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2013/0186(COD) Implementation of the Single European Sky
Next event: MARINESCU Marian-Jean (EPP) appointed as rapporteur in TRAN 2024/04/25 more...

Progress: Awaiting Council's 1st reading position

Lead TRAN MARINESCU Marian-Jean (icon: EPP EPP), LIBERADZKI Bogusław (icon: S&D S&D) OETJEN Jan-Christoph (icon: Renew Renew), DELLI Karima (icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE), ZŁOTOWSKI Kosma (icon: ECR ECR), PIMENTA LOPES João (icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL)
Former Responsible Committee TRAN MARINESCU Marian-Jean (icon: PPE PPE)
Former Committee Opinion ITRE
Former Committee Opinion JURI SPERONI Francesco Enrico (icon: EFD EFD)
Committee Recast Technique Opinion JURI MELCHIOR Karen (icon: Renew Renew)
Lead committee dossier:
Legal Basis:
RoP 113, TFEU 100-p2


   EP - MARINESCU Marian-Jean (EPP) appointed as rapporteur in TRAN
   EP - LIBERADZKI Bogusław (S&D) appointed as rapporteur in TRAN
   EP - Approval in committee of the text agreed at early 2nd reading interinstitutional negotiations
   EP - Amendments tabled in committee
   EP - Vote in committee, 2nd reading
   EP - Opinion on the recast technique
   EP - Amendments tabled in committee
   EP - Amendments tabled in committee
   EP - Amendments tabled in committee
   IT_SENATE - Contribution
   EP - MELCHIOR Karen (Renew) appointed as rapporteur in JURI
   ES_PARLIAMENT - Contribution
   EC - Legislative proposal
   EC - Document attached to the procedure
   EC - Legislative proposal published
   EP - Committee decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations announced in plenary (Rule 72)
   EP - Committee decision to open interinstitutional negotiations after 1st reading in Parliament
   CSL - Debate in Council
   CSL - Council Meeting
   CSL - Debate in Council
   CSL - Council Meeting
   EC - Commission response to text adopted in plenary
   EP - Results of vote in Parliament
   EP - Decision by Parliament, 1st reading

The European Parliament adopted by 489 votes to 154 with 34 abstentions, a legislative resolution on proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the implementation of the Single European Sky (SES) (recast).

Parliament’s position in first reading following the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission proposal as follows:

Implementation of the SES : Parliament stressed that the Regulation should be implemented as swiftly as possible In order to ensure that the expected increase in air traffic did not cause or exacerbate congestion in European airspace, with all the economic, environmental and security costs that that would entail, fragmentation of that airspace should be remedied.

The implementation of the Single European Sky should have a positive impact in terms of growth, employment and competitiveness in Europe , in particular by increasing demand for jobs requiring advanced qualifications.

Objectives: the regulation lays down rules for the creation and proper functioning of the Single European Sky in order to ensure current air traffic safety standards, to contribute to the sustainable development of the air transport system, such as reducing climate impact .

The Single European Sky should comprise a coherent pan-European and, subject to specific arrangements with the neighbouring countries, third-country network of routes, an integrated operating airspace, network management and air traffic management based only on safety, efficiency and interoperability, for the benefit of all airspace users.

The application of the regulation to Gibraltar airport shall be suspended until the arrangements set out in the Joint Declaration made by the Foreign Ministers of the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom on 2 December 1987 are applied.

National aviation authority: the amended text provides for Member States’ designation of a national body to act as the national aviation authority.

The authorities should be legally distinct and independent , in particular in organisational, hierarchical and decision-making terms, including separate annual budget allocation, from any company, organisation, public or private entity or personnel falling within the scope of authority activity as provided for in this Regulation and in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 or having an interest in the activities of such entities. The national aviation authorities shall ensure compliance with these provisions on the date of entry into force of this Regulation or at the latest by 1 January 2017.

Staff of the national aviation authorities shall be recruited under clear and transparent rules and criteria, which guarantee their independence. They should not be seconded from air navigation service providers (ANSPs) or companies under the control of ANSPs.

As regards persons who have been in charge of strategic decisions , for more than six months, they must have no professional position or responsibility with any of the air navigation service providers after their term in the national aviation authority, for a period of at least 12 months for staff in managerial positions and at least six months for staff in non-managerial positions.

The authority's top management shall be appointed for a fixed term of between three and seven years.

Definitions: Members added certain definitions, such as 'local performance plans' and 'industrial partnership' supporting one or more functional airspace blocks, in order to maximise performance.

The text also contained a definition of ‘human factor’ meaning the social, cultural and staffing conditions in the ATM sector.

Cooperation between national aviation authorities : the Commission and the European Agency for Aviation (EAA) should facilitate cooperation among the authorities them in order to enable the exchange of best practices and to develop a common approach, including through enhanced cooperation at regional level, by providing a platform for such exchanges . This cooperation should take place on a regular basis (at least once a year.)

The tasks and objectives of the network were more clearly defined : inter alia, they may provide opinions to the Commission and the EAA on rule-making and certification and provide opinions, guidelines and recommendations designed to facilitate the provision of cross-border services.

Certificates: the issue of certificates shall confer on air navigation service providers the possibility of offering their services to any Member State, other air navigation service providers, airspace users and airports within the Union and neighbouring third countries, if appropriate, within a functional airspace block, subject to mutual agreement between the relevant parties.

Provision of support services : ' support services' were defined as CNS (communication, navigation and surveillance), MET (meteorological) and AIS (aeronautical information) services as well as other services and activities, which are linked to, and support the provision of, air navigation services.

Parliament stated that there should be no statutory impediments to providers of support services that would prevent their ability to compete within the Union on the basis of equitable, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions for the purpose of providing these services.

Members proposed that air navigation service providers, when drawing up their business plans, should call for offers from different support services providers, with a view to choosing the financially and qualitatively most beneficial provider.

In the choice of an external provider of support services, the provisions of Directive 2004/18/EC shall be complied with, including cost and energy efficiency, overall service quality, interoperability and safety of services, as well as transparency of the procurement process

The Commission shall conduct a comprehensive study on the operational, economic, safety and social impacts of the introduction of market principles to the provision of support services, and shall submit that study to the European Parliament and the Council by 1 January 2016.

Performance criteria and system : Parliament proposed a ‘performance review body’ (PRB) be established as a European economic regulator under the supervision of the Commission, with effect from 1 July 2015. The PRB shall be functionally and legally separate from any service provider, whether at national or pan-European level.

The compliance of the local performance plans and local targets with the Union-wide performance targets shall be assessed by the Commission in cooperation with the PRB.

Union-wide performance targets shall be set with a view to ensuring that each functional airspace block retains sufficient flexibility to achieve the best results.

Compensation mechanism : in addition to the introduction of sanctions, an appropriate compensation mechanism must also be established in order to address the problem stemming from the lack of synchronisation in SESAR deployment and resulting lost investment. The Commission may propose financial mechanisms to improve the synchronisation of air-based and ground-based capital expenditure related to the deployment of SESAR technologies

Implementation of the ATM Master Plan : implementation of the ATM Master Plan shall be coordinated by the Commission. The Network Manager, the PRB and the Deployment Manager shall contribute to the implementation of the ATM Master Plan in accordance with the provisions of the regulation.

The Commission should adopt, by implementing acts, measures establishing the governance of implementation of the ATM Master Plan, including defining and selecting the body responsible at management level (Deployment Manager).

The Deployment Manager should recommend to the Commission binding deadlines for deployment and appropriate corrective actions concerning delayed implementation.

Industrial partnerships : Members stipulated that industrial partnerships should be separate from FABs, which were a state initiative. What is more, industrial partnerships need not overlap with FABs in terms of the Member States concerned and therefore should be classed as a separate type of cooperation.

   EP - Debate in Parliament
   EP - Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading

The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Marian-Jean MARINESCU (EPP, RO) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the implementation of the Single European Sky (recast).

The parliamentary committee recommended that the position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure modify the Commission proposal as follows.

Purpose of the regulation : this regulation should lay down rules for the creation and proper functioning of the Single European Sky in order to ensure current air traffic safety standards, to contribute to the sustainable development of the air transport system, and in particular, reducing climate impact .

The Single European Sky shall comprise a coherent network at the pan-European level and, subject to specific arrangements with the neighbouring countries, in third-countries , an integrated operating airspace, network management and air traffic management for the benefit of all airspace users.

National aviation authorities : these shall be legally distinct and independent , in particular in organisational, hierarchical and decision-making terms – and with their annual budget - from any company, organisation, public or private entity or personnel falling within the scope of authority activity as provided for in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 or having an interest in the activities of such entities.

Staff of the national aviation authorities shall be recruited under clear and transparent rules and criteria which guarantee their independence.

They shall not be seconded from air navigation service providers (ANSPs) or companies under the control of ANSPs.

Persons who have been in charge of strategic decisions for more than six months shall have no professional position or responsibility with any of the air navigation service providers after their term in the national aviation authority, for a period ofat least 12 months for staff in managerial positions (at least six months for staff in non-managerial positions).

Definitions : the Members added important definitions, namely that of a “local performance target” and “industrial partnership” which, according to the proposal, will now be a “driving force” within newly-structured functional airspace blocks (FABs).

The definition of the “human factor” was also introduced, meaning the social, cultural and staffing conditions in the air traffic management (ATM) sector

The human factor must be monitored and brought into the core of the Single European Sky framework.

Cooperation between national aviation authorities : The Commission and the European Aviation Agency (EAA) shallfacilitate active cooperation of these authorities to enable them to exchange their best practices and to develop common solutions, including stronger cooperation at the regional level, and placing at their disposal a platform for these exchanges .

This cooperation should take place in a network that convenes at regular intervals (at least once a year).

The purpose and tasks of the network was spelled out in more detail: it must, among others, provide opinions to the Commission and the EAA on rule-making and certification and provide recommendations designed to facilitate the provision of cross-border services.

Certification of air navigation service providers : the issue of certificates shall confer on air navigation service providers the possibility of offering their services to any Member State , and if appropriate, neighbouring third countries , within a functional airspace block, subject to mutual agreement between the relevant parties.

Provision of support services : “support services” means communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS), meteorological services (MET) and aeronautical information services (AIS) as well as other services and activities, which are linked to, and support the provision of, air navigation services.

According to the report, there should be no statutory impediments to providers of support services that would prevent their ability to compete within the Union on the basis of equitable, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions for the purpose of providing these services.

Members proposed that air navigation service providers, when drawing up their business plans, should call for offers from different support services providers, with a view to choosing the financially and qualitatively most beneficial provider.

Binding selection criteria for the entity procuring those services shall be, in particular, cost and energy efficiency, overall service quality, interoperability and safety of services, as well as transparency of the procurement process.

System and performance criteria : Members proposed that a “performance review body” (PRB) be established as a European economic regulatorunder the supervision of the Commission, with effect from 1 July 2015. The PRB shall be functionally and legally separate from any service provider, whether at national or pan-European level.

The compliance of the local performance plans and local targets with the Union-wide performance targets shall be assessed by the Commission in cooperation with the PRB.

In addition to the introduction of sanctions, an appropriate compensation mechanism must also be established in order to address the problem stemming from the lack of synchronisation in SESAR deployment and lost investment resulting thereof.

The Commission may propose financial mechanisms to improve the synchronisation of air-based and ground-based capital expenditure related to the deployment of SESAR technologies.

Implementation of the ATM Master Plan : implementation of the ATM Master Plan shall be coordinated by the Commission. The Network Manager, the PRB and the Deployment Manager shall contribute to the implementation of the ATM Master Plan in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

The Commission shall adopt, by implementing acts, measures establishing the governance of implementation of the ATM Master Plan, including defining and selecting the body responsible at management level (Deployment Manager).

Industrial partnerships : Members stipulated that industrial partnerships should be separate from FABs, which are a state initiative. What is more, industrial partnerships need not overlap with FABs in terms of the Member States concerned and therefore should be classed as a separate type of cooperation.

   EP - Vote in committee, 1st reading
   IT_SENATE - Contribution
   IT_CHAMBER - Contribution
   ESC - Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report
   EP - Amendments tabled in committee
   EP - Opinion on the recast technique
   EP - SPERONI Francesco Enrico (EFD) appointed as rapporteur in JURI
   EP - Committee draft report
   ES_PARLIAMENT - Contribution
   PT_PARLIAMENT - Contribution
   EP - MARINESCU Marian-Jean (PPE) appointed as rapporteur in TRAN
   EP - Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading
   EC - Initial legislative proposal
   EC - Document attached to the procedure
   EC - Document attached to the procedure
   EC - Initial legislative proposal published




A7-0095/2014 - Marian-Jean Marinescu - Am 22 #

2014/03/12 Outcome: +: 379, -: 265, 0: 34
icon: PPE PPE

Luxembourg PPE


Finland PPE

Against (1)


Malta PPE

For (1)


Estonia PPE

For (1)


Denmark PPE

For (1)


Czechia PPE

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

Austria Verts/ALE


Portugal Verts/ALE

For (1)


Greece Verts/ALE


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

For (1)


Finland Verts/ALE


Latvia Verts/ALE


Estonia Verts/ALE

For (1)


Belgium Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Denmark Verts/ALE

For (1)


Netherlands Verts/ALE


United Kingdom Verts/ALE

icon: NI NI

Spain NI


France NI


Hungary NI

For (1)


Italy NI

For (1)

Against (1)


Bulgaria NI

Against (1)


Ireland NI

Against (1)


Belgium NI

Against (1)

icon: EFD EFD

Poland EFD


Slovakia EFD

For (1)


Greece EFD

Abstain (1)


Finland EFD

For (1)


Bulgaria EFD

For (1)


Lithuania EFD


Belgium EFD

Abstain (1)


Netherlands EFD

Against (1)

icon: S&D S&D

Hungary S&D

Abstain (1)


Luxembourg S&D

For (1)


Croatia S&D

For (1)


Slovenia S&D

For (1)


Finland S&D

Against (1)


Bulgaria S&D

For (1)


Latvia S&D


Lithuania S&D


Ireland S&D


Cyprus S&D

Abstain (1)


Estonia S&D

Against (1)


Netherlands S&D



Against (1)


Greece GUE/NGL


Croatia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Latvia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Ireland GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Cyprus GUE/NGL


Sweden GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Denmark GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Netherlands GUE/NGL


United Kingdom GUE/NGL

Against (1)

icon: ECR ECR

Hungary ECR

Against (1)


Italy ECR

Against (1)


Croatia ECR

Against (1)


Latvia ECR

Against (1)


Lithuania ECR

Against (1)


Belgium ECR

Against (1)


Netherlands ECR

Against (1)


Spain ALDE


Slovakia ALDE

Against (1)


Italy ALDE

Against (1)


Austria ALDE


Greece ALDE

Against (1)


Luxembourg ALDE

Against (1)


Slovenia ALDE

Against (2)


Finland ALDE

For (1)


Latvia ALDE

Against (1)


Lithuania ALDE


Ireland ALDE

Abstain (1)


Denmark ALDE

Against (2)


A7-0095/2014 - Marian-Jean Marinescu - Am 23 #

2014/03/12 Outcome: +: 356, -: 264, 0: 49
icon: PPE PPE

Luxembourg PPE


Malta PPE

For (1)


Finland PPE

Against (1)


Estonia PPE

For (1)


Denmark PPE

For (1)


Czechia PPE

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

Portugal Verts/ALE

For (1)


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

For (1)


Greece Verts/ALE


Austria Verts/ALE


Latvia Verts/ALE


Finland Verts/ALE


Estonia Verts/ALE

For (1)


Belgium Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Netherlands Verts/ALE


United Kingdom Verts/ALE

icon: NI NI

Spain NI


France NI


Hungary NI

For (1)


Italy NI

For (1)

Against (1)


Bulgaria NI

Against (1)


Ireland NI

Against (1)


Belgium NI

Abstain (1)

icon: EFD EFD

Poland EFD


Slovakia EFD

Against (1)


Greece EFD

Abstain (1)


Lithuania EFD


Bulgaria EFD

Against (1)


Finland EFD

Against (1)


Belgium EFD

Abstain (1)


Netherlands EFD

Against (1)

icon: S&D S&D

Hungary S&D

Against (1)


Luxembourg S&D

For (1)


Cyprus S&D

Abstain (1)


Slovenia S&D

Abstain (1)


Latvia S&D

Abstain (1)


Lithuania S&D


Bulgaria S&D

For (1)


Finland S&D

Against (1)


Ireland S&D

Against (1)


Estonia S&D

Against (1)


Netherlands S&D



Against (1)


Greece GUE/NGL


Cyprus GUE/NGL


Croatia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Latvia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Ireland GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Sweden GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Netherlands GUE/NGL


Denmark GUE/NGL

Against (1)


United Kingdom GUE/NGL

Against (1)

icon: ECR ECR

Hungary ECR

Against (1)


Italy ECR

Abstain (1)


Croatia ECR

Against (1)


Latvia ECR

Against (1)


Lithuania ECR

Against (1)


Belgium ECR

Against (1)


Netherlands ECR

Against (1)


Spain ALDE


Italy ALDE

Against (1)


Luxembourg ALDE

Against (1)


Greece ALDE

Against (1)


Austria ALDE

Against (1)


Slovenia ALDE

Against (2)


Latvia ALDE

Against (1)


Lithuania ALDE


Denmark ALDE

Against (2)


A7-0095/2014 - Marian-Jean Marinescu - Am 26 #

2014/03/12 Outcome: +: 388, -: 220, 0: 64
icon: PPE PPE

Luxembourg PPE


Malta PPE

For (1)


Finland PPE

Against (1)


Estonia PPE

For (1)


Denmark PPE

For (1)


Czechia PPE

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

Portugal Verts/ALE

For (1)


Greece Verts/ALE


Austria Verts/ALE


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

For (1)


Latvia Verts/ALE


Netherlands Verts/ALE


Belgium Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Finland Verts/ALE


Estonia Verts/ALE

For (1)


Denmark Verts/ALE

For (1)


United Kingdom Verts/ALE

icon: S&D S&D

Hungary S&D

Against (1)

Abstain (1)


Croatia S&D

Against (1)

Abstain (1)


Luxembourg S&D

For (1)


Latvia S&D


Lithuania S&D


Slovenia S&D

For (1)


Ireland S&D


Netherlands S&D

Against (1)


Bulgaria S&D

For (1)


Finland S&D


Estonia S&D

For (1)



Abstain (1)


Greece GUE/NGL


Croatia GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Latvia GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Ireland GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Netherlands GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Cyprus GUE/NGL


Sweden GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


Denmark GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)


United Kingdom GUE/NGL

Abstain (1)

icon: NI NI

Spain NI


France NI


Italy NI

For (1)

Against (1)


Hungary NI

For (1)


Ireland NI

Against (1)


Bulgaria NI

Against (1)


Belgium NI

Abstain (1)

icon: EFD EFD

Poland EFD


Slovakia EFD

For (1)


Greece EFD

Abstain (1)


Lithuania EFD


Netherlands EFD

Against (1)


Bulgaria EFD

For (1)


Belgium EFD

Abstain (1)


Finland EFD

Against (1)

icon: ECR ECR

Italy ECR


Hungary ECR

Against (1)


Croatia ECR

Against (1)


Latvia ECR

Against (1)


Lithuania ECR

Against (1)


Netherlands ECR

Against (1)


Belgium ECR

Against (1)


Spain ALDE


Italy ALDE

Against (1)


Slovakia ALDE

Against (1)


Greece ALDE

Against (1)


Austria ALDE

Against (1)


Luxembourg ALDE

Against (1)


Latvia ALDE

Against (1)


Lithuania ALDE


Slovenia ALDE

Against (2)


Ireland ALDE

Abstain (1)


Denmark ALDE

Against (2)


A7-0095/2014 - Marian-Jean Marinescu - Am 27 #

2014/03/12 Outcome: +: 355, -: 260, 0: 44
icon: PPE PPE

Luxembourg PPE


Malta PPE

For (1)


Ireland PPE


Estonia PPE

For (1)


Finland PPE


Denmark PPE

For (1)


Czechia PPE

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

Spain Verts/ALE


Portugal Verts/ALE

For (1)


Austria Verts/ALE


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

For (1)


Greece Verts/ALE


Latvia Verts/ALE


Belgium Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Finland Verts/ALE


Denmark Verts/ALE

For (1)


Netherlands Verts/ALE


United Kingdom Verts/ALE

icon: NI NI

Spain NI


France NI


Hungary NI

For (1)


Italy NI

For (1)

Against (1)


Bulgaria NI

Against (1)


Belgium NI

Abstain (1)


Ireland NI

Against (1)

icon: EFD EFD

Poland EFD


Slovakia EFD

For (1)


Greece EFD

Abstain (1)


Bulgaria EFD

For (1)


Lithuania EFD

For (1)


Belgium EFD

Abstain (1)


Finland EFD

Against (1)


Netherlands EFD

Against (1)

icon: S&D S&D

Hungary S&D

Abstain (1)


Luxembourg S&D

For (1)


Slovenia S&D

Abstain (1)


Latvia S&D

Abstain (1)


Bulgaria S&D

For (1)


Lithuania S&D


Ireland S&D

Against (1)


Estonia S&D

Against (1)


Finland S&D

For (1)


Netherlands S&D



Against (1)


France GUE/NGL


Greece GUE/NGL


Latvia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Croatia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Cyprus GUE/NGL


Ireland GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Sweden GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Denmark GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Netherlands GUE/NGL


United Kingdom GUE/NGL

Against (1)

icon: ECR ECR

Hungary ECR

Against (1)


Italy ECR

Against (1)


Latvia ECR

Against (1)


Croatia ECR

Against (1)


Lithuania ECR

Against (1)


Belgium ECR

Against (1)


Netherlands ECR

Against (1)


Spain ALDE


Slovakia ALDE

Against (1)


Italy ALDE

Against (1)

Abstain (1)


Austria ALDE

Against (1)


Greece ALDE

Against (1)


Slovenia ALDE

Against (2)


Latvia ALDE

Against (1)


Lithuania ALDE


Ireland ALDE

Abstain (1)


Finland ALDE


Denmark ALDE

Against (2)


A7-0095/2014 - Marian-Jean Marinescu - Am 144 #

2014/03/12 Outcome: -: 397, +: 217, 0: 59
icon: S&D S&D

Estonia S&D

Abstain (1)


Finland S&D

Against (1)


Lithuania S&D


Denmark S&D

Against (1)


Latvia S&D

Abstain (1)


Luxembourg S&D

Against (1)


Croatia S&D

For (1)


Slovenia S&D

Abstain (1)


Netherlands S&D


Ireland S&D

Against (1)

Abstain (1)


Bulgaria S&D

Against (1)


Hungary S&D

For (1)

icon: ECR ECR

Italy ECR


Lithuania ECR


Latvia ECR

For (1)


Belgium ECR

For (1)


Croatia ECR

For (1)


Netherlands ECR

For (1)


Hungary ECR

For (1)

icon: EFD EFD

Finland EFD

For (1)


Lithuania EFD


Belgium EFD

Abstain (1)


Slovakia EFD

Abstain (1)


Greece EFD

Abstain (1)


Netherlands EFD

For (1)


Bulgaria EFD

For (1)

icon: NI NI

Italy NI

For (1)

Against (1)


Belgium NI

Abstain (1)


Austria NI

For (1)

Abstain (1)


Ireland NI

Against (1)


Bulgaria NI

Against (1)


Hungary NI

Against (1)


France NI


Spain NI

Against (1)


Italy ALDE

Against (1)

Abstain (1)


Estonia ALDE


Finland ALDE

Abstain (1)


Lithuania ALDE


Denmark ALDE

Against (2)


Latvia ALDE

For (1)


Luxembourg ALDE

For (1)


Belgium ALDE

Against (1)


Sweden ALDE

Abstain (1)


Austria ALDE

Abstain (1)


Slovakia ALDE

Against (1)


Greece ALDE

Abstain (1)


Slovenia ALDE

Against (2)


Romania ALDE

Against (1)


Spain ALDE


United Kingdom GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Denmark GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Latvia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Sweden GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Cyprus GUE/NGL


Croatia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Greece GUE/NGL


Netherlands GUE/NGL


Ireland GUE/NGL

Against (1)



Against (1)

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

United Kingdom Verts/ALE


Estonia Verts/ALE

For (1)


Finland Verts/ALE

Against (2)


Denmark Verts/ALE

For (1)


Latvia Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Belgium Verts/ALE


Sweden Verts/ALE

For (1)


Austria Verts/ALE


Greece Verts/ALE

Against (1)


Netherlands Verts/ALE


Portugal Verts/ALE

Against (1)

icon: PPE PPE

Czechia PPE

Against (1)


Estonia PPE

Against (1)


Malta PPE

Against (1)


Denmark PPE

Against (1)


Luxembourg PPE


Cyprus PPE


Ireland PPE

For (1)


A7-0095/2014 - Marian-Jean Marinescu - Résolution législative #

2014/03/12 Outcome: +: 489, -: 154, 0: 34
icon: PPE PPE

Denmark PPE

For (1)


Estonia PPE

For (1)


Luxembourg PPE


Malta PPE

Against (1)


Czechia PPE

icon: S&D S&D

Netherlands S&D


Ireland S&D


Finland S&D


Bulgaria S&D

For (1)


Slovenia S&D

Abstain (1)


Estonia S&D

For (1)


Latvia S&D

Abstain (1)


Luxembourg S&D

For (1)


Italy ALDE

Abstain (1)


Spain ALDE


Greece ALDE


Slovakia ALDE

For (1)


Austria ALDE


Denmark ALDE


Slovenia ALDE


Latvia ALDE

For (1)


Luxembourg ALDE

Abstain (1)

icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE

Greece Verts/ALE


Portugal Verts/ALE

For (1)


Netherlands Verts/ALE


Finland Verts/ALE


Austria Verts/ALE


Denmark Verts/ALE

For (1)


Estonia Verts/ALE

For (1)


Latvia Verts/ALE


Luxembourg Verts/ALE

For (1)


United Kingdom Verts/ALE

icon: EFD EFD

Belgium EFD

Abstain (1)


Greece EFD


Netherlands EFD

Abstain (1)


Slovakia EFD

For (1)


Lithuania EFD


Finland EFD

Against (1)


Bulgaria EFD

For (1)

icon: NI NI

Italy NI


Spain NI


France NI


Belgium NI

Abstain (1)


Ireland NI

For (1)


Bulgaria NI

Against (1)


Austria NI

Against (1)

Abstain (1)


Hungary NI

For (1)

icon: ECR ECR

Italy ECR

Abstain (1)


Belgium ECR

For (1)


Netherlands ECR

For (1)


Lithuania ECR


Latvia ECR

Abstain (1)


Croatia ECR

Against (1)


Hungary ECR

Against (1)



Against (1)


Greece GUE/NGL


Netherlands GUE/NGL


Ireland GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Denmark GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Latvia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Sweden GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Croatia GUE/NGL

Against (1)


Cyprus GUE/NGL


United Kingdom GUE/NGL

Against (1)

215 2013/0186(COD)
2013/11/27 TRAN 215 amendments...
source: PE-524.603


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

Identity and Democracy
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Identity and Democracy
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Identity and Democracy
Identity and Democracy
Identity and Democracy
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Identity and Democracy
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Identity and Democracy
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Identity and Democracy
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Identity and Democracy
Identity and Democracy
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Identity and Democracy
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Rules of Procedure EP 165
Rules of Procedure EP 113
Rules of Procedure EP 110
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Rules of Procedure EP 165
Rules of Procedure EP 113
Rules of Procedure EP 110
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Rules of Procedure EP 165
Rules of Procedure EP 113
Rules of Procedure EP 110
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Rules of Procedure EP 165
Rules of Procedure EP 113
Rules of Procedure EP 110
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Rules of Procedure EP 165
Rules of Procedure EP 113
Rules of Procedure EP 110
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Rules of Procedure EP 165
Rules of Procedure EP 113
Rules of Procedure EP 110
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Rules of Procedure EP 165
Rules of Procedure EP 113
Rules of Procedure EP 110
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Rules of Procedure EP 165
Rules of Procedure EP 113
Rules of Procedure EP 110
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
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  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
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  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
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  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
links/National parliaments/url
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Approval in committee of the text agreed at early 2nd reading interinstitutional negotiations
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
Approval in committee of the text agreed at early 2nd reading interinstitutional negotiations
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
Approval in committee of the text agreed at early 2nd reading interinstitutional negotiations
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
Approval in committee of the text agreed at early 2nd reading interinstitutional negotiations
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
Approval in committee of the text agreed at early 2nd reading interinstitutional negotiations
The Left group in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL
Approval in committee of the text agreed at early 2nd reading interinstitutional negotiations
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE680.728
Reasoned opinion
procedure/Legislative priorities/2
Joint Declaration 2023-24
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
links/National parliaments/url
links/Research document
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
procedure/Legislative priorities/1
Joint Declaration 2022
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal
Document attached to the procedure
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.728
Reasoned opinion
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE691.211
Opinion on the recast technique
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
Legislative proposal
Document attached to the procedure
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.728
Reasoned opinion
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE691.211
Opinion on the recast technique
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2020)0579
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
  • TRAN/7/13015
  • Rules of Procedure EP 110
  • Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 100-p2
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2020)0579
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
  • TRAN/7/13015
  • Rules of Procedure EP 110
  • Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 100-p2
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2020)0579
Initial legislative proposal published
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Legislative proposal published
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2013)0410
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2020)0579
Initial legislative proposal published
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Legislative proposal published
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Debate in Council
Debate in Council
Debate in Council
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 title: 3335
Debate in Council
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 title: 3352
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
  • Rules of Procedure EP 110
  • Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 100-p2
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Debate in Council
Debate in Council
Debate in Council
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 title: 3335
Debate in Council
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 title: 3352
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
  • Rules of Procedure EP 110
  • Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 100-p2
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • name: MELCHIOR Karen date: 2021-01-01T00:00:00 group: Renew Europe group abbr: Renew
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 title: 3335
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 title: 3352
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
  • TRAN/7/13015
  • Rules of Procedure EP 110
  • Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 100-p2
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
url: title: PE524.603
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 title: 3335
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 title: 3352
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
  • TRAN/7/13015
  • Rules of Procedure EP 110
  • Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 100-p2
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: PE691.211
Opinion on the recast technique
url: title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Vote in committee, 2nd reading
  • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.
  • PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.
  • BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).
  • The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).
  • This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.
  • The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:
  • the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.
  • The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.
  • IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.
  • LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
  • CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.
  • National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it:
  • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.
  • Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.
  • Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.
  • Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.
  • Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.
  • Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.
  • Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.
  • Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.
  • Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.
  • BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.
  • DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: PE691.211
Opinion on the recast technique
title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Vote in committee, 2nd reading
title: PE693.695
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
Initial legislative proposal published
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Vote in committee, 2nd reading
Legislative proposal published
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
Initial legislative proposal published
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Vote in committee, 1st reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading
url: title: T7-0220/2014
url: title: T7-0220/2014
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading
Legislative proposal published
Implementation of the Single European Sky. Recast
Implementation of the Single European Sky
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading
Initial legislative proposal published
Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading
Debate in Parliament
url: title: Debate in Parliament
Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: A7-0095/2014
Debate in Parliament
url: title: Debate in Parliament
url: title: T7-0220/2014
Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
url: title: T7-0220/2014
Legislative proposal published
  • date: 2021-05-25T00:00:00 title: Vote scheduled in committee, 2nd reading
url: title: PE691.211
Opinion on the recast technique
title: PE691.211
Opinion on the recast technique
title: PE691.211
Opinion on the recast technique
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Committee Recast Technique Opinion
Legal Affairs
url: title: PE523.031
Opinion on the recast technique
Rules of Procedure EP 110
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
  • date: 2021-05-25T00:00:00 title: Vote scheduled in committee, 2nd reading
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Former Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 group: Europe of Freedom and Democracy abbr: EFD
Former Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 title: 3335
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 title: 3352
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 title: 3335
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 title: 3352
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Former Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 group: ??? abbr: Unknown Group
Former Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 group: Europe of Freedom and Democracy abbr: EFD
Initial legislative proposal
title: SP(2014)455
Commission response to text adopted in plenary
title: SP(2014)455
Commission response to text adopted in plenary
Supplementary legislative basic document
Supplementary legislative basic document
Supplementary legislative basic document
Legislative proposal
title: PE680.868
Amendments tabled in committee
title: PE680.728
Reasoned opinion
title: PE680.885
Amendments tabled in committee
title: PE680.905
Amendments tabled in committee
url: title: COM(2020)0579
url: title: COM(2020)0579
Initial legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
Legislative proposal published
procedure/Legislative priorities
  • title: Joint Declaration 2021 url:
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
procedure/Modified legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
procedure/Other legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Committee Opinion
Former Committee Opinion
Committee Opinion
Former Committee Opinion
Awaiting Parliament's position in 1st reading
Awaiting Council's 1st reading position
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Former Committee Opinion
Committee Opinion
Former Committee Opinion
Committee Opinion
Supplementary legislative basic document
Document attached to the procedure
Awaiting Council's 1st reading position
Awaiting Parliament's position in 1st reading
  • The Commission presents an amended proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the implementation of the Single European Sky (Recast).
  • This amended proposal is aimed at updating, in light of experience, and recasting the current legislation regarding the Single European Sky.
  • While the original objectives and principles of the proposal adopted by the Commission in 2013 remain the same, the amended proposal specifically focuses on accelerating the adaptation of the air navigation services in light of those principles and objectives.
  • Specific provisions of the amended proposal
  • As previously, it is proposed to merge the existing SES Regulations into a single regulation and remove elements which overlap with Regulation (EU) 2018/1139. The text shall be aligned with relevant Union legislation. It is likewise important to reflect recent technological developments in the aviation sector and the commitments expressed in the European Green Deal to decarbonise the transport sector.
  • Despite a number of changes, this amended proposal pursues the same objectives of the 2013 SES2+ proposal.
  • National supervisory authorities
  • The independence, expertise and resources of national supervisory authorities should be strengthened. The amended text describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee, and from any other public or private entity.
  • It is proposed to clearly distinguish the tasks of the national supervisory authorities, competent for matters pertaining to the Single European Sky, from those of the national competent authorities in the area of aviation safety covered by Regulation (EU) 2018/1139. The former authorities should be responsible for economic certification related to financial conditions necessary for the provision of air navigation services, for monitoring the procurement of air navigation services as well as for applying the performance and charging schemes. The latter authorities remain in charge of safety certification and oversight and other tasks described in Regulation (EU) 2018/1139.
  • Economic certification of air navigation service providers and designation of air traffic service providers
  • The provision of air navigation services shall be conditioned upon the fulfilment of certain requirements regarding financial robustness, liability and insurance cover. For these purposes, it is proposed to provide for an economic certificate issued by national supervisory authorities. The amended proposal also stipulates that the designation of air traffic service providers is to be made for a period of maximum 10 years. The aim is to ensure that the designation is reassessed periodically.
  • Terminal air traffic services
  • It is proposed that airport operators shall be able to decide whether to procure services for aerodrome control, where such procurement would enable cost-efficiency gains to the benefit of airspace users. Member States shall be able to allow the procurement of services for approach control. In order to ensure a level playing field and to avoid discrimination, cross-subsidisation and distortion of competition, en route services shall be organisationally separated from the other air navigation services.
  • Common information services
  • Concerning the common information services needed to enable safe air traffic management of unmanned traffic (drones traffic), the amended text is aligned to the recent regulatory developments regarding the operation of unmanned aircraft. It is proposed to regulate the pricing of such services so as to contain the cost of traffic management of unmanned aircraft.
  • Performance and charging schemes and Performance Review Body
  • It is proposed to entrust designated air traffic service providers themselves with the task to draft and submit their performance plans for approval by the competent authority. According to the case, that authority may be the Agency acting as Performance Review Body (PRB) or a national supervisory authority. The Performance Review Body function, for which dedicated governance rules are set out in the proposal amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, is designed so as to allow relevant decisions to be taken with the necessary expertise and independence. The funding rules proposed shall ensure that the Agency be endowed with the necessary resources. The amended present proposal lays down the respective responsibilities of the Agency acting as PRB, and of the national supervisory authorities as regards the implementation of the performance and charging schemes. In particular, the Agency acting as PRB is in charge of assessing and approving the allocation of costs between en route and terminal services and of assessing and approving the performance plans for en route air navigation services. The national supervisory authorities are in charge of assessing and approving the performance plans for terminal air navigation services. For this purpose, separate plans for en route and for terminal air navigation services must be submitted by designated air traffic service providers which provide both types of services. The terms of the charging scheme proposed are aligned to this new approach.
  • Functional airspace blocks
  • The amended proposal no longer contains provisions pertaining to functional airspace blocks (FABs). The absence of such rules would not prevent Member States from maintaining or creating FABs, if deemed useful.
  • Availability and access to data
  • The rules regarding this issue are amended so as to facilitate the provision of air traffic data services on a cross-border and Union-wide market. New entrants to the data market should have access to the relevant operational data even before certification. In order to prevent cross-subsidisation or double charging, it is proposed to establish adequate pricing principles.
  • The Network Manager (currently Eurocontrol until 2029)
  • The network manager shall become more important in managing the modernisation of the ATM infrastructure.
  • SESAR coordination
  • The amended proposal requires the relevant entities to cooperate with a view to ensuring effective coordination between the different phases of the SESAR project.
Document attached to the procedure
Document attached to the procedure
Awaiting Council 1st reading position / budgetary conciliation convocation
Awaiting Council's 1st reading position
DELLI Karima
Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
Committee decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations announced in plenary (Rule 72)
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
European United Left - Nordic Green Left
Committee decision to open interinstitutional negotiations after 1st reading in Parliament
  • name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
  • name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MEISSNER Gesine group: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe abbr: ALDE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MEISSNER Gesine group: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe abbr: ALDE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Committee Opinion
Industry, Research and Energy
Former Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
Committee Opinion
Industry, Research and Energy
Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 group: Europe of Freedom and Democracy abbr: EFD
Committee Opinion
Former Committee Opinion
Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 group: Europe of Freedom and Democracy abbr: EFD
Committee Opinion
Former Committee Opinion
procedure/Modified legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 150
Rules of Procedure EP 159
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 group: Europe of Freedom and Democracy abbr: EFD
Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico group: Europe of Freedom and Democracy abbr: EFD
  • date: 2013-06-11T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0410 type: Legislative proposal published celexid: CELEX:52013PC0410:EN body: EC commission: DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim type: Legislative proposal published
  • date: 2013-07-01T00:00:00 body: EP type: Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading committees: body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Industry, Research and Energy committee: ITRE body: EP responsible: False committee: JURI date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 committee_full: Legal Affairs rapporteur: group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
  • date: 2014-01-30T00:00:00 body: EP type: Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading committees: body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Industry, Research and Energy committee: ITRE body: EP responsible: False committee: JURI date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 committee_full: Legal Affairs rapporteur: group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
  • body: EP docs: url: type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading title: A7-0095/2014 type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading committees: body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Industry, Research and Energy committee: ITRE body: EP responsible: False committee: JURI date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 committee_full: Legal Affairs rapporteur: group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean date: 2014-02-06T00:00:00
  • date: 2014-03-11T00:00:00 docs: url: type: Debate in Parliament title: Debate in Parliament body: EP type: Debate in Parliament
  • date: 2014-03-12T00:00:00 docs: url: type: Results of vote in Parliament title: Results of vote in Parliament url: type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading title: T7-0220/2014 body: EP type: Results of vote in Parliament
  • body: CSL meeting_id: 3335 docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3335 council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy date: 2014-10-08T00:00:00 type: Council Meeting
  • body: CSL meeting_id: 3352 docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3352 council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy date: 2014-12-03T00:00:00 type: Council Meeting
  • body: EC dg: Mobility and Transport commissioner: KALLAS Siim
Responsible Committee
Transport and Tourism
name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean group: European People's Party (Christian Democrats) abbr: PPE
Industry, Research and Energy
Committee Opinion
Industry, Research and Energy
Legal Affairs
group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
Committee Opinion
Legal Affairs
name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico group: Europe of Freedom and Democracy abbr: EFD
Transport and Tourism
group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy meeting_id: 3352 url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 date: 2014-12-03T00:00:00
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: Transport, Telecommunications and Energy meeting_id: 3335 url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 date: 2014-10-08T00:00:00
  • date: 2013-06-11T00:00:00 docs: url: title: EUR-Lex title: SWD(2013)0206 type: Document attached to the procedure body: EC
  • date: 2013-06-11T00:00:00 docs: url: title: EUR-Lex title: SWD(2013)0207 type: Document attached to the procedure body: EC
  • date: 2013-11-06T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE522.770 type: Committee draft report body: EP
  • date: 2013-11-27T00:00:00 docs: url: title: PE524.603 type: Amendments tabled in committee body: EP
  • date: 2013-12-11T00:00:00 docs: url: title: CES5372/2013 type: Economic and Social Committee: opinion, report body: ESC
  • date: 2014-06-10T00:00:00 docs: url: /oeil/ title: SP(2014)455 type: Commission response to text adopted in plenary
  • date: 2014-01-15T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0410 type: Contribution body: IT_SENATE
  • date: 2013-09-15T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0410 type: Contribution body: ES_PARLIAMENT
  • date: 2013-12-31T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0410 type: Contribution body: IT_CHAMBER
  • date: 2013-09-11T00:00:00 docs: url: title: COM(2013)0410 type: Contribution body: PT_PARLIAMENT
  • date: 2013-06-11T00:00:00 type: Legislative proposal published body: EC docs: url: title: COM(2013)0410 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2013&nu_doc=410 title: EUR-Lex summary: PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative. PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council. ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council. BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS). The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation . However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)). This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+ , is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system. The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems: the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff; fragmented ATM system : the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures. The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity. IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky. LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned. National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources . For that purpose, it: describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020); more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges; to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States. Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level . This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets. Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks. Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible " industrial partnerships " and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved. Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors . A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020. Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager. Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned. Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020. Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans. BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget. DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • date: 2013-07-01T00:00:00 type: Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading body: EP
  • date: 2014-01-30T00:00:00 type: Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading body: EP
  • date: 2014-02-06T00:00:00 type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading body: EP docs: url: title: A7-0095/2014 summary: The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Marian-Jean MARINESCU (EPP, RO) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the implementation of the Single European Sky (recast). The parliamentary committee recommended that the position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure modify the Commission proposal as follows. Purpose of the regulation : this regulation should lay down rules for the creation and proper functioning of the Single European Sky in order to ensure current air traffic safety standards, to contribute to the sustainable development of the air transport system, and in particular, reducing climate impact . The Single European Sky shall comprise a coherent network at the pan-European level and, subject to specific arrangements with the neighbouring countries, in third-countries , an integrated operating airspace, network management and air traffic management for the benefit of all airspace users. National aviation authorities : these shall be legally distinct and independent , in particular in organisational, hierarchical and decision-making terms – and with their annual budget - from any company, organisation, public or private entity or personnel falling within the scope of authority activity as provided for in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 or having an interest in the activities of such entities. Staff of the national aviation authorities shall be recruited under clear and transparent rules and criteria which guarantee their independence. They shall not be seconded from air navigation service providers (ANSPs) or companies under the control of ANSPs. Persons who have been in charge of strategic decisions for more than six months shall have no professional position or responsibility with any of the air navigation service providers after their term in the national aviation authority, for a period ofat least 12 months for staff in managerial positions (at least six months for staff in non-managerial positions). Definitions : the Members added important definitions, namely that of a “local performance target” and “industrial partnership” which, according to the proposal, will now be a “driving force” within newly-structured functional airspace blocks (FABs). The definition of the “human factor” was also introduced, meaning the social, cultural and staffing conditions in the air traffic management (ATM) sector The human factor must be monitored and brought into the core of the Single European Sky framework. Cooperation between national aviation authorities : The Commission and the European Aviation Agency (EAA) shallfacilitate active cooperation of these authorities to enable them to exchange their best practices and to develop common solutions, including stronger cooperation at the regional level, and placing at their disposal a platform for these exchanges . This cooperation should take place in a network that convenes at regular intervals (at least once a year). The purpose and tasks of the network was spelled out in more detail: it must, among others, provide opinions to the Commission and the EAA on rule-making and certification and provide recommendations designed to facilitate the provision of cross-border services. Certification of air navigation service providers : the issue of certificates shall confer on air navigation service providers the possibility of offering their services to any Member State , and if appropriate, neighbouring third countries , within a functional airspace block, subject to mutual agreement between the relevant parties. Provision of support services : “support services” means communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS), meteorological services (MET) and aeronautical information services (AIS) as well as other services and activities, which are linked to, and support the provision of, air navigation services. According to the report, there should be no statutory impediments to providers of support services that would prevent their ability to compete within the Union on the basis of equitable, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions for the purpose of providing these services. Members proposed that air navigation service providers, when drawing up their business plans, should call for offers from different support services providers, with a view to choosing the financially and qualitatively most beneficial provider. Binding selection criteria for the entity procuring those services shall be, in particular, cost and energy efficiency, overall service quality, interoperability and safety of services, as well as transparency of the procurement process. System and performance criteria : Members proposed that a “performance review body” (PRB) be established as a European economic regulatorunder the supervision of the Commission, with effect from 1 July 2015. The PRB shall be functionally and legally separate from any service provider, whether at national or pan-European level. The compliance of the local performance plans and local targets with the Union-wide performance targets shall be assessed by the Commission in cooperation with the PRB. In addition to the introduction of sanctions, an appropriate compensation mechanism must also be established in order to address the problem stemming from the lack of synchronisation in SESAR deployment and lost investment resulting thereof. The Commission may propose financial mechanisms to improve the synchronisation of air-based and ground-based capital expenditure related to the deployment of SESAR technologies. Implementation of the ATM Master Plan : implementation of the ATM Master Plan shall be coordinated by the Commission. The Network Manager, the PRB and the Deployment Manager shall contribute to the implementation of the ATM Master Plan in accordance with the provisions of this regulation. The Commission shall adopt, by implementing acts, measures establishing the governance of implementation of the ATM Master Plan, including defining and selecting the body responsible at management level (Deployment Manager). Industrial partnerships : Members stipulated that industrial partnerships should be separate from FABs, which are a state initiative. What is more, industrial partnerships need not overlap with FABs in terms of the Member States concerned and therefore should be classed as a separate type of cooperation.
  • date: 2014-03-11T00:00:00 type: Debate in Parliament body: EP docs: url: title: Debate in Parliament
  • date: 2014-03-12T00:00:00 type: Results of vote in Parliament body: EP docs: url: title: Results of vote in Parliament
  • date: 2014-03-12T00:00:00 type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading body: EP docs: url: title: T7-0220/2014 summary: The European Parliament adopted by 489 votes to 154 with 34 abstentions, a legislative resolution on proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the implementation of the Single European Sky (SES) (recast). Parliament’s position in first reading following the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission proposal as follows: Implementation of the SES : Parliament stressed that the Regulation should be implemented as swiftly as possible In order to ensure that the expected increase in air traffic did not cause or exacerbate congestion in European airspace, with all the economic, environmental and security costs that that would entail, fragmentation of that airspace should be remedied. The implementation of the Single European Sky should have a positive impact in terms of growth, employment and competitiveness in Europe , in particular by increasing demand for jobs requiring advanced qualifications. Objectives: the regulation lays down rules for the creation and proper functioning of the Single European Sky in order to ensure current air traffic safety standards, to contribute to the sustainable development of the air transport system, such as reducing climate impact . The Single European Sky should comprise a coherent pan-European and, subject to specific arrangements with the neighbouring countries, third-country network of routes, an integrated operating airspace, network management and air traffic management based only on safety, efficiency and interoperability, for the benefit of all airspace users. The application of the regulation to Gibraltar airport shall be suspended until the arrangements set out in the Joint Declaration made by the Foreign Ministers of the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom on 2 December 1987 are applied. National aviation authority: the amended text provides for Member States’ designation of a national body to act as the national aviation authority. The authorities should be legally distinct and independent , in particular in organisational, hierarchical and decision-making terms, including separate annual budget allocation, from any company, organisation, public or private entity or personnel falling within the scope of authority activity as provided for in this Regulation and in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 or having an interest in the activities of such entities. The national aviation authorities shall ensure compliance with these provisions on the date of entry into force of this Regulation or at the latest by 1 January 2017. Staff of the national aviation authorities shall be recruited under clear and transparent rules and criteria, which guarantee their independence. They should not be seconded from air navigation service providers (ANSPs) or companies under the control of ANSPs. As regards persons who have been in charge of strategic decisions , for more than six months, they must have no professional position or responsibility with any of the air navigation service providers after their term in the national aviation authority, for a period of at least 12 months for staff in managerial positions and at least six months for staff in non-managerial positions. The authority's top management shall be appointed for a fixed term of between three and seven years. Definitions: Members added certain definitions, such as 'local performance plans' and 'industrial partnership' supporting one or more functional airspace blocks, in order to maximise performance. The text also contained a definition of ‘human factor’ meaning the social, cultural and staffing conditions in the ATM sector. Cooperation between national aviation authorities : the Commission and the European Agency for Aviation (EAA) should facilitate cooperation among the authorities them in order to enable the exchange of best practices and to develop a common approach, including through enhanced cooperation at regional level, by providing a platform for such exchanges . This cooperation should take place on a regular basis (at least once a year.) The tasks and objectives of the network were more clearly defined : inter alia, they may provide opinions to the Commission and the EAA on rule-making and certification and provide opinions, guidelines and recommendations designed to facilitate the provision of cross-border services. Certificates: the issue of certificates shall confer on air navigation service providers the possibility of offering their services to any Member State, other air navigation service providers, airspace users and airports within the Union and neighbouring third countries, if appropriate, within a functional airspace block, subject to mutual agreement between the relevant parties. Provision of support services : ' support services' were defined as CNS (communication, navigation and surveillance), MET (meteorological) and AIS (aeronautical information) services as well as other services and activities, which are linked to, and support the provision of, air navigation services. Parliament stated that there should be no statutory impediments to providers of support services that would prevent their ability to compete within the Union on the basis of equitable, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions for the purpose of providing these services. Members proposed that air navigation service providers, when drawing up their business plans, should call for offers from different support services providers, with a view to choosing the financially and qualitatively most beneficial provider. In the choice of an external provider of support services, the provisions of Directive 2004/18/EC shall be complied with, including cost and energy efficiency, overall service quality, interoperability and safety of services, as well as transparency of the procurement process The Commission shall conduct a comprehensive study on the operational, economic, safety and social impacts of the introduction of market principles to the provision of support services, and shall submit that study to the European Parliament and the Council by 1 January 2016. Performance criteria and system : Parliament proposed a ‘performance review body’ (PRB) be established as a European economic regulator under the supervision of the Commission, with effect from 1 July 2015. The PRB shall be functionally and legally separate from any service provider, whether at national or pan-European level. The compliance of the local performance plans and local targets with the Union-wide performance targets shall be assessed by the Commission in cooperation with the PRB. Union-wide performance targets shall be set with a view to ensuring that each functional airspace block retains sufficient flexibility to achieve the best results. Compensation mechanism : in addition to the introduction of sanctions, an appropriate compensation mechanism must also be established in order to address the problem stemming from the lack of synchronisation in SESAR deployment and resulting lost investment. The Commission may propose financial mechanisms to improve the synchronisation of air-based and ground-based capital expenditure related to the deployment of SESAR technologies Implementation of the ATM Master Plan : implementation of the ATM Master Plan shall be coordinated by the Commission. The Network Manager, the PRB and the Deployment Manager shall contribute to the implementation of the ATM Master Plan in accordance with the provisions of the regulation. The Commission should adopt, by implementing acts, measures establishing the governance of implementation of the ATM Master Plan, including defining and selecting the body responsible at management level (Deployment Manager). The Deployment Manager should recommend to the Commission binding deadlines for deployment and appropriate corrective actions concerning delayed implementation. Industrial partnerships : Members stipulated that industrial partnerships should be separate from FABs, which were a state initiative. What is more, industrial partnerships need not overlap with FABs in terms of the Member States concerned and therefore should be classed as a separate type of cooperation.
  • date: 2014-10-08T00:00:00 type: Debate in Council body: CSL docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 title: 3335
  • date: 2014-12-03T00:00:00 type: Debate in Council body: CSL docs: url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 title: 3352
  • body: CSL type: Council Meeting council: Former Council configuration
  • body: EC dg: url: title: Mobility and Transport commissioner: KALLAS Siim
  • name: European Economic and Social Committee
  • name: European Committee of the Regions
procedure/Mandatory consultation of other institutions
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
  • TRAN/7/13015
  • Regulation
  • Repealing Regulation (EC) No 549/2004 2001/0060(COD) Repealing Regulation (EC) No 550/2004 2001/0235(COD) Repealing Regulation (EC) No 551/2004 2001/0236(COD) Repealing Regulation (EC) No 552/2004 2001/0237(COD)
European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
  • 3.20.01 Air transport and air freight
  • Air transport agreements and cooperation
Air transport and air freight
Air transport agreements and cooperation
  • Repealing Regulation (EC) No 549/2004
  • Repealing Regulation (EC) No 550/2004
  • Repealing Regulation (EC) No 551/2004
  • Repealing Regulation (EC) No 552/2004
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3335
Debate in Council
Council Meeting
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3352
Debate in Council
Council Meeting
Council Meeting
Former Council configuration
procedure/Modified legal basis
Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 150
Rules of Procedure EP 150
3.40.14 Industrial competitiveness
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3335
Council Meeting
Debate in Council
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
  • url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3352
Council Meeting
Debate in Council
Council Meeting
Former Council configuration
        procedure/Mandatory consultation of other institutions
        Economic and Social Committee Committee of the Regions
        European Economic and Social Committee European Committee of the Regions
        links/European Commission/title
        url:*&MEET_DATE=03/12/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3352
        Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
        Council Meeting
        Council Meeting
        Former Council configuration
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        url:*&MEET_DATE=08/10/2014 type: Debate in Council title: 3335
        Transport, Telecommunications and Energy
        Council Meeting
        Results of vote in Parliament
        Results of vote in Parliament
        Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
        Results of vote in Parliament
        • DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
        • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Industry, Research and Energy committee: ITRE
        • body: EP responsible: False committee: JURI date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 committee_full: Legal Affairs rapporteur: group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2013&nu_doc=410 celexid: CELEX:52013PC0410:EN type: Legislative proposal published title: COM(2013)0410
        Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
        Legislative proposal published
        • DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
        • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Industry, Research and Energy committee: ITRE
        • body: EP responsible: False committee: JURI date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 committee_full: Legal Affairs rapporteur: group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2013&nu_doc=410 title: COM(2013)0410 type: Legislative proposal published celexid: CELEX:52013PC0410:EN
        Legislative proposal published
        Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
        • group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine
        • group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva
        • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
        • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
        • group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine
        • group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva
        • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
        • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
        • group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine
        • group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva
        • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
        • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: PPE name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
        • group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine
        • group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva
        • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
        • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EPP name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
        • group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine
        • group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva
        • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
        • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EPP name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
        • group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine
        • group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva
        • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
        • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EPP name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
        • group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine
        • group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva
        • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
        • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
        • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
        • group: EPP name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
        • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
        • group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine
        • group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva
        • group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline
        • group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
        procedure/Modified legal basis
        Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 150
          • The European Parliament adopted by 489 votes to 154 with 34 abstentions, a legislative resolution on proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the implementation of the Single European Sky (SES) (recast).

            Parliament’s position in first reading following the ordinary legislative procedure amended the Commission proposal as follows:

            Implementation of the SES: Parliament stressed that the Regulation should be implemented as swiftly as possible In order to ensure that the expected increase in air traffic did not cause or exacerbate congestion in European airspace, with all the economic, environmental and security costs that that would entail, fragmentation of that airspace should be remedied.

            The implementation of the Single European Sky should have a positive impact in terms of growth, employment and competitiveness in Europe, in particular by increasing demand for jobs requiring advanced qualifications.

            Objectives: the regulation lays down rules for the creation and proper functioning of the Single European Sky in order to ensure current air traffic safety standards, to contribute to the sustainable development of the air transport system, such as reducing climate impact.

            The Single European Sky should comprise a coherent pan-European and, subject to specific arrangements with the neighbouring countries, third-country network of routes, an integrated operating airspace, network management and air traffic management based only on safety, efficiency and interoperability, for the benefit of all airspace users.

            The application of the regulation to Gibraltar airport shall be suspended until the arrangements set out in the Joint Declaration made by the Foreign Ministers of the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom on 2 December 1987 are applied.

            National aviation authority: the amended text provides for Member States’ designation of a national body to act as the national aviation authority.

            The authorities should be legally distinct and independent, in particular in organisational, hierarchical and decision-making terms, including separate annual budget allocation, from any company, organisation, public or private entity or personnel falling within the scope of authority activity as provided for in this Regulation and in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 or having an interest in the activities of such entities. The national aviation authorities shall ensure compliance with these provisions on the date of entry into force of this Regulation or at the latest by 1 January 2017.

            Staff of the national aviation authorities shall be recruited under clear and transparent rules and criteria, which guarantee their independence. They should not be seconded from air navigation service providers (ANSPs) or companies under the control of ANSPs.

            As regards persons who have been in charge of strategic decisions, for more than six months, they must have no professional position or responsibility with any of the air navigation service providers after their term in the national aviation authority, for a period of at least 12 months for staff in managerial positions and at least six months for staff in non-managerial positions.

            The authority's top management shall be appointed for a fixed term of between three and seven years.  

            Definitions: Members added certain definitions, such as 'local performance plans' and 'industrial partnership' supporting one or more functional airspace blocks, in order to maximise performance.

            The text also contained a definition of ‘human factor’ meaning the social, cultural and staffing conditions in the ATM sector.

            Cooperation between national aviation authorities: the Commission and the European Agency for Aviation (EAA) should facilitate cooperation among the authorities them in order to enable the exchange of best practices and to develop a common approach, including through enhanced cooperation at regional level, by providing a platform for such exchanges. This cooperation should take place on a regular basis (at least once a year.)

            The tasks and objectives of the network were more clearly defined : inter alia, they may provide opinions to the Commission and the EAA on rule-making and certification and provide opinions, guidelines and recommendations designed to facilitate the provision of cross-border services.

            Certificates: the issue of certificates shall confer on air navigation service providers the possibility of offering their services to any Member State, other air navigation service providers, airspace users and airports within the Union and neighbouring third countries, if appropriate, within a functional airspace block, subject to mutual agreement between the relevant parties.

            Provision of support services: ' support services' were defined as CNS (communication, navigation and surveillance), MET (meteorological) and AIS (aeronautical information) services as well as other services and activities, which are linked to, and support the provision of, air navigation services.

            Parliament stated that there should be no statutory impediments to providers of support services that would prevent their ability to compete within the Union on the basis of equitable, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions for the purpose of providing these services.

            Members proposed that air navigation service providers, when drawing up their business plans, should call for offers from different support services providers, with a view to choosing the financially and qualitatively most beneficial provider.

            In the choice of an external provider of support services, the provisions of Directive 2004/18/EC shall be complied with, including cost and energy efficiency, overall service quality, interoperability and safety of services, as well as transparency of the procurement process

            The Commission shall conduct a comprehensive study on the operational, economic, safety and social impacts of the introduction of market principles to the provision of support services, and shall submit that study to the European Parliament and the Council by 1 January 2016.

            Performance criteria and system: Parliament proposed a ‘performance review body’ (PRB) be established as a European economic regulator under the supervision of the Commission, with effect from 1 July 2015. The PRB shall be functionally and legally separate from any service provider, whether at national or pan-European level. 

            The compliance of the local performance plans and local targets with the Union-wide performance targets shall be assessed by the Commission in cooperation with the PRB.

            Union-wide performance targets shall be set with a view to ensuring that each functional airspace block retains sufficient flexibility to achieve the best results.

            Compensation mechanism: in addition to the introduction of sanctions, an appropriate compensation mechanism must also be established in order to address the problem stemming from the lack of synchronisation in SESAR deployment and resulting lost investment. The Commission may propose financial mechanisms to improve the synchronisation of air-based and ground-based capital expenditure related to the deployment of SESAR technologies

            Implementation of the ATM Master Plan: implementation of the ATM Master Plan shall be coordinated by the Commission. The Network Manager, the PRB and the Deployment Manager shall contribute to the implementation of the ATM Master Plan in accordance with the provisions of the regulation.

            The Commission should adopt, by implementing acts, measures establishing the governance of implementation of the ATM Master Plan, including defining and selecting the body responsible at management level (Deployment Manager).

            The Deployment Manager should recommend to the Commission binding deadlines for deployment and appropriate corrective actions concerning delayed implementation.

            Industrial partnerships: Members stipulated that industrial partnerships should be separate from FABs, which were a state initiative. What is more, industrial partnerships need not overlap with FABs in terms of the Member States concerned and therefore should be classed as a separate type of cooperation.


          • The Committee on Transport and Tourism adopted the report by Marian-Jean MARINESCU (EPP, RO) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and Council on the implementation of the Single European Sky (recast).

            The parliamentary committee recommended that the position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure modify the Commission proposal as follows.

            Purpose of the regulation: this regulation should lay down rules for the creation and proper functioning of the Single European Sky in order to ensure current air traffic safety standards, to contribute to the sustainable development of the air transport system, and in particular, reducing climate impact.

            The Single European Sky shall comprise a coherent network at the pan-European level and, subject to specific arrangements with the neighbouring countries, in third-countries, an integrated operating airspace, network management and air traffic management for the benefit of all airspace users.

            National aviation authorities: these shall be legally distinct and independent, in particular in organisational, hierarchical and decision-making terms – and with their annual budget - from any company, organisation, public or private entity or personnel falling within the scope of authority activity as provided for in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 or having an interest in the activities of such entities.

            Staff of the national aviation authorities shall be recruited under clear and transparent rules and criteria which guarantee their independence.

            They shall not be seconded from air navigation service providers (ANSPs) or companies under the control of ANSPs.

            Persons who have been in charge of strategic decisions for more than six months shall have no professional position or responsibility with any of the air navigation service providers after their term in the national aviation authority, for a period ofat least 12 months for staff in managerial positions (at least six months for staff in non-managerial positions).

            Definitions: the Members added important definitions, namely that of a “local performance target” and “industrial partnership” which, according to the proposal, will now be a “driving force” within newly-structured functional airspace blocks (FABs).

            The definition of the “human factor” was also introduced, meaning the social, cultural and staffing conditions in the air traffic management (ATM) sector

            The human factor must be monitored and brought into the core of the Single European Sky framework.

            Cooperation between national aviation authorities: The Commission and the European Aviation Agency (EAA) shallfacilitate active cooperation of these authorities to enable them to exchange their best practices and to develop common solutions, including stronger cooperation at the regional level, and placing at their disposal a platform for these exchanges.

            This cooperation should take place in a network that convenes at regular intervals (at least once a year).

            The purpose and tasks of the network was spelled out in more detail: it must, among others, provide opinions to the Commission and the EAA on rule-making and certification and provide recommendations designed to facilitate the provision of cross-border services.

            Certification of air navigation service providers: the issue of certificates shall confer on air navigation service providers the possibility of offering their services to any Member State, and if appropriate, neighbouring third countries, within a functional airspace block, subject to mutual agreement between the relevant parties.

            Provision of support services: “support services” means communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS), meteorological services (MET) and aeronautical information services (AIS) as well as other services and activities, which are linked to, and support the provision of, air navigation services.

            According to the report, there should be no statutory impediments to providers of support services that would prevent their ability to compete within the Union on the basis of equitable, non-discriminatory and transparent conditions for the purpose of providing these services.

            Members proposed that air navigation service providers, when drawing up their business plans, should call for offers from different support services providers, with a view to choosing the financially and qualitatively most beneficial provider.

            Binding selection criteria for the entity procuring those services shall be, in particular, cost and energy efficiency, overall service quality, interoperability and safety of services, as well as transparency of the procurement process.

            System and performance criteria: Members proposed that a “performance review body” (PRB) be established as a European economic regulatorunder the supervision of the Commission, with effect from 1 July 2015. The PRB shall be functionally and legally separate from any service provider, whether at national or pan-European level.

            The compliance of the local performance plans and local targets with the Union-wide performance targets shall be assessed by the Commission in cooperation with the PRB.

            In addition to the introduction of sanctions, an appropriate compensation mechanism must also be established in order to address the problem stemming from the lack of synchronisation in SESAR deployment and lost investment resulting thereof.

            The Commission may propose financial mechanisms to improve the synchronisation of air-based and ground-based capital expenditure related to the deployment of SESAR technologies.

            Implementation of the ATM Master Plan: implementation of the ATM Master Plan shall be coordinated by the Commission. The Network Manager, the PRB and the Deployment Manager shall contribute to the implementation of the ATM Master Plan in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

            The Commission shall adopt, by implementing acts, measures establishing the governance of implementation of the ATM Master Plan, including defining and selecting the body responsible at management level (Deployment Manager).

            Industrial partnerships: Members stipulated that industrial partnerships should be separate from FABs, which are a state initiative. What is more, industrial partnerships need not overlap with FABs in terms of the Member States concerned and therefore should be classed as a separate type of cooperation.

          • url: type: Debate in Parliament title: Debate in Parliament
          Vote in plenary scheduled
          Debate in Parliament
          • type: Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading title: T7-0220/2014
          Debate in plenary scheduled
          Decision by Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
          Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage
          Awaiting Council 1st reading position / budgetary conciliation convocation
          • url: type: Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading title: A7-0095/2014
          Indicative plenary sitting date, 1st reading/single reading
          Debate in plenary scheduled
          Vote in plenary scheduled
          procedure/Modified legal basis
          Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 138
          Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading/single reading
          Awaiting committee decision
          Awaiting Parliament 1st reading / single reading / budget 1st stage
          • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Industry, Research and Energy committee: ITRE
          • body: EP responsible: False committee: JURI date: 2013-11-12T00:00:00 committee_full: Legal Affairs rapporteur: group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
          • body: EP shadows: group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros group: ALDE name: MEISSNER Gesine group: Verts/ALE name: LICHTENBERGER Eva group: ECR name: FOSTER Jacqueline group: GUE/NGL name: KOHLÍČEK Jaromír responsible: True committee: TRAN date: 2013-07-11T00:00:00 committee_full: Transport and Tourism rapporteur: group: EPP name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
          Vote scheduled in committee, 1st reading/single reading
          Vote in committee, 1st reading/single reading
          procedure/Modified legal basis
          Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament EP 138
          DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
          Legislative proposal
          • DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
          • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.

            PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.

            ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.

            BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).

            The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation. However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).

            This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+, is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.

            The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:

            1. the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff;
            2. fragmented ATM system: the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.

            The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.

            IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.

            LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

            CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.

            National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources. For that purpose, it:

            • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020);
            • more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges;
            • to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.

            Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level. This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.

            Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.

            Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible "industrial partnerships" and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.

            Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors. A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.

            Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.

            Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.

            Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.

            Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.

            BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.

            DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

          Amendments tabled in committee
          Legislative proposal published

          Amendments tabled in committee
          Legislative proposal published
          url: type: Committee draft report title: PE522.770
          Committee draft report
          KOHLÍČEK Jaromír
          KOHLÍČEK Jaromír

          type: Amendments tabled in committee title: PE524.603
          Amendments tabled in committee
          • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico
          • group: EFD name: SPERONI Francesco Enrico



          type: Committee draft report title: PE522.770
          Committee draft report
          Vote scheduled in committee, 1st reading/single reading
          Legislative proposal
          DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
          • DG: url: title: Mobility and Transport Commissioner: KALLAS Siim
          • url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2013&nu_doc=410 celexid: CELEX:52013PC0410:EN type: Legislative proposal published title: COM(2013)0410
          • url: type: Document attached to the procedure title: SWD(2013)0206
          • url: type: Document attached to the procedure title: SWD(2013)0207
          Vote scheduled in committee, 1st reading/single reading
          Legislative proposal
          Vote scheduled in committee, 1st reading/single reading
          Indicative plenary sitting date, 1st reading/single reading
          MEISSNER Gesine
          FOSTER Jacqueline
          MEISSNER Gesine
          FOSTER Jacqueline
          • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.

            PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.

            ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.

            BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).

            The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation. However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).

            This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+, is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.

            The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:

            1. the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff;
            2. fragmented ATM system: the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.

            The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.

            IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.

            LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

            CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.

            National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources. For that purpose, it:

            • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020);
            • more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges;
            • to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.

            Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level. This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.

            Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.

            Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible "industrial partnerships" and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.

            Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors. A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.

            Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.

            Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.

            Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.

            Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.

            BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.

            DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.


          • group: EPP name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
          • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
          • group: EPP name: MARINESCU Marian-Jean
          • group: S&D name: DANELLIS Spyros
          • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.

            PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.

            ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.

            BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).

            The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation. However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).

            This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+, is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.

            The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:

            1. the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff;
            2. fragmented ATM system: the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.

            The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.

            IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.

            LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

            CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.

            National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources. For that purpose, it:

            • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020);
            • more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges;
            • to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.

            Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level. This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.

            Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.

            Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible "industrial partnerships" and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.

            Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors. A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.

            Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.

            Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.

            Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.

            Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.

            BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.

            DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

          • PURPOSE: to improve the competitiveness of the European air transport system with the further development of the “Single European Sky” (SES) initiative.

            PROPOSED ACT: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council.

            ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and on an equal footing with the Council.

            BACKGROUND: the Single European Sky (SES) initiative aims to improve the overall efficiency of the way in which European airspace is organised and managed through a reform of the industry providing air navigation services (ANS).

            The experience gained with SES I since 2004 and SES II since 2009 has shown that the principles and direction of the SES are valid and warrant a continuation of their implementation. However, the initiative is experiencing significant delays in its implementation, notably in the achievement of the performance goals and the deployment of its basic elements (such as functional airspace blocks (FABs) or National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs)).

            This process of the recasting of the SES legal framework, known under the abbreviation of SES 2+, is intended to accelerate the implementation of the reform of air navigation services without departing from its original objectives and principles. It is also part of the Single Market Act II initiative and aims hence to improve the general competitiveness and growth of the EU economy and not just that of the air traffic management system.

            The SES2+ package essentially deals with two problems:

            1. the insufficient efficiency of Air Navigation: ANS provision remains relatively inefficient in terms of cost- and flight efficiency as well as the capacity offered. In the US, for example, the en-route airspace is controlled by a single service provider as opposed to 38 en-route service providers in Europe. The US service provider controls almost 70% more flights with 38% fewer staff;
            2. fragmented ATM system: the European ATM system consists of 27 national authorities overseeing in total over a hundred Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), with the associated variance in systems, rules and procedures.

            The specific objectives of the initiative are: (i) to improve the performance of air traffic services in terms of efficiency and (ii) to improve the utilisation of air traffic management capacity.

            IMPACT ASSESSMENT: the Commission undertook an impact assessment to support legislative proposals on improving efficiency, safety and competitiveness of the Single European Sky.

            LEGAL BASE: Article 100(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

            CONTENT: the Commission proposes merging the four SES regulations into a single regulation, structured into chapters based on the actors concerned.

            National authorities: the proposal strenghten the national authorities, as regards their independence, their expertise and their resources. For that purpose, it:

            • describes the level of independence required from the authorities vis-à-vis the service providers they are intended to oversee (a transitional period is foreseen until 2020);
            • more explicit requirements are set on the competences and independence of the staff hired, as well as strengthening the independent funding of the authorities through the route charges;
            • to improve expertise amongst the authorities, a network of national authorities is foreseen, including also the possibility of pooling experts so that States may benefit from experts coming from other Member States.

            Performance and charging schemes: the amendments proposed seek to rationalise the process of target setting and to allow focusing of target setting more at the local level. This allows for more educated tailored setting of targets.

            Small adjustments to support this have also been made to the provisions on charging and the text has also been updated so that the provision concerning funding of authority tasks covers also the extension of the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) tasks.

            Functional Airspace Blocks: the aim of the revision is to undertake a strategic redirection of Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs) to give them more of a performance focus. The sector needs to be given more flexibility to develop the FABs, even to devise different types of FABs, depending on where they expect to find the most synergies. Therefore the focus of the proposal is now more on flexible "industrial partnerships" and the measure of success will be the level of performance improvements achieved.

            Support services: according to the proposal, the core air traffic services, which are considered to be natural monopolies, would remain under the requirement to designate them, but support services should be allowed to develop freely, using the full potential of expertise also from other sectors. A safeguard clause has been included to ensure vital security and economic interests are not endangered. A transitional period is foreseen until 2020.

            Network Management: the provisions have been reorganised, in particular as regards the services that the Network Manager provides. A reference to the aeronautical information portal has been added as this service is already to some extent integrated in the Network Manager.

            Secondly, the terminology has been harmonised with that used ibn Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 naming the "functions" as "services" and treating the Network Manager consistently in the same manner as other service providers insofar as certification, oversight and safety requirements are concerned.

            Lastly, a provision has been included to cover the further development of the Network Manager in the direction of an industrial partnership by 2020.

            Involvement of airspace users: the need to introduce more customer focus on the air navigation service providers has given rise to a new provision to ensure the airspace users are consulted and also involved in the approval of investment plans.

            BUDGETARY IMPLICATION: the proposal has no implications for the EU’s budget.

            DELEGATED ACTS: the proposal contains provisions empowering the Commission to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

          Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading/single reading
          Preparatory phase in Parliament
          Awaiting committee decision
          KALLAS Siim
          KALLAS Siim
          • date: 2013-06-11T00:00:00 docs: type: Document attached to the procedure title: SWD(2013)0206 url: type: Document attached to the procedure title: SWD(2013)0207 url:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=EN&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2013&nu_doc=410 type: Legislative proposal published title: COM(2013)0410 body: EC commission: type: Legislative proposal
          • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Industry, Research and Energy committee: ITRE
          • body: EP responsible: False committee_full: Legal Affairs committee: JURI
          • body: EP responsible: True committee_full: Transport and Tourism committee: TRAN
          National parliaments
          European Commission
            Mandatory consultation of other institutions
            Economic and Social Committee Committee of the Regions
            Treaty on the Functioning of the EU TFEU 100-p2
            Preparatory phase in Parliament
            Implementation of the Single European Sky. Recast
            COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)