Bram van der LEK

headshot of Bram van der LEK


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Pacifistisch Socialistische Partij icon: NL Netherlands 1984/07/24 - 1989/07/24


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: RBW RBW Chair Rainbow Group: Federation of the Green-Alternative European Links, Agelev-Ecolo, the Danish People's Movement against Membership of the European Community and the European Free Alliance in the European Parliament 1984/07/24 - 1986/03/09
  • icon: RBW RBW Member Rainbow Group: Federation of the Green-Alternative European Links, Agelev-Ecolo, the Danish People's Movement against Membership of the European Community and the European Free Alliance in the European Parliament 1986/03/10 - 1989/07/24


Show earlier committees...
Member of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 1984/07/26 1987/01/20
Substitute of Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights 1985/09/09 1987/01/20
Substitute of Committee on Petitions 1987/01/21 1989/07/24
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 1987/01/21 1989/07/24
Member of Political Affairs Committee 1987/01/21 1989/07/24


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation to the European Parliament/Spanish Cortes Joint Committee 1985/02/12 1985/12/31
Member of Delegation for relations with the United States 1987/01/21 1987/03/13
Member of Delegation for relations with the United States 1989/03/14 1989/07/24



Amendment Co-authors
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By types

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle

See historical changes of the Bio


1931/05/20 - Delft


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    Graduated in biology, State University of Utrecht 1958. Awarded doctorate in 1967. Scientific research assistant 1958-1961. Teacher of biology and chemistry 1961-1967.
    Chairman of the PSP (Pacifist Socialist Party) 1981-1983.
    Member of the Second Chamber of the States-General 1967-1971 and 1972-1978, and of the First Chamber 1983-1984.
    Editor of various journals and author of a work on the environment.
    • Graduated in biology, State University of Utrecht 1958. Awarded doctorate in 1967. Scientific research assistant 1958-1961. Teacher of biology and chemistry 1961-1967.
    • Chairman of the PSP (Pacifist Socialist Party) 1981-1983.
    • Member of the Second Chamber of the States-General 1967-1971 and 1972-1978, and of the First Chamber 1983-1984.
    • Editor of various journals and author of a work on the environment.