headshot of Tom BERENDSEN


  • Christen Democratisch Appèl icon: NL Netherlands 2024/07/16 -
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  • Christen Democratisch Appèl icon: NL Netherlands 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15


  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2024/07/16 -
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  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15


Substitute of Committee on Constitutional Affairs 2024/07/19
Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2024/07/19
Member of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2024/07/19
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Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Member of Committee on Regional Development 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Substitute of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Member of Committee on Regional Development 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Substitute of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2022/01/20 2024/07/15


Substitute of Delegation for Northern cooperation and for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee 2024/09/19
Member of Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China 2024/09/19
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Substitute of Delegation for Northern cooperation and for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee 2019/07/02 2024/07/15
Member of Delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament 2019/07/02 2024/07/15
Substitute of Delegation to the Cariforum-EU Parliamentary Committee 2020/02/12 2024/07/15


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    • Phone: 003222845623
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    • Office: Bât. ALTIERO SPINELLI 08E201
    • Full Address
      • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
      • Zip: B-1047
      • Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60


    • Phone: 0033388175623
    • Fax:
    • Office: Bât. LOUISE WEISS T11013
    • Full Address
      • City: Strasbourg
      • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
      • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


    Responsible Committee 2024/0011(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Inland waterway transport: River Information Services (RIS)
    Former Responsible Committee 2024/0011(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Inland waterway transport: River Information Services (RIS)
    Responsible Committee 2023/2059(INI) TRAN Transport and Tourism Building a comprehensive European port strategy
    Responsible Committee 2022/2008(INI) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Implementation of the Updated New Industrial Strategy for Europe: aligning spending to policy
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2015(INI) TRAN Transport and Tourism Towards Future-proof Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe
    Committee Opinion 2021/0206(COD) REGI Regional Development Social Climate Fund
    Committee Opinion 2021/0203(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Energy Efficiency Directive
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/2076(INI) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/0360(COD) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Trans-European energy infrastructure
    Committee Opinion 2020/0108(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism InvestEU Programme
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/0138(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Trans-European transport network: streamlining measures for advancing the realisation



    Amendment Co-authors
    Name Group Country Ams
    Maria da Graça CARVALHO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 592
    Henna VIRKKUNEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Finland Finland 427
    Pilar DEL CASTILLO VERA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 416
    Pernille WEISS icon: PPE PPE icon: Denmark Denmark 398
    Massimiliano SALINI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 336
    Angelika NIEBLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 335
    Christian EHLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 298
    Seán KELLY icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 297
    Eva MAYDELL icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 284
    Ivan ŠTEFANEC icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 278
    Pascal ARIMONT icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 240
    Marian-Jean MARINESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 218
    Jens GIESEKE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 211
    Gheorghe FALCĂ icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 210
    Angelika WINZIG icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 207
    Jerzy BUZEK icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 193
    Radan KANEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 191
    Salvatore DE MEO icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 186
    Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 168
    Marion WALSMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 164
    Sara SKYTTEDAL icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 160
    Sven SCHULZE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 139
    Tomas TOBÉ icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 137
    Barbara THALER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 131
    Markus PIEPER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 128
    Ioan-Rareş BOGDAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 128
    Franc BOGOVIČ icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 124
    Edina TÓTH icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 122
    Markus FERBER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 103
    François-Xavier BELLAMY icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 102
    Jörgen WARBORN icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 98
    Hildegard BENTELE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 98
    Adam JARUBAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 97
    Maria SPYRAKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 96
    Elżbieta Katarzyna ŁUKACIJEWSKA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 95
    Cláudia MONTEIRO DE AGUIAR icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 95
    Othmar KARAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 86
    András GYÜRK icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 70
    Andrea CAROPPO icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 52
    Christian DOLESCHAL icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 47
    Riho TERRAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Estonia Estonia 43
    Antonio TAJANI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 39
    Magdalena ADAMOWICZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 39
    Brice HORTEFEUX icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 33
    Andor DELI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 32
    Isabel WISELER-LIMA icon: PPE PPE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 30
    Dan-Ştefan MOTREANU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 29
    Elissavet VOZEMBERG-VRIONIDI icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 22
    Giuseppe MILAZZO icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 20
    Pablo ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 17
    Benoît LUTGEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 15
    Tomasz FRANKOWSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 14
    Caroline NAGTEGAAL icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 14
    Isabel BENJUMEA BENJUMEA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 13
    Daniel BUDA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 13
    Mircea-Gheorghe HAVA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 13
    Lena DÜPONT icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 13
    Stelios KYMPOUROPOULOS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 10
    Róża THUN UND HOHENSTEIN icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 9
    Esther DE LANGE icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 9
    Krzysztof HETMAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 8
    Søren GADE icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 8
    Tomislav SOKOL icon: PPE PPE icon: Croatia Croatia 7
    Andrey NOVAKOV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 7
    Vera TAX icon: S&D S&D icon: Netherlands Netherlands 7
    Georgios KYRTSOS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 5
    Peter van DALEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 5
    Simone SCHMIEDTBAUER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 4
    Annie SCHREIJER-PIERIK icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 4
    Bart GROOTHUIS icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 3
    Jan-Christoph OETJEN icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 3
    Andrius KUBILIUS icon: PPE PPE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 1

    By types

    Amendments (1207)
    Plenary speeches (1)
    Written questions (1)

    By dossiers

    CountDossier ReferenceTitle
    1542020/0360(COD)Trans-European energy infrastructure
    1522021/0426(COD)Energy performance of buildings
    1462022/0032(COD)Chips Act
    902020/2076(INI)A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
    662020/0036(COD)European Climate Law
    562020/0361(COD)Digital Services Act
    522021/0223(COD)Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
    502021/0420(COD)Trans-European transport network
    482021/2046(INI)Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
    432020/2242(INI)A European Strategy for Hydrogen
    402021/2015(INI)Towards Future-proof Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe
    382021/2077(INI)Implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
    302020/2241(INI)A European Strategy for Energy System Integration
    292020/0340(COD)European data governance (Data Governance Act)
    262020/2077(INI)New Circular Economy Action Plan
    192020/0365(COD)Resilience of critical entities
    162020/2012(INL)Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies
    142021/0203(COD)Energy Efficiency Directive
    132020/0104(COD)Recovery and Resilience Facility
    132020/2043(INI)Towards a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism
    112021/0218(COD)Renewable Energy Directive
    112022/2008(INI)Implementation of the Updated New Industrial Strategy for Europe: aligning spending to policy
    92023/0081(COD)Framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)
    82013/0186(COD)Implementation of the Single European Sky
    82021/0205(COD)Sustainable aviation fuels (ReFuelEU Aviation Initiative)
    82023/0046(COD)Measures to reduce the cost of deploying gigabit electronic communications networks
    72020/2013(INI)Artificial intelligence: questions of interpretation and application of international law in so far as the EU is affected in the areas of civil and military uses and of state authority outside the scope of criminal justice
    72021/2075(INI)Challenges for urban areas in the post-COVID-19 era
    62023/0052(COD)Cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences
    52023/0079(COD)Framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials
    42020/0101(COD)Exceptional additional resources and implementing arrangements under the Investment for growth and jobs goal to provide assistance for fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy (REACT-EU)
    42020/2039(INI)Reversing demographic trends in EU regions using cohesion policy instruments
    42021/2011(INI)A European strategy for critical raw materials
    42022/0047(COD)Data Act
    32022/0033(NLE)Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe: Chips Joint Undertaking
    32023/0053(COD)Driving licences
    22020/2023(INI)Recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    22020/2058(INI)Sustainable Europe Investment Plan - How to finance the Green Deal
    22020/0035(COD)European Year of Rail (2021)
    22022/0396(COD)Packaging and packaging waste
    22023/2121(INI)Cohesion policy 2014-2020 – implementation and outcomes in the Member States

    See historical changes of the Bio


    1983/04/11 - Breda