Marianne VIND

headshot of Marianne VIND


  • Socialdemokratiet icon: DK Denmark 2024/07/16 -
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  • Socialdemokratiet icon: DK Denmark 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15


  • icon: S&D S&D Member Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament 2024/07/16 -
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  • icon: S&D S&D Member Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15


Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2024/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2024/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality 2024/07/19
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Substitute of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2019/09/05 2022/01/19
Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2019/09/16 2022/01/19
Substitute of Special Committee on Beating Cancer 2020/09/14 2022/03/23
Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Substitute of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2022/01/20 2024/07/15


Member of Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula 2024/09/19
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Substitute of Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2019/09/05 2019/09/18
Member of Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula 2019/09/16 2019/09/18
Member of Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2019/09/19 2019/10/08
Vice-Chair of Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2019/10/09 2024/07/15


  • Email
    • [javascript protected email address]


    • Phone: 003222845463
    • Fax:
    • Office: Bât. ALTIERO SPINELLI 11G146
    • Full Address
      • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
      • Zip: B-1047
      • Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60


    • Phone: 0033388175463
    • Fax:
    • Office: Bât. LOUISE WEISS T05049
    • Full Address
      • City: Strasbourg
      • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
      • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


    Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2701(RSP) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Improving firefighters’ working conditions
    Committee Opinion 2023/0155(COD) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Minimum requirements on minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2022/0298(COD) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Protection of workers from asbestos
    Responsible Committee 2021/2620(RSP) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Resolution on the introduction of a European social security pass for improving the digital enforcement of social security rights and fair mobility
    Responsible Committee 2021/2165(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs A new EU strategic framework on health and safety at work post 2020 (including a better protection of workers from exposure to harmful substances, stress at work and repetitive motion injuries)
    Committee Opinion 2021/0105(COD) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Regulation on machinery products
    Responsible Committee 2020/2767(RSP) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Resolution on the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/2091(INI) ['TRAN'] Implementation of the Ambient Air Quality Directives: Directive 2004/107/EC and Directive 2008/50/EC
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/0360(COD) ['TRAN'] Trans-European energy infrastructure
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2019/2188(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty
    Committee Opinion 2019/2186(INI) TRAN Transport and Tourism Fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers - New forms of employment linked to digital development



    Amendment Co-authors
    Name Group Country Ams
    Estrella DURÁ FERRANDIS icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 933
    Alicia HOMS GINEL icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 896
    Milan BRGLEZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Slovenia Slovenia 893
    Agnes JONGERIUS icon: S&D S&D icon: Netherlands Netherlands 852
    Elisabetta GUALMINI icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 831
    Gabriele BISCHOFF icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 796
    Vilija BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ icon: S&D S&D icon: Lithuania Lithuania 751
    Vera TAX icon: S&D S&D icon: Netherlands Netherlands 619
    Manuel PIZARRO icon: S&D S&D icon: Portugal Portugal 584
    Marc ANGEL icon: S&D S&D icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 584
    Lina GÁLVEZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 577
    Brando BENIFEI icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 561
    Alex AGIUS SALIBA icon: S&D S&D icon: Malta Malta 537
    Kathleen VAN BREMPT icon: S&D S&D icon: Belgium Belgium 523
    Johan DANIELSSON icon: S&D S&D icon: Sweden Sweden 506
    Heléne FRITZON icon: S&D S&D icon: Sweden Sweden 498
    Sara CERDAS icon: S&D S&D icon: Portugal Portugal 467
    Pierfrancesco MAJORINO icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 438
    Klára DOBREV icon: S&D S&D icon: Hungary Hungary 429
    Aurore LALUCQ icon: S&D S&D icon: France France 378
    Ilan DE BASSO icon: S&D S&D icon: Sweden Sweden 350
    Evelyn REGNER icon: S&D S&D icon: Austria Austria 339
    Carina OHLSSON icon: S&D S&D icon: Sweden Sweden 225
    Daniela RONDINELLI icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 198
    Maria GRAPINI icon: S&D S&D icon: Romania Romania 176
    Isabel GARCÍA MUÑOZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 143
    João ALBUQUERQUE icon: S&D S&D icon: Portugal Portugal 125
    Josianne CUTAJAR icon: S&D S&D icon: Malta Malta 120
    Rovana PLUMB icon: S&D S&D icon: Romania Romania 113
    Maria NOICHL icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 79
    Inma RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑERO icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 78
    Pina PICIERNO icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 76
    Robert BIEDROŃ icon: S&D S&D icon: Poland Poland 76
    István UJHELYI icon: S&D S&D icon: Hungary Hungary 75
    Carmen AVRAM icon: S&D S&D icon: Romania Romania 74
    Monika BEŇOVÁ icon: S&D S&D icon: Slovakia Slovakia 72
    Maria-Manuel LEITÃO-MARQUES icon: S&D S&D icon: Portugal Portugal 72
    Alessandra MORETTI icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 69
    Christel SCHALDEMOSE icon: S&D S&D icon: Denmark Denmark 64
    Leszek MILLER icon: S&D S&D icon: Poland Poland 62
    Petar VITANOV icon: S&D S&D icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 56
    Erik BERGKVIST icon: S&D S&D icon: Sweden Sweden 52
    Ismail ERTUG icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 49
    Andreas SCHIEDER icon: S&D S&D icon: Austria Austria 36
    Andris AMERIKS icon: S&D S&D icon: Latvia Latvia 31
    Bogusław LIBERADZKI icon: S&D S&D icon: Poland Poland 27
    Marcos ROS SEMPERE icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 25
    Adriana MALDONADO LÓPEZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 25
    Patrizia TOIA icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 12
    Birgit SIPPEL icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 11
    Nora MEBAREK icon: S&D S&D icon: France France 7
    César LUENA icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 5
    Predrag Fred MATIĆ icon: S&D S&D icon: Croatia Croatia 5
    Nikolaj VILLUMSEN icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Denmark Denmark 3
    Corrado GABRIELE icon: ??? ??? icon: ??? ??? 2
    Kira Marie PETER-HANSEN icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Denmark Denmark 2
    Thomas RUDNER icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 2
    Malin BJÖRK icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Sweden Sweden 1

    By types

    Amendments (1927)
    Institutional motions (13)
    Opinions (3)
    Oral questions (13)
    Plenary speeches (34)
    Reports (1)
    Shadow opinions (2)
    Shadow reports (2)
    Written explanations (265)
    Written questions (58)

    By dossiers

    CountDossier ReferenceTitle
    1272021/0210(COD)Sustainable maritime fuels (FuelEU Maritime Initiative)
    742021/0050(COD)Equal pay for equal work between men and women (pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms)
    732019/2188(INI)Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty
    652022/0298(COD)Protection of workers from asbestos
    642019/2975(RSP)Resolution on the European Disability Strategy post2020
    642021/0197(COD)CO2 emission standards for cars and vans
    632022/0365(COD)Type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to their emissions and battery durability (Euro 7)
    612021/2165(INI)A new EU strategic framework on health and safety at work post 2020 (including a better protection of workers from exposure to harmful substances, stress at work and repetitive motion injuries)
    612023/2059(INI)Building a comprehensive European port strategy
    602019/2186(INI)Fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers - New forms of employment linked to digital development
    532020/0360(COD)Trans-European energy infrastructure
    532019/2182(INL)Protecting workers from asbestos
    532021/2179(INI)The EU Action plan for the social economy
    512020/0310(COD)Adequate minimum wages in the European Union
    482019/2169(INI)The EU Strategy for Gender Equality
    482021/0211(COD)Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System
    472022/2026(INI)Towards equal rights for people with disabilities
    462022/2207(INI)Fostering and adapting vocational training as a tool for employees' success and a building block for the EU economy in the new industry 4.0
    402019/2212(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and Social Aspects in the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020
    402021/2098(INI)Mental Health in the Digital World of Work
    392018/0213(COD)Reform support programme 2021–2027
    382020/2209(INI)The protection of persons with disabilities through petitions: lessons learnt
    352023/0033(COD)Limit values for lead and its inorganic compounds and diisocyanates
    332023/0311(COD)Establishing the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities
    282021/0205(COD)Sustainable aviation fuels (ReFuelEU Aviation Initiative)
    252020/2243(INI)The European Education Area: a shared holistic approach
    252021/0223(COD)Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
    252023/2536(RSP)Resolution on strengthening social dialogue
    252022/0269(COD)Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market
    242021/2015(INI)Towards Future-proof Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe
    222020/0030(NLE)Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States
    222020/2011(INI)Report on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies: Combating negative attitudes towards people with Romani background in Europe
    222021/0207(COD)Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System for aviation
    212020/2018(INL)Digital Services Act: Improving the functioning of the Single Market
    192020/2131(INI)A new strategy for European SMEs
    182022/0400(COD)Union of equality: standards for equality bodies in the field of equal treatment and equal opportunities between women and men in matters of employment and occupation
    172020/2091(INI)Implementation of the Ambient Air Quality Directives: Directive 2004/107/EC and Directive 2008/50/EC
    172023/0081(COD)Framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)
    162020/0035(COD)European Year of Rail (2021)
    152019/2055(DEC)2018 discharge: EU general budget, European Commission
    152020/2079(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area 2020
    152021/2046(INI)Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
    152021/2077(INI)Implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
    152022/2140(INI)Ensuring European transportation works for women
    152023/0155(COD)Minimum requirements on minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector
    132023/2866(RSP)Resolution on the revision of the European Labour Authority mandate
    112019/0017(COD)Carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport: global data collection system for ship fuel oil consumption data
    112020/0104(COD)Recovery and Resilience Facility
    112021/0206(COD)Social Climate Fund
    112021/0213(CNS)Energy Taxation Directive
    112021/0420(COD)Trans-European transport network
    112023/0053(COD)Driving licences
    102020/0006(COD)Just Transition Fund
    102023/0164(COD)Establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector
    92019/2067(DEC)2018 discharge: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)
    92019/2071(DEC)2018 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
    92021/0414(COD)Improving working conditions of persons working through digital labour platforms
    82019/2075(DEC)2018 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF)
    82021/0203(COD)Energy Efficiency Directive
    82023/2586(RSP)Resolution on a roadmap towards a social Europe – two years after the Porto Social Summit
    72019/2066(DEC)2018 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)
    72019/2187(INI)Access to decent and affordable housing for all
    52019/2098(DEC)Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2018: performance, financial management and control
    52020/2023(INI)Recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    52020/1998(BUD)2021 general budget: all sections
    42020/0262(COD)Protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work
    42024/0006(COD)Establishment and functioning of European Works Councils and effective enforcement of transnational information and consultation rights
    32021/2507(RSP)Resolution on the human rights situation in Vietnam, in particular the case of human rights journalists Pham Chi Dung, Nguyen Tuong Thuy and Le Huu Minh Tuan
    32021/2540(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Myanmar
    22023/0265(COD)Road vehicles: maximum weights and dimensions
    22019/2881(RSP)Resolution on the proposed new criminal code of Indonesia
    22020/2782(RSP)The situation in the Philippines, including the case of Maria Ressa
    12019/0188(COD)Enhanced cooperation between Public Employment Services (PES)
    12018/0356(NLE)EU/Vietnam Free Trade Agreement
    12020/2616(RSP)Resolution on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID 19 pandemic and its consequences
    12020/2767(RSP)Resolution on the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience
    12019/2181(INL)The right to disconnect
    12020/2086(INI)Implementation of Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation in light of the UNCRPD
    12020/2585(RSP)Autism and inclusive employment
    12021/2620(RSP)Resolution on the introduction of a European social security pass for improving the digital enforcement of social security rights and fair mobility
    12022/2581(RSP)Resolution on Myanmar, one year after the coup
    12022/2643(RSP)Resolution on the impact of the Russian illegal war of aggression against Ukraine on the EU transport and tourism sectors
    12022/2664(RSP)Resolution on the prosecution of the opposition and the detention of trade union leaders in Belarus
    12021/0105(COD)Regulation on machinery products
    12022/2857(RSP)Resolution on the Media freedom crackdown in Myanmar, notably the cases of Htet Htet Khine, Sithu Aung Myint and Nyein Nyein Aye
    12023/2589(RSP)Resolution on Cambodia: the case of opposition leader Kem Sokha
    12023/2694(RSP)Resolution on Myanmar, notably the dissolution of democratic political parties

    See historical changes of the Bio


    1970/12/03 - Koge

    Education (qualifications and diplomas)

    • 1977-1979 : Primary school, Vigersted
    • 1979-1986 : Primary school, Svebølle
    • 1986-1989 : Upper secondary school, Kalundborg
    • 1993-1995 : Hospital laboratory trainee, ‘Rigshospitalet’ hospital in Copenhagen
    • 2014-2016 : Roskilde University – Master’s in professional communication

    Professional career

    • 1989-1990 : Cafeteria assistant, ‘Peder Paars’ ferry, Kalundborg
    • 1989-1990 : Temporary clinical assistant, Kalundborg
    • 1991-1992 : Cleaning job and laboratory assistant, Odense and Kalundborg
    • 1993-1995 : Trainee, pathology department, ‘Rigshospitalet’ hospital
    • 1996-1998 : Bioengineer, Molde Hospital, Norway
    • 1998-1999 : Hospital laboratory technician, ‘Rigshospitalet’ hospital
    • 1999-2000 : Laboratory technician, BioImage, Målev
    • 2000-2011 : Laboratory technician, Novozymes, Kalundborg
    • 2011-2019 : Vice-Chair, ‘HK Privat’ (trade union)

    Other activities

    • 1994-1995 : Trainees’ representative, hospital laboratory technicians’ association (dbio)
    • 2002-2011 : Trade union representative for laboratory technicians at Novozymes
    • 2006-2011 : Chair, Danish Association of Laboratory Technicians
    • 2011-2019 : Vice-Chair, ‘HK Privat’ (trade union)


    (these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/0
    1977-1979 : Primary school, Vigersted
    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/0
    1977-1979 : Folkeskolen, Vigersted
    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/1
    1979-1986 : Primary school, Svebølle
    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/1
    1979-1986 : Folkeskolen, Svebølle
    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/2
    1986-1989 : Upper secondary school, Kalundborg
    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/2
    1986-1989 : Kalundborg Gymnasium
    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/3
    1993-1995 : Hospital laboratory trainee, ‘Rigshospitalet’ hospital in Copenhagen
    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/3
    1993-1995 : Hospitalslaborantelev, Rigshospitalet
    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/4
    2014-2016 : Roskilde University – Master’s in professional communication
    CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/4
    2014-2016 : RUC – Master i professionel kommunikation
    CV/Other activities/0
    1994-1995 : Trainees’ representative, hospital laboratory technicians’ association (dbio)
    CV/Other activities/0
    1994-1995 : Elevrepræsentant i Danske Hospitalslaboranter (dbio)
    CV/Other activities/1
    2002-2011 : Trade union representative for laboratory technicians at Novozymes
    CV/Other activities/1
    2002-2011 : Tillidsrepræsentant for laboranterne på Novozymes
    CV/Other activities/2
    2006-2011 : Chair, Danish Association of Laboratory Technicians
    CV/Other activities/2
    2006-2011 : Formand, Dansk Laborant-Forening
    CV/Other activities/3
    2011-2019 : Vice-Chair, ‘HK Privat’ (trade union)
    CV/Other activities/3
    2011-2019 : Næstformand, HK Privat
    CV/Professional career/0
    1989-1990 : Cafeteria assistant, ‘Peder Paars’ ferry, Kalundborg
    CV/Professional career/0
    1989-1990 : Cafeteriemedhjælper, Peder Paars-færgen, Kalundborg
    CV/Professional career/1
    1989-1990 : Temporary clinical assistant, Kalundborg
    CV/Professional career/1
    1989-1990 : Klinikassistentvikar, Kalundborg
    CV/Professional career/2
    1991-1992 : Cleaning job and laboratory assistant, Odense and Kalundborg
    CV/Professional career/2
    1991-1992 : Job i rengøring & laboratorieassistent, Odense og Kalundborg
    CV/Professional career/3
    1993-1995 : Trainee, pathology department, ‘Rigshospitalet’ hospital
    CV/Professional career/3
    1993-1995 : Elev på Rigshospitalets afdeling for patologi
    CV/Professional career/4
    1996-1998 : Bioengineer, Molde Hospital, Norway
    CV/Professional career/4
    1996-1998 : Bioingeniør, Fylkessjukehuset i Molde, Norge
    CV/Professional career/5
    1998-1999 : Hospital laboratory technician, ‘Rigshospitalet’ hospital
    CV/Professional career/5
    1998-1999 : Hospitalslaborant, Rigshospitalet
    CV/Professional career/6
    1999-2000 : Laboratory technician, BioImage, Målev
    CV/Professional career/6
    1999-2000 : Laborant, BioImage, Målev
    CV/Professional career/7
    2000-2011 : Laboratory technician, Novozymes, Kalundborg
    CV/Professional career/7
    2000-2011 : Laborant, Novozymes, Kalundborg
    CV/Professional career/8
    2011-2019 : Vice-Chair, ‘HK Privat’ (trade union)
    CV/Professional career/8
    2011-2019 : Næstformand, HK Privat
    Education (qualifications and diplomas)
    Professional career
    Other activities