headshot of Ádám KÓSA


Show earlier Constituencies...
  • Fidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt icon: HU Hungary 2019/07/02 - 2024/07/15
  • Fidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt icon: HU Hungary 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01
  • Fidesz-Magyar Polgári Szövetség-Keresztény Demokrata Néppárt icon: HU Hungary 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30


Show earlier Groups...
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2009/07/14 - 2014/06/30
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2014/07/01 - 2019/07/01
  • icon: PPE PPE Member Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) 2019/07/02 - 2021/03/04
  • icon: NA NA Member Non-attached Members 2021/03/05 - 2024/07/15


Show earlier committees...
Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2009/07/16 2012/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2009/07/16 2012/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2010/03/01 2012/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2012/01/19 2012/06/13
Substitute of Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2012/01/19 2012/09/03
Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2012/01/19 2014/06/30
Member of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2012/06/14 2012/09/09
Substitute of Committee on Transport and Tourism 2012/09/10 2014/06/30
Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2014/07/01 2017/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Development 2014/07/09 2017/01/18
Substitute of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2016/05/25 2017/01/18
Substitute of Committee on Development 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Substitute of Subcommittee on Human Rights 2017/01/19 2019/07/01
Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2019/07/02 2021/03/04
Substitute of Committee on Petitions 2019/07/02 2021/03/04
Substitute of Committee on Development 2020/02/10 2021/01/12
Member of Committee on Budgetary Control 2021/01/18 2021/03/04
Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2021/09/16 2022/01/19
Substitute of Committee on Development 2021/09/29 2022/01/19
Substitute of Committee on Development 2022/01/20 2024/07/15
Member of Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 2022/01/20 2024/07/15


Show earlier delegations...
Member of Delegation for relations with Japan 2009/09/16 2014/06/30
Substitute of Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee 2009/09/16 2014/06/30
Member of Delegation for relations with Japan 2014/07/14 2019/07/01
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2014/07/14 2019/07/01
Member of Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2019/07/02 2021/03/04
Substitute of Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan, EU-Uzbekistan and EU-Tajikistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees and for relations with Turkmenistan and Mongolia 2019/07/02 2021/03/04
Member of Delegation for relations with Japan 2022/02/17 2024/07/15
Substitute of Delegation for relations with the Pan-African Parliament 2022/02/17 2024/07/15


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  • Phone: 003222845208
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  • Office: Bât. ALTIERO SPINELLI 12E254
  • Full Address
    • City: Bruxelles/Brussel
    • Zip: B-1047
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  • Phone: 0033388175208
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  • Office: Bât. LOUISE WEISS T10037
  • Full Address
    • City: Strasbourg
    • Zip: CS 91024 - F-67070
    • Street: 1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman


Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/2125(INI) PETI Petitions Activities of the European Ombudsman - annual report 2019
Responsible Committee Shadow 2020/2086(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Implementation of Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation in light of the UNCRPD
Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/2012(INL) ['EMPL'] Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies
Opinion Committee Shadow 2020/2006(INL) ['DEVE'] An EU legal framework to halt and reverse EU-driven global deforestation
Opinion Committee Shadow 2019/2176(INI) ['PETI'] Report on the 2019-2020 Commission Reports on Turkey
Opinion Committee Shadow 2019/2132(INI) ['PETI'] Monitoring the application of European Union law 2017, 2018 and 2019
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/2269(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Combating inequalities as a lever to boost job creation and growth
Responsible Committee Shadow 2016/0264(COD) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs European statistics relating to persons and households
Responsible Committee Shadow 2015/2258(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with special regard to the concluding observations of the UN CPRD Committee
Committee Opinion 2015/2103(INL) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Civil law rules on robotics
Committee Opinion 2015/0278(COD) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Accessibility requirements for products and services
Committee Opinion 2014/2247(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Cohesion policy and marginalised communities
Committee Opinion 2013/2078(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union (2012)
Committee Opinion 2013/2065(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Women with disabilities
Committee Opinion 2013/2008(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs European Commission's seventh and eight progress reports on the EU cohesion policy and the 2013 strategic report on programme implementation 2007-2013
Committee Opinion 2011/0459(COD) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs European statistical programme 2013-2017
Committee Opinion 2011/0276(COD) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund; general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
Responsible Committee 2010/2272(INI) EMPL Employment and Social Affairs Mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European disability strategy 2010-2020
Responsible Committee Shadow 2003/0132A(NLE) TRAN Transport and Tourism Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, Protocol of 2002 to the 1974 Athens Convention: accession (excluding Articles 10 and 11)



Amendment Co-authors
Name Group Country Ams
Andor DELI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 193
Andrea BOCSKOR icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 188
Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 118
Tamás DEUTSCH icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 107
Lefteris CHRISTOFOROU icon: PPE PPE icon: Cyprus Cyprus 103
László TŐKÉS icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 93
Kinga GÁL icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 84
Romana TOMC icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 78
Csaba SÓGOR icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 67
József SZÁJER icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 63
Heinz K. BECKER icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 63
Andrey NOVAKOV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 55
Ildikó GÁLL-PELCZ icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 54
Stelios KYMPOUROPOULOS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 53
Erik BÁNKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 50
Danuta JAZŁOWIECKA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 47
Dieter-Lebrecht KOCH icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 45
Krzysztof HETMAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 44
Pál CSÁKY icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 43
György HÖLVÉNYI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 42
András GYÜRK icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 41
György SCHÖPFLIN icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 38
Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 38
Miriam LEXMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 37
Edina TÓTH icon: NA NA icon: Hungary Hungary 36
Anne SANDER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 35
Deirdre CLUNE icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 35
Zoltán BAGÓ icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 33
Philippe BOULLAND icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 33
Roberta ANGELILLI icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 33
Helga STEVENS icon: ECR ECR icon: Belgium Belgium 33
Marek PLURA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 33
Jan KOZŁOWSKI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 32
Marian HARKIN icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Ireland Ireland 31
Agnieszka KOZŁOWSKA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 31
Gheorghe FALCĂ icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 31
Radan KANEV icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 31
Eugen TOMAC icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 31
Sven SCHULZE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 30
Loránt VINCZE icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 29
Pavel SVOBODA icon: PPE PPE icon: Czechia Czechia 26
Dennis RADTKE icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 25
Monika HOHLMEIER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 24
Georges BACH icon: PPE PPE icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 23
Lívia JÁRÓKA icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 23
Loucas FOURLAS icon: PPE PPE icon: Cyprus Cyprus 23
Jana ŽITŇANSKÁ icon: ECR ECR icon: Slovakia Slovakia 22
Rosa ESTARÀS FERRAGUT icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 20
Tom VANDENKENDELAERE icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 20
Sofia RIBEIRO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 19
Arne GERICKE icon: ECR ECR icon: Germany Germany 19
Richard HOWITT icon: S&D S&D icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 19
Kostadinka KUNEVA icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Greece Greece 19
Lívia JÁRÓKA icon: NA NA icon: Hungary Hungary 19
Brando BENIFEI icon: S&D S&D icon: Italy Italy 18
Czesław HOC icon: ECR ECR icon: Poland Poland 18
David CASA icon: PPE PPE icon: Malta Malta 17
Joachim ZELLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 16
Jeroen LENAERS icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 16
Anthea McINTYRE icon: ECR ECR icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 16
Herbert DORFMANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Italy Italy 16
Nils TORVALDS icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Finland Finland 16
Josep-Maria TERRICABRAS icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Spain Spain 16
Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Spain Spain 16
Cindy FRANSSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 16
Angelika WERTHMANN icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Austria Austria 15
Jarosław DUDA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 15
Claude ROLIN icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 14
Waldemar TOMASZEWSKI icon: ECR ECR icon: Lithuania Lithuania 14
Ernest URTASUN icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Spain Spain 14
Iuliu WINKLER icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 14
Ramon TREMOSA i BALCELLS icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Spain Spain 13
Ian HUDGHTON icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 13
Tadeusz ZWIEFKA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 13
László TRÓCSÁNYI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 13
Andrzej GRZYB icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 12
Marijana PETIR icon: PPE PPE icon: Croatia Croatia 12
Enikő GYŐRI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 12
Balázs HIDVÉGHI icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 12
Edina TÓTH icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 12
Norbert ERDŐS icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 11
Olga SEHNALOVÁ icon: S&D S&D icon: Czechia Czechia 11
Francisco de Paula GAMBUS MILLET icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 11
Mady DELVAUX icon: S&D S&D icon: Luxembourg Luxembourg 11
Martina ANDERSON icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 10
Antonius MANDERS icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 10
Ágnes HANKISS icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 9
Anna ZÁBORSKÁ icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 9
Jérôme LAVRILLEUX icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 9
Daniel BUDA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 8
Sara SKYTTEDAL icon: PPE PPE icon: Sweden Sweden 8
José Manuel FERNANDES icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 8
Balázs HIDVÉGHI icon: NA NA icon: Hungary Hungary 8
Cristian Dan PREDA icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 7
Laima Liucija ANDRIKIENĖ icon: PPE PPE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 7
Thomas ULMER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 6
Markus PIEPER icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 6
Marian-Jean MARINESCU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 6
Niclas HERBST icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 6
Verónica LOPE FONTAGNÉ icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 5
Thomas MANN icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 5
Lambert van NISTELROOIJ icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 5
Carlos COELHO icon: PPE PPE icon: Portugal Portugal 5
Roberta METSOLA icon: PPE PPE icon: Malta Malta 5
Mihai ŢURCANU icon: PPE PPE icon: Romania Romania 5
Antanas GUOGA icon: PPE PPE icon: Lithuania Lithuania 5
Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 5
Ramón Luis VALCÁRCEL SISO icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 5
Patricija ŠULIN icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 5
Jean LAMBERT icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 4
Frédéric DAERDEN icon: S&D S&D icon: Belgium Belgium 4
Jim HIGGINS icon: PPE PPE icon: Ireland Ireland 4
Dominique VLASTO icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 4
Theodoros ZAGORAKIS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 4
Eduard KUKAN icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 4
Birgit COLLIN-LANGEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 4
József NAGY icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 4
Lucia ĎURIŠ NICHOLSONOVÁ icon: RE RE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 4
Karima DELLI icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: France France 3
Patrick LE HYARIC icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: France France 3
Ilda FIGUEIREDO icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Portugal Portugal 3
Marie-Christine VERGIAT icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: France France 3
Sylvie GOULARD icon: ALDE ALDE icon: France France 3
Íñigo MÉNDEZ DE VIGO icon: PPE PPE icon: Spain Spain 3
Paul RÜBIG icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 3
Bogdan Brunon WENTA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 3
Maurice PONGA icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 3
Eva MAYDELL icon: PPE PPE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 3
Mark DEMESMAEKER icon: ECR ECR icon: Belgium Belgium 3
Angelika MLINAR icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Austria Austria 3
Ivo VAJGL icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 3
Filiz HYUSMENOVA icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 3
Michał BONI icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 3
Jana TOOM icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Estonia Estonia 3
Milan ZVER icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovenia Slovenia 3
Lorenzo FONTANA icon: NA NA icon: Italy Italy 3
Liadh NÍ RIADA icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Ireland Ireland 3
Ilhan KYUCHYUK icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 3
Zoltán BALCZÓ icon: NA NA icon: Hungary Hungary 3
Nedzhmi ALI icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Bulgaria Bulgaria 3
Biljana BORZAN icon: S&D S&D icon: Croatia Croatia 3
Tatjana ŽDANOKA icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Latvia Latvia 3
Javi LÓPEZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Spain Spain 3
Vladimír BILČÍK icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 3
Peter POLLÁK icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 3
Michal WIEZIK icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 3
Ivan ŠTEFANEC icon: PPE PPE icon: Slovakia Slovakia 3
Isabelle DURANT icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Belgium Belgium 2
Mara BIZZOTTO icon: EFD EFD icon: Italy Italy 2
Vincenzo IOVINE icon: ALDE ALDE icon: Italy Italy 2
Jean-Luc BENNAHMIAS icon: ALDE ALDE icon: France France 2
Nathalie GRIESBECK icon: ALDE ALDE icon: France France 2
Antigoni PAPADOPOULOU icon: S&D S&D icon: Cyprus Cyprus 2
Rovana PLUMB icon: S&D S&D icon: Romania Romania 2
Elizabeth LYNNE icon: ALDE ALDE icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 2
Kinga GÖNCZ icon: S&D S&D icon: Hungary Hungary 2
Konstantinos POUPAKIS icon: PPE PPE icon: Greece Greece 2
Csaba ŐRY icon: PPE PPE icon: Hungary Hungary 2
Elisabeth MORIN-CHARTIER icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 2
Pascal ARIMONT icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 2
Andrejs MAMIKINS icon: S&D S&D icon: Latvia Latvia 2
Jill EVANS icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 2
Peter van DALEN icon: ECR ECR icon: Netherlands Netherlands 2
Ulrike RODUST icon: S&D S&D icon: Germany Germany 2
Josu JUARISTI ABAUNZ icon: GUE/NGL GUE/NGL icon: Spain Spain 2
Ernest MARAGALL icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Spain Spain 2
Lukas MANDL icon: PPE PPE icon: Austria Austria 2
Robert ROCHEFORT icon: ALDE ALDE icon: France France 1
Rolandas PAKSAS icon: EFD EFD icon: Lithuania Lithuania 1
Roger HELMER icon: ECR ECR icon: United Kingdom United Kingdom 1
Joanna Katarzyna SKRZYDLEWSKA icon: PPE PPE icon: Poland Poland 1
Franz OBERMAYR icon: NA NA icon: Austria Austria 1
Ivo BELET icon: PPE PPE icon: Belgium Belgium 1
Ria OOMEN-RUIJTEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Netherlands Netherlands 1
Christine DE VEYRAC icon: PPE PPE icon: France France 1
Bendt BENDTSEN icon: PPE PPE icon: Denmark Denmark 1
Andreas SCHWAB icon: PPE PPE icon: Germany Germany 1
Julia REDA icon: Verts/ALE Verts/ALE icon: Germany Germany 1

By types

Amendments (2372)
Institutional motions (3)
Oral questions (5)
Plenary speeches (101)
Shadow opinions (4)
Shadow reports (2)
Written explanations (479)
Written questions (33)

By dossiers

CountDossier ReferenceTitle
732010/2272(INI)Mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European disability strategy 2010-2020
702015/2258(INI)Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with special regard to the concluding observations of the UN CPRD Committee
582015/2103(INL)Civil law rules on robotics
572017/0121(COD)Posting drivers in the road transport sector
512015/2255(INI)Social dumping in the European Union
502018/0064(COD)European Labour Authority
412017/0355(COD)Transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union
412016/0070(COD)Posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services
392020/2216(INI)Shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers
382016/0264(COD)European statistics relating to persons and households
362021/0206(COD)Social Climate Fund
332012/0340(COD)Accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies
312019/2975(RSP)Resolution on the European Disability Strategy post2020
302016/2269(INI)Combating inequalities as a lever to boost job creation and growth
292017/0122(COD)Minimum requirements on maximum daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods; positioning by means of tachographs
292020/0104(COD)Recovery and Resilience Facility
282010/2027(INI)Demographic challenge and solidarity between generations
282014/0002(COD)European network of employment services (EURES), workers' access to mobility services and further integration of labour markets
282019/2188(INI)Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty
272017/0305(NLE)Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States
272015/2116(INI)Application of the Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (Employment Equality Directive)
262015/0278(COD)Accessibility requirements for products and services
262021/0414(COD)Improving working conditions of persons working through digital labour platforms
252011/0294(COD)Trans-European transport network: development
252016/0404(COD)Proportionality test before adoption of new regulation of professions
232020/2146(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Committee of the Regions
222018/0191(COD)Erasmus programme for education, training, youth and sport 2021–2027
222015/2321(INI)Refugees: social inclusion and integration into the labour market
202012/2067(INI)Passenger rights in all transport modes
202017/0123(COD)Pursuing the occupation of road transport operator and access to the international road haulage market
202014/2222(INI)European semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects in the annual growth survey 2015
202019/2187(INI)Access to decent and affordable housing for all
202020/2145(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Economic and Social Committee
182020/2079(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area 2020
172011/0129(COD)Rights, support and protection of victims of crime: minimum standards
172018/0206(COD)European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) 2021–2027
172020/2012(INL)Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies
172020/2244(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and Social Aspects in the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2021
172023/0311(COD)Establishing the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities
162017/2206(INI)Violation of the rights of indigenous peoples in the world, including land grabbing
162016/0130(COD)Protection of workers from exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work: exposure limit values
162015/2223(INI)Meeting the antipoverty target in the light of increasing household costs
162020/2011(INI)Report on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies: Combating negative attitudes towards people with Romani background in Europe
162020/2125(INI)Activities of the European Ombudsman - annual report 2019
162020/2275(INI)Engaging with citizens: the right to petition, the right to refer to the European Ombudsman and the European Citizens’ Initiative
152011/0397(COD)Groundhandling services at Union airports
152011/2150(INI)Functioning and application of established rights of people travelling by air
152018/0207(COD)Rights and values programme 2021–2027
152022/2026(INI)Towards equal rights for people with disabilities
142011/2052(INI)European Platform against poverty and social exclusion
142017/0085(COD)Work-life balance for parents and carers
142016/0397(COD)Social security coordination
142015/2330(INI)European semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects in the annual growth survey 2016
142014/2235(INI)Creating a competitive EU labour market for the 21st century: matching skills and qualifications with demand and job opportunities, as a way to recover from the crisis
142014/2241(INI)New challenges and concepts for the promotion of tourism in Europe
142019/2212(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and Social Aspects in the Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy 2020
142020/2149(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European External Action Service
132016/2324(INI)Addressing shrinking civil society space in developing countries
132018/0230(COD)European solidarity corps programme 2021–2027
132016/2307(INI)European semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects in the annual growth survey 2017
122020/0006(COD)Just Transition Fund
122020/2098(REG)Amendments to the Rules of Procedure in order to ensure the functioning of Parliament in extraordinary circumstances
122020/2148(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Data Protection Supervisor
122019/2186(INI)Fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers - New forms of employment linked to digital development
112017/2008(INI)Women’s economic empowerment in the private and public sectors in the EU
112016/2095(INI)European pillar of social rights
112016/0284(COD)Copyright and related rights applicable to certain online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and retransmissions of television and radio programmes
112020/0030(NLE)Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States
112020/2076(INI)A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
112020/2142(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Council and Council
112020/2143(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - Court of Justice
112020/2209(INI)The protection of persons with disabilities through petitions: lessons learnt
112021/0050(COD)Equal pay for equal work between men and women (pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms)
112023/2073(INI)EU development cooperation in support of access to energy in developing countries
102013/2045(INI)Tackling youth unemployment: possible ways out
102010/2206(INI)Europe, the world's No 1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe
102011/2182(INI)EU citizenship report 2010: dismantling the obstacles to EU citizens' rights
102017/0237(COD)Rail passengers’ rights and obligations. Recast
102018/2028(INI)Language equality in the digital age
102020/2086(INI)Implementation of Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation in light of the UNCRPD
102020/2144(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - Court of Auditors
92010/0242(COD)European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (2012)
92018/2084(INI)WTO: the way forward
92018/2083(INI)Digitalisation for development: reducing poverty through technology
92018/0212(COD)European Investment Stabilisation Function 2021–2027
92019/2132(INI)Monitoring the application of European Union law 2017, 2018 and 2019
92020/2141(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Parliament
92020/2140(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Commission
92021/2253(INI)Towards a common European action on care
82010/2239(INI)Towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems
82011/2272(INI)Strategy for strengthening the rights of vulnerable consumers
82017/2283(INI)Implementation of the EU association agreement with Ukraine
82016/2219(INI)Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter 2015
82015/2038(INI)Implementation of the 2010 recommendations of Parliament on social and environmental standards, human rights and corporate responsibility
82017/2003(INI)European agenda for the collaborative economy
82015/2088(INI)Skills policies for fighting youth unemployment
82014/2237(INI)Reducing inequalities with a special focus on child poverty
82014/2247(INI)Cohesion policy and marginalised communities
82020/2020(INI)Strengthening the Single Market: the future of free movement of services
82020/2133(INI)Strengthening transparency and integrity in the EU institutions by setting up an independent EU ethics body
82020/2147(DEC)2019 discharge: General budget of the EU - European Ombudsman
82021/2209(INI)Towards an EU strategy to promote education for children in the world: mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
82023/2586(RSP)Resolution on a roadmap towards a social Europe – two years after the Porto Social Summit
72012/2324(INI)Implementation of Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation
72012/2056(INI)eCall: new 112 service for citizens
72011/0196(COD)Tachographs in road transport
72017/2122(INI)Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2016 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
72018/0106(COD)Protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law
72019/2176(INI)Report on the 2019-2020 Commission Reports on Turkey
72020/2215(INI)The situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU, in the frame of women’s health
72020/2150(DEC)2019 discharge: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
62013/2065(INI)Women with disabilities
62011/2067(INI)Agenda for new skills and jobs
62010/2039(INI)Role of minimum income in combating poverty and promoting an inclusive society in Europe
62011/0302(COD)Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020
62012/2030(INI)Completing the digital single market
62011/2294(INI)Modernising Europe's higher education systems
62018/2037(INI)Future of food and farming
62017/2277(INI)Pathways for the reintegration of workers recovering from injury and illness into quality employment
62017/2260(INI)European semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects in the annual growth survey 2018
62016/0403(COD)European services e-card and related administrative facilities
62017/2039(INI)Implementation of the youth employment initiative in the Member States
62020/2044(INI)Report under Rule 227(7) on the deliberations of the Committee on Petitions during the year 2019
62020/2129(INL)Corporate due diligence and corporate accountability
62020/2118(INI)The role of the EU's development cooperation and humanitarian assistance in addressing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic
62020/2172(DEC)2019 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (EUROPOL)
62020/2166(DEC)2019 discharge: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)
62022/2016(INI)A New EU Forest Strategy for 2030 – Sustainable Forest Management in Europe
62020/2005(INL)Quality traineeships in the EU
52011/2147(INI)Mid-term review of the European strategy 2007-2012 on health and safety at work
52011/0438(COD)Public procurement
52013/0015(COD)Interoperability of the rail system within the EU. Recast. 4th Railway Package
52010/2208(INI)Transport applications of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems - short and medium term EU policy
52010/0063(COD)Statistics on tourism
52008/0237(COD)Rights of passengers in bus and coach transport; cooperation between national authorities
52017/2224(INI)Modernisation of education in the EU
52015/2007(INI)Gender equality and empowering women in the digital age
52015/2147(INI)Towards a digital single market act
52015/2052(INI)European Structural and Investment Funds and sound economic governance: guidelines for the implementation of Article 23 of the Common Provisions Regulation
52016/0288(COD)European Electronic Communications Code. Recast
52020/2134(INI)The effects of climate change on human rights and the role of environmental defenders on this matter
52023/2536(RSP)Resolution on strengthening social dialogue
42011/0398(COD)Noise-related operating restrictions at Union airports: rules and procedures
42011/0409(COD)Sound level of motor vehicles and of replacement silencing systems
42018/2081(INI)EU development assistance in the field of education
42014/2216(INI)Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2013 and the European Union’s policy on the matter
42015/2095(INI)Situation in the Mediterranean and need for a holistic EU approach to migration
42018/2034(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area
42016/2242(INI)Control of spending and monitoring of EU Youth Guarantee schemes cost-effectiveness
42016/0278(COD)Permitted uses of works and other subject-matter protected by copyright and related rights for the benefit of persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled
42016/0279(COD)Cross-border exchange between the Union and third countries of accessible format copies of certain works and other subject matter protected by copyright and related rights for the benefit of persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print-disabled
42014/2236(INI)Social entrepreneurship and social innovation in combatting unemployment
42014/2255(INI)Report on the implementation, results and overall assessment of the 2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations
42015/2006(INI)Promoting youth entrepreneurship through education and training
42014/2160(INI)Application of Directive 2006/54/EC on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation
42018/0213(COD)Reform support programme 2021–2027
42020/0101(COD)Exceptional additional resources and implementing arrangements under the Investment for growth and jobs goal to provide assistance for fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy (REACT-EU)
42019/2184(INI)Improving development effectiveness and efficiency of aid
42020/2180(DEC)2019 discharge: European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
42020/2194(DEC)Discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2019: performance, financial management and control
42021/2098(INI)Mental Health in the Digital World of Work
42022/2151(INI)European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and social priorities for 2023
32011/2285(INI)Application of the principle of equal pay for male and female workers for equal work or work of equal value
32008/0246(COD)Rights of passengers when travelling by sea and inland waterway; coordination between national authorities
32017/2070(INI)Implementation of the common commercial policy. Annual report
32017/2028(INI)Corruption and human rights in third countries
32017/2259(INI)Implementation report on the EU youth strategy
32014/2213(INI)Urban dimension of EU policies
32014/2145(INI)Review of the economic governance framework: stocktaking and challenges
32017/0293(COD)Emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles. Recast
32014/2254(INI)Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union (2013-2014)
32019/2169(INI)The EU Strategy for Gender Equality
32021/2163(INI)New orientations for the EU’s humanitarian action
32021/2179(INI)The EU Action plan for the social economy
32021/2255(INI)The New European Bauhaus
32022/2183(INI)Ensuring food security and the long-term resilience of EU agriculture
32022/0326(COD)European Year of Skills 2023
22013/2078(INI)Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union (2012)
22012/2299(INI)EU's external aviation policy - Addressing future challenges
22012/2296(INI)Strategy for an electronic toll service and a vignette system on light private vehicles in Europe
22011/2196(INI)Future of regional airports and air services in the EU
22010/0253(COD)Single European railway area. Recast
22010/2154(INI)Aviation security with a special focus on security scanners
22010/2211(INI)Investing in the future: a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Europe
22010/2235(INI)European road safety 2011-2020
22018/2107(INI)Implementation of the GSP Regulation No 978/2012
22017/2052(INI)Next MFF: preparing the Parliament’s position on the MFF post-2020
22016/2094(INI)Revision of the European consensus on development
22014/2205(INI)Private sector and development
22017/2279(INI)Strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion in the European Union: 7th report of the European Commission
22017/0004(COD)Protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work: limit values and skin notations
22016/0402(COD)Legal and operational framework of the European services e-card
22016/2271(INI)Digitising European industry
22017/2278(INI)Public procurement strategy package
22016/0152(COD)Geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market
22020/0262(COD)Protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work
22020/2155(DEC)2019 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
22020/2026(INL)A statute for European cross-border associations and non-profit organisations
22021/2187(INI)Access to water as a human right - the external dimension
22021/2178(INI)The future of EU-Africa trade relations
22021/0293(COD)2030 policy programme “Path to the Digital Decade”
22021/2780(RSP)Resolution on breaches of EU law and of the rights of LGBTIQ citizens in Hungary as a result of the legal changes adopted by the Hungarian Parliament
22022/2840(RSP)Resolution on adequate minimum income ensuring active inclusion
12011/0276(COD)Common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund; general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund
12011/2048(INI)Modernisation of public procurement
12011/2088(INI)Tackling early school leaving
12009/0107(COD)European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund and Cohesion Fund: simplification of certain requirements; financial management
12009/0096(COD)European Progress Microfinance Facility for employment and social inclusion
12010/2274(INI)Universal service and '112' emergency number
12013/0028(COD)Opening of the market for domestic passenger transport services by rail: award of public service contracts. 4th Railway Package
12011/2096(INI)Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system
12009/2096(INI)Sustainable future for transport
12017/2012(INI)Gender equality and women's empowerment: transforming the lives of girls and women through EU external relations 2016-2020
12016/2301(INI)Impact of international trade and the EU’s trade policies on global value chains
12018/2005(INI)Harnessing globalisation: trade aspects
12016/2140(INI)EU flagship initiative on the garment sector
12015/2275(INI)Peace support operations - EU engagement with the UN and the African Union
12015/2272(INI)EU in a changing global environment - a more connected, contested and complex world
12015/2105(INI)New forward-looking and innovative future strategy on trade and investment
12015/2229(INI)Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2014 and the European Union's policy on the matter
12015/2104(INI)Role of the EU within the UN - how to better achieve EU foreign policy goals
12015/2067(INI)Protocol amending the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization
12017/2089(INI)Implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the EU institutional framework
12016/0205(NLE)EU/Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
12015/2326(INI)Monitoring the application of Union law. 2014 annual report
12015/2257(INI)Erasmus+ and other tools to foster mobility in VET – a lifelong learning approach
12015/2094(INI)Women domestic workers and carers in the EU
12015/0051(NLE)Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States in 2015
12014/2210(INI)Family businesses in Europe
12014/2152(INI)EU strategy for equality between women and men post 2015
12014/2059(INI)European semester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2014 priorities
12016/0050(COD)Recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation
12014/2217(INI)Progress on equality between women and men in the European Union in 2013
12019/0188(COD)Enhanced cooperation between Public Employment Services (PES)
12019/2199(INI)Situation of Fundamental Rights in the European Union - Annual Report for the years 2018-2019
12020/2131(INI)A new strategy for European SMEs
12020/2027(INI)Liability of companies for environmental damage
12020/2160(DEC)2019 discharge: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
12020/2161(DEC)2019 discharge: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
12020/2169(DEC)2019 discharge: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
12020/2178(DEC)2019 discharge: Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)
12020/2170(DEC)2019 discharge: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
12021/2176(INI)The future of EU international investment policy
12021/2166(INI)Better regulation: Joining forces to make better laws
12021/2251(INI)Implementation report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility
12022/2080(INI)Lessons learnt from the Pandora Papers and other revelations
12022/2171(INI)EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles
12019/2111(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area
12020/2616(RSP)Resolution on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID 19 pandemic and its consequences
12020/2664(RSP)Resolution on European protection of cross-border and seasonal workers in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
12020/2846(RSP)Resolution on the European Citizens’ Initiative ‘Minority SafePack – one million signatures for diversity in Europe’
12020/2767(RSP)Resolution on the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience
12019/2181(INL)The right to disconnect
12020/2041(INI)A new EU-Africa Strategy - a partnership for sustainable and inclusive development
12018/0211(COD)EU anti-fraud programme 2021–2027
12020/2007(INI)Impacts of EU rules on the free movements of workers and services: intra-EU labour mobility as a tool to match labour market needs and skills
12020/2010(INI)New Avenues for Legal Labour Migration
12018/0258(COD)Integrated Border Management Fund: instrument for financial support for customs control equipment 2021–2027
12021/2711(RSP)Resolution on the rule of law situation in the European Union and the application of the Conditionality Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2092
12020/2585(RSP)Autism and inclusive employment
12020/2008(INI)Old continent growing older - possibilities and challenges related to ageing policy post 2020
12021/2867(RSP)Natural disasters during the summer 2021
12016/0176(COD)EU Blue Card Directive
12021/2734(RSP)Reversing the negative social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic
12021/2062(INI)Employment and social policies of the euro area 2021
12021/2620(RSP)Resolution on the introduction of a European social security pass for improving the digital enforcement of social security rights and fair mobility
12021/2005(INI)Democracy at work: A European framework for employees' participation rights and the revision of the European Works Council Directive
12021/2952(RSP)Resolution on empowering European youth: post-pandemic employment and social recovery
12021/2006(INI)An EU strategy to reduce methane emissions
12021/2165(INI)A new EU strategic framework on health and safety at work post 2020 (including a better protection of workers from exposure to harmful substances, stress at work and repetitive motion injuries)
12020/2126(INI)MFF 2021-2027: fight against oligarch structures, protection of EU funds from fraud and conflict of interest
12021/0204(COD)Notification under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)
12020/0310(COD)Adequate minimum wages in the European Union
12022/2013(INI)AccessibleEU Centre in support of accessibility policies in the EU internal market
12021/2252(INI)The future European Financial Architecture for Development
12022/2024(INI)Deliberations of the Committee on Petitions in 2021
12019/2183(INL)Revision of European Works Councils Directive
12021/0372(CNS)Electoral rights of mobile Union citizens in European Parliament elections
12023/2582(RSP)Resolution on combating discrimination in the EU – the long-awaited horizontal anti-discrimination directive
12021/0207(COD)Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System for aviation
12022/2038(INI)Implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
12022/2207(INI)Fostering and adapting vocational training as a tool for employees' success and a building block for the EU economy in the new industry 4.0
12022/0298(COD)Protection of workers from asbestos
12023/2793(RSP)Mental health at work
12023/2940(RSP)The role of social award criteria in public procurement to strengthen social rights, good working conditions and inclusive labour markets
12020/2006(INL)An EU legal framework to halt and reverse EU-driven global deforestation
12022/2535(RSP)Resolution on the rule of law and the consequences of the ECJ ruling

See historical changes of the Bio


1975/07/01 - Budapest

Education (qualifications and diplomas)

  • 2003-2005 : University, other (university level): Sports organiser and manager
  • 1995-2000 : University, Law: Lawyer

Professional career

  • 2022- ... : President of the non-governmental organisation International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD)
  • 2005-2022 : President of the non-governmental organisation Hungarian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SINOSZ)
  • 2005-2014 : Lawyer (private sector)
  • 2000-2005 : Trainee lawyer (self-employed)

Political career

  • 2019- ... : Member of the European Parliament
  • 2014-2019 : Member of the European Parliament
  • 2009-2014 : Member of the European Parliament

Other activities

  • Former member of the Legal Commission of the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD)
  • Former member of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)
  • Former member of the European Union of the Deaf (EUD)
  • Former member of the Hungarian National Disability Council (OFT)
  • Former President and Vice-President of the Hungarian National Council of Associations of Persons with Disabilities (FESZT)
  • Former member of the Board of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee (MPB)
  • Former Vice-President of the Hungarian Deaf Sport Federation (MHSSZ)


(these mark the time of scraping, not the official date of the change)

CV/Other activities/5
Former member of the Board of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee (MPB)
CV/Other activities/5
Member of the Board of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee (MPB)
CV/Other activities/6
Former Vice-President of the Hungarian Deaf Sport Federation (MHSSZ)
CV/Other activities/6
Vice-President of the Hungarian Deaf Sport Federation (MHSSZ)
CV/Political career/0
2019- ... : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Political career/0
2009- ... : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Political career/1
2014-2019 : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Political career/2
2009-2014 : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/0
2003-2005 : University, other (university level): Sports organiser and manager
CV/Education (qualifications and diplomas)/0
2003-2005 : University, Other (university level): Sports manager
CV/Other activities
  • Former member of the Legal Commission of the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD)
  • Former member of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)
  • Former member of the European Union of the Deaf (EUD)
  • Former member of the Hungarian National Disability Council (OFT)
  • Former President and Vice-President of the Hungarian National Council of Associations of Persons with Disabilities (FESZT)
  • Member of the Board of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee (MPB)
  • Vice-President of the Hungarian Deaf Sport Federation (MHSSZ)
CV/Political career/0
2009- ... : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Political career/0
2009-2014 : Member of the European Parliament
CV/Professional career/0
2022- ... : President of the non-governmental organisation International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD)
CV/Professional career/0
2005-2014 : President, Hungarian Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Non-governmental organisation)
CV/Professional career/1
2005-2022 : President of the non-governmental organisation Hungarian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SINOSZ)
CV/Professional career/1
2005-2014 : Lawyer (Private sector)
CV/Professional career/2
2005-2014 : Lawyer (private sector)
CV/Professional career/2
2000-2005 : Trainee lawyer (Self-employed)
CV/Professional career/3
2000-2005 : Trainee lawyer (self-employed)
Political career
2009-2014 : Member of the European Parliament
Professional career
Education (qualifications and diplomas)
Member of Budapest Bar Association. Sports manager, Semmelweis University (2005).
Member of monitoring committee, De juRe Foundation (2004-2009). Member of the Presidency (2001-2005), President (2005-), Hungarian Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SINOSZ). Member, National Council of Disability (2005-2010). Member of legal committee, European Union of the Deaf (EUD) (2006-2009). Member of legal committee, International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) (2006-2012). Vice-President (2006-2008, 2010-), President (2008-2010), Hungarian Council of People with Disabilities. Member of legal committee, World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) (2008-2010).
Law studies, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (2000); specialist law exam, Ministry of Justice (2005).
Member of monitoring committee, De juRe Foundation (2004-2009). Member of the Presidency (2001-2005), President (2005-), Hungarian Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SINOSZ). Member, National Council of Disability (2005-2010). Member of legal committee, European Union of the Deaf (EUD) (2006-2009). Member of legal committee, International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) (2006-2012). Vice-President (2006-2008, 2010-), President (2008-2010), Hungarian Council of People with Disabilities. Member of legal committee, World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) (2008-2010).
Member of monitoring committee, De juRe Foundation (2004-). Member of the Presidency (2001-2005), President (2005-), Hungarian Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SINOSZ). Member, National Council of Disability (2005-). Member of legal committee, European Union of the Deaf (EUD) (2006-). Member of legal committee, International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) (2006-). Vice-President (2006-2008), President (2008-), Hungarian Council of People with Disabilities. Member of legal committee, World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) (2008-).
  • Law studies, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (2000); specialist law exam, Ministry of Justice (2005).
  • Member of Budapest Bar Association. Sports manager, Semmelweis University (2005).
  • Member of monitoring committee, De juRe Foundation (2004-). Member of the Presidency (2001-2005), President (2005-), Hungarian Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SINOSZ). Member, National Council of Disability (2005-). Member of legal committee, European Union of the Deaf (EUD) (2006-). Member of legal committee, International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) (2006-). Vice-President (2006-2008), President (2008-), Hungarian Council of People with Disabilities. Member of legal committee, World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) (2008-).