This is a historical view (2020/03/16)

Changes: 2024/07/14Constituencies.end, Committees.end, Groups.end, active, Delegations.end, 2024/07/01assistants.service_providers, assistants.paying_agents, 2024/04/21assistants.accredited, 2024/04/02assistants.trainees, 2024/03/30Financial_Declarations, 2024/03/30Financial_Declarations, 2024/03/14Declaration_on_awareness_of_conflicts_of_interest, 2024/02/03Declaration_of_private_interests, 2024/01/24Declaration_on_awareness_of_conflicts_of_interest, 2023/12/13assistants.trainees, assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2023/11/15assistants.service_providers, 2023/10/25Voluntary_confirmation_on_the_use_of_the_General_Expenditure_Allowance, Declaration_on_appropriate_behaviour, 2023/08/29assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2023/08/11Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, 2023/07/01Voluntary_confirmation_on_the_use_of_the_General_Expenditure_Allowance, assistants.local, 2023/03/26Mail, 2023/01/18Committees, 2023/01/13Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Homepage, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Mail, 2022/11/09assistants.local, assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2022/10/28Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, 2022/10/02Gender, 2022/10/01Constituencies.end, active, 2022/09/28Constituencies.end, active, 2022/09/18assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2022/09/16assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), Declaration_on_appropriate_behaviour, 2022/06/13Addresses.Strasbourg.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Fax, Addresses.Brussels.Phone, Addresses.Strasbourg.Phone, 2022/05/30CV.updated, CV.Other_activities, CV.Professional_career, CV.Education_(qualifications_and_diplomas), CV.Political_career, 2022/05/16CV, 2022/04/27assistants.local, 2022/03/01assistants.accredited, 2022/01/25assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2022/01/22Committees, 2022/01/21Committees, Committees.end, 2021/12/22Addresses.Brussels.Address.Office, 2021/12/17assistants.accredited, 2021/11/17assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2021/11/02assistants.service_providers, 2021/10/21assistants.service_providers, 2021/10/20Financial_Declarations, 2021/09/05Financial_Declarations, 2021/07/15assistants.local, 2021/06/30assistants.local, 2021/06/25Financial_Declarations.url, 2021/06/02assistants.local, 2021/05/21assistants.local, 2021/03/16assistants.accredited, 2021/02/11Name.sur, Name.full,, 2021/02/11assistants.local, assistants.accredited, assistants.paying_agents, 2020/12/09Name.aliases, 2020/12/09Name.sur, Name.aliases, Name.full,, 2020/08/31assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/07/15assistants.accredited, 2020/05/01assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/04/23Delegations, assistants.accredited_assistants_(grouping), 2020/04/22Addresses.Postal, Addresses.Postal_address, 2020/03/28assistants.accredited, 2020/03/16assistants.accredited

View current state | View Changes for this date

headshot of Ilana CICUREL


  • Liste Renaissance icon: FR France 2020/02/01 -


  • icon: RE RE Member Renew Europe Group 2020/02/01 -


Member of Committee on Culture and Education 2020/02/10
Substitute of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2020/02/10


Member of Delegation for relations with Israel 2020/02/12
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union, including the EU-Morocco, EU-Tunisia and EU-Algeria Joint Parliamentary Committees 2020/02/12


  • [javascript protected email address]


  • Phone: 0032 2 28 45147
  • Fax: 0032 2 28 49147
  • Office: Bât. WILLY BRANDT 02M107
  • Full Address
    • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
    • Zip: B-1047
    • Street: 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60


  • Phone: 0033 3 88 1 75147
  • Fax: 0033 3 88 1 79147
  • Office: Bât. WINSTON CHURCHILL M02062
  • Full Address
    • City: Strasbourg
    • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
    • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


  • European Parliament
  • Rue Wiertz
  • Willy Brandt 02M107
  • 1047 Bruxelles


Responsible Committee 2023/2200(IMM) JURI Legal Affairs Request for the waiver of the immunity of Paulo Rangel
Responsible Committee 2023/2199(IMM) JURI Legal Affairs Request for the waiver of the immunity of José Manuel Fernandes
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2167(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2022 discharge: European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound)
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2158(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2022 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2152(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2022 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2150(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2022 discharge : European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2143(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2022 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2142(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2022 discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT)
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2137(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Ombudsman
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2122(INI) CONT Budgetary Control Transparency and accountability of non-governmental organisations funded from the EU budget
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2112(INI) CULT Culture and Education European historical consciousness
Responsible Committee 2023/2089(IMM) JURI Legal Affairs Request for the defence of the immunity of Eva Kaili
Responsible Committee 2023/2009(IMM) JURI Legal Affairs Request for the waiver of the immunity of Maria Spyraki
Responsible Committee 2023/2007(IMM) JURI Legal Affairs Request for the waiver of the immunity of Eva Kaili
Responsible Committee Shadow 2023/2004(INI) CULT Culture and Education Implementation of the current CERV Programme 2021-2027 – Citizens’ engagement and participation
Responsible Committee 2023/0028(COD) JURI Legal Affairs Authorisation addressed to France to negotiate a bilateral agreement with Algeria on matters related to judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters
Responsible Committee 2023/0027(CNS) JURI Legal Affairs Authorisation addressed to France to negotiate a bilateral agreement with Algeria on matters related to judicial cooperation concerning family law matters
Responsible Committee Shadow 2022/2207(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Fostering and adapting vocational training as a tool for employees' success and a building block for the EU economy in the new industry 4.0
Responsible Committee 2022/2149(INI) CULT Culture and Education The System of European Schools: State of play, Challenges and Perspectives
Responsible Committee 2022/2111(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2021 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
Responsible Committee 2022/2103(DEC) CONT Budgetary Control 2021 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
Responsible Committee 2022/2056(IMM) JURI Legal Affairs Request for the waiver of the immunity of Nicolaus Fest
Responsible Committee 2022/0906(COD) JURI Legal Affairs Statute of the Court of Justice: amendment of Protocol No 3
Responsible Committee Shadow 2022/0117(COD) JURI Legal Affairs Protection of journalists and human rights defenders from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings
Opinion Committee Shadow 2022/0066(COD) ['JURI'] Combating violence against women and domestic violence
Opinion Committee Shadow 2021/2209(INI) ['CULT'] Towards an EU strategy to promote education for children in the world: mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/2008(INI) CULT Culture and Education Implementation of citizenship education actions
Responsible Committee Shadow 2021/0422(COD) JURI Legal Affairs Protection of the environment through criminal law
Responsible Committee 2020/2767(RSP) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Resolution on the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience
Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/2243(INI) CULT Culture and Education The European Education Area: a shared holistic approach
Committee Opinion 2020/2243(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs The European Education Area: a shared holistic approach
Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/2084(INI) ['CULT'] A strong social Europe for Just Transition - Communication from the Commission



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Irena JOVEVA icon: RE RE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 1245
Sylvie BRUNET icon: RE RE icon: France France 1239
Dragoş PÎSLARU icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 1164
Véronique TRILLET-LENOIR icon: RE RE icon: France France 1152
Marie-Pierre VEDRENNE icon: RE RE icon: France France 1098
Lucia ĎURIŠ NICHOLSONOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 949
Laurence FARRENG icon: RE RE icon: France France 936
Stéphane BIJOUX icon: RE RE icon: France France 597
Atidzhe ALIEVA-VELI icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 594
Jordi CAÑAS icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 565
Max ORVILLE icon: RE RE icon: France France 537
Salima YENBOU icon: RE RE icon: France France 500
Monica SEMEDO icon: RE RE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 494
Samira RAFAELA icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 354
Vlad-Marius BOTOŞ icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 346
Ramona STRUGARIU icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 322
Olivier CHASTEL icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 283
Alin MITUȚA icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 278
Michal ŠIMEČKA icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 278
María Soraya RODRÍGUEZ RAMOS icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 242
Gilles BOYER icon: RE RE icon: France France 231
Michal WIEZIK icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 219
Bernard GUETTA icon: RE RE icon: France France 211
Susana SOLÍS PÉREZ icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 201
Morten LØKKEGAARD icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 191
Karen MELCHIOR icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 186
Radka MAXOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 139
Anna Júlia DONÁTH icon: RE RE icon: Hungary Hungary 136
Nathalie LOISEAU icon: RE RE icon: France France 105
Stéphanie YON-COURTIN icon: RE RE icon: France France 98
Irène TOLLERET icon: RE RE icon: France France 98
Fabienne KELLER icon: RE RE icon: France France 97
Jozef MIHÁL icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 97
Catherine AMALRIC icon: RE RE icon: France France 90
Nicolae ŞTEFĂNUȚĂ icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 86
Jana TOOM icon: RE RE icon: Estonia Estonia 81
Marco ZULLO icon: RE RE icon: Italy Italy 78
Petras AUŠTREVIČIUS icon: RE RE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 72
Adrián VÁZQUEZ LÁZARA icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 71
Pascal CANFIN icon: RE RE icon: France France 67
Ondřej KNOTEK icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 56
Klemen GROŠELJ icon: RE RE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 55
Hilde VAUTMANS icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 55
Frédérique RIES icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 54
Martin HOJSÍK icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 49
Catherine CHABAUD icon: RE RE icon: France France 49
Romeo FRANZ icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 46
Ibán GARCÍA DEL BLANCO icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 42
Abir AL-SAHLANI icon: RE RE icon: Sweden Sweden 38
Domènec RUIZ DEVESA icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 37
Iskra MIHAYLOVA icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 36
Ilhan KYUCHYUK icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 36
Petra KAMMEREVERT icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 35
Predrag Fred MATIĆ icon: S&D S&D icon: Croatia Croatia 35
Marcos ROS SEMPERE icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 35
Cristian GHINEA icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 33
Pierre KARLESKIND icon: RE RE icon: France France 33
Victor NEGRESCU icon: S&D S&D icon: Romania Romania 32
Salima YENBOU icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: France France 28
Massimiliano SMERIGLIO icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 28
Valérie HAYER icon: RE RE icon: France France 27
Katalin CSEH icon: RE RE icon: Hungary Hungary 23
Sandro GOZI icon: RE RE icon: France France 22
Linea SØGAARD-LIDELL icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 18
Andreas GLÜCK icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 17
Radka MAXOVÁ icon: S&D S&D icon: Czechia Czechia 16
Svenja HAHN icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 15
Tomasz FRANKOWSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 14
Stéphane SÉJOURNÉ icon: RE RE icon: France France 12
Lukas MANDL icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 12
Nils TORVALDS icon: RE RE icon: Finland Finland 11
Nicola BEER icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 11
Anna-Michelle ASIMAKOPOULOU icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 10
Chrysoula ZACHAROPOULOU icon: RE RE icon: France France 9
Monika HOHLMEIER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 9
Andrey SLABAKOV icon: ECR ECR icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 7
Loucas FOURLAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Cyprus Cyprus 7
Isabella ADINOLFI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 7
Niklas NIENASS icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 6
Diana RIBA I GINER icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Spain Spain 6
Martina MICHELS icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Germany Germany 6
Niyazi KIZILYÜREK icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Cyprus Cyprus 6
Alexis GEORGOULIS icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Greece Greece 6
Łukasz KOHUT icon: S&D S&D icon: Poland Poland 5
Dace MELBĀRDE icon: ECR ECR icon: Latvia Latvia 5
David LEGA icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 5
Javier NART icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 4
Dominique RIQUET icon: RE RE icon: France France 4
François-Xavier BELLAMY icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 1
Hannes HEIDE icon: S&D S&D icon: Austria Austria 1
Marc TARABELLA icon: S&D S&D icon: Belgium Belgium 1
Viola VON CRAMON-TAUBADEL icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 1
Bert-Jan RUISSEN icon: ECR ECR icon: Netherlands Netherlands 1
Carmen AVRAM icon: S&D S&D icon: Romania Romania 1
Andrey KOVATCHEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 1
Miriam LEXMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 1
Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 1
Sara SKYTTEDAL icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 1
Tomas TOBÉ icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 1
Monika BEŇOVÁ icon: S&D S&D icon: Slovakia Slovakia 1
Vlad GHEORGHE icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 1

By types

Amendments (2942)
Institutional motions (16)
Opinions (1)
Oral questions (7)
Plenary speeches (22)
Reports (9)
Shadow opinions (3)
Shadow reports (15)
Written explanations (1)
Written questions (34)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
1692022/0277(COD)European Media Freedom Act
922023/2129(DEC)2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - Commission
902021/0414(COD)Improving working conditions of persons working through digital labour platforms
862020/0102(COD)Programme for the Union's action in the field of health for the period 2021-2027 (“EU4Health Programme”)
812021/2253(INI)Towards a common European action on care
812022/0066(COD)Combating violence against women and domestic violence
782022/0400(COD)Union of equality: standards for equality bodies in the field of equal treatment and equal opportunities between women and men in matters of employment and occupation
762022/2147(INI)Assessment of the new communication of the European Commission on Outermost Regions
712022/0051(COD)Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence
682023/2066(INI)Reducing inequalities and promoting social inclusion in times of crisis for children and their families
662020/2243(INI)The European Education Area: a shared holistic approach
652022/2047(INI)Implementation of the New European Agenda for Culture and the EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations
622021/2008(INI)Implementation of citizenship education actions
612023/2122(INI)Transparency and accountability of non-governmental organisations funded from the EU budget
552020/2135(INI)Shaping digital education policy
552021/0206(COD)Social Climate Fund
532021/2209(INI)Towards an EU strategy to promote education for children in the world: mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
522020/0104(COD)Recovery and Resilience Facility
522023/2054(INI)Cultural diversity and the conditions for authors in the European music streaming market
502021/2251(INI)Implementation report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility
482022/2082(DEC)2021 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
472021/2165(INI)A new EU strategic framework on health and safety at work post 2020 (including a better protection of workers from exposure to harmful substances, stress at work and repetitive motion injuries)
442020/0310(COD)Adequate minimum wages in the European Union
422022/0117(COD)Protection of journalists and human rights defenders from manifestly unfounded or abusive court proceedings
402022/2081(DEC)2021 discharge: General budget of the EU - Commission
382020/2079(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area 2020
382020/2017(INI)Artificial intelligence in education, culture and the audiovisual sector
372021/2098(INI)Mental Health in the Digital World of Work
352023/2004(INI)Implementation of the current CERV Programme 2021-2027 – Citizens’ engagement and participation
342022/2207(INI)Fostering and adapting vocational training as a tool for employees' success and a building block for the EU economy in the new industry 4.0
342023/2003(INI)Implementation of the current Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027
332020/0030(NLE)Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States
332020/2084(INI)A strong social Europe for Just Transition - Communication from the Commission
332023/2112(INI)European historical consciousness
312021/2058(INI)EU sports policy: assessment and possible ways forward
302021/0050(COD)Equal pay for equal work between men and women (pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms)
302022/0165(NLE)Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States
302023/2002(INI)Implementation of the current Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027
292021/2233(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects in the annual sustainable growth survey 2022
282020/2039(INI)Reversing demographic trends in EU regions using cohesion policy instruments
282020/2244(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and Social Aspects in the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2021
282022/2004(INI)The impact of COVID-19 closures of educational, cultural, youth and sports activities on children and young people in the EU
282022/0326(COD)European Year of Skills 2023
272022/2151(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and social priorities for 2023
262021/2062(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area 2021
242019/2186(INI)Fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers - New forms of employment linked to digital development
242023/2018(INI)Implementation of the current European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027
232020/2012(INL)Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies
232019/2187(INI)Access to decent and affordable housing for all
232021/2207(INI)Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Commission Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on Relations with the Palestinian Authority
212021/2017(INI)Europe’s Media in the Digital Decade: An Action Plan to Support Recovery and Transformation
212022/2027(INI)Esports and video games
212023/2130(DEC)2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
202021/2005(INI)Democracy at work: A European framework for employees' participation rights and the revision of the European Works Council Directive
202023/2046(INI)Control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2022
192020/0006(COD)Just Transition Fund
192020/2818(RSP)Resolution on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience
192020/2216(INI)Shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers
182020/2261(INI)The situation of artists and the cultural recovery in the EU
182022/2038(INI)Implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
172019/2194(INI)Achieving an effective policy legacy for the European Year of Cultural Heritage
172023/0081(COD)Framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)
162023/0315(COD)European cross-border associations
142019/2188(INI)Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty
132019/2181(INL)The right to disconnect
122020/2131(INI)A new strategy for European SMEs
122022/2188(INI)Implementation report on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
122023/0199(COD)Establishing the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’)
112020/2020(INI)Strengthening the Single Market: the future of free movement of services
112022/2057(INI)The protection of journalists around the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter
112023/2053(INI)The future of the European book sector
112023/0264(BUD)2024 general budget: all sections
112023/0135(COD)Combating corruption
102020/2073(INL)Challenges of sport events’ organisers in the digital environment
82020/1998(BUD)2021 general budget: all sections
72020/2015(INI)Intellectual property rights for the development of artificial intelligence technologies
72020/2140(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Commission
72021/2106(DEC)2020 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Commission
72023/2019(INI)Implementation of the 2018 Geoblocking Regulation in the Digital Single Market
72022/2198(INI)Virtual worlds: opportunities, risks and policy implications for the Single Market
62020/2009(INI)Strengthening Media Freedom: the Protection of Journalists in Europe, Hate Speech, Disinformation and the Role of Platforms
62022/0219(COD)European Defence Industry Reinforcement through common Procurement Act (EDIRPA)
62023/0155(COD)Minimum requirements on minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector
52020/2018(INL)Digital Services Act: Improving the functioning of the Single Market
52020/2201(INI)Citizens’ dialogues and Citizens’ participation in the EU decision-making
52021/0227(BUD)2022 general budget: all sections
52022/2094(DEC)2021 discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT)
42020/2150(DEC)2019 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
42021/2118(DEC)2020 discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT)
42021/0293(COD)2030 policy programme “Path to the Digital Decade”
42021/0394(COD)Digitalisation of cross-border judicial cooperation
42022/2149(INI)The System of European Schools: State of play, Challenges and Perspectives
42023/2160(DEC)2022 discharge: European Union Agency for Railways (ERA)
32020/2005(INL)Quality traineeships in the EU
32020/2159(DEC)2019 discharge: European Training Foundation (ETF)
32020/2194(DEC)Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2019: performance, financial management and control
32022/0089(COD)Geographical Indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products
32022/2095(DEC)2021 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
32022/2021(INI)Large transport infrastructure projects in the EU
32023/2152(DEC)2022 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
22020/2155(DEC)2019 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
22020/2151(DEC)2019 discharge: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)
22023/2051(INL)EU framework for the social and professional situation of artists and workers in the cultural and creative sectors
22021/0422(COD)Protection of the environment through criminal law
22022/0906(COD)Statute of the Court of Justice: amendment of Protocol No 3
22020/2551(RSP)Resolution on the Republic of Guinea, notably violence towards protestors
22020/2552(RSP)Resolution on child labour in mines in Madagascar
22020/2708(RSP)Resolution on the cultural recovery of Europe
22020/2774(RSP)Resolution on the preparation of the special European Council summit focusing on the dangerous escalation and the role of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean
12020/2767(RSP)Resolution on the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience
12022/2568(RSP)Resolution on establishing the European Education Area by 2025 – micro-credentials, individual learning accounts and learning for a sustainable environment
12022/2088(DEC)2021 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Ombudsman
12022/2056(IMM)Request for the waiver of the immunity of Nicolaus Fest
12022/2111(DEC)2021 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
12022/2103(DEC)2021 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
12023/2009(IMM)Request for the waiver of the immunity of Maria Spyraki
12023/0027(CNS)Authorisation addressed to France to negotiate a bilateral agreement with Algeria on matters related to judicial cooperation concerning family law matters
12023/0028(COD)Authorisation addressed to France to negotiate a bilateral agreement with Algeria on matters related to judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters
12023/2007(IMM)Request for the waiver of the immunity of Eva Kaili
12023/2142(DEC)2022 discharge: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT)
12023/2143(DEC)2022 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
12023/2137(DEC)2022 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Ombudsman
12023/2158(DEC)2022 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
12023/2150(DEC)2022 discharge : European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
12023/2167(DEC)2022 discharge: European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound)
12020/2664(RSP)Resolution on European protection of cross-border and seasonal workers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
12021/2878(RSP)Resolution on the situation in Lebanon
12022/2949(RSP)Resolution on the prospects of the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine
12023/2643(RSP)Resolution on the universal decriminalisation of homosexuality in the light of recent developments in Uganda
12023/2899(RSP)Resolution on the despicable terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel, Israel’s right to defend itself in line with humanitarian and international law and the humanitarian situation in Gaza
12024/2655(RSP)Resolution on including the right to abortion in the EU Fundamental Rights Charter

See historical changes of the Bio


1972/02/08 - Paris


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

, Paris
, Paris
Financial Declarations
  • mep_id: 204416 url: date: 28/02/2020 occupation: Directrice générale AIU février 2017-mai 2018 4 Avocate novembre 2018-février 2020 3 Membre du CA de la FSF (mai 2019-1er février 2020) 0 mandate: activity: Avocate au barreau de Paris 1 membership: Bureau exécutif de République en Marche 0 occasional: holding: support: 1. financier: (*) alloué par 2. en personnel: (*) alloué par 3. en matériel: (*) alloué par (*) Indiquer l'identité du tiers ou des tiers concernés. other: Intérêt financier: 1. 2. 3. additional:
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)
  • Agathe BOCQUET
  • Antoine Lucien Desire GUERY
  • Bertrand Herve Jean-Marc L'HUILLIER
  • Pierre Julien LE TEXIER
Willy Brandt 02M107
0032 2 28 45147
0032 2 28 49147
0033 3 88 1 75147
0033 3 88 1 79147
  • role: Member Organization: Delegation for relations with Israel start: 2020-02-12T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: D-IL
  • role: Substitute Organization: Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union, including the EU-Morocco, EU-Tunisia and EU-Algeria Joint Parliamentary Committees start: 2020-02-12T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9
  • role: Member Organization: Committee on Culture and Education start: 2020-02-10T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: CULT
  • role: Substitute Organization: Committee on Employment and Social Affairs start: 2020-02-10T00:00:00 end: 9999-12-31T00:00:00 term: 9 abbr: EMPL
Renew Europe Group
Non-attached Members
Postal address
Declaration of good conduct
  • title: Declaration of good conduct (PDF - 86 KB) url: