Ciarán CUFFE

This is a historical view (2019/07/12)

Changes: 2024/07/14Constituencies.end, Committees.end, Groups.end, active, Delegations.end, 2024/02/02assistants.local, 2024/01/20Declaration_on_awareness_of_conflicts_of_interest, 2024/01/19assistants.local, 2024/01/02assistants.local, 2023/12/21Voluntary_confirmation_on_the_use_of_the_General_Expenditure_Allowance, 2023/12/19Declaration_of_private_interests, 2023/12/13assistants.local, 2023/10/25Declarations_of_Participation, Voluntary_confirmation_on_the_use_of_the_General_Expenditure_Allowance, Declaration_on_appropriate_behaviour, 2023/08/11Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, 2023/07/04Declarations_of_Participation, 2023/03/26Mail, 2023/01/18Financial_Declarations, 2023/01/13Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Voluntary_confirmation_on_the_use_of_the_General_Expenditure_Allowance, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Mail, 2022/10/28Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, 2022/09/16Declaration_on_appropriate_behaviour, 2022/06/13Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, 2022/04/08assistants.accredited, 2022/02/13Committees, Committees.end, 2021/10/21Delegations, 2021/10/08assistants.accredited, 2021/07/27Voluntary_confirmation_on_the_use_of_the_General_Expenditure_Allowance, 2021/06/25Financial_Declarations.url, 2021/06/05assistants.local, 2021/04/09assistants.local, 2021/02/11Name.sur, Name.full,, 2020/12/11Name.aliases, 2020/12/09Name.sur, Name.aliases, Name.full,, 2020/10/16assistants.accredited, 2020/10/06assistants.accredited, 2020/09/27CV, 2020/08/22assistants.local, 2020/04/22Addresses.Postal, Addresses.Postal_address, 2020/03/, 2020/03/, 2020/02/13Addresses.Postal, 2020/02/11Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, 2020/01/08Addresses.Postal, Addresses.Postal_address, Addresses.Postal_addresses, 2020/01/07Addresses.Postal, Addresses.Postal_address, Addresses.Postal_addresses, 2019/12/04Addresses.Brussels.Address.Building, Addresses.Strasbourg.Address.Building, Addresses.Brussels.Address.building_code, Addresses.Strasbourg.Address.building_code, 2019/10/31assistants.local, 2019/10/08Financial_Declarations, 2019/09/30assistants.accredited, 2019/09/11assistants.accredited, 2019/09/09assistants.accredited, 2019/08/31assistants, 2019/08/27Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, 2019/07/22Gender, 2019/07/18Delegations, 2019/07/12Addresses.Brussels.Address.Building, Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, Addresses.Brussels.Address.building_code

View current state | View Changes for this date

headshot of Ciarán CUFFE


  • Green Party icon: IE Ireland 2019/07/02 -


  • icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE Member Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2019/07/02 -


Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2019/07/02
Substitute of Committee on Regional Development 2019/07/02
Member of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2019/07/02



  • Email
    • [javascript protected email address]


    • Phone: 0032 2 28 45386
    • Fax: 0032 2 28 49386
    • Office: Bât. József Antall 03Q001
    • Full Address
      • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
      • Zip: B-1047
      • Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60


    • Phone: 0033 3 88 1 75386
    • Fax: 0033 3 88 1 79386
    • Office: Bât. Louise Weiss T03054
    • Full Address
      • City: Strasbourg
      • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
      • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


    • European Parliament
    • Office
    • 1047 Bruxelles


    Opinion Committee Shadow 2023/2181(DEC) ['TRAN'] 2022 discharge: Single European Sky ATM Research 3 Joint Undertaking (SESAR 3 JU)
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2023/2176(DEC) ['TRAN'] 2022 discharge: Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-RAIL JU)
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2023/2160(DEC) ['TRAN'] 2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Railways (ERA)
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2023/2158(DEC) ['TRAN'] 2022 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2023/2145(DEC) ['TRAN'] 2022 discharge: European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2023/2129(DEC) ['TRAN'] 2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - Commission
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2023/0376(COD) ['TRAN'] Amending ADR Directive and certain other consumer protection directives
    Former Committee Opinion 2023/0264(BUD) TRAN Transport and Tourism 2024 general budget: all sections
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/0155(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Minimum requirements on minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/0052(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2022/2194(INL) REGI Regional Development Amending the proposed mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context
    Committee Opinion 2022/2184(BUI) TRAN Transport and Tourism Guidelines for the 2024 Budget - Section III
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/2147(INI) ['TRAN'] Assessment of the new communication of the European Commission on Outermost Regions
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2022/2023(INI) TRAN Transport and Tourism The New EU Urban Mobility Framework
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/2008(INI) ['TRAN'] Implementation of the Updated New Industrial Strategy for Europe: aligning spending to policy
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2022/0419(NLE) TRAN Transport and Tourism EU/Japan Agreement: air services
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2021/2255(INI) ['REGI'] The New European Bauhaus
    Joint Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2255(INI) ['ITRE', 'CULT'] The New European Bauhaus
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2021/2077(INI) ['TRAN'] Implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2046(INI) TRAN Transport and Tourism Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
    Responsible Committee 2021/0426(COD) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Energy performance of buildings
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2021/0218(COD) ['TRAN'] Renewable Energy Directive
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/0205(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Sustainable aviation fuels (ReFuelEU Aviation Initiative)
    Responsible Committee 2020/2070(INI) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Maximising the energy efficiency potential of the EU building stock
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/2058(INI) ['TRAN'] Sustainable Europe Investment Plan - How to finance the Green Deal
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/0374(COD) ['TRAN'] Digital Markets Act
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/0360(COD) ['REGI'] Trans-European energy infrastructure
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/0104(COD) ['TRAN'] Recovery and Resilience Facility
    Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/0006(COD) ['TRAN'] Just Transition Fund
    Joint Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/0228(COD) ['ITRE', 'TRAN'] Connecting Europe facility 2021–2027
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/0198(COD) REGI Regional Development Mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/0155(NLE) TRAN Transport and Tourism EU/China Agreement: civil aviation safety
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/0288(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Access to the international market by coach and bus services: further opening of national markets
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/0122(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Minimum requirements on maximum daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods; positioning by means of tachographs
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/0113(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Use of vehicles hired without drivers for the carriage of goods by road
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2011/0391(COD) TRAN Transport and Tourism Allocation of slots at EU airports
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2010/0186(NLE) TRAN Transport and Tourism EU/Georgia Agreement: common aviation area
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2010/0180(NLE) TRAN Transport and Tourism EU/Jordan agreement: Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement
    Responsible Committee Shadow 2007/0181(NLE) TRAN Transport and Tourism EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreement, protocol following the accession of Bulgaria and Romania



    Amendment Co-authors
    Name Group Country Ams
    Diana RIBA I GINER icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Spain Spain 65
    Karima DELLI icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: France France 51
    Tilly METZ icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 38
    Niklas NIENASS icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 23
    Jakop G. DALUNDE icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Sweden Sweden 14
    Anna DEPARNAY-GRUNENBERG icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 12
    Ignazio CORRAO icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Italy Italy 10
    Jutta PAULUS icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 10
    Leila CHAIBI icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: France France 10
    Anne-Sophie PELLETIER icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: France France 10
    Kim VAN SPARRENTAK icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 3
    Pär HOLMGREN icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Sweden Sweden 2

    By types

    Amendments (1153)
    Institutional motions (8)
    Opinions (2)
    Oral questions (4)
    Plenary speeches (80)
    Reports (2)
    Shadow opinions (18)
    Shadow reports (15)
    Written explanations (178)
    Written questions (80)

    By dossiers

    CountDossier ReferenceTitle
    1452021/0218(COD)Renewable Energy Directive
    1422021/2046(INI)Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
    1092021/0205(COD)Sustainable aviation fuels (ReFuelEU Aviation Initiative)
    1072021/0426(COD)Energy performance of buildings
    1072023/0265(COD)Road vehicles: maximum weights and dimensions
    842022/2023(INI)The New EU Urban Mobility Framework
    792023/0052(COD)Cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences
    742021/2255(INI)The New European Bauhaus
    542020/2070(INI)Maximising the energy efficiency potential of the EU building stock
    502020/0360(COD)Trans-European energy infrastructure
    422022/2194(INL)Amending the proposed mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context
    292020/0006(COD)Just Transition Fund
    232021/2075(INI)Challenges for urban areas in the post-COVID-19 era
    212023/0155(COD)Minimum requirements on minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector
    172022/2008(INI)Implementation of the Updated New Industrial Strategy for Europe: aligning spending to policy
    162020/0374(COD)Digital Markets Act
    112021/2014(INI)EU Road Safety Policy Framework 2021-2030 – Recommendations on next steps towards "Vision Zero"
    112021/2077(INI)Implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
    112022/0212(BUD)2023 general budget: all sections
    112023/0376(COD)Amending ADR Directive and certain other consumer protection directives
    102017/0237(COD)Rail passengers’ rights and obligations. Recast
    102022/2147(INI)Assessment of the new communication of the European Commission on Outermost Regions
    92020/2058(INI)Sustainable Europe Investment Plan - How to finance the Green Deal
    42019/2187(INI)Access to decent and affordable housing for all
    22021/0420(COD)Trans-European transport network
    22020/0104(COD)Recovery and Resilience Facility
    22021/0197(COD)CO2 emission standards for cars and vans
    22023/0264(BUD)2024 general budget: all sections
    12019/2817(RSP)Resolution on the state of play of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union
    12020/2549(RSP)Resolution on the revision of the guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure
    12020/2077(INI)New Circular Economy Action Plan
    12020/0382(NLE)EU/Euratom/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and EU/UK Agreement concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information
    12020/2027(INI)Liability of companies for environmental damage
    12020/0289(COD)Environment: access to information and justice, public participation, application of the Arhus Convention
    12021/2568(RSP)Resolution on the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade
    12020/0036(COD)European Climate Law
    12020/0380(COD)Brexit Adjustment Reserve
    12021/2886(RSP)Lack of Council's will to move forward the Cross-Border Cooperation Mechanism
    12021/2667(RSP)Resolution on the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, UK (COP26)
    12021/2012(INI)A European strategy for offshore renewable energy
    12020/0353(COD)Batteries and waste batteries
    12022/2643(RSP)Resolution on the impact of the Russian illegal war of aggression against Ukraine on the EU transport and tourism sectors
    12021/2244(INI)Report on the 2021 Commission Report on Albania
    12022/2726(RSP)Developing an EU Cycling Strategy
    12022/0160(COD)Renewable Energy, Energy Performance of Buildings and Energy Efficiency Directives: amendments (REPowerEU)
    12022/2021(INI)Large transport infrastructure projects in the EU
    12022/0347(COD)Ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe. Recast
    12023/0042(COD)Strengthening the CO2 emission performance targets for new heavy-duty vehicles
    12023/2115(INI)Gender aspects of the rising cost of living and the impact of the energy crisis
    12022/0358(COD)Data collection and sharing relating to short-term accommodation rental services
    12007/0181(NLE)EC/Morocco Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreement, protocol following the accession of Bulgaria and Romania
    12010/0186(NLE)EU/Georgia Agreement: common aviation area
    12018/0155(NLE)EU/China Agreement: civil aviation safety
    12010/0180(NLE)EU/Jordan agreement: Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement
    12017/0122(COD)Minimum requirements on maximum daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods; positioning by means of tachographs
    12018/0228(COD)Connecting Europe facility 2021–2027
    12017/0113(COD)Use of vehicles hired without drivers for the carriage of goods by road
    12022/0419(NLE)EU/Japan Agreement: air services
    12023/2129(DEC)2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - Commission
    12023/2145(DEC)2022 discharge: European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
    12023/2158(DEC)2022 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
    12023/2176(DEC)2022 discharge: Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-RAIL JU)
    12023/2181(DEC)2022 discharge: Single European Sky ATM Research 3 Joint Undertaking (SESAR 3 JU)
    12023/2160(DEC)2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Railways (ERA)
    12019/2881(RSP)Resolution on the proposed new criminal code of Indonesia
    12019/2880(RSP)Resolution on Egypt
    12019/2879(RSP)Resolution on the situation of LGBTI people in Uganda
    12019/2886(RSP)Resolution on the Turkish military operation in northeast Syria and its consequences
    12019/2883(RSP)Resolution on opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania
    12019/2870(RSP)Resolution on the gender pay gap
    12021/2741(RSP)Resolution on the systematic repression in Belarus and its consequences for European security following the abductions from an EU civilian plane intercepted by Belarusian authorities
    12022/3012(RSP)Resolution on suspicions of corruption from Qatar and the broader need for transparency and accountability in the European institutions

    See historical changes of the Bio


    1963/04/03 - Dublin


    (these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

    Bât. József Antall
    Bât. Altiero Spinelli
    0032 2 28 45386
    0032 2 28 49386
    0033 3 88 1 79
    0033 3 88 1 79386
    0033 3 88 1 7
    0033 3 88 1 75386
    • role: Member Organization: Committee on Industry, Research and Energy start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: ITRE
    • role: Substitute Organization: Committee on Regional Development start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: REGI
    • role: Member Organization: Committee on Transport and Tourism start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: TRAN
    Postal address
    • party: Green Party country: Ireland start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9
    Declaration of good conduct
    • title: Declaration of good conduct (PDF - 87 KB) url:
    Financial Declarations
    • mep_id: 197654 url: date: 25/06/2019 occupation: University Lecturer - Technical University of Dublin 4 Dublin City Council 3 Hugh Lane Gallery Trust 0 The Arts Specialist Support Agency Limited 0 Ringsend Toll Bridge DAC 0 mandate: activity: Dublin City Council 3 membership: occasional: holding: Exergyn - Irish renewable energy companyX -1 Gaelectric (via BCP) - Irish renewable energy companyX -1 support: 1. financial: (*) granted by 2. in terms of staff: (*) granted by 3. in terms of material: (*) granted by (*) Identity of the third party or parties concerned. other: Financial interest: 1. Green Effects Fund and BVP 9th Ell fund - shareholding in Investment Funds 2. Loan to Lilliput Stores Limited - Irish greengrocers, deli and coffee shop 4/6 EN 3. additional:
    • role: Member Organization: Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance groupid: Verts/ALE start: 2019-07-02T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00
    Ciarán CUFFE