51 Shadow opinions of Dominique MARTIN

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training for the financial year 2017
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2018/2178(DEC)
Documents: PDF(144 KB) DOC(61 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work for the financial year 2017
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2018/2183(DEC)
Documents: PDF(130 KB) DOC(66 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) for the financial year 2017
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2018/2179(DEC)
Documents: PDF(130 KB) DOC(67 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Training Foundation (ETF) for the financial year 2017
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2018/2187(DEC)
Documents: PDF(130 KB) DOC(66 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2017: performance, financial management and control
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2018/2210(DEC)
Documents: PDF(142 KB) DOC(61 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2017, Section III – Commission and executive agencies
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2018/2166(DEC)
Documents: PDF(132 KB) DOC(67 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Solidarity Corps programme and repealing [European Solidarity Corps Regulation] and Regulation (EU) No 375/2014
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2018/0230(COD)
Documents: PDF(270 KB) DOC(180 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2008/106/EC on the minimum level of training of seafarers and repealing Directive 2005/45/EC
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2018/0162(COD)
Documents: PDF(188 KB) DOC(158 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2017/825 to increase the financial envelope of the Structural Reform Support Programme and adapt its general objective
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2017/0334(COD)
Documents: PDF(483 KB) DOC(153 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2006/22/EC as regards enforcement requirements and laying down specific rules with respect to Directive 96/71/EC and Directive 2014/67/EU for posting drivers in the road transport sector
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2017/0121(COD)
Documents: PDF(248 KB) DOC(176 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 1072/2009 with a view to adapting them to developments in the sector
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2017/0123(COD)
Documents: PDF(282 KB) DOC(144 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 as regards on minimum requirements on maximum daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods and Regulation (EU) 165/2014 as regards positioning by means of tachographs
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2017/0122(COD)
Documents: PDF(236 KB) DOC(162 KB)
OPINION on modernisation of education in the European Union
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2017/2224(INI)
Documents: PDF(222 KB) DOC(81 KB)
OPINION on interpretation and implementation of the interinstitutional agreement on better law-making
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2018(INI)
Documents: PDF(191 KB) DOC(68 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council introducing a European services e-card and related administrative facilities
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/0403(COD)
Documents: PDF(261 KB) DOC(49 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on preventive restructuring frameworks, second chance and measures to increase the efficiency of restructuring, insolvency and discharge procedures and amending Directive 2012/30/EU
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/0359(COD)
Documents: PDF(276 KB) DOC(156 KB)
OPINION on the economic policies of the euro area
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2017/2114(INI)
Documents: PDF(215 KB) DOC(77 KB)
OPINION on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2018
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2017/2044(BUD)
Documents: PDF(191 KB) DOC(72 KB)
OPINION on control of spending and monitoring of EU Youth Guarantee schemes’ cost-effectiveness
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2242(INI)
Documents: PDF(201 KB) DOC(72 KB)
OPINION on Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Private and Public Sectors in the EU
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2017/2008(INI)
Documents: PDF(213 KB) DOC(76 KB)
OPINION on the mandate for the trilogue on the 2018 draft budget
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2017/2043(BUD)
Documents: PDF(193 KB) DOC(70 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and amending Regulation (EC) No 2012/2002, Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, EU No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1305/2013, (EU) No 1306/2013, (EU) No 1307/2013, (EU) No 1308/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014 and (EU) No 652/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Decision No 541/2014/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/0282(COD)
Documents: PDF(642 KB) DOC(110 KB)
OPINION on increasing engagement of partners and visibility in the performance of European Structural and Investment Funds
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2304(INI)
Documents: PDF(193 KB) DOC(70 KB)
OPINION on digitising European industry
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2271(INI)
Documents: PDF(196 KB) DOC(71 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 99/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European statistical programme 2013-17, by extending it to 2018-2020
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/0265(COD)
Documents: PDF(578 KB) DOC(113 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) No 1316/2013 and (EU) 2015/1017 as regards the extension of the duration of the European Fund for Strategic Investments as well as the introduction of technical enhancements for that Fund and the European Investment Advisory Hub
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/0276(COD)
Documents: PDF(541 KB) DOC(142 KB)
OPINION on the EU flagship initiative on the garment sector
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2140(INI)
Documents: PDF(190 KB) DOC(69 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2015: performance, financial management and control
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2206(DEC)
Documents: PDF(183 KB) DOC(67 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training for the financial year 2015
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2161(DEC)
Documents: PDF(182 KB) DOC(66 KB)
OPINION Implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2064(INI)
Documents: PDF(196 KB) DOC(70 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2015, Section III - Commission and executive agencies
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2151(DEC)
Documents: PDF(185 KB) DOC(67 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions for the financial year 2015
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2162(DEC)
Documents: PDF(180 KB) DOC(65 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work for the financial year 2015
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2167(DEC)
Documents: PDF(180 KB) DOC(67 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Training Foundation for the financial year 2015
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2171(DEC)
Documents: PDF(179 KB) DOC(66 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the Structural Reform Support Programme for the period 2017 to 2020 and amending Regulations (EU) No 1303/2013 and (EU) No 1305/2013
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/0263(COD)
Documents: PDF(251 KB) DOC(100 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and repealing Council Directive 96/50/EC and Council Directive 91/672/EEC
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/0050(COD)
Documents: PDF(218 KB) DOC(138 KB)
OPINION on new opportunities for small transport businesses, including collaborative business models
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2349(INI)
Documents: PDF(137 KB) DOC(69 KB)
OPINION on the European Semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2016 priorities
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2016/2101(INI)
Documents: PDF(151 KB) DOC(73 KB)
OPINION on How can the CAP improve job creation in rural areas?
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2226(INI)
Documents: PDF(143 KB) DOC(201 KB)
OPINION on the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2324(INI)
Documents: PDF(128 KB) DOC(192 KB)
OPINION on the Single Market Strategy
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2354(INI)
Documents: PDF(132 KB) DOC(199 KB)
OPINION on implementation of the 2010 recommendations of Parliament on social and environmental standards, human rights and corporate responsibility
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2038(INI)
Documents: PDF(128 KB) DOC(191 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2014, Section III – Commission and executive agencies
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2154(DEC)
Documents: PDF(130 KB) DOC(180 KB)
OPINION on gender equality and empowering women in the digital age
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2007(INI)
Documents: PDF(129 KB) DOC(195 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2014: performance, financial management and control
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2205(DEC)
Documents: PDF(119 KB) DOC(178 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work for the financial year 2014
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2169(DEC)
Documents: PDF(120 KB) DOC(177 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Training Foundation for the financial year 2014
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2173(DEC)
Documents: PDF(120 KB) DOC(177 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training for the financial year 2014
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2164(DEC)
Documents: PDF(120 KB) DOC(177 KB)
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions for the financial year 2014
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2165(DEC)
Documents: PDF(120 KB) DOC(178 KB)
OPINION on a Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/2147(INI)
Documents: PDF(145 KB) DOC(433 KB)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Common provisions on the European Funds as regards specific measures for Greece
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2015/1060(COD)
Documents: PDF(109 KB) DOC(63 KB)