This is a historical view (2019/08/27)

Changes: 2024/07/14Constituencies.end, Committees.end, Groups.end, active, Delegations.end, 2024/07/01assistants.paying_agents, 2024/03/02assistants.local, 2024/01/23Declaration_on_awareness_of_conflicts_of_interest, 2024/01/05Declaration_of_private_interests, 2023/12/13assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2023/10/25Declaration_on_appropriate_behaviour, 2023/08/29assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2023/08/11Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, 2023/03/30assistants.local, 2023/03/26Mail, 2023/02/02assistants.local, 2023/01/13Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Mail, 2022/11/09assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2022/10/28Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, 2022/09/18assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2022/09/16assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), Declaration_on_appropriate_behaviour, 2022/07/11assistants.accredited, 2022/07/02assistants.accredited, 2022/06/22assistants.accredited, 2022/06/13Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, 2022/02/13assistants.trainees, Committees, assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), Committees.end, 2021/11/17assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2021/10/28Groups.end, Groups, 2021/09/24Committees.Organization, 2021/09/05assistants.trainees, 2021/06/25Financial_Declarations.url, 2021/06/05Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, 2021/03/04Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, 2021/02/11Name.sur, Name.full,, 2021/02/11Financial_Declarations, 2020/12/11Name.aliases, 2020/12/09Name.sur, Name.aliases, Name.full,, 2020/10/30CV.updated, CV.Other_activities, CV.Professional_career, CV.Education_(qualifications_and_diplomas), CV.Honours, CV.Political_career, 2020/10/27CV, 2020/10/20assistants.paying_agents, 2020/08/31assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/06/24Financial_Declarations, 2020/05/01assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/04/23assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/04/22Addresses.Postal, Addresses.Postal_address, 2020/03/, 2020/03/05Financial_Declarations,, 2020/02/22Groups.role, 2020/01/08Addresses.Postal, Addresses.Postal_address, Addresses.Postal_addresses, 2020/01/07Addresses.Postal, Addresses.Postal_address, Addresses.Postal_addresses, 2019/12/14assistants.accredited, 2019/12/04Addresses.Brussels.Address.Building, Addresses.Strasbourg.Address.Building, Addresses.Brussels.Address.building_code, Addresses.Strasbourg.Address.building_code, 2019/10/31assistants.local, assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2019/10/10assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2019/09/26assistants.paying_agents, 2019/09/24assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2019/09/06Addresses.Postal, 2019/09/02assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2019/08/27Addresses.Brussels.Address.Building, Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, Addresses.Brussels.Address.building_code

View current state | View Changes for this date

headshot of Sylvie BRUNET


  • Mouvement Démocrate icon: FR France 2019/07/02 -


  • icon: RE RE Member Renew Europe Group 2019/07/02 -


Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2019/07/02
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality 2019/07/02


Member of Delegation for relations with Palestine 2019/07/02
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America 2019/07/02
Substitute of Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly 2019/07/02
Member of Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean 2019/07/02


  • [javascript protected email address]


  • Phone: 0032 2 28 45903
  • Fax: 0032 2 28 49903
  • Office: Bât. Altiero Spinelli 07F161
  • Full Address
    • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
    • Zip: B-1047
    • Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60


  • Phone: 0033 3 88 1 75903
  • Fax: 0033 3 88 1 79903
  • Office: Bât. Winston Churchill M02026
  • Full Address
    • City: Strasbourg
    • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
    • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


  • European Parliament
  • Office
  • 1047 Bruxelles


Opinion Committee Shadow 2023/0155(COD) ['EMPL'] Minimum requirements on minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector
Responsible Committee Shadow 2022/0326(COD) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs European Year of Skills 2023
Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/0066(COD) ['EMPL'] Combating violence against women and domestic violence
Responsible Committee 2021/2607(RSP) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Decent working and employment conditions in the aviation sector
Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2170(INI) FEMM Women's Rights and Gender Equality Women’s poverty in Europe
Opinion Committee Shadow 2021/0104(COD) ['FEMM'] Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
Opinion Committee Shadow 2021/0104(COD) ['EMPL'] Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/0050(COD) ['FEMM', 'EMPL'] Equal pay for equal work between men and women (pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms)
Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/0310(COD) ['FEMM'] Adequate minimum wages in the European Union
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/0011(NLE) ['FEMM', 'EMPL'] Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) of the International Labour Organization (ILO): inviting Member States to ratify it
Opinion Committee Shadow 2019/2188(INI) ['FEMM'] Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty
Responsible Committee 2019/2186(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers - New forms of employment linked to digital development



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Marie-Pierre VEDRENNE icon: RE RE icon: France France 1476
Dragoş PÎSLARU icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 1473
Véronique TRILLET-LENOIR icon: RE RE icon: France France 1323
Ilana CICUREL icon: RE RE icon: France France 1239
Jordi CAÑAS icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 853
Lucia ĎURIŠ NICHOLSONOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 816
Atidzhe ALIEVA-VELI icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 773
Stéphane BIJOUX icon: RE RE icon: France France 768
Samira RAFAELA icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 744
Irena JOVEVA icon: RE RE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 674
Max ORVILLE icon: RE RE icon: France France 653
María Soraya RODRÍGUEZ RAMOS icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 570
Irène TOLLERET icon: RE RE icon: France France 558
Susana SOLÍS PÉREZ icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 493
Michal ŠIMEČKA icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 455
Karen MELCHIOR icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 361
Monica SEMEDO icon: RE RE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 284
Hilde VAUTMANS icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 283
Abir AL-SAHLANI icon: RE RE icon: Sweden Sweden 273
Chrysoula ZACHAROPOULOU icon: RE RE icon: France France 251
Fabienne KELLER icon: RE RE icon: France France 222
Laurence FARRENG icon: RE RE icon: France France 217
Bernard GUETTA icon: RE RE icon: France France 208
Christophe GRUDLER icon: RE RE icon: France France 208
Radka MAXOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 205
Nicolae ŞTEFĂNUȚĂ icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 169
Nathalie LOISEAU icon: RE RE icon: France France 158
Alin MITUȚA icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 158
Martin HOJSÍK icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 131
Marco ZULLO icon: RE RE icon: Italy Italy 124
Jana TOOM icon: RE RE icon: Estonia Estonia 115
Stéphanie YON-COURTIN icon: RE RE icon: France France 111
Anna Júlia DONÁTH icon: RE RE icon: Hungary Hungary 105
Ondřej KNOTEK icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 93
Catherine AMALRIC icon: RE RE icon: France France 90
Valérie HAYER icon: RE RE icon: France France 74
Claudia GAMON icon: RE RE icon: Austria Austria 69
Pascal CANFIN icon: RE RE icon: France France 68
Frédérique RIES icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 66
Barry ANDREWS icon: RE RE icon: Ireland Ireland 65
Catherine CHABAUD icon: RE RE icon: France France 62
Javier NART icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 57
Dominique RIQUET icon: RE RE icon: France France 51
Ivars IJABS icon: RE RE icon: Latvia Latvia 49
Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 49
Andrus ANSIP icon: RE RE icon: Estonia Estonia 49
Mauri PEKKARINEN icon: RE RE icon: Finland Finland 48
Cristian GHINEA icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 46
Nicola DANTI icon: RE RE icon: Italy Italy 46
Daniela RONDINELLI icon: NA NA icon: Italy Italy 45
Fabio Massimo CASTALDO icon: NA NA icon: Italy Italy 45
Patrizia TOIA icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 45
Manuel PIZARRO icon: S&D S&D icon: Portugal Portugal 45
Leopoldo LÓPEZ GIL icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 45
Michal WIEZIK icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 42
Radan KANEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 37
Fredrick FEDERLEY icon: RE RE icon: Sweden Sweden 36
Iskra MIHAYLOVA icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 36
Ilhan KYUCHYUK icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 36
Sandro GOZI icon: RE RE icon: France France 35
Radka MAXOVÁ icon: S&D S&D icon: Czechia Czechia 28
Jozef MIHÁL icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 26
Martina DLABAJOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 24
Billy KELLEHER icon: RE RE icon: Ireland Ireland 22
Karin KARLSBRO icon: RE RE icon: Sweden Sweden 22
Katalin CSEH icon: RE RE icon: Hungary Hungary 22
Jan HUITEMA icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 18
Andreas GLÜCK icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 17
Bart GROOTHUIS icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 16
Charles GOERENS icon: RE RE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 16
Svenja HAHN icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 15
Linea SØGAARD-LIDELL icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 14
Olivier CHASTEL icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 13
Salima YENBOU icon: RE RE icon: France France 13
Pierre KARLESKIND icon: RE RE icon: France France 12
Nils TORVALDS icon: RE RE icon: Finland Finland 12
Stéphane SÉJOURNÉ icon: RE RE icon: France France 12
Gilles BOYER icon: RE RE icon: France France 12
Klemen GROŠELJ icon: RE RE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 12
Rosa ESTARÀS FERRAGUT icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 8
Monika VANA icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Austria Austria 8
Bergur Løkke RASMUSSEN icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 8
Maria-Manuel LEITÃO-MARQUES icon: S&D S&D icon: Portugal Portugal 4
Sandra PEREIRA icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Portugal Portugal 2
Pierre BERNARD icon: ??? ??? icon: ??? ??? 1

By types

Amendments (2486)
Institutional motions (70)
Oral questions (8)
Plenary speeches (33)
Reports (1)
Shadow opinions (6)
Shadow reports (4)
Written explanations (234)
Written questions (49)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
932020/0102(COD)Programme for the Union's action in the field of health for the period 2021-2027 (“EU4Health Programme”)
932021/0414(COD)Improving working conditions of persons working through digital labour platforms
802020/2071(INI)Shortage of medicines - how to address an emerging problem
792022/0400(COD)Union of equality: standards for equality bodies in the field of equal treatment and equal opportunities between women and men in matters of employment and occupation
772021/2253(INI)Towards a common European action on care
742019/2169(INI)The EU Strategy for Gender Equality
742022/0066(COD)Combating violence against women and domestic violence
732022/2147(INI)Assessment of the new communication of the European Commission on Outermost Regions
732023/0311(COD)Establishing the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities
692023/2042(INI)EU-Switzerland relations
662020/0310(COD)Adequate minimum wages in the European Union
562021/0206(COD)Social Climate Fund
552020/2076(INI)A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
532019/2182(INL)Protecting workers from asbestos
492022/2049(INI)Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter - annual report 2022
482021/2170(INI)Women’s poverty in Europe
462019/2186(INI)Fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers - New forms of employment linked to digital development
452021/2165(INI)A new EU strategic framework on health and safety at work post 2020 (including a better protection of workers from exposure to harmful substances, stress at work and repetitive motion injuries)
452021/2179(INI)The EU Action plan for the social economy
432021/2255(INI)The New European Bauhaus
412016/0062R(NLE)Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence: EU accession
402019/2188(INI)Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty
392019/2212(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and Social Aspects in the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020
392020/2079(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area 2020
382020/0104(COD)Recovery and Resilience Facility
372021/2098(INI)Mental Health in the Digital World of Work
362021/0104(COD)Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
352020/0030(NLE)Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States
342019/2183(INL)Revision of European Works Councils Directive
342023/0008(COD)Statistics on population and housing
322021/2251(INI)Implementation report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility
322022/2207(INI)Fostering and adapting vocational training as a tool for employees' success and a building block for the EU economy in the new industry 4.0
312021/0050(COD)Equal pay for equal work between men and women (pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms)
312022/0165(NLE)Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States
302021/2080(INI)Reaching women's economic independence through entrepreneurship and self-employment
292021/2233(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects in the annual sustainable growth survey 2022
292022/0326(COD)European Year of Skills 2023
272020/2215(INI)The situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU, in the frame of women’s health
262020/2012(INL)Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies
262020/2244(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and Social Aspects in the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2021
262021/2062(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area 2021
252022/2151(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and social priorities for 2023
222019/2187(INI)Access to decent and affordable housing for all
222020/2243(INI)The European Education Area: a shared holistic approach
222021/2254(INI)A long-term Vision for the EU's Rural Areas - Towards stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas by 2040
222022/2051(INL)Proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties
202021/2005(INI)Democracy at work: A European framework for employees' participation rights and the revision of the European Works Council Directive
192020/0006(COD)Just Transition Fund
182024/0006(COD)Establishment and functioning of European Works Councils and effective enforcement of transnational information and consultation rights
172023/2586(RSP)Resolution on a roadmap towards a social Europe – two years after the Porto Social Summit
172023/0081(COD)Framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)
162021/2003(INI)The EU Gender Action Plan III
152022/0269(COD)Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market
142020/0262(COD)Protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work
142021/2035(INL)Identifying gender-based violence as a new area of crime listed in Article 83(1) TFEU
132020/0340(COD)European data governance (Data Governance Act)
132021/2046(INI)Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
132023/2051(INL)EU framework for the social and professional situation of artists and workers in the cultural and creative sectors
132023/2866(RSP)Resolution on the revision of the European Labour Authority mandate
122019/2213(BUD)Guidelines for the 2021 budget - Section III
122020/2042(INI)The impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations in developing countries
122023/0199(COD)Establishing the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’)
112020/2020(INI)Strengthening the Single Market: the future of free movement of services
112020/2216(INI)Shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers
102019/2975(RSP)Resolution on the European Disability Strategy post2020
102020/0101(COD)Exceptional additional resources and implementing arrangements under the Investment for growth and jobs goal to provide assistance for fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy (REACT-EU)
102022/2046(INI)Upscaling the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework: a resilient EU budget fit for new challenges
92022/0426(COD)Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims
72020/2140(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Commission
72023/0155(COD)Minimum requirements on minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector
62020/2131(INI)A new strategy for European SMEs
52019/2028(BUD)2020 general budget: all sections
42020/1998(BUD)2021 general budget: all sections
42020/2150(DEC)2019 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
42021/2243(INI)Intersectional discrimination in the European Union: the socio-economic situation of women of African, Middle-Eastern, Latin-American and Asian descent
42023/2068(INI)Extending the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime
32019/2055(DEC)2018 discharge: EU general budget, European Commission
32020/2159(DEC)2019 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF)
32020/2194(DEC)Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2019: performance, financial management and control
32022/2108(DEC)2021 discharge: European Labour Authority (ELA)
32022/2119(DEC)2021 discharge: European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound)
32022/2095(DEC)2021 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
32022/2134(DEC)2021 discharge: General Budget of the European Union Agencies
32022/2118(DEC)2021 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
22019/2075(DEC)2018 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF)
22019/2066(DEC)2018 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)
22019/2067(DEC)2018 discharge: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)
22019/2071(DEC)2018 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
22020/2155(DEC)2019 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
22020/2151(DEC)2019 discharge: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)
22022/0051(COD)Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
22022/2116(DEC)2021 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF)
22020/2664(RSP)Resolution on European protection of cross-border and seasonal workers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
22022/2665(RSP)Resolution on global threats to abortion rights: the possible overturning of abortion rights in the US by the Supreme Court
22020/0011(NLE)Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) of the International Labour Organization (ILO): inviting Member States to ratify it
22019/2823(RSP)Resolution on Iran, notably the situation of women’s rights defenders and imprisoned EU dual nationals
22019/2822(RSP)Resolution on Myanmar, notably the situation of the Rohingya
22019/2821(RSP)Resolution on situation in Turkey, notably the removal of elected mayors
22019/2881(RSP)Resolution on the proposed new criminal code of Indonesia
22019/2879(RSP)Resolution on the situation of LGBTI people in Uganda
22019/2886(RSP)Resolution on the Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences
22019/2928(RSP)Resolution on Haiti
22019/2929(RSP)Resolution on Cuba, the case of Jose Daniel Ferrer
22019/2927(RSP)Resolution on the situation of freedoms in Algeria
22019/2896(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Bolivia
22019/2938(RSP)Resolution on recent actions by the Russian Federation against Lithuanian judges, prosecutors and investigators involved in investigating the tragic events of 13 January 1991 in Vilnius
22019/2980(RSP)Resolution on violations of human rights including religious freedoms in Burkina Faso
22019/2982(RSP)Resolution on the Russian 'foreign agents' Law
22019/2981(RSP)Resolution on Afghanistan, notably the allegations of sexual abuse of boys in the Logar Province
22019/2978(RSP)Resolution on the situation of human rights and democracy in Nicaragua
22019/2945(RSP)Resolution on the situation of the Uyghurs in China (China-cables)
22020/2502(RSP)Resolution on Burundi, notably the freedom of expression
22020/2503(RSP)Resolution on Nigeria, notably the recent terrorist attacks
22020/2507(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Venezuela after the illegal election of the new National Assembly Presidency and Bureau
22020/2551(RSP)Resolution on the Republic of Guinea, notably violence towards protestors
22020/2552(RSP)Resolution on child labour in mines in Madagascar
22019/2952(RSP)Resolution on the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and the migration and refugee crisis
22020/2708(RSP)Resolution on the cultural recovery of Europe
22020/2774(RSP)Resolution on the preparation of the special European Council summit focusing on the dangerous escalation and the role of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean
12019/2111(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area
12020/0105(COD)Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) 2014-2020: specific measures for addressing the COVID-19 crisis
12020/2021(INI)Towards a more sustainable single market for business and consumers
12021/2605(RSP)Resolution on the European Child Guarantee
12019/2164(INI)Promoting gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and careers
12021/2666(RSP)Impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the aviation sector
12023/2701(RSP)Improving firefighters’ working conditions
12019/2880(RSP)Resolution on Egypt
12019/2891(RSP)Resolution on the criminalisation of sexual education in Poland
12019/2876(RSP)Resolution on children’s rights on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
12019/2855(RSP)Resolution on the EU's accession to the Istanbul Convention and other measures to combat gender-based violence
12019/2870(RSP)Resolution on the gender pay gap
12019/2967(RSP)Resolution on the EU priorities for the 64th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
12019/2988(RSP)Resolution on an EU strategy to put an end to female genital mutilation around the world
12020/2876(RSP)Resolution on the de facto ban on the right to abortion in Poland
12020/2896(RSP)Resolution on the need for a dedicated Council configuration on gender equality
12021/2509(RSP)Resolution on challenges ahead for women’s rights in Europe: more than 25 years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
12021/2878(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Lebanon
12021/2925(RSP)Resolution on the first anniversary of the de facto abortion ban in Poland
12022/2536(RSP)Resolution on the EU priorities for the 66th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
12022/2742(RSP)Resolution on the US Supreme Court decision to overturn abortion rights in the United States and the need to safeguard abortions rights and Women’s health including in the EU
12022/2949(RSP)Resolution on the prospects of the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine
12023/2643(RSP)Resolution on the universal decriminalisation of homosexuality in the light of recent developments in Uganda
12024/2508(RSP)Resolution on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, the need to reach a ceasefire and the risks of regional escalation
12024/2655(RSP)Resolution on including the right to abortion in the EU Fundamental Rights Charter

See historical changes of the Bio


1959/03/12 - Versailles


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

Bât. Altiero Spinelli
Bât. Willy Brandt
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1
Bertrand Herve Jean-Marc L'HUILLIER
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)
  • Agathe Melodie BOCQUET
  • Bertrand Herve Jean-Marc L'HUILLIER
  • role: Member Organization: Delegation for relations with Palestine start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: DPAL
  • role: Substitute Organization: Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: DCAM
  • role: Substitute Organization: Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: DLAT
  • role: Member Organization: Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: DMED
Aurelien Eric Ghislain POMMIER
Bât. József Antall
Bât. Altiero Spinelli
0032 2 28 45903
0032 2 28 49903
0033 3 88 1 79
0033 3 88 1 79903
0033 3 88 1 7
0033 3 88 1 75903
  • role: Member Organization: Committee on Employment and Social Affairs start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: EMPL
  • role: Substitute Organization: Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: FEMM
Liste Rennaisance
Mouvement Démocrate
Anne-Michele DEPREZ
Renew Europe Group
Postal address
  • party: Liste Rennaisance country: France start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9
Declaration of good conduct
  • title: Declaration of good conduct (PDF - 86 KB) url:
Financial Declarations
  • mep_id: 197576 url: date: 04/06/2019 occupation: Kedge Business School 3 Conseil Economique, Social et Environmental 3 Société de conseil "Le management du lien" 1 Conseil d'administration Association Hu-Man 0 Conseil d'administration de la Mission Locale de Marseille 0 Conseil d'administration de l'AFOIT 0 Conseil d'administration de la Fondation INRC (Institut National de la Relation Client) 0 mandate: activity: Professeure à la Kedge Business School 3 membership: Conseil d'administration de la Mission Locale de Marseille 0 Conseil d'administration de la Fondation INRC (Institut National Relation Client) 0 occasional: holding: support: 1. financier: (*) alloué par 2. en personnel: (*) alloué par 3. en matériel: (*) alloué par (*) Indiquer l'identité du tiers ou des tiers concernés. other: Intérêt financier: 1. 2. 5/7 FR 3. additional: Mon frère Stéphane Richard est Président du groupe Orange.
  • role: Member Organization: Renew Europe Group groupid: Renew Europe Group start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00
Jules Lois Philippe Marie DE JERPHANION