Philippe LAMBERTS 2020-12-09 Philippe LAMBERTS2021-02-11
2020-12-09 Philippe LAMBERTS
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- Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales Belgium 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15
- Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales Belgium 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01
- Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales Belgium 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30
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- Verts/ALE Member Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30
- Verts/ALE Co-Chair Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01
- Verts/ALE Co-President Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2019/07/02 - 2022/09/13
- Verts/ALE Chair Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2022/09/14 - 2022/10/12
- Verts/ALE Co-President Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance 2022/10/13 - 2024/07/15
EP staff
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- Member of Conference of Presidents 2014/07/01 - 2017/07/04
- Member of Conference of Presidents 2017/07/05 - 2019/07/01
- Member of Conference of Presidents 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15
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Role | Delegation | Start | End |
Member of | Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China | 2009/09/16 | 2014/06/30 |
Substitute of | Delegation for relations with the United States | 2009/09/16 | 2014/06/30 |
Substitute of | Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China | 2014/07/14 | 2019/07/01 |
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- Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman
Type | Dossier | Committee | Title |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/2078(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Banking Union – annual report 2023 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/0363(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Amending certain financial services and investment support Regulations as regards certain reporting requirements |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/0138(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Effective coordination of economic policies and multilateral budgetary surveillance |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/0137(CNS) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Excessive deficit procedure: speeding up and clarifying the implementation |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2023/0136(NLE) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Economic governance: requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States |
Opinion Committee Shadow | 2023/0077(COD) | ['ECON'] | Union’s electricity market design |
Opinion Committee Shadow | 2023/0076(COD) | ['ECON'] | Wholesale energy market: Union’s protection against market manipulation |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2123(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European Central Bank – annual report 2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/2078(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Economic policies of the euro area 2020 |
Opinion Committee Shadow | 2020/2023(INI) | ['ECON'] | Recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/0156(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards adjustments to the securitisation framework to support the economic recovery in response to the COVID-19 crisis |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2020/0151(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | General framework for securitisation and specific framework for simple, transparent and standardised securitisation to help the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2019/2211(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2018/2101(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | ECB - Annual report 2017 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2018/2100(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Banking union - Annual report 2018 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2018/0165(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Promotion of the use of SME growth markets |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2018/0043(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Issue of covered bonds and covered bond public supervision |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2018/0042(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Exposures in the form of covered bonds |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2017/2253(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Relationships between the EU and third countries concerning financial services regulation and supervision |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2017/0136(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | EMIR and ESMA Regulations: procedures and authorities involved for the authorisation of CCPs and requirements for the recognition of third-country CCPs |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2017/0090(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR): clearing obligation, reporting requirements, risk-mitigation techniques, trade repositories |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/2038(INI) | TAX2 Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect (TAXE 2) | Tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/2032(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Access to finance for SMEs and increasing the diversity of SME funding in a capital markets union |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/0364(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Capital Requirements Directive: exempted entities, financial holding companies, mixed financial holding companies, remuneration, supervisory measures and powers and capital conservation measures |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/0362(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Bank recovery and resolution: loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity of credit institutions and investment firms |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2016/0221(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European venture capital funds and European social entrepreneurship funds |
Responsible Committee | 2016/0182(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Union programme to support specific activities enhancing the involvement of consumers and other financial services end-users in Union policy-making in the area of financial services (2017-2020) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2015/2066(INI) | TAXE Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect | Tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2015/0295(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms: exemptions for commodity dealers |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2921(RSP) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Resolution on EU cooperation agreements on competition policy enforcement - the way forward |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2277(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Enquiry report on the role and operations of the Troika (ECB, Commission and IMF) with regard to the euro area programme countries |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2157(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2014 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2025(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Annual tax report: how to free the EU potential for economic growth |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/2021(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Reforming the structure of the EU banking sector |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0400(CNS) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Common system of taxation applicable in the case of parent companies and subsidiaries of different Member States: tackling double non-taxation |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0314(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0308(CNS) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Convention (1990) on the elimination of double taxation in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterprises: accession of Croatia |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0306(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Money market funds |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0278(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Statistics relating to trading of goods between Member States, Intrastat: Commission delegated and implementing powers |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0253(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Single Resolution Mechanism and Single Resolution Fund: uniform rules and procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0244(NLE) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking for the implementation of the Joint Technology Initiative in aeronautics |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0237(NLE) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Joint Undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system (SESAR): extension of the Joint Undertaking until 2024 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0232(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Research and development programme aimed at supporting research performing small and medium-sized enterprises: participation of the Union |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0214(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European long-term investment funds |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2013/0045(CNS) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of financial transaction tax (FTT) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/2306(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Annual report on competition policy |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/2151(INL) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Towards a genuine Economic and Monetary Union |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/2134(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Improving access to finance for SMEs |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/2115(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Shadow banking |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/2028(INI) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Feasibility of introducing stability bonds |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/0242(CNS) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Prudential supervision of credit institutions: conferring specific tasks on the European Central Bank (ECB) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/0150(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Credit institutions and investment firms: framework for recovery and resolution |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/0127(NLE) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | EU/Switzerland Agreement: cooperation on the application of their competition laws |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2012/0084(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European statistics: professional independence of national statistical authorities |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/2107(INI) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Green Paper: From challenges to opportunities: towards a common strategic framework for EU research and innovation funding |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/2043(INI) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Seventh EU programme for research, technological development and demonstration |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0442(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): extending the geographic scope of operations to the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean |
Responsible Committee | 2011/0417(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European venture capital funds |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0401(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation 2014-2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0399(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for research and innovation 2014-2020: rules for participation and dissemination |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0392(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | European satellite navigation systems: implementation and exploitation 2014-2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0387(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): strategic innovation agenda 2014-2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0386(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Economic governance: common provisions for monitoring and assessing draft budgetary plans and ensuring the correction of excessive deficit in the euro area. 'Two pack' |
Responsible Committee | 2011/0384(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) 2014-2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0341B(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Action programme for taxation (Fiscalis 2020), 2014-2020 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0330(CNS) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Excise duties: administrative cooperation |
Committee Opinion | 2011/0300(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Trans-European energy infrastructure: guidelines |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0203(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms. Capital Requirements Directive (CRDIV) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0202(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms. Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0187(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union. Recast |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2011/0092(CNS) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | Taxation of energy products and electricity: restructuring the Community framework |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2010/2304(INI) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | European broadband: investing in digitally driven growth |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2010/2245(INI) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Innovation Union: transforming Europe for a post-crisis world |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2010/2079(INI) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Simplifying the implementation of the research framework programmes |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2010/0374(COD) | ECON Economic and Monetary Affairs | European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010) |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2010/0282(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Global navigation satellite system (GNSS): rules for access to the public regulated service |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2010/0275(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA): further development |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2010/0274(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA): duration |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2009/2229(INI) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Internet governance: the next steps |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2009/2225(INI) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Defining a new digital agenda for Europe: from i2010 to |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2009/2224(INI) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Internet of Things |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2009/0070(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | European Earth monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations 2011–2013 |
Responsible Committee Shadow | 2009/0047(COD) | ITRE Industry, Research and Energy | Setting up the European GNSS Agency |
Amendment Co-authors
Name | Group | Country | Ams |
Sven GIEGOLD | Verts/ALE | Germany | 782 |
Ernest URTASUN | Verts/ALE | Spain | 590 |
Molly SCOTT CATO | Verts/ALE | United Kingdom | 187 |
Rasmus ANDRESEN | Verts/ALE | Germany | 155 |
Bas EICKHOUT | Verts/ALE | Netherlands | 136 |
Eva JOLY | Verts/ALE | France | 112 |
Ernest MARAGALL | Verts/ALE | Spain | 109 |
Emilie TURUNEN | Verts/ALE | Denmark | 70 |
Jordi SOLÉ | Verts/ALE | Spain | 69 |
Amelia ANDERSDOTTER | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 42 |
Reinhard BÜTIKOFER | Verts/ALE | Germany | 26 |
Pascal DURAND | Verts/ALE | France | 19 |
Heidi HAUTALA | Verts/ALE | Finland | 16 |
Jens ROHDE | ALDE | Denmark | 12 |
Matt CARTHY | GUE/NGL | Ireland | 12 |
Fabio DE MASI | GUE/NGL | Germany | 10 |
Julia REDA | Verts/ALE | Germany | 9 |
Isabella ADINOLFI | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Max ANDERSSON | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 9 |
Petras AUŠTREVIČIUS | ALDE | Lithuania | 9 |
Brando BENIFEI | S&D | Italy | 9 |
Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA | ALDE | Spain | 9 |
David BORRELLI | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Klaus BUCHNER | Verts/ALE | Germany | 9 |
Daniel DALTON | ECR | United Kingdom | 9 |
Stefan ECK | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Cornelia ERNST | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Fredrick FEDERLEY | ALDE | Sweden | 9 |
Laura FERRARA | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Thomas HÄNDEL | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Benedek JÁVOR | Verts/ALE | Hungary | 9 |
Kaja KALLAS | ALDE | Estonia | 9 |
Ska KELLER | Verts/ALE | Germany | 9 |
Kostadinka KUNEVA | GUE/NGL | Greece | 9 |
Merja KYLLÖNEN | GUE/NGL | Finland | 9 |
Marju LAURISTIN | S&D | Estonia | 9 |
Sabine LÖSING | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Ulrike LUNACEK | Verts/ALE | Austria | 9 |
Jiří MAŠTÁLKA | GUE/NGL | Czechia | 9 |
Martina MICHELS | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Jozo RADOŠ | ALDE | Croatia | 9 |
Evelyn REGNER | S&D | Austria | 9 |
Michel REIMON | Verts/ALE | Austria | 9 |
Judith SARGENTINI | Verts/ALE | Netherlands | 9 |
Marietje SCHAAKE | ALDE | Netherlands | 9 |
Helmut SCHOLZ | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Davor ŠKRLEC | Verts/ALE | Croatia | 9 |
Igor ŠOLTES | Verts/ALE | Slovenia | 9 |
Dario TAMBURRANO | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Indrek TARAND | Verts/ALE | Estonia | 9 |
Bodil VALERO | Verts/ALE | Sweden | 9 |
Monika VANA | Verts/ALE | Austria | 9 |
Sophia IN 'T VELD | ALDE | Netherlands | 9 |
Josef WEIDENHOLZER | S&D | Austria | 9 |
Gabriele ZIMMER | GUE/NGL | Germany | 9 |
Laura AGEA | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Luke Ming FLANAGAN | GUE/NGL | Ireland | 9 |
Yannick JADOT | Verts/ALE | France | 9 |
Nessa CHILDERS | S&D | Ireland | 9 |
Rosa D'AMATO | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Marco VALLI | EFDD | Italy | 9 |
Matthijs van MILTENBURG | ALDE | Netherlands | 9 |
Florent MARCELLESI | Verts/ALE | Spain | 9 |
Marisa MATIAS | GUE/NGL | Portugal | 8 |
Jonás FERNÁNDEZ | S&D | Spain | 8 |
Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS | GUE/NGL | Greece | 8 |
Dita CHARANZOVÁ | ALDE | Czechia | 8 |
Terry REINTKE | Verts/ALE | Germany | 8 |
Catherine STIHLER | S&D | United Kingdom | 8 |
Jana TOOM | ALDE | Estonia | 8 |
Niki TZAVELA | EFD | Greece | 7 |
Adina VĂLEAN | ALDE | Romania | 7 |
Maria da Graça CARVALHO | PPE | Portugal | 7 |
Fiona HALL | ALDE | United Kingdom | 7 |
Algirdas SAUDARGAS | PPE | Lithuania | 6 |
Teresa RIERA MADURELL | S&D | Spain | 6 |
Victor NEGRESCU | S&D | Romania | 6 |
Ivailo KALFIN | S&D | Bulgaria | 4 |
Pascal CANFIN | Verts/ALE | France | 2 |
Josefa ANDRÉS BAREA | S&D | Spain | 2 |
Keith TAYLOR | Verts/ALE | United Kingdom | 2 |
Alexandra GEESE | Verts/ALE | Germany | 2 |
Kim VAN SPARRENTAK | Verts/ALE | Netherlands | 2 |
David CORMAND | Verts/ALE | France | 2 |
Martin KASTLER | PPE | Germany | 1 |
Peter LIESE | PPE | Germany | 1 |
Sophie AUCONIE | PPE | France | 1 |
Damien ABAD | PPE | France | 1 |
Sylvie GOULARD | ALDE | France | 1 |
Herbert DORFMANN | PPE | Italy | 1 |
Thomas MANN | PPE | Germany | 1 |
Jürgen KLUTE | GUE/NGL | Germany | 1 |
Jean-Pierre AUDY | PPE | France | 1 |
Catherine TRAUTMANN | S&D | France | 1 |
Kent JOHANSSON | ALDE | Sweden | 1 |
Henri WEBER | S&D | France | 1 |
Jakob von WEIZSÄCKER | S&D | Germany | 1 |
Emmanuel MAUREL | S&D | France | 1 |
Sergio Gaetano COFFERATI | S&D | United Kingdom | 1 |
Miguel URBÁN CRESPO | GUE/NGL | Spain | 1 |
Rina Ronja KARI | GUE/NGL | Denmark | 1 |
Guillaume BALAS | S&D | France | 1 |
Tibor SZANYI | S&D | Hungary | 1 |
Isabelle THOMAS | S&D | France | 1 |
Curzio MALTESE | GUE/NGL | Italy | 1 |
Edouard MARTIN | S&D | France | 1 |
Jan Philipp ALBRECHT | Verts/ALE | Germany | 1 |
By types
Amendments (4605)Institutional motions (17)
Oral questions (3)
Plenary speeches (95)
Shadow opinions (3)
Shadow reports (12)
Written questions (16)
By dossiers
Count | Dossier Reference | Title |
208 | 2011/0401(COD) | Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation 2014-2020 |
202 | 2013/0314(COD) | Indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts |
182 | 2011/0402(CNS) | Specific programme implementing the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020 |
148 | 2011/0202(COD) | Prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms. Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) |
140 | 2013/2277(INI) | Enquiry report on the role and operations of the Troika (ECB, Commission and IMF) with regard to the euro area programme countries |
115 | 2015/0270(COD) | European deposit insurance scheme (EDIS) |
114 | 2013/0306(COD) | Money market funds |
114 | 2016/0364(COD) | Capital Requirements Directive: exempted entities, financial holding companies, mixed financial holding companies, remuneration, supervisory measures and powers and capital conservation measures |
113 | 2012/2151(INI) | Towards a genuine Economic and Monetary Union |
113 | 2016/2038(INI) | Tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect |
103 | 2023/0138(COD) | Effective coordination of economic policies and multilateral budgetary surveillance |
102 | 2012/0150(COD) | Credit institutions and investment firms: framework for recovery and resolution |
98 | 2016/0360A(COD) | Capital Requirements Regulation: leverage ratio, net stable funding ratio, requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities, counterparty credit risk, market risk, exposures to central counterparties, exposures to collective investment undertakings, large exposures, reporting and disclosure requirements |
90 | 2011/0203(COD) | Access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms. Capital Requirements Directive (CRDIV) |
77 | 2014/0020(COD) | Structural measures improving the resilience of EU credit institutions |
75 | 2016/0362(COD) | Bank recovery and resolution: loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity of credit institutions and investment firms |
70 | 2017/0090(COD) | European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR): clearing obligation, reporting requirements, risk-mitigation techniques, trade repositories |
69 | 2013/0110(COD) | Corporate governance: disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large companies and groups |
69 | 2018/0212(COD) | European Investment Stabilisation Function 2021–2027 |
69 | 2017/0136(COD) | EMIR and ESMA Regulations: procedures and authorities involved for the authorisation of CCPs and requirements for the recognition of third-country CCPs |
68 | 2011/0386(COD) | Economic governance: common provisions for monitoring and assessing draft budgetary plans and ensuring the correction of excessive deficit in the euro area. 'Two pack' |
66 | 2012/0242(CNS) | Prudential supervision of credit institutions: conferring specific tasks on the European Central Bank (ECB) |
64 | 2015/2010(INL) | Bringing transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the Union |
62 | 2011/0399(COD) | Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for research and innovation 2014-2020: rules for participation and dissemination |
61 | 2010/0280(COD) | Economic governance: strengthening of surveillance of budgetary positions and surveillance and coordination of economic policies. 'Six pack' |
60 | 2016/0221(COD) | European venture capital funds and European social entrepreneurship funds |
58 | 2011/0385(COD) | Economic governance: strengthening of economic and budgetary surveillance of Member States experiencing or threatened with serious difficulties with respect to their financial stability in the euro area. 'Two pack' |
53 | 2012/2256(INI) | European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Growth Survey 2013 |
50 | 2010/0281(COD) | Economic governance: prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances. 'Six pack' |
47 | 2011/0387(COD) | European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): strategic innovation agenda 2014-2020 |
42 | 2012/2028(INI) | Feasibility of introducing stability bonds |
41 | 2011/0092(CNS) | Taxation of energy products and electricity: restructuring the Community framework |
41 | 2017/0335(CNS) | Strengthening fiscal responsibility and medium-term budgetary orientation in the Member States |
39 | 2010/2074(INI) | Basel II and revision of the Capital Requirements Directives (CRD 4) |
38 | 2023/2078(INI) | Banking Union – annual report 2023 |
37 | 2013/0244(NLE) | Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking for the implementation of the Joint Technology Initiative in aeronautics |
37 | 2019/2211(INI) | European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020 |
34 | 2010/2099(INI) | Improving the economic governance and stability framework of the Union, in particular in the euro area |
33 | 2011/2071(INI) | European semester for economic policy coordination |
33 | 2011/2011(INI) | Global economic governance |
31 | 2010/0278(COD) | Economic governance: effective enforcement of budgetary surveillance in the euro area. 'Six pack' |
31 | 2017/2253(INI) | Relationships between the EU and third countries concerning financial services regulation and supervision |
31 | 2023/0137(CNS) | Excessive deficit procedure: speeding up and clarifying the implementation |
30 | 2013/2021(INI) | Reforming the structure of the EU banking sector |
30 | 2010/2078(INI) | ECB annual report for 2009 |
30 | 2010/2245(INI) | Innovation Union: transforming Europe for a post-crisis world |
30 | 2018/0043(COD) | Issue of covered bonds and covered bond public supervision |
29 | 2010/0279(COD) | Economic governance: enforcement measures to correct excessive macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area. 'Six pack' |
29 | 2015/0263(COD) | Structural reform support programme 2017-2020 |
28 | 2013/2134(INI) | European Semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2013 priorities |
28 | 2011/0276(COD) | Common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund; general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund |
28 | 2011/2094(INI) | Annual report on EU competition policy |
28 | 2010/0252(COD) | Radio spectrum policy programme |
26 | 2009/2173(INI) | Report on the competition policy 2008 |
25 | 2010/0276(CNS) | Economic governance: implementation of the excessive deficit procedure. 'Six pack' |
25 | 2010/2088(INI) | GDP and beyond - Measuring progress in a changing world |
24 | 2013/2157(INI) | European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2014 |
24 | 2013/0181(COD) | Statistics for the macroeconomic imbalances procedure |
24 | 2013/0214(COD) | European long-term investment funds |
24 | 2011/2319(INI) | Contribution to the annual growth survey 2012 |
24 | 2011/2107(INI) | Green Paper: From challenges to opportunities: towards a common strategic framework for EU research and innovation funding |
24 | 2016/2032(INI) | Access to finance for SMEs and increasing the diversity of SME funding in a capital markets union |
22 | 2011/0275(COD) | European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): support to the Investment for growth and jobs goal, 2014-2020 |
22 | 2011/2148(INI) | Towards a space strategy for the European Union that benefits its citizens |
22 | 2009/2225(INI) | Defining a new digital agenda for Europe: from i2010 to |
22 | 2023/0136(NLE) | Economic governance: requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States |
21 | 2010/2137(INI) | Report on competition policy 2009 |
21 | 2016/0360B(COD) | Capital Requirements Regulation: transitional arrangements for mitigating the impact of the introduction of IFRS 9 on own funds and the large exposures treatment of certain public sector exposures denominated in non-domestic currencies of Member States |
20 | 2009/2228(INI) | Mobilising information and communication technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient, low-carbon economy |
19 | 2010/0363(COD) | Wholesale energy market integrity and transparency |
18 | 2018/2101(INI) | ECB - Annual report 2017 |
17 | 2013/0445(NLE) | Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking |
16 | 2011/0459(COD) | European statistical programme 2013-2017 |
16 | 2020/2023(INI) | Recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
15 | 2012/2134(INI) | Improving access to finance for SMEs |
15 | 2011/0392(COD) | European satellite navigation systems: implementation and exploitation 2014-2020 |
15 | 2011/2043(INI) | Seventh EU programme for research, technological development and demonstration |
15 | 2009/2226(INI) | Mid-term review of the European satellite navigation programmes: implementation assessment, future challenges and financing perspectives |
14 | 2013/0253(COD) | Single Resolution Mechanism and Single Resolution Fund: uniform rules and procedure for the resolution of credit institutions and certain investment firms |
14 | 2011/0300(COD) | Trans-European energy infrastructure: guidelines |
14 | 2011/0058(CNS) | Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) |
14 | 2011/0093(COD) | Enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection: implementation |
14 | 2016/2269(INI) | Combating inequalities as a lever to boost job creation and growth |
14 | 2023/0077(COD) | Union’s electricity market design |
13 | 2012/2234(INI) | Agenda for adequate, safe and sustainable pensions |
13 | 2010/0277(NLE) | Economic governance: requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States. 'Six pack' |
13 | 2010/0101(COD) | EU guarantee to the European Investment Bank (EIB) against losses under loans and loan guarantees for projects outside the Union |
13 | 2013/2176(INI) | How can the European Union contribute to creating a hospitable environment for enterprises, businesses and start-ups to create jobs? |
12 | 2013/2047(INI) | Recovery and resolution framework for non-bank institutions |
12 | 2013/2025(INI) | Annual tax report: how to free the EU potential for economic growth |
12 | 2011/0442(COD) | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): extending the geographic scope of operations to the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean |
12 | 2011/2271(INI) | Annual tax report |
12 | 2010/0232(COD) | Financial conglomerates: supplementary supervision of financial entities |
12 | 2010/0282(COD) | Global navigation satellite system (GNSS): rules for access to the public regulated service |
12 | 2017/0334(COD) | Structural reform support programme 2017-2020: financial envelope and general objective |
11 | 2012/2115(INI) | Shadow banking |
11 | 2011/2082(INI) | Future of VAT |
11 | 2020/2078(INI) | Economic policies of the euro area 2020 |
10 | 2012/0084(COD) | European statistics: professional independence of national statistical authorities |
10 | 2011/0187(COD) | Roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union. Recast |
10 | 2014/0121(COD) | Corporate governance: long-term shareholder engagement |
10 | 2023/0076(COD) | Wholesale energy market: Union’s protection against market manipulation |
9 | 2011/0274(COD) | Cohesion Fund 2014-2020 |
9 | 2010/2304(INI) | European broadband: investing in digitally driven growth |
9 | 2009/2224(INI) | Internet of Things |
9 | 2016/0361(COD) | Single Resolution Mechanism: loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity for credit institutions and investment firms |
9 | 2016/0280(COD) | Copyright in the digital single market |
8 | 2011/2025(INI) | Comprehensive approach on personal data protection in the European Union |
8 | 2010/2079(INI) | Simplifying the implementation of the research framework programmes |
8 | 2009/2229(INI) | Internet governance: the next steps |
8 | 2018/0042(COD) | Exposures in the form of covered bonds |
7 | 2011/2089(INI) | Towards a coherent European approach to collective redress |
7 | 2011/2067(INI) | Agenda for new skills and jobs |
7 | 2017/0333R(APP) | Establishment of the European Monetary Fund |
6 | 2010/2105(INI) | Innovative financing at a global and European level |
6 | 2010/0250(COD) | OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (EMIR, European Market Infrastructure Regulation) |
6 | 2017/0810(COD) | Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank: clearing and payment systems |
6 | 2016/2018(INI) | Interpretation and implementation of the interinstitutional agreement on better law-making |
5 | 2013/0400(CNS) | Common system of taxation applicable in the case of parent companies and subsidiaries of different Member States: tackling double non-taxation |
5 | 2011/0330(CNS) | Excise duties: administrative cooperation |
5 | 2010/2087(INI) | EU strategy for the Black Sea |
4 | 2011/0341B(COD) | Action programme for taxation (Fiscalis 2020), 2014-2020 |
4 | 2010/0374(COD) | European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010) |
4 | 2010/0220(NLE) | State aid to facilitate the closure of uncompetitive coal mines |
4 | 2010/2010(INI) | Developing the job potential of a new sustainable economy |
3 | 2011/0417(COD) | European venture capital funds |
3 | 2011/0283(COD) | Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund: provisions relating to risk sharing instruments for Member States experiencing or threatened with serious difficulties with respect to their financial stability |
3 | 2010/2102(INI) | Tax and development - Cooperating with developing countries on promoting good governance in tax matters |
3 | 2009/0004(CNS) | Taxation: administrative cooperation |
3 | 2011/2176(INI) | Jurisdictional system for patent disputes |
3 | 2010/2208(INI) | Transport applications of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems - short and medium term EU policy |
3 | 2020/2616(RSP) | Resolution on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID 19 pandemic and its consequences |
2 | 2010/0821(NLE) | Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU): stability mechanism for Member States whose currency is the euro (amend. Article 136 TFEU) |
2 | 2006/0167(COD) | Officially supported export credits: application of certain guidelines |
2 | 2010/0073(COD) | European environmental economic accounts |
2 | 2011/0384(COD) | European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) 2014-2020 |
2 | 2014/2156(INI) | European Investment Bank - 2013 annual report |
2 | 2020/0374(COD) | Digital Markets Act |
2 | 2019/2817(RSP) | Resolution on the state of play of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union |
2 | 2020/2505(RSP) | Resolution on implementing and monitoring the provisions on citizens’ rights in the Withdrawal Agreement |
2 | 2018/0427(NLE) | Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community |
2 | 2020/2631(RSP) | Resolution on the new multiannual financial framework, own resources and the recovery plan |
2 | 2020/2123(INI) | European Central Bank – annual report 2020 |
2 | 2020/0156(COD) | Amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards adjustments to the securitisation framework to support the economic recovery in response to the COVID-19 crisis |
1 | 2010/0273(COD) | Judicial cooperation in criminal matters: combating attacks against information systems |
1 | 2016/2270(INI) | Minimum income policies as a tool to tackle poverty |
1 | 2015/2221(INI) | Banking union - 2015 annual report |
1 | 2019/2129(INI) | European Central Bank - annual report 2018 |
1 | 2020/2079(INI) | Employment and social policies of the euro area 2020 |
1 | 2020/0382(NLE) | EU/Euratom/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and EU/UK Agreement concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information |
1 | 2021/2703(RSP) | Resolution on the right of information of the Parliament regarding the ongoing assessment of the national recovery and resilience plans |
1 | 2020/2118(INI) | The role of the EU's development cooperation and humanitarian assistance in addressing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic |
1 | 2021/0211A(COD) | Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System |
1 | 2022/0195(COD) | Nature restoration |
1 | 2020/0151(COD) | General framework for securitisation and specific framework for simple, transparent and standardised securitisation to help the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis |
1 | 2023/0363(COD) | Amending certain financial services and investment support Regulations as regards certain reporting requirements |
1 | 2019/2883(RSP) | Resolution on opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania |
1 | 2019/2990(RSP) | Resolution on the European Parliament’s position on the Conference on the Future of Europe |
1 | 2019/2983(RSP) | Resolution on a common charger for mobile radio equipment |
1 | 2020/2557(RSP) | Resolution on the proposed mandate for negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
1 | 2020/2657(RSP) | Resolution on the European Parliament’s position on the Conference on the Future of Europe |
1 | 2020/2732(RSP) | Resolution on the conclusions of the extraordinary European Council meeting of 17-21 July 2020 |
1 | 2020/2923(RSP) | Resolution on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, the Interinstitutional Agreement, the EU Recovery Instrument and the Rule of Law Regulation |
1 | 2021/2658(RSP) | Resolution on the outcome of EU-UK negotiations |
1 | 2022/2564(RSP) | Resolution on the Russian aggression against Ukraine |
1 | 2022/2648(RSP) | Resolution on the follow-up to the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe |
1 | 2022/3012(RSP) | Resolution on suspicions of corruption from Qatar and the broader need for transparency and accountability in the European institutions |
See historical changes of the Bio
1963/03/14 - BruxellesPhilippe LAMBERTS on
(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)
2024-07-14Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/11/end |
2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
Constituencies/2/end |
2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
Groups/4/end |
2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
Staff/2/end |
2024-07-15T00:00:00 |
active |
2024-01-13Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Declaration of private interests |
2023-10-25Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Declaration on appropriate behaviour/0 |
Declaration on appropriate behaviour/0 |
2023-08-11Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
2023-04-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents |
2023-03-26Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Mail/0 |
Mail/0 |
2023-01-13Show (6) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
Mail/0 |
Mail/0 |
2022-10-28Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
2022-10-15Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Groups/3/end |
2022-10-12T00:00:00 |
Groups/4 |
2022-09-18Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Groups/2/end |
2022-09-13T00:00:00 |
Groups/3 |
2022-09-16Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Declaration on appropriate behaviour |
2022-06-13Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
0032 2 28 49388New
003222849388 |
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
0032 2 28 45388New
003222845388 |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
0033 3 88 1 79388New
0033388179388 |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
0033 3 88 1 75388New
0033388175388 |
2022-03-29Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/1 |
Marion Claude Lucette DESSALLES
2022-03-10Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping)/4 |
Julie Elise Adelphine RUAUD
2022-03-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited assistants (grouping) |
2022-02-13Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/10/end |
2022-01-19T00:00:00 |
Committees/11 |
2021-06-25Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2021-02-11Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Name/family |
Name/full |
Philippe LAMBERTS |
Name/sur |
Philippe |
2020-12-11Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Name/aliases/0 |
Name/aliases/1 |
Name/aliases/2 |
2020-12-09Show (6) Changes | Timetravel
Name/aliases/0 |
Name/aliases/1 |
Name/aliases/2 |
Name/family |
Name/full |
Philippe LAMBERTSNew
Name/sur |
2020-04-22Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal |
Addresses/Postal address |
2020-03-06Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Birth/place |
, BruxellesNew
Bruxelles |
2020-03-05Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Birth/place |
, Bruxelles |
2020-01-31Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/paying agents |
2020-01-08Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal |
Addresses/Postal address |
Addresses/Postal addresses |
2020-01-07Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal |
Addresses/Postal address |
Addresses/Postal addresses |
2019-12-04Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Building |
Bât. Altiero SpinelliNew
Addresses/Brussels/Address/building_code |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/Building |
Bât. Winston ChurchillNew
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/building_code |
2019-10-01Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/1 |
Francois Maxime L DENUIT
2019-08-27Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Building |
Bât. WiertzNew
Bât. Altiero Spinelli |
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Office |
09G305 |
Addresses/Brussels/Address/building_code |
2019-07-18Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/1 |
2019-07-04Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/10 |
Staff/2 |
2019-07-03Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/2 |
assistants/accredited/2 |
Noemie Arlette E DISTEXHE
assistants/accredited/3 |
Lise Michele Claire SCHWIMMER
assistants/local |
assistants/paying agents |
2019-07-02Show (22) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal/0 |
European Parliament
Addresses/Postal/0 |
Parlement européen
Addresses/Postal/1 |
JAN3Q Bruxelles
Addresses/Postal/1 |
Rue Wiertz
Addresses/Postal/2 |
Wiertz 06U022
Addresses/Postal/3 |
1047 Bruxelles
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/Building |
Bât. Louise WeissNew
Bât. Winston Churchill |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/Office |
M02039B |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Address/building_code |
Committees/8/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Committees/9/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Constituencies/1/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Constituencies/2 |
Declaration of good conduct |
Delegations/2/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Financial Declarations/0 |
Financial Declarations/0 |
Financial Declarations/1 |
Groups/1/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
Groups/2 |
Photo |
Old |
Staff/1/end |
2019-07-01T00:00:00 |
2019-05-26Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Building |
Bât. Altiero SpinelliNew
Bât. Wiertz |
Addresses/Brussels/Address/Office |
06U022 |
Addresses/Brussels/Address/building_code |
2019-05-04Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal/2 |
Wiertz 06U022
Addresses/Postal/2 |
Altiero Spinelli 05F253
2019-04-17Show (11) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
+322 28 49388New
0032 2 28 49388 |
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
+322 28 45388New
0032 2 28 45388 |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
+333 88 1 79388New
0033 3 88 1 79388 |
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
+333 88 1 75388New
0033 3 88 1 75388 |
Name/aliases/2 |
Name/aliases/4 |
Name/aliases/5 |
Name/aliases/6 |
lamberts philippe
Name/aliases/7 |
Name/aliases/8 |
philippe lamberts
Name/aliases/9 |
2019-03-21Show (39) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
Committees/0 |
Committees/0 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/2 |
Committees/2 |
Committees/3 |
Committees/3 |
Committees/4 |
Committees/4 |
Committees/5 |
Committees/5 |
Committees/6 |
Committees/6 |
Committees/7 |
Committees/7 |
Committees/8 |
Committees/8 |
Committees/9 |
Committees/9 |
Constituencies/0 |
Constituencies/0 |
Constituencies/1 |
Constituencies/1 |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/1 |
Delegations/1 |
Delegations/2 |
Delegations/2 |
Groups/0 |
Groups/0 |
Groups/1 |
Groups/1 |
Staff/0 |
Staff/0 |
Staff/1 |
Staff/1 |
2019-03-18Show (54) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal address |
Committees/0 |
Committees/0 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/1/committee_id |
Committees/1/term |
Committees/2/abbr |
Committees/2/term |
Committees/3/abbr |
Committees/3/term |
Committees/4 |
Committees/4 |
Committees/4/committee_id |
Committees/4/term |
Committees/5 |
Committees/5 |
Committees/5/committee_id |
Committees/5/term |
Committees/6 |
Committees/6 |
Committees/6/committee_id |
Committees/6/term |
Committees/7/committee_id |
Committees/7/term |
Committees/8 |
Committees/8 |
Committees/8/committee_id |
Committees/8/term |
Committees/9 |
Committees/9/committee_id |
Committees/9/term |
Constituencies/0/term |
Constituencies/1/term |
Declarations of Participation |
Delegations/0/abbr |
Delegations/0/term |
Delegations/1/abbr |
Delegations/1/term |
Delegations/2/abbr |
Delegations/2/term |
Groups/0/country |
Groups/1/country |
Name/familylc |
Staff/0/term |
Staff/1/term |
assistants/accredited/0 |
Benoit DiveNew
Gaspard DENIS |
assistants/accredited/1 |
Kim Fredericq EvangelistaNew
Olivier DERRUINE |
assistants/accredited/2 |
Noemie Arlette E DISTEXHE |
assistants/accredited/3 |
Lise Michele Claire SCHWIMMER
assistants/local/0 |
Benoit Dive |
assistants/local/1 |
Kim Fredericq Evangelista
assistants/local/2 |
assistants/paying agents |
2017-11-29Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Staff/0 |
Staff/1/end |
2017-07-04T00:00:00 |
2017-09-29Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
2017-07-15Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/1 |
2017-06-29Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Facebook/0 |
Old |
2017-01-20Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0 |
2017-01-11Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0/end |
2017-01-18T00:00:00 |
2016-11-22Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/0 |
Dive BenoitNew
Benoit Dive |
assistants/accredited/1 |
Kim Fredericq Evangelista |
assistants/accredited/2 |
Fredericq Evangelista KimNew
2016-09-08Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/1/end |
2016-08-02T00:00:00 |
2016-04-19Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited |
2016-04-16Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited |
2016-04-07Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/1 |
Fredericq Evangelista Kim
2016-03-23Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited |
2016-03-18Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited |
2016-03-04Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/0 |
Dive Benoit
2016-02-10Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants |
2016-02-06Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/1 |
Committees/2/end |
2015-11-30T00:00:00 |
assistants |
2015-11-30Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local/1 |
2015-11-20Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/date |
28/05/2014 |
2015-10-28Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/3 |
assistants/local/1 |
2015-05-28Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Twitter/0 |
@ph_lambertsNew |
2015-05-23Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/3 |
2015-03-21Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Homepage/1 |
Homepage/2 |
Twitter/0 |
@ph_lamberts |
2015-03-12Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Declarations of Participation |
2015-02-20Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/1/start |
2015-02-12T00:00:00 |
2015-02-19Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/1/Organization |
Special committee on tax rulings and other measures similar in its nature or effectNew
Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature or Effect |
2015-02-14Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels |
Committees/1 |
2015-01-23Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels |
2014-11-02Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
+322 28 49388
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
+322 28 45388
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
+333 88 1 79388
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
+333 88 1 75388
2014-10-22Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Brussels/Fax |
+322 28 49388
Addresses/Brussels/Phone |
+322 28 45388
Addresses/Strasbourg/Fax |
+333 88 1 79388
Addresses/Strasbourg/Phone |
+333 88 1 75388
2014-10-17Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local/1 |
2014-10-15Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local |
2014-09-07Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-06Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-05Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-04Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-03Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-02Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/url |
Old |
2014-09-02Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Financial Declarations/0/date |
Financial Declarations/0/url |
2014-08-12Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/accredited/2 |
KNOPS Louise
2014-08-07Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants |
2014-07-29Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
Constituencies/0/country |
Constituencies/0/party |
Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales (Belgium)New
Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales |
Constituencies/1/country |
Constituencies/1/party |
Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales (Belgium)New
Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales |
Financial Declarations |
2014-07-27Show (16) Changes | Timetravel
CV/0 |
Humanities (Greek and Latin) baccalaureate, Institut Notre-Dame (Anderlecht) (1974-1980). Specialisation in sciences, Saint-Louis Institute (Brussels) (1980-1981). Civil engineering through applied mathematics, Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve) (1981-1986). IBM Client Executive Programme, INSEAD (Fontainebleau) (1997-1998).
CV/1 |
International Business Machines (IBM): career spanning technical, technical-sales, sales and managerial positions, working mainly with clients in the manufacturing and distribution sectors (1987-2009). Teacher of mathematics and computing, Institut d'Enseignement Supérieur Technique de l'État (IESTE) (1987-1992).
CV/2 |
General Advisory Council for Students at Louvain (AGL): student representative on the UCL academic council (1984-1986). Member of Ecolo (from 1991). Municipal councillor for Anderlecht (1995-2006). International affairs and defence advisor to the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister, Isabelle Durant (1999-2003).
CV/3 |
Ecolo representative on the Council of the European Green Party (1999-2003). Member of the Executive Committee of the European Green Party (2003-2006). Co-President of the European Green Party (2006-2012).
CV/4 |
Municipal councillor for Anderlecht (1995-2006). International affairs and defence advisor to the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister, Isabelle Durant (1999-2003). Member of the European Parliament (since 2009).
CV/5 |
International affairs and defence advisor to the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister, Isabelle Durant (1999-2003).
CV/6 |
Member of the European Parliament; member of the Committee on Economic Affairs and the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. Main dossiers handled: economic governance, regulation of the banking sector and industrial, research and innovation policy.
CV/7 |
Administrator, Vice-President and then President of the Institut des Sœurs de Notre-Dame organising body (Anderlecht) (since 2002).
Constituencies/0/country |
Constituencies/0/party |
Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes OriginalesNew
Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales (Belgium) |
Constituencies/1/country |
Constituencies/1/party |
Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes OriginalesNew
Ecologistes Confédérés pour l'Organisation de Luttes Originales (Belgium) |
Delegations/0 |
Groups/0/Organization |
The Greens/European Free AllianceNew
Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance |
Groups/0/country |
Groups/1/country |
2014-07-08Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal/2 |
Altiero SpinelliNew
Altiero Spinelli 05F253 |
2014-07-07Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses |
Committees/0 |
Groups/0 |
Staff |
2014-07-01Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses |
Constituencies/0 |
active |
True |
assistants |
2014-05-30Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses/Postal/2 |
Altiero Spinelli 08G257New
Altiero Spinelli |
Addresses/Postal/3 |
B-1047 BruxellesNew
1047 Bruxelles |
2014-05-14Show (7) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Committees/1/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Constituencies/0/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Delegations/0/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Delegations/1/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
Groups/0/end |
2014-06-30T00:00:00 |
active |
2014-05-09Show (8) Changes | Timetravel
CV/0 |
Humanities (Greek and Latin) baccalaureate, Institut Notre-Dame (Anderlecht) (1974-1980). Specialisation in sciences, Saint-Louis Institute (Brussels) (1980-1981). Civil engineering through applied mathematics, Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve) (1981-1986). IBM Client Executive Programme, INSEAD (Fontainebleau) (1997-1998).
CV/1 |
International Business Machines (IBM): career spanning technical, technical-sales, sales and managerial positions, working mainly with clients in the manufacturing and distribution sectors (1987-2009). Teacher of mathematics and computing, Institut d'Enseignement Supérieur Technique de l'État (IESTE) (1987-1992).
CV/2 |
General Advisory Council for Students at Louvain (AGL): student representative on the UCL academic council (1984-1986). Member of Ecolo (from 1991). Municipal councillor for Anderlecht (1995-2006). International affairs and defence advisor to the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister, Isabelle Durant (1999-2003).
CV/3 |
Ecolo representative on the Council of the European Green Party (1999-2003). Member of the Executive Committee of the European Green Party (2003-2006). Co-President of the European Green Party (2006-2012).
CV/4 |
Municipal councillor for Anderlecht (1995-2006). International affairs and defence advisor to the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister, Isabelle Durant (1999-2003). Member of the European Parliament (since 2009).
CV/5 |
International affairs and defence advisor to the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister, Isabelle Durant (1999-2003).
CV/6 |
Member of the European Parliament; member of the Committee on Economic Affairs and the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. Main dossiers handled: economic governance, regulation of the banking sector and industrial, research and innovation policy.
CV/7 |
Administrator, Vice-President and then President of the Institut des Sœurs de Notre-Dame organising body (Anderlecht) (since 2002).
2014-03-26Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local/0 |
2014-03-18Show (4) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses |
Homepage |
Twitter/0 |
Old |
2014-01-23Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Addresses |
Twitter/0 |
Old!/LambertsphNew |
assistants/local/1 |
2013-06-04Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
2013-05-03Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
active |
True |
2013-05-02Show (19) Changes | Timetravel
CV |
Committees/0 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/2/end |
Committees/2/start |
Committees/3/end |
Committees/3/start |
Committees/4 |
Constituencies/0/end |
Delegations/0/abbr |
Delegations/0/end |
Delegations/0/start |
Delegations/1/abbr |
Delegations/1/end |
Delegations/1/start |
Groups/0/end |
Groups/0/start |
active |
2012-12-08Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
assistants/local/0 |
2012-11-05Show (1) Changes | Timetravel
2012-09-27Show (2) Changes | Timetravel
2012-04-02Show (3) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0/Organization |
Economic and Monetary AffairsNew
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs |
Committees/1/Organization |
Industry, Research and EnergyNew
Committee on Industry, Research and Energy |
Staff |
2012-03-09Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
Committees |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/1 |
Delegations/1 |
2012-03-08Show (5) Changes | Timetravel
Committees |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/1 |
Delegations/1 |
2012-02-10Show (14) Changes | Timetravel
Committees/0 |
Committees/0 |
Committees/1 |
Committees/1 |
Constituencies/0 |
Constituencies/0 |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/0 |
Delegations/1 |
Delegations/1 |
Groups/0 |
Groups/0 |
Staff/0 |
Staff/0 |
2012-01-21Show (15) Changes
Addresses |
Birth |
Committees |
Constituencies |
Delegations |
Gender |
Groups |
Name |
Photo |
Staff |
UserID |
active |
assistants |