headshot of Pedro MARSET CAMPOS


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Izquierda Unida icon: ES Spain 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19
  • Izquierda Unida icon: ES Spain 1994/07/19 - 1999/07/19


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL Member Confederal Group of the European United Left 1994/07/19 - 1995/01/05
  • icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL Member Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left 1995/01/06 - 1999/07/19
  • icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL Member Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19


Show earlier committees...
Substitute of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 1994/07/21 1997/01/15
Member of Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy 1994/07/21 1997/01/15
Member of Temporary committee of Inquiry into the Community Transit System 1995/12/14 1996/07/17
Member of Temporary committee of inquiry into the Community Transit System 1996/07/18 1997/03/13
Substitute of Committee on Budgetary Control 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Member of Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy 1998/09/29 1999/07/19
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Substitute of Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Member of Temporary committee on human genetics and other new technologies in modern medicine 2000/12/13 2001/11/29
Substitute of Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Member of Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy 2002/01/17 2004/07/19


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova 1994/11/17 1995/07/11
Member of Delegation for relations with Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova 1995/07/12 1997/01/15
Member of Delegation to the EU-Slovak Republic Joint Parliamentary Committee 1997/01/16 1999/07/19
Member of Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China 1999/09/29 2002/01/14
Vice-Chair of Delegation for relations with the countries of South America and MERCOSUR 2002/02/07 2004/07/19


Responsible Committee 2002/2164(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs EU/Belarus relations: prospects for a future partnership
Committee Opinion 2001/2047(COS) AFET Foreign Affairs Immigration: Community policy
Responsible Committee 2001/2018(INI) AFET Foreign Affairs Mercosur: regional association agreement, negotiating mandate
Responsible Committee 1999/2114(COS) AFET Foreign Affairs Central America: Community action plan for the reconstruction
Responsible Committee 1998/0181(CNS) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Resaerch RTD, 5th EC framework-programme 1998-2002: specific programme "international role of Community research"
Committee Opinion 1997/2189(INI) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Structural Fund: use of resources
Responsible Committee 1997/0310(CNS) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy RTD 5th Euratom framework programme 1998-2002: participation of undertakings, research centres and universities
Responsible Committee 1997/0309(SYN) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Research 5th EC framework programme 1998-2002: results dissemination, participation of undertakings, universities
Former Responsible Committee 1997/0309(SYN) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Research 5th EC framework programme 1998-2002: results dissemination, participation of undertakings, universities
Committee Opinion 1996/2274(COS) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Economic and social cohesion. 1st report
Responsible Committee 1996/2254(COS) ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Air pollution: strategy for reducing methane emissions
Committee Opinion 1996/2183(COS) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Services of general interest in Europe
Responsible Committee 1995/2100(INI) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Community policy on research and sustainable development
Former Responsible Committee 1995/2100(INI) ENER Research, Technological Development and Energy Community policy on research and sustainable development
Former Responsible Committee 1995/0057(NLE) AFET Foreign Affairs EU/Belarus agreement: partnership and cooperation agreement



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams

By types

Plenary speeches (80)
Reports (9)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
21997/0309(SYN)Research 5th EC framework programme 1998-2002: results dissemination, participation of undertakings, universities
21995/2100(INI)Community policy on research and sustainable development
11998/0181(CNS)Resaerch RTD, 5th EC framework-programme 1998-2002: specific programme "international role of Community research"
11997/0310(CNS)RTD 5th Euratom framework programme 1998-2002: participation of undertakings, research centres and universities
11996/2254(COS)Air pollution: strategy for reducing methane emissions
12002/2164(INI)EU/Belarus relations: prospects for a future partnership
12001/2018(INI)Mercosur: regional association agreement, negotiating mandate
11999/2114(COS)Central America: Community action plan for the reconstruction

See historical changes of the Bio


1941/09/11 - Valencia

  • Graduate in medicine (1965); Doctor of medicine (1972). Specialist in psychiatry (1967). Professor of medicine (1975).
  • PCE Central Committee (1977). IU Federal Council (1986). International policy portfolio, IU (1998).
  • Director of the PCE theoretical journal "Nuestra bandera - Utopías" (since 1983).


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

  • Graduate in medicine (1965); Doctor of medicine (1972). Specialist in psychiatry (1967). Professor of medicine (1975).
  • PCE Central Committee (1977). IU Federal Council (1986). International policy portfolio, IU (1998).
  • Director of the PCE theoretical journal "Nuestra bandera - Utopías" (since 1983).