François-Xavier BELLAMY

headshot of François-Xavier BELLAMY


  • Les Républicains icon: FR France 2024/07/16 -
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  • Les Républicains icon: FR France 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15


  • icon: PPE PPE Vice-Chair Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2024/07/16 -
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  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15


Member of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2024/07/19
Member of Committee on Constitutional Affairs 2024/07/19
Substitute of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2024/07/19
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Substitute of Committee on Culture and Education 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Member of Committee on Fisheries 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2019/07/02 2022/01/19
Substitute of Committee on Culture and Education 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Member of Committee on Fisheries 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2022/01/20 2024/07/15


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Substitute of Delegation for relations with Iraq 2019/07/02 2024/07/15
Member of Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries 2019/07/02 2024/07/15
Member of Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean 2019/07/02 2024/07/15
Member of Delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly 2021/10/18 2024/07/15


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    • Phone: 003222845367
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    • Office: Bât. ALTIERO SPINELLI 09E201
    • Full Address
      • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
      • Zip: B-1047
      • Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60


    • Phone: 0033388175367
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    • Office: Bât. LOUISE WEISS T09051
    • Full Address
      • City: Strasbourg
      • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
      • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


    Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/2188(INI) ['PECH'] Implementation report on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/2103(DEC) ['PECH'] 2021 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
    Responsible Committee 2022/0249(NLE) PECH Fisheries EU/Mauritius Fisheries Partnership Agreement: implementing the Agreement (2022-2026). Protocol
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/0164(COD) ['ITRE'] REPowerEU chapters in recovery and resilience plans
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2189(INI) PECH Fisheries Striving for a sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture: the way forward
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2021/2127(DEC) ['PECH'] 2020 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/2217(INI) ['CULT'] A European strategy for data
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/2169(DEC) ['PECH'] 2019 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
    Committee Opinion 2020/2023(INI) PECH Fisheries Recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Committee Opinion 2020/0382(NLE) PECH Fisheries EU/Euratom/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and EU/UK Agreement concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information
    Committee Opinion 2020/0380(COD) PECH Fisheries Brexit Adjustment Reserve
    Responsible Committee 2020/0275(NLE) PECH Fisheries EU/Cook Islands Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement: extension of the implementation Protocol
    Committee Opinion 2020/0104(COD) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Recovery and Resilience Facility
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/0002M(NLE) PECH Fisheries EU/Seychelles Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and Implementing Protocol (2020-2026)
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/0002(NLE) PECH Fisheries EU/Seychelles Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and Implementation Protocol (2020-2026)
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2019/2162(INI) PECH Fisheries More fish in the seas? Measures to promote stock recovery above the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), including fish recovery areas and marine protected areas
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2019/2085(DEC) ['PECH'] 2018 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2019/0226M(NLE) PECH Fisheries EU/Senegal Fisheries Partnership Agreement: implementation of the Agreement. Protocol
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2019/0226(NLE) PECH Fisheries EU/Senegal Fisheries Partnership Agreement: implementation of the Agreement. Protocol
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/0254(COD) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy European Defence Fund 2021–2027



    Amendment Co-authors
    Name Group Country Ams
    Tomasz FRANKOWSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 227
    Christian EHLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 219
    Sabine VERHEYEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 206
    Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 185
    Pilar DEL CASTILLO VERA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 185
    Peter POLLÁK icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 178
    Maria da Graça CARVALHO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 177
    Angelika NIEBLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 165
    Pernille WEISS icon: PPE PPE icon: Denmark Denmark 150
    Željana ZOVKO icon: PPE PPE icon: Croatia Croatia 142
    Seán KELLY icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 128
    Henna VIRKKUNEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Finland Finland 123
    Jerzy BUZEK icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 119
    Isabel BENJUMEA BENJUMEA icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 117
    Loucas FOURLAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Cyprus Cyprus 115
    Theodoros ZAGORAKIS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 111
    Ioan-Rareş BOGDAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 107
    Massimiliano SALINI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 105
    Tom BERENDSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 102
    Asim ADEMOV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 101
    Ivan ŠTEFANEC icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 101
    Franc BOGOVIČ icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 101
    Eva MAYDELL icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 92
    Markus PIEPER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 87
    Tomas TOBÉ icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 87
    Milan ZVER icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 77
    Sara SKYTTEDAL icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 71
    Maria SPYRAKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 71
    Marian-Jean MARINESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 67
    Adam JARUBAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 66
    Gabriel MATO icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 64
    Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 63
    Sven SCHULZE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 58
    Jens GIESEKE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 53
    Gheorghe FALCĂ icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 53
    Hildegard BENTELE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 52
    Salvatore DE MEO icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 48
    Miriam LEXMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 43
    Francisco José MILLÁN MON icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 42
    Massimiliano SMERIGLIO icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 41
    Edina TÓTH icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 40
    Jan OLBRYCHT icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 39
    Loránt VINCZE icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 39
    Emmanuel MAUREL icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: France France 39
    Iuliu WINKLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 37
    Marion WALSMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 35
    Andrea BOCSKOR icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 32
    Vasile BLAGA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 32
    Alexander BERNHUBER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 29
    Cláudia MONTEIRO DE AGUIAR icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 27
    Ibán GARCÍA DEL BLANCO icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 27
    Pascal ARIMONT icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 26
    Hannes HEIDE icon: S&D S&D icon: Austria Austria 25
    Peter van DALEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 23
    Maria WALSH icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 23
    Irena JOVEVA icon: RE RE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 23
    Alexis GEORGOULIS icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Greece Greece 22
    Geoffroy DIDIER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 22
    Marc TARABELLA icon: S&D S&D icon: Belgium Belgium 21
    Tomasz Piotr PORĘBA icon: ECR ECR icon: Poland Poland 21
    Siegfried MUREŞAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 21
    José Manuel FERNANDES icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 21
    Markus FERBER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 21
    Esther DE LANGE icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 21
    György HÖLVÉNYI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 21
    Othmar KARAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 20
    Bartosz ARŁUKOWICZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 18
    Javier ZARZALEJOS icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 18
    Karlo RESSLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Croatia Croatia 18
    Anne SANDER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 17
    Diana RIBA I GINER icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Spain Spain 16
    Niyazi KIZILYÜREK icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Cyprus Cyprus 15
    Radan KANEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 15
    Isabella ADINOLFI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 15
    Fabio Massimo CASTALDO icon: NA NA icon: Italy Italy 15
    Stéphane BIJOUX icon: RE RE icon: France France 15
    Christian DOLESCHAL icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 14
    Annie SCHREIJER-PIERIK icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 13
    Arnaud DANJEAN icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 13
    Angelika WINZIG icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 12
    András GYÜRK icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 12
    Riho TERRAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Estonia Estonia 12
    Luděk NIEDERMAYER icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 11
    Eva KAILI icon: S&D S&D icon: Greece Greece 9
    François ALFONSI icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: France France 9
    Martin SONNEBORN icon: NA NA icon: Germany Germany 8
    Demetris PAPADAKIS icon: S&D S&D icon: Cyprus Cyprus 8
    Costas MAVRIDES icon: S&D S&D icon: Cyprus Cyprus 8
    Laurence FARRENG icon: RE RE icon: France France 7
    Charlie WEIMERS icon: ECR ECR icon: Sweden Sweden 7
    Lars Patrick BERG icon: ECR ECR icon: Germany Germany 7
    Brice HORTEFEUX icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 7
    Niclas HERBST icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 6
    Antonio TAJANI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 6
    Andrey SLABAKOV icon: ECR ECR icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 6
    Dan-Ştefan MOTREANU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 6
    Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 5
    Isabel WISELER-LIMA icon: PPE PPE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 5
    Andrius KUBILIUS icon: PPE PPE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 5
    Lukas MANDL icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 5
    Sylvie GUILLAUME icon: S&D S&D icon: France France 5
    Niklas NIENASS icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 5
    Salima YENBOU icon: RE RE icon: France France 5
    Rob ROOKEN icon: ECR ECR icon: Netherlands Netherlands 5
    Nathalie COLIN-OESTERLÉ icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 4
    Nadine MORANO icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 4
    Andrey KOVATCHEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 3
    Laurence SAILLIET icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 3
    Aldo PATRICIELLO icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 2
    Salima YENBOU icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: France France 2
    Domènec RUIZ DEVESA icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 2
    Tom VANDENKENDELAERE icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 2
    Dace MELBĀRDE icon: ECR ECR icon: Latvia Latvia 2
    Álvaro AMARO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 2
    Anja HAGA icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 2
    David CORMAND icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: France France 1
    Francisco GUERREIRO icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Portugal Portugal 1
    Valérie HAYER icon: RE RE icon: France France 1
    Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Greece Greece 1
    Marcos ROS SEMPERE icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 1
    Ilana CICUREL icon: RE RE icon: France France 1
    Bernard GUETTA icon: RE RE icon: France France 1
    Vlad-Marius BOTOŞ icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 1
    Monika HOHLMEIER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 1
    Michael GAHLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 1
    Deirdre CLUNE icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 1
    Agnès EVREN icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 1
    Frances FITZGERALD icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 1
    Cindy FRANSSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 1
    Benoît LUTGEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 1
    Colm MARKEY icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 1
    Juan Ignacio ZOIDO ÁLVAREZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1

    By types

    Amendments (1056)
    Individual motions (1)
    Institutional motions (10)
    Opinions (4)
    Oral questions (6)
    Plenary speeches (115)
    Reports (2)
    Shadow opinions (7)
    Shadow reports (7)
    Written explanations (4)
    Written questions (64)

    By dossiers

    CountDossier ReferenceTitle
    552020/0374(COD)Digital Markets Act
    522022/0277(COD)European Media Freedom Act
    472020/0036(COD)European Climate Law
    432021/2017(INI)Europe’s Media in the Digital Decade: An Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation
    422023/2053(INI)The future of the European book sector
    402021/0218(COD)Renewable Energy Directive
    372022/0164(COD)REPowerEU chapters in recovery and resilience plans
    272022/2047(INI)Implementation of the New European Agenda for Culture and the EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations
    262021/0203(COD)Energy Efficiency Directive
    242020/2242(INI)A European Strategy for Hydrogen
    242020/2261(INI)The situation of artists and the cultural recovery in the EU
    242023/0079(COD)Framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials
    222019/2194(INI)Achieving an effective policy legacy for the European Year of Cultural Heritage
    222020/0361(COD)Digital Services Act
    222022/0047(COD)Data Act
    212021/2012(INI)A European strategy for offshore renewable energy
    212021/2058(INI)EU sports policy: assessment and possible ways forward
    212021/2168(INI)The implementation of Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy Regulation
    192021/2057(INI)The role of culture, education, media and sport in the fight against racism
    192021/0214(COD)Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
    182021/2251(INI)Implementation report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility
    182021/0426(COD)Energy performance of buildings
    182022/0155(COD)Combating child sexual abuse online
    182022/0402(CNS)Jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition of decisions and acceptance of authentic instruments in matters of parenthood and creation of a European Certificate of Parenthood
    172023/2112(INI)European historical consciousness
    162020/2217(INI)A European strategy for data
    162022/2008(INI)Implementation of the Updated New Industrial Strategy for Europe: aligning spending to policy
    152022/0195(COD)Nature restoration
    152023/2049(INI)Implementation of the Common Market Organisation (CMO) Regulation in fisheries and aquaculture - Regulation (EU) 1379/2013
    132019/2162(INI)More fish in the seas? Measures to promote stock recovery above the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), including fish recovery areas and marine protected areas
    132023/0077(COD)Union’s electricity market design
    132023/0081(COD)Framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)
    122020/2018(INL)Digital Services Act: Improving the functioning of the Single Market
    122022/0219(COD)European Defence Industry Reinforcement through common Procurement Act (EDIRPA)
    112020/2012(INL)Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies
    112020/2043(INI)Towards a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism
    112021/2231(INI)EU-Azerbaijan relations
    112023/2123(INI)European Hydrogen Bank
    102020/2023(INI)Recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    102020/2076(INI)A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
    102022/2003(INI)Co-management of fisheries in the EU and the contribution of the fisheries sector for the implementation of management measures
    102022/2038(INI)Implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
    92020/0360(COD)Trans-European energy infrastructure
    92021/2007(INI)An intellectual property action plan to support the EU’s recovery and resilience
    92023/0033(COD)Limit values for lead and its inorganic compounds and diisocyanates
    82020/0340(COD)European data governance (Data Governance Act)
    82020/0359(COD)A high common level of cybersecurity
    82021/2189(INI)Striving for a sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture: the way forward
    82023/2121(INI)Cohesion policy 2014-2020 – implementation and outcomes in the Member States
    72021/0106(COD)Artificial Intelligence Act
    72021/2230(INI)EU-Armenia relations
    62021/0425(COD)Gas and hydrogen markets directive (common rules)
    62022/2188(INI)Implementation report on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
    52023/2109(INI)Small modular reactors
    42020/2022(INI)Digital Services Act and fundamental rights issues posed
    42020/2015(INI)Intellectual property rights for the development of artificial intelligence technologies
    42020/1998(BUD)2021 general budget: all sections
    42020/2216(INI)Shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers
    42020/2243(INI)The European Education Area: a shared holistic approach
    42023/0046(COD)Measures to reduce the cost of deploying gigabit electronic communications networks
    42023/2051(INL)EU framework for the social and professional situation of artists and workers in the cultural and creative sectors
    32020/2019(INL)Digital Services Act: adapting commercial and civil law rules for commercial entities operating online
    32020/0380(COD)Brexit Adjustment Reserve
    32020/0353(COD)Batteries and waste batteries
    32022/2004(INI)The impact of COVID-19 closures of educational, cultural, youth and sports activities on children and young people in the EU
    32023/2019(INI)Implementation of the 2018 Geoblocking Regulation in the Digital Single Market
    32022/0426(COD)Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims
    32023/0053(COD)Driving licences
    32023/2122(INI)Transparency and accountability of non-governmental organisations funded from the EU budget
    32023/2130(DEC)2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
    32022/2582(RSP)Resolution on the destruction of cultural heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh
    22019/0151(COD)European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Recast
    22020/0006(COD)Just Transition Fund
    22019/2177(INI)Securing the objectives of the landing obligation under Article 15 of the Common Fisheries Policy
    22021/0293(COD)2030 policy programme “Path to the Digital Decade”
    22022/2147(INI)Assessment of the new communication of the European Commission on Outermost Regions
    22022/2148(INI)The implications of Chinese fishing operations on EU fisheries and the way forward
    22023/0264(BUD)2024 general budget: all sections
    22023/2119(INI)Implementation of the common security and defence policy – annual report 2023
    22020/2513(RSP)Resolution on ongoing hearings under Article 7(1) of the TEU regarding Poland and Hungary
    22020/0104(COD)Recovery and Resilience Facility
    22021/2245(INI)Report on the 2021 Commission Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina
    12020/2140(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Commission
    12019/2158(INI)The impact on the fishing sector of offshore windfarms and other renewable energy systems
    12021/0227(BUD)2022 general budget: all sections
    12022/0212(BUD)2023 general budget: all sections
    12021/2229(INL)Composition of the European Parliament
    12023/0076(COD)Wholesale energy market: Union’s protection against market manipulation
    12019/2817(RSP)Resolution on the state of play of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union
    12019/2886(RSP)Resolution on the Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences
    12019/2854(RSP)Resolution on the negative impact of the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook on EU tourism
    12019/2712(RSP)Resolution on the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)
    12019/2954(RSP)Resolution on the rule of law in Malta following the recent revelations surrounding the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia
    12020/2503(RSP)Resolution on Nigeria, notably the recent terrorist attacks
    12018/0427(NLE)Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community
    12018/0356(NLE)EU/Vietnam Free Trade Agreement
    12020/2631(RSP)Resolution on the new multiannual financial framework, own resources and the recovery plan
    12020/2732(RSP)Resolution on the conclusions of the extraordinary European Council meeting of 17-21 July 2020
    12020/2779(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Belarus
    12020/2793(RSP)Resolution on the rule of law and fundamental rights in Bulgaria
    12018/0166(APP)Multiannual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027
    12018/0193(COD)Fisheries control
    12021/2693(RSP)Resolution on prisoners of war in the aftermath of the most recent conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    12021/2695(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Chad
    12021/2699(RSP)Climate resilient EU fisheries & aquaculture
    12020/2118(INI)The role of the EU's development cooperation and humanitarian assistance in addressing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic
    12021/2786(RSP)Resolution on Hong Kong, notably the case of Apple Daily
    12021/2868(RSP)United States sanctions and the Rule of law
    12022/2552(RSP)Rising energy prices and market manipulation on the gas market
    12022/2593(RSP)Resolution on the need for an urgent EU action plan to ensure food security inside and outside the EU in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
    12021/2016(INI)The future of fisheries in the Channel, North Sea, Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean in the light of the UK's withdrawal from the EU
    12021/2107(DEC)2020 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
    12021/0204(COD)Notification under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)
    12022/2716(RSP)Resolution on the candidate status of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia
    12022/2849(RSP)Resolution on the death of Mahsa Jina Amini and the repression of women’s rights protesters in Iran
    12022/2954(RSP)Legal protection for rainbow families exercising free movement, in particular the Baby Sara case
    12022/2049(INI)Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter - annual report 2022
    12022/2037(INI)European Central Bank - annual report 2022
    12021/0207(COD)Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System for aviation
    12023/2634(RSP)Cohesion dimension of EU state aid and de minimis rules
    12022/2172(INI)Own Resources: A new start for EU finances. A new start for Europe
    12023/2124(INI)EU Action Plan: protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheries
    12020/0275(NLE)EU/Cook Islands Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement: extension of the implementation Protocol
    12022/0249(NLE)EU/Mauritius Fisheries Partnership Agreement: implementing the Agreement (2022-2026). Protocol
    12019/0226(NLE)EU/Senegal Fisheries Partnership Agreement: implementation of the Agreement. Protocol
    12020/0002(NLE)EU/Seychelles Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and Implementation Protocol (2020-2026)
    12020/0002M(NLE)EU/Seychelles Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and Implementing Protocol (2020-2026)
    12019/0226M(NLE)EU/Senegal Fisheries Partnership Agreement: implementation of the Agreement. Protocol
    12018/0254(COD)European Defence Fund 2021–2027
    12020/0382(NLE)EU/Euratom/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and EU/UK Agreement concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information
    12019/2085(DEC)2018 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
    12020/2169(DEC)2019 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
    12021/2127(DEC)2020 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
    12022/2103(DEC)2021 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
    12021/2878(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Lebanon
    12022/2836(RSP)Resolution on momentum for the ocean: strengthening ocean governance and biodiversity
    12023/2742(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Lebanon
    12023/2879(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijan’s attack and the continuing threats against Armenia
    12024/2580(RSP)Resolution on closer ties between the EU and Armenia and the need for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia

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    1985/10/11 - Paris