headshot of Marco ZULLO


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Independent icon: IT Italy 2021/03/11 - 2024/07/15
  • Movimento 5 Stelle icon: IT Italy 2019/07/02 - 2021/03/10
  • Movimento 5 Stelle icon: IT Italy 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: EFDD EFDD Member Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group 2014/07/01 - 2014/10/15
  • icon: NA NA Member Non-attached Members 2014/10/16 - 2014/10/19
  • icon: EFDD EFDD Member Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group 2014/10/20 - 2019/07/01
  • icon: NA NA Member Non-attached Members 2019/07/02 - 2021/03/10
  • icon: RE RE Member Renew Europe Group 2021/03/11 - 2024/07/15


Show earlier committees...
Substitute of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection 2014/07/01 2015/01/12
Member of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Regional Development 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2014/07/09 2017/01/18
Member of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection 2015/01/13 2017/01/18
Substitute of Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector 2016/01/26 2017/04/04
Substitute of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2017/01/19 2018/06/12
Member of Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Substitute of Committee on Regional Development 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Substitute of Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Member of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Member of Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality 2019/07/02 2021/03/10
Member of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection 2019/07/02 2021/03/10
Member of Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality 2021/03/11 2022/01/19
Member of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection 2021/03/11 2022/01/19
Member of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection 2022/01/20 2023/04/16
Member of Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Substitute of Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection 2023/04/17 2024/07/15


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation to the EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee 2014/07/14 2015/05/18
Substitute of Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly 2015/05/07 2015/09/22
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries 2019/07/02 2019/09/09
Substitute of Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean 2019/07/02 2019/09/09
Member of Delegation to the EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee 2019/07/02 2021/03/10
Substitute of Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee 2019/09/10 2019/11/05
Member of Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly 2019/09/16 2019/11/12
Substitute of Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee 2019/11/06 2021/03/10
Substitute of Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly 2019/11/06 2021/03/10
Member of Delegation to the EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee 2021/03/11 2024/07/15


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Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/2110(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Implementation report as regards Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport within and outside the EU
Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/2056(INI) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Implementation of the Directive 2011/7/EU on combating late payment in commercial transactions
Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/2037(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Future of food and farming
Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/0112(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services
Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/0090(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection EU consumer protection rules: enforcement and modernisation
Responsible Committee Shadow 2018/0082(COD) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Unfair trading practices in business-to-business relationships in the food supply chain
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/2635(RSP) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Fraudulent practices in the Brazilian meat sector
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/2116(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development European strategy for the promotion of protein crops - Encouraging the production of protein and leguminous plants in the European agriculture sector
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/2115(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Prospects and challenges for the EU apiculture sector
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/2088(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Implementation of CAP young farmers’ tools in the EU after the 2013 reform
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/2073(INI) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Implementation of Directive 2005/36/EC as regards regulation and the need for reform in professional services
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/2006(INI) REGI Regional Development Role of EU regions and cities in implementing the COP 21 Paris Agreement on Climate Change
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/2003(INI) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection European agenda for the collaborative economy
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/0354(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Mutual recognition of goods lawfully marketed in another Member State
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/0353(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Compliance with and enforcement of Union harmonisation legislation on products
Responsible Committee Shadow 2017/0228(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Free flow of non-personal data in the European Union
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/2276(INI) ['ITRE', 'IMCO'] Online platforms and the digital single market
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/2272(INI) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Longer lifetime for products: benefits for consumers and companies
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/2077(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Minimum standards for the protection of farm rabbits
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/0404(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Proportionality test before adoption of new regulation of professions
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/0282B(COD) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union: agricultural provisions
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/0152(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/0014(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles
Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/2354(INI) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Single market strategy
Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/2324(INI) REGI Regional Development EU strategy for the Alpine region
Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/2226(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development How can the CAP improve job creation in rural areas?
Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/2225(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Technological solutions to sustainable agriculture in the EU
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/2147(INI) ['ITRE', 'IMCO'] Towards a digital single market act
Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/2065(INI) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Unfair trading practices in the food supply chain
Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/0288(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Contracts for the online and other distance sales of goods
Joint Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/0287(COD) ['IMCO', 'JURI'] Contracts for the supply of digital content
Committee Opinion 2015/0284(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Cross-border portability of online content services in the internal market
Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/0278(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Accessibility requirements for products and services
Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/0028(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Trade in seal products: conditions for placing on the market
Responsible Committee Shadow 2014/2209(INI) ITRE Industry, Research and Energy Green growth opportunities for SMEs
Responsible Committee Shadow 2014/2147(INI) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Fruit and vegetables sector since the 2007 reform
Responsible Committee Shadow 2014/0100(COD) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Organic production and labelling of organic products
Responsible Committee Shadow 2014/0014(COD) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Aid scheme for the supply of fruit and vegetables, bananas and milk in the educational establishments
Responsible Committee Shadow 2013/0136(COD) AGRI Agriculture and Rural Development Transmissible animal diseases
Responsible Committee Shadow 2012/0340(COD) IMCO Internal Market and Consumer Protection Accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Rosa D'AMATO icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 1203
Isabella ADINOLFI icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 850
Eleonora EVI icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 703
Piernicola PEDICINI icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 663
Dario TAMBURRANO icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 610
Karen MELCHIOR icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 548
Daniela AIUTO icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 393
Tiziana BEGHIN icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 392
Laura AGEA icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 383
Irène TOLLERET icon: RE RE icon: France France 376
Ignazio CORRAO icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 366
María Soraya RODRÍGUEZ RAMOS icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 305
Michal ŠIMEČKA icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 302
Samira RAFAELA icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 298
Fabienne KELLER icon: RE RE icon: France France 297
Lucia ĎURIŠ NICHOLSONOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 282
David BORRELLI icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 279
Marco AFFRONTE icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 246
Laura FERRARA icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 246
Fabio Massimo CASTALDO icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 229
Ramona STRUGARIU icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 229
Dragoş TUDORACHE icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 229
Sophia IN 'T VELD icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 229
Abir AL-SAHLANI icon: RE RE icon: Sweden Sweden 221
Malik AZMANI icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 218
Olivier CHASTEL icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 216
Marco VALLI icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 207
Sandro GOZI icon: RE RE icon: France France 162
Morten LØKKEGAARD icon: RE RE icon: Denmark Denmark 155
Dita CHARANZOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Czechia Czechia 147
Svenja HAHN icon: RE RE icon: Germany Germany 132
Andrus ANSIP icon: RE RE icon: Estonia Estonia 124
Sylvie BRUNET icon: RE RE icon: France France 124
Stéphanie YON-COURTIN icon: RE RE icon: France France 122
Monica SEMEDO icon: RE RE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 84
Max ORVILLE icon: RE RE icon: France France 78
Marie-Pierre VEDRENNE icon: RE RE icon: France France 78
Ilana CICUREL icon: RE RE icon: France France 78
Dragoş PÎSLARU icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 78
Catherine AMALRIC icon: RE RE icon: France France 78
Laurence FARRENG icon: RE RE icon: France France 74
Christophe GRUDLER icon: RE RE icon: France France 66
Valérie HAYER icon: RE RE icon: France France 66
Stéphane SÉJOURNÉ icon: RE RE icon: France France 66
Claudia GAMON icon: RE RE icon: Austria Austria 61
Vlad-Marius BOTOŞ icon: RE RE icon: Romania Romania 56
Liesje SCHREINEMACHER icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 55
Catharina RINZEMA icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 53
Atidzhe ALIEVA-VELI icon: RE RE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 52
Marco ZANNI icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 50
Hilde VAUTMANS icon: RE RE icon: Belgium Belgium 30
Paolo DE CASTRO icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 18
Ricardo SERRÃO SANTOS icon: S&D S&D icon: Portugal Portugal 18
Ivars IJABS icon: RE RE icon: Latvia Latvia 18
Nicola CAPUTO icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 16
Róża THUN UND HOHENSTEIN icon: RE RE icon: Poland Poland 16
Igor ŠOLTES icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 14
Marc TARABELLA icon: S&D S&D icon: Belgium Belgium 14
Tiziana BEGHIN icon: NA NA icon: Italy Italy 14
Alexis GEORGOULIS icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Greece Greece 13
Niklas NIENASS icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 13
Irena JOVEVA icon: RE RE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 13
Hannes HEIDE icon: S&D S&D icon: Austria Austria 13
Romeo FRANZ icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 13
Bart GROOTHUIS icon: RE RE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 12
Andrey SLABAKOV icon: ECR ECR icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 12
Mairead McGUINNESS icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 11
Jordi CAÑAS icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 11
Michel DANTIN icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 10
Anne-Sophie PELLETIER icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: France France 9
Tomasz FRANKOWSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 9
Ibán GARCÍA DEL BLANCO icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 8
Stefan ECK icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Germany Germany 7
Loucas FOURLAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Cyprus Cyprus 7
Susana SOLÍS PÉREZ icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 7
Isabella ADINOLFI icon: NA NA icon: Italy Italy 5
Adrián VÁZQUEZ LÁZARA icon: RE RE icon: Spain Spain 5
Marisa MATIAS icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Portugal Portugal 4
Julie WARD icon: S&D S&D icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 4
Sergio Gaetano COFFERATI icon: S&D S&D icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 4
Marie-Christine VERGIAT icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: France France 4
Eleonora FORENZA icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Italy Italy 4
Elly SCHLEIN icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 4
Curzio MALTESE icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Italy Italy 4
Josu JUARISTI ABAUNZ icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Spain Spain 4
Ana GOMES icon: S&D S&D icon: Portugal Portugal 4
Andrey KOVATCHEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 4
Marcos ROS SEMPERE icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 4
Dace MELBĀRDE icon: PPE PPE icon: Latvia Latvia 4
Domènec RUIZ DEVESA icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 4
Salima YENBOU icon: RE RE icon: France France 4
Massimiliano SMERIGLIO icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 4
Renata BRIANO icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 3
José BLANCO LÓPEZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 2
Maria HEUBUCH icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 2
Maria Lidia SENRA RODRÍGUEZ icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Spain Spain 2
Maria NOICHL icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 2
Vladimir URUTCHEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 2
Giulia MOI icon: EFDD EFDD icon: Italy Italy 2
Juan Carlos GIRAUTA VIDAL icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Spain Spain 1
Herbert DORFMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 1

By types

Amendments (3581)
Individual motions (1)
Institutional motions (4)
Oral questions (3)
Written questions (4)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
2532022/0066(COD)Combating violence against women and domestic violence
1432016/0014(COD)Approval and market surveillance of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles
1372020/0361(COD)Digital Services Act
1102015/0287(COD)Contracts for the supply of digital content
972018/0196(COD)Common provisions on European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund Plus, Cohesion Fund, and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and financial rules for those and for Asylum and Migration Fund, Internal Security Fund and Border Management and Visa Instrument 2021–2027
852018/0112(COD)Fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services
782022/0400(COD)Union of equality: standards for equality bodies in the field of equal treatment and equal opportunities between women and men in matters of employment and occupation
752016/0084(COD)Making available on the market of CE marked fertilising products
702022/0269(COD)Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market
682018/0231(COD)Programme for single market, competitiveness of enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises, and European statistics 2021–2027
672018/0216(COD)Support for strategic plans to be drawn up by Member States under the common agricultural policy (CAP strategic plans) and financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) 2021–2027
642015/2324(INI)EU strategy for the Alpine region
622018/0090(COD)EU consumer protection rules: enforcement and modernisation
622016/0133(COD)Criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless person. Recast
592015/2147(INI)Towards a digital single market act
582017/0225(COD)EU Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA) and information and communication technology cybersecurity certification (Cybersecurity Act)
492015/0288(COD)Contracts for the online and other distance sales of goods
492016/0282(COD)Financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union: simplification
482018/0082(COD)Unfair trading practices in business-to-business relationships in the food supply chain
462018/0199(COD)Specific provisions for European territorial cooperation goal (Interreg) supported by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and external financing instruments 2021–2027
452016/2222(INI)Palm oil and deforestation of rainforests
442017/0003(COD)Privacy and Electronic Communications
392016/0062R(NLE)Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence: EU accession
352017/0353(COD)Compliance with and enforcement of Union harmonisation legislation on products
352015/2065(INI)Unfair trading practices in the food supply chain
352018/2110(INI)Implementation report as regards Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport within and outside the EU
342017/2116(INI)European strategy for the promotion of protein crops - Encouraging the production of protein and leguminous plants in the European agriculture sector
332018/0089(COD)Representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers
322017/2115(INI)Prospects and challenges for the EU apiculture sector
322018/2037(INI)Future of food and farming
322015/2287(INI)Public access to documents (Rule 116(7)) for the years 2014-2015
302016/0398(COD)Services in the internal market: notification procedure for authorisation schemes and requirements related to services
282014/0255(COD)Medicated feed: manufacture, placing on the market and use
272018/0206(COD)European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) 2021–2027
272018/0169(COD)Minimum requirements for water reuse
262016/0402(COD)Legal and operational framework of the European services e-card
252010/0208(COD)Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): possibility for the Member States to restrict or prohibit the cultivation of GMOs in their territory
242016/0392(COD)Spirit drinks: definition, presentation and labelling; use of names in the presentation and labelling of other foodstuffs; protection of geographical indications
242015/2354(INI)Single market strategy
242015/0278(COD)Accessibility requirements for products and services
242015/2325(INI)Situation of women refugees and asylum seekers in the EU
232016/0230(COD)2030 climate and energy framework: inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry
232017/0085(COD)Work-life balance for parents and carers
222014/0100(COD)Organic production and labelling of organic products
222022/2138(INI)Sexual harassment in the EU and MeToo evaluation
212015/2282(INI)Implementation of the thematic objective "enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs" (Article 9(3)) of the Common Provisions Regulation
202014/2214(INI)EU strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian region
202016/0403(COD)European services e-card and related administrative facilities
202017/2003(INI)European agenda for the collaborative economy
202016/2041(INI)Renewable energy progress report
202014/2223(INI)New EU forest strategy: for forests and the forest-based sector
202015/2103(INL)Civil law rules on robotics
202015/2229(INI)Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2014 and the European Union's policy on the matter
192015/0284(COD)Cross-border portability of online content services in the internal market
192020/2018(INL)Digital Services Act: Improving the functioning of the Single Market
182014/2209(INI)Green growth opportunities for SMEs
182016/2098(INI)Annual report on the control of the financial activities of the EIB for 2015
172016/2148(INI)Investing in jobs and growth - Maximising the contribution of European Structural and Investment Funds: an evaluation of the report under Article 16(3) of the CPR
172014/2213(INI)Urban dimension of EU policies
172014/2146(INI)Prospects for the EU dairy sector - Review of the implementation of the "dairy package"
172015/2007(INI)Gender equality and empowering women in the digital age
162016/2141(INI)State of play of farmland concentration in the EU: how to facilitate the access to land for farmers
162015/2225(INI)Technological solutions to sustainable agriculture in the EU
162021/0291(COD)Radio Equipment Directive: common charger for electronic devices
152017/2073(INI)Implementation of Directive 2005/36/EC as regards regulation and the need for reform in professional services
152017/2211(INI)Cohesion policy and the circular economy
152017/0102(COD)European Solidarity Corps
152015/2233(INI)Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA)
152015/0009(COD)European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)
142016/0152(COD)Geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market
142015/2118(INI)Implementation of the Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims from a gender perspective
142019/2190(INI)Addressing product safety in the Single Market
132015/2227(INI)Enhancing innovation and economic development in future European farm management
132018/2056(INI)Implementation of the Directive 2011/7/EU on combating late payment in commercial transactions
132014/2228(INI)Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
132017/2006(INI)Role of EU regions and cities in implementing the COP 21 Paris Agreement on Climate Change
132018/0218(COD)Common agricultural policy (CAP) 2021–2027
122017/0228(COD)Free flow of non-personal data in the European Union
122017/2279(INI)Strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion in the European Union: 7th report of the European Commission
122016/2326(INI)Building blocks for a post-2020 EU cohesion policy
122014/2245(INI)Investment for jobs and growth: promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Union
122015/2226(INI)How can the CAP improve job creation in rural areas?
122015/2223(INI)Meeting the antipoverty target in the light of increasing household costs
112013/0402(COD)Protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure
112016/0288(COD)European Electronic Communications Code. Recast
112017/2040(INI)Implementation of EU macro-regional strategies
112017/2088(INI)Implementation of CAP young farmers’ tools in the EU after the 2013 reform
102016/2276(INI)Online platforms and the digital single market
102016/0287(COD)Promotion of internet connectivity in local communities
102015/2352(INI)Liability, compensation and financial security for offshore and gas operations
102015/2053(INI)Possible extension of geographical indication protection of the European Union to non-agricultural products
102015/2280(INI)European territorial cooperation - best practices and innovative measures
102015/2127(INI)European Investment Bank (EIB) - Annual report 2014
102014/2242(INI)Sustainable urban mobility
102020/2017(INI)Artificial intelligence in education, culture and the audiovisual sector
102021/2043(INI)Tackling non-tariff and non-tax barriers in the Single Market
92017/2922(RSP)Resolution on a global ban to end animal testing for cosmetics
92016/2272(INI)Longer lifetime for products: benefits for consumers and companies
92017/2285(INI)Cohesion policy and thematic objective ‘promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures’ - Article 9(7) of the Common Provisions Regulation
92016/2045(INI)European Union Solidarity Fund: assessment
92016/0030(COD)Measures to safeguard the security of gas supply
92015/2154(DEC)2014 discharge: EU general budget, European Commission and executive agencies
92015/2222(INI)Workers’ representation on the supervisory or administrative bodies of undertakings in Europe
92015/2111(INI)External factors that represent hurdles to European female entrepreneurship
82017/2052(INI)Next MFF: preparing the Parliament’s position on the MFF post-2020
82016/2245(INI)Deployment of cohesion policy instruments by regions to address demographic change
82016/2097(INI)Annual report 2015 on the protection of the EU's financial interests - Fight against fraud
82014/2247(INI)Cohesion policy and marginalised communities
82017/2128(INI)Implementation of the Plant Protection Programme Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009
82015/0218(COD)Emergency autonomous trade measures for Tunisia
82014/0014(COD)Aid scheme for the supply of fruit and vegetables, bananas and milk in the educational establishments
82019/2169(INI)The EU Strategy for Gender Equality
72016/2304(INI)Increasing engagement of partners and visibility in the performance of European Structural and Investment Funds
72016/2305(INI)Internet connectivity for growth, competitiveness and cohesion: European gigabit society and 5G
72015/2353(INI)Preparation of the post-electoral revision of the MFF 2014-2020: Parliament's input ahead of the Commission's proposal
72015/2347(INI)Improving the connection and accessibility of the transport infrastructure in central and eastern Europe
72015/2279(INI)Cohesion policy in mountainous regions of the EU
72013/0443(COD)Reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants
72015/2255(INI)Social dumping in the European Union
72014/2160(INI)Application of Directive 2006/54/EC on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation
62014/0185(COD)Programme on interoperability solutions and common frameworks for European public administrations, businesses and citizens (ISA2 programme)
62017/0354(COD)Mutual recognition of goods lawfully marketed in another Member State
62016/2303(INI)Future perspectives for technical assistance in cohesion policy
62016/2151(DEC)2015 discharge: EU general budget, European Commission and executive agencies
62016/2064(INI)Implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments
62016/2032(INI)Access to finance for SMEs and increasing the diversity of SME funding in a capital markets union
62015/2258(INI)Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with special regard to the concluding observations of the UN CPRD Committee
62015/2224(INI)New territorial development tools in the cohesion policy 2014-2020: integrated territorial investment (ITI) and community-led local development (CLLD)
62017/2117(INI)Current situation and future prospects for the sheep and goat sectors in the EU
62020/2019(INL)Digital Services Act: adapting commercial and civil law rules for commercial entities operating online
52016/2250(INI)Promoting cohesion and development in the outermost regions of the EU: implementation of Article 349 TFEU
52016/2147(INI)Assessment of Horizon 2020 implementation in view of its interim evaluation and the Framework Programme 9 proposal
52016/2101(INI)European semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2016 priorities
52015/2320(INI)How best to harness the job creation potential of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)?
52015/2284(INI)Activities, impact and added value of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund between 2007 and 2014
52015/2095(INI)Situation in the Mediterranean and need for a holistic EU approach to migration
52016/2077(INI)Minimum standards for the protection of farm rabbits
52014/2147(INI)Fruit and vegetables sector since the 2007 reform
52022/2026(INI)Towards equal rights for people with disabilities
42016/2903(RSP)Resolution on low-risk pesticides of biological origin
42015/2323(INI)Delivering a new deal for energy consumers
42017/2044(BUD)2018 general budget: all sections
42016/2228(INI)Integrated European Union policy for the Arctic
42015/2278(INI)Cohesion policy and research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3)
42015/2285(INI)European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2016
42015/2128(INI)Annual report 2014 on the protection of the EU's financial interests - Fight against fraud
42015/2052(INI)European Structural and Investment Funds and sound economic governance: guidelines for the implementation of Article 23 of the Common Provisions Regulation
42014/2149(INI)Towards an integrated approach to cultural heritage for Europe
42014/2246(INI)Cohesion policy and the review of the Europe 2020 strategy
42018/0088(COD)Transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain
42016/2223(INI)Initiative on resource efficiency: reducing food waste, improving food safety
42015/2105(INI)New forward-looking and innovative future strategy on trade and investment
42022/2046(INI)Upscaling the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework: a resilient EU budget fit for new challenges
42022/2047(INI)Implementation of the New European Agenda for Culture and the EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations
32018/0166R(APP)Interim report on MFF 2021-2027 – Parliament’s position in view of an agreement
32016/2145(INI)European Cloud Initiative
32014/2241(INI)New challenges and concepts for the promotion of tourism in Europe
32017/0024(NLE)Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking: financial contributions
32016/2047(BUD)2017 general budget: all sections
32015/2074(BUD)2016 budget: mandate for the trilogue
32015/2011(BUD)Amending budget 2/2015: European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)
32014/2075(DEC)2013 discharge: EU general budget, European Commission and executive agencies
32016/0308(COD)Temporary autonomous trade measures for Ukraine
22016/0404(COD)Proportionality test before adoption of new regulation of professions
22017/0332(COD)Quality of water intended for human consumption. Recast
22014/2256(INI)Implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society
22016/0389(COD)Integrated farm statistics
22015/2187(DEC)2014 discharge: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
12016/2323(BUD)2018 budget: guidelines, Section III - Commission
12016/0280(COD)Copyright in the digital single market
12014/2151(INI)Towards a renewed consensus on the enforcement of intellectual property rights: an EU action plan
12015/0263(COD)Structural reform support programme 2017-2020
12015/2132(BUD)2016 general budget: all sections
12015/2013(BUD)Amending budget 1/2015: revision of the MFF
12018/0217(COD)Common agricultural policy (CAP): financing, management and monitoring 2021–2027
12019/2876(RSP)Resolution on children’s rights on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
12019/2907(DEA)Trans-European energy infrastructure: Union list of projects of common interest
12021/2925(RSP)Resolution on the first anniversary of the de facto abortion ban in Poland
12022/2536(RSP)Resolution on the EU priorities for the 66th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women

See historical changes of the Bio


1978/10/29 - Verona

Education (qualifications and diplomas)

  • 10/1997-09/2005 : graduate in automation engineering, University of Padua
  • 09/1992-07/1997 : secondary school-leaving certificate (science), E. Medi scientific secondary school, Villafranca di Verona

Professional career

  • 10/2012- ... : product manager, Hager Lumetal, Porcia (Italy) – market analysis, data collection from Italian and foreign trade network, product development
  • 04/2007-09/2012 : technical employee, IMET s.r.l., Sacile (Pordenone) – personalisation of electrical components, creation of technical documentation, development of software variants
  • 03/2007-06/2007 : teacher of informatics, self-employed professional, Treviso/Venice – initial IT literacy courses
  • 03/2006-11/2006 : teacher of mathematics and science, IAL-Veneto, Villafranca/Quinto


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)
  • 10/1997-09/2005 : graduate in automation engineering, University of Padua
  • 09/1992-07/1997 : secondary school-leaving certificate (science), E. Medi scientific secondary school, Villafranca di Verona
CV/Professional career
  • 10/2012- ... : product manager, Hager Lumetal, Porcia (Italy) – market analysis, data collection from Italian and foreign trade network, product development
  • 04/2007-09/2012 : technical employee, IMET s.r.l., Sacile (Pordenone) – personalisation of electrical components, creation of technical documentation, development of software variants
  • 03/2007-06/2007 : teacher of informatics, self-employed professional, Treviso/Venice – initial IT literacy courses
  • 03/2006-11/2006 : teacher of mathematics and science, IAL-Veneto, Villafranca/Quinto