Emphasises the need to ensure meaningful participation of all groups affected by intersectional discrimination in policymaking at EU, national and local levels
Amendment 256 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Emphasises the need to
Amendment 257 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 9. Emphasises the need to ensure meaningful participation of all groups affected by
Amendment 258 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Stresses the importance of collecting comparable and robust disaggregated equality data in order to fully understand and to document discrimination and to tackle inequality holistically, based on voluntary participation, self-identification and informed consent, while protecting anonymity and confidentiality, ensuring community participation in defining of categories, analysis and evaluation, respecting the key principles of EU data protection legislation and fundamental rights and complying with national legislation; calls on the Commission to continue developing a common methodology on this with Member States in order to ensure the comparability, accuracy and reliability of
Amendment 259 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Stresses the importance of collecting comparable and robust disaggregated equality data in order to fully understand and to document discrimination and to tackle inequality holistically, based on voluntary participation, self-identification and informed consent, while protecting anonymity and confidentiality,
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 d (new) — having regard to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
Amendment 260 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10.
Amendment 261 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Stresses the importance of collecting comparable and robust disaggregated
Amendment 262 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 10. Stresses the importance of collecting comparable and robust disaggregated equality data to document racism and discrimination, analyse social problems and to tackle inequality holistically, based on voluntary participation, self-identification and informed consent, while protecting anonymity and confidentiality, respecting
Amendment 263 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 Amendment 264 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 Amendment 265 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls on all Member States to adopt national action plans against racism and discrimination by the end of 2022 which take into account the historical roots of racism and create a culture of remembrance with regards to slavery and colonialism, as provided for in the EU Anti-racism Action Plan; highlights the need to continue this EU Action Plan beyond 2025
Amendment 266 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls on all Member States to adopt national action plans against racism and discrimination by the end of 2022,
Amendment 267 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls on all Member States to adopt national action plans against
Amendment 268 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11.
Amendment 269 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11.
Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 e (new) — having regard to the General Policy Recommendations adopted by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), notably General Policy Recommendation No. 5 (Revised) on preventing and combating anti-Muslim racism and discrimination and General Policy Recommendation No. 9 (Revised) on preventing and combating antisemitism,
Amendment 270 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11. Calls on all Member States to adopt national action plans against racism and discrimination by the end of 2022 which take into account the historical roots of racism, as provided for in the EU Anti- racism Action Plan; highlights the need to continue this EU Action Plan beyond 2025 and encourages the Commission to begin this work before the end of its current mandate;
Amendment 271 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 11.
Amendment 272 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new) 11a. Recalls its support to CSOs, in particular in the field of anti-racism, anti- discrimination and tolerance, and the need for dedicated and sufficient EU funding being available to them; deplores attacks in different forms (hate speech, tax regimes, SLAPPs, attacks to their offices or people working in them) against those CSOs providing support to citizens and expertise to policy makers in this field;
Amendment 273 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 a (new) 11a. Calls for more relevant programming under the Citizen, Equality, Rights and Values Programme in the area of fight against discrimination; stresses that only through adequate funding directly from the EU budget the organisations working on the ground will be able to make a meaningful contribution;
Amendment 274 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Underlines the importance of representation and diversity as a tool for the development of inclusive societies; recalls that the media have a responsibility to reflect societies in all their diversity, and regrets the current lack of diversity at all levels; stresses furthermore the importance to encourage the participation of racialized people in television programmes and other media, in order to adequately address their lack of representation, as well as the lack of role models for children of racialized groups;
Amendment 275 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12.
Amendment 276 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12.
Amendment 277 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Underlines the importance of representation and diversity as a tool for the development of inclusive societies;
Amendment 278 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12.
Amendment 279 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 Amendment 28 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 e (new) — having regard to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) General Recommendations,
Amendment 280 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 12. Underlines th
Amendment 281 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12a. Condemns the racist rhetoric of certain media outlets that stigmatise racialized communities, for example by targeting Romani people or migrants as being the source of various economic and social problems; calls on the Member States to take effective measures to prevent media from spreading stigmatising rhetoric, hate speech, false narratives and negative portrayals of particular ethnic or racial groups, which only serve to dehumanise the individuals concerned;
Amendment 282 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 a (new) 12 a. Underlines the role of education, culture and sports in countering racial and ethnic stereotypes and promoting equality and social inclusion; takes the view that Member States should tackle racism and discrimination since an early stage and mainstream inclusive education in all national official curricula, so as counter stereotypes, unconscious bias and structural racism;
Amendment 283 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 12 b (new) 12 b. Underlines the crucial effects that media literacy campaigns and initiatives may have in mitigating racial discrimination narratives propagated through disinformation; calls on the Commission and the Member States to put greater emphasis on the development of critical thinking, media literacy and digital skills to combat racism and discrimination;
Amendment 284 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 Amendment 285 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Calls on the Commission
Amendment 286 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Calls on the Commission to adopt concrete legislative measures to strengthen the role and independence of equality bodies in Member States and to ensure that they are sufficiently funded in order to perform their tasks, especially when it comes to a better collection of data in view to mapping discrimination and inequalities across the EU;
Amendment 287 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Welcomes the Commission's initiative on minimum standards for equality bodies, which has the aim to ensure equal protection against discrimination across the EU; Calls on the Commission to adopt concrete legislative measures to strengthen the role and independence of equality bodies in Member States;
Amendment 288 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13.
Amendment 289 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Calls on the Commission not to adopt
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 f (new) — having regard to the European Citizens Initiatives on "Minority Safe Pack Initiative" and on "Cohesion policy for the equality of the regions and sustainability of the regional cultures",
Amendment 290 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13. Calls on the Commission to
Amendment 291 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13.
Amendment 292 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 13.
Amendment 293 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 13 a (new) Amendment 294 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls for structural and institutionalised racism, discrimination and the underrepresentation of minorities within the structures of the European institutions to be addressed and for the adoption of a workforce diversity and inclusion strategy with targeted measures for all racialised groups; calls on all EU institutions and agencies to challenge Eurocentric perspectives and to stress the universality of human rights;
Amendment 295 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls
Amendment 296 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls for
Amendment 297 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls for
Amendment 298 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls for
Amendment 299 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14.
Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 5 a (new) — having regard to the report by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of 18 February 2011 on the EU strategy on Roma inclusion (2010/2276(INI)),
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 g (new) — having regard to the relevant reports and recommendations of research institutions and civil society organizations, including grassroots NGOs, working on anti-racism and anti- discrimination,
Amendment 300 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls
Amendment 301 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14.
Amendment 302 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 14. Calls
Amendment 303 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Reiterate its call on all Member States and the Union institutions and agencies to adopt and apply the working definition of anti-Semitism employed by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)1a; stresses the urgent need for comprehensive educational measures at all levels to promote the IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism; _________________ 1a Resolution on combating anti-Semitism (2017/2692(RSP) of 29 May 2017
Amendment 304 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Reminds the Commission of the words of Nelson Mandela; stresses that it is not diversity or ethnicity that divides us; stresses that the only division that exists at present is between those who cherish democracy and those who do not;
Amendment 305 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 14 a (new) 14a. Welcomes in this regard the adoption of the EP diversity strategy and its roadmap for 2022-2024; highlights that it is also the responsibility of the respective political groups to enforce it in their respective HR strategy;
Amendment 306 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 Amendment 307 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Welcomes the Commission’s appointment of the first anti-racism coordinator in 2021 and the continuous re- appointment since 2015 of the coordinator on combating anti-semitism and fostering Jewish life; but deplores that the position of coordinator on combating anti-
Amendment 308 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Welcomes the Commission’s appointment of the first anti-racism coordinator in 2021 and the continuous re- appointment since 2015 of the coordinator on combating anti-semitism and fostering Jewish life; but deplores that the position of anti-muslim hatred coordinator has been left vacant since July 2021; reminds that these positions should be permanent and therefore coordinators should be sustained and supported; underlines the central role of the anti-racism coordinator and EU high-level working group on combating racism, xenophobia and intolerance in mainstreaming racial equality across all EU policies;
Amendment 309 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Welcomes the Commission’s appointment of the first anti-racism coordinator in 2021 and the continuous re- appointment since 2015 of the coordinator on combating anti-semitism and fostering Jewish life; but deplores that the position of anti-muslim hatred coordinator has been left vacant since July 2021; recalls the urgent need to fill the position of the coordinator on combating anti-Muslim hatred; calls on the Commission to ensure that these EU coordinators are given adequate resources to fulfil their tasks and to mainstream racial equality throughout EU policies;
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 22 h (new) — having regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which has been ratified by the EU and all its Member States,
Amendment 310 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Welcomes the Commission’s appointment of the first anti-racism coordinator in 2021 and the continuous re- appointment since 2015 of the coordinator on combating anti-semitism and fostering Jewish life; but deplores that the position of anti-muslim hatred coordinator has been left vacant since July 2021; demands the immediate appointment and reminds that these positions should be permanent and therefore coordinators should be sustained and supported financially;
Amendment 311 #
Amendment 312 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15.
Amendment 313 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15.
Amendment 314 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Welcomes the Commission’s appointment of the first anti-racism coordinator in 2021 and the continuous re- appointment since 2015 of the coordinator on combating anti-semitism and fostering Jewish life;
Amendment 315 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Welcomes the Commission’s appointment of the first anti-racism coordinator in 2021 and the continuous re- appointment since 2015 of the coordinator on combating anti-semitism and fostering Jewish life;
Amendment 316 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 15. Welcomes the Commission’s appointment of the first anti-racism coordinator in 2021 and the continuous re- appointment since 2015 of the coordinator on combating anti-semitism and fostering Jewish life;
Amendment 317 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Regrets that the Jewish population in Europe have decreased in the past years and a further 38 % of European Jews are considering leaving Europe due to concern for their safety and security. Deplores the rising levels of anti-Semitism in Europe, partly but not limited to, immigration from countries where anti- Semitic views are common. Calls of the Member States to increase the number of expulsions of third country nationals found guilty of hate crimes.
Amendment 318 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Considers that, since racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance constitute serious violations of and obstacles to the full enjoyment of all human rights with direct repercussions in the day-to-day life, the EU should set a transversal funding conditionality on anti-racism and non- discrimination throughout the Multiannual Financial Framework and the Next GenerationEU;
Amendment 319 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 a (new) 15a. Calls on the Commission to swiftly appoint the anti-muslim hatred coordinator; regrets that the post has been vacant since July 2021;
Amendment 32 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas the Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, as set out in Article 2 of the TEU; whereas the right to equal treatment and non-discrimination is a fundamental right enshrined in the Charter and must be fully respected; whereas Article 8 of the TFEU stipulates that “in all its activities, the Union shall aim to eliminate inequalities, and to promote equality, between men and women”;
Amendment 320 #
15a. Calls on the Member States to officially recognise antigypsyism as a specific form of racism against Romani people;
Amendment 321 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 b (new) 15b. Is concerned about the continued spread of the so-called “Great Replacement Theory”, a racist and xenophobic conspiracy theory, which incites to evil, hate and violence, including hate crimes around the world; Is alarmed by how the so-called “Great Replacement Theory” is mainstreamed into the political speech of a number of political figures from extreme right in the member states and reminds that this is a threat to the Union fundamental shared values;
Amendment 322 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 b (new) Amendment 323 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 c (new) 15c. Is concerned about reports[1]of discriminatory and racist practices at the borders and reminds Member States of each individual’s right to seek asylum and to be treated with respect underinternational law. [1] -ukraine-fundamental-rights- implications-within-eu (12 May 2022) and EU-Ukrainian border checkpoints: First field observations | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights( (23 March 2022)
Amendment 324 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 c (new) 15c. Calls on the Commission and Member States to ensure access for Jewish communities to easily receive financial support for their security-related spending with due regard to the increase security threat towards Jewish religious sites.
Amendment 325 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 15 d (new) 15d. Takes the view that Member States should tackle racism and discrimination since an early stage and mainstream inclusive education in all national official curricula, including via accurate reference to historical system of oppressions and abuses, so as counter stereotypes, unconscious bias and structural racism;
Amendment 326 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 Amendment 327 #
16. Underlines the need for a monitoring and accountability mechanism to ensure the effective application of EU anti-racism legislation and policy and highlights the importance of the participation of civil society organisations in this process; calls for the adoption of a Council recommendation on National Action plans against racism in order to strengthen the commitment and monitoring mechanism of the common guiding principles on NAPAR and subsequent indicators of progress;
Amendment 328 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Underlines the need for a monitoring and accountability mechanism to ensure the effective application of EU anti-racism legislation and policy; calls for the commission to initiate infringement proceedings swiftly against Member States that are shown to be in breach;
Amendment 329 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Underlines the need for additional monitoring and accountability mechanisms to ensure the
Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas the Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the principles of conferral, proportionality and subsidiarity, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, as set out in Article 2 of the TEU; whereas the right to equal treatment and non- discrimination is a fundamental right enshrined in the Charter and must be fully respected;
Amendment 330 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16. Underlines the need for a monitoring and accountability mechanism to ensure the effective application and enforcement of EU anti-racism and anti- discrimination legislation and policy;
Amendment 331 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 16.
Amendment 332 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 a (new) 16a. Calls for serious funding commitment to fight racism and discrimination across the EU; asks, in this regard, the Commission to systematically follow and analyse the contribution of EU funds and programmes to the fight against racism and discrimination and to ensure that projects geared toward tackling racism and discrimination are given adequate funding and in a transparent manner; further asks the Commission to ensure adequate funding to support activities of civil society organizations, including grassroots organizations, working on anti-racism and discriminations;
Amendment 333 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 16 a (new) 16a. Calls on all member states to put in place polices that reduces the demand for women in the sex industry, in particular racialized women who are the vast majority of women targeted by the sex industry, targeting both buyers and pimps, and at the same time make sure to decriminalise women in prostitution, ensuring access to exit strategies, healthcare and social support;
Amendment 334 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 Amendment 335 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 Amendment 336 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Calls for the systematic integration of issues related to anti-
Amendment 337 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Calls for the systematic integration of issues related to anti-racism, discrimination and intersectionality into its annual reports on fundamental rights
Amendment 338 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Calls for the systematic integration of issues related to
Amendment 339 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Calls for the systematic integration of issues related to anti-racism, discrimination and intersectionality into its annual reports on fundamental rights and the rule of law; including a summary of the situation of each Member State as regards the implementation of The EU Antiracism Action Plan; calls for this dimension to be fully integrated and reflected in the final report of the panel of independent experts to be set up through the public procurement procedure requested by Parliament’s Bureau as part of the rule of law report;
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A A. whereas the Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, as set out in Article 2 of the TEU; whereas the right to equal treatment and non-discrimination
Amendment 340 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Calls on the Commission for the systematic integration of issues related to anti-racism, discrimination and intersectionality into its annual reports on fundamental rights and the rule of law;
Amendment 341 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 17. Calls for the systematic integration of issues related to anti-racism
Amendment 342 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 a (new) 17a. Encourages Member States to fully transpose and apply the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia to criminalise racist hate crime and hate speech; Encourages Member States to take the necessary measures to ensure that a racist or xenophobic motive is considered an aggravating circumstance or, alternatively, that the courts may take such a motive into consideration in determining the penalties.
Amendment 343 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 a (new) 17a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to mainstream an intersectionality perspective and ensure that existing policies and legislation do not have any indirect and unintended adverse effects such as remarginalisation of some groups in particular racialised women; deeply regrets in this regard the lack of an intersectional dimension in the new EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum;
Amendment 344 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 a (new) 17a. Calls on the Member States to detect every potential link between pro- Russian groups and extremist groups in the EU, and then undertake further steps in order to combat the activity of those organisations in the EU.
Amendment 345 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 b (new) 17b. Urges the Member States to put in place carefully designed implicit bias and anti-discrimination trainings in public institutions and support their implementation in private entities with the aim of mitigating the impacts of such biases on decision-making; urges the Commission and the Member States with the involvement of civil society organisations and affected groups to develop and implement public awareness- raising campaigns to counter the stereotypes and biases prevalent among general population, especially those at the intersection of race and gender;
Amendment 346 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 b (new) 17b. Calls on the Member States to adopt National Action Plans Action Racism(NAPARs) by the end of 2022and prioritise actions to tackle lack of access to justice, and sustained socio-economic inequalities in areas such as housing, healthcare, employment and education, which need to be acknowledged as major barriers to full enjoyment of fundamental rights and key barriers to inclusion and equality
Amendment 347 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 b (new) 17b. Calls on the Polish authorities to stop immediately targeting donations to the xenophobic organizations and urge to disbursement of funds to non- governmental organizations, which are not facing severe xenophobic allegations.
Amendment 348 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 c (new) 17c. Is concerned about possible institutional racism within the European Union's decision making process and finds concern in the fact that the Temporary Protection Directive, although applied for multiple times, has rightly but only been considered as a form of international protection, both in creation and application, for Caucasian refugees; Calls on the institutions to look deeper into how racist and xenophobic sentiments can define Union policy throughout the decision making process;
Amendment 349 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 17 c (new) 17c. Call on the Member States to detect and undertake measures against racist disinformation, which is aimed at creating anti-Ukrainian tensions in the Members States hosting refugees and calls to prevent effectively online hate speech being subjected to Ukrainians.
Amendment 35 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new) A a. Whereas the concept of racialisation provides insight into the social and ideological processes that develop the stereotyping and reductive understanding of diverse human identities in racial terms as an exercise of power; whereas racialised groups are ascribed certain characteristics and attributes that are presented as being innate to all members of each group concerned, based on characteristics, such as skin colour, ethnic or national origin or religion;
Amendment 350 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 a (new) 18a. Calls on the EU institutions and Member States to review the Racial Equality Directive against the criteria for reducing discrimination against Roma people, with the participation of Roma experts and greater emphasis on promoting the work of Equinet; calls on the Member States to embrace the opportunities afforded by digital technology, which will allow hate crimes and online forms of discrimination to be monitored more quickly and accurately;
Amendment 351 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 b (new) 18b. Calls on the Member States, in the spirit of combating racism, to place greater emphasis on equal opportunities issues and the creation of opportunities when developing their national strategies for Roma people;
Amendment 352 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 c (new) 18c. Calls on the EU institutions to facilitate the integration of disadvantaged groups that are vulnerable to discrimination, by establishing specific scholarship and trainee programmes;
Amendment 353 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 d (new) 18d. Calls on Member States to incorporate good Union practices into their national strategies as part of their fight against discrimination, and to adapt the implementation of those practices to local conditions;
Amendment 354 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 e (new) 18e. Calls on the Commission, in the spirit of achieving zero discrimination, to work actively with local community leaders and non-governmental organisations that operate in a targeted manner at local level;
Amendment 355 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 f (new) 18f. Calls on the EU institutions to propose actions to be taken by the Member States to combat discrimination against Roma people in all its complexity, in addition to harmonising their policies;
Amendment 356 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 g (new) 18g. Notes that discrimination is closely intertwined with social preconceptions and is felt particularly keenly by those living in poverty and deprivation; calls on the Commission to align the fight against discrimination with European anti- poverty strategies;
Amendment 357 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 h (new) 18h. Notes that Roma people, Europe’s largest minority, have been subjected to numerous forms of negative discrimination, and still are to this day; recommends that the Union’s integration guidelines adapt good practices from Hungary, such as the Family Homebuilding Allowance and car- purchase support for large families, extra parental leave allowance and parental leave allowance for grandparents, the family tax deduction scheme, and, in particular, exemption from personal income tax for mothers with many children and for those under the age of 25; stresses that these measures will contribute substantially to breaking the cycle and achieving convergence;
Amendment 358 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 i (new) 18i. Calls on the Commission to support the development of mechanisms to nurture Roma cultural values, the Roma language and Roma folk art traditions, and to create space for all of them within the walls of the European Union’s institutions, with a view to reducing the level of discrimination and prejudice;
Amendment 359 #
Motion for a resolution Paragraph 18 j (new) 18j. Calls on the Member States to make more space in the media for the expression of minorities’ cultures, food, folk art and creative arts, and to support representation in the media of groups that are vulnerable to discrimination, particularly Roma people;
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A b (new) A b. whereas EU law forbids discrimination and harassment on grounds of racial or ethnic origin;
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution Recital A c (new) A c. whereas the European Commission launched both the new Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 and the first LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020- 2025; whereas the former aims at “achieving a gender equal Europe where gender-based violence, sex discrimination and structural inequality between women and men are a thing of the past. A Europe where women and men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, are equal”, while the latter “strives to build a Union where diversity is celebrated as part of our collective richness, where all people can be themselves without risk of discrimination, exclusion or violence”;
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the EU anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025 is the first EU policy instrument to recognise the structural dimension of racism, which has historical roots dating back to colonialism and slavery; whereas the EU Action Plan refers to structural racism as the discriminatory behaviours which can be embedded in social, financial and political institutions, thereby impacting on the levers of power and policymaking;
Amendment 39 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the EU Action Plan
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 5 a (new) — having regard to European Parliament resolution of 17 December 2020 on the need for a dedicated Council configuration on gender equality (2020/2896(RSP))
Amendment 40 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the EU Action Plan is the first EU policy instrument to recognise the structural dimension of racism, which has historical roots
Amendment 41 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the EU Action Plan is the first EU policy instrument to recognise the alleged structural dimension of racism
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the EU Action Plan is the first EU policy instrument to recognise the structural dimension of racism, which has historical roots dating back to past persecution, genocide, colonialism and slavery;
Amendment 43 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the EU Action Plan is the first EU policy instrument to recognise
Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B B. whereas the EU
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new) Ba. whereas increased criminalisation and institutional violence towards racialised groups and civil society, including migrants, through security and migration policies, should be priorities in the fight against structural racism in any anti-racism action plans;
Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas according to the FRA, racial discrimination and harassment remain normalised throughout the EU10; whereas racism
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas according to the FRA, racial discrimination and harassment remain normalised throughout the EU10 ; whereas racism and extreme right-wing sentiments and ideology are on the rise and continue to pose serious
Amendment 5 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 5 b (new) — having regard to the report by the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality of 24 October 2013 on gender aspects of the European Framework of National Roma Inclusion Strategies (2013/2066(INI)),
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas according to the FRA, anti-Semitism is widespread and normalised in the EU and racial discrimination and harassment
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas according to the FRA, racial discrimination and harassment remain normalised throughout the EU10; whereas
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas a
Amendment 53 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas
Amendment 54 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas according to the FRA, racial discrimination and harassment remain normalised throughout the EU10 ; whereas racism and extreme
Amendment 55 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C C. whereas according to the FRA, racial discrimination and harassment remain normalised throughout the EU10 ; whereas racism and extrem
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas the adoption of the anti- discrimination directive have been blocked in the council since 2008;
Amendment 57 #
Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new) Ca. whereas racist and discriminatory behaviour by police and law enforcement are still widespread across the EU;
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas structural and institutionalised racism is also mirrored in socioeconomic inequality and poverty, and whereas these factors interact and reinforce each other; whereas racial and ethnic minorities in the EU face structural discrimination and in some cases segregation in certain areas of daily life, including housing, healthcare, employment, education and judicial systems; whereas racial and ethnic minorities in the EU have insufficient access to basic needs, such as drinkable water, sanitation and electricity;
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 5 c (new) — having regard to the report by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of 4 September 2020 on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies: combating negative attitudes towards people with Romani background in Europe (2020/2011(INI)),
Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas structural and institutionalised racism is also mirrored in socioeconomic inequality and poverty, and whereas these factors interact and reinforce each other; whereas this is reflected in the labour market, where racialized persons are over-represented in unemployment and precarious jobs such as in the gig economy;
Amendment 61 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas structural and institutionalised racism
Amendment 63 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas
Amendment 65 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D D. whereas
Amendment 66 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new) Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new) Da. whereas poverty is a result of unequal and unfair redistribution of wealth and resources; whereas racial inequalities cannot be tackled without strong investment to overcome poverty;
Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D b (new) Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D b (new) Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 6 — having regard to the establishment in June 2016 of the EU High Level Group on
Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D c (new) Dc. whereas racialized people, people belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, Romani people, people with disabilities, LGBTIQ+ people, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and people at risk of social exclusion among others, are targets to racism and discrimination;
Amendment 71 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D c (new) Amendment 72 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D d (new) Amendment 73 #
Dd. whereas structural racism is institutionalised in several member states’ immigration policies, such as family reunification regulations3a; _________________ 3a 0
Amendment 74 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D e (new) De. whereas the concept of “race” is a social construction; whereas the term “racialized people” refers to all those who have been subjected to different processes of racialisation, including, but do not limit to, Romani people, people of African, Arabic, Asian, and Latin- American descent, those who self-define with terms such as ‘Black’ and ‘people of colour’, and those that are racialized as a result of their perceived membership to Muslim, Jewish and other religious communities;
Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D e (new) De. whereas repressive immigration policies have direct effects on the domestic labour markets, opening the door to various forms of exploitation, leaving immigrants in very precarious situations and undermining labour rights and conditions in the labour market as a whole;
Amendment 76 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D f (new) Df. whereas according to ECRI’s opinion on the concept of “racialisation”, the process of racialisation has contributed to spread prejudices, deepen inequalities and legitimise exclusion and hostility against specific groups in the most egregious forms; whereas ECRI understands “racialisation” as the process of ascribing characteristics and attributes that are presented as innate to a group of concern to it and of constructing false social hierarchies in racial terms and associated exclusion and hostility; whereas according to ECRI, the use of the concept of “racialisation” has the potential to aid understanding of the processes underpinning racism and racial discrimination 1h; _________________ 1h concept-of-racialisation/1680a4dcc2
Amendment 77 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D f (new) Df. whereas prostitution is a gendered and patriarchal system that disproportionately affects the most vulnerable women and children; whereas racialized women are largely overrepresented among victims of prostitution, which is both a consequence of, and perpetuates, racism and sexism; whereas this represents a structural form of violence in the intersection of racism and sexism; and whereas the demand for racialized women in the sex industry generates trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation;
Amendment 78 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D g (new) Dg. whereas people at the intersection of inequalities encounter even more hurdles to be treated equally; whereas EU policies have not taken an intersectional approach and have focused mostly on the individual dimension of discrimination, which does not address its institutional, structural and historical dimensions; whereas an intersectional analysis allows to understand structural barriers, provides evidence on the benchmarks that should be used to measure progress, and steer a path towards strategic and effective policies against systemic discrimination, exclusion and inequalities; whereas an intersectional approach to EU policies and measures is instrumental to address racial discrimination;
Amendment 79 #
Motion for a resolution Recital D h (new) Dh. whereas Romani women and people with disabilities have also faced structural violence and violation of their integrity and bodily autonomy, being victims of forced sterilisation, contraception and abortion which are harmful practices and a form of gender based violence;
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 7 a (new) — having regard to the Commission report on the application of Council Directive 2000/43/EC implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin (‘the Racial Equality Directive’) and of Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (‘the Employment Equality Directive’) of 19 March 2021 (COM(2021)139),
Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas there are barriers to access justice for victims of racial discrimination; whereas the justice systems are structurally biased against racialised groups ; whereas equality bodies in the Member States lack the human and financial resources and/or political will and independence to bridge this gap; whereas the EU’s anti-discrimination framework is unevenly transposed into Member State legislation limiting the efficacy of equality bodies;
Amendment 82 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas
Amendment 83 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas there are barriers to access justice for victims of racial discrimination; whereas equality bodies in the Member States lack the human and financial resources and/or political will and independence to bridge this gap; whereas the EU’s anti-discrimination framework is unevenly transposed into Member State legislation limiting the efficacy of equality bodies;
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas
Amendment 85 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas there
Amendment 86 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas there are barriers to access justice for victims of racial discrimination; whereas equality bodies in
Amendment 87 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas there are barriers to access justice for victims of racial discrimination; whereas equality bodies in the Member States
Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas there are barriers to access justice for victims of racial discrimination; whereas some equality bodies in the Member States lack the human and financial resources and/or political will and independence to bridge this gap;
Amendment 89 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E E. whereas in certain instances there
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution Citation 7 b (new) — having regard to the Commission staff working document on Equality bodies and the implementation of the Commission Recommendation on standards for equality bodies of 19 March 2021 (SWD(2021)63),
Amendment 90 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new) Ea. whereas Roma women and racialised women, including those with with disabilities have also faced structural violence and violation of their integrity and bodily autonomy, being victims of forced sterilisation, contraception and abortion which are harmful practices and form of gender based violence rooted in eugenic beliefs;
Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new) Ea. whereas Romani people and other racialized communities face harassment, arbitrary detention, violence and abusive treatment by law enforcement, and are subject to receive discriminatory treatment by prosecutors, judges and lawyers in criminal justice systems 1i; _________________ 1i e/5357_file1_justice-denied-roma-in-the- criminal-justice-system.pdf
Amendment 92 #
Ea. whereas intersectionality is an important horizontal concept of the Gender and LGBTQI strategies and only such an approach can pave the way to sustainable and respectful changes in society;
Amendment 93 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E b (new) Eb. whereas the FRA reports that the racialized groups most affected by racism and discrimination in Europe, based on ethnic or immigrant background, are Roma, people with a North African or sub-Saharan African background[1]; whereas FRA also report high levels of discrimination and racism against Muslims[2] and Jewish[3] people; [1] second-european-union-minorities-and- discrimination-survey-main-results/, p. 13.[2] second-european-union-minorities-and- discrimination-survey-muslims- selected.[3] experiences-and-perceptions- antisemitism-second-survey- discrimination-and-hate.
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E b (new) Eb. whereas institutional racism is embedded in law enforcement; whereas police violence has been documented in several Member States; whereas police violence and disproportionate use of force by law enforcement should never be tolerated; whereas accountability and independent oversight is essential to address institutional racism in law enforcement; whereas law enforcement does not operate in a vacuum but is intimately connected to legal tools and justice systems;
Amendment 95 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E b (new) Eb. whereas climate change and the climate crisis are intrinsically linked to colonial rule and exploitation; whereas marginalised communities such as Roma communities and the Sami population are subject to environmental racism;
Amendment 96 #
Ec. whereas the potential danger of racial profiling and discrimination that may arise as a result of the increasing use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence is a matter of concern; whereas social biases and structural inequalities can be integrated into new technologies, including artificial intelligence;
Amendment 97 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E c (new) Ec. whereas Eurocentric language, such as using the term “European values” when referring to democracy, human rights and the Rule of Law, can reinforce racist sentiments and discrimination;
Amendment 98 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E c (new) Ec. whereas hate speech and hate crimes are among the most severe manifestations of racism and xenophobia;
Amendment 99 #
Motion for a resolution Recital E d (new) Ed. whereas AI systems are already being used to create predictions, profiles and risk assessments that affect people’s lives; whereas among many concerning outcomes, these AI-generated predictions can lead to people being placed under surveillance, stopped and searched, arrested and even prosecuted without objective evidence of any crime, with racial and ethnic groups being often the targets;
source: 732.794
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