Activities of Julie LECHANTEUX

Plenary speeches (37)

Situation in Kashmir (debate)
Effects of the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook Group (debate)
Animal welfare conditions during transport to third countries (debate)
EU strategy for mobility and transport: measures needed until 2030 and beyond (debate)
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
EU Recovery package (debate)
Tourism and transport in 2020 and beyond (debate)
Dossiers: 2020/2649(RSP)
A comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing – Commission's Action plan and other recent developments (debate)
Dossiers: 2020/2686(RSP)
Conclusions of the extraordinary European Council meeting of 17-21 July 2020 (continuation of debate)
Dossiers: 2020/2732(RSP)
State of the Union (topical debate) (continuation of debate)
The establishment of an EU Mechanism on Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights (debate)
Dossiers: 2020/2072(INI)
Serious security threats through the sale of EU passports and visas to criminals (debate)
Fighting terrorism and the right to freedom of expression and education (debate)
Escalating tensions in Varosha following the illegal actions by Turkey and the urgent need for the resumption of talks (debate)
Dossiers: 2020/2844(RSP)
European Year of Rail (2021) (debate)
Dossiers: 2020/0035(COD)
Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 10-11 December 2020 – MFF, Rule of Law Conditionality and Own Resources – Council regulation laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027 – Proposal for an Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management, as well as on new own resources, including a roadmap towards the introduction of new own resources – Regulation on the protection of the Union’s budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States (debate)
Dossiers: 2018/0166(APP)
Achieving an effective policy legacy for the European Year of Cultural Heritage (debate)
Dossiers: 2019/2194(INI)
European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience (debate)
Dossiers: 2020/2818(RSP)
The state of play of the EU’s COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy (continuation of debate)
Equal treatment in employment and occupation in light of the UNCRPD (debate)
Dossiers: 2020/2086(INI)
European Semester: annual sustainable growth strategy 2021 – European Semester: employment and social aspects in the annual sustainable growth strategy 2021 (debate)
Dossiers: 2020/2244(INI)
EU strategy for sustainable tourism (short presentation)
Dossiers: 2020/2038(INI)
Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 25 and 26 March 2021 - The outcome of the high level meeting between the EU and Turkey of the 6th of April (continuation of debate)
Follow-up of the Porto Social Summit of 7 May 2021 (debate)
Connecting Europe Facility - Streamlining measures for the realisation of the TEN-T - Railway safety and signalling: Assessing the state of play of the ERTMS deployment (debate)
Assessing the Union’s measures for the EU tourism sector as the end of the Summer season nears (debate)
Dossiers: 2021/2816(RSP)
The outcome of the Western Balkans summit (debate)
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
The International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women and the State of play on the ratification of the Istanbul Convention (continuation of debate)
Harmonised EU approach to travel measures (debate)
The situation in Bosnia Herzegovina (debate)
Batteries and waste batteries (debate)
Dossiers: 2020/0353(COD)
Need for an urgent EU action plan to ensure food security inside and outside the EU in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine (debate)
Dossiers: 2022/2593(RSP)
Situation in Afghanistan, in particular the situation of women’s rights (debate)
EU strategy to promote education for children in the world (short presentation)
Dossiers: 2021/2209(INI)
Commission’s 2021 Rule of Law Report (debate)
Dossiers: 2021/2180(INI)
The massacre of Christians in Nigeria (debate)

Shadow reports (2)

REPORT on technical and operational measures for more efficient and cleaner maritime transport
Committee: TRAN
Dossiers: 2019/2193(INI)
Documents: PDF(224 KB) DOC(83 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Karima DELLI', 'mepid': 96868}]
REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on ensuring a level playing field for sustainable air transport
Committee: TRAN
Dossiers: 2021/0205(COD)
Documents: PDF(538 KB) DOC(236 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Søren GADE', 'mepid': 197555}]

Shadow opinions (3)

OPINION on a European strategy for offshore renewable energy
Committee: TRAN
Dossiers: 2021/2012(INI)
Documents: PDF(137 KB) DOC(72 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Marian-Jean MARINESCU', 'mepid': 33982}]
OPINION on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning batteries and waste batteries, repealing Directive 2006/66/EC and amending Regulation (EU) No 2019/1020
Committee: TRAN
Dossiers: 2020/0353(COD)
Documents: PDF(311 KB) DOC(214 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Ismail ERTUG', 'mepid': 96842}]
OPINION on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing a Social Climate Fund
Committee: TRAN
Dossiers: 2021/0206(COD)
Documents: PDF(281 KB) DOC(207 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Leila CHAIBI', 'mepid': 197529}]

Institutional motions (2)

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on tourism and transport in 2020 and beyond
Dossiers: 2020/2649(RSP)
Documents: PDF(133 KB) DOC(44 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the need for an urgent EU action plan to ensure food security inside and outside the EU in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Dossiers: 2022/2593(RSP)
Documents: PDF(147 KB) DOC(51 KB)

Written explanations (89)

Numerical strength of interparliamentary delegations (B9-0005/2019)

Vote pour : décision technique sur le nombre de députés dans chaque délégation interparlementaire.
Situation in Venezuela (RC-B9-0006/2019, B9-0006/2019, B9-0007/2019, B9-0008/2019, B9-0009/2019, B9-0010/2019, B9-0011/2019)

Abstention : La résolution demande à la Commission de soutenir financièrement les pays voisins du Venezuela, réaffirme son soutien sans réserve à Juan Guaidó, demande au Conseil d’imposer des sanctions supplémentaires visant les autorités et la mise en place, avec le concours de la communauté internationale, d’un dispositif d’enquête sur l’usage généralisé de la violence. À notre avis, il s’agit d’une ingérence dans les affaires intérieures d’un État souverain.
Draft amending budget No 1/2019: surplus from 2018 (A9-0005/2019 - John Howarth)

Vote contre: j'estime que les sanctions financières sont illégitimes et je considère que chaque excédent budgétaire doit être reversé dans son intégralité aux États membres.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Romania, Italy and Austria (A9-0002/2019 - Siegfried Mureşan)

Vote pour: le Fonds de solidarité de l’Union européenne vise à soutenir financièrement les États membres touchés par des catastrophes naturelles.
Draft amending budget No 3/2019: proposal to mobilise the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Romania, Italy and Austria (A9-0006/2019 - John Howarth)

Vote pour: le Fonds de solidarité de l’Union européenne vise à soutenir financièrement les États membres touchés par des catastrophes naturelles.
The UK’s withdrawal from the EU (B9-0038/2019, B9-0039/2019)

J’ai voté contre la résolution commune et pour la résolution ID car je ne saurais m’associer à ce texte qui bafoue le vote démocratique du peuple britannique.
Importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe (RC-B9-0097/2019, B9-0097/2019, B9-0098/2019, B9-0099/2019, B9-0100/2019)

Vote pour: je suis contre toute forme de totalitarisme. Seul hic, la résolution commune fait peu de cas du rôle majeur de la Russie dans la victoire de la Seconde guerre mondiale.
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (2014-2020) (A9-0015/2019 - Vilija Blinkevičiūtė)

Vote pour: le fonds d’ajustement à la mondialisation permet d’indemniser les salariés ou certains indépendants de préjudices économiques attribuables à la mondialisation.
Fishing authorisations for Union fishing vessels in United Kingdom waters and fishing operations of United Kingdom fishing vessels in Union waters (A9-0014/2019 - Chris Davies)

Vote pour: les pêcheurs français s’inquiètent légitimement de l’accès aux eaux britanniques en cas de Brexit sans accord. Une disposition a donc été adoptée pour se prémunir contre cette éventualité.
Implementation and financing of the EU general budget in 2020 in relation to the UK's withdrawal from the EU (A9-0018/2019 - Johan Van Overtveldt)

Vote pour: il s’agit ici de se prémunir contre un Brexit sans accord, qui rendrait les engagements budgétaires déjà pris par le Royaume-Uni caducs.
Periods of application of Regulation (EU) 2019/501 and Regulation (EU) 2019/502 (Committee on Transport and Tourism)

Vote pour: il s’agit d’une prorogation de 7 mois de la période d’application des règlements (UE) 2019/501 et 2019/502 visant à garantir la connectivité des transports routiers et aériens entre l’Union européenne et le Royaume-Uni.
Draft general budget of the European Union for 2020 - all sections

Vote contre: on s’oppose fermement à certaines lignes budgétaires, notamment concernant l’accueil des migrants, l’aide à la Turquie, l’instrument de préadhésion, les salaires et les bénéfices excessifs des fonctionnaires, la défense européenne, etc.
General budget of the European Union for 2020 - all sections (A9-0017/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)

Vote contre: on s’oppose fermement à certaines lignes budgétaires, notamment concernant l’accueil des migrants, l’aide à la Turquie, l’instrument de la Pré-adhésion, les salaires et les bénéfices excessifs des fonctionnaires, la défense européenne, etc.
Discharge 2017: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) (A9-0011/2019 - Petri Sarvamaa)

Vote contre la décharge: la gestion de ce Bureau laisse fortement à désirer, la Cour européenne des comptes ayant relevé des cas importants et systématiques de non-respect des paiements, des manquements aux procédures de recrutement ou de passation des marchés publics.
Discharge 2017: EU general budget - European Council and Council (A9-0010/2019 - Isabel García Muñoz)

Vote contre la décharge: le Parlement européen a déjà refusé de donner décharge au Secrétaire général du Conseil pour les exercices 2009 à 2016 car le Conseil refuse de répondre aux questions du Parlement et de se soumettre à son contrôle.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Assessment of the impact of plant protection products on honeybees (B9-0149/2019)

Vote pour: la Commission doit prendre en compte les dernières connaissances scientifiques et techniques dans ses évaluations des risques relativement à l’autorisation de mise sur le marché de tel ou tel produit phytosanitaire et adopter une approche exhaustive sur la toxicité de ces produits sur les abeilles.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: partially granting an authorisation for a use of chromium trioxide (Cromomed S.A. and others) (B9-0151/2019)

Vote contre: il n’existe pas à l’heure actuelle de solution de remplacement pour ce produit, son interdiction porterait préjudice à nos entreprises sur le plan économique.
Effects of the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook Group (RC-B9-0118/2019, B9-0118/2019, B9-0119/2019, B9-0120/2019, B9-0121/2019, B9-0122/2019, B9-0124/2019)

Vote pour: cette résolution porte principalement sur la protection des travailleurs et des consommateurs dans les secteurs du tourisme et des transports en cas de faillite et d’insolvabilité.
State of play of the disclosure of income tax information by certain undertakings and branches - public country-by-country reporting (B9-0117/2019)

Vote en faveur d’un « reporting » pays par pays, en considérant le bilan coût-bénéfice pour les finances publiques françaises, partant du constat de l’inaction des administrations fiscales, de l’efficacité des lanceurs d’alerte pour déclencher de véritables enquêtes et redressements, et de la fragilité de la France face au dumping fiscal de certains de nos partenaires européens.
The Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences (RC-B9-0123/2019, B9-0123/2019, B9-0125/2019, B9-0126/2019, B9-0127/2019, B9-0128/2019, B9-0129/2019, B9-0133/2019)

Abstention: la résolution alternative, si elle condamne l’offensive de la Turquie en Syrie, ne va pas assez loin, se refuse à remettre en cause le processus d’adhésion, qui est aujourd’hui le seul signe marquant pouvant être envoyé à Erdogan.Pour la résolution ID: la résolution condamne fermement la Turquie, au-delà de la seule offensive dans le nord de la Syrie et met l'accent sur le chantage d'Erdogan sur les migrants.
Search and rescue in the Mediterranean (B9-0130/2019, B9-0131/2019, B9-0132/2019, B9-0154/2019)

Vote contre: ce texte fait la promotion des ONG contre les intérêts des États membres. Il promeut l’immigration massive, se fondant sur la logique habituelle : il faudrait renforcer les voies d’immigration légale afin de lutter contre l’immigration illégale.
Opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania (B9-0155/2019, RC-B9-0156/2019, B9-0156/2019, B9-0157/2019, B9-0158/2019, B9-0159/2019, B9-0160/2019, B9-0161/2019)

Vote contre: nous nous opposons à l’élargissement de l'Union européenne en général et à l'adhésion de l'Albanie et de la Macédoine du Nord en particulier.
Request for waiver of the immunity of José Manuel Fernandes (A9-0023/2019 - Ibán García Del Blanco)

Vote pour: la demande concerne un délit de marché public en tant que maire. Aucun rapport avec la fonction parlementaire.
Distance sales of goods and certain domestic supplies of goods (A9-0019/2019 - Ondřej Kovařík)

Abstention: les modifications souhaitent garantir l’application de toutes les dispositions de façon harmonisée par tous les États membres. L’adoption en procédure simplifiée de l’article 52 en ECON semble insuffisante, compte tenu de la technicité, et donc de l’évaluation de l’impact réel sur le sujet.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund - EGF/2019/001 BE/Carrefour - Belgium (A9-0021/2019 - José Manuel Fernandes)

Vote pour: le rapport demande de mobiliser le Fonds européen d’ajustement à la mondialisation en faveur des 751 travailleurs licenciés par Carrefour Belgique. Le FEM vise à faciliter la reconversion professionnelle des travailleurs licenciés par des entreprises dont l’activité est déstabilisée par la mondialisation ou par la persistance de la crise économique.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified cotton LLCotton25 (ACS-GHØØ1-3) (B9-0170/2019)

Vote pour: nous avons l’habitude de soutenir les objections formulées au titre du principe de précaution. Tant que nous n’avons pas la garantie de l’innocuité de telle substance, il est nécessaire de soutenir ces initiatives.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified soybean MON 89788 (MON-89788-1) (B9-0169/2019)

Vote pour: nous avons l’habitude de soutenir les objections formulées au titre du principe de précaution. Tant que nous n’avons pas la garantie de l’innocuité de telle substance, il est nécessaire de soutenir ces initiatives.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × NK603 × DAS-40278-9 and sub- combinations MON 89034 × NK603 × DAS-40278-9, 1507 × NK603 × DAS-40278-9 and NK603 × DAS-40278-9 (B9-0171/2019)

Vote pour: nous avons l’habitude de soutenir les objections formulées au titre du principe de précaution. Tant que nous n’avons pas la garantie de l’innocuité de telle substance, il est nécessaire de soutenir ces initiatives.
Objection pursuant to Rule 112: Genetically modified maize Bt11 × MIR162 × MIR604 × 1507 × 5307 × GA21 and genetically modified maize combining two, three, four or five of the single events Bt11, MIR162, MIR604, 1507, 5307 and GA21 (B9-0172/2019)

Vote pour: nous avons l’habitude de soutenir les objections formulées au titre du principe de précaution. Tant que nous n’avons pas la garantie de l’innocuité de telle substance, il est nécessaire de soutenir ces initiatives.
Criminalisation of sexual education in Poland (B9-0166/2019, B9-0167/2019, B9-0168/2019)

Vote contre: nous sommes opposés tant sur le fond (procès d’intention) que sur la forme (atteinte à la souveraineté de la Pologne) à cette résolution.
EU-Ukraine Agreement amending the trade preferences for poultry meat and poultry meat preparations provided for by the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (A9-0024/2019 - Enikő Győri)

Vote contre: la production de viande de volaille en Ukraine ne semble pas respecter les standards européens en termes d’hygiène et de bien-être animal.
Amending VAT and excise duty rules as regards defence effort within the Union framework (A9-0034/2019 - Paul Tang)

Abstention: le texte propose d’étendre aux prestations de services et ventes de biens aux forces armées agissant dans le cadre de l’Union l’exonération de TVA et de droits d’accise existant pour les opérations sous l’égide de l’OTAN. L’Europe de la défense n’est pas encore une réalité. L’impact de ce texte est aujourd’hui marginal.
Election of the Commission

Vote contre: composition partisane de cette équipe menée par Ursula von der Leyen, priorités politiques inadaptées et aveuglement idéologique.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Greece (A9-0040/2019 - Eva Kaili)

Vote pour: la mesure propose de mobiliser le Fonds de solidarité de l’Union européenne (FSUE) à hauteur de 4,6 millions d’euros en faveur de la Grèce, touchée par des inondations et des glissements de terrain en février 2019.
Mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to finance immediate budgetary measures to address the on-going challenges of migration, refugee inflows and security threats (A9-0039/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier)

Vote contre: la mesure propose de mobiliser l’instrument de flexibilité à hauteur de 778,1 millions d’euros en faveur de la rubrique 3) Sécurité & Citoyenneté pour financer la gestion de la crise des migrants.
Mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund to provide for the payment of advances in the general budget of the Union for 2020 (A9-0036/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier)

Vote pour: ce fonds, prévu uniquement pour prêter assistance après une catastrophe naturelle, représente une aide financière bienvenue pour les États membres pour entreprendre reconstructions et rénovations.
2020 budgetary procedure: joint text (A9-0035/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial)

Vote contre: on s’oppose fermement à certaines lignes budgétaires, notamment concernant l’accueil des migrants, l’aide à la Turquie, l’instrument de préadhésion, les rémunérations excessives des fonctionnaires, la défense européenne, etc.
Recent actions by the Russian Federation against Lithuanian judges, prosecutors and investigators involved in investigating the tragic events on 13 January 1991 in Vilnius (RC-B9-0182/2019, B9-0182/2019, B9-0183/2019, B9-0184/2019, B9-0185/2019, B9-0186/2019)

Vote contre: cette résolution entend maintenir un état d’hostilité à l’égard de la Russie, au-delà du cas évoqué, et en appelle de façon abusive à la clause d’assistance.
Macro-financial assistance to Jordan (A9-0045/2019 - Luisa Regimenti)

Vote pour: rapport relatif à une aide macrofinancière adaptée pour un pays contribuant aux tentatives de stabilisation de la région.
EU-Switzerland Agreement on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime (A9-0043/2019 - Roberta Metsola)

Vote pour: cet accord permettra une coopération transfrontalière plus efficace des services de police scientifique, ce qui est indispensable en matière de criminalité internationale et de terrorisme.
EU-Liechtenstein Agreement on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime (A9-0044/2019 - Roberta Metsola)

Vote pour: cet accord permettra une coopération transfrontalière plus efficace des services de police scientifique, ce qui est indispensable en matière de criminalité internationale et de terrorisme.
Protocol to EU-Switzerland Agreement concerning the criteria and mechanisms for establishing the State responsible for examining a request for asylum lodged in a Member State or in Switzerland regarding the access to Eurodac for law enforcement purposes (A9-0025/2019 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska)

Vote pour: l’extension à la Suisse de l’application des dispositions régissant l’accès à des fins répressives du règlement Eurodac lui permettra, ainsi qu’à tous les pays partie à ce règlement, de lutter plus efficacement contre la criminalité et le terrorisme.
Accession of Solomon Islands to the EU-Pacific States Interim Partnership Agreement (A9-0050/2019 - Bernd Lange)

Vote contre: accord de libre-échange avec un pays venant d’entrer dans le giron diplomatique et commercial de la Chine ; pouvant porter préjudice à nos territoires du Pacifique (Nouvelle-Calédonie Wallis-et-Futuna, Polynésie française)
Requirements for payment service providers (A9-0048/2019 - Lídia Pereira)

Abstention: le texte modifie les obligations de déclarations des prestataires de services de paiement au titre de la TVA afin de les rendre compatibles avec la création du fichier central (CESOP), objet du rapport jumeau voté à cette plénière. Notre vote suit celui du rapport principal.
Measures to strengthen administrative cooperation in order to combat VAT fraud (A9-0047/2019 - Lídia Pereira)

Abstention: tout en approuvant le but recherché de lutte contre la fraude, nous privilégions une coopération directe entre administrations des États.
Association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Union ('Overseas Association Decision') (A9-0033/2019 - Tomas Tobé)

Vote pour: texte technique, sur les relations commerciales entre les pays et territoires d’outre-mer (PTOM) et l’UE, et le régime favorisé qui leur est accordé.
Numerical strength of committees (B9-0039/2020)

Vote pour: Dispositions purement techniques pour la composition des commissions.
Protocol to the Agreement between the EU, Iceland and Norway concerning the criteria and mechanisms for establishing the State responsible for examining a request for asylum lodged in a Member State or in Iceland or Norway regarding the access to Eurodac for law enforcement purposes (A9-0053/2019 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska)

Vote pour: l’extension à l’Islande et la Norvège de l’application des dispositions régissant l’accès à des fins répressives du règlement Eurodac leur permettra, ainsi qu’à tous les pays participant à ce règlement, de lutter plus efficacement contre la criminalité et le terrorisme.
Common system of value added tax as regards the special scheme for small enterprises (A9-0055/2019 - Inese Vaidere)

Vote contre: le texte aboutit à priver les TPE/PME françaises d’un léger avantage comparatif vis-à-vis de leurs concurrentes européennes en matière d’exemption à la TVA, aussi nous réitérons notre vote négatif déjà émis sur ce sujet en 2018.
The European Green Deal (RC-B9-0040/2020, B9-0040/2020, B9-0041/2020, B9-0042/2020, B9-0043/2020, B9-0044/2020, B9-0045/2020, B9-0046/2020)

Abstention: nous avons une autre vision du pacte climat.
Annual report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy (A9-0054/2019 - David McAllister)

Vote contre: la résolution s’oriente délibérément vers le fédéralisme et un abandon des souverainetés nationales au profit de la souveraineté européenne.
Ongoing hearings under article 7(1) of the TEU regarding Poland and Hungary (B9-0032/2020)

Vote contre: sous couvert d’éléments juridiques, ces attaques infondées sont politiques et visent à saper la résistance de la Pologne et de la Hongrie aux diktats de la Commission européenne.
COP15 to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Kunming 2020) (B9-0035/2020)

Abstention: on ne peut que déplorer la dégradation des écosystèmes, des zones naturelles et des populations animales. Nous nous opposons aux solutions mondiales censées régler des problèmes locaux/nationaux et qui grignotent à dessein la souveraineté des États, pourtant les seuls à pouvoir agir efficacement.
Activities of the European Ombudsman in 2018 (A9-0032/2019 - Peter Jahr)

Abstention: le rapport contient des avancées en matière de transparence mais il comprend également des positionnements idéologiques contraires à la défense des identités et des souverainetés.
Institutions and bodies in the Economic and Monetary Union: Preventing post-public employment conflicts of interest (B9-0047/2020)

Vote pour: la résolution critique la nomination du directeur de l’Agence bancaire européenne à la tête d’un important lobby financier, sans période de transition. Elle formule des propositions pour durcir et moraliser, qui nous paraissent pleinement justifiées et nécessaires pour limiter des conflits d’intérêts aussi évidents.
Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community (A9-0004/2020 - Guy Verhofstadt)

Vote pour: attachée au droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes, la délégation RN ne peut que valider cet accord de retrait voté par les Britanniques pour quitter l’Union européenne.
Verification of credentials (A9-0015/2020 - Lucy Nethsingha)

Vote pour: ce rapport clarifie les obligations de transparence des États membres quant à leur procédure électorale nationale et à la transmission officielle des listes de candidats élus au Parlement européen.
Common charger for mobile radio equipment (RC-B9-0070/2020, B9-0070/2020, B9-0072/2020, B9-0074/2020, B9-0075/2020, B9-0076/2020, B9-0085/2020)

Vote pour: il est bien temps d’adopter un chargeur commun en Europe pour réduire les déchets électroniques et faciliter l’usage par les consommateurs.
Gender pay gap (B9-0069/2020, B9-0073/2020, B9-0083/2020, B9-0084/2020)

Vote contre: cette résolution contient des éléments idéologiques que l’on ne peut pas soutenir, ce qui a justifié le dépôt d’une résolution propre au groupe ID.
Conclusion of the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (A9-0003/2020 - Geert Bourgeois)

Contre l’accord de libre-échange avec le Viêt Nam qui creusera encore plus la balance commerciale fortement défavorable à l’UE.
Conclusion of the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (Resolution) (A9-0017/2020 - Geert Bourgeois)

Vote contre. La résolution présente, certes, certains points critiques, mais il faut souligner davantage la concurrence déloyale, les pratiques illégales, les conditions de production fortement divergentes, les manquements aux droits des travailleurs et les exigences en matière de protection de l’environnement qui ne sont visiblement pas égales.
EU-Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (A9-0002/2020 - Geert Bourgeois)

Vote CONTRE. L’accord de protection des investissements qui prévoit un système de règlement des différends à l’image de celui du CETA auquel nous sommes fortement opposés et qui prévoit la possibilité qu’une entreprise privée attaque en justice un État membre.
EU-Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (Resolution) (A9-0014/2020 - Geert Bourgeois)

Vote contre. La résolution sur l’accord de protection des investissements se félicite du système de règlement des différends auquel nous sommes fortement opposés et qui prévoit la possibilité pour une entreprise privée d’attaquer en justice un État membre.
The illegal trade in companion animals in the EU (B9-0088/2020)

Vote pour. Ce rapport pointe les problématiques posées par le trafic d’animaux de compagnie dans l’Union (maltraitance animale, propagation de maladies telles que la rage en raison de l’absence ou de l’inefficacité des vaccins, perte de revenus pour nos éleveurs et nos États).
2018 discharge: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (A9-0030/2020 - Joachim Stanisław Brudziński)

Vote pour: nous pouvons soutenir les objectifs de cette entreprise commune favorisant en Europe la R&D dans des énergies renouvelables. 150 sociétés européennes sont partenaires et 30% du budget bénéficie à des PME. Ces projets bénéficient à la France, qui est probablement un bénéficiaire net des activités de cette entreprise commune.
2018 discharge: Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (A9-0032/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko)

Vote pour: l’aviation est un secteur important en France, c’est pourquoi ce type de projets peut être soutenu par notre délégation.
2018 discharge: Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (A9-0034/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko)

Vote pour: dans le BBI Consortium, le financement des projets est très largement à l’initiative des industriels, l’UE n’est véritablement là que pour accompagner l’effort d’innovation. Il faut également rappeler que l’industrie des matériaux bio-sourcés représente un bassin d’emploi conséquent en France.
Discharge 2018: ECSEL Joint Undertaking (A9-0045/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko)

Vote pour: ces partenariats contribuent à réaliser des progrès technologiques en Europe et à rendre nos entreprises plus compétitives. Par ailleurs, cela permet des retombées d’emplois et de création de richesses dans les pays concernés.
Discharge 2018: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (A9-0046/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko)

Vote pour: IMI 2 permet d’apporter une valeur ajoutée à la R&D européenne en matière de médicaments, l’Union européenne ne finançant que 50 % de son budget.
Discharge 2018: European Environment Agency (A9-0064/2020 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

Vote contre: sur le sujet des postes sensibles, la Cour des comptes se déclare préoccupée, ce qui nous invite à refuser la décharge tant que cette question ne sera pas réglée.
Discharge 2018: European GNSS Agency (A9-0067/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko)

Vote pour: les projets Galileo et EGNOS sont importants pour la souveraineté des États membres dont tous les systèmes de localisation sont encore dépendants du GPS américain.
Discharge 2018: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (A9-0073/2020 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

Vote pour: agence qui recueille les informations relatives aux drogues et à la toxicomanie. Sa mission consiste à fournir des informations fiables et actualisées sur les drogues au monde politique, aux chercheurs.
Discharge 2018: European Asylum Support Office (A9-0077/2020 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

Vote contre: cette agence a pour seul but de favoriser l’immigration. Elle minimise la crise migratoire et demande une harmonisation dans l’examen des demandes d’asile déposées en Europe. Elle est aussi chargée des réinstallations, c’est-à-dire de l’installation dans un pays membre des demandeurs d’asile.
Discharge 2018: EU general budget - European Parliament (A9-0021/2020 - Maria Grapini)

Vote contre: on constate encore et toujours une augmentation du budget, une politique immobilière qui se fait souvent aux dépens du siège de Strasbourg, dont l’existence est contestée dans ce rapport, et une politique de communication qui s’apparente à de la propagande, notamment dans le cadre de la campagne électorale.
Discharge 2018: EU general budget - Court of Justice of the European Union (A9-0027/2020 - Tomáš Zdechovský)

Vote contre: la Cour n’affiche pas l’impartialité que l’on peut attendre d’une grande institution.
Discharge 2018: EU general budget - European Ombudsman (A9-0028/2020 - Tomáš Zdechovský)

Vote pour: le Médiateur européen pointe sans hésiter les cas de mauvaise gestion dans les institutions européennes.
Discharge 2018: EU general budget - European Data Protection Supervisor (A9-0029/2020 - Tomáš Zdechovský)

Vote pour: il faut mettre au crédit de cette agence la volonté de protéger les données personnelles des Européens.
Discharge 2018: EU general budget - Court of Auditors (A9-0031/2020 - Tomáš Zdechovský)

Vote pour: dans l’ensemble, la Cour des comptes produit un travail sérieux et fort utile sur les finances de l’Union.
Discharge 2018: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (A9-0035/2020 - Joachim Stanisław Brudziński)

Vote contre: au regard des réserves émises en matière de passation des marchés publiques, de conflits d’intérêts et d’indépendance financière, on ne saurait toutefois accorder décharge.
Discharge 2018: EU general budget - European Council and Council (A9-0038/2020 - Tomáš Zdechovský)

Vote contre: en ce qui nous concerne, nous sommes en faveur de la décharge du Conseil et du Conseil européen afin de défendre ces organes, qui rassemblent les États membres souverains, contre les ingérences du Parlement et des autres institutions.
Discharge 2018: European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) (A9-0039/2020 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

Vote pour: cette agence, qui permet la coopération des États membres pour relever les défis grandissant en matière de sécurité informatique. En 2019 par exemple, une campagne a eu lieu pour aider les utilisateurs à reconnaître les risques des nouvelles technologies. Elle vient récemment d’alerter sur les failles de sécurité de la 5G
Discharge 2018: European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (A9-0049/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko)

Vote pour: la maîtrise de la fusion nucléaire permettrait en effet d’obtenir une source d’énergie presque illimitée et peu polluante. De plus, ce projet profite aux entreprises françaises.
Discharge 2018: Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) (A9-0050/2020 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

Vote contre. Agence affectée par de multiples problèmes de gestion : forte rotation du personnel, problème de transparence, de marchés publics.
Discharge 2018: European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) (A9-0053/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko)

Vote contre: sur le plan budgétaire, la gestion de cette agence parait contestable.
Discharge 2018: Euratom Supply Agency (A9-0056/2020 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

Vote pour: Agence utile et dont le coût et la gestion n’appelle pas de remarques particulières.
Discharge 2018: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) (A9-0062/2020 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

Vote pour: les formations de cette agence sont reconnues par les participants qui étaient lors de la précédente décharge 93 % à se déclarer satisfaits. Ces formations s’orientent de plus en plus dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, point qui demeure le plus positif.
Discharge 2018: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (A9-0065/2020 - Joachim Stanisław Brudziński)

Vote contre: en raison notamment de la gestion de la crise du COVID-19 par cette agence.
Discharge 2018: European Food Safety Authority (A9-0068/2020 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

Vote contre: Lors de la précédente décharge, le problème principal était que des certains experts, ayant des intérêts financiers dans des entreprises dont les substances sont évaluées par l’Autorité, siégeaient dans les groupes scientifiques ou les groupes de travail de l’Autorité. La décharge 2018 n’évoque pas ce problème qui semble donc sous-estimé.
Discharge 2018: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) (A9-0075/2020 - Ryszard Czarnecki)

Vote pour: le rapport ne décèle pas de problèmes majeurs dans la gestion de cette agence. Cette Agence permet la coopération des États membres dans la lutte contre la criminalité de droit commun et le terrorisme.

Written questions (112)

New technologies and car insurance premiums
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(18 KB)
VP/HR - Shipping safety in the Strait of Hormuz
Documents: PDF(53 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue: unreliable Kosovan interlocutors
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(20 KB)
The British Clean Maritime Plan - a promising sustainable transition strategy for maritime transport
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Sustainable maritime transport: introduction of cold ironing
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Safety and security standards for autonomous vehicles
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(18 KB)
Respect for multilingualism in the European institutions
Documents: PDF(45 KB) DOC(10 KB)
The ethics of driverless cars
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Blasphemy laws
Documents: PDF(38 KB) DOC(9 KB)
EU trade preferences and the fight against terrorism
Documents: PDF(47 KB) DOC(11 KB)
Acquisition of stakes in European companies by a non-European economic entity
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Maritime freight: collateral damage of the coronavirus epidemic
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Mobility in rural areas
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Violence against women on the rise in Pakistan
Documents: PDF(49 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Model of economic deglobalisation
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Isolation measures to be put in place by the authorities to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Montenegro — Caught between hostility to Serbia and the accession process
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Support for the automotive industry
Documents: PDF(38 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Legal basis for geo-tracking and the sharing of personal data during the coronavirus outbreak
Documents: PDF(45 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Urgent support needed for the tourism sector as it faces the challenge of COVID-19
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Coronavirus — support measures for individual entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Elderly in nursing homes sitting ducks for coronavirus - We must protect them
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Kosovo — application of the pernicious principle of reciprocity against imports of Serbian products
Documents: PDF(43 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Coronavirus is revealing the failure of globalism and triggering the return of the strategist State – let’s support local production!
Documents: PDF(38 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Coronavirus makes a moratorium on residence permit and asylum applications essential
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
World Health Organization failures
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Giving priority to transports of live animals at borders – an ethical duty
Documents: PDF(44 KB) DOC(10 KB)
The need to regain food sovereignty in the light of the COVID-19 crisis
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Possible conflict of interest surrounding the appointment of Federica Mogherini to the College of Europe
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(9 KB)
European nations' medical sovereignty squandered
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Stopping the development of infrastructure prejudicial to biodiversity in the EU
Documents: PDF(43 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Coronavirus, lockdown, cars at a standstill: car insurance companies should lower their prices
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Turkish influence in the Balkans
Documents: PDF(43 KB) DOC(9 KB)
European Union – the inconceivable application of Kosovo
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Abuses in collection of users’ personal data for coronavirus tracing in France
Documents: PDF(47 KB) DOC(11 KB)
Respect for Member States’ tax sovereignty
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Statement by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, according to which Osama bin Laden is a ‘martyr’
Documents: PDF(47 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Irish Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe elected President of the Eurogroup
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Abuse suffered by road haulage personnel
Documents: PDF(37 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Recovery plan for Europe in breach of the Treaties
Documents: PDF(38 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Experts with a migrant background to work on immigration policy
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Statement of 18 March 2016 and the role third parties may have played in these negotiations between the EU and Turkey
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Kosovo and Serbia Economic Normalisation Agreement — US decisionism and EU accession process
Documents: PDF(43 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Violation of EU law on the posting of road transport workers
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Issuing of virginity certificates, a practice still authorised in the European Union
Documents: PDF(44 KB) DOC(10 KB)
The need to be absolutely firm on illegal immigration
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Return and readmission of migrants in third countries
Documents: PDF(51 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Failings of CETA and presence of hormone-treated meat on the European market
Documents: PDF(51 KB) DOC(11 KB)
Professional drivers’ concerns over delays in the Brexit negotiations
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Rail transport: putting the concepts of public service in the general interest and the interests of users at the centre of the Commission’s action
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Navalny case: additional sanctions against Russia
Documents: PDF(53 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Role of the state as key policy-maker and of public investment
Documents: PDF(49 KB) DOC(9 KB)
EU global human rights sanction regime
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Commission’s position on the restructuring of EDF
Documents: PDF(44 KB) DOC(10 KB)
EU support for Pakistan and terrorist financing
Documents: PDF(44 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Developing lithium recycling in Europe
Documents: PDF(47 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Combating terrorism by depriving Islamist associations supporting and propagating this political and religious ideology of EU funding
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
US presidential election
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Participation of Islamist organisations in research projects in the humanities and social sciences
Documents: PDF(47 KB) DOC(10 KB)
European Magnitsky Act
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Embargo on arms sales to Turkey
Documents: PDF(43 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Reducing micro-pollutants discharged into our watercourses
Documents: PDF(46 KB) DOC(10 KB)
The Commission's order for Remdesivir
Documents: PDF(43 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Stamping out new or resurgent paedophile content
Documents: PDF(47 KB) DOC(10 KB)
COVID vaccines
Documents: PDF(48 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Trade agreements with the UK: composition of the arbitration tribunal
Documents: PDF(43 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Solutions to the consequences of the ageing of the European population
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Time spent transporting animals by sea should no longer be considered a rest period
Documents: PDF(47 KB) DOC(10 KB)
The future EU animal welfare label must cover farming, transport and slaughter
Documents: PDF(45 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Combating international trafficking in wild meat
Documents: PDF(48 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Intensive farming of fur animals — a vector for COVID-19
Documents: PDF(46 KB) DOC(10 KB)
The dogma of free movement and health and safety
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(9 KB)
The fight against invasive species
Documents: PDF(46 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Council of Europe report on migrants and the right of countries to determine volumes of admission of third-country nationals to their territory
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Unaccompanied minors entering the European Union
Documents: PDF(45 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Global shortage of semi-conductors – Europe urgently needs to develop its own industry
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
NGOs accused of colluding with human traffickers in the Mediterranean
Documents: PDF(50 KB) DOC(11 KB)
Role of the Big Four in EU policymaking
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Electric cars and driverless cars — the personal data sharing and privacy issue
Documents: PDF(38 KB) DOC(9 KB)
New plant-breeding techniques
Documents: PDF(44 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Bringing organic farming back to local level
Documents: PDF(45 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Novavax vaccine negotiations and transparency
Documents: PDF(45 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles – shortfall in facilities and funding
Documents: PDF(38 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Grants awarded to advocacy groups
Documents: PDF(50 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Need to review Albania’s accession process
Documents: PDF(48 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Bringing strategic production back to Europe
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Commission funding for Islamist association
Documents: PDF(46 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Return of meat-and-bone meal 25 years after the mad cow disease crisis
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Developing and supporting the digital transformation of SMEs and SMIs in tourism
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Afghanistan: management of European funds after the Taliban takeover
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Developing a European sodium-ion battery industry
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Chemicals strategy for sustainability: taking account of the specific characteristics of natural products and lavender essential oils
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Breach of personal and medical data from COVID-19 tests
Documents: PDF(46 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Abuse of asylum application procedures by Moldovan, Georgian and Ukrainian nationals
Documents: PDF(44 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Breeding endangered endemic species and reintroducing them into their natural environment
Documents: PDF(45 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Council of Europe and COVID-19 vaccine
Documents: PDF(48 KB) DOC(11 KB)
EU-Qatar air transport agreement
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Islamism and the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating the European Parliament
Documents: PDF(51 KB) DOC(11 KB)
Pfizer CEO getting the Distinguished Business Leadership Award
Documents: PDF(45 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Bird flu and poultry confined indoors: farmers’ and consumers’ concerns
Documents: PDF(44 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Irregularities in the Pfizer clinical trials
Documents: PDF(55 KB) DOC(10 KB)
COVID-19: duration of vaccine effectiveness
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Banning the production and import of animal-fur products
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Commissioner Helena Dalli’s ‘guidelines for inclusive communication’
Documents: PDF(44 KB) DOC(10 KB)
EU support for the rule of law in the Western Balkans: no tangible results
Documents: PDF(38 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Tackling veterinarian shortages
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Transparency and ethics in the EU: text message exchange between Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
Documents: PDF(40 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Female genital mutilation: making the complete eradication of this barbaric practice a condition of development aid
Documents: PDF(39 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Removal of Albania and Turkey from list of Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA III) beneficiary countries for democratic backsliding
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Inaction of EU organisations amid allegations against the Court of Auditors
Documents: PDF(49 KB) DOC(9 KB)
Putting a stop to the keeping of wild animals in travelling circuses
Documents: PDF(42 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Kosovo: Democratic denial and violation of the Copenhagen criteria
Documents: PDF(41 KB) DOC(10 KB)

Individual motions (13)

Motion for a resolution on budgetary measures to be implemented to cushion the economic impact of the spread of COVID-19 on the public finances of the Member States
Documents: PDF(117 KB) DOC(41 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on putting a definitive end to the process of Turkey’s accession to the European Union
Documents: PDF(125 KB) DOC(41 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Russia’s participation in the G7 summit
Documents: PDF(124 KB) DOC(41 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the reform of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s constitutional court
Documents: PDF(125 KB) DOC(41 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Brexit: abandonment of infringement proceedings and continuation of negotiations with the United Kingdom
Documents: PDF(130 KB) DOC(42 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the EU’s global human rights sanctions regime
Documents: PDF(123 KB) DOC(42 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on better identifying and cracking down on child pornography
Documents: PDF(129 KB) DOC(41 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Big Tech and the principle of political neutrality
Documents: PDF(125 KB) DOC(42 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the confirmed murder of Khaled al-Asaad, an archaeologist at the site of Palmyra in Syria
Documents: PDF(129 KB) DOC(41 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the creation of a centralised system, for use by the Member States, containing the identity and biometric data of irregular unaccompanied minors, collected upon their arrival in the European Union
Documents: PDF(130 KB) DOC(44 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on protecting democracy against censorship
Documents: PDF(130 KB) DOC(42 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on creating a European compensation fund for victims of the COVID-19 vaccines: – Comirnaty (Pfizer, BioNTech) – Janssen COVID-19 vaccine – Spikevax (Moderna vaccine) – Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca vaccine)
Documents: PDF(137 KB) DOC(43 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the role of crew members in the procedure for reporting risks inherent in aviation safety
Documents: PDF(124 KB) DOC(43 KB)

Amendments (140)

Amendment 43 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Considers it regrettable that the EU multiannual financial framework and NextGenerationEU did not provide any specific funding for the tourism industry; calls, therefore, for part of the new Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IAP3), which has been allocated EUR 14.2 billion for the period covered by the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework, to be used for more pressing needs than enlargement, with a view to supporting the tourism sector and thus ensuring that the 2023 budget does not have to increase;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 70 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses that more investment in updating river and canal infrastructure (for example, locks, bridges and interoperable deployment of digital technologies across borders) is key, while respecting the applicable environmental law; highlights the need to improve the management and monitoring of major ongoing projects, some of which – such as the Seine-Nord Europe Canal – are so behind schedule that their viability and long-term competitiveness are at risk, which would benefit other means of transport, the main stakeholders in which are frequently foreign companies;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 87 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Notes that there is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution for tackling the problem of low water levels as a result of climate change; deplores, however, that the problems of the inland waterway sector, caused by the low water levels, have not been taken duly into account; also deplores the fact that the EU’s clean transport policy puts pressure on stakeholders and infrastructure to undertake a modal shift, which essentially satisfies only environmental objectives rather than the aim of safeguarding national markets and creating jobs in the inland navigation sector;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 160 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Stresses the role of inland ports as strategic, multimodal nodes in the logistics system; stresses, therefore, that inland ports as well as sea ports should have efficient connections with a focus on connecting to the TEN-T core and comprehensive corridors where possible; it is therefore important for connections to TEN-T corridors to be equipped with the means to distribute alternative fuels; if this is not done, technological inequalities linked to the energy transition in transport might give rise to unfair competition between inland waterway and maritime transport operators, who are the main economic actors using the corridors;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 208 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Stresses that the inland waterway sector consists mostly of SMEs, family businesses and smaller ports, which makes it difficult for them to make expensive investments in order to comply with the goals of the Green Deal; considers, therefore, that the administrative burden and cost for access to funding should be significantly reduced and that these small undertakings should be offered more attractive tax incentives in particular;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 168 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Stresses that poor enforcement of road traffic rules undermines efforts to achieve Vision Zero; encourages the Member States to set annual targets fortake a pedagogical and constructive approach with road infrastructure users with regard to enforcement and compliance in their road safety plans, and to ensure theirat those plans receive adequate funding; underlines that only well- explained and well-publicised consistent enforcement activities can have a long- lasting effect on driving behaviourthe EU's policy of taxing drivers has never helped to reduce road fatalities;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 181 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Points out that data will play a key role in improving road safety; recalls that in-vehicle data are extremely valuable for traffic management, roadworthiness tests and the investigation of crashes; calls on the Commission to set up a framework to access in-vehicle data beyond the repair market in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, solely for the purpose of accident research and roadworthiness tests; points out that in- vehicle data should be used only to improve driver and passenger safety and not to monitor or track people's movements, which could infringe on individual freedoms;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 238 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 24
(24) Price transparency isand stability are crucial to ensure seamless and easy recharging and refuelling. Users of alternative fuel vehicles should be able to rely on a price regulation mechanism for such alternative fuels which guarantees that they are permanently affordable, even in times of crisis, and also enables them to maintain mobility at the lowest cost. In addition, these users should be given accurate price information before the start of the recharging or refuelling service. The price should be communicated in a clearly structured manner to allow end users to identify the different cost components.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 304 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 33
(33) Container ships and passenger ships, being the ship categories which are producing the highest amount of emissions per ship at berth, should as a priority be provided with shore-side electricity supply. In order to take into account power demand characteristics while at berth of different passenger ships, as well as port operational characteristics, it is necessary to distinguish between the passenger ship requirements for ro-ro passenger ships and high speed passenger vessels, and those for other passenger ships. Therefore, permanent consultation should be organised with all relevant port actors and shipping companies in order to take into account the specific economic and organisational needs and limitations of each stakeholder.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 324 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 35
(35) A core network of refuelling points for LNG at maritime ports should be available by 2025. Refuelling points for LNG include LNG terminals, tanks, mobile containers, bunker vessels and barges. An energy refuelling infrastructure such as this is exposed to risks of leakage, explosion or fire, and is therefore also a target for malicious acts or terrorism; protocols and safety and response arrangements should therefore be laid down to ensure the safety of workers and residents around port areas in the event of an incident.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 378 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 48
(48) Maritime transport and inland navigation need new standards to facilitate and consolidate the entry into the market of alternative fuels, in relation to electricity supply and hydrogen, methanol and ammonia bunkering, but also standards for communication exchange between vessels and infrastructure. In order to ensure interoperability between all the infrastructure and vessels, whatever type of fuel they use, the relevant recommendations of the International Maritime Organisation should be taken into account.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 94 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 24
(24) To ensure that a greater role of district heating and cooling is accompanied by better information for consumers, it is appropriate to clarify and strengthen the disclosure of the renewables share and energy efficiency of these systems. Nevertheless, the renewables share in district heating and cooling, for heating and air conditioning, for example, must not be used as a pretext to justify an increase in energy costs that could affect households and businesses with the lowest income.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 103 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 30
(30) Electromobility will play an essential role in decarbonising the transport sector. To foster the further development of electromobility, Member States should establish a credit mechanism enabling operators of charging points accessible to the public to contribute, by supplying renewable electricity and hydrogen generated by electrolysis, towards the fulfilment of the obligation set up by Member States on fuel suppliers. While supporting electricity and ‘green’ hydrogen in transport through such a mechanism, it is important that Member States continue setting a high level of ambition for the decarbonisation of their liquid fuel mix in transport.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 118 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 33
(33) Direct electrification of end-use sectors, including the transport sector, contributes to the efficiency and facilitates the transition to an energy system based on renewable energy. It is therefore in itself an effective means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The creation of a framework on additionality applying specifically to renewable electricity and to ‘green’ hydrogen generated by electrolysis supplied to electric vehicles in the transport sector is therefore not required.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 133 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 40
(40) The scope of Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council17 should be amended in order to avoid a duplication of regulatory requirements with regard to transport fuel decarbonisation objectives and align with Directive (EU) 2018/2001. It is also important to encourage research and innovation in the field of clean energies, such as hydrogen, in order to meet the growing demand for alternative fuels and, above all, to make available on the market energy that is cheaper than fossil fuels like diesel, fuel oil and petrol, for which prices are now hitting record highs. __________________ 17 Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998 relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Council Directive 93/12/EEC (OJ L 350, 28.12.1998, p. 58).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 59 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 19
(19) The need to pursue the objectives of the Directive requires that no distinction iscosts associated with the vast amounts of energy required by some sectors, in transport and industry in particular, very often increase in response to geopolitical developments in the world or various periodic economic crises; the nature of these sectors means that professionals are not always able to add the additional energy costs to their clients' invoices; a distinction must therefore be made between commercial and non- commercial diesel as well as business and non-business use for heating fuels and electricity.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 60 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 20
(20) Energy products should essentially be subject to a Union framework when used as heating fuel or motor fuel. To that extent, it is in the nature and the logic of the tax system to exclude from the scope of the framework dual uses and non-fuel uses of energy products . Electricity used in similar ways should be treated his framework must provide for financial arrangements to keep energy prices stable, especially in the event of global crises linked to the pandemic or geopolitical developments likely to cause severe fluctuations an equal footingd price volatility in the energy market.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 86 #


(27) Targeted reductions in the tax level may provwill be necessary to incentivise the achievement ofensure access to affordable energy while incentivising environmental protection objectives and improvements in energy efficiency of the Union productive sector.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 87 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 28
(28) Targeted reductions in the tax level may provare necessary to tackle the social impact of energy taxes. AIn view of the record-high energy prices seen in the EU since the beginning of winter, an exemption from taxation mayis temporarily prove necessary to protect vulnerable households and SMEs in the industry, services and transport sectors, which have never been at greater risk of bankruptcy.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 48 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 8
(8) In order to achieve a reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions of at least 55 % by 2030 compared to 1990, it is necessary to strengthen the reduction requirements set out in Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council25 for both passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. A clear pathway also needs to be set for further reductions beyond 2030 to contribute to achieving the climate neutrality objective by 2050. Without ambitious action on greenhouse gas emission reductions in road transport, higher emission reductions wconsult manufacturers to assess technical developments and supply constraints, as well as the market barriers they may encounter as a result of fluctuations in the automotive market and the general economic conditions. Based on the feedback provided by the vehicle manufacturers, the same consultative approach should be needadopted in other sectors, including sectors where decarbonisation is more challenging. _________________ 25Regulation (EU) 2019/631 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 443/2009 and (EU) No 510/2011 (OJ L 111, 25.4.2019, p. 13).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 62 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 10
(10) Against that background, new strengthened CO2 emission reduction targets should be set for both new passenger cars and new light commercial vehicles for the period 2030 onwards. Those targets should be set at a level that willthe Commission should adapt its decarbonisation strategy for the transport sector to take account of the reality of the constraints encountered by manufacturers; this would deliver a strong signal to accelerate the uptake of zero- emission vehicles on the Union market and to stimulate innovation in zero-emission technologies in a cost- efficient way.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 108 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 19
(19) The values used for the calculation of the specific emission targets and the average specific emissions of a manufacturer are based on data recorded in the type approval documentation and in the certificates of conformity of the vehicles concerned. It is essential for ensuring the effectiveness of the CO2 emission standards that the data used for these purposes is correct. If nevertheless errors are identified in the data, it may not be possible, based on the type approval legislation to correct the type approval documentation or the certificates of conformity that have already been issued, where the data refers to type approvals that have ceased to be valid. In such situations, the Commission should have the power to request that the relevant type approval authorities, or where applicable, manufacturers, issue a statement of correction on the basis of which the values used for determining manufacturers’ performance in meeting their targets can be correctedHowever, manufacturers cannot be held liable in so far as the data recorded in the type approval documentation and certifications of conformity is derived from factory tests, i.e. was collected prior to the registration and entry into service of the vehicles concerned, and thus not under real conditions of use.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 112 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 21
(21) In view of the increased overall greenhouse gas emissions reduction objectives and to avoid potential market distorting effects, the reduction requirements for all manufacturers present in the Union market should be aligned, except for those responsible for less than 1 000 new vehicles registered in a calendar year. Consequently, the possibility for manufacturers responsible for between 1 000 and 10 000 passenger cars or between 1 000 and 22 000 light commercial vehicles newly registered in a calendar year to apply for a derogation from their specific emission targets should cease fromontinue after 2030 onwards.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 1 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 2
(2) Article 10(3), (4) and (5) of Directive (EU) 2017/2397 lay down the procedure and the conditions for the recognition of certificates, service record books or logbooks issued by the authorities of a third country.; therefore, the necessary arrangements should be put in place to verify compliance with the social and wage standards in force in the Member States, in order to avoid any risk of social fraud, posted worker fraud or fraud concerning the validity of certificates, and any other offence that could constitute a risk of unfair social competition that would be detrimental to companies and workers in the Member States;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 3 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 7
(7) Therefore, in order to provide inland waterway transport companies and workers with legal clarity and certainty, Directive (EU) 2017/2397 should be amended accordingly; the aim being to establish a regulatory framework for protecting companies and workers in the Member States from any risk of unfair competition from third-country companies hoping for commercial access to the European inland waterway market.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 216 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9 a (new)
9a. Acknowledges that neither the Regulation 1/2005 nor further actions taken so far solved the frequent and inacceptable problems and infringements to Regulation and in consequence the principle to transport live animals to be slaughtered has to be questioned; considers that the Enforcement of Regulation 1/2005 is the core of the problem and that it appears unsolvable to ensure animal welfare while maintaining long distance transport of live animals;
Committee: ANIT
Amendment 49 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Draws attention to the importance of data access in the platform economy; highlights the vital role data plays for local governments in enforcing and developing policies in the fields of Transport and Tourism; stresses the need for the authorities to have access to these data in order to transpose virtual ordering into the technical, economic and social reality of online services, with a view to protecting the consumer and combating social fraud and unfair competition in the transport and tourism sectors;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 30 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to participate in the international regulatory activities and discussions on autonomous vehicles, especially in the area of safety, while ensuring cooperation among regulators and vehicle manufacturers relevant to the deployment of automated vehicles in road traffic in the EU; calls for standardised geographic input data and stresses the need for accuracy of such data; calls on the Commission also to consult manufacturers of autonomous vehicles on a regular basis and to take into account the factors and legal aspects they consider to be limiting in the context of the deployment of automated vehicles on EU roads;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 97 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 50
(50) The manufacturer should provide sufficiently detailed information on the intended use of the battery so as to allow its correct and safe placing on the market, putting into service, use and end-of-life management, including possible repurposing. A list of chemical and harmful ingredients contained in batteries should be included in the detailed information provided by the manufacturer, together with the necessary user safety precautions and warning notices.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 98 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 56
(56) Distributors and importers, being close to the market place, should be involved in market surveillance tasks carried out by the national authorities, and should be prepared to participate actively throughout the battery life cycle up to recycling, providing those authorities with all necessary information relating to the battery concerned.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 119 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 83
(83) All automotive, industrial and electric vehicles batteries should be collected and for that purpose, in order to facilitate the recycling thereof as part of a comprehensive and sustainable life cycle management strategy, the producers of such batteries should be required to accept and take back free of charge, all waste automotive, industrial and electric vehicles batteries from end-users. This Regulation must therefore make very specific provision for the storage or warehousing of used batteries, given the level of risk from the chemicals contained therein. Detailed reporting obligations should be established for all actors involved in the collection of waste automotive, industrial and electric vehicles batteries.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 245 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 3
3. By September 2020, the Commission shall review the Union’s 2030 target for climate referred to in Article 2(11) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 in light of the climate-neutrality objective set out in Article 2(1), and explore options for a new 2030 target of 50 to 55% emission reductions compared to 1990. Where the CommissionIf the Member States considers that it is necessary to amend that target, it shall make proposalsthe initial objective is too restrictive, the Commission shall modify that specific objective and submit to the European Parliament and to the Council athe proposals it considers appropriate.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 259 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 4
4. By 30 June 2021, the Commission shall assess how the Union legislation implementing the Union’s 2030 target would need to be amended in order to enable the achievement of 50 to 55 % emission reductions compared to 1990 and to achieve the climate-neutrality- objective set out in Article 2(1), and consider taking the necessary measures, including the adoption of legislative proposals, in accordance with the Treaties.Deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 370 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 5 – paragraph 4
4. The Commission shall assess any draft measure or legislative proposal in light of the climate-neutrality objective set out in Article 2(1) as expressed by the trajectory referred to in Article 3(1) before adoption, and include this analysis in any impact assessment accompanying these measures or proposals, and make the result of that assessment public at the time of adoption. Any impact assessment or analysis, with a view to the adoption of new measures, shall take into account the level of technical feasibility linked to the development of infrastructure for recharging alternative fuels. In all cases, they shall take into account the gaps and delays in European policy in terms of equipping the TEN-T network with alternative energy distribution points, without prejudicing and sanctioning the Member States.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 384 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 2
2. Where the Commission finds, under due consideration of the collective progress assessed in accordance with Article 5(1), that a Member State’s measures are inconsistent with that objective as expressed by the trajectory referred to in Article 3(1) or inadequate to ensure progress on adaptation as referred to in Article 4, it may issue recommendations to that Member State. THowever, the Commission shall make such recommendations publicly available's recommendations shall be able to provide the necessary support to the Member State in order to readjust the objective so that it is more consistent with the technical reality specific to that Member State. The Commission shall make these recommendations public.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 403 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 1
The Commission shall engage with all parts of society to enable and empower them to take action towards a climate- neutral and climate-resilient society. The Commission shall facilitate an inclusive and accessible process at all levels, including at national, regional and local level and with social partners, citizens and civil society, for the exchange of best practice and to identify actions to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of this Regulation. In addition, the Commission may also draw on the multilevel climate and energy dialogues as set up by Member States in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1999. Car / truck, aeronautic, naval, rail, energy, transport and mobility stakeholders shall be included in the dialogue with the Commission.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 186 #


By 31 December 2022, the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the implementation, results and overall assessment of the initiatives provided for in this Decision; the overall assessment must also take into account the economic and safety consequences of opening up the rail services market to competition, the operating costs per kilometre, the increase in fares and the abandonment of secondary lines which, in some areas, forces users to use their cars.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 1 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Calls for an ambitious budget for the EU transport sector, which takes into account emerging challenges and the current political priorities in terms of EU transport policy; considers that this ambitious budget must also address the European tourism sector in line with its current and future needs in terms of infrastructure, security and energy transition, so as to make it sustainable;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 53 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Highlights the role of the ERTMS Coordinator in defining the lines and corridors to be equipped with the ERTMS as a matter of priority, and in ensuring its deployment in the most cost-efficient way in close cooperation with stakeholders; stresses that, when setting its priorities, the ERTMS coordinator must also take into account gaps in certain lines and corridors affecting cross-border links, such as the gap between Perpignan and Montpellier on the France-Spain rail axis, for example;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 78 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Believes that a ten-fold increase in the deployment pace of ERTMS is urgently needed to achieve the digital transition of the European railway system, and for the ERTMS to be rolled out on the core network by 2030 and on the comprehensive network by 2040; calls on the Commission, in this regard, to maintain and reinforce the binding nature of the targets in its revisions of the Trans- European Network Transport Programme (TEN-T) guidelines, the ERTMS European Deployment Plans (EDPs) and the CCS Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs);
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 96 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Calls on the Commission to come up with a gradual decommissioning strategy for Class B systems with regulatoryflexible deadlines to be set at EU levelin consultation with all stakeholders in the Member States; believes that the effectiveness of this strategy depends on the consent and the involvement of the actors concerned;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 101 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Calls on the Commission, moreover, to introduce a regulatory provision to ensure that the ERTMS NIPs are legally aligned with the binding ERTMS deployment targets set in EU legislation;deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 57 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses that the unfair competitive advantages of the platform economy over the traditional economy, based on social dumping and tax avoidance and evasion, are unacceptable; stresses, therefore, the necessity of putting an end to this as quickly as possible as these unfair competitive advantages seriously damage SMEs and jobs in certain Member States, including France;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 93 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Calls on the Commission to support Member States in finding policy solutions to determine the status of work for platform workers; remains sceptical of the addition of a third category and stresses the necessity of rethinking the rules on the responsibility of platforms that use both salaried employees and self- employed workers; considers that in these two scenarios, the platform, both as employer and as contractor, is obliged in all cases to comply with the social regulations in the country in which the services are provided;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 106 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Emphasises the need for transparency and non-discrimination in transport and tourism platforms, specifically regarding algorithms that affect service, allocation of tasks, pricing, and advertising; reiterates that on no account may these algorithms, whose main impact is on the commercial policy of service providers, be allowed to dictate the policy for recruitment of self- employed workers and platform employees, or result in a development strategy based on cost-cutting and social dumping;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 115 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Emphasises the importance to workers of portability of data between platforms; and between social security contributions bodies, thereby enabling workers to secure their social rights in their country of origin and, at the same time, enabling Member States to be more effective in combating social fraud linked to secondment;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 47 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 10
10. Considers a stronger articulation of urban transport financing with Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPS) to be essential to boost the urban mobility transformation, while fostering the creation and safeguarding of local jobs in the Member States in which these sustainable urban mobility plans will be implemented;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 10 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
(3) The type-approval requirements relating to emissions from motor vehicles have been gradually and significantly tightened through the introduction and subsequent revision of Euro standards. While vehicles in general have delivered substantial emission reductions across the range of regulated pollutants, this was not the case for NOx emissions from diesel engines or particles for gasoline direct injection engines, installed in particular in light-duty vehicles. Actions to correct this situation are therefore needed; however, taking into account the differences in NOx emission parameters relating to conditions of use, a distinction should be made between light commercial vehicles and passenger cars and measures should be taken in line with driving conditions and the use to which the vehicles are put.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 28 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 9
(9) In order to allow manufacturers to comply with the Euro 6 emission limits in the context of RDE test procedure, the compliance criteria for RDE should be introduced in two steps. During the first step, upon the request of the manufacturer, a temporary conformity factor should apply, while as a second step only the final conformity factor should be used. The Commission should keep under review the final conformity factors in light of technical progress, bearing in mind the actual conditions of vehicle use.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 13 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 4
(4) In its Conclusions of 24 October 2014, the European Council endorsed a binding Union target of an at least 40 % domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990;. this objective should include action to monitor the impact on maritime transport costs of the acquisition and operation of a new generation of less pollutant vessels and the possible implications of this for end consumers. The European Council also stated the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and risks related to fossil fuel dependency in the transport sector and invited the Commission to examine further instruments and measures for a comprehensive and technology- neutral approach, including for the promotion of emissions reduction, renewable energy sources, and energy efficiency in transport.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 121 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 2
2. The application of this Regulation shall be without prejudice to Member States' sovereignty over their airspace and to the requirements of the Member States relating to public order, public security and defence matters, as set out in Article 44. This Regulation does not cover military operations and training, whereas coordination with military authorities shall be ensured to identify and address potential impacts of the application of this regulation on those activities.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 166 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 3 – introductory part
3. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, the national supervisory authorities shall be legfunctionally distinct and independent from any other public or private entity in terms of their organisation, functioning, legal structure and decision- making.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 179 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 4
4. Member States may set up national supervisory authorities which are competent for several regulated sectors, if those integrated regulatory authorities fulfil the independence requirements set out in this Article. The national supervisory authority may also be joined in respect of its organisational structure with the national competent authority and national competition authority referred to in Article 11 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/200338 , if the joint body fulfils the independence requirements set out in this Article. __________________ 38Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty (OJ L 1, 4.1.2003, p. 1).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 194 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 6 – introductory part
6. In addition to the requirements set out in paragraph 5, persons in charge of strategic decisions shall be appointed by an entity of the Member State concerned which does not directly exert ownership rights over air navigation service providersthrough a clear and transparent procedure. Member States shall decide whether these persons are appointed for a fixed and renewable term, or on a permanent basis which only allows dismissal for reasons not related to their decision-making. Persons in charge of strategic decisions shall not seek or take instructions from any government or other public or private entity when carrying out their functions for the national supervisory authority and shall have full authority over the recruitment and management of its staff.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 198 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 6 – subparagraph 1
They shall refrain from any direct or indirect interest that may be considered prejudicial to their independence and which may influence the performance of their functions. To that effect, they shall make an annual declaration of commitment and declaration of interests indicating any direct or indirect interests.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 206 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 6 – subparagraph 2
Persons in charge of strategic decisions, audits or other functions directly linked to performance targets or oversight of air navigation service providers, shall not hold any professional position or responsibility with any air navigation service provider after their term in the national supervisory authority, for at least a period of two period to be defined by Member States of at least one years.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 215 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 10
10. The Commission shall establish detailed rules laying down the modalities of recruitment and selection procedures referred to in paragraph 5, points (a) and (b). Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37(3).deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 229 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 4 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1
It shall take all necessary enforcement measures which may, where appropriate, include the amendment, limitation, suspension or revocation of economic certificates issued by them in accordance with Article 6.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 279 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1
The economic certificate referred to in this paragraph may be limited, suspended or revoked when the holder no longer complies with the requirements for issuing and maintaining such certificate.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 284 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. In order to avoid unnecessary administrative burden for small organisations, certain air navigation service providers may be exempted from the requirement provided for by paragraph 1 of this Article. Detailed rules shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37 (3).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 285 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 3
3. The economic certificate referred to in paragraph 1 and the certificate referred to in Article 41 of Regulation (EU) No 2018/1139 may be subject to one or several conditions set out in Annex I. Such conditions shall be objectively justified, non-discriminatory, proportionate and transparent. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 36 in order to amend the list set out in Annex I for the purposes of providing for an economic level playing field and resilience of service provision.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 315 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1
Each decision to designate an air traffic service provider shall be valid for a maximum of ten years. Member States may decide to renew the designation of an air traffic service provider.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 319 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 2
2. The designation of the air traffic service providers shall not be subject to any condition requiring those providers to : (a) be owned directly or through a majority holding by the designating Member State or its nationals; (b) operation or registered office in the territory of the designating Member State; (c) use only facilities in the designating Member State.deleted have their principal place of
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 324 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 3
3. Member States shall have discretionary powers in choosing an air traffic provider and shall specify the rights and obligations to be met by the air traffic service providers , designated individually or jointly. The obligations shall include conditions for making available relevant data enabling all aircraft movements to be identified in the airspace under their responsibility.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 348 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1
Where this enables cost-efficiency gains to the benefit of airspace users, Member States shallmay allow airport operators tothe procurement of terminal air traffic services for aerodrome control and approach control under market conditions.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 353 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2
In addition, where this enables cost- efficiency gains to the benefit of airspace users, Member States may allow airport operators or the national supervisory authority concerned to procure terminal air traffic services for approach control under market conditions.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 372 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 3
3. Member States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the provision of en route air traffic services is separated in terms of organisationfunctionally separated from the provision of CNS, AIS, ADS, MET and terminal air traffic services and that the requirement concerning the separation of accounts referred to in Article 25(3) is respected.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 376 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point b
(b) its principal place of business is located in the territory of a Member State;deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 378 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 4 – point c
(c) Member States or nationals of Member States own more than 50% of the service provider and effectively control it, whether directly or indirectly through one or more intermediate undertakings, except as provided for in an agreement with a third country to which the Union is a party; andeleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 417 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1
The Commission may add additional key performance areas for performance target setting or monitoring purposes, where necessary to improve performance, in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37(3) and on the basis of an impact assessment.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 433 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 3 – point h
(h) balanced and symmetrical incentive schemes including for financial bonus and disincentives applicable whethere an air traffic service provider achieves a performance exceeding binding targets or whether it does not comply with the relevant binding performance targets during the reference period or where it has not implemented the relevant common projects referred to in Article 35. SuchThe financial disincentives shall in particular take account of the deterioration in the level of service quality provided by that provider, as a result of not complying with the performance targets or not implementing the common projects, and the impact thereof on the network;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 442 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 11 – paragraph 1
1. The Commission shall adopt the Union-wide performance targets for en route air navigation services and for terminal air navigation services in the key performance areas of environment, capacity and cost-efficiency for each reference period, in accordance with the advisoryexamination procedure referred to in Article 37(23) and with paragraphs 2 to 3 of this Article. In conjunction with the Union- wide performance targets, the Commission may define complementary baseline values, breakdown values or benchmark groups, for the purpose of enabling the assessment and approval of draft performance plans in accordance with the criteria referred to in Article 13(3). .
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 446 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 11 – paragraph 2 – point a
(a) they shall drive gradual, continuous improvementsevolution in respect of the operational and economic performance of air navigation services;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 450 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 11 – paragraph 3
3. For the purposes of preparing its decisions on Union-wide performance targets, the Commission shall collect any necessary input from stakeholders and from the relevant national regulators (national supervisory authorities and national competent authorities). Upon request of the Commission, the Agency acting as PRB shall provide assistance to the Commission for the analysis and preparation of those decisions, by way of an opinion.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 453 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 12 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. In case of justified circumstances occurred during the reference period, Member States may modify the notification referred to in paragraph 1.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 455 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 12 – paragraph 2
2. In due time before the start of the relevant reference period, the Commission, shall adopt implementing decisions addressed to each Member State as to whether the intended classification of the services concerned complies with the criteria set out in points (28) and (55) of Article 2. Upon request of the Commission, the Agency acting as PRB shall provide assistance to the Commission for the analysis and preparation of those decisions, by way of an opinion.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 458 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 12 – paragraph 3
3. Where a decision adopted under paragraph 2 finds that the intended classification does not comply with the criteria set out in points (28) and (55) of Article 2, the Member State concerned shall, having regard to that decision, submit a new notification whose terms comply with those criteria. The Commission shall take a decision on this notification in accordance with paragraph 2.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 460 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 12 – paragraph 4
4. The designated air traffic service providers concerned shall base their draft performance plans for en route and terminal air navigation services on the classifications the Commission has founreferred to be in compliance with the criteria set out in points (28) and (55) of Article 2paragraph 1. The Agency acting as PRB shall base itself on those same classifications when assessing the allocation of costs between en route and terminal air navigation services under Article 13(3).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 466 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
1. The designated air traffic service providers for en route air traffic servicesnational supervisory authority shall, for each reference period, adopt draftthe performance plans drafted by air traffic service providers in respect of all the en route air navigation services which they provide and, where applicable, procure from other providers.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 472 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1
The draft performance plans shall be adopted after the setting of Union-wide performance targets and before the start of the reference period concerned. They shall contain performance targets for en route air navigation services in the key performance areas of the environment, capacity and cost-efficiency, consistent with the Union- wide performance targets. Those draft performance plans shall take account of the European ATM Master Plan. The draft performance plans shall be made publicly available.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 474 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 2
2. The draft performance plans for en route air navigation services referred to in paragraph 1 shall include relevant information provided by the Network Manager. Before adopting those draft plans, designated air traffic service providernational supervisory authorities shall consult airspace users’ representatives and, where relevant, military authorities, airport operators and airport coordinators. The designated air traffic service providers shall also submit those plans to the national competent authority responsible for their certification, which shall verify the compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and the delegated and implementing acts adopted on the basis thereof.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 486 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 – introductory part
Consistency of performance targets for en route air navigation service with Union- wide performance targets shall be established according to at least one of the following criteria:
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 490 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 – point b
(b) evaluation of performance improvements over time, for the reference period covered by the performance plan, and additionallyor for the overall period comprising both the preceding reference period and the reference period covered by the performance plan;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 500 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 4
4. The allocation of costs between en route and terminal air navigation services shall be assessed by the Agency acting as PRB on the basis of the methodology referred to in Article 10(3)(k) and the classification of the different services as assessed by the Commission pursuant to Article 12.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 501 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 5
5. The draft performance plans for en route air navigation services referred to in paragraph 1, including where relevant the allocation of costs between en route and terminal air navigation services, shall be submitted to the Agency acting as PRB to assess the compliance with the Performance and Charging Schemes and the consistency with EU targets and to the national supervisory authority for assessment and approval.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 511 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 6 – subparagraph 2
Where the Agency acting as PRB finds that the allocation of costs complies with that methodology and with that classification, it shall take a decision to that effect, notifying the designated air traffic service provider and national supervisory authority concerned. The national supervisory authority shall be bound by the conclusions of that decision in respect of the allocation of costs for the purposes of the assessment of the draft performance plan for terminal air navigation services referred to in Article 14ensure the compliance to the conclusions of that decision.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 518 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 7 – introductory part
7. The Agency acting as PRB shall assess the performance targets for en route air navigation services and the performance plans according to the criteria and conditions set out in paragraph 3. Where paragraph 6 applies, this assessment shall take place after a decision on the allocation of costs has been taken in accordance with the fourth subparagraph of paragraph 6the Agency acting as PRB finds that the draft performance plan meets those criteria and conditions, it shall notify it to the national supervisory authority.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 525 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 7 – subparagraph 2
Where the Agency acting as PRB finds that one or several performance targets for en route air navigation services are not consistent with the Union-wide performance targets or the performance plan does not meet the additional conditions set out in paragraph 3, it shall dennotify the approvalnational supervisory authority.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 528 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 8
8. Where the Agency acting as PRB has denied approvalissued a negative assessment of a draft performance plan in accordance with paragraph 7, a revised draft performance plan shall be presented by the designated air traffic service provider concerned, including where necessary revised targets.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 534 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 9 – introductory part
9. The Agency acting as PRB shall assess the revised draft performance plan referred to in paragraph 8 in accordance with the criteria and conditions set out in paragraph 3. Where a revised draft performance plan meets those criteria and conditions, the Agency acting as PRB shall approve notify the national supervisory authority.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 537 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 9 – subparagraph 1
Where a revised draft performance plan does not meet those criteria and conditions, the Agency acting as PRB shall deny its approval and shall require the designated air traffic service provider to present a final draft performance plan.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 542 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 9 – subparagraph 2
Where the revised draft performance plan submitted in accordance with paragraph 8 is denied because it contains performance targets for en route air navigation services that are not consistent with the Union-wide performance targets, the Agency acting as PRB shall establish performance targets in consistency with the Union-wide performance targets for the designated air traffic service provider concerned, taking into account the findings made in the decision referred to in paragraph 7. The final draft performance plan to be presented by the designated air traffic service provider concerned shall include the performance targets thus established by the Agency acting as PRBnational supervisory authority, as well as the measures to achieve those targets.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 546 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 9 – subparagraph 3
Where approvalthe assessment of the revised draft performance plan submitted in accordance with paragraph 8 is deniednegative only because it does not comply with the conditions set out in the third subparagraph of paragraph 3, the final draft performance plan to be presented by the designated air traffic service provider concerned shall include the performance targets contained in the draft performance plan and found to be consistent with the Union-wide performance targets by the Agency acting as PRB, and shall contain the amendments necessary in view of the conditions the Agency acting as PRB has found not being met.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 550 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 9 – subparagraph 4
Where approvalthe assessment of the revised draft performance plan submitted in accordance with paragraph 8 is deniednegative because it contains performance targets for en route air navigation services that are not consistent with the Union-wide performance targets and because, in addition, it does not comply with the conditions set out in the third subparagraph of paragraph 3, the final draft performance plan to be presented by the designated air traffic service provider concerned shall include the performance targets established by the Agency acting as PRBnational supervisory authority in accordance with the third subparagraph and the measures to achieve those targets and shall contain the amendments necessary in view of the conditions the Agency acting as PRB has found not being met.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 552 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 10
10. Draft performance plans approved by the national supervisory authority and assessed by the Agency acting as PRB shall be adopted by the designated air traffic service providers concerned as definitive plans, and shall be made publicly available.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 569 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 13 – paragraph 11 – subparagraph 1
The designated air traffic service provider shall provide the information and data necessary for the monitoring of the performance of air navigation services. This shall include information and data related to actual costs and revenues. Where performance targets are not reached or the performance plan is not correctly implemented, the Agency acting as PRB shall issue decisions requiring corrective measures to be implemented by the air traffic service providers. These corrective measures may include, where objectively necessary, a requirement for an air traffic service provi, after consultation with the Network Manager, the Member States and the operational stakeholders to delegate the provision of the relevant services to another air traffic service providerhrough the Cooperative Decision Making (CDM) process. Where the performance targets continue to be missed, or where the performance plan continues to be incorrectly implemented or where corrective measures imposed are not or not properly applied, the Agency acting as PRB shall conduct an investigation and provide an opinion to the Commission in accordance with Article 24(2). The Commission may take action in accordance with Article 24(3).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 574 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – title
Performance plans and performance targets for terminal air navigation services of designated air traffic service providers
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 577 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1
The draft performance plans shall be adopted after the setting of Union-wide performance targets and before the start of the reference period concerned. They shall contain performance targets for terminal air navigation services in the key performance areas of environment, capacity and cost- efficiency, consistent with the Union-wide performance targets. Those draft performance plans shall take account of the European ATM Master Plan. The draft performance plans shall be made publicly available.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 581 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 2
2. The draft performance plans for terminal air navigation services referred to in paragraph 1 shall include relevant information provided by the Network Manager. Before adopting those draft plans, designated air traffic service providers shall consult airspace users’ representatives and, where relevant, military authorities, airport operators and airport coordinators. The designated air traffic service providers shall also submit those plans to the national competent authority responsible for their certification, which shall verify the compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and the delegated and implementing acts adopted on the basis thereofsupervisory authority.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 586 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 3 – introductory part
3. Draft performance plans for terminal air navigation services shall contain performance targets for terminal air navigation services that are consistent with the respective Union-wide performance targets in all key performance areas and fulfil the additional conditions laid down in the third subparagraph.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 592 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1 – introductory part
Consistency of performance targets for terminal air navigation service with Union- wide performance targets shall be established according to at least one of the following criteria:
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 612 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 6 – subparagraph 2
Where the national supervisory authority finds that one or several performance targets for terminal air navigation services are not consistent with the Union-wide performance targets or the performance plan does not meet the additional conditions set out in paragraph 3, it shall deny the approval.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 617 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 8 – subparagraph 2
Where the revised draft performance plan submitted in accordance with paragraph 7 is denied because it contains performance targets for terminal air navigation services that are not consistent with the Union-wide performance targetsconditions set out in paragraph 3, the national supervisory authority shall establish performance targets in consistency with the Union-wide performance targets for the designated air traffic service provider concerned, taking into account the findings made in the decision referred to in paragraph 6. The final draft performance plan to be presented by the designated air traffic service provider concerned shall include the performance targets thus established by the national supervisory authority as well as the measures to achieve those targets.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 622 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 8 – subparagraph 3
Where approval of the revised draft performance plan submitted in accordance with paragraph 7 is denied only because it does not comply with the conditions set out in the third subparagraph of paragraph 3, the final draft performance plan to be presented by the designated air traffic service provider concerned shall include the performance targets contained in the draft performance plan and found to be consistent with the Union-wide performance targets by the national supervisory authority, and shall contain the amendments necessary in view of the conditions the national supervisory authority has found not being met.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 627 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 8 – subparagraph 4
Where approval of the revised draft performance plan submitted in accordance with paragraph 7 is denied because it contains performance targets for terminal air navigation services that are not consistent with the Union-wide performance targets and because, in addition, it does not comply with the conditions set out in the third subparagraph of paragraph 3, the final draft performance plan to be presented by the designated air traffic service provider concerned shall include the performance targets established by the national supervisory authority in accordance with the third subparagraph and the measures to achieve those targets and shall contain the amendments necessary in view of the conditions the national supervisory authority has found not being met.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 637 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 10 – subparagraph 2
Where performance targets are not reached or the performance plan is not correctly implemented, the national supervisory authority shall issue decisions requiring corrective measures to be implemented by the air traffic service providers. These corrective measures may include, where objectively necessary, a requirement for an air traffic service provider to delegate the provision of the relevant services to another air traffic service provider. Where the performance targets continue to be missed, or where the performance plan continues to be incorrectly implemented, or where corrective measures imposed are not or not properly applied, the national supervisory authority shallmay request the Agency acting as PRB to conduct an investigation in accordance with Article 24(2), and the Commission may take action in accordance with Article 24(3).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 645 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 15
Role of the Agency acting as PRB as regards the monitoring of Union-wide performance targets for terminal air 1. on a regular basis establish a Union-wide overview of the performance of terminal air navigation services and of how it relates to Union-wide performance targets. 2. of the overview referred to in point 1, the national supervisory authorities shall notify their reports referred to in Article 14(10) to tArticle 15 deleted navigation services The Agency acting as PRB and shall provide any other information the Agency acting as PRB may request forFor the purpose of those purposes.reparation
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 655 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
1. The Network Manager shall, for each reference period, draw up a draft Network Performance Plan in respect of all the network functions which it deliversupports.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 666 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 17 – paragraph 4
4. The Agency acting as PRB as regards en route air navigation services, or the national supervisory authority concerned as regards terminal air navigation services, shall authorise the designated air traffic service provider concerned to proceed with the intended revision only if it is necessary and proportionate, and where the revised performance targets ensure that consistency with the Union-wide performance targets is maintained. Where the revision has been authorised, designated air traffic service providers shall adopt new draft performance plans, in accordance with the procedures set out in Articles 13 and 14.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 673 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 18 – paragraph 1
For the implementation of the performance scheme, the Commission shall adopt detailed requirements and procedures in respect of Articles 10(3), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 as well as 17, in particular as regards the development of draft performance plans, the setting of performance targets, the criteria and conditions for their assessment, the methodology for allocation of costs between en route and terminal air navigation services, the monitoring of performance and issuance of corrective measures, and the timetables for all procedures. Those requirements and procedures shall be set out in an implementing act adopted in accordance with the advisoryexamination procedure referred to in Article 37(23).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 674 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 19 – paragraph 1
1. Without prejudice to the possibility for Member States to finance the provision of air traffic services covered in this Article through public funds, charges for air navigation services shall be determined, imposed and enforced on airspace users. With respect to route charges, the charging scheme shall be consistent with the Eurocontrol Route Charges System.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 689 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 19 – paragraph 6
6. Financial data on determined costs, actual costs and revenues of designated air traffic service providers shall be reported to national supervisory authorities, Eurocontrol and the Agency acting as PRB and shall be made publicly available.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 691 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 20 – paragraph 3 – point a
(a) costs incurred by the air traffic service providers for fees and charges paid to the Agency acting as PRB;deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 699 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 20 – paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. other costs incurred by the Member States in relation to the provision of air navigation services such as the costs stemming from international agreements, if such costs are not covered by other financial resources.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 704 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 20 – paragraph 6
6. Designated air traffic service providers shall provide details of their cost base to the Agency acting as PRB, the national supervisory authorities, Eurocontrol and the Commission. To this end, costs shall be broken down in line with the separation of accounts referred to in Article 25(3), and by distinguishing staff costs, operating costs other than staff costs, depreciation costs, cost of capital, costs incurred for fees and charges paid to the Agency acting as PRB, and exceptional costs.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 709 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 21 – paragraph 2 – introductory part
2. Unit rates shall be set by the national supervisory authorities, after verification by the Agency acting as PRB that they comply with Article 19, Article 20 and with this Article. Where the Agency acting as PRB finds that a unit rate does not fulfill those requirements, the unit rate shall be reviewed accordingly by the national supervisory authority concerned. Where a unit rate continues to not fulfill those requirements, the Agency acting as PRB shall conduct an investigation and provide an opinion to the Commission in accordance with Article 24(2), and the Commission may take action in accordance with Article 24(3).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 717 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 21 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 1
For charging purposes, and when congestion causes significant network problems including deterioration of environmental performance, the Commission may define, by way of an Implementing Regulation adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37(3), a common unit rate for en route air navigation services across the Single European Sky airspace, and detailed rules and procedures for its application. The common unit rate referred to in the first subparagraph shall be calculated on the basis of a weighted average of the different unit rates of the air navigation service providers concerned. The proceeds of the common unit rate shall be reallocated so as to achieve revenue neutrality for those air traffic service providers concerned.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 719 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 – paragraph 1
1. Charges shallmay be levied on airspace users for the provision of air navigation services,; if levied, this shall be under non- discriminatory conditions, taking into account the relative productive capacities of the different aircraft types concerned. When imposing charges on different airspace users for the use of the same service, no distinction shall be made in relation to the nationality or category of the user.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 723 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 – paragraph 2
2. The charge for en route air navigation services for a given flight in a given en route charging zone shall be calculated on the basis of the unit rate established for that en route charging zone and the en route service units for that flight. The charge shall be made out of one or more variable components, each based on objective factors.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 728 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 – paragraph 3
3. The charge for terminal air navigation services for a given flight in a given terminal charging zone shall be calculated on the basis of the unit rate established for that terminal charging zone and the terminal service units for that flight. For the purpose of calculating the charge for terminal air navigation services, the approach and departure of a flight shall count as a single flight. The charge shall be made out of one or more variable components, each based on objective factors.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 739 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 – paragraph 5
5. Charges shallmay be modulated to encourage air navigation service providers, airports and airspace users to support improvements in environmental performance, or service quality such as increased use of sustainable alternative fuels, increased capacity, reduced delays and sustainable development, while maintaining an optimum safety level, in particular for implementing the European ATM Master Plan. The modulation shall consist of financial advantages or disadvantages and shall be revenue neutral for air traffic service providers.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 745 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 23 – paragraph 1
For the implementation of the charging scheme, the Commission shallmay adopt detailed requirements and procedures in respect of Articles 19, 20, 21 and 22 in particular regarding the cost bases and determined costs, the setting of unit rates, the incentives schemes and risk sharing mechanisms and the modulation of charges. Those requirements and procedures shall be set out in an implementing act adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 37(2).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 756 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 24 – paragraph 2
2. At the request of one or more Member States, of a national supervisory authority or of the Commission, the Agency acting as PRB shall carry out an investigation into any allegation of non- compliance as referred to in paragraph 1. Where it has indications of such non- compliance, the Agency acting as PRB may initiate an investigation on its own initiative. It shall conclude the investigation within four months of receipt of a request, after having heard the Member State, the national supervisory authority concerned and the designated air traffic service provider concerned. Without prejudice to Article 41(1), the Agency acting as PRB shall share the results of the investigation with the Member States concerned, the air traffic service providers concerned and the Commission. Results of the investigation may be subject to appeal.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 768 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 25 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 1
The determined costs, actual costs and revenues deriving from air navigation services shall be broken down into staff costs, operating costs other than staff costs, depreciation costs, cost of capital, costs incurred for fees and charges paid to Agency acting as PRB, and exceptional costs and they shall be made publicly available, subject to the protection of confidential information.deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 779 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 26 – paragraph 1
1. The air traffic management network functions shall aim at ensureing the sustainable and efficient use of the airspace and of scarce resources. They shall also ensure that airspace users can operate environmentally optimalised trajectories, while allowing maximum access to airspace and air navigation services and avoiding congestion. Those network functions , enumerated in paragraphs 2 and 3, shall support the achievement of the Union-wide performance targets and shall be based on operational requirements , respecting the separation of regulatory and operational tasks, without prejudice to Member States’ sovereignty over their airspace and to their responsibilities relating to public order, security and defence.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 788 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 26 – paragraph 2 – point a
(a) the facilitation of the development of the design and management of the European airspace structures ;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 795 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 26 – paragraph 3 – point a
(a) optimisation of airspace design for the network and facilitation of delegation of air traffic services provision, where decided by the Member States concerned, and support to the optimisation of airspace design for the network through co- operation with the air traffic service providers and Member State authorities;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 799 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 26 – paragraph 3 – point b
(b) managementfacilitation of the delivery of air traffic control capacity in the network as set out in the binding Network Operations Plan (NOP) adopted in accordance with the Article 27(7);
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 809 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 26 – paragraph 3 – point e
(e) the management ofsupport to the planning, monitoring and coordination of implementation activities of the deployment of infrastructure in the European ATM network, in accordance with the European ATM Master Plan, through a partnership with the operational stakeholders and taking into account military and operational needs and associated operational procedures;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 816 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 26 – paragraph 4
4. The functions listed in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not involve the adoption of binding measures of a general scope or the exercise of political discretion. They shall be performed in coordination with civil and military authorities in accordance with agreed procedures concerning the flexible use of airspace.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 824 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 27 – paragraph 1
1. In order to achieve the objectives referred to in Article 26, the Commission, supported by the Agency where relevantin accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, shall ensure that the Network Manager contributes to the execution of the network functions set out in Article 26, by carrying out the tasks referred to in paragraph 4 .
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 828 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 27 – paragraph 2
2. The Commission mayshall appoint an impartial and competent body to carry out the tasks of the Network Manager . To this end, the Commission shall adopt an implementing act in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37(3). This appointment Decision shall include the terms and conditions of the appointment, including the financing of the Network Manager.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 831 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 27 – paragraph 3
3. The tasks of the Network Manager shall be executed in an independent, impartial and cost efficient manner . They shall be subject to appropriate governance, which shall recognise separate accountabilities for service provision and regulation where the competent body designatany other activity performed asby the Network Manager also has regulatory functions. In the execution of its tasks, the Network Manager shall take into consideration the needs of the whole ATM network and shall fully involve the airspace users, air navigation service providers , aerodrome operators and the military.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 837 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 27 – paragraph 4
4. The Network Manager shall contribute to the execution of the network functions through support measures aimed at safe and efficient planning and operations of the network under normal and network crisis conditions and through measures aimed at the continuous improvement of network operations in the Single European Sky and the overall performance of the network, especially regarding the implementation of the performance scheme. The action taken by the Network Manager shall take account of the need to fully integrate the airports in the network.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 842 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 27 – paragraph 6 – introductory part
6. The Network Manager, in coordination with the operational stakeholders that contribute to the Network Operations Plan through the appropriate CDM, shall:
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 848 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 27 – paragraph 6 – point a
(a) decide on individuremedial measures to support the implementation of the network functions and to support the effective implementation of the binding Network Operations Plan and the achievement of the binding performance targetreakdown values;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 858 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 27 – paragraph 7
7. The Network Manager shall take decisions through a cooperative decision- making process. Parties to the cooperative decision-making process shall act to the maximum extent possible with a view to improving the functioning and performance of the network. The cooperative decision-making process shall promote the interest of the network, while seeking consensus of Member States.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 862 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 29 – paragraph 1
The air traffic service providers shall establish consultation mechanisms to consult the relevant airspace users and aerodrome operators on all major issues related to services provided, including relevant changes to airspace configurations, or strategic investments which have a relevant impact on air traffic management and air navigation service provision and/or charges. The airspace users shall also be involved in the process of approving strategic investment plans. The Commission shall adopt measures detailing the modalities of the consultation and of the involvement of airspace users in approving investment plans. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37 (3).
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 873 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 31 – paragraph 1
1. With regard to general air traffic, relevant operational data shall be made available in real-time, on a non- discriminatory basis and without prejudice to security or defence policy interests, by all air navigation service providers, airspace users, airports, and the Network Manager, including on cross-border basis and on a Union-wide basis. Such availability shall be to the benefit of certified or declared air navigation service providers, military air traffic service providers, entities having a proven interest in considering the provision of air navigation services, airspace users and airports as well as the Network Manager. The data shall be used only for operational purposes.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 908 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 38 – paragraph 1
1. Without prejudice to the obligation of Member States under International Agreements, Member States, national supervisory authorities, the Agency whether or not it is acting as PRB and the Network Manager shall establish consultation mechanisms for appropriate consultation of stakeholders for the exercise of their tasks in the implementation of this Regulation.
Committee: TRAN