133 Plenary speeches of Josu JUARISTI ABAUNZ
Current human rights situation in Turkey - Situation in Afrin, Syria (debate) ES
EU support to the Colombian peace process (debate) ES
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance ES
Prison systems and conditions (debate) ES
Preparation of the European Council meeting of 19 and 20 October 2017 (debate) ES
Preparation of the European Council meeting of 19 and 20 October 2017 (debate) ES
Preparation of the European Council of 22 and 23 June 2017 (debate) ES
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance ES
Making relocation happen (debate) ES
Resource efficiency: reducing food waste, improving food safety (debate) ES
Hate speech, populism, and fake news on social media – towards an EU response (debate) ES
End-of-life vehicles, waste batteries and accumulators and waste electrical and electronic equipment - Landfill of waste - Waste - Packaging and packaging waste (debate) ES
Tackling the disappearance of migrant children in Europe (debate) ES
Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2015 (A8-0345/2016 - József Nagy) ES
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance (debate) ES
Emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (A8-0249/2015 - Julie Girling)
European Voluntary Service (debate) ES
Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 20 and 21 October 2016 (debate) ES
EU policies and actions to protect children in the context of migration (debate) ES
EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights (debate) ES
EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights (A8-0283/2016 - Sophia in 't Veld)
2014 Annual report on monitoring the application of Union law (A8-0262/2016 - Heidi Hautala)
Need for a European reindustrialisation policy in light of the recent Caterpillar and Alstom cases (RC-B8-1051/2016, B8-1051/2016, B8-1052/2016, B8-1053/2016, B8-1055/2016, B8-1056/2016, B8-1057/2016, B8-1058/2016)
Colombian peace process (debate) ES
Trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other treatment or punishment (debate) ES
Situation in Calais (debate) ES
Tackling illegal logging, deforestation and forest degradation (debate) ES
EU strategy on heating and cooling (A8-0232/2016 - Adam Gierek)
Situation in Turkey (debate) ES
Social and environmental standards, human rights and corporate responsibility (A8-0217/2016 - Eleonora Forenza) ES
The fight against trafficking in human beings in the EU's external relations (A8-0205/2016 - Barbara Lochbihler)
Objection pursuant to Rule 106: authorisation of GMO maize Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x GA21 (B8-0732/2016)
Objection pursuant to Rule 106: placing on the market of a genetically modified carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L., line SHD-27531-4) (B8-0731/2016)
Decision of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey to lift the parliamentary immunity of 138 members (debate) ES
2015 Report on policy coherence for development (A8-0165/2016 - Cristian Dan Preda)
State of play of the external aspects of the European migration agenda: towards a new 'Migration Compact' (debate) ES
Delivering a new deal for energy consumers - Tackling energy poverty as part of the Energy Union (debate) ES
China's market economy status (B8-0604/2016, B8-0605/2016, RC-B8-0607/2016, B8-0607/2016, B8-0608/2016, B8-0609/2016, B8-0610/2016, B8-0611/2016, B8-0612/2016) ES
Turkey's progress in fulfilling the requirements of the Visa liberalisation roadmap (debate) ES
West Bank displacement and demolitions, including of EU-funded projects (debate) ES
Cohesion policy in mountainous regions of the EU - New territorial development tools in cohesion policy 2014-2020 - Acceleration of implementation of cohesion policy (debate) ES
Situation in Poland (B8-0461/2016, B8-0463/2016, B8-0464/2016, B8-0465/2016)
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: fisheries aspects (A8-0042/2016 - Norica Nicolai) ES
Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh (debate) ES
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance ES
Objection pursuant to Rule 106: Authorisation of genetically modified soybean FG72 (B8-0133/2016)
Objection pursuant to Rule 106: Authorisation of genetically modified soybean MON 87708 × MON 89788 (B8-0134/2016)
Objection pursuant to Rule 106: Authorisation of genetically modified soybean MON 87705 × MON 89788 (B8-0135/2016)
Amendments to the 1998 Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution on heavy metals (A8-0002/2016 - Giovanni La Via)
Refugee emergency, external borders control and future of Schengen - Respect for the international principle of non-refoulement - Financing refugee facility for Turkey - Increased racist hatred and violence against refugees and migrants across Europe (debate) ES
Situation in the South East of Turkey (debate) ES
Colombian peace process (debate) ES
Colombian peace process (debate) ES
Detention and use of force against asylum-seekers (debate) ES
Detention and use of force against asylum-seekers (debate) ES
Decision adopted on the Circular Economy package (debate) ES
The role of the EU within the UN (A8-0308/2015 - Paavo Väyrynen)
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance ES
Use of genetically modified food and feed (A8-0305/2015 - Giovanni La Via)
Novel foods (A8-0046/2014 - James Nicholson)
Emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (A8-0249/2015 - Julie Girling)
European Citizens' Initiative (A8-0284/2015 - György Schöpflin)
European single market for electronic communications (A8-0300/2015 - Pilar del Castillo Vera) ES
EU strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian region - Cohesion policy and review of the Europe 2020 strategy - European Structural and Investment Funds and sound economic governance - Towards simplification and performance orientation in cohesion policy for 2014-2020 (debate) ES
Reform of the electoral law of the EU (debate) ES
Ebola crisis: long-term lessons (debate) ES
Draft amending budget No 7/2015: Managing the refugee crisis: immediate budgetary measures under the European Agenda on Migration (A8-0289/2015 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)
Humanitarian situation of refugees within the EU and neighbouring countries (debate) ES
Conclusions of the Justice and Home Affairs Council on migration (14 September 2015) (debate) ES
Investment for jobs and growth: promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU (A8-0173/2015 - Tamás Deutsch) ES
Migration and refugees in Europe (RC-B8-0832/2015, B8-0832/2015, B8-0833/2015, B8-0834/2015, B8-0835/2015, B8-0837/2015, B8-0838/2015, B8-0842/2015) ES
The EU's role in the Middle East peace process (RC-B8-0836/2015, B8-0836/2015, B8-0839/2015, B8-0840/2015, B8-0841/2015, B8-0843/2015, B8-0844/2015)
Proposal to change the name of the Delegation for Relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council to the Delegation for Relations with Palestine ES
Follow up to the European citizens' initiative Right2Water (A8-0228/2015 - Lynn Boylan) ES
Urban dimension of EU policies - Investment for jobs and growth: promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU (debate) ES
Situation of fundamental rights in the EU (2013-2014) (debate) ES
Maximum permitted levels of radioactive contamination following a nuclear accident (debate) ES
Maximum permitted levels of radioactive contamination following a nuclear accident (A8-0176/2015 - Esther Herranz García)
Negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) (A8-0175/2015 - Bernd Lange) ES
Market stability reserve for the Union greenhouse gas emission trading scheme (A8-0029/2015 - Ivo Belet) ES
Resource efficiency: moving towards a circular economy (A8-0215/2015 - Sirpa Pietikäinen) ES
Resource efficiency: moving towards a circular economy (debate) ES
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance ES
EU Strategy for equality between women and men post 2015 (debate) ES
2014 Progress Report on Turkey (debate) ES
Indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts (debate) ES
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance ES
Report of the extraordinary European Council meeting (23 April 2015) - The latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies (debate) ES
Carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport (debate) ES
Fuel quality directive and renewable energy directive (A8-0025/2015 - Nils Torvalds)
Carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport (A8-0122/2015 - José Inácio Faria) ES
Implementation of the Bologna process (A8-0121/2015 - Krystyna Łybacka) ES
Implementation of the Bologna process (short presentation) ES
Murder of the Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov and the state of democracy in Russia (RC-B8-0239/2015, B8-0239/2015, B8-0247/2015, B8-0248/2015, B8-0250/2015, B8-0251/2015, B8-0252/2015)
Annual report from the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to the European Parliament (A8-0039/2015 - Elmar Brok)
28th session of the UNHRC (RC-B8-0228/2015, B8-0228/2015, B8-0229/2015, B8-0230/2015, B8-0231/2015, B8-0232/2015, B8-0233/2015, B8-0234/2015)
Fight against child sexual abuse on the Internet (RC-B8-0217/2015, B8-0217/2015, B8-0218/2015, B8-0219/2015, B8-0220/2015, B8-0226/2015, B8-0227/2015)
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund - application EGF/2014/012 BE/ArcelorMittal (A8-0035/2015 - Victor Negrescu)
Global High-Level Conference on Ebola of 3 March 2015 (debate) ES
Decision adopted on a Strategic framework for the Energy Union (debate) ES
Accession of Gabon to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (A8-0007/2015 - Heidi Hautala)
Accession of Andorra to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (A8-0004/2015 - Heidi Hautala)
Accession of the Seychelles to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (A8-0006/2015 - Heidi Hautala)
Accession of Russia to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (A8-0008/2015 - Heidi Hautala)
Accession of Albania to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (A8-0002/2015 - Heidi Hautala)
Accession of Singapore to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (A8-0003/2015 - Heidi Hautala)
Accession of Morocco to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (A8-0005/2015 - Heidi Hautala)
Accession of Armenia to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (A8-0009/2015 - Heidi Hautala)
US Senate report on the use of torture by the CIA (B8-0098/2015, RC-B8-0123/2015, B8-0123/2015, B8-0133/2015) ES
Country of origin labelling for meat ingredients in processed food (B8-0097/2015)
Way forward for Frontex and the European Asylum Support Office (continuation of debate) ES
Initiatives in the framework of the International Labour Organization debate on the right to strike (debate) ES
Shortage of funding for the UNRWA (debate) ES
Commission work programme 2015 (RC-B8-0001/2015, B8-0001/2015, B8-0007/2015, B8-0034/2015, B8-0035/2015, B8-0037/2015, B8-0038/2015, B8-0039/2015)
Freedom of expression in Turkey: Recent arrests of journalists, media executives and systematic pressure against media (RC-B8-0036/2015, B8-0036/2015, B8-0040/2015, B8-0041/2015, B8-0042/2015, B8-0043/2015, B8-0044/2015, B8-0045/2015) ES
Possibility for the Member States to restrict or prohibit the cultivation of GMOs (A8-0038/2014 - Frédérique Ries)
Surveillance of lawyers in the EU (debate) ES
Recognition of Palestine statehood (RC-B8-0277/2014, B8-0277/2014, B8-0309/2014, B8-0310/2014, B8-0349/2014, B8-0357/2014, B8-0359/2014) ES
Situation in the Mediterranean and the need for a holistic EU approach to migration (B8-0362/2014) ES
US Senate report on the use of torture by the CIA (debate) ES
Commission work programme 2015 (debate) ES
Motion of censure on the Commission (B8-0249/2014) ES
2014 UN Climate Change Conference - COP 20 in Lima, Peru (1-12 December 2014) (debate) ES
Recognition of Palestine statehood (debate) ES
Combating violence against women (continuation of debate) ES
Summary expulsions and the proposed legalisation of 'hot returns' in Spain (debate) ES
Delays in the start-up of cohesion policy for 2014-2020 (debate) ES
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance ES
Peace process in Northern Ireland (debate) ES
Situation in Kobane and the threat of IS (debate) ES
Joint police operation "Mos Maiorum" (continuation of debate) ES
UN Climate Summit 2014 (23 September 2014 – New York) (debate) ES
One-minute speeches (Rule 163) ES