2019-07-05 Christian Konrad DOLESCHAL

This is a historical view (2019/07/05)

Changes: 2024/09/20Delegations, 2024/09/02assistants.local, assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2024/07/31assistants.local, 2024/07/27Instagram, assistants.local_assistants_(grouping), Facebook, 2024/07/25Committees, Committees.end, 2024/07/24assistants.local, 2024/07/23Declaration_on_awareness_of_conflicts_of_interest, 2024/07/22Groups, Constituencies, assistants.paying_agents, active, assistants.local, Declaration_on_appropriate_behaviour.url, Mail, Committees, Declaration_of_private_interests, assistants.local_assistants_(grouping), 2024/07/14Constituencies.end, Committees.end, Groups.end, active, Delegations.end, 2024/07/03assistants.service_providers, 2024/07/02assistants.paying_agents_(grouping), 2024/07/01assistants.paying_agents_(grouping), 2024/06/, 2024/05/28assistants.service_providers, 2024/05/02assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2024/02/29assistants.paying_agents_(grouping), assistants.local_assistants_(grouping), 2023/12/21Declaration_of_private_interests, 2023/10/25Declaration_on_appropriate_behaviour, 2023/09/02assistants.local_assistants_(grouping), 2023/08/12Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, 2023/06/24assistants.local, 2023/06/15assistants.accredited, 2023/06/01assistants.local, 2023/03/26Mail, 2023/01/17assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2023/01/13Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Mail, 2022/11/09assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), assistants.local_assistants_(grouping), 2022/10/28Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, 2022/10/25assistants.accredited, 2022/09/16assistants.accredited, assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), assistants.local_assistants_(grouping), Declaration_on_appropriate_behaviour, 2022/06/13Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, 2022/03/10Committees, Committees.end, 2022/03/02assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2022/02/13assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), Committees.end, assistants.accredited, assistants.local, Committees, 2021/09/05assistants.local, 2021/06/25Financial_Declarations.url, 2021/05/03assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2021/04/30assistants.service_providers, 2021/04/15assistants.service_providers, 2021/04/01assistants.accredited, 2021/02/11Name.sur, Name.full,, 2021/02/11assistants.local, assistants.accredited, assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/12/11Name.aliases, 2020/12/09Name.sur, Name.aliases, Name.full,, 2020/10/01assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/08/01assistants.local_assistants_(grouping), 2020/07/08assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/07/07assistants.service_providers, 2020/07/04assistants.service_providers, 2020/06/19Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, 2020/06/16assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/04/23Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, 2020/04/09assistants.paying_agents_(grouping), assistants.local_assistants_(grouping), 2020/03/16assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/03/, 2020/03/, 2020/02/12Committees, 2020/02/07Financial_Declarations, 2020/01/14assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/01/11assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/01/08Addresses.Postal, Addresses.Postal_address, 2020/01/07Addresses.Postal, Name.aliases, Addresses.Postal_address, 2019/12/04Addresses.Brussels.Address.Building, Addresses.Strasbourg.Address.Building, Addresses.Brussels.Address.building_code, Addresses.Strasbourg.Address.building_code, 2019/11/23assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2019/09/24assistants.local, 2019/08/27Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, 2019/08/15assistants.accredited, 2019/08/06assistants.local, 2019/08/03assistants.accredited, 2019/08/02Financial_Declarations, Financial_Declarations.url, assistants.paying_agents, 2019/08/01assistants.accredited, 2019/07/25Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, Financial_Declarations, 2019/07/22Gender, 2019/07/18Delegations, 2019/07/16assistants.accredited, 2019/07/12Addresses.Brussels.Address.Building, Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, Addresses.Brussels.Address.building_code

View current state | View Changes for this date

Sorry, but we failed to recreate history before 2019-07-06T23:16:11

headshot of Christian DOLESCHAL


  • Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V. icon: DE Germany 2019/07/02 -


  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2019/07/02 -


Substitute of Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 2019/07/02
Member of Committee on Regional Development 2019/07/02
Substitute of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection 2019/07/02



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  • Phone: 0032 2 28 45288
  • Fax: 0032 2 28 49288
  • Office: Bât. József Antall 03Q001
  • Full Address
    • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
    • Zip: B-1047
    • Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60


  • Phone: 0033 3 88 1 75288
  • Fax: 0033 3 88 1 79288
  • Office: Bât. Louise Weiss T11020
  • Full Address
    • City: Strasbourg
    • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
    • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


Committee Opinion 2023/2569(DEA) ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Establishing a minimum threshold for greenhouse gas emissions savings of recycled carbon fuels and by specifying a methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions savings from renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin and from recycled carbon fuels
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2085(INI) AFCO Constitutional Affairs Implementation of the Treaty provisions on EU citizenship
Responsible Committee 2022/0094(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection New Regulation on Construction Products
Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2202(INI) REGI Regional Development EU Border Regions: Living labs of European integration
Committee Opinion 2021/0114(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Regulation on distortive foreign subsidies
Responsible Committee 2020/2028(INI) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Implementation of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products (the Construction Products Regulation)
Responsible Committee 2020/0289(COD) ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Environment: access to information and justice, public participation, application of the Arhus Convention
Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/0082(CNS) ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs VAT e-commerce package – distance sales of goods and services: postponement of the date of application due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis
Responsible Committee Shadow 2019/0096(CNS) ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs Defence effort within the Union framework: common system of value added tax and general arrangements for excise duty
Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/0415(CNS) ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs Distance sales of goods and certain domestic supplies of goods



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Christine SCHNEIDER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 817
Norbert LINS icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 770
Angelika NIEBLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 713
Jens GIESEKE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 696
Markus PIEPER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 650
Marlene MORTLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 619
Alexander BERNHUBER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 534
Marion WALSMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 517
Karolin BRAUNSBERGER-REINHOLD icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 490
Ralf SEEKATZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 481
Lena DÜPONT icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 453
Sabine VERHEYEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 449
Niclas HERBST icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 433
Herbert DORFMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 409
Simone SCHMIEDTBAUER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 408
Axel VOSS icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 397
Daniel CASPARY icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 349
Monika HOHLMEIER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 348
Peter LIESE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 335
Andreas SCHWAB icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 322
Henna VIRKKUNEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Finland Finland 288
Stefan BERGER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 272
Michael GAHLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 250
Pernille WEISS icon: PPE PPE icon: Denmark Denmark 238
Ivan ŠTEFANEC icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 221
Sven SIMON icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 216
Dan-Ştefan MOTREANU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 203
Anne SANDER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 184
David MCALLISTER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 184
Bartosz ARŁUKOWICZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 172
Petri SARVAMAA icon: PPE PPE icon: Finland Finland 156
Dolors MONTSERRAT icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 155
Hildegard BENTELE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 154
Sara SKYTTEDAL icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 152
Markus FERBER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 140
Pilar DEL CASTILLO VERA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 140
Rainer WIELAND icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 132
Maria da Graça CARVALHO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 124
Barbara THALER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 123
Sven SCHULZE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 121
Salvatore DE MEO icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 119
Angelika WINZIG icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 112
Massimiliano SALINI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 111
Pascal ARIMONT icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 105
Christian EHLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 103
Edina TÓTH icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 102
Christophe HANSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 99
Dennis RADTKE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 98
Jessica POLFJÄRD icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 90
Franc BOGOVIČ icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 85
Marian-Jean MARINESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 82
Esteban GONZÁLEZ PONS icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 80
Luisa REGIMENTI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 79
Javier ZARZALEJOS icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 79
Arba KOKALARI icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 73
Maria SPYRAKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 70
Tomislav SOKOL icon: PPE PPE icon: Croatia Croatia 64
Daniel BUDA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 62
Adam JARUBAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 59
Radan KANEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 55
Romana TOMC icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 52
Eva MAYDELL icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 50
Cláudia MONTEIRO DE AGUIAR icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 50
Esther DE LANGE icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 48
Tom BERENDSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 47
Mairead McGUINNESS icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 46
Geoffroy DIDIER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 46
Seán KELLY icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 46
Ioan-Rareş BOGDAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 45
Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 45
Pablo ARIAS ECHEVERRÍA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 42
Deirdre CLUNE icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 42
András GYÜRK icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 42
Riho TERRAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Estonia Estonia 42
Jerzy BUZEK icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 42
Tomas TOBÉ icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 42
Gheorghe FALCĂ icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 41
Roberta METSOLA icon: PPE PPE icon: Malta Malta 34
Tom VANDENKENDELAERE icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 34
Peter JAHR icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 34
Jörgen WARBORN icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 33
Jarosław KALINOWSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 31
Asim ADEMOV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 31
Colm MARKEY icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 29
Róża THUN UND HOHENSTEIN icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 27
Benoît LUTGEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 26
Inese VAIDERE icon: PPE PPE icon: Latvia Latvia 24
Stanislav POLČÁK icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 24
Andrey KOVATCHEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 23
Liudas MAŽYLIS icon: PPE PPE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 23
Andrzej HALICKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 22
Lara COMI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 22
Isabel BENJUMEA BENJUMEA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 21
Elissavet VOZEMBERG-VRIONIDI icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 20
Lídia PEREIRA icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 19
Enikő GYŐRI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 19
Kris PEETERS icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 19
Ljudmila NOVAK icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 18
Manfred WEBER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 15
David LEGA icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 15
Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 15
Helmut GEUKING icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 15
Peter POLLÁK icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 15
Johan NISSINEN icon: ECR ECR icon: Sweden Sweden 15
Cindy FRANSSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 14
François-Xavier BELLAMY icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 14
Antonio TAJANI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 11
Ulrike MÜLLER icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 10
Sunčana GLAVAK icon: PPE PPE icon: Croatia Croatia 10
Nathalie COLIN-OESTERLÉ icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 9
Agnès EVREN icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 8
Anna-Michelle ASIMAKOPOULOU icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 8
Karen MELCHIOR icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 8
Michal WIEZIK icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 7
Traian BĂSESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 6
Othmar KARAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 5
Maria GRAPINI icon: S&D S&D icon: Romania Romania 5
Siegfried MUREŞAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 4
Claude GRUFFAT icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: France France 4
Constanze KREHL icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 3
Lukas MANDL icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 3
Rob ROOKEN icon: ECR ECR icon: Netherlands Netherlands 3
Adriana MALDONADO LÓPEZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 2
Alex AGIUS SALIBA icon: S&D S&D icon: Malta Malta 2
Antonius MANDERS icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 2
Stelios KYMPOUROPOULOS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 2
Christel SCHALDEMOSE icon: S&D S&D icon: Denmark Denmark 1
Krzysztof HETMAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 1
Juan Ignacio ZOIDO ÁLVAREZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1
Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 1
Francisco José MILLÁN MON icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1
Gabriel MATO icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1
Annie SCHREIJER-PIERIK icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 1
Álvaro AMARO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 1

By types

Amendments (2074)
Institutional motions (2)
Opinions (1)
Oral questions (1)
Plenary speeches (16)
Reports (3)
Shadow reports (5)
Written explanations (5)
Written questions (13)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
2042022/0195(COD)Nature restoration
1972022/0396(COD)Packaging and packaging waste
1822022/0196(COD)Sustainable use of plant protection products
1322022/0140(COD)European Health Data Space
822020/0361(COD)Digital Services Act
812022/0104(COD)Industrial Emissions Directive
732022/0094(COD)New Regulation on Construction Products
712022/0155(COD)Combating child sexual abuse online
702022/2051(INL)Proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties
682020/2273(INI)EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Bringing nature back into our lives
652022/0347(COD)Ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe. Recast
592021/0197(COD)CO2 emission standards for cars and vans
572020/2260(INI)A Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system
552023/0232(COD)Soil monitoring and resilience (Soil Monitoring Law)
432022/0345(COD)Urban wastewater treatment. Recast
422020/2242(INI)A European Strategy for Hydrogen
422022/0095(COD)Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
402020/0036(COD)European Climate Law
382021/0426(COD)Energy performance of buildings
382023/0323(COD)Commercial transactions: combating late payment
292020/2028(INI)Implementation of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products (the Construction Products Regulation)
292021/0201(COD)Land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF)
282021/2202(INI)EU Border Regions: Living labs of European integration
252020/0322(COD)Serious cross-border threats to health
222021/0214(COD)Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
222023/0042(COD)Strengthening the CO2 emission performance targets for new heavy-duty vehicles
212020/2131(INI)A new strategy for European SMEs
182022/0344(COD)Protection of groundwater against pollution and environmental quality standards in the field of water policy
142020/2058(INI)Sustainable Europe Investment Plan - How to finance the Green Deal
142020/0353(COD)Batteries and waste batteries
142021/0218(COD)Renewable Energy Directive
142023/2586(RSP)Resolution on a roadmap towards a social Europe – two years after the Porto Social Summit
142023/2085(INI)Implementation of the Treaty provisions on EU citizenship
142023/0085(COD)Substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (Green Claims Directive)
132021/0366(COD)Deforestation Regulation
132022/0432(COD)Classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures
112020/2018(INL)Digital Services Act: Improving the functioning of the Single Market
112020/2071(INI)Shortage of medicines - how to address an emerging problem
102023/2121(INI)Cohesion policy 2014-2020 – implementation and outcomes in the Member States
92021/0206(COD)Social Climate Fund
82020/0365(COD)Resilience of critical entities
72022/2058(INI)A standardisation strategy for the Single Market
62019/2157(INI)The European Forest Strategy - The Way Forward
62020/0006(COD)Just Transition Fund
62020/0101(COD)Exceptional additional resources and implementing arrangements under the Investment for growth and jobs goal to provide assistance for fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy (REACT-EU)
62020/2037(INI)Strengthening the international role of the euro
62021/0211(COD)Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System
62021/0203(COD)Energy Efficiency Directive
52021/0114(COD)Regulation on distortive foreign subsidies
52021/0423(COD)Methane emissions reduction in the energy sector
52022/0099(COD)Fluorinated gases regulation
52023/0124(COD)Detergents and surfactants
42019/2182(INL)Protecting workers from asbestos
42022/0394(COD)Union certification framework for carbon removals
42023/0033(COD)Limit values for lead and its inorganic compounds and diisocyanates
42023/0234(COD)Waste Framework Directive: textiles and food waste
32021/0381(COD)Transparency and targeting of political advertising
32023/0083(COD)Common rules promoting the repair of goods
32020/0289(COD)Environment: access to information and justice, public participation, application of the Arhus Convention
22022/0164(COD)REPowerEU chapters in recovery and resilience plans
22021/0420(COD)Trans-European transport network
22022/0278(COD)Single Market emergency instrument
12021/2013(INI)A Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe
12021/2006(INI)An EU strategy to reduce methane emissions
12021/0207(COD)Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System for aviation
12022/2032(INI)Economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU: the 8th Cohesion Report
12023/2634(RSP)Cohesion dimension of EU state aid and de minimis rules
12023/2084(INI)Implementation of the Treaty provisions on national parliaments
12018/0415(CNS)Distance sales of goods and certain domestic supplies of goods
12019/0096(CNS)Defence effort within the Union framework: common system of value added tax and general arrangements for excise duty
12020/0082(CNS)VAT e-commerce package – distance sales of goods and services: postponement of the date of application due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis
12023/2816(DEA)Sustainability reporting standards
12023/2922(DEA)Adjustments of the size criteria for micro, small, medium-sized and large undertakings or groups

See historical changes of the Bio


1988/04/27 - Kemnath


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

0032 2 28 45288
0032 2 28 49288
Christian Konrad DOLESCHAL
DOLESCHAL Christian Konrad
Christian Konrad DOLESCHAL
Christian Konrad
0033 3 88 1 79
0033 3 88 1 79288
0033 3 88 1 7
0033 3 88 1 75288
  • role: Substitute Organization: Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: ECON
  • role: Member Organization: Committee on Regional Development start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: REGI
  • role: Substitute Organization: Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: IMCO
accredited assistants (grouping)
Financial Declarations/1
Gemeinderat 1
Mitglied des Parteivorstands der CSU 0
1. finanziell: (*) bereitgestellt von 2. personell: (*) bereitgestellt von 3. materiell: (*) bereitgestellt von (*) Identität dieses/dieser Dritten.
Finanzielle Interessen: 1. 2. 4/6 DE 3.
  • party: Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e.V. country: Germany start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9
Declaration of good conduct
  • title: Declaration of good conduct (PDF - 89 KB) url:
Financial Declarations
  • mep_id: 197473 url: date: 06/06/2019 occupation: Syndikusrechtsanwalt bei der Bauunternehmung W. Markgraf GmbH & Co Kg 3 Mitarbeiter beim Landtagsabgeordneten Tobias Reiss 1 Rechtsreferendar 3 Gemeinderat in Brand 1 mandate: activity: Gemeinderat 1 membership: Mitglied des Parteivorstands der CSU 0 occasional: holding: support: 1. finanziell: (*) bereitgestellt von 2. personell: (*) bereitgestellt von 3. materiell: (*) bereitgestellt von (*) Identität dieses/dieser Dritten. other: Finanzielle Interessen: 1. 2. 4/6 DE 3. additional:
  • mep_id: 197473 url: date: 06/06/2019 occupation: Syndikusrechtsanwalt bei der Bauunternehmung W. Markgraf GmbH & Co Kg 3 Mitarbeiter beim Landtagsabgeordneten Tobias Reiss 1 Rechtsreferendar 3 Gemeinderat in Brand 1 mandate: activity: Gemeinderat 1 membership: Mitglied des Parteivorstands der CSU 0 occasional: holding: support: 1. finanziell: (*) bereitgestellt von 2. personell: (*) bereitgestellt von 3. materiell: (*) bereitgestellt von (*) Identität dieses/dieser Dritten. other: Finanzielle Interessen: 1. 2. 4/6 DE 3. additional:
  • role: Member Organization: Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) groupid: PPE start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00
Christian Konrad DOLESCHAL
Christian Konrad