Dumitru Gheorghe Mircea COȘEA

headshot of Dumitru Gheorghe Mircea COȘEA


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • - icon: RO Romania 2007/03/12 - 2007/12/09
  • Partidul Naţional Liberal icon: RO Romania 2007/01/01 - 2007/03/11
  • Partidul Naţional Liberal icon: RO Romania 2005/09/26 - 2006/12/31


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: ALDE ALDE Observer Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe 2005/09/26 - 2006/12/31
  • icon: ALDE ALDE Member Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe 2007/01/01 - 2007/03/11
  • icon: ITS ITS Member Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty Group 2007/03/12 - 2007/11/13
  • icon: NA NA Member Non-attached Members 2007/11/14 - 2007/12/09


Show earlier committees...
Observer of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 2005/09/29 2006/12/31
Member of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 2007/01/15 2007/01/30
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2007/01/31 2007/03/11
Member of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 2007/01/31 2007/12/09
Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2007/06/27 2007/12/09


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (including Libya) 2007/03/15 2007/12/09
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China 2007/03/15 2007/12/09



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams

By types

Plenary speeches (6)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
12007/2010(INI)Green Paper on the review of the consumer acquis
12006/2292(INI)Global Europe: external aspects of competitiveness
12007/2554(RSP)Resolution on the EU-Russia summit in Samara on 18 May 2007
12006/2107(INI)Consequences of future enlargements on the effectiveness of cohesion policy
12006/0261(CNS)Accession of Romania and Bulgaria: common organisation of the markets CMO in sugar, marketing years 2006/2007, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 (Regulations (EC) Nos 318/2006 and 950/2006)
12006/2042(INI)The integration of new Member States in the Common agricultural policy CAP

See historical changes of the Bio


1942/06/09 - Ploieşti


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    Master's degree, Istituto di studi per lo Sviluppo Economico (Naples, 1969). Doctorate in economic science (Bucharest, 1986).
    University career. Currently university professor of macroeconomics and the economy of European integration at the Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University (Bucharest, since 1966). International official for the UN Economic Commission for Europe - general economic analysis division (Geneva, 1973-1980). President of the National Commission for Economic Forecasting (1991-1993). Deputy Prime Minister; Chairman of the Committee on Privatisation and Economic Strategy (1993-1996).
    Secretary to the Romanian Parliament's Committee on European Integration (committee dissolved on 31 December 2006) (2005-2006).
    Deputy Prime Minister; Chairman of the Committee on Privatisation and Economic Strategy (1993-1996).
    • Master's degree, Istituto di studi per lo Sviluppo Economico (Naples, 1969). Doctorate in economic science (Bucharest, 1986).
    • University career. Currently university professor of macroeconomics and the economy of European integration at the Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University (Bucharest, since 1966). International official for the UN Economic Commission for Europe - general economic analysis division (Geneva, 1973-1980). President of the National Commission for Economic Forecasting (1991-1993). Deputy Prime Minister; Chairman of the Committee on Privatisation and Economic Strategy (1993-1996).
    • Secretary to the Romanian Parliament's Committee on European Integration (committee dissolved on 31 December 2006) (2005-2006).
    • Deputy Prime Minister; Chairman of the Committee on Privatisation and Economic Strategy (1993-1996).