Didier ROD

headshot of Didier ROD


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Les Verts-Europe-Ecologie icon: FR France 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE Member Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 1999/07/20 - 2004/07/19


Show earlier committees...
Member of Committee on Development and Cooperation 1999/07/21 2002/01/14
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy 1999/07/22 2002/01/14
Member of Temporary committee on human genetics and other new technologies in modern medicine 2000/12/13 2001/11/29
Member of Committee on Development and Cooperation 2002/01/17 2004/07/19
Substitute of Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy 2002/01/17 2004/07/19


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Union (ACP-EU) 1999/09/14 2002/01/14
Member of Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Union (ACP-EU) 2002/02/06 2003/02/28
Vice-President of Members from the European Parliament to the Joint Parliamentary Assembly of the Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and the European Union (ACP-EU) 2003/03/01 2004/07/19


Committee Opinion 2002/0051(COD) ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Developing countries, poverty diseases: combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
Responsible Committee 2001/2164(COS) ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Public health: combating antimicrobial resistance
Responsible Committee 2000/0124(AVC) DEVE Development EC/ACP agreement: partnership agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific States



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams

By types

Plenary speeches (86)
Reports (2)
Written declarations (1)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
12000/0124(AVC)EC/ACP agreement: partnership agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific States
12001/2164(COS)Public health: combating antimicrobial resistance

See historical changes of the Bio


1950/06/07 - Poissy

  • Highest doctoral degree in medicine (1980). Nurse (1970-1976). School doctor (1976-1977). Doctor in charge of the National Blood Transfusion Centre (1977-1980). Staff doctor (1980-1999).
  • National secretary of the PSU (1986-1990). Member of the AREV party executive bureau (1990-1991). Member of the Greens' National Council (1993-1999). Greens' spokesman for the Ile-de-France (1994-1997).


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

  • Highest doctoral degree in medicine (1980). Nurse (1970-1976). School doctor (1976-1977). Doctor in charge of the National Blood Transfusion Centre (1977-1980). Staff doctor (1980-1999).
  • National secretary of the PSU (1986-1990). Member of the AREV party executive bureau (1990-1991). Member of the Greens' National Council (1993-1999). Greens' spokesman for the Ile-de-France (1994-1997).