34 Shadow reports of Judith SARGENTINI

RECOMMENDATION on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Protocol to the Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark on the criteria and mechanisms for establishing the State responsible for examining a request for asylum lodged in Denmark or any other Member State of the European Union and "Eurodac" for the comparison of fingerprints for the effective application of the Dublin Convention regarding access to Eurodac for law enforcement purposes PDF (164 KB) DOC (55 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2018/0423(NLE)
Documents: PDF(164 KB) DOC(55 KB)
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument PDF (1 MB) DOC (537 KB)
Committee: AFETDEVE
Dossiers: 2018/0243(COD)
Documents: PDF(1 MB) DOC(537 KB)
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics on migration and international protection PDF (832 KB) DOC (137 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2018/0154(COD)
Documents: PDF(832 KB) DOC(137 KB)
REPORT on the implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime PDF (727 KB) DOC (83 KB)
Committee: FEMMLIBE
Dossiers: 2016/2328(INI)
Documents: PDF(727 KB) DOC(83 KB)
REPORT on enhancing developing countries’ debt sustainability PDF (444 KB) DOC (57 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2016/2241(INI)
Documents: PDF(444 KB) DOC(57 KB)
REPORT on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on countering money laundering by criminal law PDF (1017 KB) DOC (158 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2016/0414(COD)
Documents: PDF(1017 KB) DOC(158 KB)
REPORT on the EU-Africa Strategy: a boost for development PDF (454 KB) DOC (96 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2017/2083(INI)
Documents: PDF(454 KB) DOC(96 KB)
REPORT on the EU flagship initiative on the garment sector PDF (417 KB) DOC (97 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2016/2140(INI)
Documents: PDF(417 KB) DOC(97 KB)
REPORT on human rights and migration in third countries PDF (443 KB) DOC (84 KB)
Committee: AFET
Dossiers: 2015/2316(INI)
Documents: PDF(443 KB) DOC(84 KB)
RECOMMENDATION on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Union and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay pursuant to Article XXIV:6 and Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994 relating to the modification of concessions in the schedule of the Republic of Croatia in the course of its accession to the European Union PDF (436 KB) DOC (79 KB)
Committee: INTA
Dossiers: 2016/0058(NLE)
Documents: PDF(436 KB) DOC(79 KB)
REPORT on a new forward-looking and innovative future strategy for trade and investment PDF (610 KB) DOC (280 KB)
Committee: INTA
Dossiers: 2015/2105(INI)
Documents: PDF(610 KB) DOC(280 KB)
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a European travel document for the return of illegally staying third-country nationals PDF (530 KB) DOC (377 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2015/0306(COD)
Documents: PDF(530 KB) DOC(377 KB)
REPORT on the situation in the Mediterranean and the need for a holistic EU approach to migration PDF (767 KB) DOC (344 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2015/2095(INI)
Documents: PDF(767 KB) DOC(344 KB)
REPORT on the Ebola crisis: the long-term lessons and how to strengthen health systems in developing countries to prevent future crises PDF (204 KB) DOC (168 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2014/2204(INI)
Documents: PDF(204 KB) DOC(168 KB)
REPORT on tax avoidance and tax evasion as challenges for governance, social protection and development in developing countries PDF (194 KB) DOC (126 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2015/2058(INI)
Documents: PDF(194 KB) DOC(126 KB)
REPORT on ‘Human rights and technology: the impact of intrusion and surveillance systems on human rights in third countries’ PDF (162 KB) DOC (113 KB)
Committee: AFET
Dossiers: 2014/2232(INI)
Documents: PDF(162 KB) DOC(113 KB)
REPORT on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on provisional legal aid for suspects or accused persons deprived of liberty and legal aid in European arrest warrant proceedings PDF (645 KB) DOC (383 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2013/0409(COD)
Documents: PDF(645 KB) DOC(383 KB)
RECOMMENDATION FOR SECOND READING on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on information accompanying transfers of funds and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1781/2006 PDF (150 KB) DOC (71 KB)
Committee: ECONLIBE
Dossiers: 2013/0024(COD)
Documents: PDF(150 KB) DOC(71 KB)
REPORT on the work of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly PDF (175 KB) DOC (100 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2014/2154(INI)
Documents: PDF(175 KB) DOC(100 KB)
REPORT on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals in the framework of an intra-corporate transfer PDF (532 KB) DOC (333 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2010/0209(COD)
Documents: PDF(532 KB) DOC(333 KB)
REPORT on public access to documents (Rule 104(7)) for the years 2011-2013 PDF (207 KB) DOC (102 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2013/2155(INI)
Documents: PDF(207 KB) DOC(102 KB)
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on information accompanying transfers of funds PDF (429 KB) DOC (570 KB)
Committee: ECONLIBE
Dossiers: 2013/0024(COD)
Documents: PDF(429 KB) DOC(570 KB)
RECOMMENDATION on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Turkey on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation PDF (170 KB) DOC (78 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2012/0122(NLE)
Documents: PDF(170 KB) DOC(78 KB)
REPORT with recommendations to the Commission on the review of the European Arrest Warrant PDF (188 KB) DOC (88 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2013/2109(INL)
Documents: PDF(188 KB) DOC(88 KB)
REPORT on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of seasonal employment PDF (580 KB) DOC (418 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2010/0210(COD)
Documents: PDF(580 KB) DOC(418 KB)
REPORT on the efforts of the international community in the area of development and of ‘state building’ in South Sudan PDF (331 KB) DOC (160 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2013/2090(INI)
Documents: PDF(331 KB) DOC(160 KB)
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps - EU Aid Volunteers PDF (453 KB) DOC (689 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2012/0245(COD)
Documents: PDF(453 KB) DOC(689 KB)
REPORT on an Agenda for Change: the future of EU development policy PDF (225 KB) DOC (136 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2012/2002(INI)
Documents: PDF(225 KB) DOC(136 KB)
REPORT on an EU policy framework to assist developing countries in addressing food security challenges PDF (267 KB) DOC (159 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2010/2100(INI)
Documents: PDF(267 KB) DOC(159 KB)
REPORT Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, and protecting victims, repealing Framework Decision 2002/629/JHA PDF (362 KB) DOC (328 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2010/0065(COD)
Documents: PDF(362 KB) DOC(328 KB)
REPORT Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2003/109/EC to extend its scope to beneficiaries of international protection PDF (210 KB) DOC (226 KB)
Committee: LIBE
Dossiers: 2007/0112(COD)
Documents: PDF(210 KB) DOC(226 KB)
REPORT with a proposal for a European Parliament recommendation to the Council on setting up an EU rapid response capability PDF (208 KB) DOC (120 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2010/2096(INI)
Documents: PDF(208 KB) DOC(120 KB)
REPORT on health care systems in sub-Saharan Africa and global health PDF (196 KB) DOC (102 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2010/2070(INI)
Documents: PDF(196 KB) DOC(102 KB)
REPORT Report on progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals: mid-term review in preparation of the UN high-level meeting in September 2010 PDF (262 KB) DOC (175 KB)
Committee: DEVE
Dossiers: 2010/2037(INI)
Documents: PDF(262 KB) DOC(175 KB)