28 Plenary speeches of Luigi BERLINGUER
Mid-term review of the Stockholm Programme (debate)
Mid-term review of the Stockholm Programme (debate)
Common European sales law (debate)
Common European sales law (debate)
Common European sales law (debate)
Rights and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 - Justice Programme 2014-2020 (debate)
Draft WIPO Treaty on copyright exceptions for the visually impaired (debate)
Implementation of the Stockholm Programme and establishment of the area of freedom, security and justice (debate)
Addressing the issue of inheritance tax following the adoption of the Successions Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 (debate)
Statute for a European mutual society (debate)
Statute for a European mutual society (debate)
Administrative procedure law (debate)
Administrative procedure law (debate)
Permitted uses of orphan works (debate)
Other business
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the EU and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA (debate)
Bologna process (A7-0035/2012 - Luigi Berlinguer) (vote)
Succession and the European Certificate of Succession (debate)
Judicial training (debate)
Bologna process (short presentation)
Blind persons’ access to books (debate)
Collective rights management (debate)
Enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection (debate)
Civil, commercial, family and private international law aspects of the action plan implementing the Stockholm Programme (A7-0252/2010, Luigi Berlinguer) (vote)
Statements by the President
Judicial training (debate)
2009 progress report on Croatia - 2009 progress report on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - 2009 progress report on Turkey (debate)
Multi-annual programme 2010-2014 regarding the area of freedom, security and justice (Stockholm Programme) (debate)