Mirosława NYKIEL
- Platforma Obywatelska Poland 2024/07/16 -
- PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2024/07/16 -
Role | Committee | Start | End |
Member of | Committee on Industry, Research and Energy | 2024/07/19 | |
Member of | Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality | 2024/07/19 |
Role | Delegation | Start | End |
Member of | Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee | 2024/09/19 | |
Substitute of | Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee | 2024/09/19 | |
Substitute of | Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee | 2024/10/24 |
- [javascript protected email address]
- Phone: 003222845852
- Fax:
- Office: Bât. ALTIERO SPINELLI 13E101
- Full Address
- City: Bruxelles/Brussel
- Zip: B-1047
- Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
- Phone: 0033388175852
- Fax:
- Office: Bât. LOUISE WEISS T10089
- Full Address
- City: Strasbourg
- Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
- Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman
- ul. 11 Listopada 22
- 43300 Bielsko Biala
Amendment Co-authors
Name | Group | Country | Ams |
Ewa KOPACZ | PPE | Poland | 17 |
Elżbieta Katarzyna ŁUKACIJEWSKA | PPE | Poland | 17 |
Jagna MARCZUŁAJTIS-WALCZAK | PPE | Poland | 17 |
Adam JARUBAS | PPE | Poland | 1 |
Borys BUDKA | PPE | Poland | 1 |
Michał SZCZERBA | PPE | Poland | 1 |
Krzysztof HETMAN | PPE | Poland | 1 |
Kamila GASIUK-PIHOWICZ | PPE | Poland | 1 |
By types
Amendments (18)Institutional motions (29)
Plenary speeches (10)
Written explanations (6)
Written questions (4)
By dossiers
Count | Dossier Reference | Title |
17 | 2024/0035(COD) | Combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child sexual abuse material. Recast |
1 | 2024/2109(INI) | |
1 | 2024/2805(RSP) | Resolution on the case of José Daniel Ferrer García in Cuba |
1 | 2024/2804(RSP) | Resolution on the severe situation of political prisoners in Belarus |
1 | 2024/2803(RSP) | Resolution on the deteriorating situation of women in Afghanistan due to the recent adoption of the law on the “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice” |
1 | 2024/2857(RSP) | Resolution on the cases of unjustly imprisoned Uyghurs in China, notably Ilham Tohti and Gulshan Abbas |
1 | 2024/2856(RSP) | Resolution on the case of Bülent Mumay in Türkiye |
1 | 2024/2858(RSP) | Resolution on Iraq, notably the situation of women’s rights and the recent proposal to amend the Personal Status Law |
See historical changes of the Bio
1953/09/23 - WańkowaEducation (qualifications and diplomas)
- University of Silesia, Faculty of Arts and Educational Science, Pedagogy – Master’s degree (1983)
- Teacher Training Centre in Katowice, Polish Philology (1987) – postgraduate studies
- French Institute of Management (2000)
- Tischner European University in Warsaw, European Integration (2004) – postgraduate studies
- Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Socio-Economics (2013) – doctoral studies
Professional career
- 1973-1990 : Cultural worker, teacher
- 1990-1998 : Branch director of Ruch S.A. in Oświęcim
- 1998-2000 : Member of the management board of Ruch S.A.
- 2000-2001 : Chair of the management board of Ruch S.A.
- 2001-2005 : Self-employed
Political career
- 2005-2007 : Member of the Senate of the Republic of Poland in the 6th parliamentary term
- 2007-2024 : Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland in the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th parliamentary terms
- 2012-2015 : Member of the Polish Parliamentary Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
- 2012-2015 : Chair of the Poland-United States Parliamentary Group
- 2022-2023 : Member of the Polish Parliamentary Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
- 2015-2024 : Vice-chair of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development
- 2024- ... : Member of the European Parliament in the 10th parliamentary term
Other activities
- Chair of the Works Committee of the NSZZ ‘Solidarność’ Trade Union in the ‘Press-Book-Movement’ Workers’ Publishing Cooperative, Oświęcim department, and anti-communist opposition activist in the 1980s.
- Founder of foundations and associations such as the Beskidy Local Initiative, which will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2025, the One Europe Foundation and the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Success.
- Originator and organiser of the Podbeskidzie Regional Congress of Women, under whose auspices many academic conferences, cultural events and charitable actions have been held since its 13th edition in 2010. As a Congress, we focus on encouraging women to participate in social and political activities, supporting entrepreneurship among women and combating violence against women. The activities of the Congress continue year-round and culminate an official gala in September, during which the ‘Pearl of Podbeskidzie’ statuette is awarded, which honours exceptional women from the region.
Mirosława NYKIEL on
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
2025-01-28Show (41) Changes | Timetravel
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/0 |
University of Silesia, Faculty of Arts and Educational Science, Pedagogy – Master’s degree (1983)
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/0 |
Uniwersytet Śląski, Wydział Pedagogiczno-Artystyczny, Pedagogika – magister (1983)
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/1 |
Teacher Training Centre in Katowice, Polish Philology (1987) – postgraduate studies
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/1 |
Ośrodek Kształcenia Nauczycieli w Katowicach, Filologia Polska (1987) – studia podyplomowe
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/2 |
French Institute of Management (2000)
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/2 |
Francuski Instytut Zarządzania (2000)
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/3 |
Tischner European University in Warsaw, European Integration (2004) – postgraduate studies
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/3 |
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. J. Tischnera w Warszawie, Integracja Europejska (2004) – studia podyplomowe
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/4 |
Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Socio-Economics (2013) – doctoral studies
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/4 |
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie, Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społeczne (2013) – studia doktoranckie
CV/Other activities/0 |
Chair of the Works Committee of the NSZZ ‘Solidarność’ Trade Union in the ‘Press-Book-Movement’ Workers’ Publishing Cooperative, Oświęcim department, and anti-communist opposition activist in the 1980s.
CV/Other activities/0 |
Przewodnicząca Komisji Zakładowej NSZZ „Solidarność” w RSW Prasa-Książka-Ruch, oddział w Oświęcimiu, oraz działaczka opozycji antykomunistycznej w latach 80.
CV/Other activities/1 |
Founder of foundations and associations such as the Beskidy Local Initiative, which will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2025, the One Europe Foundation and the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Success.
CV/Other activities/1 |
Założycielka fundacji i stowarzyszeń takich jak Beskidzka Inicjatywa Lokalna, która w 2025 roku obchodzić będzie 20-lecie działalności, Fundacja Jedna Europa czy Akademia Przedsiębiorczości i Sukcesu.
CV/Other activities/2 |
Originator and organiser of the Podbeskidzie Regional Congress of Women, under whose auspices many academic conferences, cultural events and charitable actions have been held since its 13th edition in 2010. As a Congress, we focus on encouraging women to participate in social and political activities, supporting entrepreneurship among women and combating violence against women. The activities of the Congress continue year-round and culminate an official gala in September, during which the ‘Pearl of Podbeskidzie’ statuette is awarded, which honours exceptional women from the region.
CV/Other activities/2 |
Pomysłodawczyni i organizatorka Regionalnego Kongresu Kobiet Podbeskidzia, w ramach którego od 2010 r. podczas 13. edycji Kongresu odbyło się wiele konferencji naukowych, wydarzeń kulturalnych oraz akcji charytatywnych. Jako Kongres skupiamy się na zachęcaniu kobiet do działalności społecznej i politycznej, wspieraniu przedsiębiorczości wśród kobiet oraz walce z przemocą wobec kobiet. Działalność Kongresu trwa cały rok i podsumowywana jest oficjalną galą we wrześniu, podczas której wręczana jest statuetka „Perła Podbeskidzia”, którą wyróżniamy wyjątkowe kobiety z regionu.
CV/Political career/0 |
2005-2007 : Member of the Senate of the Republic of Poland in the 6th parliamentary term
CV/Political career/0 |
2005-2007 : Senator RP VI Kadencji
CV/Political career/1 |
2007-2024 : Member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland in the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th parliamentary terms
CV/Political career/1 |
2007-2024 : Posłanka na Sejm RP VI, VII, VIII, IX i X kadencji
CV/Political career/2 |
2012-2015 : Member of the Polish Parliamentary Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
CV/Political career/2 |
2012-2015 : Członkini Delegacji Parlamentarnej RP do Zgromadzenia Parlamentarnego Rady Europy
CV/Political career/3 |
2012-2015 : Chair of the Poland-United States Parliamentary Group
CV/Political career/3 |
2012-2015 : Przewodnicząca zespołu parlamentarnego Polska-Stany Zjednoczone
CV/Political career/4 |
2022-2023 : Member of the Polish Parliamentary Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
CV/Political career/4 |
2022-2023 : Członkini Delegacji Parlamentarnej RP do Zgromadzenia Parlamentarnego Rady Europy
CV/Political career/5 |
2015-2024 : Vice-chair of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development
CV/Political career/5 |
2015-2024 : Wiceprzewodnicząca Komisji Gospodarki i Rozwoju
CV/Political career/6 |
2024- ... : Member of the European Parliament in the 10th parliamentary term
CV/Political career/6 |
2024- ... : Posłanka do Parlamentu Europejskiego X kadencji
CV/Professional career/0 |
1973-1990 : Cultural worker, teacher
CV/Professional career/0 |
1973-1990 : Pracownik kultury, nauczycielka
CV/Professional career/1 |
1990-1998 : Branch director of Ruch S.A. in Oświęcim
CV/Professional career/1 |
1990-1998 : Dyrektor oddziału Ruch S.A. w Oświęcimiu
CV/Professional career/2 |
1998-2000 : Member of the management board of Ruch S.A.
CV/Professional career/2 |
1998-2000 : Członek zarządu Ruch S.A.
CV/Professional career/3 |
2000-2001 : Chair of the management board of Ruch S.A.
CV/Professional career/3 |
2000-2001 : Prezes zarządu Ruch S.A.
CV/Professional career/4 |
2001-2005 : Self-employed
CV/Professional career/4 |
2001-2005 : Własna działalność gospodarcza
CV/updated |
2025-01-27T00:00:00 |
2025-01-24Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
2024-12-20Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal/0 |
ul. 11 Listopada 22
Addresses/Postal/0 |
Ul. Wzgórze 15
Addresses/Postal/1 |
43300 Bielsko Biala
Addresses/Postal/1 |
43300 Bielsko-Biala
2024-11-30Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
X |
2024-10-26Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Delegations/2/start |
2024-10-24T00:00:00 |
assistants/service providers/1 |
Patrycja KORALIK
2024-10-25Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Delegations/2 |
2024-10-05Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/service providers/0 |
Grazyna JAZOWY
assistants/trainees |
2024-09-20Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Delegations |
assistants/service providers |
2024-09-07Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/0 |
Maciej Pawel JELENSKI
2024-08-22Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local |
2024-08-14Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Office |
13E101 |
2024-07-31Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents |
2024-07-24Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Gender |
2024-07-24Show (2) Changes
Addresses/Brussels |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |